Short cycle and scanty periods. Is scant discharge a deviation? Traditional methods of restoring the intensity of menstruation

Scanty periods become a serious problem for every woman of childbearing age; the causes of this disorder are varied, but in any case this situation should not be ignored.

Characteristics of the disease hypomenorrhea

Hypomenorrhea is insufficient blood loss during menstrual bleeding, when the amount of blood released is less than the minimum physiological norm. In other words, hypomenorrhea is scanty menstruation.

Physiologically normal level menstrual blood loss - from 50 to 150 ml. The release of insufficient blood may be due to physiological reasons. First of all, this may be the primary formation of the menstrual cycle at the stage of puberty or premenopause on the eve of the withering of the reproductive abilities of the woman’s body. Hypomenorrhea can be caused by certain diseases and pathological processes in the female body. Therefore, poor menstruation is an important reason for visiting a gynecologist. Especially if this reduces the duration of menstruation, i.e. oligomenorrhea. Another dangerous sign is amenorrhea, i.e. complete absence menstrual flow.

Etiology of the disease

The main causes of scanty menstruation of a pathological nature, causing a decrease in the volume of menstrual flow, are: functional disorder ovaries and the medullary appendage - the pituitary gland. These organs control menofunction female body. The formation of an appropriate menstrual cycle and regularity depend on their normal functioning. critical days, normal volume of blood discharge.

Scanty periods without blood can be the result of various pathologies of the mucosal, i.e., internal, layer of the uterus, its mucous membrane - the endometrium. Its damage can be caused by repeated abortions and curettages, as well as errors by the specialist who performed these procedures.

A decrease in the amount of hormones produced, i.e., a decrease in their cyclic secretion, destroys blood circulation in the tissues of the uterus. This, in turn, causes various pathologies endometrial layer. As a result of these processes, little blood is released on critical days.

Another common one, when the amount of discharge is significantly less than normal - various diseases internal organs. These can be inflammatory, infectious, etc. diseases that affect genitourinary organs. For example, tuberculosis of the genital organs. These ailments greatly weaken a woman’s body, causing, among other things, scanty, short menstruation.

Common causes of scanty periods:

  • surgical operations of the genitourinary system;
  • underdevelopment of the genitourinary organs;
  • fragmentary surgical removal uterus according to medical prescriptions;
  • infection of the genital organs;
  • metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency;
  • low level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • a significant decrease in body weight due to exhaustion or improper diet;
  • primary or drug-induced anorexia;
  • errors when using hormonal contraceptives;
  • period breastfeeding- lactation;
  • diseases of the endocrinological system;
  • disorders and diseases of the central nervous system;
  • constant radiation exposure or contact with strong chemicals in the workplace;
  • household intoxications;
  • immune system disorder.

One-time scanty periods are most often caused by stressful conditions, various kinds of changes in the usual life cycle women. When normalizing general condition body menstrual cycle is also restored, and the discharge becomes normal.

If scanty periods reappear, you should immediately undergo examination by a gynecologist. This will help determine exactly why your periods are weak. Especially if the number of critical days increases, that is, periods become longer. This indicates serious pathologies of the uterus that need to be treated. Otherwise, a woman cannot avoid infertility and other serious problems.

Symptoms of pathology

The main symptom of insufficient blood loss is drip discharge during menstrual periods. The color of such discharge can be lighter and darker than usual. It depends on the reason affecting the composition of the discharge. With various types of injuries, the percentage of damaged red blood cells in the released blood increases. Therefore, the color of the discharge becomes more intense, even dark brown.

An increase in the number of damaged white blood cells lightens the color of the discharge to a pale yellow hue. This is most often caused by infectious and inflammatory diseases.

The duration of critical days remains normal or is reduced. Disorders of the menstrual cycle are possible, for example, a delay in the next menstruation.

All of these processes may be accompanied by such symptoms as:

  • headache;
  • increased normal menstrual pain;
  • the appearance of unusual pain during menstruation;
  • uterine contractions of a spastic nature;
  • lumbar pain;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • digestive system disorder;
  • general weakness;
  • nasal

Even in the absence of everyone specified symptoms the very fact of the appearance of drips instead of normal menstrual bleeding in sexually mature women becomes a cause for concern.

Dark color of discharge

The dark color of menstrual discharge during scanty periods is caused by the following reasons:

  • acute or chronic endometritis;
  • improperly performed intrauterine interventions;
  • endometrial hyperplasia.

The use of hormonal contraceptives at first also causes dark spots to appear. This is a normal situation in the first 1-2 months after starting to use a contraceptive. If the situation repeats after the specified period, the contraceptive must be changed.

Formation of the menstrual cycle

In the first stages of puberty, with the appearance of the first menstruation in teenage girls, the formation of the menstrual cycle and hormonal transformation of the body begin. Therefore, during this period, menstruation most often goes poorly, which is not dangerous sign, even if they are accompanied by pain of different localization.

The color of the discharge itself during early scanty menstruation very often differs from the physiological norm. The color range of the discharge can range from light brown to yellowish. As the corresponding functions of the maturing body develop, everything gradually returns to normal.

Syndrome in pregnant women

In the first 4-5 weeks of pregnancy, scanty menstruation is quite possible. Especially if the restructuring of hormonal processes in a woman’s body has not yet been completed.

During the period of gestation, expectant mothers in some cases experience scanty menstrual discharge. The main reason for this process is pathology of the endocrine system and failure of the formation and release of ovarian or pituitary hormones. In this case, there is an excess of androgens and a lack of progesterone. In addition, scanty menstrual flow appears due to ectopic pregnancy, pathologies of fetal development or heart defects in the unborn child. During scanty periods, a woman preparing to become a mother may be bothered by symptoms such as:

  • pain;
  • general weakness;
  • indigestion - dyspepsia;
  • nausea, vomiting and other signs of food poisoning.

Therefore, if any vaginal discharge appears, a pregnant woman should see a gynecologist. After the examination, the doctor will determine what needs to be done. Hormonal adjustments or other procedures may be necessary.

Starting from 5-6 weeks bloody vaginal discharge when carrying a fetus, they may appear if there is a threat of spontaneous abortion or detachment of the ovum. The threat of miscarriage is diagnosed by the following symptoms:

  • red color of blood discharge;
  • mild nagging pain in the pelvic area (in the 1st trimester);
  • cramping pain and self-excretion of embryonic tissue remnants (in the 2nd trimester).

Scanty discharge after childbirth

During the postpartum period, a woman's hormonal levels change. The menstrual cycle is restored gradually. All this, coupled with lactation, affects the characteristics of menstruation and the amount of bleeding. at this stage are due to physiological reasons. Over time, the menstrual cycle will be completely restored.

A dangerous sign is the duration of scanty postpartum periods. In this case, scanty menstruation can occur due to insufficient secretion of pituitary hormones. Another dangerous cause is postpartum inflammation, infections, medical errors during obstetrics, and postpartum stress. In this situation, the woman requires a course of maintenance therapy.

After curettage or abortion, very scanty periods are often observed, especially if the fetus was removed incorrectly. In this case it is possible:

  • deterioration of general condition;
  • pain in the lower abdominal cavity;
  • hyperthermia;
  • darkening of discharge;
  • unpleasant, even putrid odor of menstrual blood.

You should undergo an examination to begin treatment for infectious or inflammatory diseases that caused these symptoms.

Most likely, repeated curettage will be required to remove the remains of the fetal membrane.

Diagnostic measures

When scanty menstruation reappears, it is very important to determine the exact cause of this process. Therefore, it is necessary to:

  • anamnestic conversation;
  • thorough examination on a gynecological chair;
  • biopsy of the mucous layer of the uterus - endometrium;
  • bacteriological culture;
  • laboratory testing of blood and urine to determine the level of sex hormones;
  • PCR to detect genitourinary infections;
  • Ultrasound of the uterus, ovaries and pelvic organs;
  • measurement of basic body temperature.

Therapeutic measures

Scanty menstruation caused by various physiological reasons, special treatment not required. Usually a light maintenance course, correction of the general regimen and proper nutrition are sufficient.

When the cause of scanty periods is diseases of the internal organs, first of all you need to start treating the underlying disease. Homeopathic medicines are often used to treat hypomenorrhea itself.

The cause of scanty periods is often such disorders of the central nervous system as:

  • apathy;
  • depression;
  • stressful situations;
  • chronic lack of sleep and overwork.

In these cases, the course of treatment necessarily includes psychotherapeutic drugs and courses of physiological procedures.

Traditional medicine recipes

If your periods are short due to physiological reasons, you can stabilize the process by means of traditional medicine. For this purpose, freshly prepared aloe juice is used, infusions of such medicinal plants, How:

  • St. John's wort;
  • oregano;
  • tansy;
  • shepherd's purse;
  • verbena.

These products should not be used during the formation of the menstrual cycle, during breastfeeding, or during the decline of reproductive function female body. Therefore, to avoid mistakes, it is better to consult a gynecologist first.

The normal course of menstruation is ensured by such factors as healthy image life, balanced diet, motor activity, giving up bad habits, normal sex life. Be healthy!

Scanty periods– these are short and minor bleeding, uncharacteristic of normal menstruation, with a preserved rhythm of menstruation. The duration of scanty periods, as a rule, does not exceed three days, and blood loss decreases several times, but the number of days between menstruation does not change.

Scanty periods have many causes, which do not always correlate with pathology. It is perhaps impossible to find a woman who has never experienced single changes in the nature of her menstrual cycle. The nature of menstruation can be affected by stress, hypothermia, infectious diseases, excessive physical and emotional stress, taking certain medications and non-gynecological diseases. Short-term scanty menstruation may appear after curettage of the uterine cavity for diagnosis or termination of pregnancy. As a rule, any deviations from the norm that the body has coped with on its own are not correlated with the disease.

Scanty periods are also not a pathology if they manifest the onset of puberty in girls. Light menstruation during this period is associated with inadequate hormonal regulation. The gradual natural attenuation of hormonal function during menopause leads to the appearance of scanty periods, and then to their complete disappearance. Similar to the scanty periods of puberty, the distortion of menstrual function during menopause is physiological.

Menstrual irregularities remain the most common complaint among patients of all age groups. Often, women misinterpret the symptoms that appear, correlating any bloody vaginal discharge with menstrual irregularities. To navigate correctly in diversity clinical signs menstrual dysfunction, it is necessary to understand how the hormonal system of the female body functions and why menstruation occurs.

The menstrual cycle is measured by the number of days that elapse from the start of one menstrual bleeding to the start of the next. Typically this period is 28 days, but fluctuations from 25 to 35 days are allowed. Menstrual bleeding does not last longer than a week for most, but should exceed three days. The most difficult thing is to measure the amount of blood lost; for each woman this value is purely individual and can vary depending on many circumstances. It is conventionally accepted to consider this value normal if it ranges from 40-150 ml. For convenience, it is believed that if a woman does not have to change more than four pads per day, her menstrual blood loss is normal. Lean periods are characterized by a significant decrease in blood loss (less than 40 ml) while maintaining the normal interval between menstruation.

The menstrual cycle is intended for the sole purpose of ensuring the possibility of pregnancy.

The formation of the menstrual cycle involves:

- Brain. Biologically active substances, synthesized in the pituitary-hypothalamus system, the central nervous system “controls” the ovaries. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) of the pituitary gland is responsible for the first phase of the menstrual cycle, and luteinizing hormone (LH) for the second.

- Ovaries. They are a source of estrogens (estradiol and estriol), as well as gestagens (progesterone). Ovarian hormones are also synthesized cyclically and influence structural cyclic changes in mucous layer uterus (endometrium). In the first phase of the cycle, estrogens dominate, and in the second, progesterone takes their place.

Every month, an egg is formed and matures in the ovaries. In the first phase, it is located in a special anatomical formation - a follicle, which protects it and provides nutrients. By the middle of the cycle, the egg has fully matured and, destroying the follicle wall, leaves the ovary for potential fertilization. This process is called ovulation.

- Uterus. Structural changes in the uterus depend on ovarian hormones. In the first phase, under the influence of estrogens, the endometrium grows and increases in volume, sprouting new blood vessels. In the absence of pregnancy, in the second phase of the cycle, all changes that have occurred are eliminated, and the overgrown endometrium is gradually rejected. The culmination of complete rejection of the uterine epithelium is menstrual bleeding.

The cause of scanty periods can be in any of the listed links that form a normal cycle, so the diagnostic search often takes a long period of time and includes an impressive list of studies.

Therapy for scanty periods comes down to eliminating their cause.

It should be recalled that scanty periods always come regularly, coinciding with the expected normal menstruation, and differ from it only in the amount of blood lost. Minor blood loss is reduced to a few drops of scarlet blood or spotting brown discharge, which are the only symptom of scanty menstruation. Any intermenstrual scanty bloody vaginal discharge is not menstruation.

Reasons for scanty periods

Scanty menstruation is evidence of a disruption in the growth of endometrioid tissue in the first, follicular, phase of the cycle. Since the menstrual cycle is formed with the participation of many organs and systems, disturbances in the normal functioning of each of them can lead to such changes. For example, scanty periods are provoked by some non-gynecological reasons, namely:

- Sexual infantilism, expressed in underdevelopment genitals, when they do not reach the required “maturity” and remain similar to “children’s”. In such women, the disturbance in the nature of menstruation is always primary, that is, the first menstruation is already scanty, and it remains so in the subsequent time, not disappearing without appropriate therapy.

Also, primary scanty periods are observed in those with congenital malformations of the genitals.

— Disorders of the glands internal secretion. The hormonal function of the reproductive system is closely related to the activity endocrine glands, therefore, pathologies of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands can deform normal menstrual function.

— Acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory processes also affect the menstrual cycle. Perhaps, many women noted the connection between an infectious disease and the nature of menstruation, when scanty menstruation occurs against the background of even an ordinary “cold” or an exacerbation of a chronic infection. As a rule, such violations are always only episodic in nature and go away on their own after infectious process subsides.

— Diseases of the central nervous system. Pathological processes in the area of ​​the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, the processes of “control” of the menstrual cycle are deformed, as a result, the correct ratio of hormones affecting the endometrium changes.

More often, the causes of scanty periods are localized in gynecological field. Scanty menstruation may occur due to:

— Curettage of the uterine cavity for the purpose of termination of pregnancy (abortion) or for diagnosis. The appearance of scanty periods after such manipulations is explained by traumatic damage to the endometrium and its subsequent inferiority.

Scanty periods after hysteroscopy are also associated with endometrial injury. Sometimes during this procedure it is performed diagnostic curettage, polyp removal and/or biopsy.

Excessive scraping of the inner uterine layer can lead to the destruction of part of the endometrioid tissue; scanty periods after such a situation appear as a result of a decrease in the area of ​​the endometrium.

Also, traumatic intrauterine manipulations are fraught with the development of infectious complications, and their consequences are menstrual disorders.

— Reception hormonal drugs containing estrogens and/or progesterone. Scanty periods after taking OCs (oral contraceptives) do not always mean a deviation. During the period of their use, the menstrual cycle is partly artificially simulated in such a way that the onset of ovulation becomes impossible. When a woman stops using hormones for contraception, the ovaries begin to work at full capacity and try to restore the previous physiological cycle, for this they need a certain time period. During the recovery period, the nature of menstruation changes. Scanty periods after OCs, as a rule, do not last long, and then are restored, provided that the woman was healthy before taking them.

Patients often complain of scanty periods after Duphaston or analogues similar in composition. The progesterone it contains inhibits the production of estrogen, so the endometrium grows slightly in the first phase, and menstruation becomes scanty.

As is the case with other hormonal contraceptives, scanty periods after Duphaston do not last longer than three subsequent cycles, and then menstruation returns to the physiological norm.

— Natural hormonal changes in the female body. The period of formation of normal menstrual function in girls is accompanied by natural hormonal deficiency, namely hypoestrogenism. Until the final maturation of the ovaries, menstruation may be scanty, but upon completion of sexual development they should become normal.

Scanty periods after 40 years can also be due to natural causes. The hormonal function of the ovaries fades gradually, allowing the body to adapt to a new life period, so menstruation does not disappear immediately. There is a gradual, from cycle to cycle, decrease in the amount of menstrual blood, and by the time of menopause, menstruation stops. However, it is incorrect to believe that scanty periods after 40 years always correlate with age-related physiology. Menopausal changes occur differently for everyone and at different ages, therefore, any change in the nature of menstruation after forty years requires study.

Scanty brown periods

More often, scanty menstruation looks like discharge brown spotting for two days or less, but even very scanty periods remain cyclical and come only during the period of expected normal menstruation. The dark color of menstrual discharge is due to the fact that a small amount of discharged blood on the way from the uterine cavity manages to coagulate and turn brown.

Minor menstrual blood loss in the form of scanty brown discharge may be genetic in nature. Sometimes patients with scanty periods indicate the presence of women in the family (mother, aunts, grandmothers, sisters) with similar changes. In this case, scanty menstruation does not prevent pregnancy and does not affect the woman’s health.

Very scanty periods in the form of spotting brown discharge against the background of menopause are not considered a pathology, as well as the beginning of the first menstruation in girls entering puberty.

It should be noted that slight brown vaginal discharge is not a scanty menstruation if it:

- do not coincide with next menstruation according to the period, but appear in the intermenstrual period (that is, between two normal menstruation);

- begin a few days before the start of normal menstruation;

- appear in last days menses;

- occur in the first few days after an abortion, diagnostic procedures or childbirth;

- found in women who have overcome menopause.

For scanty periods after hysteroscopy, patients may mistake slight brown discharge associated with endometrial injury, when a small amount of coagulated dark blood from the wound area is released out.

Scanty brown discharge during pregnancy cannot be menstruation, but it is not always associated with serious pathology. Any brown discharge that appears in a pregnant woman due to pain deserves special attention.

Women also make mistakes in terms when they point out scanty periods after IVF ( artificial insemination). If fertilization was successful and pregnancy occurred, brown discharge cannot be menstruation, and the so-called “scanty periods after IVF” can have serious consequences, and can also be a sign of the onset of miscarriage. If brown discharge appears immediately after the artificial insemination procedure, it may be associated with minor trauma to the endometrium. As a rule, in this case they go away on their own and do no harm.

Patients often ask whether pregnancy is possible after scanty periods. There is no clear answer to this. The likelihood of pregnancy depends on the cause of scanty menstruation. A favorable situation is the preserved biphasic cycle and the presence of ovulation.

With thyroid dysfunction, pregnancy after scanty periods without appropriate treatment is unlikely. Excessive secretion of thyroid hormones provokes scanty menstruation and leads to lack of ovulation. Scanty periods after a miscarriage are often also a consequence of thyroid pathology.

Scanty periods cannot be an independent diagnosis; as a symptom, they are more often present in the clinic of infertility, hypomenstrual syndrome, inflammatory gynecological ailments, and sexual infantilism. Often scanty periods precede their complete disappearance ().

The diagnostic search for the causes of scanty periods is not easy. It begins with a conversation with the patient, during which the nature of menstrual irregularities and the time of their appearance are clarified. Sometimes a woman accurately names the situation in which the nature of menstruation has changed: stress, infection, abortion, and so on. Then they are carried out sequentially:

— Standard gynecological examination.

— Laboratory research. The composition is being studied vaginal microflora, the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in it.

— Study of hormonal status. Determination of key hormones (FSH, LH, progesterone, estrogens, prolactin) in accordance with the phases of the cycle helps to establish the character hormonal dysfunction. If a pathology of the thyroid gland is suspected, the level of thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, T4) is determined and an ultrasound scan of the gland is performed.

Ultrasound examination pelvic organs. Provides information about the structure of the endometrium, the presence of any (including inflammatory) changes in the uterus and appendages, and also diagnoses their developmental defects.

- X-ray of the skull and sella turcica. When the level of the hormone prolactin in the blood increases, the presence of a tumor (adenoma) of the pituitary gland, which can affect the nature of menstruation, is excluded.

- Hysteroscopy. A method that allows you to directly examine the uterine cavity and “take away” a fragment of the endometrium for research.

The diagnostic search stops only after the cause of menstrual irregularities has been established.

Scanty periods after delay, pregnancy and childbirth

If after a delay you have scanty periods, similar to a few drops of blood or dark brown spotting, you should not sit at home in the hope that the cause is harmless and everything will recover on its own.

Indeed, sometimes there are no serious reasons for scanty menstruation due to a delay. Such disturbances sometimes occur in completely healthy women after hypothermia, strong emotional experiences, or physical overload. And amid the craze for weight-loss diets in recent years very scanty periods are being diagnosed more and more often, as sudden and significant weight loss leads to hormonal disorders and. As a rule, if the cause of scanty discharge does not have a pathological basis and is caused by external reasons, to restore previous normal menstrual bleeding, it is often necessary to eliminate the provoking factor.

If, after a delay, a woman has scanty periods and does not rule out pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct proper tests. Menstrual-like scanty discharge during pregnancy is not always associated with serious pathology. In some cases, at the stage of embryo implantation, very scanty, short-term spotting appears. However, they are not normal if they are accompanied by aching pain, fever, deterioration in health, which are a harbinger of termination of pregnancy.

Scanty periods after a delay may indicate development. Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are often erased; they increase gradually as the embryo grows in the “wrong” place. Characteristic is the appearance of scanty dark red discharge, similar to expected menstruation. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that it imitates a true, uterine pregnancy, especially in the absence of other symptoms. If the result is positive for pregnancy spotting in combination with nagging pain are perceived as a threatening miscarriage.

Scanty periods after childbirth, especially the first ones, often indicate hormonal imbalance, when the body did not have time to reproduce a sufficient amount of hormones for full menstruation after a long break. The onset of the first postpartum menstruation in nursing mothers is delayed for more late period, allowing the body to “accumulate” the necessary hormones, and those who stop breastfeeding early experience scanty first periods more often. If such menstruation is temporary and is not accompanied by alarming symptoms(pain, temperature, etc.), no special therapeutic measures are required. Treatment is necessary only if the normal menstrual cycle after childbirth cannot be restored on its own.

Similar to postpartum disorders, scanty periods after a miscarriage are of a hormonal nature, when, after a sudden spontaneous termination of pregnancy, a rapid change in the ratio of hormones occurs.

Scanty periods after a frozen pregnancy often indicate hormonal cause. This condition It is a rare pathology, and its origins continue to be investigated. Not really for obvious reasons the fetus stops growing and “freezes.” Scanty periods after a frozen pregnancy can also be caused by a chronic genital infection.

Whatever the reasons for scanty menstruation, you should not make a diagnosis yourself, much less treat it. Long-term scanty menstruation can lead to their complete disappearance and infertility.

Treatment of scanty periods

The treatment of scanty menstrual flow must be approached in a differentiated manner, because not every such disorder has serious causes. The decision on the method and timing of treatment is made only after necessary examination and determining the cause of menstrual irregularities.

Primary scanty menstruation, based on congenital anomalies of the genitals, requires additional examination from an endocrinologist, surgeon and geneticist. More often than not, the result of a joint decision is surgical correction existing defects of sexual development.

In young girls, scanty periods during puberty do not require serious therapeutic measures. More often, dynamic monitoring of changes in the nature of menstrual bleeding is sufficient. If menstrual function at the end of puberty does not correspond to the norm, and menstruation still remains scanty, the question of the possibility of hormonal correction is being decided.

Scanty periods do not require special drug treatment, If:

- they are diagnosed in women entering menopause;

- they appeared in the background viral infection or colds;

- the patient is underweight or has lost it artificially (fasting, dieting, excessive exercise);

— they were provoked by stress;

— they appeared while taking OCs or other hormonal drugs;

- This is the first menstruation after childbirth.

The most popular method of treating scanty periods is hormone therapy. After a preliminary examination of the hormonal status, an individual treatment regimen is selected to correct the ratio of sex hormones.

If scanty periods are combined with, hormonal correction is not always able to restore the ovulatory two-phase cycle, therefore, after the volume of menstrual blood loss due to hormone intake has been restored, stimulation of ovulation is necessary.

Antibacterial therapy is prescribed for the inflammatory etiology of scanty periods.

Whatever the reason for scanty periods, before starting etiotropic therapy weight correction is carried out, immune disorders are eliminated.

Traditional medicine as an independent therapeutic method scanty periods as monotherapy can help only in a small number of cases, it usually has an auxiliary value.

Normally, your period should be dark red in color and have a slightly sour odor. The daily discharge rate is usually several tens of milliliters.

Dark and scanty periods - this means that the blood discharge has a brownish tint, it is very rare (less than 50 ml per day), and often takes the form of spotting, which is not normal for normal menstruation. Sometimes these are accompanied unpleasant smell. They acquire a dark color due to the fact that, starting to flow from the uterine cavity, the blood coagulates and as a result darkens.

Scanty periods are often combined with:

  • cramping pain in;
  • headache;
  • pain in lumbar region;
  • a feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • vomiting.

It happens that scanty periods are passed from mother to daughter along the family line. In this case, we cannot talk about any pathologies; this is a completely normal phenomenon that will not affect either the woman’s health or the pregnancy.

Causes of dark, scanty periods

Why are periods black and scanty? There is a series to this the following reasons:

  • disturbances in endometrial production (due to acute or chronic inflammation, abortion, genital tuberculosis, etc.);
  • pathologies in the functioning of the ovaries and pituitary gland;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, diseases of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland (as a result - hormonal imbalance);
  • anemia;
  • deficiency of vitamins in the body;
  • suffered injuries or;
  • metabolic disorders (weight loss or weight gain);
  • pregnancy (including ectopic);
  • psycho-emotional experiences, stress, nervous diseases;
  • interruption of sexual activity for a long time;
  • incorrect selection of contraceptives.

Very scanty periods are a common occurrence with infantilism, which is characterized by improper maturation of the genital organs, a stop in their development at the teenage level, or when congenital defects genitals. Infantilism must be treated, otherwise a woman will never be able to give birth to children.

Sexually transmitted diseases can be the reason why menstruation becomes scanty. It is important to pay attention to the often accompanying venereal diseases symptoms:

  • pain when;
  • itching or burning sensation in the perineum or vagina;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • strange smell.

Read also 🗓 Scanty periods: causes, symptoms, treatment

During pregnancy, scanty dark-colored discharge with a simultaneous increase in temperature, malaise, and pain in the lower abdomen require urgent consultation with a gynecologist, as they often foreshadow an imminent miscarriage.

Scanty discharge can begin almost healthy woman due to banal hypothermia or nervous experience.

Whatever the cause of scanty periods, it is impossible to determine their cause, much less try to treat them on your own. If the phenomenon is left unattended, infertility may develop. In any case, you should consult your doctor.

How does this relate to age?

Most often, age can cause light periods without compromising health standards. Basic age categories when this phenomenon occurs are associated with periods of formation and attenuation of a woman’s reproductive function. This:

  • adolescence;
  • menopause

Approximately from the age of 12, a girl’s body develops much faster, but during this period the reproductive organs are only at the stage of formation. Ovulation may not occur at all in the first months, and the menstrual cycle may present various “surprises”, such as instability, the duration of more or less the normal 4-5 days, the presence of scanty dark-colored discharge, which is caused by the endometrium, which in its development differs between adults and adolescents, and the formation of hormonal levels. If the girl does not feel other signs of discomfort, the presence of brown discharge should not be considered a pathology.

At the age of about 50 years, a woman begins her period, hormonal levels change, and reproductive function fades away. In this regard, the menstrual cycle changes: it becomes irregular, menstruation is light or active, and can be normal or dark (even black) in color. It is always better to consult a gynecologist. Sometimes serious pathology can be hidden under the guise of the onset of menopause. By the way, in recent years there has been a tendency towards more early offensive menopause, the first signs of which may appear after crossing the 40-year mark.

In connection with the formation of the menstrual cycle, scanty ones are also possible after childbirth, especially when breastfeeding, since prolactin, the hormone responsible for lactation, suppresses the production of other hormones important for the normal course of the cycle, and the endometrium develops during the first three months slowly. After stopping breastfeeding, it may take up to six months for the cycle to fully recover. If the cycle has not recovered within a year or there are unusual symptoms, you should urgently visit a doctor.

Read also 🗓 Long-term scanty menstruation reasons

Preventive measures

It is easier to prevent the appearance of scanty discharge than to cure it later. Preventive measures include:

  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • frequent changing of pads and washing, avoiding unnatural products;
  • protection during sexual intercourse using a condom;
  • refusal of low-quality or excessively tight underwear;
  • visiting a gynecologist at least once every 6 months;
  • preference for an active and healthy lifestyle.

Compliance with these simple measures allows you to save normal work female body, to a certain extent prevent the occurrence of disorders, pathologies, inflammations in the reproductive and other systems and organs. If scanty periods appear, it is categorically impossible to independently identify their cause, much less begin therapy, this also applies to treatment with traditional methods. It must not be forgotten that ignoring significant signs and symptoms serious illnesses can cause the most severe consequences for the functions of reproduction and childbearing. Therefore, you should be careful about your health and visit a gynecologist on time.

Having no deviations, normal menstruation has a number of signs:

  • they must occur regularly every month;
  • blood has a certain color;
  • the discharge should not have a sharp or strange odor;
  • menstruation (both the cycle and menstruation) should not be too long;
  • There should be no severe pain that interferes with your normal lifestyle.

If any of the above processes occur, you should contact a gynecologist immediately. Scanty dark menstruation, menstrual irregularities - possible signs many women's diseases. If you have such violations, you should not ignore a visit to the doctor.

Doctors recommend following preventive measures, take care of your health, carefully monitor your cycle and the nature of your menstruation. After all, even if menstruation began on time, but is characterized by scarcity, discoloration and short duration (less than 3 days), this can be caused by the onset of a disease, from ordinary vitamin deficiency to endometriosis and cervical erosion. And if the situation is ignored, more dangerous consequences are possible, for example, the development of cancer.


Preserving a woman's health largely depends on her observation. The appearance of dark, scanty periods, which can be in certain cases both the norm and symptoms of development various diseases, should not be left unattended.

Menstrual bleeding is normal for the female body. Any deviations in this process may indicate a malfunction of the body's systems. They cannot be ignored. Scanty periods can be caused by many factors: some of them can be considered completely natural, while others are pathological factors. Why is there still little discharge on critical days? The following statements can be considered normal states:

  1. If the girl is 12–15 years old and this is the first year after menarche.
  2. The woman has reached the age of 40–45 years.
  3. Scanty brown periods appeared in the first months after pregnancy during lactation.

These are the main natural reasons that may explain the appearance of light discharge on menstruation days. But quite a few diseases and malfunctions of the body can lead to a similar result. Only a gynecologist can determine the cause of this phenomenon. It is almost impossible to independently understand why your periods have become scanty.

Only a complete diagnosis can identify the causes of this phenomenon.

What is considered normal?

Based on how a woman's periods progress, we can draw a conclusion about the state of her reproductive health. If a girl wants to get pregnant in the future, safely carry and give birth to a child, she should be wary if she usually normal discharge With regular bleeding, the bleeding becomes weak, spotting or less abundant.

Normal menstruation

In order to control her menstrual cycle, a woman should keep a diary. It indicates the days when regular bleeding begins, its duration and the nature of the discharge. This will allow you to quickly track deviations from the generally accepted norm. For a woman between 15 and 40 years old, menstruation should be approximately like this:

  • Regular bleeding that is painless or causes little discomfort.
  • Duration menstrual period 28 days (deviation up or down of 7 days is allowed).
  • Menstruation lasts 3–7 days.
  • The discharge is copious. Their quantity reaches 50–150 ml.

Menstruation without blood in the discharge, which has a light brown tint, is most often bad for reproductive health and is considered a pathology. But sometimes this phenomenon is caused by completely natural reasons.


Age may be natural cause, why bleeding is sparse and does not correspond to generally accepted canons:

  • If the girl is only 12–15 years old and this is the first year after menarche, this picture is quite typical. This common occurrence. During the first 6–12 months, menstruation is just getting better. Hormonal system is in an active period of formation. Therefore, menstruation comes less or less frequently than adult woman during childbearing age. However, if a year after the first menstruation the cycle has not improved, you need to make an appointment with a doctor. This may be a sign of abnormality.
  • Scanty periods can be considered normal at the age of menopause. It comes at age 40. If regular bleeding becomes shorter in duration and its abundance decreases, it means that the woman is entering menopause. This is a natural, natural process.

However, even at the age of 40, you should be wary if there have been no regular bleedings for about a year, and discharge appeared after a fairly long period of time. This may indicate serious illness.


A completely natural cause of this phenomenon could be pregnancy. If, after the expected date of your critical days, menstruation does not begin or is manifested by scanty spotting, conception may have occurred. If the discharge lasts no more than a day, it is scanty and light, this can be considered the norm.

However, during pregnancy, any discharge should be recorded and discussed with a gynecologist.

The cause of this phenomenon may also be a pathology, for example, insufficient progesterone levels. This indicates a threat of miscarriage. Therefore, if such symptoms appear, you must immediately go to the hospital.

After pregnancy, scanty periods are quite common. The reproductive system restores its fertility. Soon the woman will be able to get pregnant again. If they go small discharge during lactation, it is necessary to undergo examination. But most often this is a completely natural manifestation of the body’s work.

Deviations from the norm

If a woman of childbearing age (15–40 years) notices that this time her normal periods are not abundant enough, we can suspect abnormalities in the functioning of the body. Diagnosis is carried out exclusively by the attending physician.


If a woman finds that she has very scanty periods, less than 50 ml, she should contact her gynecologist. This condition may be accompanied by certain symptoms. The main manifestations are as follows:

  1. Pain in the lumbar region and mammary glands. For some women, the process is painless.
  2. Severe cramps in the lower abdomen.
  3. Constipation or, conversely, a manifestation of diarrhea.
  4. Headaches, nausea.

This condition is called hypomenorrhea. It causes infertility before the age of 40. Hypomenorrhea occurs primary manifestation, when a girl has never had normal periods, and a secondary one, for example, appears after pregnancy. If scanty periods occur every cycle, this is considered a serious deviation that requires consultation with a specialist.


The reasons for scanty periods can only be determined after consulting your female doctor and undergoing a series of examinations. The gynecologist must initially determine in what period this condition appeared, whether it is primary or secondary hypomenorrhea. It is important to determine whether the patient is pregnant or whether she experienced scanty periods after pregnancy.

After the examination, the woman undergoes a smear to check for infectious diseases, and undergoes an ultrasound scan of the uterus and ovaries. Definitely to rent general analysis blood, and the level of hormones is determined. During the examination, the thickness of the endometrial layer and the functioning of the ovaries are assessed. Only after the listed manipulations does a medical specialist find the cause of the deviations. It is extremely important, especially during pregnancy, not to delay visiting a gynecologist.

Reasons for deviations

If a representative of the fair sex between the ages of 15 and 40 has certain deviations in the reproductive system, they can be caused by a number of reasons. They can be provoked by both diseases and various types of interventions in the body. These include:

  1. Infectious diseases.
  2. Hormonal imbalances (including those caused by contraceptives).
  3. Neoplasms (polyps, cysts, cancer, etc.).
  4. Abortion.
  5. Tuberculosis of the female genital organs.
  6. Genetic predisposition.
  7. Stress, increased load.
  8. Wrong lifestyle.

Scanty periods, which are caused by abnormalities and malfunctions of the body, are most often explained by the reasons listed above. However, this is far from full list. Therefore, you cannot do without consulting a specialist.


Sexual infections that are accompanied by itching, burning, unpleasant odor, pain in the lower abdomen or during sexual intercourse can cause hypomenorrhea. Such diseases include chlamydia, ureaplasma, tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea and many other pathogens.

Their treatment is mandatory, otherwise the consequences will be sad.

Hormonal abnormalities

An imbalance of female sex hormones most often causes deviations in the menstrual cycle in women under 40 years of age. In addition, thyroid and pancreatic hormones that are in the wrong concentration can cause hypomenorrhea. Treatment of such diseases is carried out by a gynecologist together with an endocrinologist.

Also, taking hormonal contraceptives can cause scanty periods. In this case, hormonal intrauterine device or oral medications stop the body's reproductive function.

If after their cancellation long time menstrual bleeding does not return; this pathology requires treatment.

Surgical intervention

Curettage for diagnostics, termination of pregnancy, removal of polyps and other operations can cause disturbances in the development of the endometrium. It also contributes to hormonal imbalances. In the case when such facts are accompanied by signs of inflammation ( high temperature, pain, burning sensation in the vagina, etc.), appropriate treatment must be urgently carried out.

Genetic predisposition

Some representatives of the fair sex may be genetically predisposed to have scanty periods. In this case, the closest relatives have the same picture. This is not a pathology only if the women of this family can become pregnant without problems.

Stress, loads

An unhealthy lifestyle, frequent physical and emotional stress can manifest itself in the form of hypomenorrhea. Even strong emotions or moving sometimes affect the female reproductive system.

Frequent diets and lack of vitamins in food also cause this phenomenon.

Leading a healthy lifestyle, adhering to a daily routine, experiencing positive emotions, a woman can prevent pathology in the future. If you have problems with the menstrual cycle, it is imperative to reduce the stress on the body. Otherwise the consequences will be very serious.

By being careful and attentive to their health, every representative of the fair sex can avoid serious illnesses. The body signals various deviations in its functioning. By listening carefully to them, you can protect yourself from consequences in the future.

Normally, a woman of reproductive age should have a stable menstrual cycle. Any deviations indicate the presence of pathologies of varying degrees of intensity. This applies not only to the length of the cycle phases. The amount of menstrual flow and the total length of your period are also important.

Weak periods require seeing a doctor and receiving appropriate treatment.

A small amount of discharge is usually called hypomenorrhea. This common complaint women and girls at a gynecologist's appointment. In some cases, scanty menstruation is caused by serious pathologies in the body and requires drug treatment.

Causes of scanty discharge

Without a full examination of a woman, it is impossible to say why little blood is released during menstruation. There are situations when weak discharge is normal:

  • Adolescence. During the formation of the menstrual cycle, insufficient copious discharge. This is due to hormonal instability in teenage girls. During the first year from the beginning of active work of the ovaries, the cycle will stabilize, the amount of blood released during menstruation will become normal.
  • Lactation. The menstrual cycle does not immediately return after childbirth. Due to the influence of prolactin, produced during active breastfeeding, eggs do not mature. When the child is switched to a different type of nutrition, the woman’s reproductive system begins to recover. The first periods after childbirth are usually scanty and short-lived.
  • Menopause period. With the advent of menopause, a woman's reproductive system ceases to function fully. The pituitary gland and hypothalamus influence the ovaries so that the process of estrogen production gradually slows down. The eggs stop maturing each cycle. The endothelium lining the uterine cavity becomes smaller than usual. This is why little blood is released during menstruation.
  • Isolated cases. In women of childbearing age with an absolutely healthy reproductive system, scanty discharge can sometimes be observed. Most often this happens during the acclimatization process. If in the next cycle menstruation returns to normal on its own, then this is not a pathology.

Hypomenorrhea can be either primary or secondary. E If menstruation was initially scanty, the reason for this is usually underdevelopment of the genital organs. This condition requires medication and constant monitoring.

With secondary hypomenorrhea, previously heavy periods suddenly become scanty. The reasons for this phenomenon may be:

  • intense physical activity;
  • weight loss;
  • malnutrition;
  • stress;
  • intoxication;
  • infectious diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • injuries;
  • previous operations;
  • iron deficiency;
  • metabolic disorders.

In some cases, to restore normal menstruation, it is enough to eliminate the influence of the provoking factor.

Postoperative surgery may cause hypomenorrhea

Symptoms of hypomenorrhea

Regardless of the cause, hypomenorrhea manifests itself with characteristic symptoms. Usually a woman notices a decrease in the amount of discharge. The duration of menstruation may remain the same. If menstruation lasts less than three days, then this phenomenon is called oligomenorrhea.

The color of the discharge also plays a role. With hypomenorrhea they are usually brown. Their character is smearing. In rare cases, only a few drops of blood may be released.

Hypomenorrhea is accompanied by some other symptoms. Often women suffering from scanty discharge complain of:

  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • constipation

The release of insufficient blood during menstruation is often accompanied by strong contractions of the uterine muscles. This phenomenon allows us to answer the question why scanty periods are so painful.

Due to a decrease in estrogen levels, women often experience a decrease in libido. This occurs if menstruation occurs less frequently than usual.

Pain in the lower abdomen - characteristic symptom hypomenorrhea

Drug treatment of pathology

If the volume of discharge has decreased and your periods are less than usual without objective reasons, you should visit a gynecologist. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe a series of laboratory tests. Based on their results, it will be possible to determine the cause of the menstrual cycle disruption and select adequate treatment methods. You will need to undergo an ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries.

If the examination reveals disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands, the woman is prescribed hormonal therapy. This treatment is designed to normalize the functioning of the ovaries and regulate the menstrual cycle. Gradually, the amount of blood during menstruation should stabilize.

Gynecologists usually prescribe estrogen or progestin. The choice of drug depends on the concentration of sex hormones in the woman’s blood. The duration of the course is 3–6 months.

In some cases, hormonal contraceptives, selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman, help restore the normal menstrual cycle.

Doctors often prefer medicines of natural origin, capable of stabilizing hormonal levels. Good reviews in the drugs Qi-Klim and Estrovel.

If a woman regularly experiences scanty menstruation, then taking vitamins is necessary to maintain the health of the whole body at a high level.

When the volume of menstrual blood decreases due to the presence of infection in the body, it is necessary to treat the provoking factor itself. In some cases, they may be prescribed antibiotic drugs or agents that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

If menstruation is accompanied by severe pain, the doctor will recommend taking analgesics. You can use drugs such as Bral, Baralgin, Analgin, Spazmalgon. No-shpa or Papaverine relieve spasms well.

Estrovel is often prescribed for scanty periods.

Non-drug therapy

A decrease in the amount of discharge during menstruation does not always require treatment with medications. Blood volume is often related to a woman's weight. Hypomenorrhea can be a consequence of sudden weight loss. In this case, the doctor will recommend balancing your diet.

The daily menu should completely saturate the body with all nutrients. Sources of protein include meat, fish and legumes. Complex carbohydrates found in large quantities in various cereals. Helps saturate your body with fats vegetable oils. Daily use fresh fruit will provide the necessary dose of vitamins and antioxidants. Any diet that involves limiting certain foods, with scanty menstruation prohibited.

Stress is one of the most common factors that provoke hypomenorrhea. The volume of menstrual blood directly depends on the level of sex hormones. Prolactin and cortisol, secreted by the body during experiences, negatively affect the functioning of the ovaries.

If a woman cannot cope with stress on her own, she will need the help of a psychologist. After a course of sessions, the mental and emotional state normalizes. Following this, the functioning of the reproductive system will be restored, the duration of menstruation will approach acceptable values.

Physiotherapy can also help. Women who have suffered from hypomenorrhea for a long time are usually recommended mineral baths or restorative massage.

Treatment of scanty periods should be supervised by a doctor. Tactics are chosen based on the cause of hypomenorrhea. In some cases, treatment is not required.