Cuban men about Russian women. Cuba - reviews from those who moved

Our reader Inessa Severinova writes:

1. Cubans are very sociable people; you shouldn’t be surprised at the numerous street compliments (note, not vulgar at all, but very nice), especially if you are a pretty woman with a friendly attitude. It is also quite normal for a local to start a non-binding conversation with a stranger on the street, simply because he is in a good mood or, conversely, sad.

2. Cuba has a very weak education system. During the Soviet era, there was a base of good teachers, all of whom are currently retired. The schools are taught by former high school students with a low level of knowledge, and many subjects such as biology, geography, chemistry, etc. are combined into one subject called “Ciencias naturales.”

3. In Cuba there is only free education. To enter any university, you must take three subjects: Cuban history, Spanish and mathematics.

4. For citizens of Cuba, any medical care is provided free of charge, this also applies to dentistry, which is currently not at the highest level, and even services such as abortion.

5. Cuban medicine is considered one of the best in the world. The relatively low cost of treatment attracts many foreign patients with severe or rare diseases. Cuba has a reputation not only as a tourist destination, but also as a medical infirmary with a wide base of specialized hospitals and a huge staff of medical personnel.

6. Cuba regularly supplies its doctors on lease to third world countries in Africa and Latin America.

7. Cubans are incredibly clean, they try to shower whenever possible, change clothes at least twice a day and actively use antiperspirants and perfume. Having wet armpits is considered indecent and disgusting in this hot tropical country.

8. I have never seen a more sexy and alluring gait than that of Cuban girls. This feature begins to appear from about 10 years of age and continues until the age of 30.

9. Regular Cuban brown cane sugar is moist and smells like mash. Which does not detract from its merits, but even adds some piquancy.

10. Cuba still maintains a system of card purchases, the so-called “Libreta”. Cards allow citizens to purchase essential products, such as rice, beans, butter, milk powder, sugar, etc., in specialized stores at an affordable price. Therefore, no one here swells from hunger, even with meager incomes.

11. The average salary of a mid-ranking official is approximately $20 per month.

12. Almost all residential buildings in Cuba, with the exception of a few high-rise buildings in Havana, do not have glass. Instead of glazing, wooden or metal blinds are usually used.

13. There is no high-speed internet in Cuba. The island uses expensive satellite communications, providing Internet to all government agencies, hotels and private users. Therefore, most Internet connections are modem, and the speed over a dedicated line is not much different from a telephone connection.

14. Access to the Internet for tourists is carried out either in the hotel from state-owned computers, with the exception of a couple of expensive Havana hotels that provide a weak wi-fi connection, or from post offices, also on the state. computers.

15. Private trade in seafood (shrimp, lobster) and beef is prohibited in Cuba. Although in the markets, “under the counter”, you can buy almost everything at a normal price.

16. Some products, such as potatoes, beets, carrots, periodically disappear from the shelves for several months due to the seasonality of their cultivation.

17. There is no central hot water supply system in Cuba. Cubans mostly wash under cold water, although after spending the day in the sun, it can hardly be called cold. Some lovers of comfort install boilers or water heaters in their homes.

18. Until very recently, electric kettles, toasters and grills were officially banned in Cuba due to national energy savings.

19. Each Cuban has the right to obtain only one SIM card for a mobile phone. Moreover, cellular communication itself is very expensive; for a minute of conversation using local SIM cards you will have to pay about a dollar. There is only one mobile operator, called Cubacel.


20. The most traditional and beloved Cuban dish is “Congri”, consisting of rice and black beans. As a rule, it is served at least 4-5 times a week with or without meat.

21. Banana is also widely used in Cuban cuisine, various varieties of which are used as dessert, various varieties of chips, and simply as a snack for the main dish.

22. Cuban alcoholism is different from Russian. On the street it is almost impossible to see a drunk person lying around in wet pants or moving along the wall. Drinking alcohol here proceeds slowly, and the maximum effect reaches only the “slightly drunk” level. There are exceptions to the rules, but they are very rare.

23. Cubans don't like to leave the house when it rains. Often this natural phenomenon becomes a reason for missing work, school, etc.

24. The average Cuban woman will not go outside on a sunny day without an umbrella. Which in most cases is justified, because an umbrella provides at least some shade and protection on a hot tropical day.

25. Although the tropical flora is quite rich in various plant species, the terrestrial fauna of the largest of the West Indies islands is represented by only a few species of winged species and all kinds of reptiles and amphibians. Among mammals, a species of insectivorous Cuban slittooth is known, which until recently was considered extinct.

26. Cuban central channels broadcast without advertising. The network is saturated with educational, popular science and music television programs, sports broadcasts and the latest in world cinema, the copyright of which, according to my guesses, is simply not paid attention to.

27. Cuba's favorite sport is baseball. Cuban baseball players are highly regarded in the sports world and are often poached by American teams.

28. Cuba has a low crime rate due to the complete non-aggression of the population. But even here it is dangerous to wander around at night in poor neighborhoods, lighting the road with your iPhone.

29. The most favorite clothing of Cuban women is denim shorts. On girls you will see short ones, and on older women - knee length.

30. Cuba has a rather strange policy regarding contraception. It is believed that condoms should be used only in case of fleeting contacts and only to protect against diseases, and protection with a regular partner will be perceived as an offensive sign of mistrust. Therefore, the number of abortions reaches incredible proportions for such a small country.

31. The Cuban ballet school is one of the most respected in the world. People say, “Russian ballet amazes with its skill, French is emotional and spiritually rich, and Cuban embodies both.” One Alicia Alonso, the world famous Cuban ballerina, is worth so much!

32. Cuba is being attacked by cyclones. There is even such a thing as “hurricane season,” which lasts from September to November and rarely ends tragically, because most of the craters pass by or dissolve in the ocean. The most powerful category 5 hurricane in recent years, Andrew, born in 1992, caused a lot of damage to the western part of the island.

33. During a cyclone (not to be confused with a hurricane, because a cyclone is torrential and lingering rain), Cubans sit in a close family circle at home by candlelight and devour the delicacies purchased in advance for this occasion. With this approach, for most local residents the cyclone is like an unplanned vacation.

34. The patroness of Cuba is the Virgin Mary, who is everywhere sculpturally depicted towering over a boat containing three representatives of the island population: a Spanish conquistador, an Indian and a black man.

35. Over time, the indigenous population of Cuba was completely exterminated by the Spanish conquerors.

36. Mixed marriages are not encouraged on the island. Moreover, the union of a white woman and a black Cuban is condemned to a greater extent than vice versa.

37. Cubans are notorious dog lovers; almost every house has one, or even several dogs. Owning a purebred dog is considered fashionable; preference is given, for inexplicable reasons, to the furriest breeds such as Laika and Chow Chow; small Chihuahuas are also numerous.

38. Cats here are not particularly pampered and are not kept at home, so feral and unsociable cats live on the street, stay close to garbage dumps and do not come up to pet the local call “Misu-Misu”.

39. Few people know that there were not two, but three main revolutionaries in Cuba. Camilo Cienfuegos, a poet and ally of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, was distinguished by his special charisma and love of the people until his mystical death in a plane crash in 1959, which does not have any confirmed facts of its existence and even the wreckage of the plane. After the tragedy, Fidel took the reins of power into his own hands, and Che Guevara, by all accounts, was forcibly exiled from the country. Today, both fallen revolutionaries are revered by Cubans, and images of Che Guevara are in great demand among the local population.

40. For a Cuban, after work it is quite normal to sit comfortably on a bench under a tree or on a warm stone of the Havana embankment and take a short nap. Life moves slowly here, and this is noticeable in everything.

41. Slaughtering your own cows and bulls for meat is prohibited by law here. After the natural death of the animal, it is necessary to report it to the appropriate service, after which a corpse truck will arrive and pick up the carcass. In case of disobedience to the law, the violator will face criminal punishment, providing for a significant term behind bars.

42. Large numbers of Cubans visit beaches exclusively in the summer, despite the tropical climate and constant air temperature. Some individuals also swim in winter, but this is rather an exception to the rule.

43. At the age of 15, girls celebrate their birthday with special solemnity, dressing up in lush princess costumes and taking photographs.

44. Since the overthrow of the Batista regime, the only territory officially owned by the United States is part of the Guantanamo Bay province, located on the eastern tip of the island. Guantanamo Bay houses a prison for terrorists and international criminals.

45. Several years ago, an epidemic of a deadly disease broke out in Cuba, the carrier of which is an ordinary mosquito. Therefore, local authorities have established a special office dedicated to fumigation of government institutions and breeding grounds of these insects. Often a person with a smoking pipe in his hand interrupts the work of an entire ministry or cinema for a couple of hours while the cleanup takes place.

46. Plates with registration numbers on Cuban cars have different colors depending on the ownership of one or another owner. Thus, government vehicles are indicated in blue, and private vehicles are indicated in yellow.

47. There are two national currencies in Cuba: the Cuban peso and the convertible peso CUC. The difference is that CUC is used mainly by tourists, easily exchanging dollars or euros for this currency, and the Cuban peso lives in the wallets of the local population. Almost all shops sell goods in cookies, but there are a number of places, such as public transport or the market, where it is better to pay with pesos.

48. There is oil in Cuba, but due to the unfortunate location of the deposits, namely in the tourist area of ​​Varadero beach, it is practically not produced.

49. The patriarchal family structure flourishes in Cuba. Although they are easy about premarital relationships among young people, Cubans are very strict about issues of morality and the distribution of roles in the family after marriage. The wife is obliged to do all the housework and childcare on her own, even if she works equally with her husband, often earning more.

50. Bachelorette parties and all kinds of vacations apart from your husband are not only not welcomed, but are also considered absurd. Husbands have every right to be absent on their business at any time.

51. The ability to dance is inherent in every Cuban from birth. Hearing rhythmic music, any local resident, even those at work, will dance a little. At night discos, all restrictions are thrown away and you can see truly “dirty” dancing.

52. The most common breakdown of Cuban cars is a wheel that has fallen off due to severely worn suspension, due to the careless attitude of the locals towards technology.

53. Cuba has a railroad and highway that runs the entire length of the island. True, rail transport is not particularly popular due to the irregularity of flights and the lack of any comfort.

54. Cuban men take great care of their appearance. In beauty salons, procedures for male hair removal of various parts of the body and even plucking of eyebrows are common.

55. The island's population is 11.5 million people, while the capital is home to 2.5 million inhabitants. The capital of Cuba, Havana, is written and pronounced in Spanish with the letter “b” in the middle - La Habana.

If you decide to take this step, a difficult path awaits you. On this page I will try to somehow make it easier and help you by sharing some information. It is difficult to obtain accurate information about the nuances of marrying Cuban citizens.

The fact is that the data on this provided by the emigration service in Cuba, the Cuban embassy in your country or posted on their websites will differ.

I will try to present everything to you in order, so that you more or less know what awaits you. It is not at all easy to marry a Cuban citizen. Before you even start talking about getting married, check your bank account. From there, five thousand dollars will soon be spent on the flight, the wedding itself and paperwork. After all, the Cuban embassy is the most expensive in the world.

So, there are different options for marrying a Cuban woman.

OPTION 1 - get married in your country.

Cubans no longer need permission to leave the country, as before. Therefore, the easiest way for your chosen one(s) is to get a visa to travel to your country. If this is Russia, Cubans do not need a tourist visa at all.

To get married you will need:


A document confirming that your chosen one(s) is not currently married (the validity of this document may have to be certified in Cuba)

It is better to check with the registry office what documents are needed for this case.

But these are all flowers. There will be berries after marriage.

Cubans can leave the country, but they must come back once every two years (previously they had to come home once every 11 months). Every month, regardless of the fact that he does not currently reside in Cuba, a Cuban is required to pay the state 20 CUC. You can pay this amount through the Cuban embassy, ​​moreover, you can pay the entire amount for the year, it will be 240 CUC. This payment is required if not paid,a Cuban will have many problems, to the point that he will be banned from entering TO more than three months a year, like any other tourist.

If you are married to a citizen of Cuba, you will need to legalize this marriage under Cuban laws. The Cuban embassy will help you with this, but be prepared for bureaucratic delays. First, you must have your marriage certificate translated into Spanish from an officially registered (licensed) translation company and have it certified by a notary. The next step is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There you must have an apostille on the marriage certificate, and the translation must confirm the legality of the notary and the correctness of the document certified by the notary. Then, with all the documents, including your passports, you need to go to the Cuban embassy. It is unlikely that you will be able to resolve issues with paperwork by mail. Get ready to pay approximately 1000 (one thousand) dollars at the embassy for the transcription of the marriage certificate (transcription - legalization, i.e. recognition of marriage in Cuba). Here you will also be asked for a small fee for PRE (permanent resident abroad), i.e. your chosen one(s) will not necessarily have to return to Cuba every two years, since in this way he/she will loses his permanent residence in Cuba. However, the Cuban embassy may not provide this opportunity if your spouse’s passport does not contain a visa (at least temporary) for the country in which he (she) will reside.

OPTION 2 - get married in Cuba

In this case, you will need the following documents:

Your passport;

A document showing that you are not married, issued in the country of which you are a citizen. This document must be translated into Spanish by an officially registered (licensed) translation company, certified by a notary, and given an apostille. The document itself and the notary's details must be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Birth certificate. The procedure is the same. This document must be translated into Spanish by an officially registered (licensed) translation company and certified by a notary. An apostille will certify the document itself and the notary's details on the translation - this must be done at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

You must submit all prepared documents to the Cuban embassy, ​​where, in accordance with Cuban laws, they certify the validity and correctness of the document stating that you are not married and your birth certificate. Before going to the Cuban embassy, ​​check by phone how much their services will cost (it can be about $500, but prices vary, and not less).

I advise you to choose your wedding dress at home, because you may not be able to find a suitable one in Cuba.

I want to warn the groom: get ready for the fact that the wedding will not cost you cheap. After all, your chosen one is marrying a foreigner. It is you (as is customary in Cuba) who pay for absolutely everything. It is better to discuss these costs in advance with the bride (groom). In addition to wedding expenses, you will have to pay 700 CUC (yes, seven hundred!) for a marriage certificate (the amount must be clarified, since it increases annually).

It is very likely that you will have questions during the course of this case. In this case, you can always call or write to me!


Relaxation, hot southern sun, sea, music, salsa, romantic Cuban nights, temperamental Cubans, a charming, desirable girl next to you day and night - how can you not fall in love? Time flies, and the further you go, the more vivid impressions overwhelm you, you plunge headlong into a sea of ​​love and realize that you will no longer be able to live without these fireworks. Believe me, you are not the first to fall into these networks and, I think, far from the last.

Every day many men and women fly away from Cuba with such feelings. In 2008, I experienced all this myself and therefore I understand you perfectly. You come home, immerse yourself in your ordinary life, but soon you realize: what happened in a distant exotic country does not leave you. What to do? There are several options:

Force yourself to forget everything and continue living your normal life;

Visit your girlfriend as often as your work and finances allow you (and the trip, as you have seen, is not cheap);

Marry and be with her forever.

If you chose the latter option and decided to marry a Cuban woman, I think the notes below will be useful to you.

Unfortunately, many marriages with Cuban women fail. This often happens where the age difference is significant. There are no statistics, but, as a rule, I know: if a Cuban woman is married to a foreigner who is much older than her, she will definitely have a young lover. Often, after marriage, a Cuban woman takes her lover with her to another country.

Cuban men are even worse. They rarely live with one woman and usually have several children from different wives. The likelihood that he will soon get bored with you and he will start looking at other women is very high. You will say that most men are like that. But the problem is that Cuban machos have a less developed sense of responsibility regarding family and fidelity. In Cuba they even sing songs like this: “...This week I fell in love, and next week I stopped loving her because I met you...”. Most Cubans, especially wealthy ones, have mistresses.

Each nation has its own mentality, its own traditions, its own attitude towards love and marriage. Cubans make love very simple: they do it often and without problems. The love of a Cuban girl is a bright flash. Don't be surprised if two days after you meet, she confesses her love to you. This means that she really liked you already on the first day, and the “I like you” stage has already passed, now the second stage has arrived - she fell in love with you.

Russians and Europeans have a slightly different attitude towards love. We say this word infrequently, and sometimes only to one person in our lives. We may like many girls, but loving is a different order. The Cubans have a different way, I want - that means I love, everything is very simple and you don’t need to think about it. Therefore, marriages here do not last long. Well, they are very loving and temperamental - these hot inhabitants of the island. Divorces are not as painful as ours: the flame of love goes out as quickly as it lights up. A woman reacts to her husband’s infidelity violently and with scandal, but not with a broken heart. Latin American women are emotional and hot-tempered in love and in life, but they fade away just as quickly.

There is an opinion that Latin American men are unsurpassed lovers and no one can compare with them in this regard. In any case, the Cubans themselves have no doubt about it. I can convince you of this. And more often the opposite is true. Any Cuban prostitute will confirm this to you.

Cuban women are a completely different matter. They are more temperamental in sex than Russians and Europeans (if you are young, strong and healthy enough, of course). Cubans consider themselves unsurpassed lovers and assure that foreigners married to Cubans do not go to the left; they support their families and take care of their children. It becomes clear why they are so eager to connect their lives with a foreigner: they want, in fact, like all women in the world, for their husband to be independent, active, responsible and caring. In general, for a Cuban woman to marry a foreigner is a great success. Every Cuban woman dreams about this, but doesn’t say it out loud. After all, a woman who had a relationship with a foreigner ceases to be of interest to a Cuban man; she is not respected, because... There is an opinion that a Cuban woman enters into such a relationship out of profit, and not out of love. Conversely, for a Cuban to have a relationship with a foreign woman is very prestigious.

When I first arrived in Cuba, I got sick and went to the hospital. In the corridor I met cute nurses and doctors.

As a foreigner, I was initially invited to the accounting department to pay 20 CUC for a consultation. I started a conversation with the accountant and noted that they have very attractive women. She remained silent. Then I asked if they were married. The accountant looked up at me and said very seriously: “Don’t worry, they will divorce for you.” That said it all. I remained silent and thought. At that moment I was interested in “playing around” and not getting married.

By the way, I should note that Cuban women are very similar to Soviet women: they cook, clean, do laundry, etc. for them. - this is an integral part of their life, and not an unpleasant duty. After all, Cubans live modestly and are not accustomed to restaurants and McDonald's. Having a car is considered a luxury here, just like in the Soviet Union in the 80s. Such luck smiles upon few.

Your wife will feel like a queen if you provide her with equipment that will make the life of the housewife easier: a refrigerator, a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, etc. And a queen is more pleasant to love than an ordinary housewife.

Human life is never without problems. Even if you take your Cuban girlfriend home, even to a developed country, problems will catch up with you. Your wife, like an exotic flower, will yearn for her native land, climate, family, and friends. Finding a job will also not be easy for her. And every day she will miss her homeland. I am writing about this so that before you do anything, you take into account all these nuances of marriage with foreigners and weigh everything well, giving your chosen one the opportunity to think. Now you will understand why some choose another option: they simply come to Cuba if possible, spend time with the girl they love, and so it lasts as long as it lasts. There is also a plus here. After all, the relationship remains romantic, fresh, bright. Justifying this solution to this issue, men say that marriage, obligations, and everyday life kill mutual attraction and expression of relationships. I had to meet and talk with many male tourists here. Everyone's story is different: whoabandoned right at the airport, someone abandoned after receiving documents to stay in the country, someone met someone else, etc.

Here is one of the latest such stories. Over the past 15 years, this man has had two Cuban wives, two Cuban girls, and is now married to a Cuban woman, but they live in America. Maybe he was lucky this time. But you shouldn't be a pessimist. I shared this information with you so that you have at least some idea about the subject under discussion. Eat there are a lot of happy couples where one of the spouses is a foreigner. They love, are loved, raise their children and enjoy life.

I wish you all the best. May your marriage be successful and strong!

First, you need to solve the question “HOW to stay in Cuba for a long time.” According to current legislation, you will not be able to stay in Cuba for more than 3 months. To stay longer, you must either have direct relatives, get married, or have official business with the Cuban government. organs.

Walking around Cuba with your equipment is no more dangerous than in Chita, so don't worry about that.

You can rent housing, but it’s not cheaper than in Chita.

I would like to know how the chef profession is in demand in Cuba and how much do they pay?

What is there to unfold?

They pay - not at all (20-25 dollars / month), and even then - to locals... who have citizenship. Moreover, they pay in local candy wrappers, which you cannot even buy, due to the lack of citizenship and, therefore, food cards.

And regarding demand... In the vast majority of cases, the employer is the state. And it is unlikely that any of the managers of hotels or other catering establishments will talk to an illegal immigrant. For:

  1. The position is very lucrative.
  2. The responsibility is very severe.

Ask your parents what a Scoop is. They will tell you everything.

Guys! Have you all gone crazy? It’s very difficult to live in Cuba, all the years of the revolution there was a card system, 80% of women support their families through prostitution, an engineer’s salary is 22 dollars, and you get a piece of meat with a card once a year. They eat mostly soybeans. You are going to the Stone Age! Whoever is planning to marry a Cuban, leave the illusion, these men have the pathology of sexual dominance, in other words, they are not created for a family. It is customary among them to boast about the number of women they have conquered. Cubans destroy their own and other people's families without a twinge of conscience, if they have AMOR, then everyone should UNDERSTAND this!!! Families there are a disaster; marriages last no more than six months. There is no culture, there are queues everywhere, there is a crush in transport, and you can stand in line for a bus in the heat FOREVER!


My husband also knows Spanish well, but he understands Cubans in a word or two. Everyone chews a lot and nothing is clear at all) we decided that the closer to the sea people live, the more incomprehensible the speech. For example, locals from the capital (it’s in the mountains) don’t understand the dudes from Costa)) Yes, we live in Ecuador, my husband’s business trip is here. I am often asked this question and I always answer - there are pros and cons. The climate here is very good. But here everyone is terribly slow. I would never go here for permanent residence)) according to our subjective feelings, a lot of things here are like in Russia in the 90s. Unfortunately, I don’t know such details about Cuba. Look, here on BB there is probably a community about traveling with children about Cuba.

Neutral reviews

It’s great in Cuba, but in a month I’m already looking forward to going to Sakhalin!

prices are low depending on what... for bananas, yes, but for cars or housing, not so much...

What does it have to do with real estate transactions being allowed recently and no one regulates prices.... why when buying real estate you have to account for every penny where you got it...

It doesn’t matter how much it costs, because buying a house in Cuba is still not realistic. I've been trying this question. As a result, everyone who talks about purchasing real estate in Cuba is, to put it mildly, disingenuous.


Cuba has a law that lands, buildings and real estate are public property and those who do not have Cuban citizenship cannot obtain this land or real estate located on it. In general, Cubans are the owners of their country’s housing, however, they have practically no right to dispose of this housing without the permission of government agencies. Even if this is a procedure of donation or exchange, it must be strictly regulated by the authorities. By the way, if a family from Cuba suddenly decides to emigrate, then the housing in their homeland goes to the state, since it is completely unrealistic for a Cuban to sell it for money or exchange it for something else.

It is very difficult, almost impossible. It is impossible to obtain citizenship in principle. In my opinion, the case of Che Guevara is the only exception. Foreigners in Cuba usually live with the status of permanent resident alien(s). You can get married and then move to live in Cuba. But in order to do this, you need to regularly come to Cuba for several years to prove that the family already really exists. A foreigner or foreigner living in Cuba can apply to the Cuban authorities with a request to allow them to bring their parents for permanent residence if they are left alone in their country and they need care and assistance. In the latter cases, Cuba, as a rule, does not refuse. But each case is considered individually.

For several weeks now, the whole country has been discussing the relationship between Miss Moscow Oksana Voevodina and the former King of Malaysia Muhammad V Faris. The monarch did not advertise his affair with the model for a long time, but then he finally decided that he could not live without the charming Russian woman. It would seem that the lovers have nothing in common, but this did not stop them from getting married.

Such cases are not uncommon in the modern world. Contrary to traditions and the instructions of relatives, princes and kings are increasingly choosing as wives girls from ordinary families who have one or another connection to the world of show business. How does the life together of such couples turn out, and do cherished everyday life in the castle really turn out to be happy?


If anyone deserves the title of a fairytale princess, it's Grace Kelly. The future Princess of Monaco was born into a very wealthy family. She received an excellent education and could have married profitably, but she chose a different path: Grace wanted to conquer the world of cinema.

We didn’t have to wait long: in just a couple of years, Kelly turned from an unknown artist into one of the most successful stars of her generation. The films directed by Alfred Hitchcock with her participation are still considered masterpieces. Grace herself, having received an Oscar and the status of the most beautiful woman of her generation, once met Prince Rainier II of Monaco during filming. Of course, the monarch could not resist the famous blonde, and after six months of passionate correspondence, he proposed.

Gossipers have been gossiping about the wedding, on which, according to various estimates, about forty million dollars were spent. Grace herself began to diligently portray family happiness. Why depict? The fact is that all sorts of things were said about the relationship between Kelly and Rainier II. Someone discussed the former actress’s affairs on the side, and someone spoke about the love of the prince himself.

Grace, who made a successful match, became not just another Hollywood starlet, but a real princess who wrote her name in world history. However, the actress missed cinema for a long time. Alfred Hitchcock invited her to work in one of his later films, but the residents of the Principality of Monaco were against such experiments by the ruler’s wife.

Problems in relationships with her husband and children gradually undermined Grace's health, which turned into a real tragedy. On September 13, 1982, the princess suffered a stroke while she was driving a car. Monegasque doctors tried to save Kelly for another day, but all their efforts were in vain. After the death of his wife, Rainier II never married. Rumors about the prince's new romances continued to appear, but none of the possible lovers could even compare with the brilliant Grace, whose beauty is still talked about by film critics and viewers.


This is perhaps the most talked about love story of the 21st century. Many fans claim that Harry liked Meghan the moment he saw her in the TV series Suits. At that time, the actress was still married to director Trevor Engelson. Many years later, the prince and the Canadian star finally met.

However, few believed in the happy future of this couple. Markle was older than her chosen one, had a divorce behind her and an extremely dubious reputation. Plus, the actress’s scandalous relatives spread unpleasant rumors about her. Allegedly, Megan is driven by ambition, and she does not have sincere feelings for Harry.

The prince's grandmother Elizabeth II resisted the dubious alliance for a long time, but eventually retreated under the pressure of her grandson. No one doubted that Harry was in love, but everyone was convinced of the sincerity of Megan’s feelings only after the wedding. The former actress completely abandoned her former life. She left the film industry, despite a lot of lucrative offers. Markle changed her religion, refused to communicate with relatives who discredited her name, and accepted the harsh rules of the British royal family.

Of course, haters still continue to talk about the selfish intentions of the Duchess of Sussex. But Megan herself invariably radiates friendliness. Always smiling and attentive, she is gradually winning back the status of the most popular woman in Britain from Kate Middleton.


It is unlikely that the name of model Oksana Voevodina was well known to the general public until recently. The girl won the title “Miss Moscow” in 2015, and after that she began participating in various photo shoots. It is still unknown when exactly her affair with the King of Malaysia, Muhammad V Faris, began.

The couple carefully hid their relationship, not commenting on rumors. Only at the end of last year the lovers’ wedding became public knowledge. First, Oksana and Muhammad V registered their union abroad, and then organized a magnificent celebration in the Moscow region. For the sake of the king, the model left her profession and changed her religion. However, the public did not appreciate such sacrifices: Vojvodina was immediately accused of self-interest and the desire to become a royal person.

Moreover, there were many dissatisfied people both in Russia and in the groom’s homeland of Malaysia. There, the king’s decision to enter into an alliance with a foreigner, and even one who did not have the best reputation, was perceived almost as a national betrayal. Soon, Muhammad V Faris abdicated the throne, which analysts immediately linked to his recent wedding.

A few weeks ago, rumors of a possible . The lovers hastened to refute the information defaming them, but an unpleasant aftertaste remained. Haters even argue that the 24-year age difference is making itself felt, and the lovers are not nearly as happy together as it might seem from the outside.


Model Sofia Hellqvist also had a less than ideal reputation. Before meeting the prince, she managed to star in an erotic photo shoot and take part in a reality show, during which she built love with an unfamiliar man.

Having become quite popular in her native Sweden, the girl temporarily moved to the USA, where she became friends with porn actress Jenna Jameson. Imagine the surprise of respectable Swedes when Prince Carl Philip decided to connect his life with Sofia.

Their romance lasted four years, and in 2014 the lovers finally got married. Yesterday's model received the title Her Royal Highness Princess Sofia, Duchess of Värmland and all the appropriate regalia.

Now the prince and his chosen one are raising two children. At first, the indignation of the Swedish public was quite strong, but Sofia was able to win over even conservative people. Now only erotic photographs that still circulate on the Internet remind us of the princess’s past.


The heroine of another Cinderella story is model Kendra Spears. The future chosen one of the leader of the Ismaili-Nizari Muslim community began her career in the fashion industry in 2008. Collaborating with leading fashion brands, the girl earned good money, but like everyone else, she dreamed of a happy family life.

Kendra and Rahim met in 2013. Of course, the prince was fascinated by the girl, and even her modeling career did not become an obstacle to the romance. After all, love for beautiful and famous women is in the blood of this dynasty: it’s not for nothing that the Aga Khan’s grandfather was married to the Hollywood diva Rita Hayworth.

Soon Rahim realized that he could not live without his chosen one. That is why he proposed to Kendra on the condition that the girl convert to Islam. Of course, the model agreed.

Now Spears is engaged in charity work and raising her son. But Rahim, who inherited a multimillion-dollar fortune from his father, is responsible for the well-being of the family.


The daughter of a journalist and a nurse could hardly have imagined that she would become a real queen. Young Leticia began working on television programs at the age of ten. In high school, she began a passionate affair with a literature teacher, and 10 years later the lovers got married. The only pity is that a year later, Ortiz and her chosen one broke up.

The girl continued to have a successful career on TV and even got her own program at her disposal, but in 2003 the royal palace announced the journalist’s engagement to Prince Philip of Asturias. The Catholic Church did not go on strike against such a union, because during the first wedding Leticia went without a wedding.

Now the king and queen are raising two children. Citizens of Spain are sure that Leticia conquered her husband with her flexible character and kindness. After marriage, the TV star had to leave her career, but now she can devote all her free time to charity.


But this story was not without scandals. When Prince Ernst August announced to his father his desire to marry a simple Russian girl, he received a sharp refusal. The pope demanded that the wedding be canceled or all titles and privileges returned. The prince refused his father and did not change his decision.

Of course, Ekaterina Malysheva, who was born in a small town in the Murmansk region, was immediately called a rich hunter. Of course, because the Hanoverian prince had a multimillion-dollar fortune. But their love story lasted for more than one year. For as many as five times, the lovers checked their feelings to make sure that their decision was correct. Yes, and Malysheva is far from being as simple as it might seem. The girl received a good education, worked in London for many years and even took part in the filming of several films as a coordinator. Three years before the long-awaited marriage, the Russian woman created her own clothing brand.

Despite the fact that Ernst August V of Hanover never showed up for his son’s wedding, the ceremony went well. Catherine chose a chic outfit embroidered with lace and looked very happy next to her chosen one. Now the lovers live mainly in London and are raising their daughter.

You can see that more and more often the chosen ones of princes are girls from the most ordinary families, sometimes with a dubious reputation. Gossipers gossip about the cold calculation on the part of modern Cinderellas, but time tests the strength of any relationship, even royal ones.

I managed to take the plunge, scratching myself minimally on the coral when extracting my body onto land. While I was getting dressed, a Cuban man approached me. Of course, with some pressing problem that I sincerely tried to understand. “Is he really also looking for a toilet like the one in Moscow?” — I thought at the first second. But the Cuban reached into his pockets and began to take out some pieces of paper and slip them for my careful examination. Quite quickly, I realized that he had serious health problems, and his mother and father, brothers, sisters and children, as well as more distant relatives, were very sick, as evidenced by the corresponding numerous documents with seals. “What a miserable Cuban! Love for Cuba requires sacrifice,” with this thought, I took out 10 dollars from my wallet and handed it to the Cuban. However, I was immediately embarrassed, realizing from his reaction that I was doing something wrong, perhaps something indecent, perhaps I humiliated him with this small tip. The Cuban pointed his finger at the euros he saw in my wallet and with a smile of gratitude accepted my sacrifice of somewhat greater dignity. This is how I learned the extent of the Cubans' contempt for everything American. “Oh yes, I read how on some holidays they gather on the ocean shore and, looking towards the United States, ritually show their fists and curse dirtyly, promising to do to this imperialist power the same thing that David did to Goliath, or much later - Lenin and the bourgeoisie. How patriotic this is!” I managed to think so in those seconds when another Cuban was approaching me, who also began to take out medical certificates. “Thank you, I have already purchased shares in your scam,” I replied something like that in Russian, feeling embarrassed for my greed and insufficient sacrifice. But I also didn’t want to feel like a scammer.

Later I asked a Russian-speaking local lady: what’s the matter, because it is known that Cuba has the best free medicine in the world, excellent doctors? The answer was discouraging. Yes, medicine is good. But if you get sick, you must make an appointment to see a doctor. The turn comes in 2-4 weeks. By this time, the problem usually resolves itself by two well-known algorithms: either the patient’s recovery or his relocation to a narrow wooden box. Those who have the means will find a paid doctor and expensive medicines. But this is not welcomed by the country's socialist leadership.

It’s good that this way of saving on free education has not yet been thought of in Russia. But the bitches will figure it out sooner or later, this can be seen in other areas by ripping us off on taxes and all sorts of restrictions on receiving legal services from the state.

But I want to end this part of the story with a positive: not once during the trip did a primitive beggar approach me, no beggars put me in an awkward position when entering the temples. I wasn’t even robbed, although the guide was sincerely surprised when I told her an episode about how the Cuban didn’t understand where to press the camera button when I asked him to take a picture of me against the background of some monument. “So he didn’t run away with your camera?” - she asked in amazement. - "Strange".

Let's draw conclusions.

With very beautiful views and other local wonders.