Clostilbegit when pregnancy occurs. Indications for planning pregnancy

Not every woman is able to get pregnant the first time. Sometimes it can take months or years to try. Clostilbegit is one of the medical supplies helping a woman become a mother. It is prescribed in cases where, for one reason or another, it does not occur process.

    Clostilbegit when planning pregnancy

    In the presence of some diseases this does not occur. Its absence can be caused by a number of different reasons. Among them are the following:

    • Multifollicular ovarian syndrome.
    • Violations menstrual cycle due to nervous disorders.
    • Infertility of unknown origin.
    • Galactorrhea.
    • Insufficient production of estrogen. On this basis, there is a failure of other hormones. As a result, the woman experiences long delays, breakthrough bleeding , painful sensations lower abdomen.

    IMPORTANT! During the appointment, monitoring should be carried out using ultrasound. There is a risk of ovarian cysts.

    Clostilbegit is one of the drugs that women take when planning pregnancy. In most cases, it is prescribed after infertility lasting more than a year. Others are used at the same time hormonal medications.

    It is necessary to take Clostilbegit on strictly defined days of the menstrual cycle, as prescribed by your doctor. Taking Clostilbegit helps follicles grow to the desired size. When this happens, the woman is given an injection of hCG, which causes the follicle to rupture.

    Basics active substance Clostilbegita – clophimene. Standard packaging contains 10 round tablets white. A certain dosage of the drug stimulates. But in large doses the medicine can slow down production of gonadotropin(gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland - LH, LTG and FSH).

    Before you start taking hormonal agent You should undergo a thorough gynecological examination. During which, it must be clarified that the reason for the failure to conceive is.

    The use of the drug is indicated in cases where the total level of gonadotropin is below or at lower limit norms, adrenal function and thyroid gland correspond to the norm, and the size of the ovaries is not increased.

    Preparation for the procedure

    Before taking Clostilbegit, a woman should prepare for stimulation, following all the rules. Using the drug increases the likelihood of pregnancy. The body must be ready for a new situation. It is advisable to get rid of all existing diseases. You should also start early taking vitamins.

    Before the procedure, the doctor mandatory gives the patient a referral to take hormones. Their level determines the required dosage of the drug.

    How to take?

    In each individual case, the dosage regimen may vary. You should start taking the medicine from the fifth day of the menstrual cycle and end on the ninth. Most often, one 50 mg tablet is prescribed once a day. Sometimes shown increased doses– up to two or three tablets per day. In most cases, one package of tablets is enough for one course of treatment.

    Probability of multiple pregnancy

    Treatment with Clostilbegit increases the likelihood of having twins. This is due to the fact that not one, but several ripen at once. This is especially true for women with multifollicular ovarian syndrome. Even without taking pills, they are prone to multiple. And during the reception, the probability increases significantly. According to statistics, 20% of women who undergo stimulation give birth to twins.

    CAREFULLY! Stimulant drugs significantly deplete the ovaries. Therefore, you should not carry out stimulation more than five times in your entire life.

    Is it possible to drink alcohol during treatment?

    The combined use of Clostilbegit and alcohol is prohibited. Ethanol weakens effect of a hormonal drug. In addition, the likelihood of side effects increases.

    In this case, nausea occurs, headache, general loss of strength. But main reason giving up alcohol is possible pregnancy. Use alcoholic drinks at this stage may adversely affect the development of the fetus.

    Clostilbegit for men

    Sometimes Clostilbegit is prescribed to men. The main indication for taking pills in this case is the presence of oligospermia. This disease is characterized by insufficient volume seminal fluid during ejaculation. This deviation can be determined by the surrender method. Oligospermia is one of the most common forms of infertility.

    The active ingredient Clostilbegit has a positive effect on. In 98% of men who took a course of pills for 5-6 weeks, spermogram parameters significantly improved: ejaculate volume and

Therefore, they are unable to get pregnant. Most gynecologists in this case adhere to such treatment methods and prescribe it to almost every woman who has similar problems. However, before taking Clostilbegit, after which pregnancy almost always occurs, you should understand what ovulation is and what functions it performs.

If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle (MC), there is a need to determine whether she is ovulating. If it is absent, it is necessary to find out the cause of this disorder in order to be able to restore the natural process of ovulation and eliminate the factors affecting it negative factors. It should be noted that ovulation is the period when it can occur and represents the release of a mature egg from the ovary. If this process is disrupted, fertilization may not occur. There are also cases of non-ovulating MC in women, which causes infertility.

Thus, doctors are inclined to such a method of restoring ovulation as stimulating ovulation with Clostilbegit . Clostilbegit itself is intended for the treatment of MC disorders, as well as amenorrhea, Frommel and Leventhal syndromes, oligomenorrhea and galactorrhea. This drug provides positive impact on organs reproductive system, as well as the endometrium and vagina, however, such effects depend on the state of the female body at the time of therapy. In addition, the woman’s age, which affects susceptibility to therapeutic therapy, also matters when treating with Clostilbegit.

According to the results of numerous studies, after using a drug such as Clostilbegit, pregnancy occurs in 97% of women. Thus, it stimulates ovulation in 90% of cases, creating a physiological normal

The regimen for using Clostilbegit includes prescribing it at a dose of 50 mg on the fifth day of MC. In 50% of women, ovulation appears during the first stage of taking the drug. If this does not happen, the woman continues to take the drug at a dose of 100 mg for five days. Ovulation at the second stage of taking Clostilbegit occurs in 25% of women. In the case when ovulation is not observed at this stage, women continue to take this medicinal product at a dose of 150 mg according to the same regimen. It should be noted that this dose cannot be increased any further. However, in 10% of women it is not possible to normalize the MC and the ovulation process. In this case, doctors recommend further reducing the dose of the drug with each cycle to 50 mg. Usually, the appearance of ovulation occurs on the fifth cycle of taking the drug, and in some women - on the fifth day after the end of treatment. Thus, Clostilbegit, after which pregnancy occurs in most women, is effective in the treatment of a number of other female diseases.

It should be noted that before starting treatment, an experienced specialist should carry out additional examination women, to exclude the occurrence of side effects and contraindications to the use of the drug. It is also recommended to normalize thyroid hormones and prolactin, disturbances of which can prevent the occurrence of ovulation. During the entire treatment period, the gynecologist must monitor the size of the woman’s ovaries.

You also need to know that a drug such as Clostilbegit, after which pregnancy can occur as early as the second month, has contraindications, so it is not recommended to use it on your own; consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Thus, pregnancy after Clostilbegit occurs in almost all women; only 3% of patients require a different method of treatment, using other drugs.

One of the recognized methods of treating infertility in some cases is artificial stimulation of ovulation. This procedure is not absolutely safe - it can cause various complications for the body of the expectant mother. Gynecologists recommend using Clostilbegit to stimulate the release of the egg from the ovary and the subsequent onset of the desired conception.

Clostilbegit is produced in tablet form and is intended for oral administration. Externally, the tablet has a light yellowish or grayish tint and a biconvex round shape.

The main active ingredient of the drug is clomiphene acetate, in a volume of 50 mg. Auxiliary ingredients are presented:

  • gelatin;
  • stearic acid;
  • potato starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • talcum powder

Clostilbegit is available in a dark bottle or blister, 10 units per package, packaged in cardboard packs, each containing instructions for use.

Indications for use of the drug

Clostilbegit is recommended for complex treatment pathological condition in a woman’s body, against the background of which a violation occurs normal level balance of sex hormones and gonadotropin. Among the known diseases in women are:

  • anovular infertility - medication is prescribed to induce ovulation processes;
  • prolonged amenorrhea, galactorrhea in postpartum period– Chiari-Frommel disease;
  • violation or complete absence menstruation after prolonged use hormonal contraceptives(oral);
  • violation of the level of sex hormones -;
  • absence of the menstrual cycle due to changes in the level of gonadotropin - the regulatory effect on the genital organs is disrupted, which leads to amenorrhea;
  • – with the formation of a large number of neoplasms filled with serous contents, with pronounced impaired functionality of ovarian activity;
  • the appearance and release of colostrum from a woman’s breast during the development of a pituitary tumor that produces an increase in the amount of hormones - galactorrhea;
  • reduction in quantity menstrual flow and the normative duration of menstruation itself - oligomenorrhea.

In males, Clostilbegit is used for:

  • androgen deficiency type – low level of male sex hormones;
  • – the minimum number of sperm contained in a unit volume of ejaculate in men.

Contraindications to the use of the medication

  • severe forms of renal and liver failure;
  • personal lactose intolerance;
  • any subtype of tumors in the genital organs;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • the presence of individual intolerance to the main active ingredient or excipients included in the tablets;
  • disturbances in the functionality of the thyroid gland;
  • visual impairment, both recent and in history;
  • violations of the level of functionality of the adrenal glands;
  • low functionality of the adrenal glands due to increased production of prolactin;
  • pathological conditions or tumors in the pituitary gland, with pronounced changes its functional state;
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • the period of gestation of a baby, at any stage;
  • endometriosis is the appearance of endometrial foci in the organs of the reproductive system (outside the uterus) or other systems of the female body.

Before using Clostilbegit, you should make sure that there are no contraindications for use. If you have a history of abnormalities, you should inform your doctor about them.

Clostilbegit: options for use and dosage

Dosage options and the regimen for taking a pharmacological agent depend on the type of pathology for which it is used:

  1. In order to cure infertility - with a regular menstrual cycle - one tablet (50 mg) per day, starting from the 5th day from the start of the menstrual cycle. At the same time, the effectiveness of therapy is monitored based on clinical and laboratory indicators. The duration of taking the medication is 5 days, after which ovulation should occur.
  2. In the absence of menstruation (amenorrhea), therapy is started regardless of the day of the cycle, at any time. The course of treatment is 5 days, 2 tablets per day; in the absence of menstruation, medication is interrupted for a quarter, then the entire course of treatment is repeated.
  3. For polycystic ovary syndrome - one tablet per day, the duration of therapy is determined individually by the treating specialist.
  4. For post-contraceptive amenorrhea, the treatment regimen completely repeats the treatment of infertility due to the absence of ovulation.
  5. For males (against the background of oligospermia), the medicine is prescribed as a tablet, up to two times a day. The duration of therapy is one and a half months, with mandatory laboratory monitoring.

Side effects

May develop while taking Clostilbegit with varying degrees probability of occurrence:

From the gastrointestinal tract system:

  • pain syndrome in the epigastric region;
  • diarrhetic disorders;
  • clinical similarity to the “acute abdomen” syndrome;
  • flatulence, increased gas formation;
  • nausea leading to vomiting.

From the nervous system:

  • high level of nervous excitability;
  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • depression;
  • slowness of mental reactions;
  • sleep disorders, insomnia.

Sense organs:

  • severe photophobia;
  • splitting of objects in front of the eyes (in the field of view);
  • impaired light perception;
  • blurred outlines of objects.

Genitourinary system:

  • increased frequency of urination;
  • increased amount of excreted urine volume – polyuria;
  • hardening of the mammary glands;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • abnormal bleeding from the uterus;
  • various disorders menstrual cycle;
  • an increase in the size of the ovaries, including cystic;
  • menorrhagia;
  • dryness of the vaginal mucous membranes.

Possible reactions allergic type– rash, urticaria, allergic type dermatitis, vasomotor disorders. Additionally, the following may be observed:

  • changes in body weight – a sharp decrease or increase in body weight;
  • a sharp increase in appetite;
  • painful sensations in the area of ​​the mammary glands, breasts;
  • flushes of blood to the face.

Treatment with medication increases the likelihood of multiple pregnancy, growth (if any), endometriosis, and ectopic pregnancy. Hot flashes observed when taking the drug stop when the drug is discontinued.

Stein-Leventhal syndrome can be accompanied by cystic enlargement of the ovaries, up to 8 cm in size. Treatment is interrupted when the normal body temperature changes to a two-phase version.

With the development of any side effects You should immediately stop taking Clostilbegit and consult your doctor. A specialist gynecologist will change the previously recommended treatment regimen, selecting an appropriate replacement. Replace yourself hormonal drugs prohibited.

Overdose and special instructions

In case of an overdose of Clostilbegit, the following symptoms are noted:

  • feeling of nausea;
  • vomit;
  • flushing of the face;
  • vasomotor disorders;
  • a sharp decrease in visual acuity;
  • flashes of colored spots before the eyes;
  • scotoma;
  • an increase in the size of the ovaries;
  • painful sensations in the pelvic and abdominal organs.

Treatment consists of maintenance therapy against the background of removal of the active substance from the body. Data on the benefits of dialysis in overdose have not been published. When the first symptomatic manifestations If you experience an overdose of the drug, you should seek qualified help from a medical facility.

Clostilbegit is compatible with drugs of gonadotropic hormones; there is no data on other interactions with foreign drugs.

Special instructions

  1. Before starting schematic treatment, it is recommended to check the general functionality of the liver.
  2. Before using the medication, it is necessary to conduct a thorough gynecological examination. Application this tool permitted in cases in which general level the gonadotropin content in urine analysis is within the normal range or slightly below its limits, palpation does not reveal deviations from the normal size of the ovaries, the standard functionality of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands is normative.
  3. If the egg does not mature, all possible causes of infertility are first treated, and only after that Clostilbegit therapy is applied. The use of the drug is prohibited if ovarian enlargement or cystic changes are detected - until the organs return to their normal size. Subsequently, the recommended dosage is reduced or reduced. general course treatment.
  4. The entire period of therapy requires constant monitoring by a gynecologist who monitors the functionality of the ovaries, conducts vaginal examinations and monitors the possible “pupil” phenomenon.
  5. During periods of treatment, it is difficult to determine the immediate moment of ovulation against the background of insufficiency corpus luteum. If conception occurs, it is recommended to begin administering progesterone for preventive purposes.
  6. Using the product increases the likelihood of multiple pregnancies; constant monitoring is required.
  7. The drug is prohibited for patients with a history of galactose intolerance, with lactase deficiency, or with glucose malabsorption - the drug contains a large amount of lactose.

Control vehicles, classes certain types Activities that require increased concentration and speed of vasomotor reactions are not recommended during periods of taking the medication - the drug can cause visual impairment.

Summing up

Clostilbegit is sold in pharmacy chains only with a prescription from the attending physician. This is due to the fact that Clostilbegit is a hormonal medication with many side effects and possible development a number of complications. Uncontrolled use of medication purchased from third parties can also cause early menopause (menopause).

Before prescribing the remedy, the specialist will send the patient to a series of diagnostic studies, confirming the possibility of using the medicine. Clostilbegit will be useless when identifying:

  • deviations in the results of the spremogram;
  • obstruction fallopian tubes(partial or absolute) in studies performed (metrosapingography);
  • disorders in the general condition of the endometrium - injuries, scars, polyps, endometritis, endometriosis - during ultrasound examination;
  • absence of spontaneous ovulation against the background of reduced functionality of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), higher level prolactin (stimulating mammary gland growth and lactation).

Only research will be able to determine the need to use the drug; independent prescription and use will not only not give the necessary results and will harm the woman’s body.

Clostilbegit, used in small doses, enhances the production of necessary hormones, against the background of which ovulation is stimulated. With the help of the product, the growth of the follicle is enhanced, the maturation of the egg begins in it, which is subsequently fertilized and passes into the fallopian tube.

If the dose of the drug is exceeded, the exact opposite effect occurs - against the background of a decrease in estrogen levels, the secretion of gonadotropin is inhibited. The correct dosage of the drug is determined according to the data laboratory research, according to which an individual treatment regimen is prescribed.

To determine the effectiveness of Clostilbegit, an ultrasound examination is prescribed a week after starting to take the drug. It will show a positive or negative result of treatment; with the latter option, a second course is prescribed during the subsequent menstrual cycle.

It is allowed to use up to 6 full courses of treatment, if conception does not occur during these courses, a repeat examination is prescribed to identify previously unknown causes of infertility. The level of effectiveness may be affected age period women, reception of others medications, accompanying changes in the endocrine system.

According to statistics, pregnancy after a course of treatment can occur in the next cycle. The effectiveness of the course can be maintained for two calendar years due to artificial hyperstimulation. The likelihood of conception increases in geometric progression with each subsequent dose of medication. By the end of the 6th period, the probability of conception increases to 60%.

There are many reasons why a woman is unable to get pregnant: anovulatory cycles, hormonal imbalance (progesterone deficiency, increased prolactin or androgens, excess or lack of estrogen, thyroid dysfunction). Even psychological factors, poor nutrition and living in constant stress negatively affect fertility and the possibility of conception. Today, the problem of non-pregnancy is very acute. Infertility occurs more in women than in men. There are a sufficient number of medications to stimulate the female reproductive system, which will help create a favorable hormonal background which will increase the chances of pregnancy. One of these medications is. This drug is taken to stimulate ovarian function and increased production of gonadotropic hormones. You should find out whether it is possible to really increase the chances of successful conception, and in what specific cases is it indicated to drink clostilbegit?

Description and pharmacological properties

The active ingredient of the drug is clomiphene citrate. This is an estrogen receptor blocker, which professional athletes are often guilty of, but initially this drug was created with the aim of restoring the normal hormonal levels of a woman after the abolition of clostilbegit, and not with the aim of increasing athletic performance. Clomiphene citrate effectively stimulates the process of ovulation in female body, due to an increase in reference indicators of the level of follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and prolactin. After oral administration, the active substance actively binds to estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus.

If the content of estradiol in the female body is low, it will increase to normal indicators, and with increased content, on the contrary, estrogen decreases to normal levels. It is also worth noting that the effectiveness of clostilbegit stimulation directly depends on the administered dosage active substance. At low dosages, stimulation of gonadotropins develops, and at higher doses, on the contrary, a strong decrease is possible hormonal indicators. It should also be noted that the product does not have gestagenic or androgenic activity.

The essence of stimulation with clomiphene is simple - a woman becomes pregnant due to the timely maturation of the follicle, from which a developed egg is released. Depending on the hormonal panel tests obtained, the doctor prescribes clomiphene in a minimal dosage. How many days in a row is the medicine used? The remedy can be taken for five consecutive days, preferably from days 5 to 9 monthly cycle. Stimulation on clostilbegitis when planning is necessarily accompanied regular ultrasound monitoring, which begins a week after the start of the procedure.

If there is no ovulatory cycle on the first attempt at stimulation, the procedure should be continued for the next 3-6 cycles, and with each unsuccessful time the doses are increased. Even if in this case the follicle does not mature, then repeated tests, the reason for the lack of ovulation is sought. Most often, successful conception occurs when the drug is discontinued after clostilbegit, when a forced break in stimulation is taken. Usually two courses are enough, the maximum permissible number of stimulations is no more than six times in a lifetime.

Such a restriction is associated with the risk of developing hyperstimulation, which ultimately leads to the formation of multiple cysts. Moreover, stimulation is preserved long lasting effect- about two years. It turns out that when the ovaries are brought to a state of hyperstimulation, cysts will continuously appear for two years in a row. Due to this continuous process, the ovarian reserve is quickly depleted, which can lead to early attack menopause. For this reason, it is important to find a competent specialist who can correctly select the course of treatment and dosage.

The chances of getting pregnant during the course of treatment are small, no more than 10-13%, but when the medication is discontinued, especially after several repeated courses, they increase significantly - approximately 30-60%. Often, multiple pregnancies may occur while taking the medication. Conceiving twins occurs in approximately 5-10 cases out of 100.

Contraindications for use and possible side effects

Clomiphene is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Individual intolerance, hypersensitivity
  • Breastfeeding and pregnancy
  • Bleeding from the uterus
  • Severe liver damage
  • History of cysts (causes follicle rupture)
  • Oncology
  • Vision problems
  • Insufficiency of pituitary function.

To possible adverse reactions from taking clomiphene citrate may include:

  • Weak condition and reduced performance
  • Increased drowsiness, migraines and dizziness
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Hot flashes, weight gain and increased appetite.

In some cases, a woman's ovaries may increase in size during treatment cystic formation- approximately from 5 to 8 cm. Pain and tightness in the mammary glands often occurs. Less commonly, there is a feeling of vaginal dryness, dysmenorrhea, and all kinds of allergic reactions. The risk of endometriosis and ectopic pregnancy increases.

For disorders of the ovulation processes, dysmenorrhea, idiopathic (the cause is unclear) infertility, gynecologists prescribe Clostilbegit. Medicine aimed at regulating a woman’s menstrual cycle for subsequent successful conception. The drug is also used in men with oligospermia (low sperm count). Treatment with medication should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Instructions for use Clostilbegit

The drug Clostilbegit induces the ovulation process. The main function of the medication is to stimulate the formation of the egg: the drug increases the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones (follicle-stimulating, prolactin, luteinizing). The use of tablets can provoke increased production of prolactin, the high content of which prevents ovulation. For this reason, doctors additionally prescribe medications that reduce the level of unwanted hormone in the blood plasma.

Composition and release form

Pharmacological drug is available in the form of enteric-coated tablets, 10 or 50 pieces in a brown glass bottle with a plastic cap with tamper-evident control and an accordion shock absorber. The bottle along with instructions for use is placed in a cardboard package. The tablets are also available in aluminum or paper blister packs of 10 pieces.

Active ingredient medications, clomiphene, refers to pharmacological group antiestrogens. These substances are capable of stimulating ovulation processes by increasing the concentration, transport and secretion of certain sex hormones by interacting with estrogens in the hypothalamus and ovarian medulla. The drug has no androgenic and gestagenic (hormonal) activity.

For polycystic ovary syndrome, Clostilbegit is one of the main medications that help restore ovulation. When using the drug, it should be taken into account that the active substance significantly increases the viscosity of the cervical mucus and in this way prevents the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity and fertilization.

The medication, when taken orally, is quickly and completely absorbed from gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream, evenly distributed in body tissues, metabolized by liver tissues. Bioavailability is about 45%, binding to blood proteins is 80%. The half-life ranges from 6 to 20 hours. Complete clearance of the drug is achieved within 5-7 days from the moment last use medicines. Metabolites are predominantly excreted in bile and urine.

Indications for use

The medicine should only be prescribed by a doctor. The drug is used for the following diseases:

  • infertility in the absence of ovulation;
  • dysgonadotropic form of amenorrhea (with pathologies of the pituitary gland);
  • secondary amenorrhea;
  • post-contraceptive amenorrhea;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • oligomenorrhea (scanty, irregular menstruation);
  • galactorrhea (milk secretion);
  • prolonged postpartum amenorrhea-galactorrhea syndrome;
  • at hormone therapy in some sports (for example, bodybuilding, weightlifting);
  • oligospermia in men.

How to take

For secondary infertility, dosage and course duration drug therapy depend on the sensitivity (reaction to medication) of the ovaries. Patients with a regular menstrual cycle should begin treatment 3-5 days after the start of menstruation. For dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea, therapy begins any day. There are several standard circuits use of medicine:

  1. Scheme No. 1. One tablet (50 mg) per day for 5-7 days with simultaneous monitoring of the functional response of the ovaries using instrumental and laboratory tests. With this treatment, ovulation should occur between days 11 and 15 of the menstrual cycle. If therapy does not lead to the desired result, then scheme No. 2 should be used.
  2. Scheme No. 2. On the fifth day of the next cycle, 2 tablets (100 mg) are prescribed for 7 days. If ovulation does not occur, the course of treatment should be repeated. In the absence of a positive response to therapy, the drug is prescribed for 3 months. If necessary, the duration of treatment can be up to six months (set by the doctor individually).
  3. For polycystic ovary syndrome, post-contraceptive amenorrhea, the initial dosage of the drug is one tablet/day (50 mg) for 3-6 months with regular monitoring of the condition of the ovaries using ultrasound.
  4. For men, the drug is prescribed 1-2 tablets 2 times a day. for 14 days with sperm monitoring.

Pregnancy after Clostilbegit

When planning pregnancy, the drug Clostilbegit is prescribed in cases idiopathic infertility or endocrine disorders reproductive function. According to studies and surveys, after treatment with this drug, successful conception in patients occurs in approximately 75% of cases. At the same time, many of them note an increased threat of miscarriage in the early stages and significant manifestations of toxicosis, which can be triggered by taking the medication.

Special instructions

Before starting to use the drug, it is recommended to check the functioning of the kidneys and liver. Insufficient functioning of these organs can lead to the accumulation of drug metabolites in the body tissues. In addition, it is necessary to conduct a thorough gynecological and endocrinological examination. The use of the drug is indicated when the total level of gonadotropins in the urine has dropped significantly below the normal limit, and palpation and ultrasound examination of the ovaries did not reveal significant deviations from the norm.

In the absence of ovulation, it is necessary to exclude all other drugs before using this pharmacological agent. possible reasons secondary infertility. If the examination reveals a significant enlargement of the ovaries or the presence of cysts, the use of Clostilbegit is not allowed until the organs return to normal condition. In the future it should be reduced daily dosage or duration of drug therapy.

During treatment, constant monitoring by an endocrinologist and gynecologist is necessary, it is necessary to monitor the menstrual cycle using ultrasound, and conduct vaginal examinations. Serves to control follicle maturation basal temperature in the vagina. Often during treatment, determining the moment of ovulation causes difficulty and insufficiency of the function of the corpus luteum is observed, so sometimes additional administration of progesterone and some other drugs is necessary. steroid drugs.

The drug contains lactose, so it is not recommended for use in patients intolerant to this component. During therapy, it is recommended to be careful when driving or completely avoid driving or engaging in other potentially dangerous species activities that require increased concentration and quick reactions.

People who suffer from diabetes should use the drug with caution. The drug contains sucrose and lactose, this can lead to an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood plasma, so the patient needs to adjust the daily and single dosages of insulin or hypoglycemic drugs.

During pregnancy

The drug is contraindicated for use during gestation and lactation. If a pregnancy condition is detected during drug therapy Clostilbegit, then taking the tablets must be stopped immediately. Clinical and epidemiological studies have found an increased risk of pathologies in children who were exposed to hormones during intrauterine development. In addition, the medicine may cause increased tone uterus and spontaneous abortion.

In childhood

The drug is contraindicated for use in children under 12 years of age. For adolescents aged 12 years and older, the medication is prescribed for serious endocrine disorders, genetic pathologies that hinder normal development genitals. For amenorrhea in girls over 16-17 years of age and with identified deficiency of gonadotropic hormones, Clostilbegit can be prescribed to establish a normal menstrual cycle.

Clostilbegit and alcohol

Drinking alcohol-containing drinks during therapy with this drug is strictly prohibited, because ethanol can significantly increase the toxic effects of drug metabolites on liver and kidney cells and provoke the development of many side effects. In addition, alcohol may worsen general condition.

Drug interactions

Long-term pharmacological therapy together with drugs that induce liver enzymes, can lead to severe uterine bleeding, reducing the effectiveness of Clostilbegit. When used simultaneously with antibiotics, the intrahepatic circulation of estrogen decreases. Oral combined hormonal contraceptives may significantly affect the metabolism of the drug.

Side effects

If Clostilbegit is prescribed in high doses over a long period, side effects. The most frequent consequences uses of the medication are:

In some cases, there is an increase in the size of the ovaries up to 6-8 cm, so regular and careful monitoring through ultrasound is necessary when using this drug. In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the medication, itching may occur. skin dermatitis, pain and lumps in the mammary glands, urination problems. The medicine increases the likelihood of multiple pregnancy several times.


If daily or single dosages of the drug are significantly exceeded, the patient may develop symptoms of intoxication such as nausea, vomiting, decreased visual acuity, and flushing of the face. High concentrations of the drug in the blood of a pregnant woman can cause miscarriage early. Treatment of a drug overdose consists of adjusting the amount of medication used or stopping it completely and eliminating the symptoms that have arisen.


The drug has the ability to change hormonal levels, so it can significantly affect the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. The medication should only be used if there is no the following contraindications for use:

Terms of sale and storage

The medicine must be stored in a dry place where a constant temperature is maintained, and the tablets should not be exposed to direct sunlight. It is recommended to keep the drug away from small children and pets. The medication is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.


Preparations with a similar composition and effect are used when Clostilbegit is contraindicated for use. On pharmaceutical market The following analogues exist:

  • Clomid. A drug that stimulates the secretion of gonadotropins from the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Its action is due to a specific reaction with estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus. A non-steroidal medication is used to treat idiopathic amenorrhea and secondary infertility.
  • Serophene. This drug helps increased production gonadotropins and stimulates maturation and endocrine activity follicle in the ovary, formation of the corpus luteum. IN large quantities the medication inhibits the production of prolactin and luteinizing hormone.
  • Serpafar. Pharmacological agent, an anti-estrogen from the group of non-steroidal drugs, the action of which occurs due to its effect on estrogen receptors in the pituitary gland and ovaries. Serpafar does not have androgenic or gestagenic activity.

Clostilbegit price

The cost of the medicine depends on the form of release, the degree of purification, the quality of the main active substance and auxiliary components. The price may be affected by the region and pharmacy in which it is sold. The drug can be ordered in the online store after reading reviews from other patients. The price of a medicine can be set unilaterally by the manufacturer.
