The treatment process in the Bubnovsky centers in Khodnynka and Ulyanov. Review of rehabilitation centers Review of rehabilitation centers


Review of rehabilitation centers

If old man If you have had an injury, surgery or simply need to improve your health, a rehabilitation center will be an excellent alternative to a hospital. Such institutions deal with comprehensive rehabilitation, not just medical ones. In this article we will talk about the most famous centers of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of the Russian Ministry of Health

One of the largest and most reputable institutions, founded shortly after the 1917 revolution (it has been operating under its current name since 2006). European practices are practiced here medical standards, applies the latest equipment. The interior of the building has a convenient layout, wide corridors and spacious chambers. The center accepts patients after a heart attack, stroke, traumatic brain injury, as well as with diseases of the genitourinary system.

The center is located in Moscow, not far from the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo park (Tushinskaya metro station). Capacity - more than 400 seats. Various training rooms and physiotherapy rooms are equipped for patients, including cryo-, ozone-, laser therapy, and pulse point treatment. As additional therapeutic measures, they are offered mud, hydromassage, and carbon dioxide baths. Patients of the center are distributed among departments - cardiology, urology and others, where highly specialized specialists work with them.

The cost of treatment at the center is 3-7 thousand rubles, the price of one procedure is from 300 rubles and more. Free treatment is, in principle, possible, but to get it, you need to get on a waiting list and wait up to several months.

Central Clinical Hospital for Rehabilitation of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (“Goluboe”)

The institution was founded in 1968 and is located in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region. Its capacity is 430 seats. Every year, more than 7 thousand people undergo rehabilitation here, with experienced doctors who have dedicated an average of 20 years to their profession. The institution has a department rehabilitation medicine, whose employees are well-known in medical circles.

Individual motor rehabilitation programs are developed for patients, which are carried out only with an instructor or in groups. In addition to exercise therapy, patients are prescribed massage - hardware, manual, hydromassage. Occupational therapists work with those who have lost the ability to self-care. Treatment is intended for people with problems with the cardiovascular system high blood pressure oxygen.

In general, patients stay at the center for quite a long time, so leisure activities are regularly organized for them, as well as interest groups. The difference between Goluby and many similar institutions is that a family member or relative can live with patients. The fee for such accommodation is 3200 rubles per day.

The cost of treatment at the center is from 3,500 rubles per day. Like the previous institution, you can get here for free only by waiting in line.

Sanatorium named after Herzen

It is located in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region on the territory of the village of the same name. There is a stadium, a park, and a garden on it. The sanatorium was founded more than 60 years ago as a multidisciplinary medical institution and remains so to this day. Patients who have suffered a stroke and need to restore hand motor skills, speech, and self-care skills are accepted here. Exercise therapy instructors, occupational therapists, and speech therapists work with them, thanks to whom they receive the opportunity for comprehensive rehabilitation.

In addition to them, a psychologist works with patients, as well as their relatives, to help get rid of stress, depression and anxiety for the future - their own and that of their loved ones. The facility has a weight loss and obesity treatment program. An individual recovery program is developed for each patient, the results of which may vary depending on his initial condition. Most of the sanatorium's patients subsequently return to a full life.

The sanatorium has luxury, eurolux, two-room singles and one-room doubles. The capacity of its building is more than 400 people. The minimum cost of living is 2600 per day.

Clinical Center for Rehabilitation Medicine and Rehabilitation

Located in the north of Moscow (metro station Khovrino) on the territory of Grachevsky Park in an old mansion. Patients with injuries are sent to the facility spinal cord, traumatic brain injuries, arthritis, and also after stabilizing operations on the spine. There are departments of neurology, physiotherapy, traumatology, functional diagnostics. Patients are engaged in exercise therapy rooms with experienced instructors. As additional rehabilitation measures They are prescribed acupuncture and massage.

The center uses LOKOMAT equipment designed for robotic walking. It helps immobilized patients regain skills lost due to spinal cord injuries. Another unique simulator is Alter G, which is an anti-gravity treadmill, allowing those who have damaged muscles or ligaments to run.

The center's capacity does not exceed 100 people, who are accommodated in wards for 2-4 people. The minimum cost of rehabilitation at the center is 2,500 rubles per day. It is possible to get here for free by referral or after consultation with a doctor, but there is usually a rather long queue to see doctors.

Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Reanimatology and Rehabilitation

The institution is located in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region. It includes not only a hospital, but also scientific departments, including the laboratory of neurogastroenterology, respiratory studies, biomechatronics and others. Patients are admitted here after brain damage that has caused problems with swallowing, respiratory function, speech, or problems with the gastrointestinal tract or musculoskeletal system.

One of the most effective methods rehabilitation that allows sedentary patients to return to physical activity is the use of a verticalizer. It is necessary for patients for a long time were in an immobilized state. This device normalizes the functioning of internal organs, stimulates blood circulation, and allows you to “develop” atrophied muscles. The center employs psychologists and psychotherapists who help patients get out of stress state caused by illness or injury.

The cost of rehabilitation in the center is from 1,700 rubles per day (four-bed room). The capacity of the institution is quite high - more than 500 people, so there are no such long queues as in those listed above.

"Three Sisters"

A private rehabilitation center located in the Shchelkovsky district. The number of rooms in it is 35, each of which accommodates 2-4 guests. The establishment is located in an ecologically clean area, surrounded by deciduous forest, tall trees grow on its territory, and there is a garden. The center building is a cottage specially equipped for people with disabilities. disabilities: there are ramps for wheelchairs, anti-slip coating in the bathrooms, and panic buttons.

The center accepts elderly people with spinal cord and brain damage, after stroke and injuries to the musculoskeletal system. The recovery program here lasts according to the working day principle - 8 hours with a break for lunch and rest. Patients attend exercise therapy classes, massage sessions, and acupuncture. The center uses techniques such as Exart suspension systems and Bobath therapy. Much attention is paid to occupational therapy, as well as memory and speech restoration - for this, a psychologist and speech therapist work with patients.

The cost of a day's stay in the center is 12 thousand rubles: this amount includes care, medical procedures, and assistance in self-care. Relatives of patients can stay with them for a hotel fee - 3 thousand rubles per day.

"Silver Dawn"

The center is located in New Moscow. Its capacity is up to 50 people living in rooms with 2-4 beds. Elderly people are accepted here after a heart attack, stroke, injury, fracture, or surgery in various conditions: both able to care for themselves and partially or completely immobilized. The cost of staying in the center depends on the patient’s condition. The Silver Dawn staff has medical education and is able not only to care for an elderly person, but also to give him an injection, an IV, and provide first aid.

The rehabilitation program is developed here individually. Some may be prescribed sessions of therapeutic massage and exercise therapy, others – physiotherapy, and others – all together. The leisure time of the center's patients is varied: animators work with them, they are visited by volunteers, and they are allowed to receive relatives and friends at any time.

Patients eat 5 times a day. For them a diet menu, allowing you to consume required quantity vitamins and nutrients and not dial overweight, undesirable when restoring the musculoskeletal system, and the entire body as a whole.

European Medical Center (EMC)

One of the few rehabilitation centers that has been operating for 20 years. It is located in the Central Administrative District of Moscow (metro station Sukharevskaya). Here elderly people are provided with comprehensive assistance in recovery from injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Patients stay here after surgery and go home after full recovery functions of a limb or joint.

In the center there is a physical therapy room equipped with a variety of exercise equipment, including exercise bikes, ellipsoids, Biodex proprioceptive simulators, and Artromot devices for mobilizing joints. One of the main methods of rehabilitation in EMC is physiotherapy - ultrasound treatment, electro-, laser-, magnetic therapy. Upon discharge, the patient is prescribed a rehabilitation program at home. Also, the center can assign a specialist to a former patient who will come to him and deal with restorative procedures.

The specialization of the EMC is quite narrow, and the capacity is small, but there is always a small number of patients. On average, the recovery process at the center takes about three months. Its cost varies depending on the severity of the patient's injury and his general condition.

BiATi Rehabilitation Clinic

The institution is located near Tushinskaya metro station. Patients are sent here after a stroke. Various specialists work with him here - a neurologist, a cardiologist, an endocrinologist. The clinic cooperates with similar medical institutions in Israel and invites its specialists for consultations. The main directions of rehabilitation at the BiATi clinic are the restoration of speech, limb mobility, and self-care skills.

Similar results are achieved by improving cerebral blood supply patient, returning mobility to the limbs and spine, developing atrophied muscles. Patients at the clinic spend a lot of time with a speech therapist and occupational therapist, who helps them restore speech and self-care skills. Every year, the institution graduates more than 300 patients who have returned to normal life after injuries and operations. On average, they spent 2-3 weeks in it, but some of them recovered within a month or more.

The cost of staying at the BiATi clinic varies and depends on the patient’s condition and an individually developed rehabilitation program.

"Rejuvenating apple"

A relatively new (operating since 2009), but already well-established rehabilitation center. His main area of ​​activity is recovery after stroke. It includes exercise therapy, therapeutic massage, physiotherapy, speech restoration, psychological rehabilitation. For each patient of the center, an individual training program is developed, according to which his daily routine will look like.

One of the advantages of the Rejuvenating Apple center is that it is located near Sokolniki Park, where patients go for walks, accompanied by caregivers or relatives who come to visit them. The capacity of the center is small - no more than thirty patients stay here at a time, housed in rooms for 1-3 people. There are always nurses next to them, helping them move, dress, undress, and eat. After discharge from the center, its specialists—a therapist or a neurologist—visit the former patient at home and monitor his condition. Meals in the center are five times a day. It includes seasonal vegetables, fruits, fresh meat, fish and completely excludes processed foods.

The cost of staying at the “Rejuvenating Apple” consists of the procedures that the patient needs and their quantity. So, one session with a speech therapist costs 1,500 rubles, a consultation with a psychiatrist costs 3 thousand rubles, ultrasound of blood vessels costs 3 thousand rubles, and so on.


This boarding house can be called, without exaggeration, a flagship in the field of organizing rehabilitation and accommodation for elderly people, both healthy and those suffering from one or another physical or mental illness. Highly qualified personnel, both medical and maintenance, advanced rehabilitation programs, quality care for seriously ill patients - all this allows the boarding house to occupy a leading position.

The boarding house consists of several buildings in which people with various health problems undergo rehabilitation. Hip fractures, neurological and cardiac diseases, including people after myocardial infarctions and strokes, dementia and Alzheimer's disease. "Monino" offers three programs of stay - temporary, permanent and rehabilitation. Upon admission to a boarding house, an elderly person undergoes a comprehensive medical examination, an individual rehabilitation program and diet are being developed for him.

The rehabilitation center is equipped with last wordmedical equipment, medical beds, care items. Depending on a person’s health condition, several types of support are offered - for active people moving independently, for those with disabilities and for bedridden patients.

At the boarding house special attention is given to the leisure of elderly people living. The staff has its own professional animators, artists are constantly invited, theatrical performances are held, and dance and literary evenings are organized.

"Your home"

The boarding houses included in this network are focused on the rehabilitation of people with impaired motor function resulting from a hip fracture, stroke, or heart attack. In addition, the boarding house accepts people who suffer from other diseases - hypertension, diabetes mellitus, mental disorders.

All boarding houses are equipped with ramps, special restrooms and showers for people using a wheelchair. All wards of the center are under strict medical control - daily examinations, if necessary, adjustment of the treatment regimen, prescription of medical procedures or medicines. All sick people are provided with six dietary meals a day, which takes into account the individual characteristics of each patient and the doctor’s recommendations.


This is a whole network of 12 private boarding houses, which are located in various areas of the Moscow region. The closest of them is located only 4 kilometers from Moscow, and the most distant is 35 km. Regardless of the distance from Moscow, all boarding houses are equally comfortable, well equipped and have highly qualified staff. Elderly people living in this boarding house are under medical supervision and receive the necessary medical procedures and medications. In the mornings, physical exercises are carried out and active recreation is organized.

A special highlight of the boarding houses of this network is the impeccable five meals a day. The diet is selected individually, taking into account the health characteristics of each elderly person. Elderly people live in 1, 2, and 3-bed rooms, which are very comfortable. The boarding house itself is equipped with the most modern equipment and items for caring for the elderly.

"Tree of Life"

The network includes six boarding houses in different areas of Moscow, which allows you to choose the most convenient one for you. Absolutely all boarding houses have landscaped areas with their own ponds, parks, they are located in green, environmentally friendly areas. Boarding houses can accommodate both healthy, active elderly people and bedridden patients - medical equipment and qualifications of medical and service personnel make it possible to provide quality help and provide care even for seriously ill patients.

The rooms in which elderly people live are comfortable and cozy, have everything necessary for a comfortable stay, and are equipped with a staff call button. Elderly people are provided with five meals a day, taking into account their health status. The boarding house understands perfectly well that mature age life should not be limited to the walls of the room and medical procedures Therefore, leisure time for older people is carefully organized. Animators work in the boarding houses, master classes and creative evenings are held.

Social boarding house for the elderly Mitino

We offer for your loved ones a whole network of boarding houses, which are radically different from municipal nursing homes. For your convenience, boarding houses are located in various areas of Moscow and the Moscow region. Cozy buildings and a landscaped area conducive to walking for our guests. By the way, we regularly take even the weakest people for walks. Boarding houses accept both healthy elderly people and patients with severe health problems, including functional disorders psyche.

All elderly people receive nursing care and monitoring of medications. Qualified doctors, if necessary, develop individual rehabilitation programs for those elderly people who need them. Cozy rooms in which an elderly person will feel at home, and not in a government institution. In addition, the rooms are adapted for the convenience of wheelchair users. For bedridden patients there are special functional beds. Change of bed linen not only as needed, but also upon request. Assistance in implementing hygiene procedures, organizing the daily routine of guests.

Five meals a day, adapted to the characteristics of the body of an elderly person. If necessary, it will be organized dietary food.
Much attention is paid to the leisure of patients - communication, warm atmosphere, creative activities, holding festive events.
Regardless of the time during which your loved one will be in our boarding house, he will feel at home, feel warmth, support and sincere participation in his fate. You can visit your loved one at any time convenient for you, regularly keep in touch with his doctor.

The inpatient department of the head institution is located in an ecologically clean place in the Lianozovo district of the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. The territory and premises of the Center are adapted for an accessible, safe and comfortable stay for people with disabilities and people with limited mobility.

One of the main tasks of the Center is individual comprehensive medical, social and socio-psychological rehabilitation of persons with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, rehabilitation after suffering cerebrovascular accidents, diseases of the nervous system. Duration of rehabilitation course – 21 calendar days in an inpatient department for 51 people.

Comfortable rooms are equipped with a bathroom, shower, modern furniture, and LCD TV. On the floor there is a pantry room with an equipped kitchen; cozy halls; access to the Internet.

To effectively carry out activities, the institution is equipped with the most modern medical equipment, allowing each client to choose an individual rehabilitation program. Medical part includes:

  • The physiotherapy room includes an Alpha OXY SPA oxygen capsule, a contactless hydromassage bath, a vacuum electric massager, and a wireless electromyostimulator.
  • The mechanotherapy room contains SWING and Corvit devices, a pressotherapy (lymphatic drainage) device, an Anatomotor traction table, and a Detensor mat.
  • Halochamber.
  • Hydrotherapy rooms are equipped with hydromassage and whirlpool baths for hands and feet.

All conditions have been created for physical therapy exercises with benefit and pleasure. We have a sports and recreation complex, which features:

  • a universal sports hall equipped for team sports;
  • a 25-meter swimming pool with four swimming lanes, equipped with two Dolphin lifts;
  • kinesiotherapy room;
  • gym, which is equipped with modern functional and strength pneumatic simulators, creating optimal conditions for training with minimal stress on the joints, connective tissues and minimize the load on the spine;
  • exercise therapy room designed for restoration activities on the rehabilitation of disabled people after suffering cerebrovascular accidents and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The hall is equipped with modern rehabilitation simulators for active-passive rehabilitation of the upper and lower extremities, balancing and verticalization, ladder bars, a steering wheel for developing shoulder and elbow joints, stabiloplatform, multi-joint complex BIODEX.

The center will offer an interesting program of events and entertainment for every taste. Various excursion programs are offered.

Clients are served in cafeterias. 28-day menu compiled qualified specialists on dietary nutrition in two versions - “summer-autumn” and “winter-spring”. When compiling the menu, all medical recommendations for dietary nutrition are taken into account. Daily ration divided into 4 meals.

The inpatient rehabilitation department provides the following main types of rehabilitation services:

Medical rehabilitation

  1. Dynamic observation
  2. Rehabilitation therapy
    • Kinesiotherapy
    • Hydrokinesitherapy
    • Reflexology

Social rehabilitation

Inpatient social services

  1. Social services

    • Providing living quarters in accordance with approved standards, premises for organization rehabilitation measures, consumer services, cultural and leisure activities that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements;
    • Equipping residential premises occupied by disabled people by special means and adaptations in accordance with individual rehabilitation programs for disabled people;
    • Providing food, including dietary nutrition, in accordance with approved standards;
    • Providing the use of furniture and provision of soft equipment adapted to the needs of people with disabilities;
    • Allocation to spouses living in the Institution of isolated living quarters for joint living;
    • Assistance in organizing the provision of services by trade enterprises, as well as in the provision of information services;
    • Providing transport for travel to places of treatment, training, participation in cultural and leisure events for persons who have contraindications to using public transport for health reasons;
    • Providing hygiene services to persons who are unable to perform them independently for health reasons;
    • Providing the opportunity to use telephone communications, postal services, Internet services (at the expense of the Institution’s clients) in accordance with current tariffs;
    • Ensuring the possibility of unhindered visits by visitors in accordance with the internal rules of the Institution;
    • Assistance in writing and reading letters and other documents;
    • Providing premises for the performance of religious rites, taking into account the interests of believers of various faiths;
    • Providing books, magazines, newspapers, board games;
    • Providing conditions for observing the rules of personal hygiene and sanitation.
  2. Social and medical services

    • Passing the primary medical examination and primary sanitary treatment;
    • Provision of primary health care;
    • Providing sanitary and hygienic care taking into account health status;
    • Assistance in performing procedures related to maintaining health (taking medications, instilling drops, etc.);
    • Assistance in performing health-related procedures (measuring body temperature, blood pressure, monitoring medication intake, etc.).

In addition to the main ones, the Center will offer paid services

  1. Individual lessons in sociocultural rehabilitation
  2. Individual lessons with a psychologist
  3. Individual physical education and health classes
  4. Rendering transport services on specialized equipped transport

The Mango Club invites you to physical rehabilitation classes - this is a special set of exercises and procedures to restore a person’s physical capabilities, including motor functions. The program uses the method of exercise therapy - therapeutic physical culture, which allows you to eliminate the consequences of injuries and improve the condition after medical operations. Classes are conducted by specialists who have the appropriate qualifications.

At the same time, in contrast to physical therapy, possibilities rehabilitation fitness much wider. It allows you not only to restore lost abilities, but also to develop new ones and strengthen them.

Function restoration

The basis of any fitness is movement, but recovery training is carried out according to special programs. A combination of physical therapy, manual techniques and conventional endurance and strength exercises are used.

Any rehabilitation program is compiled individually, taking into account the recommendations of doctors. Apply breathing exercises and special gymnastics. And during classes, special equipment is used and a certain range of motion is observed.

Results usually appear after the first session, and their effects can last up to a week. There is an improvement in tissue metabolism, increased freedom of movement, and a decrease in pain effects. A course of ten workouts allows you to prolong the effect up to several months. During this time, muscle morphology and motor patterns change, the condition of the joints and innervation improves.

After the recovery stage, you can add exercises to lose weight or gain muscle mass.

Skill development

After the functionality of your body is restored, we recommend including sports in your life. And to avoid possible injuries and get only benefits, we offer the development of special skills for a specific type of training.

For example, you decide that you want to snowboard. The club's instructors will prepare a special program for you to master skills, build individual muscle groups, increase reaction speed, and also teach you how to correctly distribute weight, manage your center of gravity and group.

Who is teaching the class?

About myself:

I work with people who have problems with the spine: hernias, scoliosis, curvatures, bifida and other problems. I conduct classes to improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

I am qualified to work with pregnant women, children and the elderly. I conduct functional training and myofascial release. I am proficient in traditional and soft techniques. Thai massage, Chinese foot massage. Studied the anatomical train system of Ida Rolf and Myers, 3D motion maps of the Harry Gray Institute of America.

It was said a long time ago and not by us: movement is life! The more we move intelligently, the better - from a health point of view - we live. Unfortunately, until now, people who are recovering from a serious injury, complex surgery or serious illness have not had many opportunities to undergo comprehensive rehabilitation to restore body functions. But recently, Russian rehabilitation specialists have at their disposal a new effective weapon against motor ailments: a gym in the GYM format.

IN " past life"Nikolai often visited the gym. Several years ago he went there for the first time with friends who had been training for a long time. I tried it myself. At first it was hard, then I got involved. And then what happened happened. Nikolai doesn’t want to remember this. But the result of the incident became a leg amputation. “It’s not that I didn’t think about resuming some kind of training, it was difficult for me to imagine that I could even live normally in this condition!” says Nikolai.

And then the other day he returned to the gym. True, not yet to the one where his friends once brought him, but to the recovery room. At the Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Center, Nikolai was offered a program in the GYM format. This is, in fact, the only gym in Moscow for people with disabilities. For each patient, the team of rehabilitation specialists prepares individual plan classes in accordance with the medical history and the recovery goals that need to be achieved. In the case of Nikolai, we are talking about preparing the healthy leg for the fact that it will take on more than before. muscle load while walking. Another task: to prepare the remaining structures of the amputated limb for wearing a prosthesis. Such goals were formulated for Nikolai by the center’s chief rehabilitation specialist, Vasily Kupreichik. “Even with the modern high-tech level of prosthetics, the load on the healthy leg will increase. And that means we need to prepare for this.” - explains the doctor.

The uniqueness of the complex in the GYM format is that it is suitable not only for training those who have undergone orthopedic surgery. If we talk about patients with the consequences of a stroke, or about those who are included in the risk group, then in this case, according to Vasily Kupreichik, the motor activity and training activities are the prevention of further or possible cardiovascular accidents.

The correctness and effectiveness of classes is monitored not only by the exercise therapy doctor, but also by other specialists of the Center. Members of the interdisciplinary team meet with the patient once a month, assess the dynamics of the recovery or training process, change the program if necessary, and the process continues.

Dr. Kupreichik notes that for a patient with cardiac pathology it is important to understand the logic of load dosing. To avoid deterioration of the condition, it must be adequate to the level of the disease. To evaluate a person’s capabilities and understand. What loads he is ready for, the Center uses, for example, bicycle ergometry or a test on a treadmill with heart rate monitoring. And then, based on an analysis of how a person tolerates the load, specialists develop a program of individual lessons.

GYM format simulators were developed in Germany, which is known for its rehabilitation programs for people with various pathologies and diseases. The fundamental difference between the equipment and the standard one is that it is more convenient for people with disabilities to use. physical capabilities, although an ordinary athlete can exercise on exercise machines. Restorative training complexes and exercises of varying intensity, duration and focus for recent years successfully tested on hundreds of patients in major European clinics. Moreover, as research shows, the majority of those who completed a course of classes in the GYM format strengthened not only their muscles and heart, but also began to feel better psychologically.

Before starting treatment in our Centers, you must consult a kinesiotherapist.

The consultation consists of three stages:

  • Collecting anamnesis, clarifying the nature of the disease, explaining to the patient the principles of kinesitherapy according to the Bubnovsky system, features of treatment and course recovery period
  • Myofascial topographic diagnostics, allowing to identify even hidden diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Diagnostic testing on Bubnovsky multifunctional simulators (MTB) in the rehabilitation room

Based on the results of examination and testing, a kinesiotherapist draws up an individual recovery program and prescribes the necessary exercises, which are performed strictly under the supervision of instructors in the rehabilitation room.

You must make an appointment for an initial consultation in advance by phone or via the website (in some cases, the doctor may be seen on a first-come, first-served basis).

Initial appointment carried out by the kinesitherapist on duty.

In addition, at the Center on Khodynka, by appointment, you can undergo an individual consultation with Professor S.M. Bubnovsky.

The work schedule of specialists can be clarified with the administrators. Consultations are held: on weekdays from 9 to 20 o'clock; on Saturdays from 9 to 18 o'clock.

It is advisable to have with you:

  • sportswear and shoes
  • for pain in the spine - MRI or CT (magnetic resonance or computed tomography) of the problem area
  • for joint pain - x-rays
  • in the presence of concomitant diseases - extracts from the medical history or outpatient card

Classes in the rehabilitation room on MTB

The basis of treatment in our Centers is training in the rehabilitation room on Bubnovsky multifunctional simulators (MTB), developed based on many years of work with severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

This simulator, due to the absence of axial load on the spine and joints and the anti-gravity effect, gently and non-traumatically helps restore microcirculation in the deep muscles of the back, thereby relieving pain, eliminating spasms and swelling and restoring full working capacity.

Performing an MTB exercise

Due to the absence of axial load on the spine and joints, MTB allows you to perform strength therapeutic exercises even for people who are far from sports, regardless of age and concomitant diseases.

A special role in the treatment process is assigned to special rehabilitation simulators latest generation, which allows you to accurately dose force effects on individual groups of muscles and ligaments and provide an adequate regimen of physical activity, allowing you to get rid of muscle failure after prolonged malnutrition.

Such simulators are distinguished by the highest biomechanical qualities, they are absolutely safe and therefore recommended for use in medical rehabilitation centers.

All exercises are done by patients according to individual programs under the constant and careful supervision of instructors in the rehabilitation room. For each lesson, a new program is drawn up, taking into account changes in the patient’s condition that occurred during treatment at the Center.

We would especially like to draw your attention to the fact that rehabilitation room where the process of treatment and recovery takes place is not a gym in a fitness club.

Therefore, the system of classes at the Kinesitherapy Centers differs significantly from the sports one. The main difference is that the purpose of classes in our Centers is in no way to pump up muscles.

Our task is to restore microcirculation in the muscles, that is, normalize blood circulation in them, relieve spasms and relieve pain.

Nature does not provide any other mechanism for this, except for the inclusion of deep back muscles in the work.

The main condition for those who apply to the Bubnovsky Centers is compliance with the recommended treatment regimen and following the recommendations of specialists (even if they do not delight you - for example, cryoprocedures).

One course of treatment consists of 12 sessions, each lasting 60-90 minutes (on average 3 times a week).

Activity mode and connection auxiliary techniques prescribed by a kinesiotherapist.

It is important to remember that pain is only a symptom, not a disease or a cause. And there is no need to be afraid of her. As soon as the cause of the disease is eliminated - deep muscle spasm - the pain will certainly subside.

The patient’s ability to overcome pain without the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is a victory in the fight against the disease, the basis for the creation of a new behavioral stereotype healthy person independent of the manifestation of the disease. And we will help you in this fight.

Additional services at Dr. Bubnovsky Centers

Acupuncture- an ancient Chinese method of treatment based on the impact on biologically active points of the body with special needles that are inserted into these important points located on the skin. These points are believed to be energetically connected to internal organs and musculoskeletal system. With proper influence on them, the activity of adrenal hormones increases, vascular permeability changes and tissue metabolism, the rheological properties of blood improve.

Acupuncture improves microcirculation in organs and systems, helps normalize blood pressure, improve brain and heart function, increase immunity and increase resistance to infections, has a sedative and antidepressant effect. Due to its influence on the main conducting systems of the body (nervous, vascular, lymphatic) and activation of the main control systems (central nervous system, neurohumoral, endocrine, immune), modern acupuncture is recognized as a very effective treatment area.

One of ancient methods treatment, improving general condition human, increasing the circulation of blood, lymph, interstitial fluid, thus improving metabolism and relieving stagnation and tension in the muscle fibers of the striated muscles. As a result of the massage, the elasticity of the fibers increases, the phenomena of atrophy decrease, lactic acid is removed from the muscles, and pain goes away. Massage strengthens ligamentous apparatus joints and increases their mobility.

Ability to quickly regulate metabolic processes and restoration of disturbed homeostasis made it possible to use these drugs both in the practice of treating chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system and in extreme medicine, and for the purpose of preventing a number of pathological conditions.

Hydrothermotherapy(sauna therapy using thermal effects according to the rules of the Russian bath, contrast shower etc.) - enhances the effect of treatment and helps to enjoy the treatment procedures.

Natural cryotherapy(use of cold influences - cryocompresses, cryomassage, cryo-wraps, cryo-baths, etc.) improves thermoregulation, providing drug-free pain relief.