Retinal hemorrhage, treatment, symptoms, causes. Common and specific causes of hemorrhage in the eye

Retinal hemorrhage is the release of blood from the vessels into one of the layers of the retina: the layer of nerve fibers, into the middle layers of the retina, between the layer of nerve fibers and the hyaloid membrane ( preretinal hemorrhage) or layers of retinal pigment and neuroepithelium ( subretinal hemorrhage).


Blood can only flow from vessels, so the immediate cause of hemorrhage in the retina is always damage to the choroid that feeds it - rupture or pathological permeability of the vascular walls (in the latter case, the volume of accumulating effusion is much less). In turn, the main reasons vascular lesion are:

  • injuries (including those received during ophthalmic surgery) are statistically the most common factor, whose share is 75-85%;
  • vascular pathology (angiopathy) and the resulting degenerative processes in the retina (retinopathy) as an independent, primary disease;
  • secondary angio- and retinopathy that developed as a result of other, more common diseases(diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, blood diseases, infections, atherosclerosis, etc.).

The direct consequences of retinal hemorrhage may be infiltrates, swelling, inflammation, etc., but the most likely and dangerous threat (especially when fluid leaks between the retina and choroid) is retinal detachment, partial or total - which means a sharp deterioration in vision or irreversible blindness.

Separately, as a special form, retinal hemorrhage in newborns is considered, which has a clear cause-and-effect, clinical and prognostic specificity in contrast to “adult” hemorrhages.

Thus, with a worldwide trend toward an increase in the frequency and severity of retinopathy in newborns (especially premature infants), the frequency of postpartum retinal hemorrhages in infants reaches 20-30%. Important statistical patterns were revealed: firstly, such hemorrhages are extremely rare during childbirth with caesarean section, secondly, their probability is much higher (about one and a half times) if a woman gives birth for the first time.

It was later confirmed that main reason hemorrhages in the retina in newborns are caused by the birth itself, or rather, the nature birth process and methods of obstetrics. Difficult, complicated, protracted labor associated with compression of the fetal head, as well as mechanical obstetric and gynecological techniques (forceps, vacuum) sharply increase the likelihood of retinal hemorrhage, which is usually noted at 1-2 weeks of life. There were alarming concerns about a possible connection between retinal and brain hemorrhages, but subsequent in-depth studies using tomography fortunately did not confirm such a connection.


In the case of retinal hemorrhage in adults, its underlying causes are of paramount importance - somatic, endocrine, cardiovascular, or the ophthalmological diseases, the result of which was hemorrhage, or the nature and severity of the injury. In accordance with this, a therapeutic strategy is chosen: absorbable and angioprotective drugs, thrombolytics, antioxidants and vitamins are prescribed (it is highly not recommended to neglect the last two points, despite their apparent “frivolity” and “banality” - such antioxidant-vitamin complexes are really effective and necessary to stimulate regenerative processes).

Therapeutic control and adequate measures to relieve acute symptoms of the underlying disease, if any, are important. In case of large volumes of hemorrhage, its recurrent nature and, as a consequence, the threat of unfavorable development of the clinical picture, they resort to ophthalmic surgery, primarily in order to prevent retinal detachment. However, minor one-time hemorrhages, the cause of which is, for example, an accidental injury to the eye, may not require special therapy: in some cases, the ophthalmologist prescribes only long-term rest and a gentle visual regimen, as a result of which the hemorrhage resolves naturally and without any consequences for the visual system.

In newborns, despite significantly more high frequency incidence of retinal hemorrhages, at the same time, compensatory and regenerative resources are much higher than those of a long-formed adult organism. In most cases, retinal hemorrhage does not require special intervention: the symptoms regress on their own, and, as a rule, are no longer observed during a clinical examination after a month.

And yet, summing up the above, it is necessary to emphasize the extraordinary functional significance, narrow specialization, vulnerability and irreplaceability of the retina. It's not worth the risk own vision, nor, especially, the vision of a newborn child. Consultation and examination by an ophthalmologist for retinal hemorrhage is as mandatory as the fulfillment of all prescriptions made by the doctor.

Our ophthalmological center successfully treats all types of retinal hemorrhages in different patients age groups. Recognized doctors and modern equipment guarantee high treatment results!

General information about the retina and the current state of retinology

The retina is a layer of special light-sensitive receptor cells in the fundus of the eye that perceives the image focused by the eye. Next, it is transmitted to a special nerve, which, with its terminal disc, enters the most developed macular region of the retina (the central “yellow spot”) and serves as a conductor of the visual signal from the neuroepithelium to the visual zones of the cerebral cortex, where, through the processing and fusion of two separate signals, a single binocular image. Normal vision implies complete safety, consistency and correct “tuning” of all elements of the optical conduction tract.

At the same time, the human visual system is evolutionarily protected not as reliably and rigidly as some other systems of the body, and has significantly fewer resources for regeneration and damage compensation. Therefore, in case of functional failure of the eye structures and tissues due to injury or disease, a person most often has to replace them - either with donor material (for example, corneal transplantation) or with synthetic material (for example, the well-known implantation artificial lens). As for the retina, then, firstly, in visual system it plays a completely exceptional role, and secondly, it is too complex for the current stage of technological development, i.e. cannot yet be replaced by, say, an electronic transceiver device at the neural level.

Donor retinal transplantation today is also inaccessible, has not been sufficiently studied statistically and, in fact, remains only an experimental procedure, very expensive and complex. The first relatively successful attempts at such operations were made quite recently - in 2008 in Europe and then in 2014 in Japan, where the world's first retinal transplant grown from stem cells was performed. Regarding donor retinal transplants, the relativity of success is emphasized - vision is only partially restored, the stability of the effect is unknown due to the extremely short period and volume of observations. Reports on the functioning of the brainstem retina are generally distinguished by restraint and stinginess (“the patient’s field of vision has become brighter”).

Conservative, drug treatment retinal therapy by itself is ineffective and is prescribed mainly as additional or maintenance therapy. In fact, the only and most proven method of treating an affected, damaged, degenerating and/or detached retina is ophthalmic surgery (and timeliness is the decisive factor), especially in combination with excimer laser coagulation methods - in this case, the probability of success is immeasurably higher and is, By different sources, from 70% to 90%.

From this brief overview The conclusion that folk wisdom came to a long time ago logically follows: the retina of the eye should be protected “like the apple of the eye,” and in case of the slightest problem, seek qualified help immediately. Otherwise, the risk of a pronounced decrease or complete loss of vision is very high.

Bleeding in the eyes is collective diagnosis. This category includes pathologies that are characterized by the presence of blood accumulations in the eyeball. Blood can be localized in one of the membranes or between the membranes. For patients diagnosed with eye bleeding, the causes and treatment may vary, so it is important to see a doctor if symptoms occur.

Why does it happen and why does it happen?

The eye is an organ that is abundantly supplied with blood due to an extensive vascular network. When exposed negative factors the integrity of the vessel wall may be compromised. Blood rushes from the capillaries into the eye cavity. Visually it looks like a bright red spot on the surface eyeball. Any subconjunctival hemorrhage requires careful diagnosis and mandatory medical monitoring.

There are several causes of hemorrhages in the eye:

  • Blunt trauma or contusion. Damage blood vessels may occur as a result of injury to the eye or other parts of the body (skull or chest). Injuries are divided into 3 degrees of severity. At mild degree the tissue structure is not damaged, so vision is completely restored. In the second degree, tissue damage occurs and vision may be partially lost. If the damage occurs from a third degree injury, complete loss of vision occurs.
  • Blood diseases. If there's blood coming out from the eyes, the cause may be hypertension, diabetes and retinal diseases.
  • Violations vascular system. In this case, a long process of formation of atherosclerotic lesions of the vessel walls occurs. Added to this is increased blood pressure and collagen reduction. As a result, with a strong increase in pressure, capillaries rupture and bleeding occurs.
  • Inflammation. If an inflammatory process occurs in the tissues of the organ of vision, this can cause bleeding.
  • Increased physical activity, including prolonged strained cough, excessive cardio, pushing during childbirth, prolonged gagging.
  • Tumors. As a result of the pressure of the tumor on the vessels, the capillaries burst and blood flows.
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse. Alcohol and smoking cause a sharp expansion and contraction of blood vessels. As a result, the walls may not withstand the load.

Hemorrhage in the retina, in the sclera of the eye, in vitreous(hemophthalmos) - the causes and manifestations of all these pathologies differ.

Symptoms and varieties

Bleeding in the eye may be accompanied by different symptoms and signs. This largely depends on the location of the damaged blood vessel. In this regard, several types of pathology are distinguished:

  • hyphema;
  • complete and partial hemophthalmos of the eye;
  • retinal hemorrhages;
  • hyposphagma.

Each of these types arises due to various reasons, therefore, require a specialized approach to therapy.


The term hyphema means intraocular hemorrhage localized in the anterior chamber of the eye (it is located between the cornea and the iris). Signs can be detected with the naked eye - a purplish-red liquid forms a horizontal level on the anterior chamber.

The cause of such hemorrhage in the eyeball may be an inflammatory process affecting the ciliary body or iris. If blood leaks from the eye and saturates the cornea, it can lead to sharp deterioration vision.


Hemorrhage into the vitreous body of the eye is called hemophthalmos of the eye. This pathology often occurs for the following reasons:

  • acute circulatory disorders;
  • ruptures and detachments of the retina;
  • damage to the central retinal artery (with atherosclerosis, thrombosis, embolism);
  • diabetic retinopathy.

As in the case of retinal hemorrhage, symptoms of hemophthalmos bother patients. The list of typical complaints:

  • decreased visual acuity;
  • appearance of blood from the eye;
  • red veil;
  • the appearance of a web in the field of view, dark spots and floating threads.

During the diagnosis, the absence of the fundus reflex is revealed. In this case, a distinction is made between complete and partial hemophthalmos.


Retinal hemorrhages in the eye are those that are concentrated in the retina. They develop against the background:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • atherosclerosis.

The main symptoms of this pathology:

  • deterioration or complete loss of vision;
  • colored or black spots before the eyes;
  • the appearance of a veil.

According to external signs, retinal hemorrhages are divided into several types:

  • Intraretinal. In such cases, bleeding occurs into the thickness of the retina. Externally clinical picture appears in the form of small circles or purple streaks.
  • Preretinal. Blood accumulates between the hyaloid membrane in the vitreous body of the eye and the retina. They look like a large puddle, larger than the optic disc in size.
  • Subretinal. In such cases, blood flowing out of the eye accumulates between the layer of nerve fibers and the retinal epithelium. They appear as ill-defined dark spots.


Hypophagma is a subconjunctival hemorrhage in which blood comes from the eyes and accumulates between the conjunctiva and sclera. This type of pathology is considered the most common. In 98% of patients with contusion, hemorrhage in the sclera is detected.

The list of reasons for the appearance of this pathology should include:

  • injuries and concussions;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • high blood pressure;
  • severe cough, vomiting, straining.

Visible manifestations are the appearance of red areas on the white of the eye. irregular shape. The size of the hemorrhage in the eye depends on the degree of damage.

With severity 1-2, the patient does not experience pain or discomfort. The quality of vision is not reduced. With the third degree of severity, there is often a feeling foreign body. During blinking, this feeling intensifies. This symptom does not affect visual acuity. This clinical picture rarely lasts longer than three weeks. If the pathology occurs due to impaired hemostasis, then frequent relapses are possible.

How to treat

When from eyes goes blood is a sign of one or another pathology. However, each case requires an individual approach to therapy, so the patient must undergo an initial examination and diagnosis by an ophthalmologist. Hyposphagma, hyphema and hemophthalmos of the eye require different medications.

For hemorrhage into the conjunctiva of the first and second degree, no specialized measures are required. After some time, the bloody spot will disappear on its own. Doctors note: in the absence of pain, the feeling of a foreign body in the eye and a decrease in the quality of vision, a person may not seek treatment. medical care.

For third degree hyposphagma, drug therapy is often prescribed, due to which the patient will be blocked discomfort and pain.

Treatment of hemorrhage in the retina or other part of the eye requires integrated approach. In this case, not only the visible manifestations of the pathology are taken into account, but also its cause.

In severe cases, it is no longer possible to restore partially or completely lost vision.

When characteristic symptoms(appearance of bloody spots in the eye, pain and blurred vision), the person should immediately go to the hospital. The primary task of the doctor is to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible. Do not touch blood clots - they dissolve on their own.

If a single case of hyphema or hemophthalmos of the eye occurs, treatment includes rest, rest and unloading of the eye muscles.

In case of retinal bleeding, the patient requires hospitalization. If symptoms persist beyond 10 days, surgery may be required.

Pharmacy drugs

Self-therapy with medications is strictly prohibited. They should only be prescribed by a doctor. For such pathology, the most effective dosage form are eye drops. They are classified as medicinal products local action, so they give a quick effect.

You need to use the drops correctly:

  1. Before the procedure, be sure to wash your hands. It is best to use a bactericidal agent.
  2. For more convenient instillation, you should take supine position, however this is not always possible. Doctors emphasize that you can instill eye drops in a sitting position, with your head tilted back.
  3. You need to hold the bottle in one hand, and with your free hand you should pull down the lower eyelid and hold the upper one.
  4. If several types of drops are prescribed, the break between uses should be at least 20-30 minutes.

The selection of suitable medications is carried out by the attending physician. This may be one medicine or several.

For hemorrhage in the retina, treatment may require the administration of medications for pressure inside the eye, in which case Atropine and Thymol are prescribed.

Potassium iodide 3%. This drug is prescribed if subconjunctival hemorrhage and other pathologies are detected. The drug is characterized by the presence of antiatherosclerotic and antimicrobial properties. Under the influence of potassium iodide, accelerated resorption occurs blood clots. Glycerol has a similar effect.

Emoxipin. This medicine contains methylethylpyridinol hydrochloride. This substance promotes:

  • rapid resorption of hemorrhages;
  • increases blood clotting, thereby stopping bleeding;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

Emoxipine is often prescribed in combination with other medications.

Emoprox 1%. This drug is an analogue of Emoxipine, has a similar composition and medicinal effect. It gives good result For different types of eye hemorrhage, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

Diclofenac. These eye drops help quickly block symptoms:

  • have an anesthetic effect for pain;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • promote rapid resorption of blood stains.

The duration of use depends on the severity of symptoms.

Taufon. The medicine contains the amino acid taurine. Thanks to this component, regeneration processes are accelerated in damaged tissues of the eyeball. This gives grounds to prescribe Taufon drops for injuries to the organ of vision and contusions.

Visine 0.05%. Such drops are prescribed for many pathologies that cause hemorrhage. Visine is able to remove all irritants that negatively affect eye tissue. Under the influence active substances bruises resolve.

Albucid. If the pathology was caused by inflammatory processes, Albucid drops are often prescribed. They have antibacterial effect and quickly eliminate pathogens.

Hyphenation. As active substance hydroxypropyl methylcellulose is used here. Its action is aimed at:

  • protecting the cornea from negative external influences;
  • moisturizing the epithelium;
  • relieving discomfort associated with the feeling of a foreign body in the eye.

Home Remedies

Doctors emphasize that you need to carefully use home remedies to eliminate hemorrhage in the eye - the causes and treatment of this pathology vary. Refuse drug therapy is possible only if the person does not experience pain and visual acuity is not impaired.

First of all, you need to give your eyes rest and avoid large physical activity. Products will help you quickly get rid of red spots traditional medicine. Particularly effective in in this case eye lotions. A liquid (decoction, infusion) is prepared for them and cooled. After this, cotton pads or pieces of cotton wool are soaked in the liquid and placed on the eyes. At this time, it is best to rest and lie down. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Tea lotions. This method can be called the simplest and fastest. To do this you will need strong brewed tea. It relieves swelling and discomfort, promotes rapid recovery fabrics.

Chamomile decoction. For 250 ml of water take 2 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers, bring to a boil and leave to cool under the lid.

Vinegar water. You should be careful with this product. For 1 syllable l. water requires 1 drop of vinegar 9%. The dosage should not be exceeded, as this may negatively affect the condition of the mucous membrane.

Mild swelling and redness can be treated with ice cubes. Water is poured into molds and sent to the freezer. These pieces can be used to wipe the area above and below the eyes. Ice helps constrict blood vessels and tones tissues. Instead of water, you can take a decoction of chamomile or other medicinal herbs.

The use of compresses has a good effect.

Cottage cheese compress. To do this you will need chilled cottage cheese (from the refrigerator). spoon fermented milk product wrapped in several layers of bandage or gauze and applied to the eyes. Within 10-15 minutes the swelling will subside. With the help of such compresses, you can speed up the restoration of tissue in the eyeball.

Cabbage compress. Cabbage is often used to combat inflammation, swelling and pain in soft tissues. For this purpose chilled cabbage leaf You need to mash it slightly to release the juice. This compress should remain on your eyes for about 1-15 minutes.

You can use home remedies and drops at the same time - if complex therapy the effect comes faster.

What not to do

If subconjunctival hemorrhage is detected, you need to fully control the following actions:

  • If your eyes are bleeding, you should not do the following: rub them and scratch them, trying to get rid of the foreign body sensation. In this case, an infection can occur, and symptoms of inflammation will be added to the symptoms of hemorrhage.
  • You cannot select drops for treatment yourself. Every medicinal product aimed at solving one or more problems. The wrong medication will cause complications.
  • If blood is flowing from the eye, it is not recommended to strain, you need to rest as much as possible.


It is impossible to completely protect against subconjunctival and other types of hemorrhage. This is explained by a large number of predisposing factors. There are a number of ways to reduce the risk of this pathology:

  • You should not abuse cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.
  • Excessive loads should be avoided whenever possible.
  • Human immunity is of great importance. To maintain it, it is recommended to take immunostimulating drugs and foods rich in vitamin C.
  • To people suffering diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to constantly monitor your blood sugar levels.
  • With hypertension, patients should be careful about their blood pressure and increased rates take medications in a timely manner.
  • Retinal hemorrhage can be avoided by reducing the increased load.

In addition to all the above methods of prevention, every person should regularly visit ophthalmology offices.

Retinal hemorrhage is a process that occurs in the retina of the eyeball, caused by damage to elements of the vascular system. This process may be invisible to human vision and is detected only during examination by an ophthalmologist. The pathology is considered extremely dangerous, since the retinal layer of the eyeball contains receptors responsible for the quality of vision.

The disease is widespread and can be caused by mechanical trauma upper section body, and complications of other diseases. Any manifestation of pathology requires immediate intervention by specialists in order to avoid retinal detachment.

Retinal hemorrhage is bleeding into the retinal tissue resulting from damage to the walls of the eye vessels.

One of the main causes of hemorrhage is a head injury or visual organs. Hemorrhage into the organs of vision has three degrees of severity.


For mild damage, bright severe symptoms do not appear. The structure of the eyeball does not change its shape. Sometimes swelling may occur in the cornea area. At this stage, vision almost does not lose its sharpness.


At the middle stage, certain tissues of the eyeball are affected. Blood in the vessels can spread under the conjunctival layer and cause it to rupture. There is a partial deterioration in vision. Irritation occurs when the light is too bright.


Severe damage is characterized by changes in the structure of the eye tissues. In some areas of the retina, tears and detachments may form. There is a small chance of vitreous displacement. The quality of vision is rapidly deteriorating.

Even the most minor injury to the upper body can lead to the development of serious pathologies in the eyeball. In some cases, the obvious symptoms of the disease may not correspond to the real threat. Very often, hemorrhage is accompanied by a concussion.

Also, retinal hemorrhage can be a complication of the following diseases:

  1. Hypertension. Constantly high blood pressure leads to the fact that the vascular system cannot cope with the large amount of incoming substances. Its walls become thinner, and fluid begins to accumulate under the retina.
  2. Atherosclerosis. With this disease, damaged vessels change their structure. Changes occurring in the vascular system make it less elastic, which affects its susceptibility to any external influences.
  3. Diabetes mellitus. During this chronic disease blood sugar levels increase several times. This leads to the fact that the vessels begin to enlarge, and their walls become more weakened.
  4. Connective tissue diseases also play a big role in general condition vascular system. With the development of such diseases, the risk of fluid accumulation in the retina, which is passed through the walls of blood vessels, increases.
  5. Diseases associated with the circulatory system. Due to pathologies that result in changes in the composition of the blood and its coagulability, the functioning of the vascular system is disrupted.

Retinal hemorrhage is quite common and can be a consequence of both mechanical injury, and some diseases

In addition, the cause of hemorrhage in the retina of the eye can be diseases of the visual organs. The formation of tumors inside the eyeball can lead to compression of the vascular and venous system, resulting in hemorrhage. Besides this high degree myopia also affects the formation of pathology.

Hemorrhages can be the consequences of excessive physical exertion. Experts highlight following situations, in which pathology can form:

  • lifting weights;
  • incorrect execution physical exercise during cardio training;
  • labor pains.

In infants, hemorrhage in the retina of the eyeball can form as a result of severe shaking.


The main symptoms of retinal hemorrhage include:

  • limited mobility of the visual organs;
  • decreased quality of vision;
  • blurry outlines of objects and their splitting;
  • the appearance of a veil, flies or flashes before the eyes.

In the first stages of hemorrhage, a small spot appears, which subsequently begins to grow. When the pathology occupies a large space on the pupil, vision gradually loses its sharpness and disappears. In case of damage ocular orbit And inflammatory processes tumors begin to form.

When the hemorrhage is located along the vascular system, the quality of vision does not disappear. However, if the central part of the retina is affected, the work of the visual organs gradually decreases in quality. Pathological changes, occurring in the visual organs, often go unnoticed and are detected only when diagnosing the condition of the fundus of the eyeball.

The most common cause of such hemorrhage is blunt trauma (contusion) of the eye.


Experts diagnose pathology using special tool, ophthalmoscope. After it is identified, the patient is sent for a blood test to determine the cause of the hemorrhage. In most percent of cases, pathology becomes a harbinger of a serious disruption of the body.

Treatment of retinal hemorrhage, especially severe, requires immediate surgical intervention.

In case of severe hemorrhage, the ophthalmologist prescribes the patient a vitrectomy procedure. As a result of this operation, the vitreous body is partially removed, as well as the accumulated ocular membrane blood clots. Recovery period After surgery it takes approximately two weeks. After this time, the ophthalmologist will be able to make a diagnosis in order to determine the effectiveness of the operation. Will it be possible to completely save visual functions depends on the severity of the pathology, as well as the degree of its development at the time the patient seeks help.

The middle stage of hemorrhage does not require surgical intervention. Most experts recommend not exercising for several weeks. visual loads. During the first week, the patient is advised to rest as often as possible with eyes closed. By fulfilling this simple requirement, you can strengthen the natural blood sediment. During this period, it is necessary to carefully take care of the organs of vision. Look at what retinal hemorrhages look like in the photo.

Any hemorrhage, especially repeated, requires mandatory medical consultation.

There is also drug treatment for hemorrhage in the retina of the eyeball. When the disease is not due to development dangerous diseases, and also does not have a severe degree, the ophthalmologist can prescribe medications that have a hemostatic effect. Among these medicines Emoxipin, available in the form of eye drops, has proven itself to be excellent. From him positive properties can be highlighted: strengthening the vascular system, as well as protecting the visual organs from too bright light. Apply this remedy only after it has been prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

General recommendations for all patients can be a course vitamin therapy. Vitamins of group C have properties that have a positive effect on strengthening the vascular system and also normalize blood circulation in the body.

In order to avoid the development of this unpleasant pathology, it is necessary to take time to strengthen immune system body. Also, do not neglect visiting medical specialists and conducting diagnostics of the body.

434 02/13/2019 5 min.

Hemorrhage in the eye occurs at the site of accumulation of blood vessels when they are damaged. Blood accumulates in one cavity and forms a visible stain.

The causes of the pathology, as well as its types, are different. Hemorrhage is determined visually.


Hemorrhages are divided according to the location of the damaged vessels:

  • subconjunctival (on the outer shell of the sclera);
  • in the space between the cornea and the iris ();
  • internally (directly into the vitreous body - hemophthalmos);
  • in the retina of the eye.

Subconjunctival hemorrhage is considered less dangerous. If all other types of pathology occur, you must immediately consult a doctor for medical help. Otherwise, complete loss of vision is possible.

Complex therapy to solve two problems at once (inflammation and swelling) -.

Blurry images are one of the first signs of a problem.

Instructions for use eye drops You will find Combinil Duo.

Possible causes of hemorrhage

Any hemorrhage in the area of ​​the visual organs is inherently pathological. Sometimes this can happen due to general disorders in the body:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • blood diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus

For appointment proper treatment First you need to correctly determine the cause of the hemorrhage. If you only eliminate the consequences, pathology will occur regularly.

The operation to replace the lens is a serious intervention, it is important to know all the details and subtleties -.

An eye injury can cause blood vessels to rupture

Into the retina

This may happen for the following reasons:

  • eye injury;
  • heavy physical work, lifting loads;
  • birth process;
  • mechanical damage;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • contusion of the eye (occurs when strong impact to other parts of the body);
  • myopia;
  • tumors.

If symptoms appear in both eyes at once, an injury has occurred, surrounding objects are blurred, strong painful sensations you need to urgently go to the hospital.

Find out a detailed description of the symptoms of eye cataracts.

Heavy lifting is strictly prohibited

Not a child's problem, a serious solution - .

In the sclera or white of the eye

Possible reasons:

  • injury;
  • viral conjunctivitis;
  • manifestations severe cough or gag reflex;
  • exposure to drugs that have a blood thinning effect;
  • vasculitis;
  • surgical intervention.

Frequent hemorrhages in the sclera or white of the eye indicate systemic processes of disorders in the body. To establish their causes, it is necessary to undergo a full examination.

Glaucoma therapy with proven means.

Detralex will help restore the elasticity and strength of blood vessels


First of all, hemorrhage is determined visually:

  • with hyphema, the entire protein becomes red;
  • with hemophthalmia, a burgundy spot is localized;
  • in case of injury it is formed spider veins with a bruise.

Local angioprotector

The following manifestations are possible:

  • flashes before the eyes;
  • pain;
  • blurred image;
  • feeling of a foreign body.

For retinal hemorrhage:

  • change in sharpness and acuity of visual function;
  • black “flies”;
  • inability to look around freely;
  • double vision.

All symptoms may overlap with each other. To find out the true cause of the hemorrhage, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist.

What to do if the sclera changes color? – The causes of constantly red whites of the eyes are described in.

Conjunctivitis can give rise to a problem

Anatomy of the visual organ

A dangerous symptom or temporary manifestation of overwork is.


There are several main stages:

  1. Diagnosis of pathology by a specialist.
  2. Ensuring complete peace.
  3. Protecting the eye from environmental factors.
  4. Use of cooling compresses and antimicrobial dressings.
  5. Drug treatment.
  6. Surgical intervention (in difficult cases).

Such drugs are strictly prohibited for bleeding

Drug therapy:

  • vitamin complexes (tablets and intravenous);
  • glucose droppers;
  • vascular drugs;
  • drugs that increase blood clotting;
  • enzyme compounds.


  • blood thinning drugs;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • anticoagulants.

The surgical solution to the problem is vitrectomy. During the event:

  • blood clots are released;
  • Those areas that have become turbid during the processes that have occurred are removed;
  • resection of the membrane flap to the retina is possible.

A drug with antiallergic and vasoconstrictor effects

The recovery period is 2 weeks. In case irreversible changes Visual acuity may not be restored. In other situations, specialized treatment and rehabilitation procedures are prescribed.

In cases that do not require intervention in the eye cavity, eye drops may be prescribed:

  • Okumetil;
  • Visine.

The dosage regimen is determined by the doctor. The course of treatment is usually 10 days.

Traditional medicine offers many compresses, tinctures and decoctions for the treatment of hemorrhage. It is based on tea and herbal lotions.

The article is for informational purposes only. For detailed advice, you should contact a specialist.

Possible consequences

The consequences of hemorrhage depend on its type:

  • subconjunctival may occur arbitrarily and not have a serious continuation for the patient (if the pathology occurs frequently, examination is necessary);
  • for all other forms there is a danger of refractive error and even total loss vision;
  • Cataracts or glaucoma may occur as a complication.

If signs of any type of hemorrhage are noticed, under no circumstances should you rub your eyes, use contact vision correction devices, or engage in self-medication.

Floaters before eyes (photo)


There are no preventive measures as such. It is necessary to prevent provoking factors:

  • avoid injury to the eye;
  • avoid strenuous physical activity;
  • before the onset of labor, pregnant women undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist;
  • monitor the development of diabetes mellitus;
  • timely normalize blood pressure in case of hypertension;
  • complete treatment viral diseases eyes;
  • observe myopia and myopia;
  • take vitamin complexes.

Children have the most common reason illness - injury

Retinal hemorrhage is called pathological condition, in which there is an outpouring of blood into the eyes. They are usually caused by trauma, vascular occlusion, hypertensive crises, increased vascular permeability and fragility.

Signs of retinal hemorrhages

Hemorrhages can occur in any layers of the retina. The localization of pathology, as a rule, can be determined by a number of external signs. Thus, the outpouring of blood into the layer of nerve fibers looks like streaks, and into the area of ​​the disc it looks like radial stripes. Blood in the middle layers of the retina appears as small, clearly defined circles of bright purple or red color. Preretinal hemorrhage, localized between the posterior hyaloid membrane and the nerve fiber layer, has the appearance of a puddle large size(up to 4-5 optic disc diameters) with a horizontal level of separation of plasma and other blood elements. For subretinal hemorrhage localized between the layers of the retinal neuroepithelium and pigment epithelium, is more typical dark color than that of retinal hemorrhage and the absence of clear contours. Choroidal hemorrhage appears as a dark red and even bluish tint. The most dangerous pathology- This is a retrochoroidal hemorrhage, which is essentially arterial bleeding, otherwise expulsive hemorrhage.

Retinal hemorrhages usually occur in one eye, and the patient feels it sharply.


To clarify the localization of hemorrhage and identify the causes that caused it, it is necessary to carry out the following types ophthalmological studies:

  • Fluorescent (according to indications).

In addition, they appoint general examination with an ECG and blood pressure measurement. Among laboratory research, the following are required: general tests blood and urine, blood on RW and sugar.

Video from our doctor about the disease


Treatment of retinal hemorrhages is carried out only in an ophthalmological hospital, where patients are required to be hospitalized.

As conservative therapy, in the treatment of retinal hemorrhages, corticosteroids (subconjunctival injections), angioprotectors, antioxidants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics, vasodilators and antihistamines. Osmotherapy and laser coagulation are carried out (for large volumes).

The duration of treatment is usually 14 days, after which the hemorrhage will resolve and vision will improve.
