Mastoidectomy: types, indications, surgical technique. Conservative and surgical treatment of mastoiditis - indications for surgery Mastoiditis services

Treatment for mastoiditis begins after necessary examination, through which the type of disease, stage, and nature of its course become known. Inflammatory phenomena in the appendix can provoke serious exacerbations. On initial stage the development of mastoiditis is predominant conservative treatment, and to carry out the operation, strong arguments are needed.

Conservative treatment of mastoiditis - when can you do without surgery?

At the moment, in the treatment of mastoiditis, doctors focus on two points: the duration of the disease from the moment, the symptoms present.

Surgeon intervention is allowed from 3 weeks after the onset of mastoiditis, when the lack of fruitfulness of conservative treatment is stated. It would be a mistake to carry out the operation earlier than such a period, arguing this only with fears of exacerbations, without having constructive evidence of such a phenomenon.

On early periods, if the inflammatory phenomenon is not localized within a specific area, it will not be possible to eliminate all the matter affected by the infection. This may have negative consequences.

The relevance of conservative treatment may be determined by age. In the first year of life external manifestations mastoiditis are expressed too clearly - this is explained by the incomplete formation of bone tissue and the baby’s weak protective system. Internal deviations will occur moderately, and it is quite possible to eliminate them through non-surgical treatment.

At the first stage of the disease, if the examination does not foresee a threat of exacerbations, the patient is prescribed conservative treatment, which includes:

  • Antibiotics. Can be used orally/intravenously/intramuscularly. The choice falls on medications with a wide range of effects. The duration of the course cannot exceed two weeks.
  • Piercing the drum membrane. It is necessary to drain purulent fluid and study the microflora of the resulting sample.
  • Local healing procedures: warm compresses/ear lotions; drops for constricting blood vessels in the ear opening; physiotherapeutic methods.

Antibiotic therapy is dangerous due to its ability to mask the symptoms of the disease, which can lead to unforeseen exacerbations.

Indications for surgery

The question of surgical intervention for mastoiditis should be raised immediately if the following points exist:

  • When diagnosed acute mastoiditis gives symptoms that suggest the infection has spread throughout the body. If these indicators are ignored, the infectious material will penetrate into the tissues, provoking, or spread by blood to everyone internal organs, the latter will begin to fail, which will lead to death.
  • The existence of subperiosteal abscesses, regardless of their location: within the process, in areas near it. If patient testimony regarding bad sleep, pain, or other ailments do not occur, there is no need to postpone the operation. This type of abscess by its nature destroys cells inside the process, gradually covering neighboring areas. The progression of this phenomenon can provoke dysfunction of internal organs.
  • A general list of symptoms, or some of them indicate a sign of decomposition bone tissue, which occurs in the middle of the process. Often it can manifest itself on last stage illness.
  • Failure to find out accurate diagnosis due to lack of information about the patient's condition. Here are the symptoms to pay attention to: painful sensations are present not only when palpating the appendix - they interfere with the patient’s sleep, eating, etc.; body temperature goes beyond 39C; unsatisfactory general condition. The presence of such indicators at the start of the disease indicates the rapid proliferation of infection; they do not require confirmation of the diagnosis; they require surgical intervention surgeon Delay is fraught with exacerbations and death.

The key point when deciding whether to undergo surgery should be not only the presenting symptoms of ear disease, but also the condition of the patient as a whole. The doctor needs to study what chronic, hereditary ailments the patient has, what infectious diseases and when they took place, the age of the sick person:

  • Often external signs mastoiditis in diabetics is radically different from the internal state of affairs. The surgeon's intervention in such cases will clearly demonstrate regressive processes in the middle of the process. Mastoiditis for such people - serious illness, which can provoke brain dysfunctions. Surgery is needed immediately after the end of insulin therapy/blood transfusion.
  • Otitis, later mastoiditis, which formed against the background of infectious diseases, is unfavorable for the body. The same applies to patients who have a history of hereditary/constitutional diseases. The issue of trephination of the spine needs to be raised more decisively here.
  • The process in middle-aged people is characterized by strength and the absence of oxygen-containing cells. External and internal manifestations mastoiditis are completely different. Visually, you can see minor changes in the appendix, while inside the destructive phenomena are increasing and threaten serious exacerbations.

Surgical treatment of mastoiditis - features and stages of the operation

Surgical treatment of the disease in question is carried out through trephination of the appendix, elimination of purulent masses and granulation materials. This variety surgical intervention difficult to perform and requires high skills from the surgeon.

This operation is called mastoidectomy and has 3 options:

  1. Simple. Penetration into the space of the appendix is ​​achieved by making an incision behind the ear/through the ear opening. After opening the appendix, the pus is removed, the tympanic membrane is pierced, paving the way for the outflow of purulent fluid. An antibiotic-containing paste is injected into the surgical space.
  2. Radical. Allows removal of the membrane components of the middle ear. The stapes remains untouched, which favors the restoration of hearing in the future.
  3. Modified. The components of the middle ear, the tympanic membrane are not eliminated, which has a very beneficial effect on the healing of hearing.

Stages of mastoidectomy surgery:

  1. Mastoidectomy is performed under general anesthesia. The operated object is positioned on the back, the head is firmly attached and turned to the side.
  2. The arcuate incision should not be made close to the sink, but at a distance of 1 cm from it. If the patient is less than 2 years old, there is no need to cut through the soft skin directly to the bone due to the softness of the bone tissue in children. It is recommended to cut in layers.
  3. After cutting, the skin peels off, visualizing the bone. Using a medical instrument, the doctor chisels the bone until the cells of the appendix appear. In children under 2 years of age, the bone is soft, so using a hammer will be unnecessary. Often, surgeons use sharp spoons/chisels in such cases.
  4. The opening of the cells is followed by the extraction of purulent masses, granulation structures, and the introduction of drainage to facilitate the flow of pus.
  5. The end of mastoidectomy involves the use of antibiotics, fixation of a tampon, and sutures. After the suture, a sterile bandage is fixed.

ENT - Otolaryngology - О – 2007

Mastoiditis is an infectious-inflammatory process in the mastoid process. This is a bony process that is located behind the ear. The mastoid process has air cavities in its thickness. It is the site of attachment of the sternocleidomastoid, splenius and longissimus capitis muscles. Bone structure mastoid process cellular, like a honeycomb.

The most common cause of mastoiditis is a middle ear infection.(otitis media), which extends to the mastoid process. In this case, the infectious process can lead to the destruction of the tender bone structure cells of the mastoid process. With further distribution infectious process it can move into the cranial cavity and brain, which is fraught with serious consequences: inflammation meninges(meningitis), brain abscess (due to the anatomically close location of the sinuses and meninges) and purulent inflammation inner ear(labyrinthitis), which can lead to deafness.

Causes and risk factors of mastoiditis

As already mentioned, the cause of mastoiditis is the transition inflammatory process from the middle ear to the mastoid process. Typically with mastoiditis the following are found: pathogens: pneumococci, Hemophilus influenzae (hemophilus influenza), beta-hemolytic streptococcus and gram-negative microflora.

Manifestations of mastoiditis

Mastoiditis begins to manifest itself with an increase in temperature, worsening general condition. In the area of ​​the mastoid process behind the ear, pain when pressed and swelling appears. In addition, there is pain in the ear, which is often pulsating. There is discharge of pus from the ear, bulging auricle. In addition, there may be decreased hearing, as well as swelling eardrum.

Complications of mastoiditis

Complications of mastoiditis can be either extracranial or intracranial. Extracranial complications of mastoiditis, as well as acute otitis media, primarily include hearing impairment, labyrinthitis (with severe dizziness), and damage to the facial nerve. In addition, mastoiditis can be complicated by a subperiosteal abscess or breakthrough of pus through inner wall the apex of the mastoid process under the sternocleidomastoid muscle (the so-called Bezold's mastoiditis).

To intracranial complications include epidural abscess (abscess in the area of ​​the meninges), thrombophlebitis of the dural sinuses (most often the sigmoid sinus), meningitis and brain abscess.

Diagnosis of mastoiditis

Diagnosis of mastoiditis is primarily based on collecting patient complaints, clarifying the history of otitis media, as well as examining the patient. To clarify the diagnosis, radiography is used, computed tomography. To clarify the nature of the pathogen, a study of purulent discharge is usually carried out.

Treatment of mastoiditis

The basis of treatment for mastoiditis is powerful antibiotic therapy. With minimal damage to the bone tissue of the mastoid process, a myringotomy is performed - a puncture of the eardrum in order to ensure the outflow of pus, and in addition, to examine the pus for the nature of the microflora. If antibiotic therapy is ineffective or the process is chronic, and even more so if complications from the brain or skull are suspected, the question is raised about the need for surgical treatment - mastoidectomy - removal back wall auditory canal, remnants of the tympanic membrane, as well as the malleus and incus - auditory ossicles middle ear, which by the time of surgery are usually already destroyed by infection. Stirrup and facial nerve usually they are not affected.

Sometimes, due to the complete ineffectiveness of antibiotics, radical mastoidectomy is necessary. In this case, the patient’s hearing impairment is noted due to previous changes.

Mastoiditis - defeat inflammatory type, which covers the area temporal bone and has infectious origin. Most often, this disease occurs as a complication of otitis media. The most common symptoms are pain in the mastoid process of the ear, swelling and decreased hearing function.

The mastoid process is the protrusion of the temple bones in the skull and is located behind the concha of the external ear. Its structure consists of many cells that are separated by partitions. They can be filled with air, bone marrow or have a sclerotic type structure. The course of the disease depends on the type of affected cells. The disease can be right-sided or left-sided.

Causes of the disease

Mastoiditis usually occurs due to the spread of infections (pneumococcus, and others) from the middle ear. An infection can get into the mastoid process if the hole in the eardrum is too small or for other reasons. Rarely, patients are diagnosed with a disease that occurs due to infection due to the presence of or.

The main causes of the disease are:

  • gunshot wound;
  • mechanical damage;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • other changes in the ear structure due to illness (external, intermediate or aerootitis);
  • chronic diseases (tuberculosis,);
  • nasopharyngeal diseases (,).

Types of illness

There are such forms of the disease depending on the causes of its occurrence:

  • primary(occurs after mechanical damage);
  • secondary(formed against the background of other diseases).

According to the stages, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  • exudative(with release of liquid);
  • true(with the formation of bone processes).

According to clinical form, highlight:

  • typical manifestations: headache, pain in the ear area;
  • atypical manifestations, in which the disease proceeds almost unnoticed or atypical signs of the disease are present.

In addition, a distinction is made between chronic mastoiditis and acute mastoiditis. In the first case, all symptoms appear rather sluggishly, and some are completely absent. In the second case, the patient complains of several signs of the disease, which appear quite clearly.

Separately allocate Bezold's mastoiditis- a type that also causes swelling of the neck, purulent exudate is formed in the area of ​​the eardrum or the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of mastoiditis are different, and it usually appears together with moderate purulent (at 2 or 3 weeks). Mastoiditis in children can develop even in the absence of a formed bone process (up to 3 years the process does not yet have time to form).

The usual symptoms of the disease are:

  • decreased perception of sounds;
  • elevated temperature bodies;
  • headaches;
  • sharp pain behind the ear;
  • suppuration that is observed from the external ear canal.

If the volume of suppuration significantly exceeds the size of the eardrum or it is damaged, then this indicates the spread of the disease beyond the middle ear. If the amount of pus is insignificant, the infection does not spread further and the integrity of the eardrum is preserved. The patient can observe protruding ear, the formation of smoothness behind the ear instead of the skin fold usually located there. Pus can spread to all parts of the skull, causing blood clots, necrosis of the periosteum and the formation of an external fistula.

Complications of the disease can be:

  • intracranial diseases (encephalitis, blood clots);
  • facialles();
  • damage to the functionality of the neck;
  • eye damage (panophthalmitis);
  • sepsis.

Diagnosis of the disease

A qualified otolaryngologist can diagnose acute mastoiditis within a few minutes. An exception may be an atypical type of illness. Diagnosis is based on the patient's testimony, obtaining a history of life and illnesses, as well as palpation of the area located behind the ear. The otolaryngologist will also prescribe otoscopy, audiometry, bacterial culture, and, in some cases, radiography of the skull. This will help detect the stage of development of the disease. Based on these studies, a diagnosis is made and a treatment plan is drawn up.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of mastoiditis depends on the cause of its occurrence, the nature of the course, as well as the stage of the process of inflammation of the post-auricular space. There are the following main treatment methods:

  • taking antibiotics, the action of which is aimed at destroying the source of infection (Ceftriaxone, Cefixime, Cefotaxime);
  • receiving others medications(antihistamine, detoxifying type);
  • surgical intervention;
  • physiotherapy;
  • traditional methods.

Taking medications is also called a conservative method of treatment, but its use is reasonable in initial stages mastoiditis, when the disease has not yet penetrated the tissues of the ear and the skull area. The patient is prescribed medications various types actions (to adjust immunity, eliminate the consequences and causes of inflammation, and others).

The surgical method is more effective method fight the disease. The operation is performed on the middle ear, and if there is no hole in the area of ​​the eardrum that provides drainage, paracentesis is performed. During the operation, which takes place under anesthesia, the doctor rinses the ear opening with various medicines, cuts the periosteum, removes the top plate of bone behind the ear, and then sutures the wound. The patient must be hospitalized and bandaged daily until the wound is completely healed.

Treatment of mastoiditis with physiotherapy involves the application of warm compresses, UHF therapy, and ultraviolet irradiation of the patient. Traditional methods, like physical therapy, are usually auxiliary, but not primary.

There are a lot folk recipes getting rid of illnesses, including:

  • hot onion treatment. It is supposed to bake the onion until soft, place a piece on cheesecloth butter and onion, wrap and insert into the ear canal for 1–2 minutes. Afterwards, wrap the patient’s head with a warm blanket or scarf;
  • bread crust treatment. It is supposed to be heated on both sides using a water bath, and then applied to the ear, insulating it.

Disease prevention

This disease can be prevented if:

  • promptly detect signs of inflammatory damage;
  • qualitatively treat emerging otitis;
  • carry out sanitizing manipulations (cleanse the ear of dirt, excess wax, etc.);
  • lead healthy image life;
  • eat right (maintain a balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins);
  • carry out immunoregulatory therapy.

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Mastoiditis is inflammatory disease bone tissue of the mucous membrane of the mastoid process of the temporal bone, accompanied by suppuration.

The causes of mastoiditis are the same as those that cause inflammation of the middle ear. Most often, mastoiditis is a complication of acute otitis media. The danger of the disease is that the purulent course of the disease is real threat development of severe intracranial complications.

Symptoms of mastoiditis

The symptoms of mastoiditis are similar to the signs of the development of acute otitis media - increased body temperature, poor health, pain in the ear, changes in blood composition. Suppuration may be present if the drainage of pus from the middle ear is not impaired. An experienced otolaryngologist, analyzing the dynamics of the development of acute otitis media, can diagnose early stages mastoiditis. To avoid an unfavorable course of the disease, treatment of otitis should be carried out under the supervision of qualified doctors.

Treatment of mastoiditis

Treatment of mastoiditis by our specialists is carried out according to the stage of the disease and is carried out as conservative methods, and surgical. The development of a treatment strategy occurs after diagnosing the disease and determining its stage. In cases where conservative technique gives treatment positive results, surgery may not be necessary. However, often surgical treatment mastoiditis may be the only way to solve difficult medical situations. In any case, at any stage of mastoiditis, treat it serious illness should be done in a hospital setting. The experience of doctors, their skills, modern medical equipment and attentive attitude medical personnel always at the service of patients.

Consultation and doctor's appointment

More detailed information You can find out by calling the numbers listed on the website or contact our Medical Center. We are working No Weekends from 8.00 to 22.00 at the address: Moscow Eastern Administrative District (Eastern Administrative District) Sirenevy Boulevard 32A


No surgical intervention. For this purpose they are used various groups antibiotics. If conservative treatment proves futile, mastoidectomy is prescribed.

Mastoidectomy: the essence of the procedure

Surgery is used to remove the mastoid process. There are three large groups of such surgical interventions:

  1. Simple. The procedure is performed through the ear canal or a small incision behind the ear. After opening the mastoid process, the pus is removed. Then a little is done to ensure .
  2. Radical. Includes complete removal eardrum. Almost all structures of the middle ear except the stapes are eliminated. This allows surgical method carry out further operational interventions.
  3. Modified. During the treatment, the integrity of the eardrum and structures is maintained. This has a positive effect on the recovery prognosis.


The main purpose of the operation is to preserve hearing and sanitize the ear. It is carried out in those patients who have pathogenic stable microflora in the ear canal. can lead to skin ingrowth ear canal through a damaged area in the eardrum.

Preparation includes:

  • examination and palpation of the behind-the-ear area,
  • otoscopy,
  • microotoscopy,

Process description

Carrying out the operation requires high precision and professionalism from the surgeon, since the actions themselves are quite complex. The operation takes an average of 1.5 hours.

The stages of the operation are as follows:

  1. Man plunges into general anesthesia, the head is firmly fixed in the desired direction.
  2. An arcuate incision is made at a distance of 1 cm from the shell. If the patient is a child under two years old, then the skin is cut straight to the bone.
  3. After layer-by-layer cutting, the bone is visualized. By using special tool the doctor begins to chisel the bone until the cells of the process appear. In children, a hammer is not used; manipulations are mainly carried out using sharp spoons.
  4. After opening the cells, the purulent masses are removed, drainage is introduced to facilitate the flow of pus.
  5. After the operation, they are used, the tampon is fixed and sutures are applied.

Temporal bone mastoidectomy in our video:

Postoperative care and recovery

Hospitalization lasts about 5-7 days. A person can return to work 1-3 weeks after discharge.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to perform a second operation aimed at restoring hearing. It is carried out after 6-12 months.

The need for it may arise if it is necessary to re-examine the cavities and identify remaining areas of inflammation.

The recovery period is quite easy. Immediately after the operation, swelling appears, and partial numbness of the face may develop. In the first few months you cannot:

  • lift weights
  • swim in the pool and ponds,
  • do not allow water to enter the ear canal,
  • blow your nose
  • travel on trains and planes.

Immediately after the operation, the bandage is changed for the first time on the fifth day. If during dressing there is or after it arises, you should immediately inform your doctor about it. When the wound heals slowly, various ointments or ointments are used.

Treatment after surgery

In order to completely get rid of the problem, additional treatment is prescribed.


Previously, a course of antibiotics was required to continue for 5-7 days. Anemization is required, that is, the introduction vasoconstrictor drugs into the pharyngeal mouth auditory tube. If necessary, the wound is treated with antiseptic solutions.

Dressing changes may include additional administration.

Folk recipes

Traditional methods are mainly aimed at strengthening the immune system. Cannot be used during the recovery period, but after removing the bandage, chamomile can be used to treat external wounds. Anti-inflammatory decoctions, such as chamomile, are used internally. They allow you to speed up the healing process.


If the wound does not heal well, it is prescribed ultraviolet irradiation. All procedures are prescribed by a doctor. For more quick treatment may be prescribed, but its use is only relevant for the healing of external wounds.

How to treat mastoiditis without surgery in our video:

What is possible, what is not

You should not blow your nose or find yourself in a situation where there is a sudden change in atmospheric pressure. Doctors strongly recommend avoiding open water and swimming pools. It is allowed to make various antiseptic dressings with medications prescribed by the doctor.

Headache, difficulty swallowing. Fever, shortness of breath, nausea and other signs of intoxication may indicate the development of inflammation.