Complements the method. Complivit - instructions for use and composition, indications, release form and price

Vitamin-mineral complex Complivit 11 vitamins 8 minerals (manufacturer UfaVita, Russia) - quite common vitamin preparation, popular among the population.

Complivit not only helps to cope with vitamin deficiency, but is also widely used for its prevention. The manufacturer took into account the daily human needs for vitamins and minerals by developing unique remedy. Each element that is part of the complex is contained in such quantities as is necessary for normal functioning internal organs and systems.

The vitamin-mineral complex Complivit 11 vitamins 8 minerals includes the following vitamins:

  • Ascorbic acid(vitamin C). Strengthens immunity and collagen synthesis. Vitamin C is necessary to maintain the functioning of cartilage and bone structures. It ensures protein metabolism in the blood and promotes the formation of red cells in the blood.
  • Lipoic acid(vitamin N). Stabilizes liver functions. Normalizes cholesterol levels in the body.
  • Nicotinamide(vitamin PP). Known as a component that ensures the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body. Without it, cellular respiration is impossible.
  • Pyridoxine(vitamin B6). Necessary for the natural production of neurotransmitters in the human body. He speeds up metabolic processes, ensuring protein absorption.
  • Retinol(vitamin A). This substance is involved in the synthesis of pigments that are necessary for good vision. Without them, color and twilight effects are disrupted. Vitamin A ensures the integrity of epithelial structures and regulates growth bone tissue. It is needed for support skin and mucous membranes.
  • Riboflavin(vitamin B2). Supplies cellular structures with oxygen, preventing the development of hypoxia. Indispensable for the formation of visual perception.
  • Rutin(vitamin P). Takes part in biochemical processes in the body. Responsible for redox reactions. It has pronounced antioxidant properties. Distributes vitamin C evenly throughout the body.
  • Thiamine(vitamin B1). Improves metabolic processes, normalizing the absorption of carbohydrates in the body. Required for full functioning nervous system.
  • Tocopherol(vitamin E). Has natural antioxidant properties. Prevents cell aging and normalizes reproductive functions.
  • Folic acid(vitamin B9). Promotes the production of amino acids. Stabilizes the functioning of the liver, ensuring the cleansing of internal organs from toxins and waste.
  • Cyanocobalamin(vitamin B12). Indispensable for the production of nucleotides in the body. Known as the growth vitamin. Cyanocobalamin normalizes hematopoietic processes and ensures the development of epithelial cells.

Complivit includes the following necessary to the human body minerals:

  • iron(deliver oxygen to tissues);
  • copper(restores blood vessels);
  • calcium(strengthens bones and normalizes blood clotting);
  • manganese and cobal t (normalize metabolism);
  • zinc(restores immunity);
  • magnesium(stabilizes blood pressure levels);
  • phosphorus(strengthens teeth and bones).

The human body needs a daily supply of the components listed above. Even with a rich and nutritious diet, it is impossible to provide the proper amount of vitamins and minerals that meet daily needs.

The price of the drug Complivit 11 vitamins 8 minerals varies between 250-280 rubles. (60 pcs.).

Indications for use

  • Prevention of vitamin deficiency and replenishment of the lack of minerals and vitamins in the body.
  • With increased mental and physical stress.
  • The period of rehabilitation after suffering severe infectious and other diseases.
  • Conducting a comprehensive antibacterial therapy body in order to avoid further complications.

The effect of the drug on the body

The rich composition of the vitamin-mineral complex contains 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. These components of Complivit help normalize metabolic processes in the body. The drug is necessary to enrich internal organs with substances that support their normal functioning.

The complex is widely used to prevent the development pathological conditions, which are related to the violation fat metabolism. Complivit restores the required hemoglobin level and relieves symptoms pathological disorders if available.

Directions for use and dosage

Interestingly, you can take the vitamin-mineral complex Complivit 11 vitamins 8 minerals all year round without interrupting use!

But at the same time, doctors, in order to achieve maximum effectiveness of the vitamin-mineral complex, recommend taking the drug in courses: 1 month after a 3 or 6 month break, which depends on the body’s needs.

For prevention purposes, you should take 1 tablet once a day, and in case of vitamin deficiency, increase the dosage to 2 pieces. per day.

The course of treatment lasts for 30 days. You should take the vitamin-mineral complex daily, without taking breaks. It is best to take vitamins 20 minutes before meals with plenty of water.

Contraindications and side effects

Complivit 11 vitamins 8 minerals should not be taken by children under 12 years of age. An absolute contraindication is hypersensitivity to the substances included in its composition.

If the recommendations contained in the instructions for use are not followed, there is a high probability of developing such adverse reactions, like stomach upset and appearance allergic rash, which is accompanied by unbearable itching.

After the drug is stopped, the symptoms of adverse reactions decrease. Symptomatic treatment required in rare cases.

"Complivit 11 vitamins 8 minerals" - modern biologically active additive domestically produced, designed to prevent deficiency in the body nutrients necessary to maintain health, as well as to combat existing symptoms. The complex has received high marks among doctors and is in demand among patients.

The balanced composition of the product allows vitamins and minerals to be fully absorbed. Used in the production of the drug modern technologies, thanks to which all components in the tablet are equally stable and “do not interfere” with each other. The content of useful components does not exceed acceptable standards. Therefore, if you follow the recommended dosage instructions, long-term use The drug is not dangerous and does not lead to signs of hypervitaminosis.

What is included in the complex

Multivitamins include 11 vitamins:

  • WITH() is a vitamin that ensures the normal course of all metabolic processes in the body. Its deficiency leads to decreased collagen production, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, and decreased skin tone. This element helps improve immunity and promotes proper hematopoiesis.
  • (nicotinamide) is a substance necessary for proper carbohydrate metabolism in the body.
  • B5() - regulates the functioning of the nervous system, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, metabolism.
  • (pyridoxine) - participates in metabolic processes, regulates the functioning of the nervous system.
  • (retinol) - “vitamin of vision”. Its deficiency leads to impaired color perception and twilight vision. In addition, retinol is “responsible” for bone growth, skin health and mucous membranes.
  • B2() - helps saturate cells with oxygen, necessary to maintain eye health.
  • (routine) - promotes complete absorption ascorbic acid. It is an antioxidant and participates in all redox reactions occurring in the body.
  • (thiamine) - supports the health of the nervous system, ensures proper metabolism.
  • B9() - regulates blood clotting, helps the body synthesize the amino acids it needs, normalizes liver function, and promotes proper cell division.
  • B12() - necessary for the full growth and development of a person, normalizes blood composition.
  • (tocopherol) - as a powerful antioxidant, helps maintain the beauty and health of the skin, protects cells from premature aging, and supports the health of the reproductive system.

Separately indicated on the packaging - component responsible for liver health and normal level"bad" cholesterol in the blood.

8 minerals:

  • Iron- for healthy hair, nails, oxygen saturation of all tissues.
  • Calcium- to ensure the strength of bone tissue and normal blood clotting.
  • Copper- for strong vessels.
  • Cobalt and manganese - For normal course metabolic processes in the body.
  • Zinc- for healthy hair, nails, normal immunity.
  • Magnesium- for complete absorption of calcium, heart health, normal blood pressure, strong bones and teeth.
  • Phosphorus- for proper cell division, bone health, energy synthesis.

The above components must be supplied to the body daily to maintain it normal condition. The balanced composition explains the effectiveness of Complivit in replenishing nutritional deficiencies.

Indications for taking the drug

The instructions contain the following instructions for the use of “Complivita 11 vitamins and 8 minerals”.

The drug is prescribed to treat symptoms and prevent nutritional deficiencies in the human body. The complex is indicated for speedy rehabilitation after severe infectious and viral diseases.

The additive is used as a source of nutrients:

  • at long-term treatment antibiotics ;
  • increased physical and mental stress X;
  • the need to follow a diet or the impossibility of organizing a balanced diet .

How does the complex affect the body?

The rich composition of the drug allows you to provide the human body with all the necessary useful substances that support its healthy functioning. The components of the supplement normalize metabolic processes and prevent various pathologies associated with metabolic disorders. In the case of diagnosing vitamin deficiency, “Complivit 11 vitamins” allows you to minimize the manifestations of pathology.

How to take the supplement?

The instructions for the drug require taking 1 tablet daily. The preferred time of administration is the morning hours, when the absorption of nutrients by the body is maximum.

The method of using the supplement is standard and coincides with the recommendations for taking other Complivit multivitamins. The tablets are taken during meals or immediately after breakfast. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician individually.

A characteristic feature of this supplement is that you can take it without the risk of hypervitaminosis long time(up to 12 months). Standard duration treatment usually lasts a month. If necessary, vitamins can be taken again after a short break. Based on the diagnosis and the condition of the body, the doctor will individually determine how to take the drug so that the absorption of its components is effective.

Contraindications, side effects of the supplement

Instructions for use of the complex contain the following contraindications to receive it:

  • children's age up to 12 years ;
  • individual sensitivity to elements included in the supplement .

In rare cases, the complex can cause unwanted reactions. The most common side effect is an allergy to the components of the drug. A reaction from the digestive system is also possible - vomiting, nausea, bloating, bowel dysfunction. Such manifestations disappear after Complivit is discontinued. In severe cases, symptomatic therapy may be required.

Interaction with other medications

The complex is incompatible or poorly compatible with the following drugs:

  • with tetracycline and drugs containing it - the absorption of the antibiotic slows down;
  • sulfonamides - the likelihood of developing crystalluria increases;
  • antacids- iron absorption deteriorates;
  • with thiazide diuretics - increases the risk of hypercalcemia.

"Complivit 11 vitamins with lipoic acid" - safe and effective complex. But it is necessary to observe the timing of its administration and not exceed the dosage, determined by the doctor. If you do not violate these rules, then the likelihood of side effects is minimal.

Since childhood I have weak immunity, and colds stick to me like crazy. Besides colds, V recent years Autoimmune diseases began to appear - various allergies, hair loss, etc.

Surely you have often come across absolutely opposite assessments of this or that vitamin complex. One says, “miracle vitamins helped me,” while the other says, “bullshit, nothing has changed because of these pills.” And both of them are not lying, but why then do vitamins really help some people, while for others they are like a poultice for the dead?

But the whole point is that the worse our immunity is, say, for example, with dysbacteriosis, the less effect the vitamins will have. With intestinal dysbiosis, due to a lack of beneficial (bifido, lacto, etc.) bacteria and the predominance of pathogenic microorganisms, the absorption and synthesis of nutrients and microelements necessary for the body is impaired. In this case, the use of vitamins will be ineffective than with normal microflora intestines. Read it if you are interested, there is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet.

In order to receive maximum benefit from vitamin supplements, you first need to stabilize the intestinal microflora. Therefore, you should first contact a gastroenterologist, undergo the appropriate tests and undergo treatment. From my own experience, I can say that liquid bifido and lactobacilli produced in Novosibirsk helped restore my intestinal microflora, as well as long-term and step-by-step treatment of dysbiosis.

Well, now that we have superficially understood the topic of “digestibility” of vitamins, let’s move on to the complex

In fact, the manufacturer of Complivit has a very wide range various vitamins. In addition to the classic Complivit vitamins, I also tried calcium + D3.


Pills Complements 11 vitamins + 8 minerals are produced Russian company JSC "Pharmstandard-UfaVITA".

The package of vitamins looks like this:

The package contains a jar of tablets (60 pieces) and instructions. The tablets are white, round or oblong in shape (for some reason I came across different ones), odorless. They are not easy to swallow, but you should not break them.

According to the description on the package, vitamin complex contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body in sufficient quantities for the functioning of the body.

The complex includes the following components:

The purpose of each of the components of the complex, indications and contraindications for use are also described in the instructions:

Prices in pharmacies vary, I usually buy at a local offline pharmacy for rubles 150-200 rubles- this is a very budget price for a multivitamin complex.

The instructions describe methods of application and dosage:

Despite the fact that they are usually taken 1 tablet per day, for one course I took 2 tablets per day, with meals, since I just had a state of increased need for vitamins. One tablet morning and evening. The course of admission is 30 days.

Application and effect

My first acquaintance with vitamins happened about 2 years ago, when a therapist, after another acute respiratory viral infection, advised me to take a course of this particular vitamin and mineral complex.

To be honest, I often took vitamins before, but I didn’t notice the effect (why, see at the beginning of the review). But this time, on top of everything else, my hair was falling out a lot and I tried all the known methods and methods in order to stop the loss. Therefore, it was decided to listen to the therapist’s advice and start taking vitamins.

I bought it, drank only half the pack and happily abandoned it, because I was expecting a quick effect (stupid) but it never happened. Half a year later, when absolutely everything had been tried against hair loss, I “freaked out”, again took out the Complevit vitamins from the far shelf and continued taking them.

After 2 weeks of taking it, when the package ran out, I noticed that there was less hair falling out in the sink, and I bought another package to finish the course. Upon completion of the consumption of vitamins hair stopped falling out completely (returned to normal hair loss, i.e. instead of 500-1000 hairs per day, 50-100 began to fall out, as expected). The skin became less dry, and it definitely looked fresher and better. That's when I fell in love with these vitamins.

No side effects were noticed. During the fall-winter, however, I still suffered from a sore throat once, and an acute respiratory viral infection another time, but this was most likely due to my stress, moving, etc. After my illnesses, I again took a course of vitamins and so far, tf-tf-tf, everything is ok.

All in all, Complements 11 vitamins 8 minerals I recommend. Effective vitamins, if you use them wisely and do not expect miracles from them.

Complivit is a vitamin and mineral complex that is taken for vitamin deficiency, errors in diet, after serious illnesses, for chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases, to improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system. .

How does Complivit work?

Complivit is produced in tablets (60 pieces in a bottle) Russian pharmaceutical company JSC Pharmstandard. Each Complivita dragee contains 20 components - vitamins, macro- and microelements:

  • retinol acetate (vitamin A) - helps improve vision, the condition of the skin and its appendages - hair and nails;
  • thiamine bromide (vitamin B1) - is part of enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) – participates in the regulation of neuronal metabolism and complements the effect of magnesium;
  • riboflavin mononucleotide – helps improve cellular respiration and visual perception;
  • cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) – together with folic acid, participates in many biochemical reactions, actively affecting the nervous and hematopoietic systems;
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C) – antioxidant, stimulates the formation of collagen in the skin and dentin of teeth, participates in the metabolism folic acid and iron, takes part in the synthesis steroid hormones and blood proteins (antibodies, interferon);
  • alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) is an antioxidant, helps restore blood proteins and iron, which is part of red blood cells, and is involved in the formation of cells in many tissues;
  • nicotinamide – helps improve tissue respiration, fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • rutin is an antioxidant, promotes the accumulation of ascorbic acid in tissues;
  • calcium pantothenate (vitamin B5) - participates in redox reactions, promotes the restoration of skin cells and mucous membranes;
  • folic acid - activates the synthesis of amino acids, nucleic acids, participates in the formation of red blood cells;
  • lipoic acid- takes part in the process of energy formation in the body; sweat, the nature of its biochemical action is similar to B vitamins;
  • methionine is an essential amino acid necessary to maintain growth and nitrogen balance in the body;
  • iron sulfate – participates in the formation of hemoglobin, as part of hemoglobin it delivers oxygen to tissue cells;
  • copper sulfate – participates in the processes of oxygen absorption by cells, hematopoiesis, and immune processes;
  • calcium phosphate - part of bones and hard tissues of teeth, required for blood clotting processes, transmission nerve impulses, contraction of muscle fibers, including cardiac muscle fibers;
  • cobalt sulfate – regulates metabolic processes, improves immunity;
  • manganese sulfate – participates in the processes of oxygen absorption by cells, affects bone growth, and participates in immune processes;
  • zinc sulfate - participates in all types of metabolism - nucleic acids, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, hormones;
  • magnesium phosphate – takes part in protein synthesis and energy metabolism, reduces the excitability of the nervous system.

Vitamins are integral part enzymes - substances that speed up metabolism many times over , macro- and microelements are also involved in certain types exchange, they are especially necessary for cells. If you take Complivit correctly, you can well prepare your body for attacks from viruses during the cold season, as they can activate metabolism and strengthen the immune system. Good immunity will also cope with cancer. Complivit normalizes all types of metabolism, which increases performance, improves memory, makes a person more resistant to stress and high loads, restores normal blood composition, improves vision and the functioning of all internal organs.

Who should take Complivit and contraindications for taking it?

Complivit is prescribed for significant physical, emotional and intellectual stress, after serious illnesses, at chronic diseases in spring and autumn to prevent relapses, in case of nutritional disorders, hypovitaminosis.

Take Complivit one tablet a day for a month for prevention and one tablet twice a day for treatment. The course of treatment can be repeated no earlier than after 3 months.

Taking Complivit is contraindicated if hypersensitivity to its components and children under 12 years of age. Side effects include allergic reactions, loose stools , stomach ache . In case of an overdose of Complivit, everything side effects are intensifying.

It is used both for the prevention of various complications associated with a lack of vitamins and minerals, and as part of complex therapy during treatment various diseases. Complivit-active is recommended for a lack of magnesium in the body, which is expressed in drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night, irritability, increased anxiety, fatigue. The composition of Complivita Mama meets all the needs of a pregnant woman.

Complivit has multicomponent composition, so its effect on the body is complex. In general, it helps to increase mental and physical performance, tolerance to long and intense physical activity(including sports), restoration of immunity (reducing the risk of colds and oncological diseases) And normal composition blood (including hemoglobin), normalization of fat and carbohydrate metabolism (prevention of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases And diabetes mellitus), improving memory, vision (including slowing down the development of cataracts), condition of the skin, hair, nails and musculoskeletal system.

Indications and contraindications for use

  • under high physical and neuropsychic stress;
  • during recovery from infectious and colds;
  • for any chronic diseases in spring and autumn to prevent exacerbations;
  • in the absence rational nutrition, including with constant use of various diets;
  • for the prevention and treatment of vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

To prevent deficiency of vitamins and minerals, Complivit is taken 1 tablet per day, for treatment (lethargy, drowsiness, fatigue) - 1 tablet twice a day after meals. The course of treatment is up to one month. A repeat course can be carried out after 3 – 4 months. For prevention, it is recommended to use Complivit twice a year: in spring and early winter.

Taking Complivit is contraindicated:

  • in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • children under 12 years of age (dosages of vitamins and minerals are intended for adults).

Complivit-active should not be taken by children under 3 years of age and by patients with severe renal impairment.

Side effects

When taking Complivit, various allergic reactions (skin rash, Quincke's edema and so on), as well as diarrhea and abdominal pain. You should not be afraid of the bright yellow color of urine - this color is given to it by one of the components of Complivit - riboflavin, this is not dangerous.

An overdose of the drug is also possible, which intensifies all side effects. In this case, you should stop taking the drug, rinse your stomach and take several tablets of activated carbon.

Complivit is an effective vitamin and mineral complex, therefore, to avoid overdose, it is not recommended to combine it with other vitamins and minerals. If antibiotic treatment is prescribed, then taking Complivit should be agreed with your doctor, since some groups of antibiotics (tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones) are less well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract due to the presence of iron and calcium in Complivit. You should not combine taking Complivit with sulfonamide drugs - this contributes to the formation of sand and stones in the urinary tract. You should also consult your doctor if you are taking diuretics - taking Complivit cannot be combined with some of them (thiazides).

Complivit is a vitamin and mineral complex, which in its properties is in no way inferior to advertised ones. foreign analogues, but costs several times less.

Complivit®- vitamin-mineral complex created taking into account food physiological need population of the Russian Federation, helps to fill the deficit essential vitamins and minerals.

Complivit® contains vitamins and minerals in doses not exceeding permissible consumption levels, suitable for course treatment and prophylactic use.

The compatibility of the components in 1 tablet is ensured by special technology.

There is a special release form containing 365 tablets for course vitamin and mineral support throughout the year.


11 vitamins, 8 minerals + lipoic acid

Indications for use

  • prevention and replenishment of vitamin and mineral deficiencies;
  • increased physical and mental stress;
  • the period of recovery after long-term and/or severe diseases, including infectious ones;
  • V complex treatment when prescribing antibiotic therapy.


I regularly buy Complivit. The shape of the tablets has always been biconvex and round. The next time I made a purchase, I found oblong tablets inside the jar instead of round ones. Has the form of the tablets changed or have I encountered a counterfeit?

Currently, the vitamin and mineral complex “Complivit®” is produced in two dosage forms:
1) Complivit® film-coated tablets with reduced sugar content - these tablets are biconvex oblong, film-coated white. The composition of the complex is 11 vitamins 8 minerals + lipoic acid.
And 2) Complivit® tablets, coated with a white sugar coating - these tablets are biconvex round in shape. Compound active ingredients same. The packaging of the first form bears the inscription “low sugar.”

Is it possible to take Complivit® and other vitamin and mineral complexes from the Complivit series at the same time?

Preparations of the COMPLIVIT® series are balanced vitamin-mineral complexes (VMC), additional sources of vitamins, mineral elements and biologically active substances. Concomitant use of any of these drugs with other drugs is not recommended. multivitamin complexes, containing vitamins A, E, group B in order to avoid exceeding the upper permissible daily level of consumption of biologically active substances. It is advisable to take the selected IUDs sequentially, having decided on the order in which they should be taken.

What are the rules for taking vitamin-mineral complexes to achieve the greatest effect?

The main rule for taking vitamin-mineral complexes is to take them after meals with a sufficient amount of liquid. The goal is to prevent possible dyspeptic symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. We do not have reliable data on the decisive importance of time of day in the effectiveness of vitamin prophylaxis.

Is it true that many vitamins and minerals are incompatible with each other and are destroyed when used in one complex?

One tablet of modern vitamin-mineral complexes can contain more than 20 active components. For most of these substances, there is data on their interactions with each other. Individual vitamins and minerals affect each other's stability.

To solve the problem of component compatibility when creating vitamin-mineral complexes of the “Complivit” line, special technological methods are used to separate certain vitamins and minerals in the composition of vitamin-mineral complexes in order to eliminate their interaction and maintain the stability of the active components of the drug throughout the entire stated shelf life.

Thanks to this technology, all vitamins and minerals are supplied unchanged gastrointestinal tract, and once from the granules into the intestines, they are mixed with the intestinal contents and absorbed into the bloodstream in the same way as vitamins and minerals from food. The effectiveness of vitamin prophylaxis is at high level.

It should be noted that the degree of safety and lack of unwanted interactions V mandatory is confirmed during the development and registration of the drug through special research, the results of which are verified by authorized government agencies when registering a drug.

How to choose a vitamin-mineral complex for yourself?

For the full functioning of all body systems, it is necessary to prevent deficiency of all micronutrients. For this purpose, it is advisable to take vitamin-mineral complexes (VMC), which ensure a balanced supply of components to the body, not exceeding permissible levels daily consumption.

When choosing a vitamin-mineral complex, first of all you should pay attention to the list of components in the composition of the drug. Preferred complexes include vitamins A, E, C, full list B vitamins and an expanded list of minerals (mainly magnesium, zinc, manganese, iron, phosphorus, selenium, calcium).

Specialized complexes, as a rule, include additional biological active substances(carotenoids, essential amino acids, extracts medicinal plants). When deciding which IUDs to prefer, it is necessary to take into account the endemicity of the area of ​​residence in terms of micronutrients (fluorine, iodine, selenium).

Essential vitamins For every person, daily, first of all, water-soluble vitamins (since they do not accumulate in the body and must be supplied regularly): vitamin C (deficiency is observed in 80-90% of the population of the Russian Federation**); B vitamins play a leading role in ensuring the normal functioning of the nervous system and maintaining mental activity. A special role is played by micronutrients - antioxidants (vitamins A, E, C; selenium, methionine), which neutralize the effect free radicals, which are formed when the body is exposed to unfavorable factors external environment(smoking, drinking alcohol, exposure to toxic substances) and have a damaging effect on the cells of various tissues and organs, which leads to the launch of various pathological reactions. Vitamin E also has positive influence on the functions of the gonads, nervous and muscle tissue.

A full-fledged complex of antioxidants is included in such a VMK as “Selmevit”. In order to prevent deficiency of essential micronutrients, it is advisable to take the “Complivit” vitamin and mineral complex, which ensures a balanced supply of vitamins and minerals to the body, not exceeding the permissible levels of daily intake.

Is it possible to use Complivit simultaneously with iodine preparations?

In accordance with the document “MR 2.3.1. 2432-08" The physiological requirement for iodine for adults is 150 mcg per day. If you refuse to use iodized salt in your daily food, it is advisable to additionally take a single preparation of iodine in the appropriate dosage simultaneously with the vitamin and mineral complex “Complivit®”

How should you take Complivit?

In accordance with the instructions for medical use VMK "Complivit®" is recommended to take the drug for 4 weeks in order to prevent deficiency of vitamins and minerals. On the recommendation of a specialist, the course of taking the drug can be increased accordingly.

The vitamin and mineral complex “Complivit®” should be taken 1 tablet once a day, always after meals, with a sufficient amount of liquid. The time of day does not play a significant role.

The Complivit preparation does not contain vitamin D. How will calcium be absorbed without it?

To absorb the amount of calcium (50.5 mg) contained in the Complivit® VMC, vitamin D consumed from liver, fish, eggs, butter as part of daily ration.

If it is necessary to prevent calcium and/or vitamin D deficiency, it is advisable to take the drug “Complivit® calcium D3”, one tablet of which contains half daily requirement in calcium and the appropriate amount of vitamin D3 for its absorption.