Test: Forest and biological resources of the Russian Federation. What are biological resources? Biological resources of the world

From this video lesson on the topic “Biological Resources and People” you will learn what biological resources are, get acquainted with their distribution throughout Russia and the problems associated with their conservation and protection.

Topic: Flora and fauna of Russia. Biological resources

Lesson: Biological Resources and People

The purpose of the lesson: to get acquainted with the role of living organisms, to find out what biological resources are, what types of them exist on the territory of Russia.

Biological resources are the living nature of the Earth, plants, animals and other living beings that are used or can be used by humans.

Biological resources, in fact, represent the most ancient type of resource that began to be used by humans.

To assess biological resources, the following concepts are used:

  1. Biomass is the mass of all living organisms
  2. Phytomass - the total mass of plants
  3. Zoomass - the total mass of animals
  4. Bioproductivity - biomass growth per unit of time

Biological resources are classified as exhaustible and renewable.

Those animals that a person breeds and the plants that he cultivates are also classified as biological resources. In general, assessing biological resources is difficult.

Rice. 1. Wheat field ()

The complexity of assessing biological resources can be explained using the example of forest resources. Forest is also a raw material for construction, a source of oxygen, energy, and a place of rest.

Do not forget about the enormous biological resources of the World Ocean. In many countries and some peoples, fish and sea animals are the main sources of food and subsistence.

Rice. 3. Fish catch ()

According to some estimates, there are about 2 million living creatures in the world, or even more.

Rice. 4. Biomass ()

Rice. 5. Total biomass ()

In general, the biomass of plants exceeds the biomass of animals in quantity (weight).

Plant resources:

  1. Forest (trees, berries, mushrooms)
  2. Forage (grasses)
  3. Food plant resources of the seas

Animal resources:

  1. Hunting and commercial (game, fur-bearing animals)
  2. Fish
  3. Marine (sea animals, bottom dwellers)

Russia has unique reserves of biological resources, but they are distributed unevenly, their distribution depends on natural areas and human activities. For example, the largest number of fur-bearing animals, berries, and mushrooms is found in the forest zone.

Among plant resources, forest resources are very important. Russia ranks first in the world in terms of the amount of forest resources. Fruits, seeds, berries, nuts, shoots, etc. also play an important role. All of them find the widest application. Many plants are used in treatment as an aesthetic material.

Rice. 6. Map of forest resources of Russia ()

Hunting and other types of animal resources are very diverse in Russia. They use fat, horns, meat, wool, skins and other living organisms. These resources are used in various sectors of the economy and areas of human activity, from medicine to the food industry.

The main game animals of Russia: squirrel, hare, sable, mink, fox, nutria, wolves, wild boars, deer, etc.

Rice. 7. Mink scarf ()

For many residents of our country, hunting is not only entertainment and pastime, but also a tradition and a means of livelihood. But we must not forget that, despite the ability to renew biological resources, their excessive destruction can lead to catastrophic consequences and the extinction of certain species.


Paragraph 27, 30.



1. Geography of Russia: Textbook. for 8-9 grades. general education institutions / Ed. A.I. Alekseeva: In 2 books. Book 1: Nature and population. 8th grade - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2009. - 320 p.

2. Geography of Russia. Nature. 8th grade: textbook. for general education institutions/ I.I. Barinova. - M.: Bustard; Moscow textbooks, 2011. - 303 p.

3. Geography. 8th grade: atlas. - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, DIK, 2013. - 48 p.

4. Geography. Russia. Nature and population. 8th grade: atlas - 7th ed., revision. - M.: Bustard; Publishing house DIK, 2010 - 56 p.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

1. Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia / A.P. Gorkin - M.: Rosman-Press, 2006. - 624 pp..

Literature for preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam

1. Thematic control. Geography. Nature of Russia. 8th grade: textbook. - Moscow: Intellect-Center, 2010. - 144 p.

2. Tests on Russian geography: grades 8-9: textbooks, ed. V.P. Dronov “Geography of Russia. 8-9 grades: textbook. for general education institutions”/ V.I. Evdokimov. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2009. - 109 p.

3. Getting ready for the State Examination. Geography. 8th grade. Final testing in exam format./auth.-comp. T.V. Abramova. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy LLC, 2011. - 64 p.

4. Tests. Geography. 6-10 grades: Educational and methodological manual / A.A. Letyagin. - M.: LLC "Agency "KRPA "Olympus": "Astrel", "AST", 2001. - 284 p.

Materials on the Internet

1. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ().

2. Russian Geographical Society ().

Natural resources concept

When we talk about nature, we often use the term “ natural resources" What is this? There is a fairly simple definition.

Definition 1

Natural resources - these are all the resources of nature that can be used by humans in economic activities as a source of raw materials or energy.

There are several views on the classification of natural resources. They are distinguished by location, by exhaustibility and possibility of restoration, and by the nature of the resources themselves. TO biological resources include all living organisms that a person can use for his own purposes. It was this type of resource that was the first of those that people began to use at the stage of human development. They provided the first human needs for food, clothing, and housing.

Biological resources in historical perspective

Since the emergence of mankind, plants have found their application in the life and everyday life of people. By collecting various roots, herbs, and fruits, a person satisfied his hunger. Some parts of plants served as means of defense or attack, as tools. Later, farming replaced gathering. The man began to grow plants himself and receive a guaranteed harvest.

Hunting and fishing are also among the oldest human activities. Animals provided humans with food, tools, materials for clothing and housing. Gradually, livestock farming was formed on the basis of hunting. Just like plant growing, it guaranteed people the results of their labor and reduced man’s dependence on the vagaries of nature. The seas provided the coastal population with fish, shellfish, crustaceans, and algae.

Biological resources of Russia

The vast territory of Russia is home to a large number of living organisms. Their species diversity is determined by environmental conditions. On the territory of Russia and in the surrounding waters of the World Ocean, more than $20$ thousand species of plants (including algae) and about $5$ thousand species of lichens are found. The country's fauna numbers more than $125 thousand species. The distribution of living organisms throughout the territory is extremely uneven. Plants and animals are closely interconnected and interdependent. In nature there are no extra organisms. Therefore, the entire set of living organisms constitutes biological resources. Even those organisms that are not directly used by humans take part in the circulation of substances and energy, gas exchange, and soil formation.

Zoning of biological resources

Let us consider the distribution of biological resources in connection with latitudinal zonation. Arctic desert zone poor in biological resources. But fishing for sea animals was the original occupation of the population of the northern coast of Russia. Pooh eiders highly valued in European markets.

Note 1

The Arctic desert zone is one of the least affected by human activity.

Tundra and forest-tundra zone already has a richer flora and fauna. The population hunts arctic fox, seals, breeds deer . Reindeer husbandry is developing. When developing tundra and forest-tundra, the moss layer is often damaged (ruts from all-terrain vehicles). It takes nature several decades to restore it. Since the annual growth of moss in the tundra zone is only $2 - 3$ mm. Irrational destruction of moss cover affects the food supply of animals.

Forest zone – one of the most involved in human activity. Wood served as a building material. Now it is also a valuable raw material for pulp and paper production and the chemical industry. Main industrial tree species – pine, spruce, larch, oak, beech, Siberian cedar . Berries, mushrooms and nuts significantly complement the diet of residents of the forest zone of Russia. Furry animal ( squirrel, marten, sable, arctic fox, beaver ) has served as an important means of replenishing the state treasury since ancient times. Bears, deer, moose, roe deer and other animals served not only as a source of meat. Their skins were used for making clothes and furnishing homes. And fat, liver, bile and other parts of carcasses have found their use in medicine. The Far Eastern forests are famous for harvesting ginseng root.

Forest-steppe and steppe zone most modified by man. The soils are plowed almost everywhere. Natural vegetation cover has been replaced by cultivated field plants. And areas that have not been plowed are used for hayfields and pastures. The fauna of this zone is relatively poor. But a large number of domestic animals requires a large amount of feed, including wild plants. People raise poultry, pigs, large and small livestock.

IN semi-desert and desert zones the flora is poor and was used for grazing. Wild animals valuable to humans – saigas, goitered gazelles, camels .

Protection of flora and fauna

The flora and fauna of Russia needs protection and careful use. A person cannot stop his economic activity. But there is an opportunity to limit it. For this purpose, areas are withdrawn from economic circulation. In these territories, economic activity is either completely prohibited or limited. Such protected areas include reserves, nature reserves, national and natural parks. In 2014, in Russia there were $109$ nature reserves, $46$ national parks, $71$ federal reserves, $28$ federal natural monuments, and more than $1200$ regional protected areas of various ranks. The total area of ​​protected areas in Russia amounted to approximately $12% of the country's area.

Plants and animals that are at risk of extinction are listed in Red Book of Russia , published in $2001. So, extinction threatens tiger, cheetah, bison, white crane . And plants like boxwood, lotus, ginseng may also disappear in the near future. In total, $415 species and subspecies of animals and $533 species of rare and endangered plants are included in the Red Book of Russia. This book consists of two volumes. ( volume $1$ – “Animals”, volume $2$ – “Plants” ). In addition to the Federal Red Book, there are regional Red Books.

Our task is not only to preserve endangered species of plants and animals for future generations, but also to preserve the complex of interrelations of all components of the geographical envelope. Otherwise, by destroying part of the natural complex, we can destroy the entire planet.

Biological resources of Russia are a collection of flora and fauna, spreading in haloes of their habitat throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation. Taking into account the large extent of the borders of the Russian Federation, one can observe a significant diversity of plant and animal complexes and species: the animals inhabiting the Arctic tundra, as well as the plant surface of this natural zone of Russia, are extremely different from the flora and fauna of the Russian subtropics.

In total, there are nine natural zones in Russia, each of which is dominated by its own unique representatives of the animal world and certain plant species can grow unhindered and abundantly. In their entirety, biological resources create the biomass and appearance of our country.

Importance of biological resources

The importance of biological resources is difficult to overestimate. We can only list what biological resources do for our planet, and in particular for our country - Russia:

Bioresources create the soil layer;

They enrich the atmosphere with oxygen and participate in gas exchange between living beings;

Protect the soil layer from leaching and erosion;

They are a source of food for humans;

Serve as food for other living organisms;

Used in a variety of industrial fields;

Preserve the purity of the planet's water resources.

Thus, biological resources are living organisms that can be used by humans and bring him some benefit.

Biological resources are divided into:

Zoomass - the totality of animal species;

Phytomass (the totality of plant and wood resources)

Bioresources are exhaustible and renewable.

In order to somehow imagine all the diversity and impressive number of biological resources, you need to comprehend the figure of two million - that is how many living beings live on our planet.

The Russian Federation contains absolutely all types of biological resources - they are inextricably linked with the natural areas of our country. From the Arctic to the desert, all biological resources must be classified.

Flora and fauna are two main blocks, which together form the concept of “biological resources”.


Flora (phytomass) is divided into:

Forest resources (timber/non-timber);


Food oceanic (algae)

Feed resources are divided into:

Agricultural land and arable land;

Fruit and vegetable plantations, gardens and vegetable gardens;

Industrial fields (hayfields for feeding livestock)

Russia rightfully ranks first in terms of forest area (45% of the entire territory of the Russian Federation), both primary and secondary plantations (planted by humans). Primary forest plantations include forests that arose independently of human efforts. Secondary forests are planted thanks to humans, usually in places of massive deforestation, along roadsides, along river banks to protect soil from washing out, in desert areas to prevent soil erosion under the influence of wind.

Unfortunately, plant biological resources, especially this nuance concerns forests, are slowly being renewed. Therefore, the ratio of primary and secondary forests should inexorably increase in favor of the latter, especially taking into account the fact that in our country forests are rapidly being destroyed through massive industrial logging.


Fauna (zoomass) is divided into species:

Hunting and fishing;


Hunting and commercial species include fur-bearing animals, predators of the taiga, forest-steppe and steppe, specially bred in nurseries for hunting dogs and hawk birds. Fish resources include living organisms that live in rivers, lakes and seas. Agricultural resources include cattle, herds of horses, flocks of deer, flocks of sheep, broods of pigs, poultry and other animal species. Of the total biomass of the Earth, 97% (about 1265 billion tons) is made up of plants, and only 3% is occupied by representatives of the animal world. But how diverse are the species within these three percent, how many populations, species and subspecies are included in these seemingly small numbers!

Protection of biological resources

As mentioned above, biological resources are exhaustible. This must be remembered. Participating in the global circulation of matter, man is an integral part of the animal and plant worlds, and cannot fully exist and function without maintaining a close connection with flora and fauna. Based on this, a completely reasonable conclusion arises: biological resources, due to their limitations, must be protected. The protection of flora and fauna in Russia can be expressed in:

The adoption of legislative acts of the Russian Federation stipulating which actions in relation to biological resources are allowed and which are considered illegal, for example, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection”;

Activities of law enforcement agencies to investigate crimes against flora and fauna in accordance with Chapter 26 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Environmental crimes”;

Conscious actions of citizens and public associations aimed at protecting biological resources, their careful use and maintaining the necessary conditions for their renewal.

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Previous topic: Flora and fauna of Russia: characteristic features
Next topic:   Natural resource potential of Russia: characteristics and assessment of resources

When talking about nature, the phrase “natural resources” is often used. Let's analyze it and give a simple but comprehensive definition of this concept.

Natural resources should be understood as everything that is available in the surrounding world and can be useful for people to carry out their life activities.

Everything that falls under the above definition can be classified according to a number of characteristics - replenishment, location, as well as nature and exhaustibility. Here, biological resources stand apart - it is these that humanity began to use earlier than others. These include representatives of the animal and plant world around us, what is called fauna and flora.

Biological resources in historical perspective

Man acquired his first experience in the development of natural resources back in time immemorial, mastering the craft of hunting, fishing and gathering. Thus, he satisfied his need for nutrition, which is the basis of the life of any organism. In addition, the bones of hunted animals, as well as parts of plants, served to create primitive tools, means of defense and attack, which gave another impetus to the development of mankind.

Subsequently, humans mastered agriculture and cattle breeding. These types of activities made it possible to receive guaranteed and regular food, as well as to satisfy their needs for clothing and other needs. People have become less dependent on nature, which has put humanity on a new, more progressive stage of development.

Biological resources of Russia

In the vast expanses of Russia there are a lot of different species of flora and fauna that can be used to meet everyday needs. 5 thousand species of primitive lichens, over 20 thousand plant species represent a unique diversity. As for animals, over 125 thousand species live in the vastness of the country. All beings are closely interconnected. There is nothing superfluous in their relationships, and at the same time, not a single species can exist separately, without participating in natural processes. Soil formation, gas exchange, and energy cycle occur with the direct participation of all representatives of biological diversity.

But as rich and amazing as this surrounding world is, it is so uneven in its distribution throughout the country. First of all, the diversity of biological resources of a particular region is influenced by climatic factors.

Zoning of biological resources

Let's start looking at the distribution of biological resources from north to south. It is noticeable that the further south you go, the more noticeable are the changes in biological diversity.

Arctic deserts are the poorest regions, little affected by human activity. But even in these areas with a harsh climate there is life that can be exploited. For a long time, the peoples of the North hunted sea animals here, and the catch was used as efficiently as possible. Everything was used - meat, fat, skins, bones. In addition, the polar bird eider has unique down, the thermal insulation properties of which, combined with lightness, were valued by Europeans.

Tundra and forest-tundra already have great biological diversity. The locals hunt here for food: arctic fox, as well as walrus and seal. Local territories are suitable for cattle breeding, so the population has mastered reindeer husbandry.

Often human activities do not benefit nature. Moss, which is the main food for deer, is sometimes damaged during the development of the tundra, and it takes decades to restore it, since mosses grow no more than 3 mm per year. As a result, the region's livestock industry is suffering.

The forest zone is most susceptible to the consequences of human economic activity. First of all, wood from various tree species, both coniferous and deciduous, is extracted here. Residents are actively involved in gathering due to the presence of mushrooms and berries in the forests. In addition, the Far Eastern forests are rich in such a valuable plant as ginseng. They also hunt - fur-bearing animals are represented here in a wide variety, and since time immemorial, their skins have been one of the sources of replenishment of the state budget. There are also other animals, as well as birds, whose meat is eaten. In addition, individual organs of harvested animals were widely used in folk medicine.

The zone of steppes and forest-steppes most fully felt the influence of man. Field cultivation and gardening are developed here, and therefore the natural wild vegetation was significantly destroyed, and fields and gardens appeared in its place. The same areas that were not used for this became places for haymaking and grazing. Due to the scarcity of fauna, the local population practically does not engage in hunting, but actively raises livestock - there are a large number of cattle, sheep, pigs, horses, and poultry.

The desert and semi-desert zone is distinguished by the poverty of flora and fauna, so human economic activity is reduced only to grazing livestock. The main animals used by the locals are camels and donkeys. Wild saigas and goitered gazelles are hunted.

Protection of flora and fauna

People, satisfying their needs, sometimes recklessly exploit the flora and fauna of the country. Because of this, nature needs protection and support. First of all, we are talking about limiting activities. Huge areas are withdrawn from economic circulation, and in their place nature reserves, sanctuaries, national and natural parks are created. 12 percent of the country’s territory is made up of protected areas, and their number exceeds 1,000.

Despite all the measures taken, many species of animals and plants are in danger of extinction. In order to legally formalize the protection of rare biological species, the Red Book of Russia was published. It includes about 400 species of animals and more than 500 species of plants. In addition, similar Red Books are available in the regions of the country.

Caring for nature and rational use of its resources is an indicator of the level of civilization of the population of any country. And how we take care of what we have today will determine what our descendants will see after us.


genetic resources, organisms or parts thereof, populations or any other biotic components of ecosystems having actual or potential utility or value to humanity (Convention on Biological Diversity.)

EdwART. Terms and definitions on environmental protection, environmental management and environmental safety. Dictionary, 2010

Biological resources

living sources of obtaining material goods necessary for humans (food, raw materials for industry, material for the selection of cultivated plants, farm animals and microorganisms, for recreational use). B.r. - the most important component of the human environment, these are plants, animals, fungi, algae, bacteria, as well as their combinations - communities and ecosystems (forests, meadows, aquatic ecosystems, swamps, etc.). To B.r. also include organisms that are cultivated by humans: cultivated plants, domestic animals, strains of bacteria and fungi used in industry and agriculture. Due to the ability of organisms to reproduce, all B.r. are renewable, but a person must maintain conditions under which the renewability of B.R. will be implemented. With the modern system of using B.r. a significant part of them is threatened with destruction.

EdwART. Dictionary of environmental terms and definitions, 2010

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