Raspberry leaf is useful and fragrant! Brew tea and welcome health! The benefits and harms of raspberry leaves for treating women's problems. Benefits of raspberry leaves

Ancient and modern herbalists write medical encyclopedias. When talking about the benefits of raspberries, we often mean the berry, but many people do not know that the leaves have powerful beneficial properties.

The leaves are collected in late spring - early summer and dried outside in the shade. Then it is brewed as tea or infused with alcohol. Juice is squeezed out of fresh leaves and extracts are made.


They have rich bio chemical composition: ascorbic acid, flavonoids, organic acids, mineral salts, astringents and tannins. The leaves also contain salicylates, which act similarly to aspirin.

Raspberry leaves are used in the treatment of colds, as an antipyretic and diaphoretic. The infusion has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties and is used as a prophylactic during epidemics. For bronchitis, severe cough, tonsillitis and others inflammatory diseases respiratory tract Raspberry leaves are used in the form of tea and as a gargle.

The flavonoids included in the composition have hemostatic properties. Their benefits are invaluable in the treatment of diseases, causing bleeding. The leaves are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, stomach bleeding, colitis and enterocolitis. This raw material also has an antitoxic effect and removes waste and toxins from the body. Astringent properties help with digestive disorders and diarrhea.

A powerful strengthening and immunostimulating effect is another “plus” that raspberry leaves have. They are used in vitamin teas and drinks to strengthen the immune system. Rinsing with a decoction helps get rid of stomatitis and inflammatory processes on the gums.

Raspberry leaves also help with women's diseases. For inflammation of the appendages, take sitz baths with a decoction. At internal problems prepare solutions for douching and treat the inner surface of the genitals.

Fresh leaves, crushed into a fine paste, are used as a face mask to relieve acne and inflammation on the face. Wash with a decoction for pustules.

Ointments based on raspberry leaves are used in the treatment of skin diseases: eczema and psoriasis. The ointment is prepared as follows: the juice is squeezed out of freshly collected raw materials and mixed with Vaseline or butter in a ratio of 1:4. Alcohol infusion Raspberry leaves are a remedy for insect bites. Lotions applied to the bite sites can relieve swelling, itching and redness.

Raspberry leaves are a powerful medicine. They are added to healing infusions, decoctions, preparing aromatic tea. From this article you can learn everything about the benefits and applications of this part of the plant, and in the future this information will allow you to use the raspberry leaf to benefit yourself and your family.

Raspberry leaves are strong immunity all year round

The healing power of raspberry leaves

Raspberry leaves have a rich chemical composition, thanks to which they are able to manifest. These include:

  • hemostatic;
  • expectorant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diaphoretic;
  • antipyretic;
  • astringent;
  • restorative;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antitoxic.

Raspberry leaf is most often used for treatment colds. Its decoction will ease coughing, lower body temperature and inflammatory process. This remedy is an excellent preventive measure. viral infections, especially during their exacerbation. This remedy can be used for sore throat and bronchitis, for severe suffocating cough and other respiratory diseases. In addition, raspberry tea is often used for gargling, as it perfectly relieves swelling and eliminates pain.

And the benefits of raspberry leaves don’t end there. This natural preparation shows high efficiency for bleeding - hemorrhoidal, gastric, as well as for colitis and enterocolitis. Thanks to the antitoxic effect of this raw material, waste and toxins are removed from the body. A astringent properties come to the rescue for intestinal disorders.
Weak immunity? Make it a habit to drink a glass of freshly brewed raspberry tea every day and the results will amaze you.

Help for the female body

What are the benefits of raspberry leaves for women? They can help with:


However, raspberry leaves are not always capable of showing only beneficial properties, decoctions and infusions prepared from this raw material also have some contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance;
  • allergy;
  • chronic constipation;
  • nephritis;
  • gout;
  • parallel use of aspirin.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

Let's figure out how to dry raspberry leaves so that they can give us their beneficial properties for a long time. Since fresh leaves contain large number moisture, then drying them in cloudy weather is not allowed. Otherwise, the raw materials will simply rot. It is also impossible to carry out this process in direct sunlight - in this case, a significant part of the beneficial substances will be destroyed.
Freshly picked raspberry leaves should be dried on fresh air under the awnings, spreading them out evenly thin layer on a piece of burlap. It is also allowed to dry in a well-ventilated area, for example, in an attic. In order for the prepared raw materials to dry evenly, it must be stirred and mixed regularly.

Properly dried raw materials look like this:

  • leaves are uniformly dry;
  • have a slightly twisted shape;
  • color green;
  • When rubbed between fingers they crumble easily.


Fermentation of raspberry leaves is carried out in several ways.

  1. Take a few fresh leaves and roll them with a little force between your palms - the leaves should become a little darker. This work must be done with all the raw materials that you are going to prepare. The resulting rolls must be cut into several parts.
  2. The second option is less labor-intensive. To perform it, raspberry leaves should be placed in a large bowl and intensively kneaded with your hands, as if you were kneading dough. As a result, juice will be released, and the leaf plates will become thin and curl slightly.
  3. The third method is the simplest. The leaves must be passed through a meat grinder with a large grid, stopping the process from time to time so that the mass does not overheat.

The correct preparation of leaves for fermentation is considered to be grinding them by hand, that is, the first option. But if you like large-leaf tea, then method No. 2 is suitable for you, and for fans of granulated tea leaves - method No. 3. Everyone has the right to choose the option that he likes best.

We send the workpiece for fermentation: with methods 1 and 2, we put the mass in a bowl and put it under pressure, with method 3, we simply transfer it to a deep container and press it with our hands.

We cover the leaves with a piece of damp cotton cloth on top and send them to a warm place. You should periodically check whether the fabric is dry and, if necessary, moisten it. Fermentation should occur at a temperature of 22 to 26°C. If this mark is lowered, then fermentation will stop; if it is raised, then the main part of the components, which are responsible for the strength and aroma of tea, will die.

The finished mass should have a green-brown color and a strong floral-fruity smell. Next, spread the prepared leaves in a thin layer on a baking sheet and dry at a temperature of no more than 100° for about 2 hours in the oven. In this case, the oven door should be slightly open. To ensure uniform drying, the raw materials should be stirred periodically.

Fermentation can be:

  • light - occurs after 3-6 hours, the tea acquires a soft and delicate taste, but at the same time its aroma will be very strong;
  • medium - occurs after 10-16 hours, the tea has a pronounced aroma and tart taste with a pleasant sourness;
  • deep - occurs after 20-36 hours, the tea turns out tart with a light aroma.

Making tea

And lastly, how to brew raspberry leaves. To prepare tea, just put a teaspoon of dried raw material in a cup and pour boiling water over it.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Food acids, including common ones like citric acid and rare ones like oxalic acid, are beneficial to the body because they are natural. antibacterial agents. That is, not antibiotics, but substances capable of performing functions similar to antibiotics. And yet they remain acids - the same as hydrochloric or sulfuric, just a little less caustic and concentrated, which is why raspberry leaves and its fruits are contraindicated.


The chemical composition of raspberry leaves differs from berries by a significantly lower concentration of acids and a higher - tannins and microelements. Moreover, the list of the latter can vary greatly depending on the soil in which the shrub grows and what it is fertilized with. And in general, the benefits of raspberry leaves, unlike its berries, are more closely related to the conditions of its growth and care for it, because metabolism and the accumulation of both useful and dangerous components from the soil always occurs in the leaves of the plant more intensively than in its fruits But in reality general view, raspberry leaf is rich in:

  • ascorbic acid– more commonly known as vitamin C;
  • tartaric acid - giving its leaves a special aroma;
  • malic acid- which also makes itself felt with a specific raspberry “bouquet”, present not only in the berries, but also in the leaves of the plant;
  • nicotinic acid– not like tobacco or yeast, but in an amount sufficient to briefly stimulate cardiovascular activity;
  • B vitamins- however, in small quantities.

They are also rich in microelements:

  • potassium – also a stimulator of vascular activity;
  • magnesium – a chemical “pair” of potassium;
  • sulfur - an element rarely found in such a well-digestible form and in such a significant concentration as in the raspberry leaf;
  • boron - another rare microelement, which, however, is needed by the body in minute quantities;
  • iron - useful for hematopoiesis in both sexes, but especially for women, since their typical cycle makes periodic small blood losses inevitable;
  • calcium – useful for teeth and bones, stimulating tone and contractility muscles, blood vessels and heart, since it is also a muscle;
  • phosphorus – a participant in many nervous reactions and the process of maturation of bone cells.

Although in excess phosphorus is deadly poisonous, so it should be eaten only at the same time as calcium in a ratio of 1:10. That is, the daily portion of calcium should be ten times larger. Otherwise, instead of growing, the bones will begin to disintegrate: the body destroys their already mature cells in order to release calcium from them a second time and bind a dangerous excess of phosphorus. In relation to raspberry leaves, it is important that the content of phosphorus and calcium in them is approximately the same, although it does not even reach the daily norm.

When choosing raw materials, you need to take into account the content of certain microelements in raspberry leaves. Everything that is contained in the soil accumulates, first of all, in them, and “reaches” the fruits indirectly. This is especially true for fertilizers and pest control products. That’s why it’s best to take your own raspberry leaves or from a familiar “source” who is not inclined to use pesticides on an industrial scale.

Beneficial properties of raspberry leaves

Wider and longest healing properties Raspberry leaves are used to treat cold symptoms - cough, burning throat, inflamed tonsils, hoarse voice, temperature. But in fact, the indications for the use of raspberry leaves in folk medicine cover a much wider range of diseases. So, in addition to acute respiratory infections, exacerbations of rhinitis, tonsillitis, an infusion of raspberry leaves is used for many diseases.

  • In cardiology. In particular, to reduce blood pressure. Probably, this effect is achieved due to the anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect of food acids in the composition of raspberry leaves, as well as nicotinic acid.
  • In obstetrics. To soften the cervix, which helps successful birth. However official medicine does not confirm the presence of a similar effect in raspberry leaves.
  • In gynecology. In order to increase the chances of conception and already during pregnancy, for the purpose of its successful bearing. It is believed that raspberry leaf tea is beneficial for the endometrium (the inner layer lining the uterus to which the embryo is attached after conception) and in general all organs/tissues whose work depends on quality blood circulation. But official medicine has not recorded any significant therapeutic effect of the drug on the activity of the female reproductive system.
  • In proctology. For the treatment of hemorrhoids. Raspberry leaves facilitate its progression due to the anti-inflammatory effect of food acids and tannins.
  • In dermatology. To get rid of acne, especially purulent and systemic ones, like acne. Taking raspberry leaf preparations reduces the inflammatory response (the tendency of tissues to grow and renew by triggering inflammation of varying intensity) throughout the body. In particular, this explains the benefits of the food acids they contain for joints - for osteochondrosis and other age-related phenomena. In addition, the product warms well by improving blood microcirculation in peripheral tissues, including the skin. It also returns the acidic balance to sweat (that is, its natural disinfecting properties), if for some reason it has shifted to the alkaline side (for example, when diabetes mellitus, skin fungus). True, here you also need to keep in mind the doctors’ instructions on the purely auxiliary role of raspberry leaves in treatment skin diseases, since their effect is quite weak.

When their use is prohibited

Raspberry leaves have not only useful action. Food acids, in addition to their ability to reduce fever, block the inflammatory response, improve capillary circulation and restore acid balance to many physiological fluids(from blood to sweat) are strong allergens. Plus, not all environments in which the acids from the decoction of raspberry leaves accumulate require such “oxidation.”

In particular, the normal environment for joints remains neutral or slightly alkaline. The cerebrospinal fluid (purified lymph in the ventricles of the brain and spinal canal) should always be alkaline. Plus, oxidation is not only not very useful, but also dangerous due to dysbacteriosis, the appearance of erosions in duodenum, capable of working only with alkaline pancreatic juice. Therefore, the use of raspberries can result in a sharp aggravation of the situation with the following diseases.

  • Chronic and acute pancreatitis. The pancreas produces pancreatic juice, which is an alkaline digestive medium for the intestines. And pancreatitis is its inflammation, in which all functions of the gland are affected, including a decrease in the production of insulin and alkali for the intestines. If in such a situation you start consuming food acids from raspberry leaves, the balance will shift even more, since the existing alkali in the duodenum is definitely not enough to neutralize them and hydrochloric acid from the stomach, and ulceration of its walls will begin.
  • Excess uric acid and gout. It develops against the background of a clear excess in the blood of acidic protein breakdown products - purines. In particular, the main role in its development is played by the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints (they are sent there by the body, seeking to reduce its concentration in the bloodstream). Normally, purine bases should be excreted by the kidneys. But if they do not function well or there are too many purines, this does not happen. Except joint capsules uric acid settles in the renal parenchyma itself, leading to the appearance of urates - reddish stones with sharp spikes on the surface. Thus, gout is a disease caused by a violation of the metabolism of only one acid - uric acid. However, it is recommended to limit the intake of any acids, including ascorbic and tartaric.
  • Oxalate kidney stones. In general, the roots of nephrolithiasis as a phenomenon are still unclear. It is only clear that education kidney stones contribute to bone pathology, vibrations hormonal levels, protein and strict diets, infections and other factors, including the composition of water in the region of residence of the patient. However, oxalates appear in the kidneys for a very specific reason - due to the body’s refusal to absorb oxalic acid. No matter why it begins to “precipitate” inside the renal parenchyma, medicine in this case also strongly recommends giving up all products containing not only it, but also food acids in general (again due to the similarity of their chemical formula and methods of processing by the body). And raspberry leaves are right on their list.
  • Gastritis and stomach ulcers in the acute stage. As you know, the environment in the stomach is already acidic, which is why normally the walls of the organ are protected from contact with it by a layer of mucus constantly synthesized by the mucous membrane. The layer of mucus in areas of such inflammation is usually thinner, and above the erosions it is completely absent. Taking additional portions of tannins and food acids in this state of affairs is inappropriate because it will only increase the corrosion of the walls in places of inflammation and ulceration, and provoke aching pain in them. However, the concentration of both in raspberry leaves is not as high as in its berries. Therefore, if its fruits are prohibited for stomach pathologies once and for all, then a decoction of its leaves is not recommended for use only during the period of their exacerbation.

In addition, although raspberry leaves are not directly prohibited when increased acidity stomach, reviews of their use in it are often negative character. The sour taste and aroma of the decoction is unpleasant to all those suffering from hyperacidosis. And during periods of new “turns” of acidity from taking raspberry leaves, the acidity will increase even more.

The main side effect and contraindication to taking any plant extracts is an allergy. And not necessarily on raspberry leaves, since for development acute reaction Sometimes it’s enough to suffer from intolerance to them even just pollen. An already malfunctioning immune system often reacts in a similar way to other stimuli. And ascorbic acid and, in general, all plants are good “provocateurs” of his response.

Procurement algorithm

The leaves of any plant accumulate both useful and harmful components from environment much more readily than their fruits. This pattern is due to the fact that all normal plant processes take place in the leaves. metabolic processes, and ripened fruits and berries become only their result. Therefore, you need to collect and dry raspberry leaves with an eye on the surrounding conditions.

Scientific medicine considers raspberry berries and leaves exclusively as a remedy for colds. And even then it’s a stretch, since many doctors are sure that even its ability to eliminate fever and sepsis is associated more with the fact that the patient is wrapped in a blanket after taking it than with its special composition. Nevertheless, it is prepared and sold in pharmacies along with other medicinal herbs both in dry form and in ready-made extracts, in the composition various syrups and herbal teas.

That’s why it’s easier to buy already dried raspberry leaves than to collect them personally, especially since the main ones active ingredients(food acids and tannins) in their composition are very resistant to drying and long-term storage. However, fresh or recently harvested raspberry leaves will indeed be more fragrant than purchased ones, and we will be more confident in their environmentally friendly origin. Therefore, regarding their collection and storage at home, the following features must be taken into account.

  • Collection. It is better to schedule it at the beginning of summer, during the period when dew no longer falls at night. At least, this is what the “classic” prescribes, since many lovers prefer to postpone the harvest, on the contrary, to the middle and even the end of summer - after the berry ripening season. This measure allows you to harvest raspberries and get leaves that are more mature in all respects, including aroma. WITH medical point From a perspective, this makes sense, since as the leaf ripens, more tannins and acids accumulate in it (they no longer go into the fruits, since they are ripe and picked).
  • Leaf maturity. It is better to choose young leaves located closer to the tops of the bush, but not their very tips. The third or fourth raspberry leaf on top would be ideal.
  • Drying. It is wiser to dry raspberry leaves, like any other leaves, in the shade rather than in the sun (to avoid oxidation - fermentation), and in warm air, and not in the oven. You should not use newspaper or pages from books to lay out the leaves, as printing ink is harmful to health.
  • Storage. For leaves, glass dishes with a not too tight lid or simple paper bags are ideal. You need to keep the package with raspberry leaves in a warm, but not hot place, away from dampness and light. And their shelf life without significant losses in the content of valuable components is long - up to two years.

Among other things, traditional medicine often recommends harvesting not only berries and raspberry leaves, but also its branches. The concentration of tannins in its branches and bark is much higher than in the leaves. That's why they are used for washing purulent wounds and solutions to other skin problems, sanitation digestive tract. They are also more effective in the fight against hemorrhoids, bleeding, inflammation of the female and male genital tract, and kidneys.

How to use internally...

The answer to the question of how to brew raspberry leaves is simple, because usually it is enough to add them to the tea leaves and pour boiling water along with it. However, to make a medicine rather than an aromatic drink, you will have to use a different recipe that produces a more concentrated extract.

Infusion recipe

Peculiarities. Diseases digestive system require taking half a glass of infusion three times a day after meals for a week.

You will need:

  • two tablespoons of dry and broken raspberry leaves;
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • working thermos.


  1. Pour the prepared raspberry leaves into a thermos, bring water to a boil and immediately pour it over them.
  2. Cover the drink with a lid, shake and leave for two hours.
  3. Strain and take for intended treatment.

...and externally

For treatment lower sections intestines (rectum, anal hole), external and internal genital organs with the help of infusion can be carried out:

  • washing - the entire surface of the skin affected by the process, twice a day, morning and evening, until symptoms disappear;
  • douching - three times a day for two weeks;
  • enemas - once a day for no longer than a week, and then it is better to replace them with warm sitz baths for 15 minutes once a day, since enemas wean the intestines from normal peristalsis.

If the result is not achieved, but also side effects is not observed, the course can be extended to a maximum of two weeks. Then a month's break is needed.

It must be remembered that medicinal properties Raspberry leaves are not much different from those of lingonberry, plantain, nettle, and currant leaves. On the contrary, they often turn out to be weaker, since the composition of acids in them is not so rich, and there are less tannins than is necessary. Therefore, combination with them or others medicinal plants, including oak bark, hazel will not only help avoid allergies from their long-term use, but also to strengthen the necessary aspects of them.

Almost everyone knows that with colds, flu and elevated temperature body problems can be treated with raspberries. We fell in love with this absolutely unpretentious plant due to the amazing taste of the berries, as well as their beneficial effect on the body. But healing qualities Raspberry leaves also have it. and all adherents should know the contraindications alternative medicine. After all, the ripening period of berries is very limited, and the possibility of using plant leaves in medicinal purposes makes it more valuable to us.

medicinal properties

It turns out that the leaves of the plant are not much inferior to the berries. Naturally, we are not talking about culinary features, but about healing properties. Almost identical composition of useful substances: mineral salts, large amounts of vitamin C, organic acids, flavonoids contain both berries and leaves and contraindications have been fully studied today, since the plant is used in medical purposes quite a long time ago. It does not even deny the mild antipyretic and diaphoretic effect on the body of a sick person. Raspberries contain a substance called salicylate. It has an effect similar to an aspirin tablet. Therefore, you cannot combine the use of these medicines, otherwise the body temperature may drop sharply and greatly.

What are the benefits of raspberry leaves, besides the antipyretic effect? Due to the fact that the composition includes tannins and astringents, decoctions are successfully used for intestinal dysfunction. Taking a decoction or tea is recommended for bleeding (as an expectorant), as well as to relieve intoxication. Among other things, the enzymes included in the composition help strengthen the body’s protective functions in anticipation of various viral epidemics.

However, it is worth noting that you need to know how to properly prepare and use raspberry leaves. The beneficial properties and contraindications for the use of decoctions from the leaves of the plant are not the same. Compared to the medicinal properties, cases that exclude the use of raspberries are recorded in a modest list: individual intolerance, chronic constipation and pregnancy up to the 8th month. When a pregnant woman is already preparing for childbirth, raspberry decoctions (provided that the attending physician has not prohibited them) can be taken to maintain the tone of the uterus and stimulate labor.

To save maximum quantity useful substances in raspberry leaves, they need to be collected after May 20 and the collection process must be completed on June 10. The grass is dried in the shade in the open air, and then placed in paper bags. You can prepare the decoction in the following proportion: 2 tbsp. l. for 2 stacks water. When the decoction boils, it should be infused for about three hours, after which it should be taken strained, half a glass 2-4 times a day.

As you can see, many drugs from the pharmacy can replace regular raspberry leaves. Useful properties and contraindications for the use of decoctions and teas from this medicinal plant are simple and can be used even when treating small children.

It just so happens that raspberry leaves, known since childhood delicious berries, are not used so often for treatment; fresh berries and jam are increasingly used, not only as dessert, but also for the prevention of health, youth and beauty.

Fresh and dried leaves of the bush have no less spectrum useful qualities. Experienced healers recommend using them to maintain the immune system in proper tone.

They are able to cope with any manifestations of acute respiratory diseases, problems gastrointestinal tract, skin ailments such as acne and eczema.

In addition to popular use, raw materials are widely used in pharmaceuticals, because they huge amount amino acids, useful vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on human health. Today, the article discusses the use of the medicinal properties of the leaves of the berry bush and their health benefits, especially for the female body.

Raspberry leaves medicinal properties and contraindications

Speaking about leaves as medicinal raw materials, I would like to emphasize exactly what substances are contained in their composition. When collecting, it is necessary to take into account that the amount of healing components is directly related to the place where the bush grows, on what soil and with what intensity of lighting.

What chemical components are included in the green mass of shrubs?

The chemical composition of the leaves is rich in various components:

Vitamins. C, E, the level of which in the body doctors traditionally associate with general condition human immunity.

  • Read the article: Vitamin C saves a person from excess fats and carbohydrates

Potassium, magnesium and iodine . They are responsible not only for the functioning of the heart muscle and pancreas, iodine is a direct participant in the prevention of vascular atherosclerosis.

  • You can find out the details:

Flavonoids, performing protective function for cells, intracellular structures and membranes from ultraviolet irradiation and radiation.

  • More complete information about these compounds: Why do the body need flavonoids.

Fiber, promoting the formation of a healthy balance of microflora in the intestines, restoring its function and thereby increasing immunity.

Folic acid and quercetin . These substances can stop heavy bleeding for external use. In this regard, raspberries are in no way inferior to plantain.

Manganese, whose role for the body has long been studied. Its benefits are invaluable; it is an indispensable element in work. nervous system, because without its participation, neurotransmitters cannot be synthesized that transmit impulses from one cell to another. And the people widely know a remedy for inducing artificial vomiting, when a person drinks a decoction of a large concentration of raspberry leaves (but this is already an overdose).

Tannins or “astringents”, which favor the functioning of the intestines and help avoid intestinal disorders, also have hemostatic properties.

Organic acids, which play a significant role in metabolic processes the body and affect the breakdown and absorption of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, maintain acid-base balance, enhance the secretion of bile and juice and are excellent antiseptics.

Medicinal properties of leaves

Doctors claim that the substances in this raw material allow the production of profuse sweating, combined with the effect of reducing fever in case of a cold.

This property is the main area of ​​application of raw materials from leaves, and its effect is due to the content of sacilates. Their effect is similar to aspirin, only here the compound is natural, not synthetic, and without the harmful effects that this medicine has on the stomach. Therefore, with the help of this raw material, you can reduce body heat and provide an analgesic effect if aspirin is not available at home.

It manifests itself quite noticeably in the treatment of anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects, which traditional medicine has adopted and recommends using these properties to cure not only respiratory diseases, but also infectious ones.

Helps remove phlegm from the lungs, which increases their value during colds. Regular raspberry tea serves as a good preventative against respiratory infections.

The immunostimulating and general strengthening effect of potions from the leaves is useful as aid for any diseases. Interesting feature is that the antioxidants contained in the leaves of the bush allow painless and pleasant natural means get rid of harmful toxins that accumulate in the human body.

The capillary-strengthening effect is explained by the presence of flavonoids and helps prevent internal bleeding. Rutin is also contained in this raw material; it is it, together with vitamin C, that can strengthen the walls of capillaries. In medicine, this property is used as effective remedy against eliminating “stars” on the skin that arise when the walls of blood vessels become thinner.

The astringent light effect is explained by the presence of tannins; their beneficial properties are used by traditional medicine in the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal pathologies (digestive disorders, colitis, enteritis).

In cosmetology, they are used to treat inflammatory processes on the skin; especially for acne, masks and pastes of leaves are used on the face.

The biochemical diversity of the composition of this medicinal raw material determines its popularity in folk medicine and wide application.. It is used for:

  1. Treatment of hemorrhoids. Regular lotions from the leaves of the bush significantly reduce itching and pain.
  2. For inflammation of the conjunctiva and other eye diseases.
  3. For diarrhea and gastritis.
  4. For healing skin imperfections.
  5. To stimulate immune processes.
  6. For flu, bronchitis, respiratory diseases.
  7. For pathologies of the gynecological spectrum.
  8. To reduce anxiety and stress.
  9. To regulate heart function and prevent atherosclerosis.

Benefits of leaves for women

For women, tea is useful for maintaining iron in the blood, because women lose this element every month during menstruation and many suffer iron deficiency anemia. Tea relieves all its symptoms, gives vigor, relieves fatigue, and increases the body's resistance. It is especially important to take courses of decoctions, teas, infusions if there are signs:

Uterine or other type internal bleeding , if heavy periods are observed, then prepare a 15-minute infusion of 3 tablespoons of crushed leaves, poured a glass of boiling water and divide it into 4 parts and drink it a day.

For thrush and inflammatory processes in the genital organs, make a 10-minute decoction over low heat from raspberry leaves and roots, mixed in equal parts, 2 tablespoons of which are poured into 250 ml of boiling water. The decoction is used for douching.

To enlarge the endometrium making tea.

In the treatment of infertility mix red clover flowers and raspberry leaves and make a 15-minute infusion from a tablespoon of raw materials and a glass of boiling water. The dose of infusion is 250 ml per day; treatment can be continued for several months.

For ovarian dysfunction make a 15-minute infusion of currant and raspberry leaves, mixed equally. 500 ml of boiled water is poured into a tablespoon of the mixture. Divide into 3 parts and drink per day.

Helps with inflammation of the ovaries sitz baths made from a mixture of leaves and flowers of a bush. For baths, prepare a 20-minute decoction (50 g of raw material per liter of boiling water), which is diluted with boiled water.

To improve lactation They also drink a warm decoction.

Is it possible or not to use the medicine from the leaves during pregnancy?

If the use of this raw material is early pregnancy is categorically unacceptable, then with late pregnancy things are different. Traditional healers and healers claim that decoctions based on the leaves should be drunk before childbirth, as they stimulate contractions smooth muscle. Doctors say that there is no effect of raw materials on expectant mother in labor V late period no, that is, they do not contribute in any way to facilitating childbirth.

But I will still write a diagram for taking tea with the leaves of the bush, after all, and for centuries this method was used by grandmothers and midwives to facilitate childbirth. Tea can only be taken from the 35th week of pregnancy, as indicated in the instructions for using this method.

And the reception scheme is like this:

  • at 35 weeks, drink a glass of chilled tea a day,
  • at 36 weeks, a glass a day of warm tea,
  • at 37 weeks, 2 glasses of warm tea,
  • at 38 weeks, 3 glasses of warm tea,
  • at 39 weeks - 4 glasses of tea a little hotter than warm,
  • at 40 weeks, 4 glasses of hot tea per day.

This drink prepares female organs to childbirth and its effectiveness lies in compliance with this scheme. A cold drink or a warm one helps the muscles of the cervix acquire elasticity, which promotes good dilatation without tearing. And hot is already a stimulant for labor.

If I start drinking the infusion immediately hot, this is fraught with strong contractions when the cervix is ​​not dilated.

Infusion recipe prepared from a tablespoon without a tubercle of crushed leaves, poured a glass of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 30 minutes.

This tradition is also known among other nations; in Germany, women in labor are advised to drink a decoction of raspberry leaves before giving birth, and in England, tea is recommended to ease childbirth.

There is another controversial opinion that the leaves are beneficial for the endometrium, due to the fact that they contain phytoestrogens. However, this information did not receive any substantiation in science, and remained an assumption. traditional healers. Experts believe that in order to have a significant impact on the development of the endometrium, you need a plentiful amount of plant estrogens, which is found in cereals. There are few of them in raspberries, but they are still there.

At late pregnancy tea from the leaves of this plant can strengthen immune system both mother and child, and increase the metabolism of both.

Drinking it is useful even before conception, since drinking it regularly can cleanse the body of metabolic products and improve reproductive function.

Are there any contraindications for use and possible harm?

As with any other herbal medicine, excessive and improper consumption of raw materials can lead to various disease processes.

Here are some contraindications for consumption:

Allergic intolerance. This is mainly due to the fact that the leaves contain salicylate, to which many allergy sufferers react extremely acutely. In order to avoid allergic reaction you need to carefully adjust the dosage with your doctor, and also avoid mixing “folk” treatment with medication.

  • Chronic constipation. Binders in raw materials can only aggravate the situation.
  • Heartburn and gastritis in acute form. The leaves are suitable as a preventative against gastrointestinal diseases, strengthening the intestines, but if the disease is in full swing, then the acids that are in raspberries can worsen the patient’s condition.
  • Asthma. Essential oils cause suffocation, so people with this disease need to be extremely careful.
  • During early pregnancy. Microelements found in raw materials can lead to premature contractions.
  • Gout and nephritis;

Harm to the body can only be caused by an overdose, using drugs that are more concentrated than recommended in recipes and without observing the dosage norm.

Preparation and drying of raw materials

It is better to use dried raspberry leaves for medicinal purposes, which must be properly harvested and prepared for long-term storage. Otherwise, they will lose their healing properties or, worse, harm a person. There are not many rules for proper collection and storage.

When to collect raspberry leaves. Only the young leaves that appear on the raspberry bush at the time of flowering have the greatest medicinal value. If this time is lost, then that's it useful substances will develop into ovaries, which will then become berries. Collect only from healthy bushes, preferably growing in the shade.

How to dry. To prepare raw materials for the winter, dry them in a well-ventilated room, under a canopy, so that direct sunlight does not fall on the leaves. The raw material is afraid of moisture, and it needs to be stirred periodically and then the medicinal raw material will retain all its beneficial properties.

How to store raw materials. Dried leaves are stored in glass or ceramic dishes or linen bags. Raw materials, when properly stored, retain their beneficial properties for up to 2 years.

Recipes used in traditional medicine

When treating with raspberry leaves, several traditional recipes, such as:

Decoction. To make a decoction from this raw material, you need to take 25 g dried leaves and 2.5 glasses cold water. Mix everything in a small saucepan and place over moderate heat. Heat for 15 minutes, then let the resulting broth brew for 1.5 hours. Strain before use, take 1 glass 3 times a day after meals.

Tincture. You can make it from either fresh or dried leaves. The first option requires a container (1 liter jar), into which 1/3 of the finely chopped fresh leaves are placed, and then filled to the top with alcohol. You need to infuse for 14 days in a dark and cool place, then strain thoroughly and keep in the refrigerator or cellar. Preparation from dry raw materials is carried out in a similar way, only take into account the proportions in the calculations, which is 2.5 tbsp. spoons need to take 90 ml of alcohol.

Infusion. A high-quality infusion requires 15 g of raw materials ground in a mortar and 1 glass hot water. After mixing the components, you need to let it sit for about 50 minutes, then strain. Use as a rub for rashes, eczema and acne, as a rinse for sore throat. It can also be used for eye inflammation, but keep in mind that for these purposes, the container in which the infusion is prepared must be treated with an antiseptic.

Ointment. Recipe requires availability fresh leaf enough raspberries to squeeze out the juice. First, you need to melt the ointment base (for example, Vaseline) over low heat, then gradually add 15 ml of juice to 50 g of base, while stirring to form a homogeneous mass. Use to speed up the healing of wounds, for mosquito and other insect bites, and also to get rid of skin blemishes.

Tea . Both fresh and dry leaves are suitable for this drink. Strengthens the body's blood flow and removes it from the body harmful substances. How to brew: 1 tsp. dried raw materials per glass of hot water. If the leaves are fresh, then you need to chop them and take them in a proportion of 3 tsp. for 1 glass of boiling water (the dosage can be varied depending on taste preferences).

It is important for city residents to know that in pharmacies you can buy special teas and mixtures with the leaves of this plant, from which you can prepare the above recipes at home. One package of pure raw materials contains about 45-50 g of crushed sheets. This is about 12 tbsp. Although the raw materials are inexpensive, it is better to prepare them yourself, since it is not known where the raw materials “came” from at the pharmacy and to what extent they have not been treated with fertilizers and chemicals.

Raspberry leaves are an affordable, natural and tasty preventative against many diseases, which is suitable for both adults and children. With due attention to dosage and contraindications, this amazing raw material can heal many diseases and strengthen the immune system.

Be healthy dear readers!

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