Do the properties of water change when boiling? The harm and benefits of boiled water

A natural drink for every person that can quench thirst is water. It is not often that you meet a brave person who drinks untreated liquid from the tap. By boiling, it removes foreign matter from water pipes, salts and chlorine.

Fact! The human body is made up of 70% water, the same percentage her to land on Earth. It is the main source of life for all living things.

Humanity originates from the amniotic fluid of the mother, consumes life-giving moisture daily, and cannot do without it long time. The origin of water on the planet is difficult to explain. The simplest version: this is the result of a collision of a comet or an asteroid with the Earth, therefore, this is an alien phenomenon. Most of the surface of the globe is covered with salty waters, these are seas and oceans. Their composition is similar to amniotic fluid, but it is not suitable for meeting human needs. All living things around need a fresh source of drink.

Natural sources that satisfy the body's water needs

  • Artesian wells.
  • Springs.
  • Melt water (glaciers).

It is from such deposits of clean water that rivers and lakes originate. Small springs serve as the sources of large reservoirs.

In the civilized world to provide for people drinking water They use canals, reservoirs, aqueducts and water pipelines. The quality of water supplied through the water supply system has not inspired confidence for a long time and requires additional measures on cleaning.

Is it possible to drink tap water and why is it boiled?

Sanitary standards stipulate that liquid entering apartments and houses does not pose a health hazard. It contains permissible norm bacteria group coli and the level of chlorine content does not exceed the amount necessary for the body. Despite the assurances of the SES, the level of chlorine as a result of drinking raw water is off the charts. And excess calcium and magnesium salts can cause joint problems and lead to the formation of kidney and bladder stones.

The chemical composition of water can fluctuate. The difference in the introduced chlorine depends on the location of the region and the well-being of the environmental situation. In industrial cities and megalopolises, the saturation of substances in the periodic table is more noticeable. To neutralize harmful inclusions, the water is boiled. After heat treatment she doesn't have negative influence on the body. The question remains open: is there any benefit to it?

The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius; at low atmospheric pressure the degree may be lower. Boiling is a change in the phase of a liquid from liquid to vapor. Dynamics of boiling: when boiling, small bubbles form at the bottom of the pan and its walls, after which their size becomes larger, and the largest ones bubble and burst, creating splashes.

Proper boiling

Exposing raw water boiling, each person pursues several goals:

  • Getting rid of bacteria and germs.
  • Elimination of harmful inclusions.
  • Softening water hardness.

The main goal is to achieve the results stated above. But from the moment it boils until it turns off, about a quarter of an hour should pass. Unfortunately, few people endure this time due to ignorance or haste.

Previously soluble substances chlorine and mineral salts under the influence of temperature, they fall out in the form of sediment on the walls of the container, forming scale. Having failed to withstand the required period, some chemical elements do not have time to settle on the walls of the dish, then the body becomes a haven for them. Thus, when drinking your favorite tea or coffee, you need to understand that the invigorating drink is rich chemicals, incapable of being absorbed by humans. They will find a cozy home in the kidneys, and the formation of stones will not take long to occur.

To achieve soft water, magnesium and calcium salts are removed by boiling. This extreme deprives the water of beneficial elements. Ideally, the benefit lies in water of medium hardness; a balance must be maintained in its structure.

There is a certain number of people who are against boiling. In their opinion, exceeding the threshold of 100 degrees, the water becomes heavy. In it, deuterium replaces hydrogen. And when deuterium accumulates in the body, it can lead to irreversible processes. Scientists have refuted this version.

  1. If the boiling technology is violated, water can be harmful to health. There are microorganisms that are characterized by good resistance to high temperatures over a longer period of time. That is, some percentage are killed by 5 minutes of boiling, and some continue their vital activity even after 10 minutes of boiling. Pathogenic microorganisms are particularly resistant. By not bringing the water to 100 degrees and not holding it for 10-15 minutes, there is a risk of harming your health.
  2. Boiling displaces oxygen, which is essential for the body. Thanks to it, delivery to blood cells and tissues is carried out useful substances. This is not the main transport medium for the body, but the benefits of oxygen are lost.
  3. There is an opinion that water has the ability to be charged with positive vibrations and can accumulate healing properties. After boiling, this trick does not work; it is rightly considered “dead”.

Medical opinion

There is no reason not to trust Komarovsky; his competence is not in doubt. He argues that boiled water is an unnatural environment for supporting the life of living organisms. With the exception of humans, no species does not replenish the body with water that has been boiled. Constant use such a liquid leads to the leaching of salts and minerals and does not give anything in return. With systematic consumption boiled water, there is a need to include vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements in the diet.

Is there any benefit to boiled water, and what is it?


  • Improves metabolic processes in the body.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Removes toxins through the pores with sweat.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Improves the quality of mental activity and physical performance.

Systematic replenishment water balance promotes weight loss. And in combination with moderate loads and healthy eating, you can forget about the hated extra pounds. Boiled water removes toxins and cleanses the intestines.

Warm water, cooled after boiling, is used to eliminate cold symptoms. She can smooth out pain symptoms in the throat, and relieve nasal congestion, replenish the body with fluid lost as a result of the heat.

Important! Excessively hot water for medicinal purposes is not acceptable. The effect of boiling water on sore throat may cause a burn.

By taking warm boiled water every morning on an empty stomach, all processes in the body are launched. Spotted positive impact on the digestive organs, endocrine and nervous systems, useful for skin turgor and muscle tissue. To achieve maximum efficiency, it is recommended to use water from a natural source, spring or well for boiling.

  1. You cannot boil water more than once, as this causes harm to the body.
  2. Herbicides, heavy metals, pesticides, petroleum products, nitrates are not destroyed under the influence of temperatures.
  3. The sediment obtained after boiling can form carcinogens, these substances are more dangerous than chlorine. They are capable of causing genetic changes in the body. They have mutagenic properties.
  4. It is recommended to remove scale formed as a result of boiling to prevent its further connection with water.
  5. The botulism and hepatitis A bacillus stop their vital activity only after a continuous 30 minutes after the first signs of boiling.
  6. You cannot mix raw and boiled water for the purpose of further boiling. Hydrogen isotopes of boiled water react with substances in raw water, which leads to the accumulation of deuterium.
  7. Tap water, even after boiling, is not allowed for consumption by pregnant women. In order not to harm the fetus with heavy impurities, salts, and organic compounds, it is better to use bottled water highest category, as well as enriched with oxygen.

Video: which water is healthier?

After all, everyone knows that raw water contains dangerous impurities and compounds (bacteria, heavy metals, pesticides, nitrates, petroleum products, etc.), therefore it must be subjected to disinfection (in urban conditions this is chlorination).

If the water is not purified using filter substances, then boiling becomes prerequisite its consumption.

When water boils, its composition changes accordingly. Dangerous volatile components contained in the liquid, turning into vapor, evaporate. And then the water, after boiling, becomes safe to drink. But what is the harm from drinking boiled water?


Boiled water: harm

Some people rule out the harm of boiled water; moreover, they believe that double boiling will destroy all microbes and harmful substances. However, experts have proven that boiling does not disinfect water, but only makes the water softer. And boiling water twice means causing irreparable harm to the body.

Scientists have proven that after heat treatment, water becomes “dead”, since dangerous impurities remain in its composition and oxygen completely evaporates. “Dead” water does not bring any benefit to the body, and there is indeed harm from such boiled water.

Indisputable facts prove the dangers of boiled water:

  • Herbicides, nitrates, pesticides, phenol, heavy metals and petroleum products are not destroyed during the boiling process.
  • When water reaches a temperature of 100 °C, chlorine-containing elements are destroyed and precipitate, combine with other substances and form trihalomethanes and dioxins (carcinogens). These substances are much more dangerous than chlorine; they provoke cancer! Even in minute concentrations, dioxins can cause genetic cellular changes; they have a mutagenic effect on a living organism.
  • The scale formed on the walls of the electric kettle, when boiled again, combines with water and enters the body. Particles harmful substances accumulate in the body, causing diseases of the blood, joints, kidneys, heart and even cause heart attacks!
  • To destroy the hepatitis A virus and botulism bacillus, you need at least 15-30 minutes of continuous boiling. Conventional kettles have an automatic shutdown mode when the water temperature reaches 100 degrees.

Dangerous! People who add raw water to boiled water and boil it again seriously risk their health. The first water contains heavy hydrogen isotopes, which again react with substances in the raw water. Deuterium released from hydrogen during boiling tends to accumulate.

The more often heat treatment occurs, the more harmful such liquid becomes in the long run. Water after double or multiple heat treatment becomes unfit for drinking; it not only changes its taste negative side(some metallic taste), its use slows down the process of tissue regeneration and impairs the functioning of vital important systems body. From a chemical point of view, water repeatedly boiled after evaporation changes its normal formula H2O.

Each time the water is reheated, oxygen evaporates, and the concentration of impurities of dangerous heavy metal salts in such water increases (this is clearly shown by the scale that forms on the dishes). For this reason, this drink is popularly called “ dead water" Of course, the toxicity of the resulting drink is very low, unless you drink it on a regular basis. After all, salts have the ability to accumulate in the body and not be removed from it for a long time.


Boiled water: benefits

The main benefit of boiled water for humans is its ability to “flush” toxins from the body. Boiling water once helps digestive organs cope with the absorption of food, prevents constipation, cleanses the intestines. The benefits and harms of boiled water are not at all exaggerated - our body mainly consists of liquid and we need to be careful about what we drink.

Heat treatment makes tap water softer, and in the case of spring or well water, which may be contaminated with bacteria, boiling remains the #1 method for purification. To completely neutralize their effect, boil the water for about 10 minutes.

It is useful to drink warm boiled water - it improves metabolism, quenches thirst, helps the body break down lipids and improves blood circulation. The body needs fluid for good brain function, energy, and endurance.

However, remember that the benefits of boiled water can only be achieved by boiling once.

Boiled water during pregnancy

In order for the 9 months of pregnancy to pass easily, a woman needs to be attentive not only to her diet, but also to the quality of her water. The flow of fluid into the body ensures good blood flow to the fetus, forms a normal volume of amniotic fluid, increases the pregnant woman’s blood volume and improves tissue elasticity.

It is not recommended for pregnant women to drink boiled tap water. It contains heavy impurities, salts and organic compounds that can harm the baby. The best option to maintain drinking regime For pregnant women, bottled water of the highest category and oxygenated (enriched with oxygen) is recommended. These types of water are perfectly absorbed by the body and contribute to normal flow pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

Boiled water for weight loss

In order to start your metabolism and supply your body with energy, you need to drink a glass of warm boiled water in the morning. The liquid cleanses the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, launches activity genitourinary system and fills the stomach.

What are the benefits of boiled water for weight loss? To reset a few extra pounds, you need to add a teaspoon of lemon juice to it. Boiled water has a specific taste, and even a small slice of lemon completely neutralizes it.

To lose weight, you need to drink boiled water before meals at half-hour intervals and two hours after eating. During the day you need to drink at least 8 glasses of liquid. In combination with the right balanced diet And physical activity A sufficient amount of water (at least 2 liters per day) will really help you lose weight and energize your body.

How to boil water

Simple rules for boiling water:

  1. Pour only fresh water into the kettle for boiling.
  2. Do not allow the liquid to boil a second time and do not add raw water to the remaining boiling water.
  3. It is best to boil filtered or “settled” water from which dangerous compounds have come out (without allowing the sediment to drain).

Hello friends! Again with us we'll talk about water. We all know that without water there is no life. But, unfortunately, not all people drink enough water; I come across people like this all the time. Therefore, the topic of water probably needs to be repeated and repeated. Today we will talk about what kind of water you should drink every day: boiled or raw, warm or cold, which water is healthier.

Perhaps you already know the answer yourself. But I was interested in reading and learning new arguments in favor of water and the opinions of different experts. So, I learned that you can’t drink just one type of water during the day. There are many types of water, each of which can be useful in one situation or another.

In addition, we will learn how to do it ourselves correctly clean water at home.

Which water is better to drink: boiled or raw?

It has long been argued that boiled water is dead water, useless for the body. And drink better water raw, since it contains various microelements in the form of salts, it is this water that promotes cell renewal and prevents the formation free radicals in the body.

But water is different. Of course, it is almost impossible to get poisoned from tap water, because the pipes supply water that has been treated and meets all standards. However, the harm of raw water from the water supply is due to the fact that such water is chlorinated, it often flows through rusty pipes and herbicides and pesticides, arsenic, aluminum, heavy metals can be found in it, which can disrupt the functioning of housing and communal services and nervous system.

So untreated raw tap water containing toxic substances And harmful bacteria, no need to drink.

Boiling water will, of course, make it safe, but also useless, since boiling reduces the amount of oxygen, all healthy salts fall into an insoluble precipitate, the structure of the water changes, and after a day bacteria already multiply in boiled water.

But boiling water should not be ignored, you just need to perform this procedure correctly so that the water remains alive and not dead. Here are the simple rules for which boiled water is best to drink:

  1. You cannot boil water poured straight from the tap, because in this case chlorine turns into toxic compounds that pose a risk of cancer.
  2. First, you will need to let the water sit for a couple of hours or more and pass it through a simple home filter.
  3. The water should not actively boil, let alone boil away; it is enough to bring it to a boil with a white key. Then it will have time to be disinfected, but at the same time some of the minerals will remain in it, which will be absorbed by the body.
  4. You should not re-boil already boiled water or mix boiled and raw water. Add fresh water to boil each time. It is for this reason that I have not used a kettle for a long time; I boil water for tea in a mug in the amount required for one-time use.
  5. After 24 hours, such water is not suitable for drinking.

Is it possible to drink filtered water without boiling? Of course, you can: filters, even the simplest ones, such as Aquaphor, Barrier, can clean it and protect it, but it should be taken into account that some beneficial properties filtered water is lost.

There are other ways to purify water besides the filter: melt water, frozen and defrosted again; silver water; Spring water can also be considered clean and healthy. But such water is not available to everyone and it is not always possible to prepare and purify it using these methods. I want to tell you about the method that I.P. offers. Neumyvakin: very simple and quite acceptable.

How to make clean water for drinking

The raw water that flows from the tap, as we have already said, is not very good quality, it is chlorinated and has a pH less than 7. As a result, the body requires a lot of energy to cleanse and structure it.

To make pure structured water, you need to:

  1. To remove chlorine from water: pour water into a jar and let it sit overnight. A 3-5 mm layer of sediment forms at the bottom of the jar (even if it is not visible, it is there).
  2. In the morning, carefully pour the water into the pan, leaving a layer of sediment in the jar.
  3. Put the water on the fire and bring to a boil with a white key until small bubbles appear. Immediately remove from heat, do not allow large bubbles to appear in the water.
  4. Then the water in the pan should be quickly cooled by placing the pan under running cold water or in a bowl with cold water, which should be changed more often.

The resulting water is called cold boiling water; it becomes structured and biologically active. It retains its structure throughout the day; its properties are similar to melt water.

It is this kind of clean (living) water that should enter our cells; it is the basis of their life.

Which water is better to drink: warm or cold?

Preference should be given to warm water; we have already discussed this issue in part.

In addition to this topic, I will say that cold water, although it speeds up metabolism and will help get rid of excess weight, its constant use will lead to digestive problems and intestinal malfunctions.

Hot water can warm up and dilate blood vessels, but it has many more disadvantages: liquid that is too scalding can lead to cancer of the throat and esophagus, increased gas formation, damage to tooth enamel, and decreased immunity.

But at warm water There are only advantages: it improves the functioning of housing and communal services, removes toxins and waste, and heals the skin.

Which water is better to drink: warm or cold depends on both the time of day and the food you eat!

In the morning on an empty stomach, it is useful to drink clean, cold (but not ice-cold) water: distilled, purified through a filter. Cold purified water activates intestinal motility and helps remove accumulated toxins from the body.

I listened to interesting arguments about Dr. Skachko’s water and I want to convey them to you.

Pure water is excellent for cleansing, but it should not be used throughout the day, as it can only go into an empty stomach, otherwise it will disrupt digestion: it dilutes gastric juice, digestion is disrupted, rotting processes begin, and fermentation occurs in the intestines. It turns out that such water has little health benefit, it just cleanses the body - it enters the bloodstream and is immediately excreted through the kidneys.

If we drink a glass of water before eating, we cannot eat for an hour. And after the digestion process - not the end of the meal, but the end of digestion - an hour should pass, only then it will be possible to drink a glass of clean water.

Warm water does not activate intestinal motility, but it does activate the excretory ability of the skin and lungs.

But the body needs not only cleansing, but also nutrition. Therefore, you can add honey to the water, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar. This water both cleanses and nourishes – it works like two in one, and you need to drink it warm.

And it’s not entirely true when they say that you need to drink 2 liters of only clean water a day. Water in tea, compote, soup should also be included in this amount.

Water with food is better absorbed and the power of water flow into the body increases sharply. Juice, soup, tea, compote enrich the blood useful microelements. Water in this form is easier to drink and maintain. water exchange than pure water, devoid of salts.

In addition, if you cannot drink water during meals, since it dilutes gastric juice and food digestion worsens, then you can drink tea and juice during meals, as well as after meals.

The harm and benefits of water. Which water is healthier - raw or boiled?

    Opinions about which water is healthier are different; some believe that you should not drink raw water because it contains many microbes; others believe that boiled water is dead water. I personally am of the opinion that the most healthy water- melt (although I think she has many opponents)

    If we talk about the benefits for human body, then the palm belongs to raw water - many experts agree on this opinion. ... If you drink boiled water, then immediately turn off the kettle, as... and it is healthier than just liquid from the tap.

    The most healthy water is from proven springs, that is, in other words, living water that contains a lot of mineral salts, such as magnesium, sodium and potassium. But this is not available to everyone. In cities, it is better to drink water by passing it through a filter and preferably boil it until it boils completely. Not It is recommended to boil several times, since the water turns into dead water and the content of dangerous compounds in the water only increases.

    It is also not advisable to drink under-boiled water, since harmful microbes are not destroyed and can harm the body.

    Raw water is definitely healthier. There are only factors that can make it not only harmful but also dangerous. Firstly, these are, of course, microorganisms. Raw water may contain pathogenic bacteria, viruses, protozoa, one of the ways to combat them is boiling, but there are some that can withstand dozens or even hours in boiling water (botulism, hepatitis A virus, etc.). In addition, the water contains salts of heavy metals (copper, iron, lead, cadmium, etc.), which can cause poisoning. Of course, their concentration is insignificant and poisoning will not occur immediately, but they have the property of accumulating in organs and tissues; if water is boiled, their concentration increases. Now there are many different filters, but in my experience most do not give the desired effect, and those that do are very expensive. Now the only option is to buy bottled water, but you need to find a bona fide manufacturer whose water will be of adequate quality.

    Aspirations to healthy image life forces modern man search new ways this is commendable. In general, boiled water is useful and safe only for 2-3 hours after boiling. Because during the heat treatment process, all bacteria in the water are destroyed, both beneficial and harmful. But warm boiled water will create a favorable environment for the proliferation of more serious bacteria. In view of these data discovered by modern scientists, kindergartens have stopped boiling water given to children for drinking, and in fact use modern technologies - various filters. And from myself I can add that you can additionally use homemade filters from activated carbon, shungite stone (sold in pharmacies) - infuse water for several hours; it is also useful to let tap water stand before drinking to reduce the chlorine content in it (after 20-30 minutes, chlorine will decrease by 30-40 percent). As you know, chlorine is not removed from the body on its own.

    The human body is 75 percent water. This is no secret. The condition of our body depends on what kind of water we drink.

    If you have problems with the kidneys or heart, you need to drink raw water very carefully in order to overload the body and not get swelling

    Or if you suffer from rheumatism, gout, diseases of the nervous system, paralysis, or blockage of blood vessels.

    Boiled water warms the body, removes mucus, bloating, shortness of breath, and stops hiccups, but only if it is hot. Cooled boiled water is dead water, all minerals and salts have been boiled down and the cell does not perceive it as water and does not let it pass through the membrane. A person drinks boiled water, and his cells die from dehydration. Water boiled several times, as well as yesterday’s boiled water, will only cause harm to the body.

    In general, of course, raw water is healthier. It is rich in minerals and trace elements. But this is the case if you collected it, for example, from a mountain spring. But in our conditions, even from underground sources within the city or outskirts, one cannot be 100% sure of the purity and usefulness of the water. And I’m generally silent about tap water. So you have to boil it or use expensive filters. Although there are also certain doubts about their effectiveness.

    Water has at least 3 levels of organization:

    • informational;
    • microelement;
    • biological.

    Information. Water molecules are polar (they have positive and negative charges spaced apart in space), therefore they can form complex structures in space (an example of such structures are ice crystals - snowflakes). The closer to freezing point, the more structured water, the closer to the boiling point the more chaotic the water is due to thermal movement molecules. It is believed that structured (information-rich) water has high biological activity; for this reason, for example, the germination rate of seeds soaked in melt water is several times higher than in boiled water. And cold water tastes better than hot water. Thus, boiling erases the internal structure of water, making it lifeless.

    Microelements. When boiling, hardness salts (calcium and magnesium carbonates) fall out, and these are important macroelements that affect the state of the nervous system, muscle tissue, skin and hair. Therefore, boiled water is inferior in mineralization to unboiled water.

    Microbiology. In unboiled water there are large quantities microorganisms, some of which may be pathogenic. Boiling them kills them, making the water biologically safe.

    Thus, according to two indicators, boiled water loses to raw water, and according to one, it wins. If microbiological contamination is insignificant (spring, well water), then it can be consumed without boiling, as it will bring more benefits to the body. Tap water needs to be boiled, but in general it is not entirely suitable for food purposes; it is more like industrial water. It's not worth drinking.

    There is a myth that you should not add raw water to boiled water and that boiled water several times becomes heavy water. But creating such heavy water will be too expensive and the process will take several decades. So you don't have to worry about this.

    It is necessary to boil water, as this disinfects it and is completely safe for drinking. It does not cause any harm, the only thing is that when boiled, many of it useful elements evaporate.

    The most useful is raw spring water, key, mineral from the sources and foothills of the mountains, which contains mineral composition, natural macro- and microelements.

    The ecology in our area is still not what it used to be, so it’s better to boil the water thoroughly, but I don’t drink unboiled water at all, just like plain raw water. There are benefits from such water, but not for drinking.

Any thrifty housewife knows that water intended for drinking can be boiled no more than once. However, the physicochemical mechanism of this prohibition can only be explained in the field of molecular physics and chemistry. Despite the preservation of the organoleptic characteristics of the liquid during the boiling process, its structure and composition of substances change. Why you can’t boil water twice is a scientific fact confirmed by experiments. This phenomenon is caused by several reasons.

Physico-chemical characteristics of water

The structure of a water molecule is known from the course school chemistry. It consists of two hydrogen atoms connected to one oxygen atom. Chemical formula water H2O. The liquid is colorless, transparent, tasteless and odorless. Tap and natural water (river, lake, spring) contains many dissolved mineral chemical impurities, most of which are harmful to the human body. In addition, natural water contains complex high-molecular organic compounds, microflora and microfauna.

Why you can't boil water twice - this is a scientific fact

The main purpose of boiling water is to destroy harmful and pathogenic microorganisms that die when the temperature of the liquid increases.

Without denying the truth of all the above scientific facts, a completely legitimate question arises - why can't you drink distilled water? ? There are no prohibitions here, but it has been noted that the distillate, which has neither taste nor smell, also negatively affects human health. Moreover, there is no consensus among scientists about the reasons for this phenomenon. According to some scientists, in distilled water, which has gone through the steam stage and then condensed again, the direction of the charge changes and the magnitude of the dipole moment changes. To restore its original properties, some healers recommend distilled water, which has high degree cleaning and, from a chemical point of view, absolutely harmless to humans, freeze. It is recommended to use melted liquid for drinking and cooking.