Mastitis in dogs: prevention and treatment. The dog's mammary glands are swollen after estrus: an alarming symptom

Hello! I bought a dog for the first time, I don’t know much, please help! At 10 months the dog passed through her first heat, and she survived it safely. After 3 months, I discovered that the mammary glands were swollen, the nipples were not enlarged, the behavior had not changed, she was active, there was no discharge, her appetite was normal, she was not building nests. I'm waiting for advice.


The pet probably has a false pregnancy. The condition is not a disease; it often occurs in dogs and pack canines, cats, rabbits and other animals.

Causes of false pregnancy

The causes of the condition are hormonal imbalance after estrus. Often occurs after the first heat. The animal's body produces hormones similar to those of a pregnant bitch. On a physiological level, the dog feels as if it is waiting for puppies. The reason is simple: in dogs corpus luteum, formed during each estrous cycle, does not disintegrate for 60 days, produces hormones, in particular the pregnancy hormone progesterone, even if the female does not become pregnant.

Such hormonal changes are determined by evolution and occur in pack dogs. In a pack, females come into heat at the same time, therefore, puppies are born at the same time. Hormonal changes They allow even females who have not become pregnant to participate in feeding puppies, thanks to which even cubs whose mother has lost milk or died survive.

In the wild, when food is scarce, females produce less milk and the strongest puppies survive. This is advisable so that the flock does not increase in unfavorable conditions and there is no competition for a small amount of food. To prevent and treat false pregnancies in domestic dogs, artificial " unfavorable conditions» - a diet with reduced calorie content and increased physical activity.


False pregnancy occurs 1-2 months after estrus; it is normal that the author of the message noticed the swollen mammary glands in the pet later. Symptoms manifest themselves individually, sometimes clearly expressed, sometimes invisible.

Manifestations of false greed:

  • The mammary glands swell and enlarge.
  • Colostrum begins to be released.
  • The color of the mammary glands changes.
  • Appetite increases.
  • Discharge appears from the loop (genital organs).
  • Behavior changes: the dog becomes restless or lethargic, loses interest in walks, games, builds a nest and guards, nurses soft toys, licks them.
  • The belly becomes enlarged, as during pregnancy.
  • In severe cases of strong hormonal imbalances an imaginary birth with contractions occurs.

Manifestations of the condition vary from person to person; in the absence of discharge and changes in behavior, the case is considered mild.


Although the condition is not recognized as a disease, veterinary attention is required, especially in severe cases. False pregnancy causes psychological discomfort to the animal and can lead to diseases of the mammary glands due to stagnation of milk. For example, mastitis is possible.

Before visiting the veterinarian, try to help the animal yourself.

  • You will need to switch your pet to a lower calorie diet. Reduce the amount of protein foods, eliminate dairy products. If you feed dry food, choose a lower-calorie variety (“Lite”). In consultation with the doctor, decoctions of soothing herbs are given.
  • If milk appears, the dog should not be allowed to suck, it is unacceptable to express - the action will become unnecessary stimulation of the mammary glands and increase milk production. If your dog frequently licks nipples and sucks milk, wear an Elizabethan collar or blanket. Try lubricating your nipples camphor oil, alcohol or aloe juice - substances with a strong odor.
  • It is necessary to take the animal out for walks more often, increase motor activity. It is necessary to change the regime, the time of walks, rearrange the bowl, change sleeping place, distracting the pet from the experiencing state and creating artificial “unfavorable conditions” that help the false pregnancy pass faster.


It is possible to prevent false pride. It is recommended to take measures as early as the 9th day of estrus: increase physical activity pets, limit calorie intake, protein content, stop giving dairy products.

Oncological diseases are becoming more common. And, unfortunately, not only in humans. Our smaller brothers are no less susceptible to this terrible disease. Veterinarians note that over the past twenty years, the number of animals with tumors of various natures and sizes has increased at least five times. Perhaps previously they were simply not brought to the clinic, and the dogs lived out the time allotted to them without medical care. Be that as it may, today we have a chance to help our pets, and we need to use it.

Dozens of species and subspecies

Not every mammary tumor in dogs is fatal. Today, there are several dozen types of cancers, as well as simple tumors. For ease of understanding, they are divided into two groups: benign and malignant. If the first can cause mechanical compression of tissues and poor circulation, then the second gives metastases and, in fact, destroys the body from the inside. Malignant tumors cause the death of thousands of animals around the world every year.

Genetic predisposition

This can be said about people. Some families have a genetic predisposition to breast cancer, and from generation to generation women undergo operations to remove this organ. We observe a similar phenomenon among our smaller brothers. Mammary tumors in dogs most often occur in toy and miniature poodles, and cocker spaniels, setters and German Shepherds, Yorkshire Terriers. Middle age approximately 10 years, but today the number of visits to veterinary clinics with dogs aged one to five with confirmed cancer is rapidly growing.

One, two, many

Those who have kept animals at home know well that their nipples are located along the entire surface of the abdomen. There are cases when single benign tumors of the mammary glands are observed in dogs. That is, one of the nipples turns into a hard ball that rolls under the fingers. But it does not grow and does not bother the pet in any way.

However, more often than not, approximately 40% of animals experience multiple tumor development. This process usually involves both rows of mammary glands. This may be accompanied by severe inflammation, and in some cases even necrosis. Is it possible to distinguish between a benign and a malignant tumor? The first is usually palpated in the form of a small ball, which is very mobile and rolls when palpated. Usually it has a smooth, regular shape. During the malignant course of the process, it attaches to the wall abdominal cavity, which an experienced doctor can also determine by palpation. Such tumors grow quickly and have irregular shape. On the surface we see ulcerative lesions, redness of tissues, swelling of the extremities.

Approximately half of all cases treated at veterinary clinics are benign mammary tumors in dogs. These include complex adenomas and simple and papillomas. What to do with them will be decided by the veterinarian. It is better not to touch some formations; for the treatment of others, a course of special medications is prescribed. But the other half of the shaggy patients are those who are much less fortunate. They are diagnosed osteogenic sarcomas, fibrosarcomas, cystic adenocarcinomas and other unpleasant neoplasms, which in some cases can be fatal.


Or what an attentive owner should pay attention to. A mammary tumor in a dog, the photo of which we present in our article, manifests itself in the form of a small lump. However, in some cases it remains the same size year after year, while in others it grows slowly but surely. In the case of severe malignant neoplasms, the tissue around this site becomes inflamed and undergoes necrosis. If you see that the lump is constantly growing, and even more so if it has opened and pus is flowing from it, then do not waste time. This is the only way to save the dog’s life, if it’s not too late.

Reasons for development

Where do cancerous tumors come from is a question that modern medicine and veterinary medicine has not yet fully answered. There are many theories that prove the influence and bad ecology cities. But this does not explain why all dogs living in a given region do not get sick. Some breeds have a genetic predisposition, we have already discussed this above.

More recently, veterinarians made a new statement. Feeding moldy foods provokes the growth of tumors. Of course, this mostly applies to dry, cheap food. In this case, the manufacturer does not care about the quality of the starting products, and often spoiled and moldy meat and fish flour is used, to which dyes and flavors are added. To protect your pet from a difficult fate, feed him natural food or choose only super-premium products.

The last factor noted by veterinarians as possible reason development of tumors is the vital activity of worms. By themselves, they do not provoke tumor growth, but their presence in the intestines increases the chances of cancer.

Diagnosis first

Having noticed a lump of any size on the belly of their pet, every owner begins to think about removing the mammary gland tumor from the dog. However, first of all, the doctor needs to understand what kind of tumor he is dealing with. Induration in the mammary gland and its necrosis can also occur in cases where oncology has nothing to do with it. Therefore, it is important to choose a good clinic where doctors have the opportunity to conduct high-quality diagnostics. It includes:

  • Full chemical analysis blood.
  • Microscopic examination of blood.
  • Urinalysis.
  • X-ray of the chest and abdominal cavity to detect metastases.
  • Biopsy of the tumor to determine its properties.

What are the forecasts?

This is the most difficult question, which every doctor must answer honestly to his patient. It is impossible to say in absentia how long dogs with mammary tumors live. Both the prognosis and course of treatment will depend on several factors. This is the type of tumor, the condition of the animal, the owner’s capabilities, including financial and time.

Of course, the presence or absence of metastases will be decisive. If the tumor has benign nature, then the prognosis is favorable, despite its size. Malignant tumors small sizes, up to five centimeters, allow us to give a cautious prognosis. If the size is larger, then it is unfavorable.


The only treatment available today is removal of the dog's mammary tumor. Moreover, this decision can also be made in the case when it is benign, but in this case the chances of recovery are much greater. However, the tumor must be excised. But how this process will proceed depends on the age of the animal, its physiological state and constitution, as well as on the neglect of the process.

Based on this, the operation will proceed differently. The dog's mammary tumor can be cut out on its own, or the doctor will remove the muscle along with it. abdominal wall and the mammary glands completely. As a rule, you have to immediately remove the ovaries so as not to provoke serious problems on a hormonal background.

Drug therapy

Doesn't exist special tablets or drugs that would completely eliminate a dog’s mammary tumor. The veterinarian will decide how to treat the animal other than surgery based on the examinations performed. As a rule, all the drugs used are very specific and expensive. Without a special purpose, no one will sell them anyway.

It is very difficult for a doctor if a malignant tumor penetrates deeply into the surrounding tissues, and sometimes grows through vital tissues. important organs, which cannot be completely removed. In this case, the surgeon tries to clean the cavity as much as possible from tumor cells, after which long-term chemotherapy is prescribed. We emphasize that today we are considering a mammary tumor in a dog. Treatment of cancer of the intestine and other organs may follow a slightly different scenario.

So chemotherapy may take for a long time, it is precisely this that is designed to prevent relapse of the disease. However, adult dog only complete excision of the tumor gives a pronounced positive effect. And in in this case the body experiences enormous stress from the operation, which is subject to aggressive medication. The immune system weakens so much that it may simply not be able to resist cancer in the first stages of therapy. That is, the dog simply will not live to see the moment when it produces results. The approximate period when we can talk about successful treatment is 6.5 months.

Postoperative period

After a dog has had a mammary tumor removed, it will require a long period of rehabilitation. The duration depends on the quality of the operation performed and the condition of the animal. But be that as it may, there is a seam on the dog’s stomach that requires constant attention. Therefore, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, potassium permanganate and brilliant green are the most necessary drugs today. Every day, morning and evening, it is imperative to treat the seam and ensure that there is no inflammation. For the first 5-10 days, you need to take him to the veterinarian every day for control, then you will work out your own schedule. Most often, a consultation is scheduled once every 2 months in order to use x-rays to monitor the condition of the body, namely, the absence of metastases. All other medications, including painkillers, should be prescribed by your doctor.

If the tumor has opened

This happens, and quite often. Especially in the case of malignant tumors, when they sometimes grow in a few weeks. Or the opposite situation. The lump remained the same size for years without bothering the animal. However, suddenly the dog’s mammary tumor was revealed. What should the owner do in this case? First of all, show the animal to a veterinarian. If this malignancy, then the pet experiences severe pain, to which will now be added constant discomfort due to the festering wound. Is it worth prolonging this torment? Only based on the tests performed, the doctor can recommend what to do next. If the animal’s age exceeds 12 years, then the success of the operation is questionable, because the heart may not withstand such a load. However, everyone should have a chance for salvation.

First aid

Before you get to the doctor, you need to treat the opened abscess. For this you will need hydrogen peroxide and a bandage and cotton wool. Wash away the blood and pus, make a sterile dressing and apply to the wound. In order to draw out the inflammation, you can apply streptomycin ointment. However, this is only a one-time effect, so as not to aggravate the situation with a bacterial complication. Next, the doctor must assess the condition and prescribe treatment. This is a difficult test for every owner. A sick pet needs to be taken to the clinic several times a day, asked to take time off from work, and negotiate with taxi drivers. In addition, veterinary services are very expensive today. But what can you do, because we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Instead of a conclusion

Any lumps or bumps on your pet’s body are a reason to immediately consult a doctor. It’s not a fact that this is mortally dangerous, but it’s also impossible to delay. You need to choose a clinic very carefully; today many offices are opening where one doctor works, often not the most experienced, without any diagnostic equipment. And of course, he is ready to accept any shaggy patient, as well as conduct a course of treatment for all diseases. Run away from such doctors. Do you need good clinic, where the oncologist surgeon works, and there is modern laboratory. If you are a busy person, then find out immediately whether the clinic has a hospital where your pet can be left for the day for examinations and necessary manipulations, as well as overnight after surgery. Only in this case does your pet have a chance to live next to you for many more years.

Mastitis is an acute or chronic inflammation mammary gland. Most often, mastitis in dogs is recorded in the postpartum period or in the presence of a false pregnancy, when the dog’s mammary glands intensively secrete milk. Of the microbial associations, the main causative agents of mastitis are staphylococci and streptococci.

Immediate cause The causes of mastitis in dogs are:

  1. Breast injuries, often inflicted by the claws of hungry puppies during sucking, as a result of which it penetrates into the wounds bacterial infection, which leads to inflammation.
  2. Stagnation of milk in the mammary gland(the so-called congestive mastitis), caused by the accumulation of unsucked milk in the dog’s udder during the birth of a dead litter, early incorrect weaning of puppies from their mother, and during intensive lactation in the bitch.
  3. Postpartum infection and intoxication of the body if there are emphysematous fetuses in the uterus, a retained fetus, postpartum endometritis, as well as for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. False pregnancy(usually 2 months after estrus).
  5. Blockage of the nipple sphincter duct.

Mastitis in dogs can occur from high and low temperatures , effects on the mammary gland chemicals , as a result of stress. Plays a major role in the occurrence of mastitis in dogs. hereditary predisposition to this disease.

The inflammatory process in the mammary gland in dogs most often occurs in the form catarrhal or purulent mastitis, involving one or more mammary gland packages in the process.

Symptoms. In a sick dog, we note lethargy, decreased or lack of appetite. Affected packages mammary glands visually increased in size, upon palpation dense, painful and hot to the touch, their skin is reddened(if the skin is not pigmented). When pressing on the nipples, it is released from them during catarrhal mastitis. watery milk mixed with greenish-brown or gray-white flakes. For purulent mastitis - a small amount, sometimes a few drops of yellowish or yellowish-brown liquid or thick mass gray, often mixed with blood. In the absence of timely qualified veterinary care catarrhal and purulent mastitis can develop into an abscess, in which abscesses spontaneously open and purulent contents are released from the resulting fistula dark gray with scraps of necrotic tissue, and subsequently into phlegmon and gangrene of the udder.

Treatment. We provide a sick dog complete peace. If she feeds puppies during this period, then they must be transferred to artificial feeding. In the initial stage of the disease we use conservative methods treatment. In the initial stage of mastitis good results we get from using laser devices various modifications, using STP for 1.5-2.5 minutes. The course of treatment consists of 2-5 sessions. We use antibiotics from penicillins to modern ones cephalosporins and quinolones. Ideally, it would be necessary to first carry out subtitration of the causative agent of mastitis isolated from the inflammatory secretion of the mammary gland to antibiotics and further treatment with a titrated antibiotic.

Good results in initial stages the development of catarrhal and purulent mastitis is obtained from the use of short novocaine blockade of affected packets 0.5% solution of novocaine in a dose of 5-20 ml into the connecting space between the base of each diseased gland packet and the abdominal wall. If necessary, the blockade can be repeated after 1-3 days. For an outpatient visit veterinary clinic it can be done once every 3 days, using bicillin-3 as an antibiotic at a dose of 15,000-20,000 units. per 1 kg of dog's body weight.

In the stage of resolution of the inflammatory process, thermal procedures are used locally - heating pads, poultices, warming compresses, paraffin baths, irradiation with a Solux lamp. Good effect occurs from the use of ozokerite, which provides deep heating of tissues. It is not recommended to prescribe compresses and poultices for breast abscesses because as a result of passive hyperemia, there is a deterioration in blood supply and there may be a danger of opening an abscess with subsequent breakthrough of pus into healthy adjacent tissues.

Now found wide application new modern medicinal product MASTOMETRINE restoring the function of the endometrium and mammary gland and having an anti-inflammatory effect, using 1 time per day can be combined with traumatic(can be in one syringe) intramuscularly or subcutaneously in dose 1-2ml. Course of treatment 3-5 injections.

In the absence positive results from the conservative method of treatment for several days, it is necessary to resort to surgical interventions due to the presence of many small abscesses with thick pus in the thickness of a non-absorbable compaction. Mature abscesses open it up, purulent cavities are sprinkled with powder of streptocide, tricillin and others antimicrobial agents and further treatment antimicrobial ointments and emulsions.

Prevention. Requires dog owners to comply zoohygienic conditions their contents, full feeding, proper care for them, preventing injury, hypothermia and contamination of the udder. Dog owners must prevent and promptly treat postpartum complications and diseases of the digestive system.

If the owners keep the dog outside, in the yard, then the kennel must be arranged so that it can be easily disinfected and the bedding can be changed as often as possible. In winter, there should be no ice on the bed in front of the booth; we close the hole into the booth with a curtain made of tarpaulin or burlap.

When keeping a dog in an apartment, we assign it a certain place. The dog should not be placed in the kitchen, in the toilet room, or near the door. For resting, a rug is laid out for the dog, which dog owners must vacuum or beat out in the yard daily. Once a week the rug is boiled. Hair mattresses, mattresses stuffed with straw, hay or shavings are of little use as bedding, as they are difficult to keep clean.

For whelping, a dog kept in an apartment is provided with a place in the form of a box with bedding. To prevent the dog from injuring the teats of the udder when leaving the box, we make one side of it low, covered with cloth. In long-haired dog breeds, the hair around the nipples is trimmed.

After the birth has taken place, we remove the damp, contaminated litter from the nest and replace the contaminated litter with clean litter.

In a whelping dog warm water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, wash the hind limbs, belly, tail, and then wipe dry with a clean napkin. In the future, throughout the entire suckling period, the cleanliness of the nest and the dog’s body is monitored.

To avoid mastitis traumatic origin in puppies, 8-10 days after birth, and then every two weeks we trim the sharp ends of the claws on the front paws with scissors so that they do not scratch the skin of the mammary gland. If wounds or scratches are found on the skin of the udder, they should be treated in a timely manner (5% tincture of iodine, brilliant green, etc.).

Timely delivery medical care for diseases postpartum period(retention of placenta, postpartum endometritis), pathological childbirth, as well as diseases of the digestive system.

To prevent mastitis, lactating bitches are regularly examined and the nipples are massaged, since lumps left after mastitis can subsequently cause tumors of the mammary glands.

In cases where a dog’s offspring dies, as well as during a false pregnancy, in order to reduce the production of milk, dog owners should limit feeding the female, exclude food of animal origin from the diet (milk, dairy products, reduce the amount of meat) and provide water.

In cases where the owner does not want the litter, we leave it under the female for preventive purposes 1-2 puppies. If all the puppies have died, lubricate the dog’s mammary glands with camphor oil and bandage it tightly.

If the owner does not plan to breed the dog, then it is better sterilize. This operation is carried out before the first heat. (at the age of 8-10 months) or 2 months after estrus.

Diseases of dogs (non-contagious) Panysheva Lidiya Vasilievna

Diseases of the nipples and mammary glands

The female mammary gland consists of ten lobes located on the abdominal and chest walls on the sides of the white line of the abdomen. The milk ducts open at the tip of the nipple with 6–12 openings.

Cracked nipples. Cracks usually appear during sucking and can be either superficial or deep.

The reasons for the formation of cracks are the dirty content of the nipples and poor milk production of the mother, in which the puppies suck a lot and sometimes bite the nipples.

The affected nipples become inflamed, the cracks are covered with bloody or purulent crusts. When ulcers form, their bottoms have a greasy appearance.

Treatment cracks that appear due to insufficient milk production, comes down to artificial feeding of puppies, which must be placed with the mother only for the suckling period. If the puppies will not be removed from their mother, then all nipples must be covered with a blanket, which must be removed for the feeding period. After feeding, each nipple is treated with a one percent solution of methylene blue in 60° wine alcohol or a solution of penicillin (in 1 ml saline solution 10,000 units of penicillin) or the nipples are sprinkled with white streptocide powder.

Neoplasms on the nipples. Fibroids are the most common neoplasm on the nipples. Their consistency is quite dense; skin ulcerations usually do not occur. The nipple may be retracted and the tumor will develop a long stalk (Fig. 145).

Rice. 145. Nipple fibroma

Treatment comes down to removing the tumor after preliminary infiltration anesthesia of the leg, which is cut circularly. Bleeding from damaged vessels is stopped by torsion or ligation with a catgut ligature. Several stitches of interrupted suture are applied to the edges of the skin wound.

Inflammation of the mammary gland. Inflammation of the mammary gland (mastitis) is common in bitches. The main form is purulent mastitis. It develops due to the penetration of microflora (streptococci or staphylococci) through the nipple canals or hematogenously.

Mastitis is accompanied by an increase in local temperature, redness of the skin (if the skin is not pigmented), enlargement and soreness of the affected lobe. The milk is watery with an admixture of flakes, and later becomes yellowish color. The animal shows signs of general depression (loss of appetite, increased heart rate and breathing). Body temperature rises significantly.

At treatment Massaging and rubbing ointments is contraindicated, as this contributes to the spread of infection to other lobes of the gland. Poultices, compresses, heating pads, and paraffin applications have a good effect. The best views Treatments that have been tested in practice are: novocaine blockade of the mammary gland and penicillin therapy. From various types Novocaine blockades in the treatment of mastitis are very effective when they are short, which consists of introducing 80.0–100.0 ml of a 0.25% novocaine solution between the abdominal wall and the base of the mammary gland. The needle is inserted from the outside of the breast. If necessary, the blockade is repeated after 3–4 days.

Penicillin is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously (200,000 units dissolved in 5.0–10.0 ml of 0.25% novocaine solution) 2–3 times a day. The effectiveness of penicillin therapy is very high when acute course mastitis. When an abscess forms, it is opened.

Rice. 146. Mixed breast cancer

Neoplasms in the mammary gland. Benign tumors sometimes develop in the mammary gland of dogs, but malignant ones are also often found. From malignant tumors More often there are carcinomas (cancerous), which usually appear in dogs from 8–9 years of age and in some cases are not isolated. Cancer tumors in most cases are mixed (for example, fibro-chondro-adenocarcinoma), and they sometimes reach enormous sizes (Fig. 146). Of the 68 dogs we operated on, 62 of them had mixed cancerous tumors and only six had sarcomas and benign neoplasms. These tumors usually have a dense consistency, sometimes some areas of them undergo disintegration, involving the corresponding areas of the skin (Fig. 147). On a section, such tumors have a pale gray color, reminiscent of the color of lard (Fig. 148). When examining a sick animal, it is necessary to carefully palpate all lobes of the gland. Tumor metastases are compacted formations ranging in size from a small pea to walnut and more.

Rice. 147. Disintegrating cancerous tumor removed from a dog's mammary gland

Treatment consists of removing (extirpation) the tumor and all metastatic and suspicious areas. When the caudal lobes of the gland are affected, sacral anesthesia is usually used (see the surgery section), while operations on other lobes are performed under local infiltration anesthesia by infiltration with a 0.25% novocaine solution.

Rice. 148. Cross section of mixed cancerous tumor mammary gland

The animal is placed in a dorsal position. The affected lobe of the mammary gland is pulled away from the abdominal wall and 4–6 points are marked around its base, into which the solution is alternately injected with a thin needle, infiltrating the skin and subcutaneous tissue. These injections require 30–100 ml of solution. Then the injection of the same amount of solution is repeated at the same points, and now the thoraco-abdominal fascia is pierced with a needle and all the fiber at the base of the gland is completely soaked. As a result of injections, the iron rises, being pushed away from the abdominal wall by the solution (Fig. 149). After this, tissue dissection begins.

Rice. 149. Infiltration under the base of the mammary gland lobe of a dog affected by a tumor

An ellipsoidal incision is made around the circumference of the tumor. If there are fistulas or ulcers, they are covered with gauze. Subsequent dissection is carried out using the so-called blunt method using a gauze compress or scissors. In the swollen tissue, the vessels are clearly visible, which creates favorable conditions for dressing. The preparation of the affected parts of the gland is facilitated by the fact that the solution itself separates the affected parts from the healthy ones, which is very important when extirpating malignant tumors, which should be separated only within healthy tissues. All existing metastases must also be removed from the mammary gland. Metastases located outside the main site of the lesion due to the injection around them large quantity anesthetic solution always become noticeable and cannot be bypassed by the surgeon. The operation is completed by applying an interrupted suture to the edges of the wound, and a bandage made of a protective blanket on top.

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Mastitis called inflammation of the mammary glands. It occurs in acute and chronic form. Typically, inflammation appears after childbirth or a state of false pregnancy in a dog. But it can be triggered by streptococcus or staphylococcus.

The disease most often occurs in animals after childbirth for the following reasons:

  • Puppies do not suck all the milk because there is too much of it.
  • Milk stagnates due to improper feeding.
  • When feeding puppies, their claws can injure the nipple and cause infection there.
  • The place where the mother gave birth with the puppies is not cleaned, the dog is not looked after, and is not kept clean.
  • Genital tract infections that appear after childbirth.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Mastitis almost always accompanies false pregnancy, as the dog’s body adjusts to subsequent births and feeding of puppies.

Sometimes mastitis develops due to work disorders internal organs, for example, endocrine and digestive system, may occur when allergic dermatosis. Drugs that stop estrus in dogs also increase the risk. The mammary gland can become inflamed from hypothermia or, conversely, extreme overheating.

Symptoms of the disease

This condition is easy to identify even for a novice dog breeder, since the symptoms and signs are quite obvious:

  • The mammary glands enlarge
  • They may be asymmetrical,
  • The gland becomes denser than usual
  • The dog does not allow you to touch your nipples and belly,
  • The skin on the abdomen around the nipples turns red,
  • If you press on the nipple, blood, pus and inclusions of brown, gray or green color may come out along with the milk.

Treatment at home

If the disease manifests itself in mild form, That successful treatment It can be easily done at home using “folk” remedies.

Apply to the sore nipple cool compresses, twice a day area slightly massage. This pacifier is a must have attach the puppy to avoid milk stagnation.

Along with these measures increase hygiene requirements in the place where the bitch with puppies is located. There are several ointments that are designed to combat mastitis in dogs: trauma-gel, Fitoelita etc. It is advisable to consult a veterinarian before use.

If there is a suspicion of mastitis in a non-nursing dog, then you need bandage nipples And apply a sterile bandage. The bandage is applied quite tightly, but so that the dog does not have difficulty breathing. Again, you need to use anti-inflammatory ointment for mastitis.

When should you see a doctor?

If mastitis progresses into a purulent form, then you can’t do it without the help of a doctor. First, they will try to treat the animal with medications. The doctor conducts antibacterial therapy and at the same time increases the dog’s immunity with drugs, for example, phosphoprenyl or immunofam.

Creams are applied locally, for example, “ Zorku" Vitamins will help strengthen the dog’s body, and medications that relieve allergic reaction. If you have such an opportunity, you can conduct a course of massage and ultrasound treatment.

If the moment for conservative treatment missed, then the only thing that can help the dog is surgery . Unfortunately, advanced mastitis can cause the death of a pet. During the operation, the doctor will open the focus of suppuration, clean it and remove tissue that has undergone necrosis. IN difficult cases it is necessary to remove part or all of the gland.

After surgery, the dog must wear special blanket so that she does not lick the wound and tear the stitches.

If you see a nursing dog purulent discharge from the nipples, then you need to transfer the puppies to artificial feeding, such milk can be very harmful for them.

Prevention of mastitis in dogs

  • A dog that has given birth to puppies must have clean litter, do not touch her or the puppies with unwashed hands.
  • Once a day is needed wash the stomach, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • To avoid injury, puppies need their nails trimmed starting from two weeks of age.
  • If there is too much milk, help your pet: you can slightly express excess milk.

It’s also bad if there’s not enough milk: Puppies try to squeeze as much as possible out of the nipple and injure it. In this case, you need to give foods that provoke lactation: meat, dairy products and mineral supplements. If there is still not enough milk, then start feeding the puppies additionally.

If possible, conduct an external inspection of your dog's nipples as often as possible; if you find cracks or wounds, disinfect them.

If the dog has gone through a false pregnancy, then it is necessary to periodically show it to the veterinarian. In case of repeated false pregnancy, the dog is recommended sterilize, otherwise it can lead to cancer. Doctors also recommend sterilizing dogs from which they do not plan to have offspring, preferably before the first heat.

If all the puppies are dead, then the dog is tightly bandaged, having first lubricated the nipples with camphor oil.

The best prevention of mastitis is careful attention to the dog, proper and balanced feeding, physical activity and regular examinations with a doctor.