Escherichia coli: description of types, symptoms and treatment methods. Escherichia coli in a smear in women, treatment

The human body is inhabited by many different bacteria. Among them there are beneficial bacteria that support the normal functioning of our intestines. These are the well-known lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and E. coli. It's about her we'll talk in our article.

Escherichia coli was isolated by the Austrian scientist Escherich back in 1885. Today, numerous varieties of this bacterium are well known: many of them are harmless to the body and are a necessary component of the intestinal microflora. In addition, E. coli synthesizes vitamins K, B1, B2, B3, B5.

However, there are more than 100 species of this bacterium, which are pathogenic and can cause the development of serious diseases or poisoning. It is worth noting that even bacteria that are opportunistic (this includes, for example, hemolyzing Escherichia coli), when they enter other organs of the human body from the intestine, can cause serious complications.

The presence of E. coli in a smear in women: causes, symptoms and treatment

The normal habitat of this microorganism is the area of ​​the colon located closer to anus. First, you need to understand how E. coli gets into the vagina and how to detect it.

In general, E. coli may be present in the vagina in small quantities, but its proliferation leads to bacterial vaginosis and other diseases.

There are several known reasons for this microorganism entering the vagina:

  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, namely improper washing. Due to the close location of the vagina and anus, in order to prevent the introduction of pathogenic microbes, you need to wash from top to bottom, and not vice versa.
  • Wrong choice of underwear. Various microbes and bacteria from the anus, including E. coli, may enter the vagina due to wearing thongs and tight underwear. Thongs are certainly beautiful and sexy. But when choosing between beauty and health, it is better to prefer the second. You should also give preference to underwear made from natural cotton fabrics.
  • Unprotected sexual intercourse. Here we are talking about combined sexual intercourse, that is, anal-vaginal. So for those who like to diversify their sex life you should first think about the means of protection.

In addition, reasons that contribute to the entry of E. coli into a smear include indiscriminate change of sexual partners, frequent douching, and weak immunity.

Symptoms of pathology

The presence of E. coli in the vagina can cause the development of diseases of the female genital organs, such as:

Development of the above pathological conditions female body accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the discharge is copious and has an unpleasant odor;
  • suffers from itching and burning in the genital area.

In the absence of proper treatment, E. coli from the vagina easily penetrates into cervical region uterus, ovaries, and also in urethra, bladder and further affects the kidneys.

Treatment methods

If a vaginal smear reveals signs of the presence of E. coli, this is a serious reason to start treatment as soon as possible. After all, the more advanced the disease, the more difficult it will be to fight it and the more strength the body will need to recover.

Of course, only a doctor can describe the treatment in detail. As a rule, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics. However, some types of E. coli are resistant to certain drugs, and this must also be taken into account.

Besides drug treatment specialists usually prescribe the following procedures:

  • washing the genitals with herbal decoctions (for example, chamomile);
  • in some cases, sessions of UV irradiation of the genital organs are prescribed;
  • various therapeutic douchings;
  • use of drugs to restore microflora: probiotics, bio-yogurt;
  • taking complex vitamins to strengthen the immune system.

After the course of treatment, tests must be taken again.

What happens if E. coli is detected in a smear during pregnancy?

Separately, I would like to say about possible consequences detection of Escherichia coli in a smear in pregnant women. Since during this period the immune system is greatly weakened, the threat of various types of infections is higher than ever. There is a risk of it penetrating the placenta and infecting the child, and this is fraught with the development of meningitis in the baby, which in itself sounds almost like a death sentence.

In addition, a child can become infected by passing through birth canal moms. Also, the consequences of vaginosis (a disease caused by E. coli) can be premature birth.

Of course, antibiotics will not bring much benefit to the child either. But with timely treatment, the doctor will be able to select the type of drugs that will be safe for further development fetus

In general, in order to avoid problems when planning a pregnancy, it is better to take a vaginal smear for examination in advance and eliminate all possible infections. This will make your life much easier and keep your unborn baby healthy.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent E. coli from entering the vagina, a number of fairly simple rules should be followed:

  • wash yourself at least 2 times a day;
  • change underwear daily;
  • take your choice of underwear seriously: wear only panties made from natural fabrics;
  • use condoms during sex.

The human body contains a lot of positive and opportunistic microorganisms that are necessary for its normal functioning, proper operation immunity and synthesis of vitamins and a number of other necessary substances.

But sometimes these bacteria can be dangerous, especially if they get into areas of the body where they shouldn't be. Often this situation concerns a microorganism such as E. coli.

E. coli was found in a woman's smear - what to do in this situation, what are the causes and treatment of this condition, what to do if an infection is found in a pregnant woman and how to cure it without harming the fetus? Everything is detailed and accessible in our article.

What is it

This microorganism was isolated back in 1885. Today many of its varieties are known. Of these, the mass is a harmless and necessary component of the intestinal microflora. Escherichia coli takes part in the synthesis of a number of vitamins, such as K and group B.

But there are more than a hundred species of microorganisms that are pathogenic and can cause serious illness or poisoning.

Even bacteria that are classified as opportunistic can pose a danger when they enter other organs from the intestines.

The normal habitat of the stick is the area of ​​the large intestine located closer to the anus.

It is believed that in small quantities this bacterium may well be present in the vagina, but when it multiplies, it leads to problems such as bacterial vaginosis and many others.

Detection methods

Most women try to undergo examination at the antenatal clinic at least once a year. When examining the genitals, the gynecologist takes a material known as a smear, for which a special glass is used. This material is then sent to a laboratory where it is examined in detail.

The vagina is home to a mass of particles that make up the microflora. They protect the woman from infectious particles entering this area.

A smear examination makes it possible to determine how healthy the local microflora is. It is the analysis through a microscope and chemical reactions makes it possible to detect the presence of E. coli in the taken material.

Reasons for appearance

There are several main reasons why this microorganism can enter the vagina:

Don’t know what colpitis is in women and what are the features of its treatment? We have one that we invite you to read.

Associated symptoms and signs

The first signs of the presence of E. coli in a smear may appear a day or even a week after it enters. Typical symptoms may be as follows:

  • Severe diarrhea;

  • High temperature;

  • Vomiting with greenish impurities;

  • Unpleasant pulling sensations in the stomach;

  • Constant nausea;

  • Lack of appetite;

  • General malaise.

Symptoms usually disappear on their own within a couple of days. The reason for this is spontaneous sanitation of the intestines. But if this condition does not go away for more than two days, consult a doctor.

How to get rid of an infection

If E. coli was detected in a vaginal smear, this is a serious reason to start treatment as early as possible. Of course, only a doctor can describe his tactics correctly. Antibacterial drugs are mainly used.

But it must be taken into account that some types of microorganisms may be resistant to certain medications.

What drugs are prescribed

Sometimes local therapy is sufficient, but if the lesion is quite serious, more thorough treatment is required. Antibacterial correction is carried out on the basis of an antibiogram of the identified pathogen.

Fluoroquinolone medications such as levofloxacin or ciprofloxacin are often used. The required dosage and duration of treatment is determined only by the doctor. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances, as this may cause the microorganism to become resistant to antibiotics.

Let's consider the popular antibacterial drugs prescribed for this problem:

  • Monural. Available in the form of a colorless granular powder, which must be taken after dissolving with water.

    The effect is caused by the presence of phosphonic acid derivatives. This medicine is an antibiotic wide range actions; if necessary, it can be prescribed to pregnant women.

  • Suprax. Available in capsule form. Basics active substance- Tsifixim. Used for a number of infections, in particular E. coli. It is often prescribed together with Canephron, which simultaneously protects the urinary tract from infections. This is a very strong and aggressive antibiotic.

  • Fosmicin. Also applies to antibacterial drugs broad spectrum of action and is an absolute analogue of Monural. Contraindications include pregnancy and age under 12 years.

    However, if the damage is serious, symptoms of inflammation appear and there is a risk of intrauterine damage, this remedy can also be prescribed to a pregnant woman with careful supervision of a specialist.

Medicines are also used to normalize the vaginal microflora. These may be vaginal probiotics that contain large number lactobacilli.

Preferred compositions that also contain a special component that promotes epithelial restoration. Good results gives use vaginal tablets called Gynoflor.

To restore the microflora, drugs such as Ecofomin and Vagilak can be used. For oral use, agents such as, for example, Normoflorin may be indicated.


If E. coli is present in the smear, topical treatment can sometimes be used. It involves regular and proper hygiene of the external genitalia.

Sometimes doctors advise using different herbal infusions instead of pharmaceuticals, for example, chamomile decoction.

Therapy may involve therapeutic douching.

From vaginal suppositories Lactobacterin or Bifidumbacterin may be prescribed. In some cases sessions are required ultraviolet irradiation genital area.

Why can hemoglobin levels drop, what are the causes of low hemoglobin in women and how to prevent it? Read about it.

Are folk remedies acceptable?

Sometimes folk remedies really help. However, before using them, you should consult a specialist so as not to harm yourself. The following methods are popular among people:

Should my husband be treated?

Many people are interested in the question of whether treatment is required for a partner if E. coli is detected in a woman’s smear.

The rod can penetrate the placenta and infect the baby, which can cause meningitis..

The baby can also become infected while passing through the birth canal.

E. coli can cause vaginosis, which in turn can cause premature birth. Pregnant women also need to be careful with antibiotics. Under no circumstances take any medications without the permission of a specialist.

You need to go to the doctor as soon as possible - he will help you choose medications that will be safe for the development of the fetus, and at the same time can normalize the microflora.

In general, it is better to have a smear examination at the stage of pregnancy planning. This will preserve the health of the unborn child and the peace of mind of the mother.

Prevention measures

Simple preventive measures will help prevent E. coli from entering the vagina:

  • Wash yourself at least twice a day.

  • Change your underwear every day.

  • Wear the right underwear, try to avoid thongs and choose panties made exclusively from natural materials.

  • Use protective equipment during intimate contact, and be careful when choosing sexual partners.

E. coli can cause a number of problems. But even if it is discovered, there is no need to panic. The main thing is to go to the doctor in a timely manner and begin treatment, avoiding dubious amateur activities.

The normal habitat for E. coli is the part of the colon that is located closer to the anus. E. coli is present in the intestines of every person. IN normal quantity it does not cause any harm and only provides benefits, for example, it takes part in the synthesis of vitamin K. However, under certain circumstances, E. coli can spread from the intestines to other parts human body. For example, if E. coli enters abdominal cavity begins to develop very serious illness called peritonitis. If E. coli “moves” into the prostate gland, the man will begin to develop prostatitis. And E. coli in a smear may indicate diseases genitourinary system. It is important to know about the manifestations of diseases that can be caused by E. coli in order to promptly consult a doctor and undergo treatment.

Reasons for the spread of E. coli

Signs of diseases caused by E. coli begin to appear, first of all, in those who do not observe personal hygiene rules and come into contact with infected people. E. coli can be transmitted through food and water.

In addition, a man’s body can be affected not only directly by E. coli, but also by its waste products. This happens through food. Such products are very dangerous for the male body, and after their consumption extreme symptoms begin to appear. unpleasant symptoms.

To eliminate the risk of pathogenic reproduction and spread of E. coli, you need to:

  1. Strictly observe hygiene rules.
  2. Don't drink raw water and do not eat expired foods.
  3. Do not eat in questionable catering establishments. Food must be prepared in compliance with sanitary standards and requirements.
  4. Wash your hands not only after using a public toilet, but also after visiting it at home.
  5. Fruits and vegetables must be doused with boiling water before eating.
  6. After contact with the ground or animals, you need to treat your hands with a special disinfectant or an appropriate type of soap.

Why might E. coli appear in a smear?

Quite often during preventive medical examination in men, E. coli is detected in a smear from the urethra. However, there are often no symptoms of the disease. However, with a high degree of probability, the presence of E. coli in a smear indicates that a man has bacterial infection. E. coli often leads to the development of male thrush.

It appears primarily when hygiene rules are violated. A man should wash his genitals regularly warm water using specially developed products for intimate places, change your underwear every day, use high-quality toilet paper. The presence of E. coli in a smear requires immediate treatment, even if the man is not bothered by any symptoms of disease.

The main symptoms of E. coli damage

The first symptoms may occur within 1-7 days. Characteristic features Escherichia coli lesions are:

  1. Severe diarrhea.
  2. Vomiting, often green in color.
  3. Fever.
  4. Unpleasant pulling sensation in the stomach.
  5. Nausea.
  6. Loss of appetite and general weakness.

For most patients, symptoms completely resolve within 2-3 days. This indicates spontaneous sanitation of the intestines. Adults should consult a doctor if the symptoms of the lesion do not go away within 2 days. If children have symptoms, they should contact a doctor immediately.

Dangerous types of E. coli

In total, there are more than 100 strains of E. coli that can harm a man’s body. All of them are combined into 4 main classes:

  1. Enterohemorrhagic.
  2. Enterotoxigenic.
  3. Enteropathogenic.
  4. Enteroinvasive.

Morphologically, representatives of different strains do not differ. Once in the human body, pathogenic E. coli begin to produce enterotoxins, which cause diarrhea. Enterotoxins are resistant to high temperatures. Each group causes individual symptoms and can lead to different diseases.

What diseases are caused by pathogenic E. coli?

Diseases that develop when the human body is infected with pathogenic E. coli are called escherichiosis. Such diseases are characterized by intoxication of the body and damage gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes there is a lesion urinary system, biliary tract and other organs. Sepsis may occur.

Infection most often occurs through contaminated food and water. Children and adults with weakened immune systems are at risk. Most often, the first symptoms begin to appear 2-3 days after the body is damaged. In rare cases, they appear after 1 day. In some patients incubation period can be extended up to 7-10 days.

Diseases caused by enteropathogenic E. coli practically do not occur in adult men. Most often, this E. coli affects young children. However, under certain conditions it can also penetrate the body of an adult man. Among the characteristic symptoms of this disease are nausea, often with vomiting, uncharacteristically frequent loose stool, painful sensations in the stomach, sleep and appetite disturbances.

Enterotoxigenic E. coli attaches to the walls of the intestinal epithelium, which leads to significant disruption of their function and severe watery diarrhea. Most often it is detected in a smear in those men who, due to duty or personal preferences, often travel. Characteristic symptoms The lesions are pain in the abdominal area, nausea, possible vomiting, diarrhea without pathological impurities (blood).

Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli leads to quite serious illnesses. A man develops hemorrhagic colitis. Hemolytic-uremic syndrome may occur in some patients. The temperature rises to 39-40 degrees, symptoms of body intoxication appear, the patient is tormented severe pain in the stomach, the stool becomes liquid, and blood appears. Acute symptoms may develop renal failure, hemolytic anemia and hemorrhagic syndrome.

The latter is characterized by the presence of symptoms of acute liver failure, hemolytic anemia and a critical decrease in platelet concentration. Most often appears in older men. Almost always noted when intestinal infections. In most cases, it begins to appear a week after the infection. Symptoms may vary in intensity. The syndrome manifests itself in the form of jaundice, hemorrhages on the skin, swelling, and urination problems. These are signs of an expanded clinical picture syndrome. In the early stages, it can only be determined in laboratory conditions. Thus, red blood cells and proteins may appear in the urine. Creatinine in the blood may increase, hemoglobin and red blood cells may decrease.

Enteroinvasive E. coli causes diseases whose biochemical properties are similar to diseases caused by dysentery pathogens. This rod infects epithelial cells colon and begins to actively reproduce. As a result, extremely unpleasant symptoms appear, such as pain in the lower left part of the abdomen, frequent and profuse watery stools. Blood and mucus may be present.

Thus, there is no single specific set of symptoms characteristic of E. coli in a smear in men. Most often noted elevated temperature body, watery stools with or without impurities, retching, vomiting with possible green impurities, pain in the different parts abdomen, usually aching in nature.

The presence of E. coli in a smear often indicates the presence of genitourinary infections. Most often, E. coli enters the urethra from the large intestine. This is facilitated by violation of the rules of intimate hygiene. E. coli can also enter a man's urethra during anal sex without using a condom.

About 80% of infections urinary tract It is caused by E. coli. In addition, over 65% of acute inflammatory processes in the prostate are associated with it. E. coli is the cause chronic prostatitis in most patients.

When the urinary system is affected by E. coli, prostatitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, and cystitis may begin to develop. Reproductive system can also suffer significantly. Escherichia coli can provoke inflammatory processes in the testicle, inflammation of the epididymis and their combined lesions.

How are diseases diagnosed?

If E. coli is detected in a man’s smear, the doctor will first of all prescribe tests that will determine the pathogen and its resistance to various antibacterial drugs.

Most often, a bacteriological research method is prescribed. The material is inoculated onto nutrient media. Due to the fact that E. coli can infect different systems and organs human body, the material may also be different. So, for infections of the reproductive system, scrapings and smears are used. If there is a suspicion of diseases of the urinary system, a urine test is performed. If E. coli leads to an intestinal infection, vomit and feces are used for analysis. The pathogen is identified and an antibiogram is performed, during which the sensitivity of microorganisms to various antibiotics is determined.

Additionally, instrumental and general clinical research methods can be used. Among the instrumental ones, the most frequently used ultrasound examination, sigmoidoscopy, etc. General clinical methods include such methods as general analysis blood and urine biochemical research, coprogram, etc.

How is E. coli in urine treated?

If necessary, hospitalization is performed. First of all, important organizational and routine activities are carried out. A diet is prescribed taking into account the degree and nature of the lesion. The course of treatment necessarily includes etiotropic (bacteriophages and antibiotics are used), syndromic and pathogenic (in most cases infusion) therapy.

When conducting antibacterial therapy An antibiogram must be taken into account. The specific drug, dosage, features and duration of taking the medicine - all this can only be determined by a doctor. Uncontrolled self-medication with the use of antibiotics, as well as other medications, is categorically unacceptable and can have extremely adverse consequences.

Quite often, bacteriophages are used to combat diseases caused by pathogenic E. coli. Some medications contain specially bred strains of Escherichia coli. They are usually prescribed for dysbacteriosis. If there is an overgrowth of E. coli, the patient is usually prescribed probiotics.

Conducted infusion therapy, during which the patient's bloodstream is injected various solutions a certain concentration and volume. These solutions provide detoxification and replenish fluid loss in case of damage to the gastrointestinal tract. They are used to detoxify the body and in case of kidney damage.

The procedure and features of post-syndromic therapy are determined individually by the doctor. IN in this case has great value leading symptom of the disease.

In immunocompromised men and elderly patients, treatment usually begins with the use of probiotics and bacteriophages. And only if these are ineffective medicines Antibiotics are prescribed, taking into account the intensity of the lesion and the age of the patient.

Every man must comply preventive measures, which will reduce the likelihood that E. coli will be detected in his smear. Firstly, you need to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Secondly, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for storage and heat treatment of food products. It is important to wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating. You should not drink raw water or water from questionable sources. When the first warning symptoms appear, consult a doctor and be sure to undergo the prescribed treatment. Be healthy!

It may not always cause only harm to the body. She is a representative opportunistic flora person, and in mandatory takes part in the digestion process. Thus, it is impossible to say that this microorganism is an exceptional evil. Without it, we simply will not be able to function normally, we will not be healthy. But what happens in the human body when, for example, E. coli is detected in a smear?

In fact, this is a very bad sign. After all, according to experts, there are two types of this microorganism. These are Citrobacter and E. coli. The wand was discovered by T. Escherich at the end of the nineteenth century. And if the first type of bacteria, being in the human body, does not cause any diseases, then the second can bring a lot of trouble. So, if, for example, E. coli is found in a smear of a pregnant woman, then there is a serious danger of infecting the fetus in the womb. In general, the presence of this microorganism can lead to a very serious form of cystitis, and the treatment will be long and painful.

That is why, if you find these microorganisms in a smear, you must immediately take emergency measures. As a rule, such patients are prescribed antibiotics. But, as already mentioned, if E. coli is found in a smear of a pregnant woman, then one must be very careful with antibiotics. Although, according to some doctors, one must choose the lesser of two troubles, and for quite long periods pregnant women are sometimes prescribed these strong drugs to combat the identified scourge.

But, if treatment is not carried out, it is quite possible that E. coli will be detected in the baby. If this happens, it is necessary that treatment be carried out simultaneously for both mother and baby. The fact is that E. coli in infants can lead to dysbiosis and diarrhea. Treatment should be prescribed only by a specialist; no self-medication is allowed. As a rule, children are prescribed the drug "Hilak Forte" and bacteriophage. Moreover, the first one must be given between feedings, because it is prohibited to take it with milk. And in order to choose the right bacteriophage, it is necessary to do a special test for sensitivity to phages. Because in fact they exist huge amount. But all this must be prescribed by a doctor.

If E. coli is detected in a smear, antibiotics are usually prescribed. But you need to know that long-term use These drugs disrupt the bacterial balance in the human body. E. coli naturally dies, and then begins to develop. Vaginal dysbiosis is also quite common in women. In this case, not only chlamydia, but also other pathogenic microorganisms, including those described, can be found in the flora of the female body. And this happens most often due to a sharp decrease beneficial bacteria, such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

How can an adult become infected with E. coli? As a rule, this is the oral-fecal method or sexual contact through the anus. But there are also cases when such a stick entered the human body through the blood. The consequences of infection with this microorganism are quite serious. It usually infects organs located near the intestines: the uterus, urethra, vagina, gallbladder and so on. But in young children this bacterium is found even in the lungs. If the entire body is completely infected, sepsis can occur. And the consequences can be unpredictable. So, if you have E. coli detected in a smear, then, without delay, immediately contact a specialist and begin treatment. And this bacterium can only be detected by examining a smear.

Our body is home to many positive and opportunistic bacteria, which are necessary for its normal functioning, maintaining immunity, and even for the synthesis useful vitamins and other substances. However, in some cases, such particles can harm our health, for example, if they migrate to inappropriate areas of the body. This situation is often observed with a microorganism such as Escherichia coli, which is found in places that are quite understandable from an anatomical point of view. Let's talk about what to do if there is E. coli in a smear in women, and how such patients should be treated.

In most cases, every woman tries to look into the antenatal clinic to carry out the examination. When examining the genital organs, the gynecologist must take material - a smear on a specially designed glass. After this analysis is sent to the laboratory for detailed examination.

Inside the female vagina there are many particles that make up vaginal microflora. Such organisms are designed to protect a woman from the penetration of infectious particles in a given area. Carrying out laboratory research A vaginal smear helps determine the health of the local microflora.

It is analysis using a microscope and a series of chemical reactions that helps determine the presence of E. coli in the taken material.

There are several factors that can cause E. coli to get into a smear. In most cases, such a violation occurs due to violations of hygiene standards and rules. E. coli in the vagina may be due to either irregular toileting of the genital organs or due to incorrect implementation of this procedure.

In addition, such a nuisance can happen as a result of unprotected sex with a casual partner or combined sex (anal-vaginal). In addition, E. coli often enters the vagina when a woman wears excessively tight underwear.

E. coli is especially dangerous for women expecting the birth of a baby, because if pathological processes occur, there is a possibility of developing an ascending infection or getting a tiny infection when passing through the birth canal.

How is E. coli suppressed, what treatment helps?

Therapy of E. coli in a smear is carried out without fail under the supervision of a gynecologist. In the event that pathological process managed to cause an inflammatory lesion - vaginitis or endocervitis, then treatment should be comprehensive.

Local treatment implies systematic hygiene of the external genitalia. At the same time, doctors often advise not to use pharmaceuticals, and various herbal decoctions, for example, based on chamomile. Therapy may also include medicinal douching and the introduction of vaginal suppositories with antiseptic properties. The drugs of choice are often suppositories with. In addition, doctors may advise injecting a twenty percent borax solution into the vagina. Some patients are prescribed ultraviolet irradiation sessions for the genital area.

However, if the lesion is serious, treatment should be more thorough. In these cases, in addition to local therapy, the doctor prescribes systemic drug treatment.

Antibacterial correction should be carried out taking into account the antibiogram of the detected pathogen. Quite often, doctors use drugs from the fluoroquinolone group, for example, ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin. Amoxicillins, nitrofurans, etc. can also be used. The dosage of the medication and the duration of its use are selected exclusively by the doctor. Self-medication is under no circumstances recommended, as it may cause the pathogen to develop resistance to antibiotics.

To restore optimal vaginal microflora, appropriate medications are used. Vaginal probiotics, which contain many lactobacilli, can play a role in this. Preference is given to those compositions that are also a source of a special component that restores the epithelium.

The use of vaginal tablets Gynoflor has an excellent effect. Also, to restore optimal microflora, medications such as Vagilak and Ecofomin are often used. Sometimes the doctor prescribes the use of vaginal suppositories Bifidumbacterin or Lactobacterin. In addition, experts often recommend oral consumption similar means, for example, Normoflorin.

To strengthen general immunity it is extremely important to conduct as much as possible healthy image life and accept vitamin preparations.

Quite often, E. coli is found in the smear of pregnant women. In this case, therapy is selected taking into account interesting situation patients.

Subsequent prevention of E. coli infection is extremely important. All women are strongly recommended to perform systematic and correct intimate hygiene, protect yourself during intimate connection, as well as systematically change underwear, which should be cotton and not tight.

For timely diagnosis coli in a smear, you should regularly visit a gynecologist.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.