Mask with onion and honey. How to properly prepare a hair mask from honey and onions? We achieve maximum effect! Onion hair mask with honey for all occasions

Exists large number recipes homemade mask for hair with onions and honey, where, depending on the addition of one or another ingredient, the direction of the mask’s effect changes.

The main components remain honey and onions, the beneficial properties of which have been known since ancient times. In tandem, they do an excellent job with the assigned tasks and, in general, with healthy hair.

However, you need to know the features of these products so that the mask does good and not harm.

As children, we were often told that if you eat onions, illnesses will not be terrible, and adults did not lie to us - onions are indeed very healthy.

This rule can also be applied to hair, since it contains a large amount useful elements, which have a positive effect on the condition of the hair.

What are these elements:

  • The onion owes its “aroma” to the glycosides and essential oils that make up its composition. They also actively affect blood circulation, thereby improving metabolic processes at the cellular level, thanks to which nutrients are delivered faster to hair follicles;
  • Tears in the eyes from cutting onions appear due to sulfur, which, when released, becomes an irritant to the mucous membranes. It also actively affects the scalp, irritating the scalp and activating the growth of new hair;
  • Phytoncides fight microbes and fungal diseases. Thanks to these elements, the onion becomes an excellent remedy in the fight against dandruff, since it is a fungal disease;
  • Biotin acts as a builder: heals damaged hair;
  • Potassium regulates sebum secretion;
  • Vitamin PP is responsible for the preservation of hair pigment and prevents premature aging of the hair;
  • Vitamin C has a positive effect on the circulatory system and also promotes the production of collagen, thereby making hair more elastic.

Instructions for using the bow

Thanks to a large amount of vitamins and microelements, onions become almost a panacea for all ills, since they nourish hair follicles, make curls more elastic, and fight premature aging, hair loss and dandruff.

But for any onion mask recipe to work, you need to know some rules for its use.

Onion, thanks to its high concentration irritants, can burn and injure the top layer of the scalp.

Therefore, if there are microcracks, wounds, pimples, scars from recent operations, scabs, etc., it is necessary to abandon the idea of ​​restoring hair with onions.

In this case, hair damage can only worsen.

Before creating and applying a mask, you need to check this component for allergies: apply a small amount of the product to your wrist or elbow.

A slight burning sensation is allowed, but if it is unbearable or spots appear, then you should absolutely not use a mask with onions.

To prevent tears from flowing from the onion mask, the onion must be placed in the freezer before mixing with other ingredients; half an hour will be enough to “drown out” the sulfur secretions.

To cook onion juice, you need to turn the whole onion in a meat grinder (for convenience, it can be cut into several parts). As a result, a puree is formed, which is placed in cheesecloth and squeezed out.

Some recipes don't require juicing; sometimes a simple puree is enough.

Onion mask applied to dirty hair, the resulting oil will serve as a kind of protection against excessive irritating effect. The hair should be dry.

The effect of the mask is aimed primarily at the scalp, so you should not apply it over the entire length.

Moreover, when styling your hair, the mask will still touch the ends of your hair.

It is necessary to insulate your head with polyethylene and a towel. In this way, the components of the mask will have a better effect, and the release of “thawed” sulfur will become less accessible to the mucous membranes.

In order for all the components of the mask to take effect, 15-20 minutes of time is enough; if unpleasant sensations appear earlier, then you should not tolerate it, the mask must be washed off with shampoo.

The whole truth about honey

Women use masks with honey not only for their hair, but also for their face and body. The widespread use of this product is explained by its richness in vitamins and minerals composition.

Honey has the ability to nourish, restore, regulate, heal, and strengthen. Due to this, honey has the following abilities:

  • Fructose and glucose work to repair split ends and moisturize hair, respectively;
  • Riboflavin in combination with vitamin B2 regulates sebum secretion;
  • Just like onions, it contains vitamins PP, potassium, ascorbic acid(vitamin C);
  • B vitamins are aimed at protecting hair from external irritating factors, treating dandruff and seborrhea of ​​the scalp, general strengthening curls;
  • Iron helps hair grow faster.

Thus honey is a source healthy hair. With its help, you can treat curls, and also use it as a preventive measure.

But honey is a strong allergen, so before use it is necessary to do a tolerance test.

A small amount of honey should be applied to the elbow and monitor the reaction. In case of redness, spots or itching, the use of honey is not recommended.

For the convenience of creating a mask, liquid honey is used; if this is not available, then you can use solid honey, previously melted in a water bath.

You can’t make it very hot for two reasons: honey loses its beneficial properties and you can burn your skin.

Classic recipes

Below we present the most effective and common recipes for masks based on honey and onions.

Classic onion-honey mask

The recipe for a mask with onions and honey is replete with its variations. First of all, a variety of recipes are aimed at solving various problems: against dandruff, hair loss, fragility, dryness, etc.

Also, the amount of ingredients depends on the type of hair, the sensitivity of the scalp and, most interestingly, the products that are available.

Homemade masks are different in that they use the products that are on hand. The classic mask with onion and honey is the one that uses only these two components.

Onions and honey are taken in a 4:1 ratio, the resulting mixture is rubbed into the scalp. Onions can be taken in the form of puree or juice, the difference is that the puree will be harder to wash off from the hair, the juice is less “fragrant”.

You should hold the mask according to the instructions indicated above, since both components are active.

This mask is great for thin and weakened hair.

Mask that stimulates hair growth

The recipe for the next mask is aimed not only at stimulating the growth of curls, but also helps strengthen them and treats hair loss.

For cooking medicinal mixture you will need:

  1. medium-sized onion (1 pc.);
  2. cognac (2 tbsp.);
  3. honey (1 tbsp);
  4. oil (1 tbsp);
  5. egg (1 yolk);
  6. lemon juice (1 tbsp);
  7. essential oil (up to 10 drops).

The onion can be grated or passed through a meat grinder; this mask requires juice, so the resulting gruel is filtered through cheesecloth.

It is better to heat the honey and butter using a water bath, but not too much so that the yolk does not curdle (it also curls, like the white, but more slowly).

It is better to remove the egg from the refrigerator in advance so that it is not cold. Essential oil can be anything: lemon, orange, grapefruit, etc.

Everything is mixed and applied to the hair. The mask turns out liquid, you can thicken it by adding 1 tbsp to the recipe. l. cocoa.

Against hair loss

Masks against hair loss have a general strengthening effect and also have a healing effect.

This recipe is suitable for dry hair and scalp as it uses olive oil, in its absence, you can use any other, for example, almond oil grape seeds etc.

You will need: honey and oil 1 tbsp. l. and one medium-sized onion (juice is used).

The recipe for the next mask is more “strong”; use it when sensitive skin the head should be very carefully, at the slightest unpleasant sensations The mask must be removed!

So, the recipe:

  1. onion (1 pc.);
  2. castor oil (1 tbsp.);
  3. alcohol tincture of calendula (1 tbsp.);
  4. cognac (1 tbsp.);
  5. honey (1 tbsp);
  6. egg (1 yolk).

All components are mixed. Remember that the egg should not be cold. To enhance the effect, you can add the pulp of one clove of garlic.

The mixture of onion and garlic smells is strong, so you should make this mask a few hours before leaving the house.

To strengthen hair

The recipe for strengthening and nourishing hair with onions and honey is as follows:

  1. onion juice (2 tbsp.);
  2. honey (1 tbsp);
  3. unrefined olive oil (1 tbsp.);
  4. mayonnaise (1 tbsp.).

Mayonnaise should not be cheap or of low quality. All ingredients should be warm, but not hot, to avoid getting burned.

The following recipe will help you make your hair thick and strong:

  1. onion juice (2 tbsp.);
  2. honey (1 tbsp);
  3. kefir (1 tbsp);
  4. oil (1 tbsp);
  5. cognac (1 tbsp.);
  6. sea ​​salt (1 tbsp.)

This mask with onions, honey, salt and other ingredients affects hair follicles, helps nutrients act easier, faster and more actively and strengthen hair.

What to do about the smell of onions?

Masks with onions, despite their healing properties, not many people decide to do it. This happens because onion smell remains on the hair, everyone around you also feels it.

It’s impossible to say that the smell is pleasant, which is why many people refuse masks with onions.

Since the recipe for such a product was invented a long time ago, there was time to find products and methods that neutralize its smell.

An abundance of remedies and preparations with therapeutic effect, intended for hair care, which cosmetic stores offer today, can frighten and put a woman into a stupor. After all, choosing the right drug options from the whole variety can be quite difficult. As a result, choosing the appropriate option becomes extremely problematic.

If you find it difficult to make a choice to transform your hair into more beautiful, well-groomed and healthy hair, experts recommend contacting folk recipes. They are time-tested, reliable and effective, and at the same time quite affordable. For example, one of these home remedies is a hair mask with honey and onion.

Benefits of mask ingredients

The benefits of a mask made from onion juice or pulp and honey are undeniable. The combination of these two ingredients helps strengthen hair and has a stimulating effect on its growth. It is not without reason that already in Ancient Egypt, onions were used as a reliable remedy for baldness. The benefits of onions are in sulfur and phosphorus, which are contained in large quantities in the root vegetable, and it is these substances that are in the natural composition of the hair itself and contribute to the normal functioning of the hairs. In addition, onions contain vitamins that ensure the normal life cycle of hair. Using homemade hair masks using onions can treat scalp irritation, flaking and even seborrhea.

Honey, in turn, contains a large amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements that have a strengthening effect on both the scalp and the hair itself along the entire length. After using a honey-based mask, hair becomes soft, shiny, elastic and manageable. In addition, honey can stop hair loss by strengthening and nourishing the roots, and eliminates dandruff.

For what purpose is it used?

Onion and honey based masks are widely used for:

  • enhancing hair growth;
  • strengthening roots;
  • giving volume and nutrition to hair.

The results can be noticed and appreciated literally after a couple of applications. If you use such a simple home remedy regularly and follow all the prescribed courses, your hairstyle will turn into a source of special pride.

What are the recipes for masks based on honey and onions?

1. For weak hair that needs urgent strengthening and restoration, you will need the following mask.


  • grated onion.

The proportions should be as follows: 4 parts onion, 1 part honey. Mix everything well so that the honey disperses evenly, and apply to your hair. Moreover, it should be applied by actively rubbing into the scalp. The mask should be left on for 40 minutes, then wash your hair. If your hair is dry and exhausted, you can add a teaspoon of oil to the mask as an additional ingredient - burdock oil is better, but olive oil is also an option.

2. Hair that is classified as normal also requires additional nutrition and care so as not to lose its attractiveness.

In this case, you can use the following recipe. Take an onion and grate it to get a paste. Lemon juice, honey and cognac should be added to it - all in proportions of 1 tsp. These ingredients need to be mixed together and applied to the entire head. Optimal time Leave the mask on your head for about an hour.

3. A universal hair mask suitable for every type of hair.

It provides care, has a nourishing effect on the scalp and helps add shine to the hair. To prepare it, take:

  • onion - 1 piece;
  • one egg (you only need to select the yolk);
  • oil (you should choose burdock or castor oil) - 1 teaspoon;
  • bee honey - 1 teaspoon.

The onion should be grated on a fine grater, and then the juice should be squeezed out of the resulting pulp through cheesecloth. Grind the yolk with honey, add onion juice and oil. Before use, you can warm the mixture slightly in the microwave. Then gently but quickly begin combing your hair to remove any remaining dust, styling products, and also stimulate blood circulation. Apply the resulting product to your head and cover with a cap and towel. You need to leave this mask on your hair for a couple of hours.

4. This mask will help you get rid of excess oily hair.

Take in equal proportions:

  • onion juice;
  • chicken egg yolk.

Add a few drops to the mixture aqueous solution vitamin D. Mix the entire list of ingredients, apply the mixture to your hair and warm it. This mask needs to be left on for about an hour.

5. If your hair is dry, unhealthy and looks brittle and thin, your hair can be cured using a mask made from ingredients such as honey and onion.

To prepare it you need:

  • bee honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • any liquid soap- 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil (burdock) - 1 teaspoon;
  • onion juice.

This mask should be applied as a compress and left on the hair for about 2 hours.

When preparing a mask, it is worth considering that onions smell quite strongly. However, it is possible from this unpleasant aroma get rid of. All you need to do is add a mint banana or a couple of drops of different essential oils.

How to use and remove

You need to apply the mask to all your hair, regardless of what you want to correct and correct. However, if you want to make the roots stronger, you should additionally rub the mask into the scalp. This will become a kind of massage that will normalize blood circulation and promote active nutrition of the hair follicles.

This product is usually washed off with warm running water. You should not choose a hot one, especially if eggs are the additional ingredients of your mask. Water too high temperature It may simply roll them up, and then it will be extremely difficult to comb out the lumps of eggs.

Onions in combination with honey are a win-win hair care product. A hair mask with onion and honey effectively combats seasonal hair loss (due to vitamin deficiency), and even baldness. The components, enhancing each other's action, create a powerful nutritional complex for the skin and scalp.

Onion juice combined with honey is a godsend for healthy hair. The desired effect of application will be noticeable in the shortest possible time.

Onions contain many useful components, among which are of particular importance for hair:

  • trace elements (phosphorus, zinc, sulfur and silicon) necessary for healthy growth hair and nutrition of hair follicles;
  • vitamin C strengthens the capillaries of the scalp;
  • vitamin E, which has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Onion juice slows down the appearance of gray strands, inactivates the negative effects of cosmetics, and is good for mass hair loss.

Honey is a natural complex of vitamins and other useful substances. When applied to the scalp, absorption of the components is almost 100%, due to deep penetration into the hair roots and the organic origin of the product.

After applying the product, a honey shell is formed on the hairs, which prevents moisture loss and serves as protection against negative factors environment.

A mixture of onion and honey on your hair will have the following effect:

  • increases blood circulation in the scalp;
  • nourishes with vitamins and minerals;
  • promotes active growth;
  • has a moisturizing effect;
  • prevents hair loss;
  • eliminates scalp problems (seborrhea, dandruff);
  • gives curls softness and shine.

Recipes for healing masks

For severe hair damage

Mix shampoo, onion juice, amber sweetness and burdock oil. Apply the mixture to your hair, wrap it in a towel and leave for up to 2 hours. Rinse off with plenty of running water.

This composition helps restore the structure, stops fragility and splitting, and gives curls strength and shine. It is acceptable to use any vegetable oil.

For weakened hair

Mix 4 tablespoons of onion pulp with a tablespoon of honey. Rub the paste into the roots. Leave on for a maximum of 40 minutes, rinse off.

This mixture of onions and honey will save you from hair loss and stimulate the growth of new hair.

For normal hair type

Add 5 ml to the pulp from one onion head lemon juice, honey and cognac. Leave the mask on for an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Cognac will enhance the effect of other components, improve blood circulation in the skin, thereby promoting hair growth. Do not use if strands are dry.

For hydration and shine

Mix the juice of 1 onion, 2 tablespoons of honey, add 2 drops of rosemary and lavender oil. Apply to the entire length, exposure time – 30 minutes. Wash off with water and shampoo.

Regular use of the mask will create an invisible protective ball, making your hair vibrant and shiny.

Subtleties of preparing and using masks

To prepare and properly use a hair growth mask with onion and honey, you need to know and consider important nuances:

  1. Cooking ingredients should be at room temperature.
  2. If the honey is thick, steam it until it becomes liquid (at a temperature not exceeding 40 o C).
  3. Before use, do an allergy test: apply a little mixture to your wrist, if it does not appear within 1 hour adverse reactions, you can safely use the product.
  4. It is contraindicated to use this mask for wounds on the scalp.
  5. Apply the mixture to washed, towel-dried hair (to avoid sebum and dirt getting into the follicles).
  6. Be sure to insulate - create a greenhouse effect using cellophane and a towel (heat helps speed up metabolism and enhances the effect of the mask).
  7. Leave the mask on for no longer than the time specified in the recipe to avoid irritation (if felt strong burning sensation, can be washed off ahead of time).
  8. It is advisable to rinse your hair with acidified water after washing your hair to neutralize the unpleasant odor.
  9. The minimum course is 10 procedures (more is possible, depending on the condition), with a frequency of 3 times a week. Carry out treatment as needed, or with preventive courses once every 2-3 months.
  10. Systematic use only honey and onion masks will ensure 100% efficiency.

How to get rid of onion smell

So that after using masks there is no unpleasant onion smell left, there are several secrets that will help get rid of it undesirable effect:

  1. The mixture should be washed off with warm or cool water to avoid activating the smell of the essential oils that make up the onion.
  2. After the procedure, apply for 10 minutes colorless henna or kefir.
  3. The mask should include lemon juice or a few drops of oil. tea tree, rosemary, lavender.
  4. It is preferable to use onion juice as it is less flavorful than the pulp.
  5. Apply the hair loss remedy only to the roots, since the skin absorbs the odor much less than the hair.
  6. Rinse aids based on chamomile decoction or with the addition of apple cider vinegar, any citrus juice or oil.

Hair masks with onion and honey are an effective, natural and economical way to combat hair loss. Minimum side effects with maximum benefit. It’s worth putting in a little effort to ensure that your curls regain their original thickness and health.

Today you can hardly find a girl who has never heard about the benefits and beneficial effects of onion. The secret of its popularity is simple and lies in the wonderful properties of the golden vegetable.

Onion juice is a storehouse of valuable substances.

A diverse complex of vitamins and essential microelements, such as sodium, zinc, aluminum, calcium, iodine and others, actively stimulate the regeneration of skin cells, awaken dormant hair follicles and combat baldness.

Vitamin C increases blood circulation, thereby improving its absorption nutrients and enriching it with oxygen.

Organic acids onion juice maximizes cell regeneration, and potassium effectively moisturizes the skin.

Phytoncides have antibacterial and antifungal effect, A biotin restores the structure itself.

Obviously, onion juice is a miracle elixir for nourishing and moisturizing hair, but there is one “but” that scares some girls away from using it. This, as you may have guessed, is the smell.

Indeed, the “aroma” of onions will be heard for some time after applying the mask, but it can be neutralized or made barely audible. Then the smell will not bother you for long.

Useful video

See the pros and cons of onion hair masks, as well as another recipe for the simplest but most effective mask:

The dream of achieving luxurious hair is quite possible.

You just have to start! Provided that you are not lazy and follow the rules for using masks, you will soon be able to boast of magnificent thick hair.

Why did I need to make a mask from honey and onions (you don’t have to read this part).
Once again I'm trying to grow mine natural color hair. And I'm afraid that when I finally grow it out, my hair will turn out to be gray. I haven't dyed my hair for two and a half months now and that's a long time for me. But my hands are still reaching for my hair, and I just want to do something with it. And I decided to make a healing mask to accelerate hair growth. I opened the first website I came across, which featured 12 best masks for hair growth. I didn’t have the ingredients for the first mask, but when I saw the second mask, which included honey and onions, I was happy - just yesterday I got a jar of natural honey. And I have onions - no one eats them in our family.

About the cooking process.
I shed a lot of bitter tears when I grated the onions for this mask. It is necessary to grate on a fine grater. It turns out that only juice remains from the onion. Take four parts of onion and one part of honey. Mix. Apply to hair roots. Wrap with polyethylene. Wrap with a warm towel. We sit for 45 minutes. We wash it off. We observe the effect.

After I washed off the mask, of course, I didn’t feel any immediate effect. After all, this mask is designed for hair growth and strengthening roots. For some reason, the scalp felt very pleasant to touch and massage. There was no smell. There was only the terrible stench of onions. I washed my hair with men's shampoo, Clear labeled cleansing. It lathers well and smells great. The balm I used was fragrant. I washed everything for a very long time. The hair is dry and the smell is gone. But when I went to work out and sweated, the smell appeared again. the stench persisted for another week and I was able to get rid of it only in this way. We conclude that only wet hair smells like onion. The mask is easy to make because all the ingredients are always on hand. The mask hardly drips due to the honey. After the mask, you feel a pleasant warmth on the scalp. The mask contains only natural ingredients. The only negative is the smell. Therefore, I give four stars and recommend the mask for use.