Aroma lamp oil for infants. Aromacosmetics and breastfeeding

Fatigue and stress are inevitable companions of modern life. Most of us, when we are completely unbearable, take antidepressants and sedatives. But nervous tension has one feature: a cumulative effect. It accumulates, and as a result, health problems begin. Therefore, you need to be able to rest not just once a year, but every time you need it. And they will help you do it essential oils.

Balm for body and soul

Man uses wealth flora for their own good, not only to eat, but also to be treated with their help. Herbal preparations are part of various cosmetics and care products. Essential oils occupy not the last place in this series. Aromatherapy uses both invigorating and calming essential oils to promote health.

These herbal remedies have one interesting feature: for each person they “sound” differently, and sometimes it happens that for one, some product is an essential oil for sleep, while for another, on the contrary, it gives an enviable boost of vivacity. If you remember the Russians folk tales, then a similar effect was achieved there with the help of live and dead water. But each aroma oil has the main property - adaptogenicity, i.e. increase stability human body to the influence of pathogenic factors, affecting the central nervous system.

Thus, by inhaling the aroma of one or another sedative, we not only calm down or invigorate, but also strengthen our immunity.

Calm, just calm

Aromatherapy with soothing oils is used for:

  • relieving fatigue;
  • eliminating the effects of stress;
  • relief from depression;
  • strengthening sleep;
  • stabilization of the nervous system;
  • reducing excitability;
  • improved mood, etc.

The best relaxing essential oils are:

  • bergamot;
  • cedar;
  • lavender;
  • valerian;
  • chamomile

Essential oils for insomnia are made from:

  • incense;
  • lemon balm;
  • jasmine;
  • basilica;
  • sage, etc.

Citrus fruits are perceived ambiguously in aromatherapy, since, firstly, they calm some and excite others, and secondly, in people with increased individual sensitivity they often cause an allergic reaction (redness of the eyes, skin rash, shortness of breath).

All kinds of oils are important

Soothing scents are used both as a single remedy and in mixtures. Aromatherapists recommend soothing nervous system combinations that include aromatic oils that go together. Harmonious combination among themselves are bergamot, geranium, lavender, juniper, jasmine, chamomile, lemon, ylang-ylang, orange, palmarosa, eucalyptus.

When independently composing aromatic essential mixtures you need to take into account that:

  1. Floral aromas are harmoniously combined: jasmine can be mixed with chamomile, lavender, geranium, etc.
  2. Lavender goes with any scent, but does not tolerate rosemary.
  3. Citrus and bergamot preparations work best with pine scents (juniper, cedar) and are the most effective blended essential oils for sleep.

You cannot combine scents during aromatherapy sessions. tea tree with ylang-ylang, mint with fennel and orange. In order for the mixture to be effective and achieve maximum human relaxation, you do not need to use too many components, and the mixture should not contain more than one “heavy” essential oil, i.e. having low volatility. According to the rules, it contains one, or better, two highly volatile aromas. Taking several heavy substances at the same time can be irritating and have a bad effect on the psyche.

Using Soothing Essential Oils

The classic use of essential oils in aromatherapy is the aroma lamp. This is a small ceramic vessel in which oils are heated over low heat and gradually evaporate, filling the room with their aroma. To use an aroma lamp correctly, you need to know how much of a soothing agent to take so that the aroma does not become too strong.

Before starting the session, ventilate the room well and saturate the air in the room with oxygen. Such a lamp is lit in order for a certain amount of aromatic substance to spread in the air; it should not burn constantly: constant strong smell may cause headaches.

Aromatherapy sessions are successfully combined with water treatments. Using essential oil, you can prepare a bath extract by diluting a few drops of the product or mixture in water. Aromatics are also used in the bath: a steam room with the scent of juniper or lavender not only has a calming effect, but also prevents the development of colds.

Essential oils are added during massage so that a person can completely relax during the procedure. General massage using aromatherapy is indicated for chronic fatigue and seasonal depression. You can apply a drop of a soothing substance to the pulse point on your wrist or between your collarbones. This is a good method to achieve relaxation in the workplace.

A universal procedure that helps calm the nervous system and overcome stress is inhalation. It can be cold or hot.

Inhaling cold vapors using portable inhalers is a convenient way to restore peace of mind in any environment.

Small inhalers are produced that already contain a substance. Hot inhalation done at home, for this essential oil is added to hot water and the person breathes healing steam. This is also good remedy to fight colds and sore throats (eucalyptus, sage, chamomile).

Fathers and sons

Aromatic sedatives are used differentially, taking into account age and even gender. An adult and a child perceive aromas differently, so there are separate soothing oils for children that have mild, mild odors. Chamomile is considered the best for children; it calms well and does not have an irritating effect.

Men and women also choose different scents for themselves: the fair sex gravitates towards light ones floral scents and loves to calm the nerves with jasmine, geranium and others. Men are healthy sound sleep will be provided with pine smells. Citrus fruits are equally loved by everyone for their ability to relax nerves and improve mood.

Elderly people like the aroma of lavender: inhaling its aroma and taking a bath with a drop of oil not only calms them down, but also helps normalize blood pressure.

Time and place of use

Calming essential oils have various calming properties: some simply relieve nervous tension, while others can be classified as sleeping pills. This aromatic sleeping pill is used at home just before bed. To easily put a capricious or hyperactive child to sleep, add a few drops of chamomile aroma to the bath before bedtime.

If we are talking about simple relaxation, then to calm the nerves, you can use these means in the workplace, provided that this is agreed upon with other people in the room. It is quite possible that someone may not like a certain smell and even in the smallest concentrations may be annoying.

A relaxing massage with aromatherapy can be done in the middle of the day - the main thing is not to overdo it with concentration if you need to communicate with people afterwards. For fatigue and poor concentration, lightly massaging the temporal and occipital areas with fingertips dipped in cedar or bergamot oil helps.

What you need to know before using fragrance oil:

  1. Essential oils should be purchased only in pharmacies and specialized stores: here you can be sure of the quality of the product and its compliance with standards.
  2. Should be stored in a cool, dark place.
  3. After the expiration date, the bottle with the product must be thrown away without regret and bought a new one: the old essential oil begins to decompose, changes its qualities, and loses its healing properties. This can be determined even by a change in smell: it becomes unpleasant.
  4. Before using any aromatic preparation for the first time, you need to do an allergy test: a small amount is applied to the wrists or behind the ear. You will have to discard the product if the skin turns red, itching or burning occurs.
  5. Each essential sedative is deeply individual remedy, he is selected not because “a friend liked it” or “a colleague helped him,” but by the method individual sample. Even preferences for certain smells are sometimes of great importance.
  6. Treatment with aromas should be discussed with your doctor if available. chronic diseases, diseases respiratory tract And skin diseases. Aromatherapy is not recommended for pregnant women.
  7. Bergamot should not be applied to the skin before tanning or going out in the sun: under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, pigment spots appear.

To help you sleep better, before going to bed, take a bath with 3 drops of sage oil and one drop each of lavender and lemon.

Chamomile and lavender, two drops per bath, will ensure a calm sleep for a small child.

The mixture of bergamot, incense and geran has a good review: for three drops of bergamot, a drop of the rest, and an aroma lamp with such a bouquet will help you forget about the stress of a working day. In the off-season, when there is not enough summer heat and sunlight To improve your mood, just breathe in a mixture of 3 drops of grapefruit, a drop of jasmine and a drop of ylang-ylang.

Soothing essential oils, selected individually, will help improve the condition of the nervous system and normalize sleep. The effectiveness of this product depends on the method of application and concentration.

Children are sensitive and impressionable people who perceive the effects of aromatherapy without any prejudice, so their reaction to essential oils is always positive.

Application of funds aromatherapy for children will support good mood and also helps to heal colds and sleep disorders.

Children love warm, sweet smells most. However, due to the fact that their body is still in a state of development, use aromatherapy products for children should be taken in very minimal dosages. It is best if the oils are applied to terracotta and clay figurines, aroma medallions, and pillows. Various products made from untreated wood, orange or grapefruit peels hold odors well. This method is used to aromatize the air in a children's room.

Aromatherapy for children: Blend to lift your spirits.

Orange oil - 2 drops, ylang-ylang oil - 2 drops.

Aromatherapy for children: Anti-cold mixture.

Chamomile oil - 1 drop, tangerine oil - 2 drops, tea tree oil - 2 drops, thyme oil - 1 drop.

The holiday should be fun and bring joy to children. Every mother wants her child’s holiday to be enjoyed and remembered by all her little guests. In addition to such traditional things as cheerful room decoration, interesting games and treats, aromatherapy will also help you achieve this.

However, it is better not to use traditional incense makers for this - after all, one of the little guests may accidentally knock over the lamp and thereby cause a fire, or feast on its contents.

It is better to use the same various terracotta or clay unglazed products.

The mixtures given below are suitable for any children's parties and provide positive impact on the children's mood. Remember one thing - the nature of the mixture must correspond to the time of year. For example, in spring and summer it is better to use essential oils with the aroma of freshness (citrus, pine), and around Christmas or New Year- warmer (floral, spicy).

Aromatherapy for children: Children's holiday mixtures.

1) Lemon - 3 drops, orange - 2 drops, chamomile - 2 drops.
2) Lavender - 2 drops, cinnamon - 2 drops, rose - 3 drops.
3) Mandarin - 3 drops, lemon - 3 drops.

Aromatherapy in children: Help with various childhood ailments.

First of all, we will tell you about the basic rules for using essential oils at home to treat various childhood diseases.

1. Up to two years, essential oils can only be used after consultation with an aromatherapist. It is not recommended to use peppermint for children under 1 year of age, tea tree, geranium, rosemary, thyme for children under 6 years of age, and clove oil for children under 12 years of age.

2. Choose oils only of the highest quality, since cheap, low-quality oils can cause unpredictable complications when used. When purchasing oils, be sure to follow the recommendations of practicing aromatherapists.

3. Strictly follow the dosage of essential oils and recommendations for their use.

4. Do not ingest oils (except for special medical grade oils) and do not apply them undiluted to the skin.

5. Do not violate the basic rules for storing essential oils - they are stored in dark bottles in the refrigerator.

6. A bottle of aromatic oils must contain a dispenser (dropper). All dosages of oils are indicated in drops.

If you follow all the rules, aromatherapy in your home will be effective method treatment and prevention of diseases.

Aromatherapy for children: Bleeding from superficial wounds and abrasions.

Lemon 1 drop + chamomile 1 drop - on a clean napkin or bandage application on the wound.

Scuffing of feet.

Dissolve 5 drops of lavender in a bowl of warm water, foot bath for 15 minutes, then apply at night with a gauze bandage with a solution of oils (lavender 3 drops + chamomile 2 drops, dissolved in one teaspoon of vegetable oil).


Apply 1 drop of lavender + 1 drop of chamomile to the area of ​​the bubble or blister on a napkin.

Furuncle (before contacting a surgeon).

Lavender 1 drop + tea tree 1 drop + chamomile 2 drops dissolve in 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, make applications.

Bruising of the body, arms and legs.

Up to 12 hours from the moment of injury - lavender 2 drops + chamomile 2 drops + rosemary 1 drop - dissolve in a glass ice water, lotions for 5-10 minutes 3-4 times a day. After 12 hours from the moment of injury - lavender 1 drop + chamomile 1 drop + rosemary 1 drop - dissolve in a dessert spoon of vegetable oil. Lubricate the damaged area several times a day.


Lotion for 10 minutes - 5 drops of lavender in one tablespoon of ice water. Then - lavender 3 drops + chamomile 2 drops - dissolve in 1 dessert spoon of vegetable oil, apply to the burn site.

Insect bites.

1) Lavender 1 drop + chamomile 1 drop or
2) Tea tree 2 drops
dissolve in one teaspoon of vegetable oil, lubricate the bite site 3-4 times a day.


Dissolve 1 drop of chamomile in one dessert spoon of warm water. Lotions 3 times a day with closed eyes.

Colds (for children over 6 years old).

Eucalyptus 2 drops + tea tree 1 drop + lavender 2 drops dissolve in a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Back massage and chest.

Chills, fever (for children over 6 years old).

Eucalyptus 2 drops + lavender 2 drops + tea tree 1 drop dissolve in 1 dessert spoon of vegetable oil. Lubricate the neck, tonsils, elbow and knee joints and groin area 1-2 times a day.


For dry cough (children over 6 years old).

Inhalation - chamomile 1 drop + eucalyptus 1 drop per 1 liter of hot, but not boiling water. Inhalation for 10 minutes, with eyes closed, once a day. Breathe through your mouth.

For a wet cough with sputum (children over 6 years old).

Inhalation - tea tree 1 drop + eucalyptus 1 drop per 1 liter of hot, but not boiling water. Inhalation for 10 minutes, with eyes closed, once a day. Breathe through your mouth.
Massage the chest and neck at night - tea tree 1 drop + eucalyptus 2 drops + lavender 2 drops per 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Flu - room aromatization.

Tea tree 4 drops + eucalyptus 2 drops + thyme 2 drops - one-time aroma lamp refill. Aromatization of the room is carried out for the purpose of disinfection twice a day.

By the way, these recipes are also suitable for adults, only the dosage of oils needs to be doubled!

Your basic set of oils is your home aroma kit.

The chemical composition and toxicology of essential oils have been studied quite well, so they can be used with the maximum degree of safety for the child’s body. Oils are useful for providing first aid medical care for burns, bites, wounds along with other manipulations, as well as for treatment and recovery when a health disorder does not require urgent medical attention, surgical intervention or the use of emergency measures.

The optimal set of oils for an aromatic first aid kit.

1. Clove oil.
2. Geranium oil.
3. Lavender oil.
4. Lemon oil.
5. Japanese mint oil (sweet mint).
6. Chamomile oil.
7. Rosemary oil.
8. Tea tree oil.
9. Thyme oil.
10. Eucalyptus oil.

And as a basis for diluting oils, it is recommended to have a bottle of sweet almond oil at home, which is odorless, easily absorbed into the skin and has an additional healing effect.

Compliance with all the rules will make aromatherapy an effective method for helping with various childhood ailments and will have a harmonizing effect on the child’s entire body as a whole. And unlike many medical supplies, aromatherapy medicinal compounds very pleasant to use and children will like it.

Young children react very subtly to the smells of essential oils. Therefore, aromatherapy is a good way to help them grow up healthy and joyful, and in case of illness, to overcome it quickly.

Fragrances for newborns

It is very important to remember that aromatherapy is not recommended at all for newborns under 2 weeks of age, and for babies under 2 years of age it is better not to apply oil directly to the skin frequently. And be sure to check if your child is sensitive to any oil by letting him smell it a little first. And one more rule - since children's body is in a state of constant development and is very sensitive, try to use aromatherapy products in minimal quantities.

What should be used and why: for mothers and babies

Prevention. To kill harmful germs in your room, scent the air with chamomile and a mixture of pine, thyme, mint and rosemary essential oils.

Strengthening the immune system. Eucalyptus, fir and pine will help improve protective properties body. During the cold months, the scents of lavender, tea tree, thyme, incense, and benzoin support the body's resistance to colds.

Cough. Mint and eucalyptus soften. Inhalations with basil, oregano, and cypress should be carried out for 10 minutes, with eyes closed, once a day. At night, you can massage your chest and neck (or back) with benzoin oil - it warms the skin and helps get rid of cough.

Runny nose. The smells of spruce, cedar, myrtle, fir, pine and, of course, eucalyptus can overcome a runny nose.

Flu, cold. If you have the flu, aromatize the room twice a day with ginger, hyssop, cypress, lemon balm and tea tree oils. At high temperature Anise, chamomile, eucalyptus will help. It is necessary to lubricate the neck, tonsils, elbows and knee joints and groin area once or twice a day. If your baby has a cold, the following oils are suitable: bay leaves, spruce, lemon, mint and fir.

At chickenpox use scents of clove, spruce, cedar or pine.

Difficulty breathing(bronchitis, asthma). If you have problems, use sandalwood and marjoram oil. Frankincense oil helps deepen the breathing rhythm. Myrrh oil is recommended for relieving inflammation of the bronchial passages and separating mucus.

My stomach hurts. If your child has a stomach ache, massage the tummy clockwise with the following mixture: 1 drop of dill oil and 30 ml almond oil. Gases will be eliminated by bergamot, grapefruit, and juniper oils. Cloves, geranium and ginger will prevent diarrhea. You can get rid of constipation with the help of anise, hyssop, chamomile. Hiccups will go away with cinnamon or oregano.

At nausea, or if you get motion sickness in transport, the aromas of basil, fennel, mint and lemon balm will help.

Skin wounds. Bleeding wounds and abrasions should be treated with cedar, myrrh, juniper, chamomile or sage oils. Drop the oil onto a clean cotton swab or bandage and gently apply to the wound.

From burns Sage, yarrow, rosemary, and pine will help.

Bruises and contusions it is necessary to lubricate with palmarosa, neroli, mint, lemon balm, cinnamon.

Rash, skin irritation. Chamomile oil, soft, with a calming and softening effect, is recommended for various irritations.

Insect bites. The bite site should be lubricated 3-4 times a day with oils of lemongrass, marjoram, juniper, palmarosa, rosewood, thyme, and sage. The following mixture works well: 2 drops of tea tree oil and 1 teaspoon of regular vegetable oil.

At teething A compress with lavender relieves pain. Wet the handkerchief in warm water, drop a drop of lavender oil and apply it to your cheek, wrapping it in something warm. It is also recommended to wipe the gums with a cotton swab moistened with water and a mixture of 1 drop of chamomile and 1 drop of lavender oils. You can also gently rub chamomile oil onto your cheeks.

Appetite. To enhance, use scents of Roman chamomile, bergamot and vanillin.

Tearfulness, whims. If your child often cries and likes to be naughty, he needs the aromas of oregano, ylang-ylang, lavender, incense, rose and Roman chamomile oils. These scents have a calming effect, so they are suitable for both restless babies and expectant mothers when they have mood swings.

Lethargy, lethargy. You can increase activity with the help of citrus aromas: tangerine, orange, grapefruit, lemon. The smells of coriander, basil, nutmeg, peppermint and cloves increase emotional activity and lift your spirits.

Hyperexcitability. If your child is overly excitable or aggressive, the aromas of lavender, lemon balm, dill and chamomile will help calm him down. You can also use a mixture of rose, incense and sandalwood scents.

For sleep. For a good and calm experience, the aromas of chamomile, ylang-ylang and tea tree are suitable. You need to drop a little essential oil on the pillow or on both sides of the bed. This will help provide mother and child good sleep. 2 hours before bedtime, you can light an aroma lamp in the room.

Rules for using essential oils:

1. It should be stored tightly closed, in dark bottles or a dark place, without temperature changes.

2. Buy only high-quality oils from specialized pharmacies.

3. Do not apply undiluted oil to the skin and mucous membranes.

4. Always strictly follow the instructions written on the bottle: do not exceed dosages, pay attention to contraindications.

Can essential oils be used on newborns? Yes, if you take some precautions. You must be very careful when using essential oils on babies as they are a strong herbal concentrate. Before use, essential oils should be greatly diluted, since the doses of essential oils for newborns are much lower than for adults.

Rules for using essential oils for newborns

For newborn babies, only pure and 100% natural essential oils should be used. Synthetic oils do not have healing properties and can cause allergic reactions. If the label says not to use internally or on the skin, then it is likely an impure or unnatural oil.

For children under two years of age, it is recommended to use a 1% solution of essential oils (5 drops of essential oil per 30 ml or 2 tablespoons of base oil). After two years, in a 2% solution (10 drops of essential oil per 30 ml or 2 tablespoons of carrier oil).

The most best oils for newborn children: lavender, chamomile, geranium, mandarin, neroli, sweet orange, rose, tea tree (in limited quantities), dill.

Do not use eucalyptus essential oil on children under 2 years of age.

Newborns should not take essential oils internally.

When using massage oil, do not apply the mixture to your face - especially around the eyes and mouth. Avoid using oil on newborns' hands, as they may be tempted to suck their fingers and rub their eyes.

How to use essential oils for newborns

Everyone loves massage and children are no exception. Besides healing effect massage makes it possible to establish not only a physical, but also a psychological connection with the child. You don't have to be a massage therapist to do this. Newborns love any kind of gentle and affectionate touch. In addition to pleasant sensations, massage with essential oils stimulates blood circulation and will help get rid of colic in the tummy. A massage with essential oils will also perfectly moisturize your newborn baby's skin.

Massage oil recipe for newborns:

1 drop of chamomile;

1 drop of geranium;

Mix all ingredients together. This essential oil massage oil can be used daily for babies 3 months and older.

Baths with essential oils for newborns

To prepare a bath for a newborn, take 1-2 drops of lavender or chamomile essential oil and 20 ml of milk (milk helps emulate the oil), mix all the ingredients and dissolve in water. This bath will help your child calm down and fall asleep.

If your newborn baby does not sleep well, add 2 drops of chamomile to the aroma lamp. For good sleep small child Lavender oil is also suitable, which in addition to its calming effect has antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

Aromatherapy for children. How and for what can essential oils be used?

Currently, psychologists have found that after pregnancy and childbirth, young children are very sensitive to the odors of essential oils and actively react to them. Therefore, aromatherapy for children is a very good way to help babies grow up happy and healthy.

It has been known since ancient times that various aromas have the ability to have an effect both psychologically and physiologically.

Plant essential oils are similar to natural odors. These oils have many positive properties: they have a positive effect on the nervous system, increase immunity, and have bactericidal and antiseptic effects.

Many of the essential oils have an analgesic effect, and some have beneficial effects on breathing and digestion.

If you use essential oils properly (subject to storage conditions and prescribed doses), then they will not cause any harm to health.

Why use essential oils

You can perform aromatherapy for children in the following cases:

Essential oils of eucalyptus, fir and pine help improve the body's protective properties. The smells of lavender, tea tree, thyme, incense and benzoin will help you resist colds. And in order to cope with harmful microbes in the children's room, it is necessary to fill the air with the scents of chamomile and a mixture of essential oils of pine, thyme, mint and rosemary.

2. Tearfulness and whims.

If your child cries very often and likes to be capricious, then the aromas of oregano, ylang-ylang, lavender, incense, rose and Roman chamomile oils will be very useful for your baby. The smells of these essential oils have a calming effect, which in many cases is very effective during the whims of the baby.

3. Lethargy and lethargy.

You can, of course, stimulate your baby’s activity with the help of citrus scents: tangerine, orange, grapefruit and lemon. And you can cheer up by using the scents of coriander, basil, nutmeg, peppermint or cloves.

4. Hyperexcitability.

If your little one is overexcited, the aromas of lavender, lemon balm, dill and chamomile will help you calm him down. You can also use a mixture of rose, incense and sandalwood scents.

5. Restless sleep.

For massage, essential oil must also be used together with the base (6-8 teaspoons of base should contain 8-12 drops of essential oil). Vegetable oil should be used for the base high quality. Suitable oils include almond, sunflower, olive, coconut or others. If you carry out acupressure, then before doing this you should drop a drop of oil on the tip of your finger, and then massage the desired point.

Parents for reference

Before carrying out an aromatherapy procedure for children, still consult a specialist who is competent in this field. If you do not have the opportunity to consult, you must follow the following rules:

1. Use only natural essential oils for children. About that.

2. In order to avoid troubles, it is necessary to test the essential oil on a small area of ​​the child’s skin, for example, on the wrist. To do this, apply a small amount of oil to the skin and observe whether the child’s body reacts.

3. Aromatherapy is not recommended for newborn babies under 2 weeks of age, and doctors do not recommend applying essential oil directly to the skin for children under 2 years of age.