Red sores on a cat. Skin diseases in cats - photos and treatment

Skin diseases in cats lately become frequently diagnosed and widespread. An increasing number of owners notice problems with the skin and consult a doctor. Skin diseases have different natures and look different. Selected visual photos, description of symptoms, basics of treatment described in our article will help you not to miss the first important signs diseases.

There is a whole range of possible factors that can cause cats to develop skin conditions. Hereditary, anthropogenic, infectious and many others. They lead to skin problems, which are sometimes so unexpressed that many of our pets suffer from the disease for a long time.

“Simple” skin diseases of cats


This is what pet acne is called. Occurs more often on the chin. Looks like a cluster of blackheads. Often in advanced cases it develops bacterial infection. The course of the disease progresses and appears purulent inflammation. The reasons for the development of the disease are varied - from poor nutrition to a symptom of an infection.


Inflammation of the hair follicle. Develops as a complication of acne or other infectious skin diseases. It looks like a swelling around a hair, often filled with liquid; palpation causes pain in the cat.

Fungal otitis media

Inflammation of the external ear canal. The first signs of the disease appear by shaking the head and the cat scratching its ear. Develops against a background of weakened immunity.

Ear mites

Improper ear care pet Ticks begin to multiply in them at a frantic pace. The disease manifests itself by scratching, unpleasant smell from the ears, dark gray discharge. The skin of the ears turns red and the local temperature rises.


They arise in response to any irritant - food, natural, chemical. Food allergies The most common one is that the cat scratches its neck and head. Some breeds are predisposed to negative reactions on the flowering of certain plants. Many animals, especially young ones, react sharply to bathing and grooming. To treat allergies, it is often enough to eliminate the allergen.

Internal reasons

Problems with various vital systems of a cat also lead to the manifestation of skin diseases.

Tail gland hyperplasia

Increased secretion of this gland leads to excessive accumulation sebaceous secretion. When released, it envelops the hairs at the point of growth, blocking them further development. As a result, the hair falls out and bare areas form. Treatment comes down to constant monitoring of the problem area; castration helps cats.


Some older cats develop lumps under the skin over time—single tumors. They can be easily removed surgically. Cats with white ears often suffer from a more dangerous type - skin cancer. It manifests itself as a change in the appearance of a certain area of ​​the skin, often visible darkening, unevenness of the skin.

Mental disorders

After severe stress - moving, the appearance of a child or another animal in the house - some cats fall into a state of constant grooming. By licking themselves over and over again, they injure the skin, ulcers appear, and hair falls out.

Dangerous skin diseases of cats


Symptoms: hair loss in certain areas of the skin, peeling, the appearance of strange scales, sometimes purulent wounds. Your cat may itch, but ringworm usually does not cause itching.


A serious disease caused by microscopic mites. It is highly contagious and develops rapidly. Main symptom– severe, constant scabies, the skin becomes covered with red spots. It starts with the head, ears. Without treatment, it quickly spreads to other areas of the body, appearing consistently in the armpits, on the folds, and at the base of the tail.

Factors predisposing to the appearance of demodicosis – improper feeding, content, lack of a number of B vitamins, vitamin A, E, worms.


The main symptom of eczema is a weeping surface. skin. The cat scratches the affected area, redness and nodules appear on the skin. The general condition changes: a fever develops, the cat loses weight, and kidney problems begin.

Based on skin scraping tests, the veterinarian will rule out other skin diseases and prescribe antihistamines. It is not recommended to treat the cat yourself, as any incorrect treatment may cause additional complications.


Dermatitis is dangerous due to its unpredictable manifestations. If left untreated in time, they can greatly undermine immune system animal.


Necrotic destruction of a cat's skin due to prolonged lying in one place. Manifested by tissue necrosis, death of skin cells. It is observed in sick animals that are forced to remain in one position for a long time. Symptoms: pain when touched, decreased temperature of the dying area, color change, appearance of ulcers. Preventing the development of bedsores is simple - turn your pet over more often postoperative period, do not let sit on the injured limb for a long time. Treatment comes down to treating wounds, dressings, and removing dead tissue.

Associated with viral infections

Some feline diseases lead to the development of skin problems. For example, when leukemia the integument is especially severely affected - abscesses, neoplasms, and wounds occur. Immunodeficiency cats causes chronic otitis with damage to the skin of the ears, numerous pustules (vesicles with pus) appear on the body. causes damage to the skin of the paw pads and around the nose.

It is important to promptly seek help from a veterinarian to determine the cause of the skin disease. The specialist will determine the main cause of the soreness and prescribe adequate therapy.

The cat scratches itself periodically, but looks quite well. However, once again stroking the pet, the owner notices bodies appearing in different places cat's pain. What are the reasons why, seemingly asymptomatically, the cat gets sick?

Among the broad picture of feline skin diseases, a number of particularly common ailments can be identified, as a result of which The cat starts to get sick.

Causes of sores in domestic cats

The factors by which cats develop various dermatitis can be divided into genetic (hereditary), infectious, anthropogenic (exposure to external reasons), invasive. Before rushing to treat an animal, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease. How to treat sores in a cat The veterinarian will tell you after a certain series of tests and finding out the main cause of the disease.

Sores on a cat's head and neck

The resulting The cat has a sore on her chin, more often - a scattering of small black dots (acne) mixed with sores and ulcers, called acne. Develops as a result of poor nutrition, skin irritation from contact with unsuitable utensils (reaction to plastic), and skin infections.

Sores with an odor in a cat

Sores with an odor in a cat are localized in the ears and are a consequence of advanced infection with ear mites. When the ears are not properly cared for, there is a high risk of otitis media. of various etiologies, the cat scratches its itchy ears until the foul-smelling wounds do not heal.

Appeared the cat has sores in his eyes may indicate the presence of a viral infection, injury to the cornea of ​​the eye, foreign body or allergies. The irritating factor causes itching in the cat, the animal scratches the skin until sores appear.

Sores on a cat's head

Sores on a cat's head may appear as a result of damage in fights or games with another animal. Discovered the cat has a sore on his nose may also be the result of injury, allergic reaction, polyposis, viral infection. If with proper sanitation cat has a sore does not go away within three days, you need to show the animal to a specialist.

Discovered The cat has sores on the side of his tail with a high degree of probability, arise due to hyperplasia of the sebaceous tail glands. Increased secretion production clogs skin pores, causing irritation. Sores on a cat's tail are an animal’s reaction to itching, scratching and hair loss with the formation of crusts on combed areas.

Sores in a cat, cat, kitten. How to treat

Discovered sores on a cat's fur should serve as a signal to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible to determine the cause. If desired, a specialist can be called to your home for primary diagnosis illness and removal from an animal necessary tests. Unnecessary worries will not improve the health of a sick pet, and at home, both the cat and the owner are less stressed.

Skin diseases in cats occupy leading positions in modern veterinary medicine. This is due to poor nutrition - poorly selected food, illiterate breeding work, and not the least role is played by the poor environmental situation. Due to the above factors, local or widespread rashes, ulcers, etc. may appear on the skin. Below are all the skin lesions of cats, grouped into groups according to clinical symptom complexes.

Miliary dermatitis

Miliary dermatitis is characterized by the formation of dry or weeping, cavity-free elements on the skin. They are located on the surface in the form of small elevations, form crusts or peel off, fester or are presented in the form of small nodules. Miliary dermatitis covers most of all skin diseases and can be caused by the following reasons.

Allergies to food, hygiene products or medications.

Damage to the skin by a fungal or bacterial infection.

Atopic dermatitis.

Upon examination, blood-sucking ticks, fleas and cheylitelas will be noticeable. Cheylitelas are also called “creeping dandruff”, as they look like small, gray, constantly moving scales.

If the above results are negative diagnostic measures, it is recommended to examine the stool for worm eggs. Helminths can cause allergic miliary dermatitis.

Skin infection due to fungal infection

Characterized by the presence of alopecia (baldness). On hairless areas, hard-to-remove white or pale gray scales form, under which hyperemic, thinned skin is revealed. The presence of itching and its intensity depend on the type of pathogen and the degree of damage.

It is also advisable to treat a fungal infection on the recommendation of a veterinarian. Depending on the strain of the fungus and the extent of the damage, only a light local treatment or long-term complex, with additional vaccination. It is not recommended to prescribe antifungal drugs or hygiene products with an antimycotic effect on your own. Many of them are toxic, and certain breeds of cats are especially susceptible to them.

Skin damage due to bacterial infection

Suppuration of existing wound surfaces, scratches, and folds occurs. Bubbles, crusts, pustules or scales form at the site of the lesion. As a rule, the process affects only the superficial layers of the skin, more deep lesions should suggest more serious conditions (decreased immunity, use of glucocorticoids, neoplasms, viral infection). Assign antibacterial therapy, best after bacterial culture scraping the affected area of ​​skin and determining sensitivity to antibiotics.

Allergic dermatitis

Called food products, some plants, medicines or the sun. Manifested by itching and rashes in the muzzle, on the tips of the ears, along bottom edge eyelids or in the area of ​​the nose and lips. Hairless areas appear on the sides and stomach.

As a rule, the disease occurs annually, at the same time, gradually progressing. Without treatment for several years leads to squamous cell carcinoma skin.

Atopic dermatitis

Similar to allergies, but more severe and more acute. Appears as a pathological reaction to ordinary products and agents that, in principle, are not allergens.

Alopecia (baldness)

Alopecia can be either an independent disease or a symptom of other common diseases among cats. It can be congenital or acquired. Congenital alopecia and hereditary hypotrichosis are manifested by an abnormally low amount of hair follicles. This occurs only in certain breeds - sphinxes, Devon rexes, etc.

Acquired alopecia includes seasonal molting, complications of miliary dermatitis, traumatic and psychogenic alopecia. With psychogenic baldness, a cat, due to a behavioral disorder, plucks or intensively licks its fur. Traumatic alopecia forms at the site of injections, collars or other injuries.

Endocrine alopecia is also distinguished - it is symmetrical on both sides of the body, and can be caused by disorders in any of the endocrine organs.

Pigmentation disorders

Albinism– congenital defect. It is not subject to treatment, and the animal is not allowed for breeding.

Periocular leukotrichia. Develops as a result stressful situation in some breeds. It manifests itself as lightening of the fur around the eyes. It does not require treatment and goes away on its own.

Lentigo. This dark spots appearing on the gums, nose, lips or eyelids. There is no cure. The disease is not dangerous and is only a cosmetic problem.


Skin tumors can be either benign or malignant. This is difficult to determine visually even for a veterinarian, so any tumor in your cat requires additional examinations. The sooner this is done, the greater the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Diseases of subcutaneous fat and sebaceous glands

Panniculitis - inflammation of subcutaneous fat. It is characterized by the appearance of bubbles with liquid in the lower part of the chest or symmetrically on the sides. After some time, the blisters open and form ulcers with oily contents. Ulcers do not heal for a long time; deep scars remain in their place.

Acne– comedones. Occur as a result of malfunction sebaceous glands. Rashes appear on the cat's face. Acne can become inflamed due to a bacterial infection.

Seborrhea. It can be dry and oily. Dry seborrhea is dry white scales that appear on dry, thin skin. It is most often the result of stress and can occur within a few hours. Oily seborrhea- these are the same scales only on oily skin and wool. Is the result of a disruption internal organs, most often the liver and pancreas.

Inflammation of the perianal glands. Occurs rarely. You might suspect it if your cat is constantly licking and scratching. anus, and defecation causes her pain and discomfort.

Hyperplasia of the tail glands. The waxy secretion of the sebaceous glands accumulates in the upper part of the tail, where there are especially many of them. The base of the tail thickens, and an oily secretion of gray-yellow color is released. The coat becomes thin and dull.

Any skin disease in a cat requires adequate diagnosis and treatment. After all, they can signal more serious violations. There is no need to treat abrasions and scratches; cats themselves lick such damage. damage

Recently, skin diseases have become widespread in cats, from which, according to statistics, every third pet suffers. Often, problems with the skin are the result of some internal pathology requiring immediate treatment. Many skin diseases pose a danger not only to the cat, but also to the owner, so it is extremely important to promptly recognize the disorder and begin treatment.

List of skin diseases in cats

There is a whole spectrum of skin diseases that are diverse in nature and manifest themselves in completely different ways. Skin lesions can be caused by the most for various reasons– hereditary, man-made, infectious, even a simple change in diet can cause rashes on the body.

Attention. We should not forget that fleas are carriers of helminths and can infect an animal through a regular bite. Therefore, along with treatment for fleas, the animal should be dewormed in a timely manner.


Ringworm– an infectious fungal pathology that often affects young animals with reduced immunity, as well as cats that have suffered from cancer or viral diseases.

The cause of the disease is fungal spores, which can be carried on clothes or shoes. Infection occurs through contact with a sick animal, through shared toys, feeding and care items.

Clinical signs of ringworm are:

  • bald areas on the head, tail and limbs;
  • in the center of the affected area, the skin turns red and peels, sometimes ulcers, white scales and crusts appear.

Treatment of the disease is carried out using antifungal ointments And antiseptic solutions. In severe cases, antibiotics, vaccines and oral antifungal medications are prescribed.


Acne represents acne, characterized by the formation of closed and open comedones, most often on the chin.

The reasons for the development of acne can be improper care of the cat, stress, infectious pathologies, abnormal development of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Visually, the disease is manifested by the presence of black or white spots, partial hair loss, and an increase in hard crusts. Acne can progress to painful ulcers and ulcers, which can cause inflammation and bacterial infection.

Treatment of acne consists of treating with antiseptic and antiseborrheic soaps and shampoos (for example, tar), applying antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, etc.). In advanced cases, antibiotics and corticosteroids are used.

Bacterial infections

Bacterial infections occur in two forms: dry and wet. In the first case, dense formations and crusts appear on the skin. The second form is characterized by the presence of areas of skin with severe hyperemia and moisture, which is accompanied by a rash, ulcers, itching and crusts.

To understand the form of the disease in your pet, you need to not only read the description of the disease, but also carefully study the photo.

There can be a huge number of reasons for a bacterial infection:

  • allergies accompanied by itching;
  • heredity;
  • stress;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • presence of shallow wounds;
  • diabetes mellitus, tumors, kidney damage, etc.

Treatment is based on the use of antibiotics and local drugs (Miramistin, Levomekol, aluminum and zinc-containing ointments).

TO bacterial diseases skins include.

Allergic skin diseases

Allergic reactions are a consequence of an inadequate response of the cat's immune system to foreign substances entering the body. The cause of an allergy can be anything: a certain component of the feed, household chemicals, plant pollen, synthetic fabrics, dust in the house, etc. When exposed to an allergen, skin hyperemia is observed, the presence of inflamed areas, severe itching, hair loss and increased body temperature.

Important. Long-term exposure to an allergen is fraught with the development atopic dermatitis, eosinophilic granuloma and asthmatic syndrome.

Treatment for allergic reactions includes taking antihistamines to relieve itching, hormonal agents and antibiotics when urgently needed. To alleviate the pet's condition, use medicated shampoos and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin caused by allergens from the environment. The reason for the appearance of this disease serves as an enhanced reaction of the body to certain substances (mold, pollen, household chemicals, certain foods, dust, etc.).

Atopic dermatitis has the following clinical picture:

  • severe itching and, as a result, scratching;
  • skin rash;
  • hair loss;
  • when infection gets into the wound, pustules form;
  • affected areas are in the head, ears, neck or chest, lower abdomen and between the thighs.

Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent infection from developing. wide range actions and antimicrobials, and to eliminate signs of allergies - standard antihistamines(Chlorpheniramine, Clemastine).


The disease is manifested by such symptoms as:

  • severe itching and scratching;
  • the appearance of pustules, blisters, nodules and crusts on the skin;
  • redness of the skin;
  • weight loss;
  • fever;
  • kidney disease;
  • wet skin surface.

Treatment for eczema consists of taking antihistamines and sedatives, supplemented with a vitamin complex.

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Symptoms of demodicosis include:

  • the formation of dense tubercles on the pet’s body, when pressure is applied to them, white clots are released;
  • constant scratching and skin rashes;
  • redness of the affected areas;
  • partial baldness;
  • presence of red crusts;
  • formation of pustules during the duration of the disease.

Attention. It is this skin disease that most often leads to death.

Ear mite

The progression of the disease is fraught with inflammation of the outer ear, which can spread to the middle ear, which in turn is dangerous for imbalance. In such a situation, the animal will constantly keep its head to one side. Sometimes the infection reaches the parotid space, causing severe inflammation.

Treatment ear mite includes systematic cleansing of the ear canals and the use of acaricidal drops.

Find out more about the common disease -.

Psychogenic alopecia

Alopecia is the rapid loss of hair. The cause of psychogenic alopecia in domestic cats is neurosis resulting from changes environment(change of residence, new owner, appearance of a new family member or pet in the house, etc.).

Most often, this disease occurs in emotional breeds: Siamese, Himalayan, Burmese, Abyssinian, but it also happens in completely outbred individuals. Externally, the disease manifests itself as baldness in groin area, on the abdomen, sides and inner thighs, along the dorsal midline. There is no redness or crusts on the bald areas.

In the treatment of psychogenic alopecia, the main thing is to eliminate or minimize stress. Among medications, behavior-correcting drugs have proven themselves: Amitriptyline, Cat Bayun or Stop Stress.

Cushing's syndrome

Cushing's syndrome (or hyperadrenocorticism) - extremely rare disease, which develops as a result of an excessive amount of the hormone cortisol in the body. An excess of cortisol can occur when consuming large quantity corticosteroids orally, locally or by injection, for tumors of the adrenal cortex, and also as a result of pituitary disease.

The following phenomena are observed in Cushing's syndrome:

  • increased thirst and increased urination;
  • voracity;
  • enlarged abdomen;
  • muscle atrophy;
  • lethargy;
  • hair loss;
  • thinning of the skin.

The treatment of this serious disease usually uses the drug Trilostane, which suppresses the production of cortisol. In some cases, removal of the adrenal gland or pituitary gland may be necessary, as well as radiation therapy to the pituitary tumor.

Sarcoptic mange

The clinical picture of sarcoptic mange is similar to other diseases: the affected areas dry out and cause itching, subsequently the hair falls off in these areas, and scabs form unattractive ulcers.

Sarcoptes have proven themselves to be effective in the fight against ticks and are applied to the withers of the animal.


To the symptoms of this disease can be attributed:

  • severe itching;
  • blisters are observed on the face, ears, stomach and groin area, which become crusty after scratching;
  • hair loss, often in places where crusts are concentrated;
  • as the disease progresses, the skin thickens, dries and cracks - as a result, the wounds open the gates to infections (bacteria, fungi and viruses).

Therapy for notoedrosis includes bathing with acaricidal and keratolytic shampoos, as well as local application of medications (Demos, aversectin ointment, aqueous emulsion of neocidol, sulfur ointment, Stronghold).

Various dermatological diseases are not uncommon in all domesticated felines. Most often, scabs in cats appear against the background of a significant decrease in immunity and chronic diseases.

The development of flea dermatitis is accompanied by severe itching, so the cat may scratch the damaged areas, aggravating the situation. As part of treatment, fleas should be eliminated first. For this purpose you can use special drops, which must be applied to the animal’s withers. To relieve an allergic reaction, Execan is administered ½ cube once a day. In addition, you can use ointments and creams that contain antihistamines.

Another common disease that causes the appearance of characteristic crusts on a cat’s skin is folliculitis. In this disease, inflammation develops against the background of skin damage by staphylococcus and staphylococcus. Treatment should be with antibiotics and immunostimulants.

Among other things, the appearance of defects on the skin is often associated with the development of a dermatological disease such as eczema. In this case, the skin is subject to an inflammatory process. The causes of this disease can be rooted in stress experienced by the animal, infectious diseases, and, in addition, diseases of the internal organs. In the vast majority of cases, exacerbations occur in the autumn and spring periods. Eczema in cats can be either wet or dry type.

In addition to the characteristic redness and peeling individual areas skin, additional symptoms may appear, for example, severe itching, scratching wounds and areas of hair loss. Treatment of this disease in animals is very difficult. First of all, it is necessary to use special medicated shampoos that reduce the risk of relapse. Among other things, it is necessary, if possible, to protect the cat from stress, feed only high-quality food and give it vitamin complexes.

In rare cases, pet felines can develop skin cancer. Most often, this problem is observed in cats that do not have fur, since their delicate skin is constantly exposed to harmful ultraviolet radiation. With the development of skin cancer, cells in the upper layer of the epidermis begin malignant degeneration. Considering that the symptoms of this dangerous disease for a long time resemble furunculosis and dermatitis, some pet owners cannot timely determine the cause of the problem.

In this case, only a veterinarian can make a correct diagnosis, and only after a histological examination of the tissues of the damaged area of ​​skin. If the area of ​​skin affected by the malignant tumor is small, it is removed. If your cat has scabs on her body caused by skin cancer, treatment may help good effect only in the early stages of pathology development.

In case of pathological process In the skin, the fur is the first to suffer. Then ulcerations and wounds appear. Skin diseases negatively affect the functioning of systems and organs, so a conscientious fellinologist is obliged to monitor the condition of the pet’s outer integument. If damage is detected, measures must be taken to eliminate it. Based on the causes of occurrence, dermatitis of infectious and non-infectious etiology is distinguished.

Contagious dermatitis

Skin diseases are caused by the following groups of contagions:

Skin diseases caused by bacteria include the following:

  • Microbial dermatitis.
  • Carbunculosis.
  • Folliculitis. Furunculosis.

Microbial dermatitis

The causative agents of the disease are predominantly staphylococci. Light scratching precedes the appearance of reddish lumps - papules, which turn into pustules, and ulcers form.

If a bacterial infection develops at the site of an injury or bite, the inflammation may take the form of a tumor filled with pus - an abscess. After opening, the contents are foul-smelling pathological cavities leaks out, dries out, and scabs form adjacent to newly formed papules and vesicles.


Purulent inflammation of the sebaceous glands simultaneously with the adjacent hair follicles is called carbunculosis. This is a type of bacterial dermatitis. First, the gland ducts become clogged and a pimple forms. The accumulating secretion becomes infected with banal microflora, mainly cocci, and the surrounding textures become necrotic. Multiple foci of suppuration merge into a weeping ulcer.


First, as a result of insect bites or scratching, the integrity of the skin is compromised. Small scratches become infected with cocci located on the cat's skin. The center of abscess formation is most often hair follicle. The disease is not as severe as carbunculosis.


Treatment of all dermatitis of bacterial etiology combines treatment with external antiseptic anti-inflammatory agents, diet therapy, and immunocorrection.

Among skin diseases caused by fungi, phytodermatitis, colloquially called lichen, is distinguished. Classification by pathogen distinguishes mainly the following pathologies:

  • Microsporia.
  • Trichophytosis.

Treatment is symptomatic - antiseborrheic shampoos or surgical - castration.


Chronic dermatitis that occurs for many reasons. There are dry and wet forms of the disease.

Skin diseases in cats are quite common. They may look different and have different natures. Development factors can be infectious, hereditary, anthropogenic, etc.

Skin problems can be so subtle that pets suffer from the disease for a long time because the owners do not notice them. Below is a description of common skin diseases in cats with photographs of symptoms.

Acne can appear due to improper care of your pet, severe stress and emotional distress. Acne can develop into pustules and ulcers, which cause severe pain for your pet and sometimes lead to inflammation.

A complication of acne is folliculitis. It is a swelling around the hair, usually with liquid contents. When touched, the pet experiences pain.

Self-medication and squeezing pimples are not recommended. Rashes can be treated tar soap or shampoo.

Fungal otitis media

The disease is an inflammation of the external auditory canal. Development fungal otitis occurs due to a weakened immune system. The pet shakes its head and scratches its ear.

The ears turn red quickly and strongly. When examining the ear with an otoscope, severe inflammation of the skin and many fungal deposits are observed.

Every day you need to clean the ear of accumulated secretions with napkins and cotton swabs. Afterwards you need to treat them with alcohol-based antiseptics.

Ear mites

Ear mites appear as a result of improper care. Symptoms: scratching, foul odor from the ears, discharge dark gray, redness of the skin of the ears, fever.

Treatment can begin after visiting a veterinarian. Various aerosols (based on Dermatosol or Tsiodrin), drops (Bars, Tsipam, Amitrazine) and ointments (Nicochloran, Phenothiazine) are used. Dark discharge should be cleaned with a soft cotton cloth or cotton wool.

Psychogenic alopecia

Due to thorough and prolonged licking, cats may develop bald spots. This behavior means that the pet has stressful state. Sometimes baldness occurs due to allergies and fungal diseases.

Therapy consists of eliminating the factors that caused emotional distress in the cat. Sometimes a mechanical barrier is required to restrict the pet from licking.

Lice and fleas

Lice and fleas are small insects that feed on blood and the top layer of skin. If the case is advanced, it is impossible not to notice them on the pet. Favorite localization is around the tail and head.

On early stage There is a noticeable accumulation of a black substance, a waste product of fleas. Also, the pet experiences itching, hair loss, redness of the skin, and the formation of wounds.

Lice are eliminated using a special shampoo. Fleas are removed by treating things with which the pet comes into contact with anti-flea agents, carriers, bedding, and all carpets in the house.


Also, allergies may be due to external stimuli and feed. Treatment in this case becomes more complicated because identifying the allergen is not easy. Shampoos with hydrocortisone work well as local antiallergic agents.

They give an immediate but short-term effect. Hydrocortisone ointments are used when pets have itching. They are applied to small areas that are inaccessible for licking.

Tail gland hyperplasia

If the tail gland has increased hyperplasia, excessive accumulation of sebaceous secretion appears. It is released and envelops the hair at the point of growth, blocking its further development. Because of this, her hair falls out and areas of baldness appear.

Therapy involves monitoring the problem area. Castration can help cats.


In old age, cats may develop single tumors under the skin. Therapy consists of surgery.

Cats with white ears may have skin cancer. Symptoms: change in the appearance of a certain skin area, darkening, unevenness. Depending on the type of cancer, chemotherapy may be used, radiation therapy, surgery. The main thing is to see a doctor in time.


Ringworm is a serious skin condition that is not easy to get rid of. Ringworm is transmitted quickly, spreading to the cat's head, spine and paws. A person can easily become infected with it because the disease is fungal in nature.

At first, it’s easy to get rid of it; the main thing is to notice and diagnose the disease in time. The fungus should not have time to spread to the main area of ​​the skin. As it spreads, the cat's discomfort and discomfort may increase.

Fungal diseases usually appear due to a moldy fungus called dermatophyte. Given the type of bacteria, microscopy progress manifests itself in different ways. The symptoms and course of the disease are the same.

Ringworm is dangerous to cats and people. Birds and dogs cannot become infected with it. If your cat develops an illness, what you need to do is preventive measures to all family members. Ringworm is treated with ointments prescribed by your doctor.


Demodectic mange – extremely dangerous disease for a pet. It can lead to the death of a cat instantly, sometimes the owner does not even have time to start treating it. Demodicosis appears due to the bite of ticks, which are numerous in the warm season.

Cats cannot undertake preventive and protective measures, so they often become their victims. Symptoms: damage to large areas of skin, itching, redness. The worst thing is that if a pet gets sick once, then it becomes a constant source of infection. His offspring will also suffer from demodicosis.

It is important to take preventive measures - treat the skin with products that kill ticks (Bars, Harts). It is also worth using anti-inflammatory drugs (Dexafort, Laurabolin 50) and anti-itch drugs (Stop-itch).


Eczema is an unpredictable disease.

Appears due to many factors, including:

The main symptom is a weeping surface of the skin. Scratching causes knots and redness to form. The cat is rapidly losing weight, has a fever and kidney problems.

For diagnostic purposes, the veterinarian will take a skin scraping to rule out the possibility of other diseases. Afterwards he should prescribe antihistamines. You should not try to treat your cat without a doctor, as complications may develop.


Dermatitis is a local inflammation of the skin area. Symptoms: redness, peeling, sore formation, hyperemia. Localization - paws, ears, place near the genitals.

If dermatitis is not treated promptly, the cat's immunity can be seriously affected. IN neglected form the disease is difficult to cure. The therapy is complex - first the symptoms (swelling and itching) are eliminated, then secondary infection is prevented with the help of antibiotics.

Common medications for all types of dermatitis are itch relievers. This could be “Stop Itching” ointment, ointment with aluminum in “Alusprey”. Allergic dermatitis involves treatment with antihistamines such as Diphenhydramine and Suprastin.


The disease is often observed in cats in old age or after suffering an injury. A bedsore is an area on the skin that rots and dies over time. If the pet long time is in supine position, the disease may manifest itself.

Symptoms: pain when touched, decreased temperature of the dying area, ulcers, color change. It is worth taking preventive measures - periodically turning the cat over after operations, prohibiting sitting on the damaged paw for a long time. Therapy consists of treating wounds, dressings, and removing dead tissue.

Each disease can progress, which leads to the process of virus reproduction. Because of this, the pet suffers, he has problems with sleep and appetite, he becomes less sociable and cheerful.

If your cat develops irritation in the area of ​​its face or body, you should take it to a specialist immediately. Not all cat diseases are not contagious to humans.

Some viruses and fungi can adapt to the organism that is nearby. WITH high probability If the pet is left untreated, the owner's immune system may weaken and spots may appear on the body.

The lifespan of pets is increasing in accordance with the improvement in the quality of food and care for them. Ten years ago, the average lifespan of cats was estimated at 12-15 years; today, no one is surprised by domestic twenty-year-old cats with the activity and playfulness of small kittens. There is a lot of information about cat diseases on the Internet, so detection and treatment begin in advance. One of the most common diseases among representatives of the cat family is skin diseases.

Unfortunately, skin diseases affect not only wild and barn cats, but also obedient domestic pets. Symptoms depend on the specific type of disease.

Types and corresponding symptoms of skin diseases in cats

Most often, cats suffer from dermatitis or alopecia.

Miliary dermatitis

This type of disease includes skin lesions from bacterial and fungal infections, allergic manifestations, and atopic dermatitis.

Symptoms of a bacterial or fungal infection:

  1. With a fungal infection of the skin, areas of baldness with delicate gray scales, sometimes with tubercles and a crust, are observed. Fungal infections include a common skin disease in cats called lichen.
  2. Most often, a fungal infection affects the head and limbs. Less commonly, it spreads throughout the body.
  3. The animal is constantly itching and licking itself.
  4. Bacterial infections are characterized by redness of the skin, the appearance of blisters, cracks, crusts, and pustules. The skin can be either dry or moist (wet type of infection).
  5. Bacterial infections affect the epidermis.

Allergic reactions

The most common signs of food allergies are irritation of the scalp (the cat will constantly itch), baldness, and possible vomiting and diarrhea.

Types of possible allergic reactions:

  1. Atopic miliary dermatitis. It may manifest itself in the form of rashes, scales, and crusts. One of the signs of an allergic reaction is abundant formation earwax. Itching appears all over the skin, including itchy inflammation of the ear canal, so the animal will constantly itch.
  2. EAS, eosinophilic allergic syndrome. This systemic disease, is manifested not only by skin signs. Skin damage manifests itself in the form of ulcers, plaques, granulomas. The lip areas are affected oral cavity. The itching is either insignificant or absent altogether.

Alopecia (baldness)

Baldness can be congenital or acquired.

Hereditary alopecia is hereditary hypotrichosis, that is, an abnormally small amount of hair. It is found mainly in Siamese, Devon Rex or Mexican breeds. It appears from birth: kittens are born covered with down, which completely falls out by the second week of life. Repeated processes of the animal becoming overgrown with hair and new molting to a completely bald state are possible. Unfortunately, this disease has no cure.

Acquired baldness may be associated with the natural processes of molting an animal, in which case the decrease in fur occurs evenly. Baldness may occur due to medications or injections taken.

Sometimes hair falls out locally, that is, in one area of ​​the body. For example, under a collar (allergy to collar components), in ears in short-haired cats (this is not a disease, but a feature of the breed).


A particularly common skin disease in cats is scabies.

Scabies is accompanied by regular severe itching, but baldness of skin areas does not occur. The hair becomes brittle and loses color. Small red dots can be seen on the skin. These are traces of the activity of the scabies mite, the places of its clutches.

It must be remembered that scabies, pediculosis (lice) and fungal skin diseases in cats are contagious. Therefore, patients should be isolated and not allowed to have contact with small children.

Treatment of skin diseases in cats

Fungal diseases are treated with sulfur ointment, Yuglona powder, Lamisil or others antifungal drugs. Some of them are quite harmless to the cat’s stomach. It should be noted that many doctors consider tablets to be ineffective in the treatment of fungi.

Bacterial infections in cats are treated with antibiotics and skin treatments such as Miramistin or Alumspray. Ointments and sprays should be selected taking into account the type of foci of the disease - dry or weeping.

Alopecia requires an individual approach; the prescription of treatment will depend on the test results.

Scabies should not be treated under any circumstances with benzyl benzoate or phenol derivatives! These drugs are poison for cats! For scabies, amitrazine, aversectin ointment, and Mitroshin liquid are used.

Any skin diseases should not be treated on your own. Incorrectly selected treatment, its dosage or determination of the cause can lead to damage to large areas of the skin and even death of the cat.

Skin diseases in cats have recently become frequently diagnosed and widespread. An increasing number of owners notice problems with the skin and consult a doctor. Skin diseases have different natures and look different. Selected visual photos, descriptions of symptoms, basics of treatment described in our article will help you not to miss the first important signs of disease.

There is a whole range of possible factors that can cause cats to develop skin conditions. Hereditary, anthropogenic, infectious and many others. They lead to skin problems, which are sometimes so subtle that many of our pets suffer from the disease for a long time.

“Simple” skin diseases of cats


This is what pet acne is called. Occurs more often on the chin. Looks like a cluster of blackheads. Often in advanced cases a bacterial infection develops. The course of the disease progresses, purulent inflammation appears. The reasons for the development of the disease are varied - from poor nutrition to a symptom of an infection.


Inflammation of the hair follicle. Develops as a complication of acne or other infectious skin diseases. It looks like a swelling around a hair, often filled with liquid; palpation causes pain in the cat.

Fungal otitis media

Inflammation of the external auditory canal. The first signs of the disease appear by shaking the head and the cat scratching its ear. Develops against a background of weakened immunity.

Ear mites

If you do not properly care for your pet's ears, mites begin to multiply in them at a frantic pace. The disease manifests itself as scratching, an unpleasant odor from the ears, and dark gray discharge. The skin of the ears turns red and the local temperature rises.


They arise in response to any irritant - food, natural, chemical. Food allergies are the most common - the cat scratches its neck and head. Some breeds are predisposed to negative reactions to the flowering of certain plants. Many animals, especially young ones, react sharply to bathing and grooming. To treat allergies, it is often enough to eliminate the allergen.

Internal reasons

Problems with various vital systems of a cat also lead to the manifestation of skin diseases.

Tail gland hyperplasia

Increased secretion of this gland leads to excessive accumulation of sebaceous secretions. When released, it envelops the hairs at the point of growth, blocking their further development. As a result, the hair falls out and bare areas form. Treatment comes down to constant monitoring of the problem area; castration helps cats.


Some older cats develop lumps under the skin over time—single tumors. They can be easily removed surgically. Cats with white ears often suffer from a more dangerous type - skin cancer. It manifests itself as a change in the appearance of a certain area of ​​the skin, often visible darkening, unevenness of the skin.

Mental disorders

After severe stress - moving, the appearance of a child or another animal in the house - some cats fall into a state of constant grooming. By licking themselves over and over again, they injure the skin, ulcers appear, and hair falls out.

Dangerous skin diseases of cats


Symptoms: hair loss in certain areas of the skin, peeling, the appearance of strange scales, sometimes purulent wounds. Your cat may itch, but ringworm usually does not cause itching.


A serious disease caused by microscopic mites. It is highly contagious and develops rapidly. The main symptom is severe, constant scabies, the skin becomes covered with red spots. It starts with the head, ears. Without treatment, it quickly spreads to other areas of the body, appearing consistently in the armpits, on the folds, and at the base of the tail.

Factors predisposing to the appearance of demodicosis are improper feeding, maintenance, lack of a number of B vitamins, vitamin A, E, and worms.


The main symptom of eczema is a weeping surface of the skin. The cat scratches the affected area, redness and nodules appear on the skin. The general condition changes: a fever develops, the cat loses weight, and kidney problems begin.

Based on skin scraping tests, your veterinarian will rule out other skin diseases and prescribe antihistamines. It is not recommended to treat the cat yourself, as any incorrect treatment can cause additional complications.


Dermatitis is dangerous due to its unpredictable manifestations. If left untreated in time, they can severely undermine the animal’s immune system.


Necrotic destruction of a cat's skin due to prolonged lying in one place. Manifested by tissue necrosis, death of skin cells. It is observed in sick animals that are forced to remain in one position for a long time. Symptoms: pain when touched, decreased temperature of the dying area, color change, appearance of ulcers. Prevention of the development of bedsores is simple - turn your pet over more often in the postoperative period, do not let him sit on the injured limb for a long time. Treatment comes down to treating wounds, dressings, and removing dead tissue.

Associated with viral infections

Some feline diseases lead to the development of skin problems. For example, when leukemia the integument is especially severely affected - abscesses, neoplasms, and wounds occur. Immunodeficiency cats causes chronic otitis with damage to the skin of the ears, numerous pustules (vesicles with pus) appear on the body. causes damage to the skin of the paw pads and around the nose.

It is important to promptly seek help from a veterinarian to determine the cause of the skin disease. The specialist will determine the main cause of the soreness and prescribe adequate therapy.