Massage with herbal bags: an effective relaxation technique. Herbal bags: what are their benefits

Essentially this is acupressure, but it is not performed with the fingers or hand, but with special linen bags filled with aromatic medicinal herbs and preheated.

Massage with herbal bags: benefits

This technique is primarily relevant for those for whom touching bioactive points causes painful sensations and discomfort. Massage with herbal bags indicated for stress and nervous disorders, painful sensations and muscle tension. The massage therapist's movements stretch and relax the muscles, hot herbs release oils that are absorbed by the skin and have a general relaxing, tonic effect.

Massage with herbal bags helps strengthen the immune system, reduces the risk of colds during the cold season, improves metabolism, and activates processes in the subcutaneous fat layer.

Herbs, in turn, help improve the condition of the skin, remove waste and toxins from the body, get rid of swelling and fluid stagnation in the body. After a massage with herbal bags, the activity of sebaceous and sweat glands, blood flow improves, the skin is cleansed of dead cells.

This massage is very useful as an addition to the treatment of pain in the joints and spine, obesity, diseases cardiovascular system(if you have any illnesses, it is recommended to consult a doctor).

Massage with herbal bags: technique

Now a few words about the methodology itself massage with herbal bags. In salons where the procedure is carried out by masters specially trained in this type of massage, they first perform a general massage according to the Thai method.

Then, when your body is already sufficiently relaxed and rested, the bags heated to a certain temperature come into play.

The limbs are treated first, removing fatigue and tension that still remains in the muscles. Then the hot bags are moved to the back, where each area is also carefully treated.

After this, you will be asked to roll over onto your back, and your stomach and chest will undergo healing effects. Massage therapists will carefully work on every centimeter of skin, every organ of your body. The aroma from hot herbs will enhance the pleasant sensations and feelings of relaxation and peace.

After the massage, you will need some time to relax and recover. You will be offered a comfortable soft chair and aromatic tea. While relaxing and enjoying the drink, you will feel your body filled with new strength, your lungs breathing more freely, and your thoughts clearer.

Herbal bags for massage

Separately, I would like to talk about magical ones. Most often, they are used only once, because the deflated epidermis leaves particles of fat and sweat released by the body during massage.

Not all pouches are the same. They are made in different sizes to target different areas.
The herbs with which I fill the massage bags are also selected in a special way.

So to improve blood circulation, digestive processes, treat infections respiratory tract To relieve joint and back pain, mountain ginger is added to the mixture. This plant also has a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, improves overall emotional state, relieves stress and tension, gives skin firmness and elasticity, and shrinks pores.

General strengthening effect, help in the treatment of colds and viral diseases, headaches, abdominal pain, reduction of swelling will have herbal massage bags with the addition of patchouli. Direct action on the skin will help eliminate flaking and dryness, give healthy looking mature and aging skin, will eliminate rashes and manifestations of allergic dermatitis.

A powerful antioxidant, excellent pain reliever and antiseptic, relieving spasms, healing skin damage and scars - turmeric root. Herbal bags for massage with the addition of this plant it is also used as a choleretic agent.

To treat colds, inflammatory processes in joints and respiratory tracts, pain and muscle strains, it is good to add camphor to the herbal mixture. Kaffir lime supplement stabilizes the emotional state, treats skin inflammation, relieves spasms, cleanses, rejuvenates, and helps stabilize blood pressure.

Also in herbal bags for massage aloe, orange, lavender, rosemary, sage, black sesame seeds, lemon and many other ingredients are used.

Massage with herbal bags: contraindications

Like most procedures, massage with herbal bags, for all its usefulness, has contraindications.

So, without consulting a doctor, those who have cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, skin diseases, serious heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, should not undergo the procedure. varicose veins veins, mental disorders.

Presence of prostheses, artificial heart pacemakers, diabetes, pregnancy, exacerbation infectious diseases are also a reason to avoid the procedure.

You should know that on the day of the procedure you need to abstain from alcohol and not eat at least one hour before the massage.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady

Everyone is well aware of how beneficial massage is for health. Exists huge amount various techniques for its implementation - from the very ancient to the most modern. Special attention deserves a unique technique that came from antiquity, combining elements of aromatherapy, yoga, acupressure and warming up bioactive areas of the skin - this is the Thai Tai-Ji massage, performed using bags of herbs.

At its core, Tai-Ji is a well-known acupressure massage, but it is performed not with the fingers or wrists, but with special linen bags (made of linen or cotton), filled with aromatic herbs and preheated.

Indications for use of massage

Massage with herbal bags is recommended primarily for various types of stress and neurological diseases, muscle spasms And pain syndrome. A relaxing massage is ideal for people for whom contact with biologically active areas of the skin causes significant discomfort. The massage master softens the muscles with the movements of his hands, and the heated plants release essential oils, which have a relaxing and antispasmodic effect.

Thai Tai-Ji massage helps reduce the likelihood of infectious diseases and general strengthening immunity, and also accelerates metabolism and activates the process of resorption of subcutaneous fat.

Herbs improve the condition skin and promote the removal of toxins, toxic substances and excess liquid from the body, remove the remains of dead cells from the surface of the skin and improve blood microcirculation.

Massage with healing bags is especially useful as a complement to the main therapy for back and joint pain, as well as for obesity and non-obesity. serious illnesses cardiovascular system.

Massage with bags medicinal herbs can be carried out as an independent procedure or in combination with other Thai healing techniques (peeling, warming up in a cedar sauna, etc.).

Massage technique

Tai Ji massage is carried out in a specialized center, where half an hour before it begins, herbal knots are steamed and a lamp with aromatic oils is turned on. The bags are heated in a double boiler for 30 minutes. To enhance their aroma, you can add a few drops of pine oil to the water.

Before the massage begins, a relaxing full body massage is performed using herbal bags according to ancient Thai techniques, and only after the body has completely rested, the massage bags are used.

First, the arms and legs are massaged, thanks to which they are removed. muscle clamps and fatigue that still remained in the muscles, and then the back is carefully treated. After this, the client lies on his back, and the massage therapist carefully works all areas of the skin of the abdomen and chest. At the same time, the pleasant aroma of heated plants enhances feelings of peace and relaxation.

The procedure lasts 70-90 minutes, after which the client needs to rest for 5-10 minutes and take a shower. Next, he is offered to sit in a comfortable chair and drink aromatic herbal tea.

In order for massage with herbal bags to give maximum effect, you must undergo at least three procedures.

Features of herb bags

Usually the bags are used no more than once, because after the session, particles of skin and sweat and fat secretions from the client’s body remain on them.

At first glance, it may seem that all massage bags are the same, but this is not so: they come in different sizes. different sizes depending on which zones are intended to be affected.

When selecting the most optimal mixture of herbs for bags, the characteristics of the client’s body are taken into account, in particular, the presence of certain diseases. Yes, ginger has wide range applications and is used for the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases, improving blood circulation and digestion, eliminating pain in the back and joints, normalizing skin condition, as well as increasing emotional tone and neutralizing negative consequences stress.

Massage bags with patchouli effectively help in the treatment of infections and diseases gastrointestinal tract, eliminating headaches, swelling, various rashes, peeling, dryness and skin, as well as allergic dermatitis.

Turmeric, which is strong antioxidant, is used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerating and antispasmodic agent.

Camphor is used to treat colds, muscle strains, respiratory tract and joint diseases. In the presence of skin inflammation, spasms and high blood pressure Kaffir lime is used. It is also effective as a means for stabilizing the psycho-emotional state and rejuvenating the skin.

Others are also actively used in massage bags medicinal plants– lemon, aloe, lavender, orange, sesame seeds, sage, rosemary, etc.

Contraindications to massage procedures

Massage like any other therapeutic manipulation, has its contraindications.

For cancer, skin and sexually transmitted diseases, as well as in the presence of osteoporosis, varicose veins veins, hypertension, serious cardiac disorders and mental disorders prior consultation with a doctor is required. Herbal massage in these cases is permissible only with his permission.

Tai Ji massage should be treated with caution if you have diabetes, as well as prostheses and implants, in particular artificial pacemakers. Massage with bags of herbs is not recommended during pregnancy and exacerbation of infectious diseases.

It is also necessary to remember that on the day of the procedure you need to refrain from drinking alcohol, and eat food no later than 1-2 hours before the start of the session.

One of the oldest types of Thai massage, which came to us relatively recently, but has already gained popularity in the field of modern SPA technologies, is massage with herbal bags. It has been practiced for about 2000 thousand years as an effective therapeutic and prophylactic remedy and special ritual healing. The highlight of this massage is the massage devices, namely herbal bags, or as the Thais themselves also call them - herbal compresses, balls, or sachets.

Among all the other properties of this exotic type of massage, the main ones can be highlighted:

    sedates (relaxes) the nervous system, eliminating feelings of mental and physical fatigue;

    improves blood and lymph circulation;

    tones skin tissue, deodorizes skin and gives it a natural fresh scent;

    removes toxins, waste products, tissue breakdown products;

    relieves muscle-tonic tension;

    Thanks to the impact of acupressure on points and meridians, it stimulates the performance of the entire organism as a whole and its individual organs.

Thanks to the fact that herbal massage bags warmed up before the procedure in a steam bath, double boiler or special stove, the effect on the massaged area, in addition to the usual mechanical influence and pressure, is also supplemented by thermal effects and aroma and herbal therapy.

A detailed description of the properties, indications, contraindications, techniques and methods of this type of massage is presented in the article “Thai massage with hot herbal bags”, here we will try to understand what types of massage there are types of herbal bags, composition and its main ingredients, as well as methods for making bags yourself.

Types of herbal bags

Perhaps it’s worth taking a closer look at what types of Thai herbal massage bags. The bags vary in size and how they are heated:

    steamed in a water bath;

    heated in oil (a mixture of fatty and essential oils);

    with a hot stone inside.

In the latter case, heat is retained for more long time, but the touches are not as light as when steaming the herbal mixture. Immersed in oil for a few minutes, the bags acquire an additional aroma, and the herbal mixture gets the opportunity to more fully reveal its healing properties.

Herbal bags may vary in size and are used depending on the area being massaged. For example, When massaging the face, it is advisable to use bags of small diameter and for back massage – standard or large.

Making herbal bags

The basis of the bag itself is only natural fabric. Usually it is cotton, viscose, or soft linen. Herbal bags are made as follows (see video below):

  • 1) A square piece of cloth is laid out on a flat surface (fabric dimensions are approximately 25 by 25 cm).

  • 2) A pre-prepared herbal mixture (50-70 g) is poured into the center.

  • 3) From above, a hill of ground grass is pressed down with a hot stone (basalt lava or hewn marble).

  • 4) All 4 corners of the fabric are connected to form a pouch.

  • 5) Now you need to twist it a little so that the mixture does not spill out, and tie it with a cord.

If you don’t have special stones at hand, after tying the bag, you can hold it over steam for a while or dip it in an oil mixture heated in a water bath. Manufacturing and warming up this massage device is not complex process and comes with practice.

Composition of the filler in herbal massage bags

Composition of Thai massage bags can be different and mainly dictated by the preference of the person being massaged and the tasks and goals that the massage therapist sets for himself. Usually we do not use the classic composition of the filler, which contains specific African herbs and spices, but often some of them are included in the herbal collection of the bag. These are components such as:

    turmeric, ground ginger. They have a warming effect and activate blood circulation;

    playa root, sage. Anti-inflammatory for skin;

    lavender, patchouli. Calm, relax;

    lemongrass. Tones the skin;

    kaffir lime, camphor. Gives freshness

When forming grass bags yourself, you can add fragrant herbs, growing in this region. Of course, the exoticism of the massage itself will decrease, but local flora will improve the immune status of the massaged. So, you can prepare the following mixtures for herbal massage (everything is crushed and ground; the proportions of the components are equal):

  • 1) For back pain: citrus peels, juniper, soft pine cones and young shoots, ginger root, cinnamon, pine essential oil.

  • 2) At colds : chamomile flowers, oregano, St. John's wort, mint, ginger root, cinnamon.

  • 3) For anti-cellulite massage: citrus peels and essential oils, kelp, horsetail, ground sea salt.

  • 4) For skin elasticity: oak bark, ginger root, cinnamon, citrus peels (especially lemon), lavender.

  • 5) For facial massage: chamomile and mallow flowers, mint, sage, yarrow.

  • 6) For a soothing massage for insomnia and stress: lavender, patchouli (if available), oregano, mint, ginger root.

  • 7) For foot massage: camphor, ginger root, any pine needles, basil, cinnamon.

If you don’t have special stones at hand, after tying the bag, you can hold it over steam for a while or dip it in an oil mixture heated in a water bath. Making and heating this massage device is not a complicated process and comes with practice.

Introducing a new SPA procedure - massage with herbal bags

Massage with herbal bags or Thai massage Tai-Dzi is one of the new procedures offered by SPA centers. In essence, this is an acupressure massage, but the massage therapist performs it not with his fingers or palm, but with special bags made of dense fabric with a rough texture, filled with aromatic medicinal herbs. Bags of the right size are selected for each part of the body, and an individual set of herbs is compiled for each procedure. Of course, the bags are disposable. To enhance the effectiveness of the procedure, the bags are preheated.

Massage with herbal bags - indications and benefits

First of all, massage with herbal bags will be useful for those who have normal acupuncture massage causes pain or discomfort. During the massage, muscles relax and stretch; heated herbs release essential oils, which are absorbed by the heated skin and have a general tonic and relaxing effect on the body. Blood circulation improves, activation metabolic processes in the subcutaneous fat layer, so massage is especially useful for cellulite, muscle pain, and decreased immunity. Such a massage can be not only preventive, but also medical procedure. It will be useful in the treatment of pain in the spine and joints, diseases of the heart and blood vessels (after consultation with your doctor), and obesity. How cosmetic procedure massage with herbal bags improves the condition of the skin - because the bags are made of dense, rough fabric, which during the massage acts as an effective scrub, and the herbs nourish the cleansed skin useful substances. The result of such a massage is a well-groomed, healthy skin and rested, full of strength and energy muscles.

Massage with herbal bags - technique

You won’t be able to do such a massage at home, even if you have a wide choice medicinal herbs and spices. Massage with herbal bags is performed by specialists who have undergone special training. First, a general body massage is performed according to the Thai method, and only then comes the turn of herbal bags heated to a certain temperature.

The massage begins with the limbs in order to, following the technique of oriental massage, remove the fatigue and tension remaining in the muscles. After this, each area of ​​the back is carefully worked out with warm bags and then it’s time to chest and belly. The procedure lasts about two hours, and during this time the massage therapists will massage every centimeter of your body. The pleasant aroma emanating from heated herbs is a kind of aromatherapy, which also promotes relaxation.

Massage bags are filled with various herbs and herbs. These are ginger, patchouli, turmeric root, black sesame seeds, kaffir lime, lavender, orange, sage, rosemary and many other beneficial ingredients. The composition is selected depending on the indications and achievement of the desired effect and, of course, taking into account the individual intolerance of a particular plant.

Massage with herbal bags - contraindications

Massage with herbal bags is a very useful procedure, but not without contraindications. At skin diseases, problems with the heart and blood vessels, high blood pressure, varicose veins, osteoporosis and a number of other diseases, a doctor’s consultation is required.

To feel comfortable during the procedure, give up alcohol the day before the massage, and your last meal should be no later than an hour before the massage.

The legendary massage with herbal bags is gaining popularity every day, attracting more and more fans. The unusual technique seems ineffective and unnecessary to many, but after reading it in more detail, their opinion immediately changes. positive side. In order to understand why massage with herbal bags is good, you should not just read the information, but also try it on yourself. The article describes in detail the principles of massage, its positive and negative traits, and also presented to readers real reviews people who have already tried it on themselves.

Unique massage

Anyone can try modern Thai massage with herbal bags in specialized salons and massage rooms. In fact, this procedure was used in ancient times, based on the following effects:

  • thermal (the bags must be heated before the procedure);
  • aromatherapy (when massage is performed with hot herbal bags, from
    they release pleasant aromas);
  • acupressure and pressotherapy (the procedure is based on point pressure movements, as well as on the impact on special points acupressure);
  • herbal medicine (various herbal elements that are released during steaming and heating penetrate through the skin pores);
  • special techniques of Thai massage.

The founder of massage with herbal bags, reviews of which are given below, is considered to be specialist Zhivaka Kumar Bhakka. Legend has it that he is a contemporary of Buddha and the doctor of the Indian king of Magadha. Since its inception, massage has been aimed at relaxing a person, preventing the effects of stress, and relieving muscle blockages.

Herbal bags

People like massage with herbal bags because the linen bags are filled with all kinds of healing properties. herbal infusions. They are considered traditional tools of Thai massage and have been actively used for many years. Thais use pre-prepared bags with herbs in their work in cases where pain occurs when pressing with the pads of their fingers.

Principles of massage

Massage with herbal bags is based on certain principles, thanks to which it has never received dissatisfied reviews from patients:

  1. The massage is carried out in the direction from the feet to the head.
  2. The master makes movements only from external to internal.
  3. For women, the procedure is carried out from left to right, for men, vice versa.
  4. The techniques must be followed in the strictest sequence: kneading, warming up, stretching and twisting.
  5. As you exhale, maximum extension is done.


The procedure can improve metabolic processes, as well as activate lymphatic drainage and put the subcutaneous tissue into action. fatty tissue, relieving swelling and fluid stagnation. In addition, thanks to this technique, the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands improves, blood flow improves and pain in the joints and spine goes away.

For the whole body and face, massage with herbal bags is an excellent anti-stress procedure that helps eliminate toxins and stimulates blood circulation in all body systems. And improvement immune system does this procedure a unique prophylactic for many diseases.


Thai massage is used for therapeutic, preventive and general health purposes, for therapy for problems with musculoskeletal, nervous and respiratory systems. Indications for this type of massage completely coincide with the indications for the classic version:

  • regular stress;
  • fear;
  • insomnia;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fatigue;
  • disturbing sleep;
  • inactivity;
  • malaise;
  • asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • acute muscle pain.

In certain cases for sensation positive impact only 2-3 sessions of herbs are enough, although with the right healing approach it is recommended to undergo full course, consisting of 10-15 visits to the master. After completing the procedure, the client feels lightness, physical and mental relaxation.


In addition to the indications listed above, the technique, like any medical and health procedure, has its contraindications. Among them:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • high blood sugar;
  • overeating;
  • increased body temperature;
  • individual intolerance to the components contained in the bags;
  • state of alcoholic intoxication.

These contraindications are the main factors, in the presence of which massage can only worsen a person’s condition.

Massage with herbal bags: technique and methodology

In fact, herbal massage can be performed in various ways. Based on the client’s preferences, the massage therapist chooses the most suitable technique to please him in everything. One or more bags are used, depending on the chosen pace of the procedure, the area where it is carried out, and the application aids(oils, liquids).

The contents of the bags are selected individually for each client, taking into account the tasks and goals of the massage. For each procedure, separate herbs and a set of bags are used. As a rule, specialists work with disposable bags, but in some cases they can be used multiple times, thoroughly disinfected after each session. It is imperative to follow this rule, because the fabric collects all the toxins and dirt that can quickly get on the skin of another patient.

The technique of classic herbal massage is simple. It does not require any special skills at all: first of all, you should heat the bags on or in a special vat with hot water, and then carefully take them out by the handles and shake them. To prevent the master from getting burned, the handles of the bags should be as tight and long as possible.

Before the procedure, the client should take a shower, visit the sauna and exfoliate the entire body. This is necessary so that the pores are cleaned as much as possible, and phytoelements do not encounter obstacles when entering the body. It is recommended to listen during the massage calm music to escape from the daily hustle and bustle. If desired, you can add a few drops of aromatic essential oil to the bags.

If the massage is performed on the back, then the herbal bags apply pressure in the direction from the neck to the sacrum. In addition to pressing, the master also makes stroking movements along a linear, circular, or spiral trajectory. At the same time, tapping, stretching and patting are done using bags.

If human skin is resistant to high and low temperatures, then you can alternate hot and cool bags with herbs, which will help enhance the thermal effect. The last step in the massage can be a warm wrap, where the person being massaged is covered with a fairly warm sheet for a while. And after the sheet has given up all the heat to the patient, it is removed and the body is covered with an ordinary dry towel.

Thai massage with herbal bags: reviews

This type of procedure is widespread in many countries, and therefore has many fans who are satisfied with every session. First of all, people note that behind the present Thai massage It is not at all necessary to go to Thailand, because specialists can be found in almost any city. In addition, clients respond positively to the massage process. Simultaneously painful and pleasant sensations, accompanied by magnificent soothing music, not only charged me with positivity and energy for a long time, but also inspired the desire to go for the procedure more than once.

It is not surprising that massage using herbal bags has no negative reviews. Absolutely all clients of salons where it is included in the list of services, as well as people who perform massage at home, are satisfied with the process of exposure to the bags and the result of this procedure. Therefore, there is no doubt about its benefits and necessity.