Komarovsky about adenoids in children, treatment. Adenoiditis: causes and development, manifestations, diagnosis, how to treat

Children are lovely creatures until they start getting sick. But then parents begin to panic and urgently treat their child; mothers are especially afraid of fever, cough and sore throat. If you listen to the advice that Dr. Komarovsky gives, then the body fights two-thirds of childhood diseases itself, so intervention is undesirable. Is this the case with adenoids?

Palatine tonsil

Such a bad word as “adenoids” frightens parents very much. In fact, this term refers to inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. Most often, the disease occurs in children aged 4 years. The diagnosis is made after a thorough examination, and children are usually sent to an otolaryngologist for confirmation. But the symptoms of the disease are very characteristic:

It is precisely because of such characteristic features the diagnosis is often made by a local pediatrician.

A disease such as adenoids in children is divided into three degrees, depending on the enlargement of the tonsil:

  • Signs of the first degree: breathing is somewhat difficult, the baby sleeps at night with his mouth open.
  • Symptoms of the second degree: the mouth is constantly open during sleep, the child snores heavily.
  • In the third degree: the adenoid has enlarged so much that it interferes with normal life. The patient breathes only through his mouth, even during the day. This causes not only discomfort, but also coughing.

Adverse factors preceding the appearance of adenoids in children

No disease appears out of the blue; each has its own prerequisites. Dr. Komarovsky advises paying attention to the following factors:

  1. Heredity. Whether we like it or not, genes mean a lot in our lives. In most cases, the child takes from more healthy parent, but there are exceptions.
  2. Persistent viral and bacterial diseases of the nasopharynx, frequent cough. It is important to monitor the child after whooping cough.
  3. Poor nutrition. The child should not overeat, eating sweets should not exceed the permissible limit.
  4. Frequent allergies, weak immunity.
  5. The air in the house is too dry and hot. It can cause a persistent cough.

Adenoiditis is an inflammation of the unpaired tonsil, located at the boundary between the upper and posterior walls of the nasopharynx. An increase in size of the nasopharyngeal tonsil without signs of inflammation is simply called.

Tonsils (tonsils) are islands of concentrated subepithelial arrangement lymphoid tissue. In the form of tubercles they protrude into the lumen oral cavity and nasopharynx. Their main role is a barrier on the border between aggressive factors (pathogens) of the surrounding world and the internal environment of the body.

Nasopharyngeal tonsilan unpaired organ included, along with others (lingual and paired tubal and palatine) in the pharyngeal lymphatic ring.

An important difference from other tonsils is that they are covered with multirow columnar ciliated epithelium, capable of producing mucus.

In a normal, physiological state, without additional optical devices, this amygdala cannot be seen.


Adenoiditis is classified as a childhood disease, since the most common age range of those affected is between 3-15 years. In isolated cases, adenoiditis is diagnosed both in more mature and early (up to infancy) age. The prevalence of the disease averages 3.5-8% of the child population, with approximately equal numbers of affected boys and girls.

Adenoiditis in adults, as a rule, is a consequence of untreated inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil in childhood. In cases where the symptoms of this disease develop in an adult for the first time, tumor lesions of the nasopharynx should first be excluded by contacting a specialist in a timely manner.

Classification of adenoiditis

According to the length of the disease:

Clinical and morphological varieties chronic inflammation The nasopharyngeal tonsil are of the following forms:

  • Catarrhal adenoiditis;
  • Exudative-serous adenoiditis;
  • Purulent adenoiditis.

Allergic adenoiditis, which develops in combination with other manifestations, should be considered as a separate clinical and morphological unit hypersensitivity body to any allergen. As a rule, it is limited to catarrhal manifestations in the form of an allergic (runny nose).

By severity clinical manifestations, spread to neighboring anatomical structures and the condition of the patient himself are divided into the following types of adenoiditis:

  1. Surface;
  2. Subcompensated;
  3. Compensated;
  4. Decompensated.

Upon examination, depending on the size of the nasopharyngeal tonsil and the severity of nasal breathing disturbance, otolaryngologists distinguish four degrees of adenoiditis.

1st degree– hypertrophied tonsil covers 1/3 of the bony part of the nasal septum (vomer) or total height nasal passages.

2nd degree– the tonsil covers up to 1/2 of the bony part of the nasal septum.

3rd degree– the tonsil covers the vomer by 2/3 along its entire length.

4th degree– the nasal passages (choanae) are covered almost completely by the growths of the tonsil, making.

Causes and predisposing factors

The main reasons include the following:

Symptoms of adenoiditis

The diagnosis, in addition to the listed complaints, is confirmed by examining the throat using special mirrors. In addition, the doctor can use a digital examination of the nasopharynx to determine the severity of adenoiditis.

There are some difficulties in diagnosing this disease when it occurs in infancy child, for the reason that manifestations of severe intoxication and high temperature come to the fore, with which his refusal to eat food is associated. Guide you on the right path diagnostic search in this case, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and submandibular region help. This age is characterized by the transition of the disease to a chronic form with frequent relapses (exacerbations)

At an older age, adenoiditis must be differentiated from diseases such as:

  • Juvenile angiofibroma;
  • Congenital developmental defects (nasopharyngeal insufficiency, deviated nasal septum, hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates);
  • Scar processes after operations on the upper respiratory tract;
  • Tumor diseases of lymphoid tissues.

Treatment of adenoiditis

This is due, first of all, to the risk of complications in the heart and kidneys during the transition of the disease from an acute to a chronic form.

Treatment of grade 1 and 2 inflammation of the adenoids is limited conservative methods.

It is aimed at relieving swelling of lymphoid tissue, reducing sensitivity to allergens, combating pathological microflora (viruses and microbes), and increasing immune status.

This is achieved through a number of actions.

Folk remedies for the treatment of adenoiditis are limited to adding herbs to inhalations that have antimicrobial effect(chamomile, sage).

In addition, with for preventive purposes use nasal rinsing saline solution(1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water) and wet compresses on the throat using cold water.

Previously, to ease breathing and relieve inflammatory processes, the so-called “mogol-mogol” was widely used, which included heated milk (0.5 l), honey (1 teaspoon), raw egg And butter. This well-mixed cocktail was drunk in small sips throughout the day. However, its effectiveness is controversial and is justified only as a local thermal effects on the nasopharynx during the recovery period.

Surgical treatment of adenoiditis (adenoidectomy) is used for adenoid hypertrophy of grade 2 and higher.

The operation consists of mechanical and its growth with a special Beckmann adenotome, which has various sizes depending on the age of the patient.

The intervention is carried out using both local anesthesia, and with general anesthesia.

An hour or two after adenoidectomy, the patient can be discharged from the medical center.

Indications for surgery:

  • Severe nasal breathing disturbances;
  • Beginning deformation of the facial skeleton and chest;
  • Hearing impairment caused by hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsil;
  • Existing chronic inflammatory diseases other organs of the upper respiratory tract.

Absolute contraindications to surgery:

Relative contraindications to adenoidectomy:

  • Acute infectious diseases in a child;
  • Facial skin diseases;
  • Unfavorable epidemic situation (epidemic, cases of measles in a children's group shortly before the planned operation).

In these cases, the operation is performed after some time (1-2 months), after eliminating the risk factors.

The most favorable age for adenoid removal is considered to be 5-7 years.

Video: indications for removal of adenoids in a child - Dr. Komarovsky

Video: adenoids, “Doctor Komarovsky”

How to treat adenoids in a child? This question is asked huge amount parents. Dr. Komarovsky is confident that in the absence of infection in the pathology of the adenoids, there is no need to remove them surgical method. This tonsil, located in the nasal region, which prevents the spread of harmful bacteria in the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and airways. If the adenoid is removed, this will entail a decrease in the child’s immunity; the body’s resistance to harmful bacteria will become several times less.

For this reason, Komarovsky, when asked how to treat adenoids in a child, is categorically against premature removal of tonsils, since this operation serious reasons are needed.

Komarovsky claims that before performing an operation to remove them from a child, it is necessary to weigh the whole situation. Parents must understand that when removing adenoids, the problem itself is with penetration pathogenic bacteria won't disappear. IN in this case the entire burden of fighting infections will be taken on by related organs.

After removal of the adenoids, there is a decrease in work performance immune system, which can lead to inflammation of the respiratory system and serious problems related to development chronic diseases.

Adenoids appear, as a rule, due to inflammation of the upper part of the nasal cavity, laryngopharynx, and also paranasal sinuses. Due to the fact that the child’s immune system is not yet working effectively enough, and pathogens do not stop their attack, by enlarging the adenoids, the body tries to reduce the number of harmful bacteria that seek to penetrate deeper.

An increase in the size of the adenoids affects the overall diameter of the nasal canals, that is, in this case they decrease. At the same time, the auditory tubes also become smaller. Next, there is a violation of ventilation in the middle ear, as well as in the nasopharynx itself, which is the cause of some pathological symptoms, which mainly include the following:

  • the child constantly feels that his nose is stuffy;
  • hearing acuity decreases;
  • the child feels periodic pain in the head;
  • the child begins to show developmental delays;
  • relapses of the disease become more frequent.

It is necessary to understand that late therapy of the nasopharynx and the adenoids themselves leads to a change in the shape of the facial skull, as well as a change in the bite.

According to practicing pediatrician Komarovsky, with modern equipment and innovative methods diagnosis, there is no need to immediately resort to surgery, since these methods can help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and prevent unpleasant consequences.

What is the treatment without surgery?

Today, all methods of treating adenoids are divided into two types - conservative (implies treatment pharmacologically without application surgical intervention) and surgical (direct removal of the adenoids). As a rule, most specialists manage to solve this problem without resorting to surgery.

Adenotomy, as a more radical method in the treatment of tonsils, is used in the most as a last resort, since without the need and ineffectiveness of all other treatment methods, it is not recommended to use this particular method.

Conservative methods of treating adenoids are also divided into certain subtypes. These include:

  • physiotherapy;
  • pharmacotherapy;
  • climatotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • manual therapy.

The success of using one method or another depends on the degree of neglect of the tonsils.

According to Komarovsky, to increase the effectiveness of using one or another conservative method, as well as to reduce the size of a child’s tonsils to natural physiological sizes, it is necessary to use complex treatment. This will contribute to faster healing, since it will act in several directions at the same time.

Komarovsky wrote repeatedly about how to treat adenoids in a child at home. He says that you should not delay with such basic procedures as rinsing the nasal area. If a child constantly complains of nasal congestion, as well as frequent snot, then this procedure will be very useful.

How to rinse a child's nose

Often, as treatment is prolonged, adenoid disease can progress and enter the second stage, in which it is necessary to act promptly. Parents often have a question about how to treat grade 2 adenoids in a child without surgery. First of all, it is very important to clear the nasal passage of large amounts of accumulated mucus and purulent plaque.

Too much large number Although these formations prevent the penetration of pathogenic bacteria, these accumulations themselves have a detrimental effect on the condition of the adenoids. They grow quickly and become unnatural in size.

Typically used for nasal rinsing special solutions, which can be found in pharmacy stores. To decide which solution is right for your child and will be more effective, you need to consult a specialist.

Saline solutions are considered the most effective because they prevent swelling, have preventive properties, and also do not allow the tonsils to expand and increase in size. Such solutions prevent the growth of bacteria and reduce inflammatory processes. As Dr. Komarovsky advises, after using such solutions, it is necessary to use nasal agents that will maintain the internal moisture of the nose and prevent the epithelium in the nasal part from drying out.

Nasal medications in the treatment of adenoids in children

Often, such drugs are used to treat children with stage 2 adenoid development. In this case, the child’s nasal canals are blocked by almost 30-35%. For this reason, the child begins to complain of frequent nasal congestion and discomfort that he experiences in the nose.

In this case, a large amount of mucus accumulates in the nasopharynx, which prevents the flow of air and its free penetration through the nose into the body. After this, inflammatory processes begin.

Komarovsky recommends several nasal remedies that will help alleviate your child's condition. These include:

  1. "Protargol". The product is sold in the form of drops, which have anti-inflammatory properties and also disinfect the nasal space. This tool effectively clears the nose, removing all excess mucus and purulent formations, as well as destroying about 85% of all germs and harmful bacteria.
  2. "Nasonex". A remedy that eliminates swelling in the nasal tissues. The medicine also reduces sensitivity in children who have an allergic reaction, which significantly improves their general condition.
  3. "Avamis." A spray that has antiseptic properties, counteracts the formation of swelling, reduces painful sensations in a child. The medicine restores normal air flow through the nasal canals, thereby relieving nasal congestion and restoring free breathing.
  4. "Nazol kids" Used to relieve inflammatory processes, also used as a prophylactic.

It should be noted that you should not get too carried away with nasal medications, as this can lead to side effects. The child may feel nauseous, vomit, and have a burning sensation in the nasopharynx.

How to treat adenoids in a child at home using folk remedies? Many parents often trust proven methods that were used by our ancestors. However, many doubt whether such methods can be used with a significant increase in the size of the adenoids.

However, in order to use traditional methods, you should consult your doctor, since such methods are not always safe and may also have side effects. Due to the fact that children's body is not able to resist to the same extent as an adult, some methods of traditional treatment can cause an allergic reaction.

You can reduce the size of the tonsils and improve the general condition of the child with the help of drugs that include medicinal herbs. In order to rinse the nose, as a rule, the most effective solution is a solution made on the basis of coltsfoot. In addition to this, you can use field chamomile, thyme, calendula, St. John's wort and some other herbs. In order to slightly soften the nasal mucosa, as well as reduce nasal irritability, you can use aloe juice. It should be dripped into the nose, 2-3 drops no more than three times a day.

Dr. Komarovsky tells how to effectively treat adenoids in a child using folk remedies. He says it can be used besides medicinal herbs also homeopathy. Quite a lot of medicinal homeopathic remedies, which have a very positive effect on the child’s immune system.

Such drugs stimulate regenerative processes in the nasopharyngeal part, due to which the epithelium in the nasal cavity is gradually restored. At the same time, the activity of the tonsils increases, which helps to destroy harmful bacteria, after which the body begins to return to normal. normal condition and thus, the functionality of the adenoids is restored.

Adenoids are hyperplasia of the glandular tissue of the pharyngeal tonsil, which in 84% of cases occurs due to frequent relapses respiratory diseases. Is it possible to treat adenoids in children without surgery?

Komarovsky argues that non-infectious pathology can easily be treated with medication if you contact a pediatrician in a timely manner.

The nasopharyngeal tonsil is an important component local immunity, which prevents the proliferation of pathogenic agents in the mucous membranes of the airways. Removal of an organ entails a decrease in the reactivity of the child’s body, as a result of which relapses become more frequent colds. That is why adenotomy is prescribed to children only at stages 2 and 3 of the development of ENT pathology.

Why are adenoids dangerous?

Practicing pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky categorically does not recommend performing adenotomy in the absence of serious indications.

It should be understood that deletion immune organ inevitably leads to an increase in the infectious load on the remaining components of the lymphoid pharyngeal ring. A subsequent decrease in local immunity entails inflammation of the respiratory system, which is fraught with the development of chronic diseases such as tonsillitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma etc.

Why do adenoids occur in children? The cause of adenoid growths is frequent inflammation upper sections ENT organs - nasal cavity, laryngopharynx, middle ear and paranasal sinuses. Due to the failure of the immune system and the ongoing attacks of pathogens, the number of structural elements in the adenoid tissue increases. Due to this, the infectious load experienced by the palatine, tubal and other types of tonsils is compensated.

Enlargement of the nasopharyngeal tonsil entails a narrowing of the internal diameter of the nasal canals and the openings of the auditory tubes. Impaired ventilation of the middle ear and nasopharynx leads to the appearance of pathological symptoms such as:

  • hearing loss;
  • nasal congestion;
  • recurrent headaches;
  • mental retardation;
  • frequent recurrences of infections.

Important! Delayed therapy benign tumors in the nasal cavity leads to irreversible changes facial skull and malocclusion.

According to E. O. Komarovsky, timely diagnosis and adequate treatment of adenoids allows one to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and prevent dire consequences. However, the pediatrician warns that conservative and physiotherapeutic treatment can only be limited to minor hyperplasia of the immune organ.

Principles of therapy

How to treat adenoid vegetations? Modern methods therapy ENT pathologies are divided into two categories - conservative (physiotherapy, pharmacotherapy) and surgical (laser, scalpel and radio wave removal adenoids). In most cases, specialists are able to solve the problem without resorting to surgery. Adenotomy is the most traumatic and dangerous way treatment of hypertrophied tonsils, so it is used in cases of extreme necessity.

Conservative methods of treating adenoid vegetations include:

  • pharmacotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • climatotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • manual therapy.

Probability of success conservative treatment ENT pathology depends on the degree of hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsil.

E. O. Komarovsky is confident that it is possible to restore the normal physiological size of the tonsil only if complex treatment pathology. If a child complains of constant nasal congestion and viscous mucus running down the walls of the throat, one should not refuse to carry out sanitizing procedures. Irrigation of the nasal cavity will help restore mucociliary clearance and cleanse the follicles of lymphoid tissues from pathogens and tissue detritus.

Nasal rinsing

Patients with the first and second degrees of adenoid development are often prescribed nasal rinsing with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drugs. Clearing the nasal passages of mucus, purulent plaque and tissue detritus helps restore the drainage function of lymphoid accumulations and, accordingly, reduce the size of the pharyngeal tonsil.

Irrigation therapy is indicated for children with severe allergic diseases, as it helps reduce the sensitivity of histamine receptors.

The following medicinal solutions are most often included in the treatment regimen for ENT diseases:

  • "Humer";
  • "Physiomer";
  • "Aqualor Baby";
  • "Miramistin";
  • "Dolphin"
  • "Aqua-Maris".

Isotonic and hypertonic saline solutions have pronounced decongestant and antiphlogistic properties. Lowering the level of acidity in the mucous membranes of the respiratory system prevents the proliferation of opportunistic microbes, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing septic inflammation of the immune organ. According to Komarovsky’s advice, after washing the nasopharynx, it is advisable to use nasal herbal remedies that prevent the mucous epithelium from drying out.

Nasal medications

What drugs can be used to treat grade 2 adenoids in children? The second degree of tonsil hyperplasia is characterized by overlap of the nasal canals and vomer by approximately 30-35%. In this regard, the child begins to complain of discomfort in the paranasal sinuses and nasal congestion. Obstruction of the choanae leads to the accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx, resulting in a feeling of pressure in the paranasal sinuses.

You can relieve the symptoms of adenoids and restore the patency of the nasal passages by using the following nasal remedies:

  • "Protargol" - nasal drops with a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect; the colloidal solution gently cleanses the mucous membrane of pathological secretions, simultaneously destroying up to 86% of pathogens;
  • "Nasonex" is a glucocorticosteroid anti-inflammatory drug that eliminates swelling in the adenoid tissues; inhibits the synthesis of inflammatory mediators, which prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions;
  • "Avamys" is a fluorinated spray with antiseptic and anti-edematous action, has pronounced analgesic and antiphlogistic properties; accelerates redox reactions in tissues, which helps restore normal patency of the nasal canals;
  • "Nazol Kids" is an intranasal medicine with adrenomimetic activity; has a vasoconstrictor and antiallergic effect and can be used to treat chronic rhinitis.

Abuse of nasal vasoconstrictor drops entails the appearance adverse reactions- headaches, nausea, burning sensation in the nasopharynx.


How can adenoiditis be cured in children? E. O. Komarovsky reports that many parents consider adenoids and adenoiditis to be related concepts, although this is not the case. Adenoids are hypertrophy of the immune organ, and adenoiditis is its inflammation. In the event of the development of purulent or catarrhal processes, treatment should be accompanied by taking medications not only symptomatic, but also pathogenetic. In other words, inflammation can be eliminated by using medications aimed at destroying pathogenic agents that cause pathological reactions.

Adenoiditis can be eliminated by taking the following means pharmacotherapy:

  • antibiotics - “Amoxiclav”, “Zinacef”, “Flemoxin Solutab”;
  • antiviral agents - “Anaferon”, “Rimantadine”, “Orvirem”;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Nise;
  • immunostimulating drugs - “IRS-19”, “Ribomunil”, “Immunal”;
  • reparative medicines - “Elbona”, “Bepanten”, “Moreal-plus”.

Important! Immunostimulants should not be used when treating patients under the age of 3 years, as they can negatively affect the immunological reactivity of the child’s body.

Drugs for treatment infectious diseases should only be selected by your attending physician. When choosing medicines the pediatrician is guided by the results of microbiological and virological analysis.

Adenoids - to remove or not?

How to treat grade 3 adenoids without surgery? Komarovsky is an opponent surgical intervention for no apparent reason. But if hyperplastic tissues cover the vomer and choanae by more than 90%, it will not be possible to do without adenotomy. Radio wave and laser excision of adenoid vegetations are the least traumatic methods surgical treatment pathology.

Surgery can be prevented only with timely drug and physiotherapeutic treatment. The most effective and safe physiotherapeutic procedures include:

In addition, it is advisable to use nebulizer inhalations as part of complex treatment. Anti-edematous, wound-healing, disinfectant and vasoconstrictor effect. It should be understood that inhalations have an indirect effect on the pharyngeal tonsil, that is, they normalize its drainage function, but do not help reduce its size.

Folk remedies

Is it possible to use folk remedies in the treatment of adenoid vegetations? Before resorting to alternative methods therapy, you should consult your doctor. Due to high degree sensitization of the child's body, herbal medicines can cause allergic reactions and cause complications.

You can eliminate inflammation and restore the functions of the pharyngeal tonsil with the help of herbal remedies. To rinse the nasal cavity, decoctions based on coltsfoot are most often used, medicinal chamomile, thyme, St. John's wort, calendula, etc. You can soften the mucous membrane and eliminate irritation with the help of aloe juice, which should be instilled into the nose, 2-3 drops no more than 3 times a day.

Along with allopathic and folk remedies, it is recommended to use homeopathy. Many homeopathic medicines stimulate the immune activity of the pharyngeal tonsil and accelerate regeneration processes in the mucosa, thereby restoring the functioning of the ciliated epithelium. Effective drugs include Edas Holding, Euphorbium compositum, Job-Baby, etc.

Adenoids are the main cause of frequent acute respiratory viral infections, sinusitis and otitis in children, since hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsil weakens immune protection body. Adenoiditis is called inflammation of the adenoids, most often it is bacterial disease. Adenoiditis in a child Komarovsky suggests treating it with lifestyle changes, but also about drug therapy cannot be forgotten.

Poor nutrition and lack of vitamin D greatly weaken the child’s body, which leads to the development of diseases

First you need to understand the differences between adenoids and adenoiditis. Many parents confuse these two concepts, as a result it is not clear what exactly needs to be treated.

Adenoids are called enlarged (hypertrophied) nasopharyngeal tonsils. The reason for this phenomenon is considered to be the imperfection of the children's immune system, which cannot cope with the onslaught of bacteria and viruses. As a result, the nasopharyngeal tonsil becomes larger and performs its function better protective function(filters the air and “does not allow” bacteria into the body), however, it itself creates a problem, covering part of the vomer and preventing normal breathing through the nose.

Adenoiditis is called inflammation of the adenoids, or hypertrophied nasopharyngeal tonsil. There are several reasons for this disease:

  • adenoids grade 2 and 3;
  • decreased immunity;
  • bacteria.

Moreover, all these reasons are closely related: adenoiditis leads to a decrease in local immunity, since the enlarged tonsil disrupts nasal breathing, and reduced immunity gives bacteria more possibilities affect the body. Thus, if a child does not have adenoids, then he is not at risk of adenoiditis.

Factors that increase the risk of developing adenoiditis:

  • long-term antibacterial therapy;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • hypothermia and stress;
  • ARVI, influenza, measles, scarlet fever and other diseases;
  • unbalanced diet and vitamin deficiency (in particular vitamin D).

But according to Komarovsky, adenoiditis in a child is also a consequence wrong image life. Doctor says sedentary lifestyle, obesity and poor nutrition, especially the love for fast food, are important factors, determining the development of adenoiditis.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

The child hardly sleeps

Adenoiditis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • high body temperature;
  • nasality;
  • constant nasal congestion;
  • night snoring;
  • poor sleep;
  • fatigue;
  • discomfort in the throat;
  • ear pain;
  • purulent discharge from the nose and ears.

In general, symptoms depend on the form of the disease. There are acute, subacute and.

Pay attention! Komarovsky suggests identifying symptoms in children by difficulty breathing through the nose. If, three days after the onset of the illness, the runny nose becomes more severe, the mucus is thick, purulent, and the nose cannot be cleared, then there is every reason to suspect adenoiditis.

Symptoms and treatment of adenoiditis in children depend on the form of the disease - Dr. Komarovsky constantly reminds parents of this. It is necessary to dwell in more detail on the forms of the disease and their characteristics.

Forms and stages

Adenoids are a hypertrophied nasopharyngeal tonsil, adenoiditis is its inflammation

There are three forms of the disease - acute, subacute and chronic. Acute adenoiditis in children manifests itself high temperature(39-39.5 degrees) and severe symptoms. The disease may be accompanied by acute purulent otitis media middle ear, and then there is excruciating pain in the ears. Acute and purulent adenoiditis, as Komarovsky says, are one and the same. The famous pediatrician emphasizes that any disease that occurs with such a high temperature is of a bacterial nature, which results in purulent nasal discharge.

A feature of the acute form of the disease is a fairly rapid increase in symptoms. If adenoiditis has caused a complication in the ears, after 2-3 days pus begins to ooze from the ear, and because of this the temperature drops to 37.5. If there is a complication from the nose, already on the third day of development of the disease all the symptoms of sinusitis can be detected.

The subacute form of adenoiditis is accompanied by a temperature of about 37.5-38 degrees. Purulent discharge from the nose are also present, in addition there is an increase in lymph nodes under lower jaw and behind the ears. The peculiarity of this form is its long course. The child feels unwell for weeks, but nothing happens, as is the case with acute form. Thus, with subacute adenoiditis, it may be within long period nasal congestion, fever, general malaise, because of which parents mistake the disease for a virus and begin to treat it as ARVI.

Chronic adenoiditis is a sluggish inflammatory process in the nasopharyngeal tonsil. It is not accompanied by high fever. The child constantly breathes through his mouth because his nose is clogged, in the morning he blows out thick, purulent mucus in lumps, and in the morning the baby is tormented by a productive cough. Also when chronic form disease, there is constant irritation and redness back wall throat.

But adenoids are “measured” in degrees:

  • 1st degree – the vomer is covered by ⅓, breathing through the nose is complicated, but possible;
  • 2nd degree - the tonsil is enlarged so much that it covers ⅔ of the vomer, breathing through the nose is problematic, so the child breathes through the mouth;
  • – the vomer is almost completely covered by the tonsil, it is impossible to breathe through the nose, the child constantly breathes through the mouth.

As a rule, adenoiditis in children is most often observed with grade 2 adenoids.

Treatment regimen according to Komarovsky

For adenoiditis in a child, Komarovsky calls for complex therapy. Moreover, it is not limited to medications alone, because to reduce the risk of exacerbations it is necessary to change your lifestyle. But traditional treatment The Ukrainian pediatrician does not complain, because most often against its background the symptoms are masked and distorted, while the disease continues to progress.

Drug therapy

If itching or burning occurs, stop using immediately.

Pay attention! Adenoiditis can be complicated by both sinusitis and otitis media. Moreover, it is different for each child, depending on the characteristics of the body.

Komarovsky recommends treating acute adenoiditis in children with antibiotics. The pediatrician warns: under no circumstances should antibiotics be given to a child on their own; only the attending physician should select and prescribe the drug. In general, Komarovsky speaks very negatively about parents who, at the slightest runny nose, give their child any antibiotics, because incorrect therapy leads to the fact that the bacteria only get stronger and develop a kind of immunity to the drugs.

Second important nuance- this is the fight against nasal congestion. A child with adenoids or adenoiditis must breathe through the nose, so Komarovsky always prescribes medications for a runny nose. True, the doctor also does not advise rushing with vasoconstrictor drops - you should give the body a few days to independent struggle with illness. If after 2-3 days the runny nose only gets worse, then it’s time to use the heavy artillery - vasoconstrictor, antibacterial or hormonal drops. As in the case of antibiotics, Komarovsky strongly recommends not to self-medicate, but to go to the doctor.

Some tips for drug treatment from a pediatrician.

  1. From vasoconstrictor drops you shouldn’t completely give up the nose, but you only need to bury them at night - this will ensure strong and healthy sleep. Such drugs should not be used for more than five days in a row.
  2. Homeopathy in the nose does not work in most cases, so it is better to replace it with herbal remedies containing antiseptic components. These could be drops from essential oils, silver or plant extracts, but only with proven effectiveness.
  3. If adenoiditis makes itself felt through otitis media, it is necessary to use antibacterial ear drops. In fact, it can be absolutely any drug wide range antimicrobial activity, since ear drops do not have systemic action on the body, however, otolaryngologists still recommend choosing among proven medications - Sofradex, Normax, Norfloxacin.

Komarovsky speaks out against immunostimulants for children, arguing that immunity can only be “stimulated” by sanitizing the source of infection, fresh air and hardening.

Komarovsky about surgical treatment of adenoids

Komarovsky also suggests treating chronic adenoiditis in children with conservative methods. If nothing helps, the adenoids continue to progress, periodically making themselves felt by inflammation of the tonsils, there is no way out - you need to operate.

Important! Please note that no drug can shrink enlarged adenoids. The only way to get rid of tonsil enlargement is through surgery.

All doctors try to the last to preserve the nasopharyngeal tonsil and avoid surgery. However, in some cases, a person is faced with a choice - to constantly treat complications of the adenoids by loading the body with drugs, or to agree to surgery.

Komarovsky warns parents: if the attending physician suggests treating adenoiditis with surgery, since nothing else helps, they must agree to the procedure. Modern bloodless methods for removing adenoids allow the procedure to be completed in just half an hour, and the patient is discharged from the hospital the very next day.


Physiotherapy sessions are available in almost any clinic

Two methods of physiotherapy are used against adenoiditis - nasal lavage and UV therapy.

In the first case we are talking about the “cuckoo” procedure. The doctor rinses the sinuses and vacuums out the accumulated purulent mucus, freeing the nasal passages and restoring the ability to breathe normally through the nose. Just 2-3 such procedures will effectively and permanently relieve congestion.

UV therapy has disinfectant effect and reduces swelling. For adenoids and adenoiditis, children are offered painless procedure on the “Solnyshko” apparatus.

Folk remedies

From folk remedies For home treatment, Dr. Komarovsky only approves of Kalanchoe drops and rinsing the nose with salt. Instillation of Kalanchoe juice into the nose irritates the mucous membrane and causes the child to sneeze continuously for several minutes. This effectively clears the sinuses and relieves congestion, although not for long.

But you should be careful when rinsing your nose with saline solution: water should not get into the sinuses. There is a high risk that it will remain there, and sinusitis will only get worse, so it is better to prefer professional rinsing in the otolaryngologist’s office.

Having figured out how to cure adenoiditis, you should listen to Dr. Komarovsky’s advice on prevention.

  1. A child with adenoids needs to breathe clean air with an optimal level of humidity. It is necessary to install a humidifier in your baby’s room, or better yet, an “air washer” - a device that cleans all the air in the room from dust and allergens and humidifies it to the required level.
  2. For a child to be healthy, he needs to move more, so Komarovsky advises encouraging active games in the fresh air.
  3. To strengthen the immune system, it is necessary not to take medications, but to eat properly, strengthen yourself and breathe clean air.
  4. The main advice from a famous pediatrician is to treat any diseases in a timely manner. Advanced sore throat, otitis media or sinusitis are potential gateways to infection.

Most main advice parents - if a child has adenoids or adenoiditis, they should follow the doctor’s recommendations, but do not panic, because most children successfully outgrow their adenoids and by the age of 10-11 all problems with the nose and ears go away.