Bloody scarlet discharge. Who said that curing infertility is difficult? When can they occur normally?

Bloody discharge from the genital tract should always alert a woman, as it usually indicates trouble. Bloody discharge varies in intensity:

  • minor spotting spotting
  • spotting blood,
  • copious discharge, even bleeding.

The blood may be scarlet, bright, dark, clotted or clotted, brown.

Bloody discharge is normal

Bloody discharge before menstruation may be a sign of a shift in the menstrual cycle towards shortening due to various reasons. This is a completely acceptable phenomenon, as is spotting after menstruation, especially against the background of stress or a radical change in environment.

Also, occasionally, discharge may occur during ovulation, bloody, spotting or brownish. If they are short-term and painless, they are not dangerous. Sometimes, in the presence of cervical erosion, there may be discharge after sex due to contact bleeding from injured vessels.

Pathological discharge

Bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle is most often a sign of pathology - important signs there will be the amount of discharge, how you feel when it appears, and the phase of the cycle.

Bloody discharge between periods can be profuse - according to type breakthrough bleeding, this is a reason to apply for immediate help. Bleeding may be brown, very dark, like clotted blood, 1-2 teaspoons in volume on a daily napkin. This is a reason to consult a doctor.

The discharge may be spotting pink color- this may be a sign of defects in the cervical area.

In addition, spotting may be a sign of:

  • menstrual irregularities, hormonal imbalances,
  • adenomyosis of the uterus,
  • - tumor process cervix or body of the uterus,
  • uterine fibroids, polyps,
  • endometrial hyperplasia,
  • inflammatory processes in the endometrium.

Other causes of bleeding between menstruation may be problems of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, disorders of the pituitary gland, taking oral contraceptives, using drugs for emergency contraception, use of estrogen-containing supplements, sudden weight fluctuations.

Bloody discharge and pregnancy

During a normal pregnancy, there should be no bleeding.

Bloody discharge instead of menstruation with a slight delay or without it can be a sign of pregnancy and the emerging threat of its termination. You need to take a pregnancy test and see a doctor.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy can be of varying intensity - from slight spotting to bleeding. Pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding and malaise are especially dangerous. This is a sign of an incipient miscarriage; usually in such cases hospitalization is used, duphaston is prescribed, and the discharge gradually disappears.

Bleeding during pregnancy can occur in late pregnancy - this may be a sign of a threat of premature birth or placental abruption. Immediate hospitalization is required.

IN late dates pregnancy, spotting may occur after examination due to softening of the cervix and its slight injury.

Discharge after childbirth

After childbirth, the uterus is an extensive wound surface, and its cavity gradually contracts, closing the bleeding vessels.

Bloody discharge after childbirth initially looks like heavy menstruation, but as the uterus recovers, it gradually becomes ichorous and then mucous. By about the end of 2-3 weeks, the discharge should become yellowish and light.

After intrauterine interventions

Often, women terminate their pregnancy through abortion, or curettage of the uterine cavity is performed for diagnostic purposes.

The restoration of the uterine mucosa after such an intervention takes several days, therefore, spotting may occur, reminiscent of menstruation. Gradually, after 2-4 days they should become bloody and go away completely.

Discharge after taking medications

There is a group of drugs, usually of hormonal origin, that can cause bleeding.

Most often, spotting or minor bleeding occurs in the first couple of cycles of taking oral contraceptives, such as Janine, Yarina, Regulon: the bleeding is scanty and short-lived.

Emergency contraception can often cause bleeding; the drug Postinor, due to a shock dose of hormones, causes bleeding similar to menstruation. Unfortunately, the drug is unsafe for health; it causes a very strong hormonal shift.

The appearance of any bloody discharge from the genital tract that is not associated with physiological menstruation is a reason to consult a doctor and undergo examinations and treatment.

Gynecological diseases manifest themselves differently in women. Some patients experience itching or burning, while others are bothered by nagging pain in the lower abdomen with high temperature bodies. IN gynecological clinics Women often present with heavy or scanty vaginal discharge, the cause of which is not always associated with a specific half of the cycle.

What is bleeding?

Normally, a clear or clear discharge comes from the vagina. white mucus. Its color and consistency depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Discharge mixed with blood indicates that the vaginal mucosa or uterine wall has been damaged. The appearance of blood clots immediately before menstruation or during the formation of a cycle after childbirth is considered normal.


Various violations menstrual cycle can lead to the appearance of bloody clots in the mucus. If bleeding is accompanied by pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. They may be one of the signs of endometriosis. Estrogen supplements often cause the endometrium to shed prematurely, leading to blood clots. Problems in the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands can affect the ovulation process and cause premature monthly bleeding. The following are the main reasons for the appearance of blood clots:

  • Reception hormonal drugs. After taking the pills there is no pain, the discharge is scanty.
  • Inflammatory diseases reproductive system. Depending on the type of illness, nagging or sharp pain, fever, nausea, and weakness may appear.
  • Sexual infections. The discharge has a characteristic unpleasant odor. Accompanied by minor pain syndrome, itching, burning.
  • Uterine fibroids, polyps. At initial stages bleeding diseases appear in the middle of the cycle. Towards the end of menstruation they temporarily stop. If the disease is not treated, it becomes permanent.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. The condition is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen of varying intensity. Woman experiencing severe weakness. Pre-fainting condition.
  • Endometritis. Aching pain in the lower abdomen. At chronic form illness, temperature rises.
  • Cervical erosion. More often it occurs secretly without any severe symptoms. Blood appears during sex.

Bloody discharge mid-cycle

Before ovulation, the mucus should not contain any blood clots. Brown discharge with blood in the middle of the cycle indicate that the woman has cervical erosion. They may have a characteristic odor. Put accurate diagnosis A gynecologist will be able to examine you. Intermenstrual bleeding in adolescents and women who have recently given birth is considered normal. This indicates that the body is trying to normalize the cycle.

In the second half of the cycle

A couple of days before your period, blood-streaked discharge may appear. They will be scanty, but will begin to intensify as the release of the egg approaches and the upper layer of the endometrium separates. If the discharge has an unpleasant odor, then there is a high probability of developing cervical pathology. One of the reasons for the appearance of blood in the second half of the cycle is a lack of progesterone. The endometrium peels off prematurely, which is why bloody clots appear.

No menstruation, but still bleeding

After conception, women may experience pink discharge. You should immediately consult a doctor, because it starts to be smeared when there is a threat of miscarriage. Some women experience heavy brown bleeding. They are a sign of ovarian exhaustion. In normal physical well-being, pinkish discharge is an indicator of the following abnormalities:

  • inflammation of the uterus;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • helix incompatibility;
  • presence of a tumor;
  • problems with thyroid gland;
  • the presence of intrauterine cysts.

After intrauterine interventions

Bloody secretion may appear after installation intrauterine device(Navy). Normally they should be scanty without unpleasant odor. If, after installing the IUD, heavy bleeding begins, accompanied by pain, you should consult a doctor. An infection was probably introduced during the procedure. Light bleeding after an abortion is considered normal. After curettage of the uterine cavity, the mucous membrane will completely recover in about a week, then the discharge with blood will disappear.

Discharge after taking medications

Vaginal ichor appears in 75% of women during the period of adaptation of the body to combined oral contraceptives. The amount of sex hormones changes, so scarlet impurities may appear in clear mucus. A similar situation occurs after taking emergency contraception. Some antibiotics cause severe dysbacteriosis, disrupting the vaginal microflora. It leads to exacerbation of chronic diseases and bleeding. Vaginal discharge with blood clots may occur when taking the following drugs:

  • Postinor;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Belara;
  • Polygynax;
  • Cefazolin.

Discharge after childbirth

Bloody secretions can be released up to 8 weeks after the baby is born. Alternative title this phenomenon is lochia. Immediately after birth, they are bright scarlet in color, but by 3-4 days they become dark brown. Gradually the color of the discharge changes. When the uterus is completely healed, they disappear. Long-lasting lochia indicates that there are problems with the reproductive system. serious problems. A woman should contact a gynecologist if:

  • the discharge contains large blood clots;
  • 4-5 days after birth, scarlet lochia does not cease to appear in supine position;
  • blood has an unpleasant odor;
  • the bloody secretion completely ceased to be released 1 week after birth;
  • there is fever and chills.

Mucous discharge streaked with blood during pregnancy

During the first 2-3 weeks of pregnancy, the body has not yet had time to adapt to the new state. During this period, pinkish bloody clots may appear. If blood appears at 5 or 11 weeks, then there is a high probability of placental abruption and miscarriage. The woman is sent for an ultrasound and a hormone test is done. When an embryo is rejected, the release of a bloody secretion is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of contractions.

After intercourse

Coitus should not be accompanied by any painful sensations. If blood appears after sexual intercourse, this indicates that the vaginal mucosa has been damaged. This could happen due to a lack of natural lubrication. Another reason for the appearance of blood after sexual intercourse lies in chronic diseases reproductive system. With erosion, bleeding may begin due to direct contact with the damaged area of ​​the cervix.

Before your period

A few days before the end of the cycle, the endometrium begins to be shed. The blood vessels burst, so the mucus takes on a pinkish tint. Bloody discharge Doctors consider it normal between periods at the end of the cycle. However, if a woman starts bleeding heavily before her period begins, she should visit a gynecologist and get tested for hormones. Such bleeding is often observed in patients with a lack of progesterone.

After menstruation

The beginning and middle of the cycle should not be accompanied by the appearance of bloody secretions. It is considered normal when, after the end of menstruation, the discharge has a slightly reddish tint for 2-3 days. If the secretion is constantly present, then the woman should be examined by a gynecologist. Heavy bleeding between menstruation indicate the presence of serious pathologies in the body. These include:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • genital injuries;
  • cervical cancer;
  • genital tract infections;
  • endometrial polyps.

For injuries to the genital organs and any other diseases of the reproductive system, you cannot treat yourself. In case of prolonged bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor. Incorrectly selected suppositories and tablets can lead to serious complications. Disease from acute form will become chronic and it will be very difficult to cure such an illness later.

Bloody discharge in postmenopause

At the natural completion of reproductive activity, a woman faces some physical changes. One of them is the appearance of brown spotting with a small admixture of blood. A year after the onset of menopause, the endometrium becomes thinner, so there should be no bleeding. The reasons for the appearance of discharge with bloody clots in postmenopause are as follows:

Treatment methods

After the woman found out why there's blood coming out from the vagina, she should begin therapy. If the cause of this symptom lies in hormonal imbalance, then the doctor prescribes drugs with progesterone or estrogen to the patient. At ectopic pregnancy The only way to save a woman's life is abortion. Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system are treated with antibiotics. If malignant changes in the endometrium are observed, then surgery is performed.


Every month for everyone healthy woman physiological processes occur in the form of menstruation, as well as the detection of vaginal secretion. Stable monthly bleeding indicates proper reproductive function, because everyone knows that throughout the entire cycle, a woman’s internal genital organs prepare for conception, and when this does not happen, they begin. Thanks to the protective secretion, which protects the female body from various infections, spotting is accompanied by mucus secreted by the cervix, and, therefore, this process is completely normal and should not be feared. However, quite often women encounter blood-streaked discharge before menstruation, which can no longer be called the norm.

Reasons for the appearance of menstruation in the form of mucus with blood streaks

First of all, a woman should monitor her condition, paying special attention to the abundance and duration of secretions, as well as its connection with the individual menstrual cycle. Throughout her life, a woman faces hormonal fluctuations, closely related to the following main phases:

  • The phase of manifestation of discharge before menstruation. During the normal course of this phase, discharge appears with an error of a couple of days from the “calendar” plan. If this is detected three or more days later, we are talking about disorders that are associated with diseases such as ectopia of the cervix, endometriosis, endometrial polyp, infectious destruction of the vaginal microflora.
  • The phase of manifestation of discharge at the end of menstruation. IN in good condition this is explained by the process of clotting of liquid and homogeneous blood, which takes no more than two days. If there are deviations, the regula lasts more than a week, which suggests the following anomalies: the presence of cracks in the vagina, polyp, erosion, endometriosis.
  • The phase of detecting discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle. A normal occurrence is the rupture of a follicle inside the uterus, which indicates the onset of ovulation, and this process lasts no more than one day. You should be wary of an increase in the time of discharge, as well as complications of such symptoms: an increase in body temperature to 37 degrees, general malaise body, pulling.
  • The phase of presence of discharge during pregnancy and postpartum period. A normal process is discharge exclusively in the first days of conception, as this indicates the implantation of the egg and an increase in estrogen in the woman’s blood. On last month pregnancy this phenomenon can also be considered a manifestation normal operation organism, indicating the approaching onset of labor. Negative factor is the secretion of mucus in the second and third trimesters, which may indicate a miscarriage or premature rejection of the fetus.

Read also Instead of menstruation, a drop of blood a day

Gynecologists note that such behavior of the patient’s body can express both pathology and a natural process, so this should be taken seriously and it is better not to hesitate to consult a doctor.

The appearance of mixed discharge as a natural phenomenon for female body, occurs due to the following physiological processes:

  • during menopause;
  • during the ovulation period;
  • as a consequence of abortion;
  • at the first appearance of the menstrual cycle and during its formation;
  • during the postpartum period;
  • during implantation of the embryo.

The main reasons for the appearance of mucus interspersed with blood as a pathology:

  • when an infection occurs in the vagina;
  • in case of hormonal imbalance;
  • when performing an abortion on your own;
  • due to placental complications;
  • with varicose veins of internal organs;
  • when polyps and fibroids appear;
  • due to cervical erosion;
  • with ectopic pregnancy;
  • with pathological growth and thickening of endometrial tissue.

However, when self-discovery any of the above factors, you should not self-medicate, due to the fact that your own verdict is not always correct, and only a specialist can confirm or refute it, as well as prescribe necessary treatment.

How to determine the norm from pathology

The expression of any symptoms must be mandatory be considered and discussed with your personal physician, since only he can determine whether this is a pathology or a physiological norm.

Due to the varied detail, the following characteristics of mucous discharge can be distinguished:

  • Volume:
  • thick discharge;
  • insufficient discharge.
  • Smell:
  • absent;
  • present.
  • Color:
  • mucus with a white tint;
  • mucus with a yellow tint;
  • mucus with a green tint;
  • mucus with a brown tint.
  • Periodicity:
  • constant discharge;
  • infrequent discharge.
  • Duration:
  • long-term;
  • short-term.
  • Presence of dependence on the menstrual cycle:
  • There is;
  • Connection with pregnancy:
  • There is;

Signs of infectious processes

The most common cause of mucous discharge mixed with blood is infectious diseases. The entry of microbes into the vagina can also cause mixed discharge, which is observed for three or more days. Discharge during an infectious disease is divided into three types:

  • Candidiasis. Accompanied by white discharge and an unpleasant sour odor.
  • Trichomoniasis. Accompanied heavy discharge having a fluid, foamy structure.
  • Gonorrhea. Accompanied by abundant thick discharge cloudy yellow and green color.

Read also 🗓 Before menstruation, discharge is like egg white

The following symptoms are also characteristic of infectious inflammation:

  • severe itching;
  • burning sensation in the vagina, especially when urinating;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • swelling of the labia.

Sometimes an unpleasant nagging pain in the lower abdomen is also possible, but it is not very common.

When to see a doctor

Cervical erosion is a common disease in the field of gynecology. This pathology occurs with neoplasms of metaplates on the mucous membrane of the female genital organs. From the very beginning of its manifestation there are no symptoms. Long-term pulling is the first “bell” indicating erosion. It is followed by a painful burning sensation during sexual intercourse, as well as mixed mucous discharge with bloody streaks. Microbes, taking root in an irritated environment, disrupt the structure of the mucous membrane, and for this reason the symptoms expand and the bleeding becomes more abundant. To confirm symptoms, the gynecologist must take a blood test. Research shows that 62% of women of reproductive age experience cervical erosion, which provides strong motivation to regular visits your attending physician.

Doctors' opinion

Expert doctor Olga Yurievna Kovalchuk recommends getting rid of problems with cycle disorders with medicinal herbal tampons: “Research shows that within three weeks, 90% of women who used similar remedy, were convinced of the effectiveness of their work and improved health. More than half of the subjects completely forgot about problems with the menstrual cycle, and 20% of women with serious illnesses last stages There has been clear progress on the path to recovery,” the gynecologist noted.

According to female doctors With many years of work experience, disruptions in the menstrual cycle are closely related to such phenomena as infertility. Bad job hormonal system affects the efficiency of egg attachment, which is why pregnancy (if it occurs at all) ends in fetal death or miscarriage. Often, women do not pay attention to the short period of the cycle, as well as the volume and quality of discharge, which subsequently develops into a pathology of the reproductive system.


Menstrual irregularities are wide range symptoms reflecting malfunctions of the female genital organs throughout the entire reproductive period. Bloody mucous discharge can mean a reboot of the female body, and can also be a reflection on its environment, however, they cannot be excluded as evidence of serious diseases.

Such a phenomenon as discharge with streaks of blood not associated with menstruation should not be overlooked. Such discharge may be the only symptom indicating a problem in reproductive system women.

Discharge streaked with blood can be a sign of diseases such as cervical erosion, polyps of various locations.

As a rule, this kind of discharge is not constant and is intermittent, its duration varies within 3 days.

The appearance of such discharge is associated with trauma to the “diseased” area of ​​the internal genital organs during sexual intercourse, insertion of a tampon, or gynecological manipulation. As soon as the damaged tissue is epithelialized, the streaks of blood in the secretions disappear.

Often this disease does not make itself felt and its discovery comes as a surprise to the owner.
The fact is that the course of cervical erosion is asymptomatic, but when gynecological examination Erosion in mirrors is very difficult to miss.

Erosion is forming quite long time as a result of untreated chronic inflammation cervix. There is pronounced desquamation of the squamous epithelium uterine cervix down to the lowest layer (basal), which under normal conditions is the source of cells of the upper layers of the epithelium.

When viewed in mirrors, the eroded surface is clearly visible and looks like a bright red area irregular shape, there is no epithelium on its surface.

The erosive surface of the cervix is ​​very sensitive to external influences and is easily injured when it comes into contact with a Volkmann spoon when taking a smear from the cervical canal, as well as during violent sexual intercourse or during deep insertion of tampons soaked in drugs. The injured erosion continues to bleed even after the cessation of exposure, which causes the appearance of mucous discharge streaked with blood.

Others clinical manifestations cervical erosion usually does not. The exception is cases of infection of the eroded surface of the cervix. After joining bacterial infection, vaginal discharge may acquire a mucopurulent character. In addition, it also suffers general condition women. There is a rise in temperature to febrile levels, weakness, lethargy, and sometimes nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Colposcopy (examination of the cervix using an optical device) reveals purulent plaque on the erosive surface of the cervix.

Treatment methods for erosion

Treat this pathology is absolutely necessary, since untreated cervical erosion can become an obstacle to a successful pregnancy, and can also become a source of the development of a malignant tumor.

On initial stages The fight against detected erosion is carried out using conservative methods. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, including local ones. Also used medicines aimed at maintaining optimal functioning of the immune system.

If the eroded area of ​​the cervix has become infected, then antibacterial drugs to eliminate the joiner infectious agent.

It should be noted that treating erosion is a thankless task, since it responds poorly to therapeutic measures and often relapses. This is due to the fact that the causes of this disease are not fully understood.

In treatment of this disease More radical methods are also used:

  1. Cauterization (coagulation with acids). After exposure to the erosive surface of the cervix, the protein structures of the cells are destroyed, resulting in the formation of a scab, under which epithelization of the damaged area occurs.
  2. Treatment with liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction, freezing). By using liquid nitrogen the diseased area is frozen to healthy tissue. U this method there is a significant drawback - shortening of the cervix during treatment. Such consequences can lead to difficulties in carrying a pregnancy.
  3. Radio wave destruction. This treatment method is preferable. The procedure is performed using the Surgitron device.
  4. Use of surgical laser - modern effective method treatment of cervical erosion. The depth of laser exposure is under the control of a doctor and can be only a couple of millimeters. A significant advantage of this method is that no scar is formed during the healing process of the treated area.
  5. Conization of the cervix. It is carried out in situations where the cells of the eroded surface have already begun to degenerate. In such cases, an operation is performed to excise them, followed by reconstructive surgery if necessary.


One more common reason the appearance of discharge streaked with blood - polyps of the vaginal wall. The appearance of blood in vaginal discharge occurs when this formation is traumatized during sexual intercourse, after the introduction of tampons, douching or gynecological manipulations.

The bleeding usually ends after 2–3 days. Other clinical manifestations of this disease rarely occur. The periodic appearance of mucous discharge streaked with blood is often the only complaint at an appointment with a gynecologist.

Treatment of polyps

Despite the few symptoms, this disease can bring many problems, the most dangerous of which is malignancy, when a harmless neoplasm acquires the signs of a malignant tumor. In this case easy removal the polyp may not be enough, and treatment is carried out together with an oncologist.

In other cases, an operation called polypectomy is performed. To remove polyps, the surgeon can use a regular scalpel, laser or radio knife. Small formations are successfully cauterized using the cryodestruction method.

Other reasons

The alarm should not always be sounded when discharge streaked with blood appears; this phenomenon often occurs in healthy women.

One of the physiological reasons that explains this phenomenon may be the onset of pregnancy, or more precisely, the implantation of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. In this case, a violation of integrity occurs inner shell uterus, consequently, damage to blood vessels, which become a source of drip bleeding. The blood released during implantation is mixed with normal discharge and forms streaks of blood in them, which make the lady anxious.

Monitoring the course of the menstrual cycle with the help of a calendar that modern girls keep can help distinguish bleeding associated with pregnancy from other causes.

Implantation of the fertilized egg occurs shortly after unprotected sexual intercourse during the ovulation period (days 14–16 of the cycle). There is usually still a week left before the onset of menstruation. The presence of blood streaks in the discharge is very short-lived; they disappear from the vaginal discharge within 1–2 days. After which the arrival of menstruation does not occur.

Implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall may also be accompanied by moderate nagging pain lower abdomen.

Most often, this significant event for a woman occurs unnoticed by her, especially if the pregnancy was not planned.

When streaks of blood appear in vaginal discharge, it is very difficult to differential diagnosis the reasons for this phenomenon, located on the border of normality and pathology. Most right action If such a symptom occurs, you will need to visit a qualified gynecologist, since he is the one who is able to see what is not available to a woman for independent examination. If necessary, the doctor will perform additional diagnostic procedures to determine the cause of the appearance of blood-streaked discharge.


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The mucus secreted from the vagina is a physiological fluid along with tears, sweat, and saliva. Normally, it should be transparent, without any foreign inclusions.

But mucous discharge streaked with blood is not always a pathology. For example, during pregnancy, towards the end of the third trimester, they may talk about the release of the so-called plug and the imminent start labor activity. Also, this phenomenon often occurs during menopause and accompanies various gynecological diseases.

By character vaginal discharge the presence of one or another disease can be assumed. Normally, a small amount of white mucus is allowed in vaginal secretions. Before the onset of menstruation, it may become colored pink tint due to the presence of drops of blood.

Mucous discharge with streaks of blood, an increase in the volume of secretion, a change in its color indicates possible problems with health.

The inclusion of veins is normal during ovulation. In the middle of the cycle, the amount of mucus increases, and the admixture of blood indicates the release of the egg. Ovulatory bleeding lasts a maximum of 2-3 days, after which it stops. It cannot happen if you are pregnant.

In all other cases, foreign inclusions in the mucus are a signal of development pathological process in the body. These include erosion, problems with the ovaries, and during pregnancy there is a possible threat of miscarriage, especially during early stages, placental abruption and other pathological conditions in fetal development.

Causes and symptoms

Blood-streaked discharge accompanies most women's diseases. In case of menstrual irregularities, endometrial damage, development of benign and malignant tumors vascular rupture occurs. As a result, drops of blood get into the ordinary mucus, which women may normally have every day.

Mucus with blood may appear sporadically or be daily. If this phenomenon is accompanied by other symptoms, for example, pain in the lower abdomen, cycle failure, it is necessary to examine and determine the cause of this condition.


Pathological vaginal secretion accompanies many infections of the female genital organs. As a result of penetration of the infectious agent, damage to the mucous membrane occurs, which inevitably leads to the appearance of a small amount of blood.

Discharge with bloody inclusions can accompany the following diseases:

  • genital herpes;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • bacterial vaginosis.

With the development of these diseases, not only is blood present in the discharge, but other symptoms also appear: painful urination, itching, burning of the external genitalia, discomfort during sexual intercourse. An increase in temperature and general malaise are also possible.

As it develops infectious diseases There is also a simultaneous disruption of the menstrual cycle. , last longer or, conversely, decrease, the nature of bleeding changes.

Cervical erosion

Bloody secretion with brown tint, often accompanies the development of cervical erosion. This usually occurs in three cases:

  • complicated stage of the disease;
  • mechanical damage to the mucosa;
  • the addition of a bacterial infection or other disease of the reproductive system, for example, polyps of the cervical canal.

Long-term causes extensive ulceration on the uterine pharynx. Against this background, pathogenic microorganisms can actively multiply and other infections can occur.

It is the pathology of the cervix that is distinguished by its special destructive activity against the epithelium lining the uterus. Ulcers different sizes lead to vascular damage. IN different periods cycle, drops of blood may flow out of them, due to which streaks appear in the mucus.

Fibroids and polyps

In the presence of neoplasms, which include fibroids, myomas and polyps, the cyclicity of menstruation and the volume of daily mucus secreted from the vagina inevitably change. When the tumor reaches a significant size, the normal functioning of the internal organs is disrupted, which can result in the appearance of small red inclusions in the secretion.

This phenomenon occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Predominance of mucosal cells producing mucus. Glandular fibrous polyp can provoke an increase in the volume of mucus and the appearance of blood streaks in it.
  2. Mechanical irritation of glandular cells. Any neoplasm, as it grows, puts pressure on the walls of the cervical canal, which causes an increase in the amount of secretions and the appearance of drops of blood in them.
  3. Infectious and inflammatory processes. The cells of any neoplasm are an ideal environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria. To protect against them negative impact the mucous membrane swells, some vessels are damaged.

With neoplasms, the discharge does not have an unpleasant odor.

Spontaneous abortion

Pregnancy in 20% of cases ends in spontaneous abortion. This type of miscarriage also causes brown-streaked discharge. Most dangerous period is 2-3 weeks from fertilization. A miscarriage at this stage is almost asymptomatic; the discharge rarely differs from normal menstruation.

They are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • mucus is released mixed with drops of blood, after 1-2 days full menstruation occurs;
  • a nagging or sharp pain appears in the area of ​​the coccyx and lower abdomen;
  • The appearance of discharge is preceded by a slight delay.

In rare cases, during a frozen pregnancy there is no discharge, but sharp pain and fever occur.

If left untreated (), infection of the uterus and even blood poisoning are possible.

Ectopic pregnancy

The development of the fetus outside the uterus - ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy - is a pathological condition that requires immediate medical intervention. The fruit develops into fallopian tube or elsewhere in the abdominal cavity, grows and damages blood vessels.

The result is the appearance of mucous-blood discharge. But reddish veins are not the only symptom - the woman feels sharp pain, menstruation is disrupted, delay is possible. The test and examination for hCG levels show a positive result.

Placental complications

Any non-standard secretion during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, requires a competent medical assessment. Bloody discharge in women in the first trimester may indicate placental abruption.

Placental anomalies - abruption and presentation - cause not only the appearance of abundant mucous bloody discharge, but also sharp pain, more characteristic of detachment. Presentation manifests itself immediately before the onset of labor, simultaneously with the dilation of the cervix. The placenta may overlap cervical canal, resulting in the appearance of blood in the discharge. Premature detachment can happen in both the first and second trimester.

Other reasons

Other causes of bloody discharge include: hormonal imbalance, injuries, improper use of tampons, long wearing or incorrect installation of the intrauterine device, diseases of the uterus, intense sexual intercourse. Discharge like snot can also occur during menopause.

If there is a clear or white secretion with small bloody inclusions, an examination should be performed. And if heavy bleeding develops, pain appears, or temperature rises, an urgent visit to a doctor is necessary.

Mucus with blood and the menstrual cycle

Bloody discharge with mucus is common one to two days before the start of menstruation. But during other periods of the menstrual cycle, such secretion is not the norm, but rather indicates some kind of internal pathological process.

The presence of copious mucous discharge in women after menstruation or between them requires a visit to the doctor.

Before your period

A couple of days before the onset of menstruation, blood streaks of mucus indicate egg rejection and imminent arrival critical days. Before menstruation, this condition occurs in most women. Spotting appears either on the first day of menstruation, or 1 day before its onset.

The total volume of secretion also increases. This is necessary in order to remove the remnants of dead endometrium, which should be released in the absence of fertilization of the egg.

After menstruation

– also a physiological state. Thus, the remains of endometrial cells are released. If such secretion lasts no more than 2-3 days, this is considered normal.

Heavy discharge after menstruation, lasting more than 1 week, is a sign of open bleeding, which can develop against the background of erosion, ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion and other pathological conditions.

In the middle of the cycle

The appearance of drops of blood in the secretion in the middle of the cycle indicates pathological condition or the onset of ovulation. Ovulatory bleeding occurs in more than half of women of reproductive age. During this period, blood is released for 1-2 days against the background of an increased amount of secretion.

In other cases, irregular bleeding appears only against the background of the development of the disease, the onset of menopause, with hormonal imbalance.

Bloody discharge in girls and young women

Menarche (first menstruation) often appears as brownish clear discharge. During the first 6-12 months, and sometimes the first three years menstrual cycle It is just forming; sharp hormonal fluctuations are possible in a teenager’s body.

Against this background, the nature of secretion may change significantly, an increase in volume, the appearance of blood streaks, and a shortening or lengthening of the cycle may occur. This is normal if it does not cause discomfort, pain, or increase bleeding during puberty.

During pregnancy and after childbirth

Bloody discharge during pregnancy should always alert a woman. The norm is only the appearance of small reddish mucus at the beginning of the first trimester, in particular the first 2-4 weeks from fertilization. At this time, it may be a consequence of the attachment of the fertilized egg.

In all other cases, if there is a discharge streaked with blood during pregnancy, especially at the end of the first trimester, immediate contact with a specialist is required. They can talk about placental abruption, fetal pathologies, the development of gynecological female diseases, which are most often accompanied characteristic symptoms– pain in the lower abdomen, diuresis disturbances, itching, burning, and so on.

Bloody discharge during menopause

The onset of menopause is characterized by gradual extinction reproductive function women. This also affects the discharge - it can be profuse, even bleeding from the uterus, scanty, irregular. Rarely does menstruation stop immediately; this only happens when prompt removal ovaries.

With the physiological onset of menopause, the nature of the discharge changes gradually - the blood volume decreases, the cycle becomes irregular, and the duration of critical days also decreases. Therefore, the appearance of blood streaks in the mucus in the first phase of the menopause is more often the norm than a pathology.

Diagnosis and treatment

The presence of blood inclusions in the secretion requires examination in any case. The following are usually used as diagnostics:

  • transvaginal ultrasound;
  • gynecological examination;
  • taking smears for STDs and other infections;
  • UAC and OAM.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the reason for the change in the nature of the discharge. Can be used antibacterial therapy, hormone therapy. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, mandatory deletion fertilized egg. During pregnancy, in case of placental abruption, conservation therapy is carried out.