Is flounder fatty or not? Damage to flounder meat

Flounder is a fish that is both common and quite exotic. Representatives of the flounder family are quite widespread in the seas of the Northern Hemisphere - from the Baltic to the Azov, and are well known to fishermen and lovers of fish cuisine. Many types of flounder have very tasty and tender meat.

At the same time, flounder is a fish that invariably attracts attention on the store counter due to the unique structure of its body, “flattened” in the horizontal plane. Let's figure out what features this inhabitant of the sea and river bottom has.

Flounder belongs to the class of ray-finned fish, order Flatfish, family of flounder. There are about 60 species, most of which are right-sided. Some individual varieties, for example, the Black Sea flounder (aka kalkan) are left-sided, or reverse.

This division comes from a specific feature of flounders, their unique body structure, which makes it possible to unambiguously identify this fish. It is asymmetrical. The flounder constantly “lies on its side,” usually on the left, while its left eye shifts to the right, upper side. The gill cover and pectoral fin remain on the lower one (in some minor species it may be reduced).

During the period of growing up, representatives of this family seem to go through the entire cycle of evolution. In the first year of life, the fry are quite symmetrical, like ordinary pelagic fish. In the second year they go to the bottom, and the structure of the body, including the skeleton, changes very quickly. The left eye (in left-sided species - the right) moves to the upper side, the location changes internal organs, metamorphose skin. Upper part acquires a dark, mucus-covered skin, the lower part remains white or light yellow. It has a rough, fairly durable surface that protects fish from sharp stones and other objects on the bottom.

Photo 1. Metamorphosis close-up.

Different species of this fish have a length from 30 cm (yellowfin flounder, which is found near the coast of Kamchatka) to 4.7 m (Atlantic whitefish). Average length representatives of the most common commercial species - 40-50 cm; due to active fishing of juveniles, it is constantly decreasing.

Types of flat bottom dwellers

The main commercial species caught for delicious meat, include:

  • river or Baltic flounder;
  • yellow-bellied flounder;
  • Black Sea Kalkan and Azov Diamond (smaller subspecies);
  • halibut flounder;
  • halibut;
  • black halibut.

River flounder, often called Baltic in Russia, is caught in the waters of the Baltic, in particular the Gulf of Finland. The real name of the species is river flounder. It comes from the fact that this species spawns in the sea, and prefers salt water, but is also capable of living in fresh water. Along with the tides, river flounder comes to the mouths of the northern rivers flowing into the Baltic and ends up in some lakes connected to the seas. Distributed from the coast of Norway to the Mediterranean. Up to 50 cm in length. Weight up to 3 kg.

Yellow-bellied flounder, on the contrary, avoids insufficiently salty waters. It is most widespread along the Pacific coast of Russia, although it is also found in the White Sea, and occasionally in the Black Sea. It has a characteristic bright yellow belly color. Large species: you can catch a trophy 60 cm long, but only in the Bering Sea.

The Black Sea flounder, also known as kalkan, inhabits the Black and Azov Seas and can enter the mouths of the Dnieper and Dniester. Endemic to the said seas, besides them, it is found to a limited extent only in adjacent areas of the Sea of ​​​​Marmara. One of the largest species living in inland seas, it can reach a length of 1 meter and a weight of 30 kg. Left-sided view.

A brief description of these flounders would be incomplete without mentioning their ability to mimic. The skin of the upper surface of the fish is initially dark gray or brown, but contains pigments that allow it to change color, quite accurately copying the surface on which the fish lies, be it pebbles, sand or silt. Given the ability of fish to burrow into sand, this makes them practically invisible.

Pay attention! ANDThe color change occurs quite slowly, over 2-3 days, and the fish must be able to see. Blind flounders are not capable of mimicking, but sighted ones can “imitate” even a chessboard.

Halibut (similar to halibut) and different types true halibuts live in the northern part Pacific Ocean and Atlantic. Most common in waters open seas- Barents, Bering, etc. Externally, they can be distinguished by their more elongated body.


All these fish belong to benthic species. They live at depths of 30 to 200 m, buried in sand or even silt so that only the eyes and the upper gill slits are on the surface. It is what is used for breathing. The lower slot plays the role of a “jet engine” - by sharply releasing a stream of water through it, the flounder can unexpectedly take off.

Fish can also be found on pebble bottoms, mimicking pebbles.


All representatives of this family are predators, or rather benthophages. They feed mainly on bottom mollusks, crustaceans, and brittle stars. Some species, such as the river fish, "specialize" in hard-shelled animals that tend to be immobile or slow-moving. River flounder has very strong jaws.

A “more predatory” type of flounder is the kalkan. The basis of its diet is small fish, including mackerel, sprat, etc., as well as crabs - in a word, any bottom inhabitants.

Behavior in different seasons of the year

There were no significant differences in the behavior of adult flounder at different times of the year. Exception - winter period. Most wintering species move further from the coast, to depths of 80-100 m (some up to 200). When it gets warmer, flounder returns to the coastal zone and shallows, sometimes, especially off the coast of Kamchatka, forming entire flounder “banks”.

Photo 2. Good catch of flounder.


Different species of flounder reach sexual maturity in different years. So, for example:

  1. River - at 3-4 years.
  2. Kalkan - 6-11 years (females mature longer).
  3. Halibut - 10-14 years.

Representatives of all species in late winter and spring, the last spawning month is May. Often the path to spawning grounds is very long, for ocean species it can be hundreds of kilometers. The eggs are spawned at depth, after which in most species the eggs rise to the middle water horizon.

Flounder is a very prolific fish. At one time it lays from 500 thousand to 10 million eggs. The most prolific species is the Kalkan, its record is 13 million. But, since the eggs are floating, most of them, as well as the vast majority of larvae and juveniles, are eaten by other fish. Of the total number of eggs in the spawning of one female, only 5-6 are able to go through the stages of larvae and fry in six months and survive until winter.

How to fish in different seasons

Flounder is a very picky fish and can be caught equally at any time of the year. The exception is winter sea ​​fish fishing for flounder - it is complicated by the fact that the fish goes far, to great depths. Therefore, winter fishing for sea flounder is practiced very rarely.

IN winter time on rivers, especially in the delta, near the sea, this fish is caught with carp and fish, as well as with special gear - a longitudinal line. The main difficulty is to find a place for flounder, because the tastes of this fish are unpredictable - it can stand on the shallows, or maybe in pits.

Photo 3. Sea bottom fishing rods.

Pay attention! For sea ​​conditions For fishing, special sea fishing rods that are more resistant to salt water are recommended.

Any protein object can serve as bait - small fish, crabs, shellfish, squid. There is evidence that flounder is even used for sausage.

There is also a special tackle for this fish - a longitudinal hook. It consists of a nylon cord, to one end of which a buoy is attached, to the other - a heavy sinker, so that the cord stands vertically in the water. Its length should be equal to the approximate depth at the fishing site. A separate piece of fishing line is tied to the weighted end, onto which leashes with hooks and bait are already tied - up to 4 pieces. The longitudinal line is installed at a given depth so that the fishing line with leads is stretched by the current, or the movement of the boat at low speed is used. After some time, the tackle needs to be checked for catch.

Flounder is a name that combines several species of fish that have several common features. So, flounder is a flat sea fish. It is distinguished from other fish by its overly flattened body and the location of its eyes only on one side. Flounder lives primarily at the bottom of the sea, occasionally swimming into salty river mouths in search of food.

Flounder has an oval body shape. The body length of an adult fish can vary between 25-40 centimeters. The body of the fish has smooth, very small scales. You can distinguish a ridge consisting of 4-7 bone tubercles. The ridge extends along the lateral line, starting from the eyes. Usually the eyes of a flounder are located along right side torso with rare exceptions. Over upper eye the dorsal fin is located. Fish can be painted in various colors. But usually the side where the eyes are is colored brown. On the same side there is a spot of yellow, orange or red color. In adult fish, the spot has a light border. The side of the fish without eyes is colored white with dark spots.

Flounder is widespread. It can be found in the seas of the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, in the White Sea, in waters from Portugal to White Sea, in the western Mediterranean and North Sea. Typically, flounder lives on a sandy bottom at a distance of 200 meters from the shore. It goes deep at a distance of up to 400 meters.

Useful properties of flounder

Flounder is a dietary fish with lowest content fat Fish meat is nutritious and contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Since there is practically no fish in the structure of meat connective tissue, it instantly absorbed by the body without unnecessary energy costs. Therefore, flounder meat is recommended to be added to the diet of sick and weakened people, pregnant and lactating women, and small children.

Due to the absence of carbohydrates in fish and its minimal fat content, flounder meat is excellent as source of protein for building muscle mass . Supporters healthy image In life, people with insufficient muscle mass are recommended to eat this fish to quickly build it up and increase the body’s endurance.

Flounder meat has anticarcinogenic effect due to the presence of powerful antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids called Omega-3. Fish is very useful to include in the diet of patients with oncological diseases, since the beneficial substances included in its composition significantly increase the effectiveness radiation therapy. Polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants work together to capture and kill cancer cells. They are fighting free radicals that cause signs of aging in early age and increasing the risk of developing malignant tumors.

Due to the high content of phosphorus salts in fish and other minerals, flounder strengthens bone tissue . It is useful to eat for those who have experienced a broken bone. Flounder is also good for teeth, hair and nails.

Flounder contains the so-called "good" cholesterol, which does not cause harm to the human body. On the contrary, its meat contains substances that reduce the level of content bad cholesterol in the blood. Such substances are glycine, glutamic acid, serine, threonine, aspartic acid And essential amino acids. By lowering blood cholesterol, a person's health and well-being improves. This improves performance thyroid gland, the risk of occurrence is reduced cardiovascular diseases, work returns to normal gastrointestinal tract and the condition of teeth, hair, nails and skin improves.

Flounder is aphrodisiac. Few fish can boast of this. With regular consumption of this fish meat, libido and sexual activity increase. Fish is especially effective for older men and women who experience difficulties in the sexual sphere of life.

When eating flounder meat immunity increases person. He begins to actively resist negative factors environment and infections. Fish is good for those who suffer from chronic fatigue : meat increases performance and improves the functioning of the nervous system.

Flounder contraindications

It is believed that flounder is one of the most hypoallergenic seafood. Therefore, it can be eaten by all people without exception. There are no contraindications for including it in the diet for those who suffer from diseases digestive organs, nor pregnant and lactating women. On the contrary, flounder will become a source of vitamins, minerals and valuable, easily digestible protein for sick people and pregnant women.

A few people may experience a personal intolerance to flounder meat. This is the only case that can serve as a reason to refuse to eat flounder meat.

Nutritional value of flounder

Flounder is a fish that is practically devoid of fat. As a result, it has a low calorie content. Nutritionists recommend it for consumption by people who are losing weight. Fish meat contains many useful substances and a balanced composition of amino acids that are completely absorbed by the human body.

Presenting high nutritional value along with low calorie content, the product is considered useful for inclusion in the diet of children. The child's body has difficulty digesting animal meat, but copes well with the absorption of fish protein. Required minerals and the vitamins contained in flounder saturate children's body and give him new strength for growth and development.

100 grams of flounder meat contains:

Calorie content of flounder - 90 kilocalories per 100 grams of edible part.

Vitamins in flounder (per 100 grams of product):

Microelements and macroelements contained in flounder (per 100 grams of the edible part of the product).

Today, zoologists count more than 40 species of flounder. The benefits and harms of fish depend more not on its species characteristics, but on the correct culinary processing of the preparations. The predatory sea fish is very easy to recognize by its characteristic flattened body and two eyes on one of its sides. People who do not follow the nuances of handling the product risk not receiving gastronomic pleasure and therapeutic benefits from it. You can prepare the product in the most in different ways, you just need to choose the right one.

Composition of flounder fish

Flounder can be safely included in the group dietary products. It is low in calories - 90 kcal per 100 g, does not contain carbohydrates, and has a minimum of fat. It is rich in proteins, which are much better accepted by the human body than other animal analogues. In addition, the meat of individuals contains the following substances:

  • Water.
  • Ash.
  • Fatty acids.
  • Vitamins A, groups B, C and E.
  • Minerals such as zinc, iron, nickel, molybdenum, iodine, manganese, chromium, copper, fluorine and cobalt.

This combination of substances can become a source of not only therapeutic effects, but also specific problems. Only after the benefits and harms to the body of a sea predator have been examined in detail can it be included in the diet.

Useful properties of flounder

Nutritionists believe that flounder should be included in the diet of all people, regardless of age, gender and physical condition. Of course, there are several contraindications to consuming the product, but in all other cases, consuming sea fish will only bring benefits. People who introduce flounder into their diet note the following positive changes:

  • The brain begins to cope better with assigned tasks. There is an improvement in the quality of attention and memory, and the ability to concentrate on tasks increases.

Advice: People suffering from vitamin and mineral deficiencies should pay attention to flounder caviar. This rich one chemical elements The product not only meets the body’s needs in many respects, but also has unique taste characteristics.

  • The condition of mucous membranes, skin, teeth and bones, nails and hair improves.
  • Decreasing increased level harmful cholesterol in the blood, which stimulates the functioning of blood vessels and the heart.
  • Regular use fish helps prevent prostatitis and improve potency in men.
  • Flounder dishes can help you get rid of depression and chronic fatigue and restore your performance.
  • Flounder fish is included in the diet of people suffering from iodine and phosphorus deficiency.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids stimulate the functioning of many organs and systems. They are especially necessary female body subject to constant hormonal changes.
  • The meat of this unique fish contains substances that are known for their ability to fight toxins and carcinogens. Their activity reduces the risk of people developing many serious diseases.
  • The presence of fish in the diet is justified during increased physical or mental stress during pregnancy. Its properties will be useful to people recovering from illness or surgery.
  • Including the product in the menu of older people reduces the likelihood of them developing cancer diseases, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Dietary fish can be included in the diet in some diet plans therapeutic nutrition. But you shouldn’t use the product too actively; twice a week is enough.

Possible harm from flounder

Properly cooked flounder can only bring benefits to the body. If the processing technology is violated, the product may develop harmful properties. Here are a few points to pay attention to:

  1. An over-salted dish can cause accumulation in tissues. excess liquid. This will cause swelling and damage the kidneys.
  2. Dried flounder should not be consumed if you have diseases of the digestive system.
  3. Salted flounder (smoked, dried or dried) is contraindicated in old age. It can cause arthritis.
  4. Canned fish may not be healthy, even if it was prepared at home.
  5. During the smoking process, the fibers of individuals are saturated with carcinogens, so the use of such a product should also be avoided.
  6. Fried flounder accumulates fat, which increases the load on the pancreas and worsens intestinal function. If you fry the workpiece, then only according to all the rules.
  7. Eating fish dishes in any form is also prohibited in case of protein intolerance, certain diseases of the thyroid gland, liver and kidneys, or allergies to seafood.

If you have any doubts about the advisability of introducing fish into your diet, you should consult your doctor. If the use of the product causes discomfort or negative consequences, it is better to refuse it.

Rules for choosing quality flounder

Receiving benefits from eating flounder is only possible if you purchase a quality product. To choose it, you should take into account the following tips:

  • The store must be specialized and have a good reputation. Such organizations usually sell products caught in ecologically clean areas. The meat of such fish will not contain heavy metals, toxins and radionuclides.
  • The optimal weight of flounder is 300-500 g. Larger specimens have not very tasty meat, while small specimens simply have few edible parts.
  • Fresh fish is not covered with mucus or films. After pressing on the side, the texture of its meat is completely restored.
  • The gills should not be gray or cloudy. Even after freezing, they will have a pink or soft raspberry hue.
  • Fresh flounder smells of iodine and the sea.

When purchasing fresh fish, you need to make sure that it has not been frozen. To do this, we look into the eyes of the individual; they should be bright and clean. The carcass itself will be clean and shiny, without ice crystals and light spots on the skin.

Flounder will be equally tasty if you fry it, marinate it, stew it, bake it, or grill it. But you shouldn’t use it in soup; the intrusive smell of iodine will ruin the entire impression of the dish. If you are going to use fish to boil the broth, then the skin will need to be removed from the carcass; this is what causes the main aroma. There is no point in trying to cover up the smell with herbs and spices; it will only get worse.

Proper frying of flounder deserves special attention. There are several nuances at play here:

  1. The temperature of the pan should not exceed 72ºС. Otherwise, the meat will become too dense, and a significant part of the nutrients will be destroyed.
  2. Frying begins from the dark part of the carcass.
  3. You should not keep the product on one side for more than 2 minutes; it is better to turn it over more often.

The most delicious fish dishes are made from fresh flounder. You can put it in the refrigerator for several hours by placing it on a flat plate and sprinkling it with crushed ice. The product can last up to 3 months in the freezer, but its taste characteristics will suffer slightly. Ready-made flounder dishes should not be kept in the refrigerator for more than 2 days. To prevent the fishy smell from spreading, the product should be covered with foil or wrapped in a plastic bag.

When choosing a side dish for flounder, you should give preference to baked or boiled potatoes, vegetables, seafood, sliced ​​cheese or. White wine and lemon juice will perfectly highlight the taste of the finished dish. In the process of cooking flounder, cooks do not often use spices and seasonings, so it is better to serve it with sauce. This can be a composition based on tomato, wine, lemon, or with crushed.

Flounder or right-sided flounder is a fish from the ray-finned family, the order Flounder. There are many species that are common in the seas, freshwater bodies and oceans. In most cases, sea or river flounder is eaten. It is impossible to confuse it with other fish.

It has one peculiarity: during the growth period it swims like all fish, but when it grows to the size of a mature individual, its eyes shift to the right side.

This feature developed during the long evolution of flounder. This fish is a predator: its usual diet consists of crustaceans and various mollusks. To catch them, she had to lie at the bottom for a long time and watch a possible victim. Observing with one eye, of course, is inconvenient, and after some evolutionary period eyes shifted. The place of habitual habitat is the sea or river bottom. Bottom part Flounder is rough to the touch, has no color (almost white), the upper side has a color characteristic of the area of ​​residence. There are fins, like all fish, but it turns out that they are located on the right and left side carcasses. Flounder is almost flat. It can grow up to 50 cm in length, while its weight will be approximately 3 - 4 kg.

Flounder is considered valuable food product. Its gastronomic demand is explained by tasty, healthy meat, which contains many useful substances, properties, minerals and vitamins. In cooking, this fish is prepared in different ways: fried in the oven, grilled, steamed, dried. It goes well with other seafood and vegetables.

Flounder meat is white, has no small bones, and tastes sweet. IN small fish not very many fish fillets. It lives near the coast of Central Europe, Scandinavia, and the Mediterranean Sea. Can be found at a depth of 55 meters.

Calorie content of flounder (100 g)

Flounder meat is considered a low-calorie product. Even when frying in vegetable oil, it nutritional value does not exceed a piece of salmon. Protein is quickly absorbed, is easy for the gastrointestinal tract, and does not create discomfort in the form of heaviness in the stomach.

Flounder fish - beneficial properties for the body

  • Flounder meat is included in almost all health diets;
  • strengthens tooth enamel and prevents the appearance of caries;
  • useful for blood diseases, will help increase hemoglobin levels;
  • improves the production of enzymes in the stomach and pancreas;
  • Steamed flounder is useful for restoring strength after physical activity, takes part in the formation of muscle fibers;
  • high phosphorus content has a positive effect on the central nervous system, increases the body's ability to fight against stressful situations, improves sleep and mood;
  • potassium and magnesium will help strengthen and improve performance cardiovascular system, normalize blood pressure;
  • B vitamins in flounder caviar have a positive effect on visual acuity, improve metabolic processes in the retina of the eye;
  • vitamin D has a positive effect on musculoskeletal system, helps prevent diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis;
  • A beneficial relationship has been established between the consumption of flounder and the condition of the brain. The meat of this fish can strengthen memory, improve the speed of neural reactions, improve the quality of mental work, and quickly recover after hard work. Salmon, pink salmon, and hake also have similar properties;
  • spotted flounder increases protective functions body, indispensable for fighting colds;
  • Flounder caviar can reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • By eating flounder baked in the oven, the body receives essential acids (arginine, valine, histidine). They strengthen hair follicles and nails. Help prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles;
  • the meat of this fish is useful for preventing atherosclerosis and thyroid diseases;
  • Flounder caviar is also useful, which has all the same beneficial properties same as fillet. Caviar is recommended to be included in the diet of children to combat anemia and iodine deficiency;
  • There is an opinion that meat acts on the male body as an aphrodisiac.

Contraindications and harm

  • Contraindicated if you are allergic to seafood;
  • harmful in the acute phase peptic ulcer Gastrointestinal tract, gastritis;
  • fish can accumulate harmful substances Therefore, care should be taken when choosing and where to catch flounder.

Availability of vitamins in flounder (100 g)

Vitamins Content mg ​​(µg)
A 11 mcg
D 2.9 mcg
E 0.64 mg
B1 0.03 mg
B2 0.02 mg
B5 0.18 mg
B6 0.2 mg
B12 1.14 mcg
RR 1.05 mg
B4 64 mg

Mineral content of flounder (100 g)

Macro- and microelements Content mg ​​(µg)
Potassium 161 mg
Calcium 22 mg
Magnesium 19 mg
Sodium 297 mg
Phosphorus 251 mg
Iron 0.19 mg
Manganese 0.02 mg
Copper 0.03 mg
Selenium 26.5 mcg
Zinc 0.33 mg

Calorie content of flounder cooked in different ways (100 g)

Flounder is a predatory sea fish. It is distinguished by a flat body and two eyes on one side. There are about 40 species of this fish.


The beneficial properties of flounder are determined by its rich composition. Regular consumption of this fish helps improve the condition:

  • skin;
  • brain;
  • bones and teeth.

Flounder can lower blood cholesterol levels, which indirectly helps normalize heart function. Fish meat has a positive effect on men's health and fights impotence.

Flounder helps:

  • avoid chronic fatigue;
  • increase performance;
  • strengthen memory;
  • support immunity;
  • prevent iodine and phosphorus deficiency.

The antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties of fish serve many diseases. Polyunsaturated fats are essential for many organs and systems. They are especially necessary for maintaining women's health.

Adding flounder to the diet is useful for the following diagnoses:

  • cholecystitis;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • anemia;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.

Flounder is useful:

  • with increased mental or physical stress;
  • to restore the body after operations;
  • during pregnancy;
  • for the prevention of vascular diseases and cancer in older people.

Flounder suitable for dietary nutrition. It is useful for athletes and people who are engaged in creating a beautiful figure. The absence of carbohydrates allows this fish to be eaten even by those who follow a strict diet. Amino acids, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids help restore joints and skin. The protein-rich composition of fish helps restore muscles after physical activity.


Flounder has no harmful properties initially, but can acquire them during the preparation process.

Salted fish retains fluid in the body, causes swelling and harms the kidneys. Dried flounder can be harmful to people with gastrointestinal diseases. The abundance of salt in it can cause arthritis in older people.

Smoked fish is considered harmful to health, since when smoked it can form carcinogens. Canned flounder also cannot be considered a healthy food product.

Fried in large quantities oil, the flounder becomes too oily. Its use may harm the functioning of the intestines.


  • intolerance to protein products;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • serious liver and kidney diseases;
  • allergies or intolerance to seafood products.

Composition (vitamins and minerals)

Flounder contains many useful substances. Such a complete set of vitamins and minerals is more often found in pharmaceutical drugs than in food products.

Vitamins Content per 100 grams Required amount per day (for an adult)
A 15 mcg 1 mg
B1 140 mcg 1 – 2 mg
B2 150 mcg 1.5 – 2.4 mg
B3 2 mg 1.4 – 1.8 mg
B6 100 mcg 2 mg
B9 6 mcg 1 mg
B12 1.2 mcg 2.4 mcg
C 1 mg 60 mg
E 1 mg 10 mg

Flounder is rich in macronutrients and microelements.

There are no carbohydrates in flounder. Per 100 grams of edible fish there are 15.7 grams of protein and 3 grams of fat. The rest of the mass consists of:

  • water (79.7 mg);
  • ash (1.6 g);
  • fatty acids (0.6 g);
  • cholesterol (58 mg).

The calorie content of flounder is 90 kcal per 100 grams.

How to cook

Flounder can be:

  • fry in a frying pan;
  • stew;
  • marinate;
  • grill;
  • bake.

When cooking flounder in a frying pan, it is not recommended to heat it above 72 degrees. At this temperature, some of the beneficial properties of this fish disappear, and the carcass loses its dense consistency. You need to start frying flounder from the dark side of its body. If you follow this rule, the fish will be more tender.

Soups are not made from flounder, since the finished dish will have an unappetizing smell of iodine and salt. Flounder cooked without skin smells less. The benefits and harms of the finished dish will largely depend on the additional ingredients. Do not drown out the fishy smell with artificial seasonings.


Best dishes They are made from flounder if you cook it fresh. You can store it for a short time in the refrigerator. The fish carcass is placed on a flat plate and sprinkled with broken ice.

You should not store flounder in the freezer for more than three months.

The finished flounder dish should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than two days. To avoid the spread of fishy smell, cover the plate with a plastic bag or foil.

How to choose

It is advisable to purchase fish that are caught in environmentally favorable areas. Heavy metals and other harmful substances can accumulate in the body of flounder. Reliable stores test fish before selling them.

The most delicious are flounders weighing from 300 to 500 grams. You should not choose the largest or smallest fish among commercially available fish.

It is better to buy flounder whole - according to appearance whole fish makes it easier to understand the degree of its freshness. Good fish:

  • no films or mucus;
  • the body recovers after pressing on the side;
  • the gills are crimson or pink tint, do not turn gray or become cloudy;
  • There is a smell of sea and iodine.

If you want to buy flounder that has not yet been frozen, you need to pay attention to its eyes. They should be clean and bright. The fish carcass should be shiny. There should be no white spots or ice crystals on it.

What goes with it?

Flounder is combined with lemon juice and white wine. Cooking with these ingredients gets rid of the iodine odor.

Flounder goes well with:

  • potatoes;
  • rice;
  • vegetables;
  • pasta;
  • seafood;
  • cheese;
  • egg batter;
  • mushrooms.

Wine, lemon, tomato and spicy sauces based on horseradish are used as sauces for it. Onions and garlic enhance the flavor of fish and are used in many recipes. Among the herbs that can be added when cooking flounder, dried basil is popular.

For frying fish, both vegetable and butter. Among vegetable oils Olive is more popular.

Flounder is a healthy fish that can be used to prepare many dishes. Periodic consumption of these dishes strengthens the body and saturates it. useful substances. The specific pharmaceutical smell of flounder is easily eliminated with proper preparation.