Morozov's drops. Compound

Every person constantly experiences stress in their life, whether it is extremely difficult tasks at work or being late for the train. Regardless of the severity of the incident, a state of constant nervous tension negatively affects health, activity, quality of sleep and other important aspects of life. To combat nervous tension, pharmacology offers a lot of sedatives, both natural and synthetic. Undoubtedly, preference is given natural substances due to the minimal number of side effects from them. Morozov's pharmacy drops are one of the most famous soothing tinctures.

What is included in Morozov drops

Basis of action this drug is a mixture of natural tinctures that have a mild effect on the state of the human nervous system. Ingredients include:

  • tincture of valerian;
  • motherwort tincture;
  • Corvalol;
  • Diphenhydramine

Considering that Diphenhydramine is one of the components, this drug is usually dispensed with a doctor’s prescription. Some people prepare such a sedative composition at home, but in this case they also avoid adding Diphenhydramine, since its overdose can result in clouding of reason.

It's no secret that many modern drugs They have an unfairly high cost, although they consist of simple and understandable components for everyone. Considering the competition on pharmaceutical market, it is not surprising that such a phenomenon occurs, and in a very wide distribution. Morozov drops, produced domestically, are a simple and, importantly, affordable composition that has pronounced sedative properties.

What are they for: indications for use

The main purpose of the tincture is to normalize the functioning of the nervous system by calming the processes of excitation in it, which becomes clear after familiarizing yourself with the composition of the product. So, drops can be prescribed for the following conditions:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • increased heart rate and high blood pressure;
  • nervousness;
  • increased excitability;
  • sleep disorders, including shallowness and insomnia;
  • anxiety;
  • state of neurosis.

The benefits and harms of using sedative drops

In general, the use of this drug allows you to calm down nervous system and normalize its work, within the framework of which the work is stabilized cardiovascular system, insomnia and neuroses disappear. A complex effect on the body is achieved thanks to positive influence each of the components of the drops:

  • valerian tincture has a pronounced sedative effect, reduces the level of excitability of the nervous system and relieves spasms of the digestive tract;
  • Hawthorn tincture relieves vascular spasms, lowers blood pressure, normalizes heart rate, and has a sedative and restorative effect on the body;
  • motherwort tincture has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, and also has the ability to reduce blood pressure due to mild vasodilation and calm the nervous system;
  • Corvalol effectively relieves spasms, reduces the level of excitation of the central nervous system, significantly improves sleep, and also has a mild choleretic effect;
  • Diphenhydramine inhibits the excitation of the nervous system and blocks histamine receptors.

Harm from correct intake the remedies are not described, but if the dosages are not observed, it is possible side effects in the form of increased drowsiness and lethargy. There is also an opinion that long-term use of drops causes addiction to the body, and therefore it is not recommended to drink it for more than two weeks in a row.

How to prepare drops at home: recipe

It will not be difficult for anyone who knows the component composition of this drug to reproduce it at home. So, you will need the following components:

  • tinctures of valerian and motherwort - 2 parts each;
  • hawthorn – 1 part;
  • You need very little corvalol, a few drops will be enough.

Diphenhydramine, which is also included in pharmaceutical drops, is a serious drug, and besides this, its content in the total mass of the product is very small, so adding it at home is simply avoided - this will have virtually no effect on the effectiveness of the resulting medicine.

All components are placed in a dark glass medical vial, tightly closed and mixed. The resulting homemade composition can be stored in the refrigerator for 10 days, which is just enough for one course. Afterwards you will have to prepare a new portion of the mixture.

Instructions for use of drops and dosage

If there is a need to take sedative, first of all, you need to figure out how to drink the drops. The following recommendations will help with this:

  • the dose per dose is 10-20 drops, they need to be dissolved in a stack clean water(50 ml) and drink in one gulp;
  • take the drug three times a day;
  • in the event that there is a strong increase in blood pressure or serious sleep disturbances, the dosage can be increased to 40 drops at a time, but no more, in order to avoid an overdose;
  • the course of treatment should be 10-14 days daily use the drug, after which a month's break is required. If there is a need, then after a break the course is repeated again.

It should be noted that before measuring the required number of drops, the bottle must be thoroughly shaken, since the composition is multi-component. It is worth understanding that drops can affect each individual patient differently, which is why no clear dosage figure for the drug is established - in adjusting the dose you need to rely on your own well-being and not be overzealous.


In general, this drug is harmless to human body, mostly because it consists of natural ingredients. However, individual intolerance to some of its components is possible, which can become an obstacle to taking the drug. It is also worth considering that tinctures are created with alcohol, which means that for some categories of patients their use is still contraindicated, namely:

  • for children under 12 years of age;
  • pregnant women until the end of the first trimester (after the first trimester and during breastfeeding the possibility of taking this sedative is discussed individually with a specialist);
  • people whose work requires constant increased attention (car drivers, installers, etc.) - with an increased dosage, the drug can cause drowsiness.

For everyone else, taking Morozov drops according to the instructions or recommendation of a doctor can be done without harm to the body.

Analogues of the soothing tincture of Morozov drops

It’s worth noting right away that the components of Morozov’s drops have approximately the same properties, and each of them can have a sedative effect on the body. Thus, for a calming effect, you can separately use tincture of valerian, Corvalol, motherwort, etc.

There are other drugs with multicomponent composition, which can be called analogues of Morozov’s drops. First of all, this is a product called Valemidin. It contains: valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, diphenhydramine and peppermint extract (this component is found in Corvalol), which is almost identical to Morozov drops. However, despite the similar effect, Valemidin costs many times more.

Shelf life and storage conditions

The shelf life of the product from the date of manufacture is 3 years, however, if the bottle has already been opened, it should not be used after two weeks. The drug must be stored in the refrigerator.

To relieve anxiety, calm nerves, good sleep Doctors recommend taking sedatives. If contraindicated synthetic drugs, then using a drug such as Morozov drops will help. They can be made at home or bought at a pharmacy at an affordable price. Before taking, you should carefully read the instructions to choose the appropriate treatment regimen.

What are Morozov drops

The medicine belongs to the pharmacological subgroup sedatives. Has a sedative, hypotensive, antispasmodic effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. The drops are named after the doctor who decided to combine the benefits of several natural tinctures and extracts in one medicine. The drug accumulates in the body, so maximum effect achieved within a week after the start of use. Shelf life before opening is 3 years. Once the drops are opened, they should be used for no more than 2 weeks.


The basis is simple ingredients that you can mix yourself. Many people prepare a sedative at home by purchasing the necessary ingredients and combining them in the required proportions. The following components are used to make sedative drops:

  • valerian tincture – 2 parts;
  • Corvalol – 4-5 drops;
  • peppermint– 3-4 drops;
  • hawthorn tincture – 1 part;
  • motherwort tincture – 2 parts.

Options for drops with the addition of diphenhydramine are recommended to be purchased only after consulting a doctor. This tincture has many contraindications; drops can cause unwanted side effects. If you prepare Morozov’s tincture at home, you need to take a dark glass bottle and measure out all the components in the required proportions. The medicine can be used immediately after mixing; storing drops for a long time is not recommended.

Indications for use

According to experts, Morozov’s tincture is not a serious medicine. When prescribing, the stage of the disease is taken into account: it is better to use them when the first symptoms are just noticed. Here are the main indications for the use of drops:

  • stressful conditions;
  • nervous excitability, anxiety;
  • initial stage of hypertension;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • neuroses;
  • sleep disorders;
  • relapses of cardiovascular diseases.

The drug, taken according to the instructions, quickly relieves irritability, nervousness, and relieves anxiety. The composition of Morozov's tincture is recognized as gentle and effective. Absorbed in the stomach, the drops begin to act within a few minutes. If after taking there is no effect (the pressure does not decrease, the excitement does not go away), you need to inform the doctor that the drug is ineffective. In this case, Morozov's tincture will be replaced with a more strong medicine.


The composition of Morozov drops includes natural extracts and tinctures. The finished drug and the ingredients for its preparation (except for diphenhydramine) are sold in pharmacies without a prescription from a doctor. However, this does not mean that there are no contraindications for the use of drops. You can’t drink Morozov’s tincture:

  • children under 14 years of age;
  • patients with allergies to the drug;
  • hypotensive people

The drops contain alcohol, so medicine not recommended for use by persons with alcohol addiction. During lactation and pregnancy, drops are prescribed with extreme caution, as well as during pregnancy. For children under 18 years of age, a cocktail of medications is used under the supervision of a physician. If recommendations are not followed, an overdose occurs, which can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • reduction in frequency heart rate;
  • hypotension;
  • dizziness;
  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea and vomiting.

How to take Morozov drops

Morozov tincture is taken orally, following the dosage indicated in the instructions. Before use, shake the bottle, measure out the required amount of product and dilute with a small amount of water. For 25-30 drops you will need 50 ml of liquid. At various diseases are used different doses medicine:

  • high blood pressure, stressful conditions – 30-35 drops;
  • nervousness, anxiety – 15-20 drops 3-4 times a day;
  • insomnia – 40 drops 20 minutes before bedtime.

The decision on the duration of therapy is made by the attending physician. For treatment initial stage hypertension the course must be at least 2 weeks. After this period, it is recommended to take a break for 1 month. If the drops were taken correctly, according to the instructions, then the substances accumulated by the body will help maintain the desired pressure levels.

Price for Morozov drops

Morozov's tincture in drops has affordable price, so buyers prefer it to other sedatives, which are much more expensive. In St. Petersburg, Moscow and other Russian cities, the cost of the medicine depends on the volume of the bottle and its constituent components.

How to take Morozov drops? Morozov drops: composition

  • Carvalol
  • Hawthorn tincture
  • Motherwort tincture
  • Valerian tincture
  • Peppermint tincture

Modern life is one continuous stress for the human body, which tirelessly undermines its health. Such emotional shocks not only reduce the quality of life and mood, but also contribute to the development of many serious illnesses. That is why they need to be suppressed already at early stages manifestations. If yoga and self-hypnosis do not help, it’s time to think about the pharmaceutical industry, where there is sure to be a killer sedative for everyone. Morozov's drops are considered precisely that compromise way out of stressful situation, and their effect is noticeable a quarter of an hour after direct use. But what is known about this medication, and how to use it for its intended purpose?

First of all, it is important to note that this homeopathic medicine, therapeutic effect which is achieved due to the presence in its composition of such soothing components as hawthorn, valerian, motherwort and carvalol. It is their sedative effect on the nervous system that ensures calm and inner harmony, and life loses its gray colors and begins to delight again. In addition, do not forget that Morozov’s drops, the instructions for which describe in detail all existing indications for use, are also directly involved in eliminating all relapses of the cardiovascular system, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses and worsened insomnia. So we can safely say that the drug has a comprehensive approach to treating the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs and vital systems.

How to prepare Morozov drops at home. The composition of the medicine includes such ingredients as tincture of valerian (2 parts), hawthorn (1 part), motherwort (2 parts) and carvalol (teaspoon). Pour all the suggested ingredients into one container and shake well. In the morning, the resulting tincture is ready for use, and to enhance the therapeutic effect, it is advisable to add one part of peppermint and mix thoroughly again. Take this medicine according to existing indications, and shake the bottle each time and wash it down with water. The drops taste disgusting, but the calming effect is observed almost immediately.

What is the dosage of Morozov drops? So, for productive elimination increased excitability put 20 drops of medicine into a spoon, pinch your nose, drink in one gulp, and only then wash down 50 ml boiled water. An acceptable course of treatment is 10 days, and it is advisable to take a sedative three times a day. You can stabilize blood pressure with 30 drops this tool, and normalize healthy sleep- 40 drops at a time. It is important to understand that drinking Morozov drops for more than two weeks is not recommended, since they cause a noticeable addictive effect and no longer demonstrate a pronounced therapeutic effect, unable to cope even with everyday irritability.

Of course, many patients use superficial self-medication, but this should not be done under any circumstances, since only a competent specialist can adjust the prescribed dose so that the improvements are not accompanied by extremely undesirable ones. side effects. By the way, about special effects: the drug, if daily doses are violated, can cause apathy, indifference, increased drowsiness, and also lead to a state of depression. If such anomalies are detected, it is important to refuse further treatment and find a more gentle sedative that will make the patient feel great.

Despite the fact that Morozov drops can be prepared at home, many patients are afraid of such treatment, and this is not surprising. The fact is that the medicine has a powerful sedative effect, therefore, during ten-day therapy it is better to refrain from driving and take sick leave at work, where concentration and reaction speed are required. If these requirements are not met, the patient puts his life and the lives of those around him at risk.

But, nevertheless, the demand for this drug is constantly growing every day, despite the wide range of modern sedatives, which are also available in pharmacies without a prescription. In any case, before you start taking it, be sure to consult your doctor, because it is possible that he will prescribe an equally effective medical drug Valedimin, and not the well-known Morozov drops.

Nervous excitement is familiar to everyone, but not everyone is able to cope with it on their own. Stress, panic behavior, bad dream and regular breakdowns greatly poison the life of not only the one who suffers from it, but also those around him. We don’t always want to resort to some strong sedatives, but what to do in such a situation? Morozov drops are a unique sedative that has a mild sedative

effect. It is sold in pharmacies and is available with a prescription.


The uniqueness of this drug is that the natural substances it contains have a gentle effect on our nervous system and have a beneficial effect on it. Morozov's drops, which contain the following composition: Corvalol, valerian tincture, diphenhydramine, hawthorn tincture and motherwort tincture, not only relieve irritability and calm. They cope well with insomnia and stress, which we experience almost every day.

How to prepare Morozov drops at home

As already mentioned, these drops are sold in pharmacies, but you can also prepare them yourself at home. The number of drops of Corvalol should not exceed more than 5. The remaining tinctures can be in different proportions. The most common recipe is: 5 drops of Corvalol, 4 drops of hawthorn tincture, 4 drops of motherwort tincture, 5 drops of valerian tincture. It is better not to add diphenhydramine to Morozov drops, because if the dose is large, then visual hallucinations and clouding of reason are possible. To avoid this, you should not turn on this drug yourself. It is better to buy the drug “Drops of Frost” prepared by competent pharmacists at a pharmacy. It is precisely because of the content of diphenhydramine drops that it is released only by prescription. If you nevertheless decide to prepare Morozov drops yourself, then remember that this must be done immediately before use, and in general, the shelf life of this drug in the refrigerator is no more than 10 days from the moment of its preparation.

Indications for use

Morozov drops, instructions for which are on the bottle itself, should be taken immediately before bed. Also, these drops must be taken in the early stages of hypertension. Hypertension is usually caused by prolonged nervous overexcitation or hereditary factors, characterizing increased blood pressure, as a result of which a person cannot sleep, he begins to have severe headaches, and he is often overcome by panic.

An abnormal heart rhythm can lead to a stroke. Therefore, it is clear why it is necessary to approach the treatment of hypertension in a timely manner, because in the early stages, as is known, this is easier to do. To put your nervous system in order at least short time and calm down, you need to take Morozov drops for at least 1 week. You need to take the drug 10 drops with plenty of boiled water. This medication is not suitable for use by children under 14 years of age. This is caused primarily by the content of diphenhydramine in its composition and the fact that all tinctures contain alcohol, which is not recommended for children. In general, the drug has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the ingredients. They cope well with insomnia and stress.