My period came earlier - what does this mean? For what reasons can menstruation come earlier than expected? Why is it possible to get your period early?

Grade menstrual cyclemain indicator health of the woman's reproductive system. That is why it is so important for a woman to monitor the timing of her periods and note the amount and nature of bleeding. However, every girl at least once in her life has faced the question of why her period came. ahead of schedule and what are the reasons? It is with this actual problem we'll figure it out today.

Why did your period come early: reasons

No gynecologist can give a definite answer to this question. Doctors tend to talk about the polyetiological nature of this phenomenon. This means that premature periods do not occur for one specific reason. Early menstruation is observed only when the girl has been exposed to the influence of a whole complex external factors. These pathological factors may be:

  • Stressful influences, previous psycho-emotional stress. In this case, there is a powerful effect on the cortical and subcortical structures of the brain, which means that the synthesis of hormones changes, which leads to early offensive menstruation With mild emotional stress, periods are delayed by a week, with severe stress - by 2 weeks or more. When stress agents are eliminated, the cycle is restored on its own by the next month.
  • Another reason is hard physical labor. If during the premenstrual period a girl overdid it with exercise in the gym or rearranged all the furniture in the room on her own, then you should not be surprised that your period came a week ahead of schedule.
  • Presence of concomitant somatic pathology: ARVI, influenza and others viral infections lead to a malfunction of all body systems, especially reproductive and hormonal.
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the uterus: endometritis, salpingitis, salpingoophoritis, etc. All these diseases lead to disruption of the uterine menstrual cycle; proliferation and desquamation of the uterine epithelium occurs much faster, which leads to menstruation a week or two ahead of schedule.
  • Change of climate zone: flights, moving to another city will not go unnoticed for the girl’s health. They are one of the most common reasons.
  • Menstruation may occur 5-10 days ahead of schedule if the girl started taking it the day before. birth control pills. This is how the body adapts to the new hormonal levels. Early menstruation in this case is not a reason to panic; everything is restored from the next cycle.
  • Changes in diet. The desire to be as slim as the models on the covers of glossy magazines leads to girls exhausting themselves with diets and hunger. However, the female body is designed in such a way that without the proper intake of fats and carbohydrates, the production of sex hormones stops. This leads to the fact that at first menstruation comes a week or two weeks ahead of schedule, after which the menstrual cycle lengthens, and then menstruation stops altogether.
  • Chronic poisoning and intoxication: smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol and spirits, food poisoning.

My period started 2 weeks after the previous one

Normally, menstruation can come just 14 days after the last one. This is typical for women who have a short menstrual cycle - 21 days. The menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of menstruation. If the cycle is 3 weeks, then it turns out that the next period occurs just 2 weeks after the previous ones.

Important video: Reasons for starting your period early

When early periods are dangerous to your health?

“Pseudomenstruation” poses a health hazard. This term refers to uterine bleeding, which women confuse with normal menstruation. Uterine bleeding occurs on any day of the cycle: a week or 2 earlier, 5 days earlier. If you don't recognize it in time uterine bleeding, then ultimately this leads to loss reproductive function– infertility.

The situation when menstruation began a week earlier is well known to many. A woman's body can sometimes malfunction. Usually, if your period is just a couple of days early, there is no need to worry. But what to do if a similar situation repeats every month, and this whole process is accompanied by unpleasant and sometimes even painful symptoms?

If your period comes early, there may be health problems. To understand what caused this failure, it is recommended to contact a gynecologist and undergo an examination. This will help clarify the situation. So why does your period come early?

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    Causes of premature periods

    On general condition women can be influenced by many factors. Many of them are the cause of such deviations. As a rule, these include:

    • Mental experiences. If your periods started earlier, your regular periods may be to blame. stressful situations, certain life shocks. Such factors can introduce changes into an already completed cycle.
    • Excessive physical activity. A fairly common reason. If you regularly tire the body, especially during the period of ovulation, this will certainly cause menstruation two, five, or even ten days ahead of schedule.
    • Weight loss. Perhaps due to excessive fatigue, nerves or a strict diet, the woman began to rapidly lose weight. Such phenomena can provoke changes in the menstrual cycle.
    • Hard sex. Intimacy, in which rough movements were present, can provoke premature menstruation. In addition, in some cases it may be ordinary bleeding and nothing more.
    • Maybe, spotting, it's not what you think. Many women confuse uterine bleeding with menstruation. In this case, the cause is trauma to the uterus, inflammatory processes, tumors or other pathologies.
    • Sometimes future motherhood can be the answer to the question of why your period came early. It seemed like how could this be? In this case, on the contrary, there should be a delay. This is explained by the fact that at 6-7 weeks the embryo begins to implant into the wall of the uterus. This process causes damage blood vessels, which is what causes bleeding.
    • An ectopic pregnancy can affect the processes when arbitrary abortion occurs. Such situations are very dangerous; it is necessary to provide the woman with immediate hospitalization and surgical intervention.
    • Many women use it to prevent unwanted pregnancy. oral contraceptives. Taking them regularly leads to this imbalance.
    • Menstruation that began 5 or more days ahead of schedule may be a consequence infectious diseases which are sexually transmitted.

    There is no need to worry, much less panic, if early periods bother a young girl; during this period the cycle has not yet fully formed. You can also be calm at a later age, when a woman’s reproductive functions begin to fade.

    Associated symptoms

    Peculiarities early menstruation depend on many reasons. For example, if such events are caused by disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, then the woman will behave accordingly - she will become nervous, irritable, and tearful.

    Often, the menstrual cycle ahead of time can trigger headaches. It could also be nausea, which most girls take as a sign of pregnancy. In most cases, there is a loss of strength, depressed mood, touchiness, and tears for no reason. Some women may experience sleep disorders.

    Menstruation can start early quite often, and this happens for most women. It all depends on your state of health. The process is different for everyone. It is worth paying attention that when menstruation begins ahead of schedule, heavy discharge may be observed. If a woman is watching blood clots Most likely, the cause of everything is a hormonal disorder. If the discharge is not so abundant, it is most often felt nagging pain lower abdomen, which can give into lumbar region Perhaps an infection is to blame.

    How to recognize pregnancy?

    It is worth considering separately the case when menstruation began earlier due to pregnancy. Even with regular contraception, if a woman is active sex life, then the probability of getting pregnant still exists, even if it is insignificant. You should definitely purchase a pregnancy test at the pharmacy if early menstruation is accompanied by the following features:

    • menstruation was able to start 4 days ahead of schedule;
    • the blood has changed its color - it is pale brown, or, conversely, bright pink;
    • the abundance of discharge has noticeably decreased;
    • menstruation lasts less time than usual, for some it lasts 2-3 days, or just one day;

    It is the above differences that confirm that fertilization has occurred and the fetus is implanted in the uterus.

    How many days earlier did your period start?

    Depending on exactly how many days your period started ahead of schedule, it depends what was the main factor.

    The functioning of the female reproductive system is carried out by several organs. That is why, if one of them fails, the rest of the processes may not go according to plan. You should definitely consult a doctor; during the study, diseases may be discovered: from pathologies in the uterus to problems with the brain.

    1. 1. Menstruation came earlier by 5 days or less.

    Why did my period start 5 days earlier?

    The female body is so fragile and vulnerable that such a deviation can occur due to a common cold. Basically, such processes provoke disturbances in the blood circulation.

    Menstruation ahead of schedule often occurs due to unfavorable conditions environment. This can happen when there is a need to urgently change your place of residence or move to another country. As a result of acclimatization, the body experiences stress, even if it is a trip for tourism purposes.

    Minor deviations can occur as a result of a strict diet, when the amount of useful substances coming from food. The body is in under stress, therefore, menstruation 5 days earlier is not a reason to panic.

    A slight deviation can cause emotional overload.

    1. 2. Menstruation started a week earlier.

    If your period comes a week earlier, and a similar situation worries a woman more than once, perhaps the reason for this is hyperestrogenism. In this situation, the hormone estrogen is produced much more than necessary.

    In this case, there is a lack of luteic acid. It should be remembered that pregnancy is completely excluded here, because, most likely, it has not even reached ovulation.

    When your period started a week earlier, you need to take a closer look at yourself, perhaps the reason lies on the surface. This often occurs due to excess body weight. It is enough to lose weight, and the cycle will normalize.

    But the reasons may be deeper and more serious, for example, the presence of various cysts and tumors on the internal genital organs of a woman. Taking certain medications can also affect the processes. To confirm the diagnosis, you need to take a blood test.

    If your period comes a week earlier, it may be due to inflammation. It may occur in fallopian tubes, in the uterus itself or on the ovaries. The discharge changes color and becomes scarlet, and clots may be present. Such discharge may indicate the presence of fibroids, endometriosis, or underdevelopment of the reproductive system.

    It is likely that early menstruation is nothing more than uterine bleeding that occurred after her injury, the development of inflammation or tumors.

    1. 3. Menstruation is 10 days earlier.

    The menstrual cycle, which came back in early age, can be restored and formed for quite a long time, up to several years. But even after this, menstruation 10 days earlier is a common occurrence. A number of provoking factors can influence such deviations.

    Perhaps the woman's genetic predisposition is to blame. If your period started 10 days earlier, the first thing you need to do is talk to representatives of the female line - mother and grandmother, and ask if they have experienced similar situations. Probably something similar was constantly encountered among close relatives. In this case, nothing can be done, and it is impossible to influence the processes in the body. You just need to come to terms with this circumstance, because it’s all due to genetics.

    Don’t be surprised if after an abortion or miscarriage, your period comes 10 days earlier. Such troubles often lead to disruptions in the cycle, and menstruation can begin either noticeably earlier or much later.

    Such a discrepancy can appear with a rapid change in body weight: a woman has lost a lot of weight, or, conversely, gained a lot extra pounds ov. The same situation occurs if the body does not receive required quantity nutrients or malnutrition.

    One of the most common reasons This phenomenon in the menstrual cycle is inflammation. It can manifest itself in different ways. These are fibroids, endometriosis, malignant and benign formations.

    The list of such deviations is quite long. The most dangerous thing in this situation is that a woman often simply ignores the situation and does not take the problem seriously. The disease progresses every day. In this case, you need to come to the clinic and seek professional help as quickly as possible.

    As surprising as this may sound, in some cases, this failure occurs due to problems with internal organs. This is why it is so important for a woman to monitor her own health. The situation can be provoked by problems with the liver, kidneys, nervous system and other bodies.

    From this list one thing can be understood: the sooner a woman consults a doctor, the less negative consequences awaits her in the future. For some ladies, the time frame may be noticeably longer. Menstruation 2 weeks earlier - there is a serious deviation or even pathology. You need to urgently go to the gynecologist. The probability of detecting any disease is very high.

    Nature of the discharge

    Many people think that how heavy the discharge during menstruation determines how painful it will be. But that's not true. Even if early menstruation is quite scanty, this does not exclude unpleasant symptoms and even pain. Very often at this time it is observed:

    • nausea;
    • headaches;
    • pain in the lower abdomen that radiates to the lower back;
    • constipation, or vice versa, diarrhea.

    Discharges will be scarce for several reasons:

    • Some time after giving birth. In this case, they occur a little earlier than the expected time and have an uncharacteristic pale brown color.
    • After the curettage procedure. As a rule, this occurs after an abortion, or surgery, for example, removal of polyps.
    • In case of ovarian dysfunction.
    • At genetic predisposition.
    • During inflammatory diseases associated with the internal genital organs of a woman.

    Of course, this is not the entire list of reasons for which scanty periods can be observed. Each lady, due to her individual characteristics, may have many other reasons for this.

    In itself, menstruation ahead of schedule causes concern, but if it is also heavy, you need to seriously think about it. By themselves, the discharge should not be excessively abundant, especially if there are clots. If such a process is still present, this may indicate the presence of:

    • spirals;
    • hormonal imbalance;
    • previous abortion, childbirth;
    • menopause period;
    • endometriosis;
    • uterine fibroids;
    • pathologies of female reproductive function;
    • inflammatory process or pelvic disease;
    • lack of hemoglobin;
    • pathological abnormalities in the uterus.

    What to do in such a situation?

    As with any anomaly, there is only one way to act – to eliminate the root cause of the problem. It is very difficult to independently understand what caused this, so a visit to a specialist is necessary in any case.

    First, you need to calm down and think carefully about everything. Perhaps the reason is not serious pathologies, maybe the woman is simply acting wrong image life, for example, drinks alcohol, takes junk food, constantly lifts weights, does not get enough sleep. In this case, it is enough to reconsider your diet and diet, and the rhythm will normalize by itself. To do this you need:

    • Reduce stress, including not only physical, but also emotional, and reduce regular stressful situations to a minimum.
    • It’s better to talk to your family and provide a comfortable environment at home, it’s better to leave disputes, and completely forget about sorting things out. The house should become a real cozy corner where you can relax.
    • It is very important to review your daily diet and food preparation. During this period, you need to give up processed foods and snacking on sandwiches. Start cooking healthy food with a minimum amount of fat and carbohydrates. Add more fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and seafood.
    • Accept hormonal contraceptives must be done with great caution. It is better to ask your gynecologist for advice before starting to take the drug.

    A period that arrives just 1-2 days ahead of schedule is not considered a failure. This is quite normal. If menstruation occurs 3-4 days earlier every month, it is better to visit the clinic. You should not refuse a detailed examination; perhaps the doctor has some doubts.

    You should not ignore severe pain and bleeding that does not resemble menstrual bleeding. IN pathological condition the blood may be brown or scarlet, with numerous clots. Most often this indicates serious problems. With fainting, nausea, vomiting and dizziness, it is possible to say with a high degree of probability that motherhood is imminent. Otherwise, start treatment, take care of your health, rest more and get enough sleep.

Why menstruation came ahead of schedule is a question that worries many women today. The menstrual cycle is the systematic release of an unfertilized egg from the uterine cavity.

Each woman of childbearing age has her own menstrual cycle, normal course ranges from 26 to 32 days. Each organism has its own characteristics, therefore the cycle of many women is purely individual.

But what to do if your period starts early? Such situations do occur, and this should prompt immediate contact with a doctor. It is considered not to be a problem if the critical days occur the day before the expected date, but if for 5 or more days, then this indicates the presence of deviations from the norm and possible illnesses.

Reasons why your period came early

There is no need to panic prematurely, since only after a thorough examination by a gynecologist can he make a final diagnosis.

The main reasons for the onset of menstruation ahead of schedule include:

  1. Uterine bleeding
    This factor is extremely dangerous and requires immediate contact with a specialist. The fact is that it is almost impossible to detect uterine bleeding on your own. Some women feel a difference, for example, the amount of discharge is different than during menstruation, the stomach hurts more.
    Uterine bleeding can be caused by strokes, mechanical injuries or serious genital tract infections.
  2. Reception emergency contraception
    It is important to know that emergency contraception, for example Postinor, can provoke premature discharge. These types of fights unwanted pregnancy should be used extremely rarely, as they negatively affect reproductive system And hormonal background women.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy
    An ectopic pregnancy can be the cause of early menstruation, although if you look at it, this bleeding has nothing to do with the menstrual cycle. More often, the discharge is accompanied by severe pain that cannot be tolerated. You need to urgently go to the doctor - this condition is dangerous for the woman’s health.
  4. Tumors
    Neoplasms in the uterus and tubes cause bleeding, so it is important to undergo examinations by a gynecologist every six months to exclude the possibility of tumors. Every woman needs to carefully treat her body, and especially those who have not given birth and plan to become a happy mother in the future. Untimely treatment of tumors provokes cancer and often ends surgical intervention and infertility.
  5. Stress
    Stressful situations have a bad effect on the entire vital system, including the reproductive system. It is important for a woman to avoid unnecessary nervous shocks, because it is known that nerves not only affect the menstrual cycle, but are also considered catalysts for many other diseases, including oncology.

There are also small deviations, which in principle do not threaten health, but which should be avoided.

Reasons for menstruation 5 days ahead of schedule:

  • Physical overexertion
    Carrying heavy weights and unusual loads can cause menstruation 5 days earlier. It is worth taking a measured approach physical exercise and do not forget that a woman is a future mother;
  • Cold
    Infections with elevated temperature often cause early critical days. A woman will not be able to influence this in any way, so there is no need to panic, but it is better to see a doctor just in case;
  • Diet
    Desire to lose a few extra pounds over time short term always ends with problems: the arrival of menstrual periods ahead of schedule, inflammation of the stomach, problems with bowel movements.

These are the main reasons, but they can manifest themselves in different dates the arrival of early critical days.

Why did my period come a week early?

Why your period came ahead of schedule can only be determined by a gynecologist. But often, the answer to the question why menstruation came a week earlier is associated with specific malfunctions in the reproductive system.

My period came a week early due to:

  • Increased estrogen
    Hyperestrogenism is observed in women due to failures hormonal system. This disease must be diagnosed in time and treatment started, since with this condition ovulation is very often absent. Bring this state to chronic course The disease is dangerous, a woman risks being left without offspring.
  • Uterine bleeding
    The causes of uterine bleeding can be tumors, such as fibroids, cysts. Rough sex with the use of toys also leads to them - this can lead to injuries to the uterus, after which bleeding immediately begins. It is impossible to stop such discharge at home, and taking medications on your own can lead to fatal outcome. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of uterine bleeding, you should immediately call ambulance or go to the doctor for an appointment without waiting in line.
  • Inflammation
    Inflammatory processes of the reproductive system in advanced stages may be the cause heavy discharge a week ahead of schedule. Often the discharge is scanty, but with clots. Underdevelopment of the reproductive system also leads to premature menstruation.

Period 10 days ahead of schedule

Although the menstrual cycle should follow a strict calendar, deviations are quite common. For example, your period is 10 days early. This situation does not always indicate serious malfunctions. reproductive organs, but it should be an impetus for visiting your gynecologist.

Period 10 days early reason:

  1. Genetic predisposition
    Along with the set of chromosomes, we are also given genetic memory from our parents. Because if the girl’s mother suffered from irregular cycle and the onset of premature menstruation, while examinations showed that the woman is absolutely healthy, then the likelihood of such deviations is high for the daughter.
    But you shouldn’t immediately blame everything on genetics; even if you have a genetic predisposition, it’s worth going through full examination see a gynecologist and exclude the presence of other factors that may affect early menstruation.
  2. Miscarriages, abortions
    If a woman had an abortion the day before or had a miscarriage, then the menstrual cycle will be disrupted for several months in a row. This is due to the normalization of hormonal levels. To avoid these factors, a woman is prescribed after a miscarriage or abortion. drug treatment which will help restart the cycle.
  3. Overweight
    To maintain normal functioning of a woman with excess body weight, she needs to eat a lot healthy products and vitamins. But this is done extremely rarely; it is difficult to establish a constant flow of useful substances when the mass is critically deviated from the norm. Therefore, against the background of a lack of vitamins and minerals, early menstruation may occur.
    A woman needs to see a nutritionist because overweight has a bad effect not only on the female reproductive system, but also on the heart, stomach, joints, liver and kidneys, not to mention aesthetic aspects.

These are the most basic reasons for the arrival of menstruation 10 days earlier, but there are cases when factors combine or lead to the development of further ailments, so a visit to the gynecologist should under no circumstances be postponed.

Pregnancy or menstruation early

My period started early, could this be pregnancy? Let's take a closer look at this.
The main reasons why menstruation comes early have already been clarified. Menstruation and pregnancy are completely different things, but sometimes discharge during pregnancy can be confused with the onset of a period.

During the period of attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus, and this occurs in several stages, but the first manifestations occur a week after ovulation, small discharge may occur.

Women often confuse them with critical days, especially if the pregnancy is unplanned. The strokes are very scanty, often not red, but pink or even brown and they end much faster than ordinary menstruation.

The result of such discharge will make itself felt already in the first week after menstruation, when the woman feels unwell, dizzy and nauseated.
And so, the main reasons for early menstruation have been sorted out. But you should not rely only on your knowledge, because there are often deviations in female body have individual characteristics that only an experienced doctor can recognize after tests, visual examination and ultrasound examination.

Women's health is very important, so you shouldn't let illnesses and diseases get worse, because it's easier to cure a disease at an early stage.

Video why your period came early.

It is the main indicator of the health of the fair sex. Every girl whose cycle has already been established can calculate her periods and find out the approximate date of her next menstruation. But sometimes there are deviations in a woman’s schedule in one direction or another, and this is alarming. Why do I get my period early and should I worry about it? This can happen by various reasons, which can be both harmless and quite serious.

You can distinguish menstruation from implantation bleeding by the nature of the discharge. Menstruation begins gradually. At first the discharge is scanty, then its abundance increases. Duration - from three days to a week. Implantation bleeding will be scanty and will end soon.

After an artificial termination of pregnancy or miscarriage, the cycle may also be disrupted. In this case, the restoration of the cycle occurs independently for some time. Sometimes minor medical intervention may be required.

Breastfeeding can also affect the nature of your menstrual cycle.

Ectopic pregnancy

Early menstruation may occur when ectopic pregnancy. This situation is dangerous to the health and even life of a woman. If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.


Emergency contraception causes menstruation to arrive earlier than expected. These tools should only be used when extreme cases, since their frequent use can lead to health problems. In addition, an IUD that is installed incorrectly can also cause early periods.

Natural age-related changes

As mentioned above, when a girl’s menstrual cycle begins, her periods may be irregular; she often notices that her period started a week earlier or later. Also during menopause, similar disruptions occur.

Change of climate or place of residence

Climate change can have a negative impact on the menstrual cycle. But in this case, everything gets better on its own within a few months. This phenomenon is considered normal.

Injuries and diseases of the female genital area

Bloody discharge may occur due to trauma to the vagina or cervix. The reason is rough sexual intercourse or an incorrectly placed contraceptive. In this case, a woman may think that her period started a week earlier. It is important to accurately determine whether it is menstruation or bleeding in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Bleeding that is not menstruation can provoke inflammatory processes in the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. The appearance of discharge may be associated with endometriosis, fibroids, hypoplasia or underdevelopment of the genital organs, and glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium. Various sexually transmitted infections can also cause scanty discharge, mistaken for menstruation.

Inflammatory processes and colds

A rare cause of failures in female cycle are inflammations and colds. When the body is weakened by illness, a malfunction may occur that leads to premature menstruation. Such periods will be painful due to inflammation. It is necessary to support the immune system, eat right, walk more fresh air.

Physical activity and dieting

Excessive physical activity can lead to the premature onset of critical days. Don't be surprised if your period starts a week earlier after an intense workout. The same consequences are possible after rapid weight loss. From lack nutrients The whole body suffers, blood clotting is impaired. There may be other reasons for this condition, but this can only be revealed after examination.

Taking certain medications, poisoning, or poor nutrition can contribute to the onset of premature menstruation. In addition, premature periods can occur in women who abuse alcohol, smoke or take drugs. Also the reason may be hereditary factors, serious malfunctions internal organs, cardiovascular disorders.

How do premature periods go?

Drowsiness, tearfulness, irritability, minor chest pain, etc. may occur. At inflammatory diseases the process can be quite painful, with pain also felt in the lower back, hips, and groin area. Menstruation ahead of schedule, the reasons for which are hidden in hormonal disorders, accompanied by strong bloody discharge with clots.

What to do when your period comes prematurely

Don't panic right away! First of all, you need to pay attention to the nature and composition of the discharge.

There is no need to worry if this is the first time such a phenomenon has occurred and your health remains normal. Having your period ahead of schedule should not cause concern if there has been a change in climate, severe mental shock, or physical exertion (if menstruation has begun recently). In this situation, it is important to adjust your daily routine and eat right, limit fatty, sweet, and salty foods in your diet, and spend more time in the fresh air. At nervous disorders It would be useful to welcome the weak sedatives or herbal preparations.

If menstruation begins early, the discharge is light and has the character of normal menstruation, but the general tone is reduced, nausea is observed, aching pain or other symptoms, then you should see a doctor as soon as possible; there is no need to call an ambulance.

You should be wary of discharge in large quantities bright scarlet color without lumps. If at the same time your health worsens and you feel faint, you should consult a doctor - such symptoms are characteristic of bleeding. Before the doctor arrives, you need to lie down, apply ice to the lower abdomen, and try not to drink any drinks.

You should also consult a doctor if:

  • failures have been observed for more than a year;
  • menstruation started early and lasts more than seven days;
  • the discharge is abundant and requires frequent changes of hygiene products;
  • in the interval between menstruation there are other discharges;
  • arises severe pain, weakness, fever.

To determine the cause of this phenomenon, the doctor will prescribe necessary tests. Most often this is a smear, hormone analysis, ultrasound examination female organs. In some cases, an MRI may be needed.

Regular menstrual cycle is an important characteristic women's health. If failures occur in this area, if they are not one-time, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist to determine the cause of this condition.

Having your period early is one of the most common causes of female anxiety. IN different periods In life, perhaps, everyone has encountered this phenomenon. Approximately half of women go to the doctor, the other half postpone the visit - some out of fear, others out of frivolity.

Meanwhile, the best thing a woman can do if she has premature periods is to go to a gynecologist, calm her soul, or get a diagnosis that she can work with.

Young girls are especially prone to ruining several wonderful years for themselves, fearing premature periods, suspecting cancer and other misfortunes. The cause may be an easily removable disorder.

Read in this article

Causes of premature menstruation


Sometimes it is enough to have a strong stress, intense training, climate change, time zone or for your period to come earlier.

Having your period five, ten days or even two weeks early is normal in the first two years after puberty and in the first five years of menopause. For young girls and women during the flowering period, changes in the production of prolactin and progesterone are natural. In this case, the doctor prescribes hormonal drugs, and everything falls into place.

In the first year after menarche, the menstrual cycle fluctuates. It is at this time that its formation takes place and its duration is determined. Complete confusion is possible - periods either come twice a month or don’t appear for more than a month. After a year or two, the cycle is established, the young girl calms down. But then comes the first sex. Few people know that it also determines the formation of the cycle. Menstruation after the “first time” may begin 5-14 days earlier or be delayed by the same amount, which causes an alarming thought about pregnancy.

Concerned women often ask: “my period started early, maybe it’s pregnancy”? Yes, it's possible. Early bleeding when pregnancy occurs, it has completely different reasons than menstruation. When the embryo strengthens in the uterus, it disrupts the integrity of the mucous membrane, which leads to. Discharge may also indicate an ectopic pregnancy, which is dangerous to health and life. Quick diagnosis is especially important here.

Premature menstruation is also caused by curettage. In this case, the cycle restores itself after some time. Sometimes minor drug treatment is required.

Premature menstruation can also begin after spontaneous menstruation, which a woman is often unaware of. And even with such a natural process as, the cycle can change and fluctuate. So it's worth asking yourself: is there something going on in my body that is causing hormonal storms? And if so, then there is nothing strange in the discord of your “women’s watches”.

For stability monthly cycle Taking medications that reduce blood clotting, sedatives and antidepressants, as well as installing an IUD in the uterus also affects this.


There are also painful reasons The fact that menstruation begins five to ten days, sometimes two weeks ahead of schedule. There is a small list of reasons why you should bother your doctor:

  • failures for more than a year
  • menstruation is underway
  • discharge is more abundant than usual; Changing pads or tampons is required more than once every two hours
  • appear between periods
  • severe pain during menstruation, pallor and weakness, fever.

In 2011, the International Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists developed a classification of menstrual disorders. Here it is in simple terms:

It should be taken into account that periods come on time or with a slight delay. In addition to this, nagging or aching pain in the lower abdomen may appear. If this is implantation bleeding, then the discharge starts a little earlier...

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