Menstruation varies. How many days between periods should be normal? Where do these numbers come from and why may they change?

How many days between periods should be normal?

Menstrual bleeding begin in the fair sex in early youth and accompany them until almost 50 years of age (and for some this process lasts even longer). The monthly cycle (after the first 2-3 years after appearance) becomes stable. A woman calculates the approximate timing of the next menstruation, and when there are delays or her period comes earlier than she expected, she begins to worry.

Each of us has our own norm for the interval between menstruation. Let's look at when you shouldn't worry about minor deviations, and when you need to see a doctor.

  1. How is the cycle between menstruation calculated?
  2. How many days between periods is normal?
  3. How many days are there between ovulation and the start of your next period?
  4. Small cycle between periods
  5. Long break between periods
  6. Bleeding between cycles: what to do?

How to correctly count the cycle between menstruation

Sometimes young girls, due to inexperience, count the time of the expected onset of menstruation according to a certain calendar date. For example, in September the “red days of the calendar” came on the 2nd - and they wait for them on the 2nd in October and get scared if this does not happen.

In fact, everyone is new monthly cycle begins on the first day of bleeding. The break between this first day and the first day of the next menstruation is the length of the cycle. This interval is different for everyone. It may be equal to:

  • 24 days;
  • 28 days;
  • 31 days.

All these are variants of the norm. You can find out which cycle between periods is considered normal by looking at the textbook medical university. If the interval between the first days of your cycles is from 21 to 35 days, and this always happens with slight deviations- Everything is fine. But it also happens differently. Knowing how to calculate the cycle correctly, you can determine whether there is a reproductive system failures. You should count every month, for which you need to get yourself a pocket calendar and mark the first day of the appearance of spotting there.

What should the cycle be like between periods?

How many days should pass between periods? There is no clear answer to this question. Reason: every woman’s body works in its own way, so everyone’s cycle lasts differently.

On average, it is believed that the duration of one cycle is 28 days. This is exactly what birth control pills do to create an “artificial cycle.” hormonal pills. However, in life everything is far from being so ideal. Gynecologists accept cycles with intervals of 21 (the shortest) to 35 (the longest) days as normal. These gaps allow the reproductive system to carry out the entire process of preparation for conception and implantation of the embryo without disruption. During this period, the woman’s body manages to:

  • “grow” a dominant follicle;
  • rupture it and release the mature egg;
  • prepare a “lush” layer of endometrium in the uterus;
  • to support pregnancy.

If significantly more or less time passes, and the break becomes shorter or longer, it means that some processes are going wrong. The cycle should be such that the numbers from 21 to 35 days are observed. Of course, one-time failures are possible - doctors in such cases attribute violations to:

  • ARVI;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • stress.

But if the failure recurs, be sure to go to antenatal clinic. It is necessary to be examined.

When does ovulation occur after menstruation?

The length of the cycle depends on whether (or whether) it occurs at all. Normally, most often 14 days after the egg is released. dominant follicle V abdominal cavity, menstruation begins. There should be 14 days between ovulation and menstruation. Normally, minor deviations are possible within 1-2 days.

If you have a normal cycle of 28 days, but for some reason earlier - on the 11-12th day, your period will come on the 25-26th day of the cycle. This happens after successful treatment diseases when the body recovers well and quickly. Another reason is a long vacation in a warm climate, at sea or mineral springs. Menstruation occurs a little earlier than usual - there is no need to be afraid of this, unless it comes before 21 days.

The second half of the cycle lasts two weeks, but the first can take longer - for example, this month you have suffered serious stress. The egg matures slowly, and menstruation “arrives” only on days 31–31. All these are variants of the norm.

Perhaps your cycle is always 21 days. Short cycle typical for young girls. The main thing is to make sure that it is regular. A month is also good if this always happens. The cycle lengthens slightly in adult women with established menstruation. Closer to menopause, the cycle can lengthen to 40-48 days.

Can ovulation occur immediately after menstruation?

Immediately after the completion of the previous cycle, ovulation cannot occur. After all, the body needs to do hard work to prepare for pregnancy. It takes several days before the new dominant follicle matures.

That is why the first 8-10 days after the start of menstruation are conventionally considered safe days for conception. Based on this calendar method protection from pregnancy.

However, it is impossible to predict how the female body will behave when changing lifestyle and other circumstances. Therefore, theoretically, there are cases when conception can occur on the 7-8th day of the cycle - if it suddenly has time to mature during this time. Then there would be a very short break - less than 21 days.

Regarding fertilization, you need to know the fact that sperm can live in a woman’s genitals for up to 7 days after intercourse. That is, conception immediately after menstruation is possible, and the days that are called safe in the ovulation calculator are conditionally safe.

Malfunctions in the reproductive system occur due to various reasons. Between the first and second menstruation, a minimum break is possible in adolescence and during menopausal changes. Premenopause is characterized by an increase in the period between menstruation.

If the amount is produced, then the egg may not mature at all - the cycle will be shortened. The follicular phase (the first half of the cycle, when the eggs in the follicles mature) is shortened. Normally it lasts a little less than 2 weeks. In this case, the interval between the beginning of menstruation and the starting point of the secretory phase will be less than 7 days. The shortest normal cycle is 21 days. If it is shorter, you may have . This can be diagnosed with an ultrasound, but you will need to go through it several times.

Now we know what the break between periods should be - average and shortest. And what can be the longest - but at the same time the reproductive system works normally?

Longest cycle between periods

If your cycle is more than 28 but less than 36 days, don’t worry, everything is fine. A long cycle between periods only means that the first half of the cycle (follicular) is long. The body in your conditions hormonal levels it takes more time for the oocyte to mature.

The normal interval between menstruation is up to 35 days. If it is more, this allows one to suspect a violation: the production of hormones is not happening correctly. The cycle lengthens after 45 years, as the process of maturation of the egg undergoes changes.

Women of middle reproductive age may experience oligomenorrhea - a condition when the period between menstruation reaches 40 days or more. This condition requires treatment: the function of the ovaries is impaired, and they may be depleted. Oligomenorrhea is often accompanied by acne rashes on the face, back, and an increase in the hormone testosterone, under the influence of which ovulation is suppressed. The periods themselves are scanty.

Disturbances in the production of hormones by the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, improper functioning - all this can lead to prolongation of the cycle. If you are, it is necessary to conduct an examination, and if any violations are detected, treatment is necessary.

Bloody discharge between periods

Sometimes observed bleeding between menstruation, the causes of which are very different. The main thing to remember is spotting, even if they occur without pain and are not abundant, this is always a reason to consult a doctor.

Regular menstruation, like clockwork, is the exception rather than the rule. Women may not pay serious attention to the occasional glitch. It is quite harmless if it does not become a rule. But if the violation lasts several months, you should start to take an interest in its origin. It is better to find out why your periods are not regular, without waiting for a clear response from the body. The causes are easier to eliminate at the beginning of the pathological process.

Which cycle is considered normal?

First, you should look at the calendar and make sure that a failure actually occurred. Such a “diary” will not be superfluous at any age. Just remembering that your period comes at the beginning of the month, for example, can confuse yourself greatly.

It is considered normal if 21 to 35 days pass from the first day of discharge to the first day of the next menstruation. This very rarely coincides with the length of the calendar month. Without making a mark on your calendar, it is very easy to get lost and start worrying unnecessarily. Don’t be lazy to count the days, this will give you peace of mind and make it clearer to the gynecologist if necessary.

How the process is regulated

The processes that ensure reproductive function and the timely arrival of menstruation are controlled by hormones and have a complex hierarchy:

  1. It all starts with the parts of the brain that are responsible for emotions, fear, stressful conditions, sleep, memory. All of them belong to the limbic system and transmit information using nerve impulses.
  2. The second stage of regulation is the hypothalamus; it largely determines human behavior, regulates homeostasis and the survival of the organism as a whole. In this part of the brain, translation from the language of nerve impulses to endocrine impulses is carried out.
  3. The pituitary gland, obeying the orders of the hypothalamus (already hormonal), produces more than 10 of its own hormones that control all processes.
  4. Ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, are direct subordinates of the pituitary gland. They produce their own hormones, some of which regulate sexual function.
  5. The uterus, the endometrium lining it and the mammary glands react very sensitively to all hormonal “orders” and carry out their direct functions thanks to such guidance.

All five levels interact with each other both directly and sequentially, step by step. Any change at one of the stages entails violations at the others. The stress, anxiety, change in diet, lack of sleep (failure on the upper floors) are quite capable of being reflected at the bottom of the entire chain by the irregularity of monthly discharge.

The causes of unstable menstruation can be hidden quite deeply, but for practicing gynecologists, most of them are obvious after the first appointment and several tests.

Possible causes of failures

The absence of menstruation in some cases indicates the normal occurrence of physiological processes. When pregnancy occurs, one of the first signs is a delay in regular discharge. During breastfeeding, periods may also be irregular.

An abnormal menstrual cycle can have both a physiological and pathological basis.

Reasons are physiological

Such violations are temporary. Cyclicity can recover on its own and requires only observation and supportive measures. The recovering body, without pathologies, gradually regulates the process. Such reasons include:

  1. Age. After the arrival of the first menstruation, the frequency is established for 1 year. After 40, women begin to experience decline in the reproductive sphere, and irregular discharge indicates the approach of menopause.
  2. Pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding greatly change the entire hormonal background of the body. It takes several months to a year to recover.
  3. Artificial or spontaneous termination of pregnancy is also a shock to the body. Abrupt violation natural processes require time for endocrine and physical recovery, as well as the attention of a doctor.
  4. Surgical interventions (curettage of the uterine cavity). Depending on the traumatic nature of the procedure and the characteristics of the body, they can lead to both mild physiological disorders cycle and cause pathology.
  5. Drugs that affect blood clotting, hormonal contraceptives, sedatives and even long-term use antibiotics can greatly affect the frequency of menstruation.

Attention! Unsuccessful selection of a contraceptive method can cause serious consequences. Long-term use any hormonal drugs(both oral and vaginal) is permissible only with regular medical supervision. Even if the drug was previously well tolerated, but over time your periods become irregular and change in quantity, visit your gynecologist; the drug may need to be replaced.

Sudden weight loss or weight gain, sleep disturbances, hypothermia, fatigue - can be attributed to the physiological causes of disorders, as long as they can be easily adjusted and do not develop into painful pathological conditions.

Causes are pathological

Such disturbances in the cyclicity of menstruation are caused by diseases, are their symptoms, and can only be eliminated together with the underlying pathology. The most common reasons:

  1. Hormonal. Insufficient or excessive production of hormones by one of the organs included in the endocrine chain hypothalamus - uterus. Diseases or injuries of any of them can lead to unstable menstruation. Only a comprehensive examination can reveal the exact cause.
  2. Tumors, polyps, fibroids in the uterus and appendages interfere with the normal functioning of organs. Benign growths interfere mechanically, some malignant neoplasms tend to produce hormones that are integrated into the overall system.
  3. Endometriosis. A common reason why periods are not on time. The epithelium from the inner surface of the uterus (endometrium) grows outside: on the cervix, in the vagina, and covers the nearest organs. Such tissue is not adapted to function outside the uterus and often bleeds. The pathology greatly complicates the normal functioning of the entire genital area.
  4. Ovarian dysfunction, cyst, polycystic disease (multiple cysts), tumors. The ovaries are the most active reproductive organ, and disruptions can spread further faster. It is often affected by endometriosis, inflammatory processes, tumors, which disrupts one of the important links in women's health.
  5. Inflammatory processes of any origin. Sexual infections are one of the causes of inflammation, damage to the pelvic organs, the formation of adhesions, and obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Have mass undesirable consequences and usually appear altered menstrual flow and other symptoms. Easily identified during research.

Irregularities at work thyroid gland, diabetes, blood diseases can affect the regularity of the monthly cycle. By finding out why menstruation is not regular, the doctor can discover hidden pathologies that would not otherwise manifest themselves.

Consequences of an irregular cycle

The consequence of prolonged irregularities in the menstrual cycle is problems with conception. Incorrect passage of individual phases of the female reproductive cycle affects the maturity of the egg, the possibility of its fertilization and attachment inside the uterus. When diagnosing, the absence of ovulation or insufficiency of hormones that ensure gestation are noted.

This disorder often provokes endocrine infertility. A reproductive specialist or obstetrician-gynecologist will advise you on how to correctly correct irregular ovulation or irregular menstruation. Identifying the causes helps to cope with most of these conditions using conservative methods.

Important! Age-related menstrual irregularities in girls are considered normal. But if a normal cycle is not established for more than two years, then there is a danger that the reproductive processes are not starting correctly. In this case, only a doctor can determine whether treatment is required or observation is sufficient. In the best case, after the first birth, a regular cycle is established.

What to do if the cycle is unstable and the reason is not immediately clear? In any case, the body signals a problem and urgently demands to normalize the regime, nutrition, and habits.

What to pay attention to:

  1. Reduce stress levels, avoid severe anxiety, and if impossible, choose an adequate sedative.
  2. Sleep of sufficient duration in the dark. Some hormone formation processes occur only during sleep at night.
  3. Avoid strict diets. Strict restriction of fats provokes an irregular monthly cycle. The female body required good nutrition, intake of sufficient amounts of proteins and light carbohydrates.
  4. Supplement the diet if necessary multivitamin complexes and taking “female” vitamins (E, C, folic acid, routine).
  5. Reduce physical activity at their intensity. Increase activity if there is insufficiency. Physical education is important for women's health, but not heavy sports.

Often small changes in behavior or nutrition are enough for everything to return to normal. Your doctor will determine why your periods are not regular. If the reason lies deeper, then positive changes in lifestyle will make it faster and easier to cope with any disease. Any medication or surgical treatment will be more effective.

Let us remember that the regulation of all processes in the female reproductive system begins with the head. Emotional, stress factor is one of the most important in the occurrence of many diseases. Take care of your peace of mind and balance, provide yourself with not only work, but also rest. All glands internal secretion, working normally, will help restore the lost balance.

What do menstruation mean? Of course, oh women's health. The cycle has gone astray, clots have appeared, the discharge has become abundant or scanty, its color has changed - the body tells you: perhaps you have health problems?

We’ll talk about what periods can tell you on the women’s website “Beautiful and Successful.”

Normal cycle

What regular periods mean is clear to everyone - everything is in order with a woman’s reproductive health:

  • Firstly, the onset of menstruation indicates that the woman is not pregnant. This is especially true for unwanted pregnancies.
  • Secondly, menstruation indicates that a woman does not have diarrhea, which means that the body continues to produce hormones that are responsible for the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Thirdly, during menstruation, a natural process occurs in a woman’s body to get rid of excess iron in the blood, which eliminates it excess accumulation and disturbance of iron metabolism. An excess of iron in the body leads to a serious disease - hemochromatosis. By the way, to avoid this problem, men are recommended to periodically undergo bloodletting.

Most women with a normal cycle can be said to be lucky in this regard.

Each woman's period has its own “character”.

The main thing is that they are regular and do not bring noticeable discomfort. Regular menstruation is considered to be one that occurs in a timely manner (approximately once a month), and is characterized by normal amount discharge and its consistency (not too abundant and not too scanty), a certain color and smell, as well as normal duration (not less than 3 and not more than 7 days).

But sometimes there are periods in a woman’s life when menstruation raises a number of questions:

  • What does a delay in menstruation indicate, besides pregnancy?
  • What do painful periods, heavy or scanty, mean?
  • What do blood clots during menstruation or brown (black, pink) color of discharge indicate?

Any deviations from the norm may indicate that something is wrong with your health.

Delayed menstruation

The absence of menstruation can be natural during pregnancy, breastfeeding or the onset of menopause. But the delay may occur not only because of this.

What else does the absence of menstruation mean? There are several reasons that cause this condition, and they are not always directly related to gynecological problems.


The cycle may go wrong, and menstruation may not come on time if a woman suddenly loses weight. Very often modern women are looking for radical ways to combat overweight and turn to all sorts of fast diets, as a result of which the weight drops sharply and the formation of hormones responsible for the functioning of the ovaries is disrupted. Mono-diets are especially dangerous, excluding meat products, eggs and fish from the diet.

Being underweight can cause amenorrhea - complete absence menstruation

Why is this happening? Nature laid down main function feminine principle to procreation. If a woman loses weight sharply (more than 10-15% of her total weight during short period time) with prolonged fasting, the body receives a signal about the impossibility of fully bearing a child: “they are approaching hard times and you can’t get pregnant!”

Therefore, the egg cannot be released for fertilization, and the endometrium, which is supposed to receive the egg, cannot be rejected either.

The reproductive system pauses - there are no periods.

Also, a delay in menstruation can occur when overweight. In this case, the hormone estrogen accumulates in the fat layer, the excess of which affects the regularity of menstruation - they either stop altogether or begin at the wrong time.

That is, too thin women(below 45-47 kg) you need to gain weight, and plump people need to lose it. With normalization of weight, the cycle will be restored. A nutritionist and an endocrinologist will help remove this cause of delayed menstruation.


What can a missed period tell you about, other than pregnancy? Natural Changes hormonal levels occur with the onset of menopause - the production of hormones in the ovaries ceases. They may also stop producing due to malfunctions. hormonal system in more at a young age.

Especially often, women experience cycle failure due to thyroid dysfunction (excessive or insufficient activity).

Therefore, if menstruation is late, if gynecological reason excluded, the woman is most often referred for a thyroid gland test and determination of the condition. A referral for examination is issued by an endocrinologist.

Contraceptive drugs

Taking contraceptives can cause a delay in menstruation. This reason is especially relevant at the very beginning of treatment. hormonal contraceptives when the body needs time to adjust to a new amount of hormones.

Other reasons

  • Menstruation may occur irregularly when gynecological diseases associated with a violation of the integrity of the inner layer of the uterus, whether spontaneous miscarriages or abortions.
  • Menstruation may not come on time due to climate change, after stress and from excessive physical exertion.

What do heavy or scanty periods mean?

Normal menstruation is characterized by a certain amount of discharge - on average 50 ml of blood. If the volume of discharge exceeds or decreases, they speak of hypermenoria (heavy periods) or hypomenoria (scanty periods).

Heavy periods

The main signs of heavy periods:

  • Clots come out along with the blood.
  • The largest gaskets have to be changed almost every hour.
  • The discharge is accompanied aching pain lower abdomen.
  • Menstruation may occur several times per cycle.
  • The duration of menstruation is more than 7 days.

What do heavy periods (menorrhagia) mean?

  • If your periods were normal before, but this time they are very strong and unusual in nature, then perhaps you were pregnant and had a miscarriage.
  • Menstruation may be heavy during an unsteady cycle in teenage girls and menopausal women. During such periods there is an establishment hormonal balance, and there may be system malfunctions.
  • Menstruation is characterized by particular abundance in various gynecological diseases - fibroids, endometriosis, adenomyosis, and cancer. The exact cause is determined by the gynecologist.

Scanty periods

You should not ignore scanty periods, which are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Small amount of blood (less than 50 ml). This may be a small amount of light brown drops or “smudge” on the gasket;
  • Short duration of menstruation - up to two days or scanty discharge throughout long period menstruation – more than 10 days.
  • Absence of any nagging (spasmodic) pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Decreased sexual desire due to lack of estrogen.

What do scanty periods mean?

  • First of all, scanty periods indicate a violation of hormonal levels in the body.
  • Just as with heavy periods, the cause of hypomenoria can be gynecological diseases associated with disruption of the reproductive system: ovarian dysfunction, tumors (malignant and benign), endometriosis, miscarriage, inflammatory processes of female organs.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland are also considered one of the reasons why discharge during menstruation may be scanty.
  • The same reasons that cause a delay in menstruation can reduce the amount of discharge: significant sudden weight loss or obesity, stress, taking contraceptives.
  • Menstruation may be scanty or completely absent during lactation - breastfeeding.
  • The amount of discharge may decrease if the body is intoxicated.

Both with heavy and scanty periods, a woman should definitely consult a doctor and get recommendations on how to regulate her cycle.

What do periods mean: clots in discharge

The blood during menstruation may contain small clots - particles of exfoliated endometrium and epithelium. This is fine. But the secretions also contain enzymes that liquefy clots.

Therefore, the appearance of large clots is not considered normal. What do blood clots mean during menstruation? Their appearance signals excessive growth of the inner layer of the uterus, which begins to be rejected during menstruation.

  • A common cause of strong clots is adenomyosis - the formation in the uterus of tissue similar to mucous membrane, which during menstruation begins to be rejected and come out.
  • Blood clots can be rejected due to fibroids, uterine fibroids, and polyps on the female organs.
  • The appearance of clots is accompanied by termination of pregnancy.
  • Clots can also appear due to a blood clotting disorder.

In any case, the diagnosis is made by a doctor; on the website we only point out possible reasons pathologies, so that you do not hesitate to contact specialists.

What does the color of menstrual discharge tell you?

The color and smell of menstrual discharge can tell you about women's health. Normally, they should be a natural, not too bright red color, without a repulsive pungent odor.

Changes in color and odor indicate possible problems in women's health:

  • Brown discharge is observed after intrauterine interventions, with scanty periods, and with endometritis. Also such brown discharge may occur during initial use of contraceptive drugs. At the same time pain, as a rule, is not observed, but there is a characteristic repulsive odor of discharge.
  • Black dark discharge should also alert a woman - they report pathological abnormalities. Black spotting in the first days of the expected menstruation may indicate that the woman is pregnant.
  • Dark discharge may occur during the onset of menopause, as well as on the days of expected menstruation.
  • Too much fluid can also indicate a malfunction in the body. watery discharge light (pink) color, which is not typical for normal menstruation.

The female body is unique: monthly menstruation indicates that something is wrong with your health. It is enough to pay attention to the regularity, color and consistency of the discharge in order to seek help in time.

Any deviations that raise doubts or questions should be the reason to consult a doctor. Watch your health!


The menstrual cycle is a reproductive mechanism launched in the body of every healthy woman of fertile (childbearing age), ensuring a woman’s ability to conceive and bear a child.

The stability and regularity of this cycle affects the overall well-being of a woman, her condition, activity and mood.

How it happens

The functioning of the menstrual cycle depends on the central nervous system and hormonal levels - the balance of sex hormones - progesterone and estrogen, the production of which is responsible for the ovaries. Depending on the hormones produced by the ovaries, hormones appear main gland– the pituitary gland, but if there are few female sex hormones, then the pituitary gland stimulates their greater production, and this also happens in the opposite case.

The pituitary gland, as part of stimulating the normal menstrual cycle (MC), acts in three directions:

  • stimulates the release of the follicle, the maturation of the egg in the first half of the MC;
  • stimulates the release of the egg and the production of progesterone in the future, if conception has occurred;
  • promotes the production of prolactin - to provide for the baby breast milk after childbirth.

The pituitary gland is affected by the central nervous system (nervous system) and its department, which corrects the work endocrine system– hypothalamus. It is in this area that hormones that inhibit or inhibit, depending on the need, the production of gonadotropic pituitary hormones are not located and are constantly produced. At the head of the entire hierarchy is the cerebral cortex.

Ovarian cyst

Often, due to impaired maturation of the follicular component, accumulation of fluid in the cavity, benign education– cyst.

It can often be diagnosed in fertile women. The cyst may disappear and appear on its own. The disease occurs in 70 percent of women. Ovarian cysts are classified according to the area of ​​occurrence:

  • follicular;
  • corpus luteum cyst;
  • paraovarian.

If the cyst does not go away within 1-2 cycles or does not disappear after childbirth in pregnant women, it must be removed surgically.

Failures in the cycle, why they happen

We can observe in most women irregular cycle. Few people can boast that their periods begin on the same day of the month. Why is this happening? The first and obvious reason: ideally, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. Therefore, if your period began on January 6, then after 28 days it will begin on February 3–4, and then on March 1–2 and March 31–April 1. After all, every month different number days, and the cycle normally may be delayed by 1–2 days. On average, it is expected that the cycle can be from 24 to 35 days. For many women, their cycle changes every month.

Another reason is disorders in the woman’s body. This includes nervous experiences, malfunction of the pituitary gland, ailments of the hormonal system, infections, inflammation, bad habits, excessive physical activity, heavy lifting, taking certain medications, blood diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases, oncology, etc. The cycle may be affected by unsuccessful surgical interventions about gynecological problems, as well as injuries and damage to the uterus, diseases of the appendages, hypothermia.

What types of MC violations are there?

Since the cycle functioning mechanism is started different departments in the body, then the classification of MC disorders is based on where exactly the regulation is disrupted. Cycle failures are distinguished at levels:

  • cortex and hypothalamus;
  • pituitary gland;
  • ovaries;
  • uterus;
  • thyroid gland;
  • adrenal glands

If violations occur in one of the listed departments, the MC also fails. After stressful situations, severe fright or prolonged nervous tension, the pituitary gland suffers, not releasing the required amount of hormone for the cyclic maturation of the egg. There is no ovulation - no menstruation occurs either.

If the function of the hypothalamus is impaired, the ovaries may reduce estrogen production, so egg maturation will not occur within a given cycle. Perhaps the failure in the MC is associated with damage to the ovaries up to their fibrosis, which results in a decrease in the number of follicles ready to create an egg during the menstrual cycle. Follicles are formed individually during the period intrauterine development fetus

How to determine that a failure has occurred in the MC

MC disorders are divided into the complete absence of menstruation - amenorrhea and the presence of scanty discharge not menstrual type at inopportune times.

Another intermediate failure is observed if the intervals between previously regularly occurring menstruation have changed, the intensity of bleeding has increased or decreased, and erratic menstruation has appeared.

Basic obvious signs failures:

  • the volume of discharge changes – hyper- or hypomenorrhea;
  • the period of discharge has shortened - if previously menstruation lasted for 7 days, now this period has been reduced to 3–4, for example;
  • the discharge period has increased;
  • The usual rhythm of menstruation has been disrupted - periods appear either twice a month, or there is a 90-day break.

Hypomenorrhea - scarcity of discharge occurs due to decreased activity of the pituitary gland and hardening of the ovaries. Menorrhagia is prolonged, heavy menstruation, accompanied by pain and blood loss, lasting up to 2 weeks. Such phenomena occur during the formation of a cycle in adolescence and during hormonal decline in the premenopausal period. At fertile age, such disruptions occur from chronic diseases of the uterus, fibroids and the presence of polyps.

Any cycle disorders require attention and timely consultation with your gynecologist.

It just so happened that reproductive function is activated in the girl’s body at the moment when she does not care about this function at all. Having just put the dolls aside, the girl is faced with a whole series of little-understood processes occurring in her body, which immediately begin to be heatedly discussed among her peers, with consultations from those who are older. And mothers in this situation do not always rise to the occasion, since they themselves are poorly versed in this topic.

So, let’s figure out once and for all what happens to you every month, dear women, what is considered normal, what should alert you.

Most women answer a question about the length of their menstrual cycle with a similar phrase “about once a month, a couple of days earlier than in previous month» - this intricate phrase denotes the duration of the cycle of 28 days. This cycle length occurs in most healthy women, but does this mean that a shorter or longer cycle is a manifestation of pathology? No!

Recognized that a normal menstrual cycle can last from 21 to 35 days, that is, plus or minus a week from the average of 28 days. The duration of menstruation itself can normally range from 2 to 6 days, and the volume of blood lost should be no more than 80 ml. A longer cycle occurs among residents of the northern regions, a shorter cycle among those living in the southern regions, but this is not an absolute pattern.

IN menstrual cycle What is important is its regularity. That is, if a woman’s cycle is always 35-36 days, then this can be absolutely normal for her, but if it is either 26, then 35, then 21, this is not the norm. Thus, Irregularity can be considered a pathology(when menstruation comes at an uneven period of time), long cycle(more than 36 days) or short cycle(less than 21 days). In general, the menstrual cycle can vary greatly depending on the condition of the woman and the situation in which she finds herself.

However, different women lability of the menstrual cycle depending on external and internal factors can be different. For some, a little stress can already lead to a delay in menstruation, while for others, severe depression is not a reason for menstrual irregularities. One woman's menstrual cycle can match another's if they long time exist together. This is often seen on women's sports teams or when living together in a dorm. It is not entirely clear what explains this fact. All we can say is that menstrual cycle although there is a clear mechanism, but may vary significantly in a normal healthy woman and these changes are a reflection of the body’s reaction to external and internal factors.

The menstrual cycle is not always stable

The most irregular period is the first two years after the start of menstruation and three years before its end (menopause). Violations during these periods are due entirely physiological reasons, which we will talk about below.

Where do these numbers come from and why might they change?

The menstrual cycle is divided into three phases: menstruation, the first phase (follicular) and the second phase (luteal). Menstruation lasts on average 4 days. During this phase, the lining of the uterus (endometrium) is shed due to failure to become pregnant.

First phase lasts from the end of menstruation until ovulation, that is, on average until the 14th day of the cycle with a 28-day cycle (the days of the cycle are counted from the moment the menstruation begins).

This phase is characterized by the following events: several follicles begin to grow in the ovaries (from birth, the ovaries contain a lot of small vesicles (follicles) containing eggs). During their growth, these follicles secrete estrogens (female sexual hormones) into the blood, under the influence of which the mucous membrane (endometrium) grows in the uterus.

Shortly before the 14th day of the cycle, all follicles except one stop growing and regress, and one grows to an average of 20 mm and bursts under the influence of special stimuli. This process is called ovulation. An egg emerges from a ruptured follicle and enters the fallopian tube, where she waits for the sperm. The edges of the ruptured follicle gather (like a flower closing for the night) and this formation is now called the “corpus luteum.”

Starts immediately after ovulation second phase of the cycle. It lasts from the moment of ovulation until the start of menstruation, that is, about 12-14 days. During this phase, the woman's body waits for the pregnancy to begin. In the ovary, the “corpus luteum” blossoms, formed from a burst follicle. corpus luteum grows into blood vessels and begins to secrete another female sexual hormone (progesterone) into the blood, which prepares the uterine mucosa for the attachment of a fertilized egg and the onset of pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, then a signal is sent to the corpus luteum and it curtails its work.

When the corpus luteum stops secreting progesterone, a signal is sent to the uterus, and it begins to reject the no longer needed endometrium. Menstruation begins.

With different cycle lengths, the duration of the phases is reduced - this means that one woman needs 10 days for the follicle to mature, while another needs 15-16.

Having understood what the menstrual cycle consists of, it is easy to understand what determines its duration normally and in the presence of pathology.

Why is everything often unstable at the very beginning and then, after childbirth, it gets better?

The female reproductive system matures gradually, and being a complex mechanism, requires a setup period. The fact that a girl's first menstruation occurs does not mean that its system is mature and ready to fully operate(although for some, the menstrual cycle starts working correctly from the very beginning).

The functioning of the female reproductive system can best be compared to an orchestra, the coordinated play of all instruments of which creates a unique sound piece of music- in our case regular menstrual cycle. Just as the instruments in an orchestra require a period of tuning, all components of the reproductive system need to agree with each other to understand and work together harmoniously. Such a rehearsal usually takes about 6 months - for some it is longer, for others it is shorter, and for others it may take longer.

Why do there be delays or do my periods start earlier?

Everything is very simple - if during the first phase of the cycle it is not possible to grow a full-fledged follicle, which could burst in the middle of the cycle (ovulation), then the second phase of the cycle, accordingly, does not begin (no ovulation - there is nothing to form the corpus luteum from). The first phase lasts a long time, until the uterine mucosa (endometrium), which has grown under the influence of estrogen, begins to be rejected on its own (like a pyramid of cubes collapses when it is stood too high). The cycle in this situation can last up to several months.

In this case, in the next cycle, ovulation may occur and the cycle will have a normal length. When such alternation occurs, they speak of an irregular menstrual cycle.

Another reason for delayed menstruation may be too long existence of the corpus luteum. As I noted above, it lives for about 10 days and then begins to curtail its work, since pregnancy has not occurred. But sometimes it happens that despite the fact that pregnancy has not occurred, the corpus luteum continues its work and menstruation does not occur, and occurs only when the corpus luteum finally decides to leave.

More earlier onset of menstruation This is usually due to the fact that the notorious corpus luteum, on the contrary, stops its work too early. This leads to more early start menstruation.

Remember how the orchestra sounds when it tunes its instruments - the same cacophony from the menstrual cycle is often observed at the beginning. The components of the reproductive system negotiate between them so that they can grow a follicle in 14 days, start the ovulation process, and maintain the functioning of the corpus luteum for at least 10 days. At the beginning, she does not succeed in all stages of this work and this is manifested by an irregular menstrual cycle.

But this adjustment can be seriously interfered with by the person himself. Nothing has such a negative effect on the development of the reproductive system as stress(intensive study, exams, unhappy love), intensive sports training, extreme weight loss, frequent illnesses, smoking, alcohol and drugs. Against the backdrop of all of the above, quite often periods disappear and then you have to wait a long time for them. And the reason is very simple, I would say there is simple biological expediency in this - in extreme conditions life and when, for health reasons, a woman cannot bear healthy offspring - reproductive function turns off until better times. It’s not for nothing that during the war, most women stopped menstruating; this phenomenon was even given a special term “wartime amenorrhea.”

What to do about it?

Let me make it clear right away that I don’t take into account various diseases, I'm talking about some common menstrual cycle adjustment problems. Such cycle disorders are solved by taking hormonal contraception. Here we need to return again to the comparison with the orchestra. If the orchestra starts to go out of tune, you must stop playing completely, give the musicians a rest and start again. Hormonal contraception does just that. She turns off the reproductive system and “rests” the entire time she takes contraception. Then, after its cancellation, the system begins to work again and, as a rule, the cycle failures disappear.

Why does the cycle quite often become stable after childbirth, and sexuality flourishes?

The orchestra can rehearse as much as it wants, but it is finally played only when it performs its first concert from beginning to end. Pregnancy is the only purpose for which the reproductive system is designed in the body. Only after the first full pregnancy After childbirth and the period of breastfeeding, the reproductive system matures completely, since during this period all the functions provided by nature are realized. After pregnancy, a woman finally matures and all the not fully “unpacked” properties of the body finally begin to work in full force.

The reproductive system must be used for its intended purpose - this is important; menstruation is not a function of the reproductive system, but a monthly reminder that it exists at all and is still working.

Let's step beyond 30...

Time passes, the reproductive system, which on average is allotted to exist in working order for 38 years (from 13 to 51), instead of performing its function is limited only to regular menstruation.

For reference: on average, a woman experiences about 400 menstruation during her life (with 2 births) and loses about 32 liters of blood, while during reproductive behavior (pregnancy, childbirth, 3 years of breastfeeding, and only then 1-2 menstruation and pregnancy again ) there are about 40 menstruation periods.

In addition, as a woman ages, her history of various gynecological and common diseases , and all this begins to affect the state of the reproductive system and, therefore, is reflected in menstrual irregularities. Inflammation, abortion, gynecological operations, overweight or underweight, general chronic diseases may cause problems.

Menstrual irregularities in the form of delays or earlier onset of menstruation a couple of times a year can occur even in the absence of any pathology.

As a rule, this is due to climate change or other stresses on the body (illness, hard work, personal problems, etc.). All nervous professions can lead to either delays in menstruation, their earlier onset or complete cessation.

Every woman is different, so everyone's cycle will change differently depending on the type of stress response and the phase of the cycle in which it occurs. For most women nervous work have no effect on their menstrual cycle at all. Cycle disorders, especially if it was stable before, often make a woman think that something is wrong with her. Not in all cases you need to panic.

If you can clearly remember any negative events in the recent past that greatly shocked you, then most likely this is a one-time cycle disruption and there is nothing wrong with it. If there is no menstruation for a very long time (and the pregnancy test is negative), then you need to consult a doctor. If menstruation came earlier and does not end, this is also a reason to hurry up for an examination with a gynecologist.

Sometimes Cyclic disorders can manifest as very frequent menstruation(several times a month). And there is no need to delay it - see a doctor immediately.
But if the regularity of the cycle disappears completely– this is also a reason to see a doctor.

Regularity– the main indicator of the normal functioning of the reproductive system. Sometimes it happens that a cycle had one duration and suddenly becomes shorter while maintaining its regularity. As a rule, this is due to the fact that the second phase of the cycle becomes shorter, as the corpus luteum begins to work less. Such changes are more often observed closer to 40 years. This is not a reason to panic, but simply a reflection that your reproductive system will change as you age, just like you.

Early menopause

This is one of the very common fears of women. In fact, this fear is exaggerated, since early menopause quite rare. It is mainly due to rare congenital diseases, rare systemic diseases, a consequence of treatment (chemotherapy, radiation therapy for oncological diseases) and other rare conditions. There are situations when, due to surgical intervention A woman's ovary or part of it is removed. Then menopause may occur earlier due to the fact that there is little tissue left in the ovaries that could support normal operation reproductive system.

Early menopause As a rule, it is manifested by the cessation of menstruation and the appearance of symptoms of insufficiency of female sex hormones (hot flashes, irritability, tearfulness, insomnia, etc.). There is no prevention of this disease.

Painful periods and PMS

For some reason it is generally accepted that Feeling unwell during menstruation is normal. Presence of pain, nausea, migraines during menstruation is not normal. This condition of painful menstruation is called dysmenorrhea and requires treatment. Even if these phenomena are expressed insignificantly, they can and should be corrected.

Dysmenorrhea it happens like primary(most often at a young age), when it is most likely due to simply the immaturity of the reproductive system and secondary– when it is a reflection of a number of serious gynecological diseases.

The same applies to premenstrual syndrome. In general, the widespread popularization of this syndrome allows women to attribute their sometimes not entirely adequate actions and behavior to manifestations of this syndrome. However, PMS is not a woman’s personality trait., which everyone has to put up with. PMS is a disease, which has incompletely studied causes, a whole list of symptoms and specific therapeutic measures. Manifestations of PMS can and should be corrected. Taking monthly illness for granted in modern conditions is wrong. If you have such problems, consult a doctor.

How it all ends

Decline of the reproductive system usually occurs in the same way as its formation. Menstruation becomes irregular and there is a tendency to be delayed. This is due to the same reasons as in the beginning.

The ovaries respond less well to stimuli from the brain. It is not possible to grow follicles that could reach ovulation - accordingly, the cycle is delayed. If ovulation occurs periodically, the resulting corpus luteum does not work well. Because of this, periods either start earlier or, on the contrary, are delayed for a long time. Eventually your periods will stop, and if you haven't had them for more than 6 months, you should see a doctor. Based on hormonal tests and ultrasound can suggest the onset of menopause.

Sometimes there are cases when menstruation stops for a long time, and according to tests and ultrasound, the onset of menopause is expected. This can be especially frightening for young women. However, this may only be a temporary period, and menstruation may resume on its own, for example after proper rest.

Thus, the myth that 28 days is the norm and everything that differs from this figure is pathology has been debunked. The main thing in the menstrual cycle is its regularity, and the duration of the cycle can fluctuate over a wide range.

And yet, there is a simple rule: if you regularly undergo preventive examinations with a gynecologist (at least once a year), if any violations appear, do not put off an “unpleasant” trip to the gynecologist - then you will almost never have serious gynecological problems.