Metabolic syndrome - symptoms and treatment. Signs and treatment of metabolic syndrome

The development of medicine has pushed the causes of death away from infectious diseases. So, in the first place were diseases, one way or another associated with metabolic disorders. Main reasons deaths serve pathological changes blood coagulation system. The resulting blood clots cause blockage of blood vessels and, as a result, the development of heart attacks: myocardium, kidneys, brain (stroke). The beginning of the process is preceded by a violation of food processing, that is, metabolic syndrome, which is currently declared a pandemic of the 21st century. This is due to a sedentary lifestyle and dietary errors. The deposition of fat reserves in the body leads to disruption of the regulation of metabolism, which is divided into two components:

  • Catabolism is the process of spending incoming energy by breaking down proteins, fats and carbohydrates into polypeptide chains;
  • Anabolism is the synthesis of new carbohydrates from the resulting fragments, which are converted into proteins and fats that are used to build body tissues.

An imbalance between these processes leads to a redistribution of energy towards accumulation, which occurs in the fat depot. This is how metabolic syndrome develops, the symptoms of which appear vascular disorders in all organs. But first of all, medium-diameter vessels suffer: arteries and veins.

Causes and factors for the development of metabolic syndrome

The set of symptoms leading to metabolic disorders has one single cause - insulin resistance. The following factors contribute to its development:

  • Genetic;
  • Environmental.

Genetic analysis of pedigrees reveals a predisposition to the development of insulin resistance after one generation. That is, if a grandmother or grandfather had metabolic syndrome, then the granddaughter or grandson is at risk from birth.

People living in extreme conditions rarely develop obesity. The body adjusts to energy expenditure when necessary. Fat reserves are practically not deposited. This condition is inherited, but environmental factors make significant amendments to the underlying genotype. A person finds himself in favorable conditions, energy is not spent, but is stored “for a rainy day.”

The most common version of the development of insulin resistance is physical inactivity in combination with foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates. They are easily broken down, and the saved energy is used for the synthesis of adipose tissue, which is an endocrine organ that requires a constant supply of “fuel”.

However, people with a genetic predisposition develop metabolic syndrome more quickly, and clinical manifestations his is heavier.

Mechanism of development and symptoms of metabolic syndrome

Insulin resistance literally means “unresponsive to insulin.” Insulin is the main hormone metabolic processes. Circulating in the blood nutrients Without the participation of insulin, they cannot penetrate into cells to produce energy. A paradoxical situation arises: there is a lot of glucose in the blood, but the cells experience an acute shortage of carbohydrates. The state of insulin resistance is compensated for some time by increased secretion of the hormone by the pancreas. Then a complete clinical picture develops, characterizing the metabolic syndrome, the symptoms of which are similar to type II diabetes mellitus. The islets of Langerhans in the pancreas become depleted and the production of its own insulin stops.

Metabolic syndrome has the following characteristics:

  • Central (male) type of obesity, diagnostic criterion: waist circumference for men no more than 90 cm and 80 cm for women;
  • Acanthosis nigricans;
  • Arterial hypertension, an increase in the upper limits of blood pressure to 130 mm Hg. Art. and more;
  • Female infertility associated with chronic anovulation.

Complications of metabolic syndrome are similar to those of type II diabetes mellitus.

If signs of insulin resistance are detected, the first step is to change your lifestyle. The lack of physical activity at work and at home is compensated by classes physical culture. It is recommended to start with daily morning exercises.

Quit smoking and alcohol. Both substances have irritant effect on the cannabinoid system, which leads to increased appetite and lack of control over the amount of food consumed.

Changing your diet prevents further development metabolic syndrome, recommendations for treatment of which are primarily aimed at weight loss. Losing weight by 10% of the initial weight reduces the risk by the same percentage cardiovascular diseases.

Important! You should not force weight loss. Losing more than 10% of weight per year leads to increased stress on the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

Metabolic syndrome - diet

In addition to following doctor's orders, if you are obese, you must constantly follow a diet. Returning to your previous lifestyle will cause a relapse of the disease, which is why it is recommended to radically change it.

For metabolic syndrome, the diet includes the exclusion of seasonings that increase appetite. Limiting spicy and salty foods also helps reduce the amount of food and drinks. However, giving up meat is not recommended. It is only necessary to limit their use to once a day.

Limiting or completely eliminating glucose from the diet is achieved by taking sweeteners, which contain a small amount of calories and do not affect insulin synthesis.

To normalize activities gastrointestinal tract Products containing plant fiber are recommended: cabbage, legumes, dried fruits.

In order to prevent the development of arterial hypertension, it is necessary to limit the intake of table salt, replacing it with lemon juice.

When metabolic syndrome develops, the diet is not limited to a set of dishes; it is important to establish a diet: up to 6 times a day with the last meal 3 hours before bedtime. The nature of food intake is also important. You need to eat as slowly as possible, without rushing. Eating quickly does not contribute to satiety until the walls of the overfilled stomach stretch. With the slow absorption of foods, they begin to be processed by enzymes in the oral cavity, and the saturation center already receives signals from the receptors of the gastrointestinal tract.

Prevention of metabolic syndrome

Obesity is recognized as a disease throughout the world, but its development depends on the people themselves. If you tend to be overweight, you need to monitor your health by following a diet and healthy image life.

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Metabolic syndrome in women is not considered an independent disease. This is a complex of metabolic and work disorders cardiovascular system. The disease is called a “pandemic” of the 21st century, as it occurs in almost every second woman after 50 years of age and in 40% of men.

What is metabolic syndrome?

What is metabolic syndrome? This combination metabolic disorders. This term began to be used not so long ago. The American scientist Gerald Riven first defined metabolic dysfunction at the end of the 20th century in his works. In simple terms, with this syndrome, four pathologies “coexist” in the body:

  • ischemia;
  • metabolic obesity.

This combination was called the “deadly quartet.” It is the culprit of atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack. The disease affects women during menopause. IN recent years the disease has become very “younger”. Among women under 30 years of age, metabolic syndrome occurs in 25% of cases. The sad statistics are complemented by children and adolescents, 7% of whom are susceptible to the disease.

Causes of metabolic syndrome

With metabolic syndrome, women develop tissue insensitivity to insulin (insulin resistance). It is believed that insulin resistance is the trigger for the development of arterial hypertension, accumulation of visceral fat, and lipid metabolism disorders.

The main reasons for the development of MS are considered to be:

  • Poor nutrition with predominance simple carbohydrates and animal fats. Constantly high level glucose changes cell membranes, receptors become insulin resistant (unable to perceive insulin).
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Without movement, fat metabolism and glucose absorption slow down.
  • High blood pressure, in which blood flow in tissues slows down. Oxygen starvation leads to a decrease in cell sensitivity to insulin.
  • Hormonal imbalance to the side(for polycystic disease and other endocrine diseases).
  • Heredity. The presence of MS in close relatives increases the risk of developing the disease.
  • Long-term stress. , produced during stress, is an insulin antagonist, that is, it interferes with its absorption.
  • Long-term use of corticosteroids, prescribed for the treatment of autoimmune diseases.
  • Wrong. The drugs reduce the ability of tissues to absorb glucose, so insulin sensitivity worsens.
  • Incorrect use of large doses of insulin. In this case, insulin resistance develops as a protective reaction to constantly high levels of this hormone.

Article on the topic:

What is insulin resistance? Symptoms, treatment and diet

Menopausal women are at risk for developing metabolic dysfunction. During this period, the secretion of estrogen decreases. Hormonal imbalance is the cause of lipid metabolism disorders. And testosterone continues to be produced in the same amount. This leads to the accumulation of fat around the internal organs (visceral fat).

If a woman leads a sedentary lifestyle and eats poorly, male-type obesity occurs. Fat is deposited in the abdominal area. This explains the high percentage of MS in women over 50 years of age.


Manifestations of metabolic syndrome can be external and internal. Main external sign MS is an increase in waist circumference of more than 88 cm, a pronounced “beer belly”.

Internal symptoms are:

  • Fatigue, loss of strength with long breaks in food. Glucose is not absorbed by cells, the body does not receive enough energy.
  • Sweet cravings. Brain cells need glucose despite constantly high blood sugar levels. Eating carbohydrates brings short-term improvement.
  • Tachycardia, heart pain. This happens due to . The heart is forced to work harder.
  • Headaches. Because of cholesterol plaques The lumen of blood vessels is narrowed, blood flows poorly to the brain.
  • Attacks of thirst and dry mouth. When glucose levels are high, diuresis increases and the body loses water.
  • Increased sweating at night. Insulin affects the sympathetic nervous system, which responds with increased sweating.
  • Frequent constipation. Due to obesity, intestinal motility decreases.
  • Nervousness during long breaks in food. Glucose does not reach the brain cells, which causes deterioration in mood and increased aggression.
  • Increased blood pressure is more than 140:90.

In addition to the above symptoms, laboratory blood parameters indicate the presence of MS in a woman:

  • - more than 1.8 mmol/l.
  • The level of “good” cholesterol is less than 1.2 mmol/l.
  • The level of “bad” cholesterol is more than 3 mmol/l.
  • Fasting glucose level is more than 6.2 mmol/l.
  • Glucose tolerance test - more than 11.2 mmol/l.

If available at the same time several symptoms can indicate the development of metabolic syndrome.


When making a diagnosis, it is necessary to differentiate MS from diseases with a similar clinical picture. For example, with Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, the same type of obesity is observed. But this disease is characterized by the presence of a tumor in the adrenal glands.

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The endocrinologist begins the diagnosis by interviewing the patient. The following points are taken into account:

  • Lifestyle.
  • Nutrition.
  • Presence of metabolic obesity in relatives.
  • Age of onset of excess weight.
  • Presence of heart and vascular diseases.
  • Pressure level.

Then the patient’s height and weight and waist circumference are measured. Body mass index is calculated. To do this, weight in kilograms is divided by height in centimeters squared. A BMI over 30 is considered obese.

Basic examinations for diagnosing MS:

  • Glucose tolerance test.
  • Daily monitoring of blood pressure, ECG.
  • Ultrasound of the liver, kidneys.
  • Blood test for the level of prolactin, LH, FSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.
  • Measuring the level of glycated hemoglobin.
  • CT, MRI to exclude tumors of the adrenal glands and pituitary gland.
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

Determining the cause of obesity helps determine the treatment strategy for MS.

Complications of metabolic syndrome

If left untreated, metabolic syndrome will lead to disruption of the functioning of internal organs. Complications of MS are:

  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • ischemia;
  • diabetes;
  • heart and kidney failure.

Treatment of metabolic syndrome in women

Since the cause of the development of MS is poor absorption of insulin by cells, it is impossible to completely correct this disorder, since dysmetabolic disorders are often genetically determined. Treatment of metabolic syndrome is symptomatic and is aimed at eliminating the consequences of hormonal imbalances and preventing complications.

The main directions in the fight against metabolic syndrome:

These methods are interconnected and should be used in combination.

Weight loss is the primary goal to eliminate MS. To do this it is necessary to increase physical activity. During sports, metabolism improves and fat breakdown accelerates. Training helps. As a result, a person’s mood improves, cravings for sweets decrease, and cell sensitivity to insulin increases.

Exercise should be moderate, enjoyable, and not make you feel worse. Important principles of physical education are moderation and regularity. The choice of sport depends on the patient’s well-being and availability chronic diseases. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys or heart, then you can do exercise therapy or just do daily hiking. Morning exercises energize you.

Article on the topic:

Norm of glycated hemoglobin in diabetes mellitus. What do the test results mean?

Some conditions are contraindications to sports activities. You cannot exercise if:

  • strongly high blood pressure(more than 140:90);
  • elevated sugar levels (more than 9 mmol/l);
  • renal failure.

Diet for metabolic syndrome is the second effective method of therapy. Basic principles of nutrition:

  • reducing the amount of animal fat in the diet;
  • reducing the consumption of carbohydrate foods;
  • refusal of simple carbohydrates;
  • exclusion of fast food;
  • increasing consumption of plant foods;
  • fractional meals (5-6 meals per day);
  • compliance with the drinking regime (at least 1.5 liters of water per day).
  • caloric content of the diet - no more than 2000 kcal.

Are prohibited the following types products:

  • confectionery; sweet soda;
  • sausages and other semi-finished products;
  • sweet fruits;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • white bread;
  • semolina and rice porridge;
  • sugar;
  • mayonnaise;
  • butter;
  • salo.

The basis of the diet of a patient with MS is:

  • vegetables;
  • unsweetened fruits, berries;
  • fresh herbs;
  • lean meat;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • soups with vegetable broth.

Drug therapy consists of the use of the following groups of drugs:

  • Normalizing cholesterol levels. These are statins and fibrates ( Fenofibrate, Rosuvastatin).



  • Reducing insulin resistance ( Metformin).


  • Increases cell sensitivity to insulin ( Glucophage).


  • Blood thinners ( Aspirin cardio).

Aspirin cardio

  • Amino acids that improve liver function ( Alpha lipoic acid).

Alpha lipoic acid




In case of severe obesity, the doctor may prescribe drugs that prevent the absorption of fat in the intestines (Orlistat, Xenical).

Important! Appetite suppressants (Reduxin) should not be used to treat MS. Similar drugs further increase insulin resistance.

Radical methods are operations to reduce the volume of the stomach: banding, gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy.


Prevention of metabolic syndrome

Prevention of metabolic syndrome involves preventing metabolic disorders. This is expressed as follows:

  • regular exercise;
  • proper nutrition;
  • quitting smoking and alcohol;
  • regular medical examination.

If the disease begins to be treated early stage, before the onset of serious changes in the body, the prognosis is favorable. The development of metabolic syndrome threatens a third of the world's population. A proper lifestyle can reduce risks to a minimum.

– a symptom complex manifested by impaired metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, increased blood pressure. Patients develop arterial hypertension, obesity, insulin resistance and ischemia of the heart muscle. Diagnostics includes examination by an endocrinologist, determination of body mass index and waist circumference, assessment of the lipid spectrum, blood glucose. If necessary, an ultrasound examination of the heart is performed and daily measurement HELL. Treatment consists of lifestyle changes: active sports, special diet, normalization of weight and hormonal status.


Metabolic syndrome has no obvious clinical symptoms, pathology is often diagnosed on late stage after complications occur. Diagnostics include:

  • Examination by a specialist. An endocrinologist studies the history of life and illness (heredity, daily routine, diet, concomitant diseases, living conditions), conducts general examination(BP parameters, weighing). If necessary, the patient is referred for consultation to a nutritionist, cardiologist, gynecologist or andrologist.
  • Determination of anthropometric indicators. Android type obesity is diagnosed by measuring waist circumference. For syndrome X this indicator for men it is more than 102 cm, for women – 88 cm. Excess weight is detected by calculating the body mass index (BMI) using the formula BMI = weight (kg) / height (m)². The diagnosis of obesity is made when a BMI is greater than 30.
  • Laboratory tests. Violated lipid metabolism: cholesterol, LDL, triglyceride levels increase, HDL levels decrease. A carbohydrate metabolism disorder leads to an increase in glucose and insulin in the blood.
  • Additional Research. According to indications it is prescribed daily monitoring Blood pressure, ECG, ECHO-KG, ultrasound of the liver and kidneys, glycemic profile and glucose tolerance test.

Metabolic disorders should be differentiated from the disease and Itsenko-Cushing syndrome. If difficulties arise, a determination of daily urinary cortisol excretion, a dexamethasone test, and tomography of the adrenal glands or pituitary gland are performed. Differential diagnosis metabolic disorder is also carried out with autoimmune thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, pheochromocytoma and ovarian stromal hyperplasia syndrome. In this case, the levels of ACTH, prolactin, FSH, LH, and thyroid-stimulating hormone are additionally determined.

Treatment of metabolic syndrome

Treatment of syndrome X involves complex therapy aimed at normalizing weight, blood pressure parameters, laboratory parameters and hormonal levels.

  • Diet. Patients need to exclude easily digestible carbohydrates (baked goods, candies, sweet drinks), fast food, canned foods, and limit the amount of salt and pasta consumed. The daily diet should include fresh vegetables, seasonal fruits, cereals, lean fish and meat. Food should be consumed 5-6 times a day in small portions, chewing thoroughly and without drinking water. For drinks, it is better to choose unsweetened green or white tea, fruit drinks and compotes without added sugar.
  • Physical activity. In the absence of contraindications from the musculoskeletal system, jogging, swimming, Nordic walking, Pilates and aerobics are recommended. Physical activity should be regular, at least 2-3 times a week. Morning exercises and daily walks in a park or forest belt are useful.
  • Drug therapy. Medicines are prescribed to treat obesity, reduce blood pressure, and normalize the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. For impaired glucose tolerance, metformin is used. Correction of dyslipidemia if ineffective dietary nutrition carried out with statins. For hypertension, ACE inhibitors and blockers are used calcium channels, diuretics, beta blockers. To normalize weight, medications are prescribed that reduce the absorption of fats in the intestines.

Prognosis and prevention

At timely diagnosis and treatment of metabolic syndrome, the prognosis is favorable. Late detection of pathology and absence complex therapy causes serious complications from the kidneys and cardiovascular system. Prevention of the syndrome includes rational nutrition, giving up bad habits, regular exercise. It is necessary to control not only weight, but also figure parameters (waist circumference). If there are associated endocrine diseases(hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus) it is recommended to undergo clinical observation by an endocrinologist and study hormonal levels.

Metabolic syndrome is a set of changes associated with metabolic disorders. The hormone insulin is no longer perceived by cells and does not perform its functions. In this case, insulin resistance or insensitivity to insulin develops, which leads to impaired absorption of glucose by cells, as well as pathological changes in all systems and tissues.

Today, according to the 10th International Classification of Diseases, metabolic syndrome is not considered a separate disease. This is a condition when the body simultaneously suffers from four diseases:

  • type 2 diabetes mellitus.
This complex of diseases is so dangerous that doctors have called it the “deadly quartet.” It leads to very severe consequences: vascular atherosclerosis, decreased potency and polycystic ovary syndrome, stroke and heart attack.

Statistics on metabolic syndrome.

In developed countries, where the majority of the population leads a sedentary lifestyle, 10-25% of people over 30 years of age suffer from these disorders. In the older age group, the figures increase to 40%. So in Europe the number of patients exceeded 50 million people. Over the next quarter century, the incidence will increase by 50%.

Over the past two decades, the number of patients among children and adolescents has increased to 6.5%. This alarming statistic has been linked to carbohydrate addiction.

Metabolic syndrome primarily affects men. Women are at risk of this disease during and after menopause. In women over 50 years of age, the risk of developing metabolic syndrome increases 5 times.

Unfortunately, modern medicine unable to cure metabolic syndrome. However, there is some good news. Most of the changes that develop as a result of metabolic syndrome are reversible. Competent treatment, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle help stabilize the condition for a long time.

Causes of metabolic syndrome.

Insulin performs many functions in the body. But its main task is to contact insulin-sensitive receptors, which are found in the membrane of every cell. After this, the mechanism for transporting glucose from the intercellular space into the cell is launched. Thus, insulin “opens the door” to the cell for glucose. If the receptors do not respond to insulin, then the hormone itself and glucose accumulate in the blood.

The development of metabolic syndrome is based on insulin insensitivity - insulin resistance. This phenomenon can be caused by a number of reasons.

  1. Genetic predisposition. Some people are genetically insensitive to insulin. The gene that is responsible for the development of metabolic syndrome is located on chromosome 19. Its mutations can lead to
    • cells do not have enough receptors responsible for binding insulin;
    • receptors are not sensitive to insulin;
    • the immune system produces antibodies that block insulin-sensitive receptors;
    • the pancreas produces abnormal insulin.
    There is a theory that reduced insulin sensitivity is a result of evolution. This property helps the body survive hunger safely. But modern people When consuming high-calorie and fatty foods, such people develop obesity and metabolic syndrome.
  2. Diet high in fat and carbohydrates- most important factor development of metabolic syndrome. Saturated fatty acids, which come in large quantities with animal fats, contribute to the development of obesity. In addition, fatty acids cause changes in cell membranes, making them insensitive to the action of insulin. Excessively high-calorie nutrition leads to the fact that a lot of glucose and fatty acids enter the blood. Their excess is deposited in fat cells in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, as well as in other tissues. This leads to a decrease in their sensitivity to insulin.
  3. Sedentary lifestyle. A decrease in physical activity entails a decrease in the speed of all metabolic processes, including the breakdown and absorption of fats. Fatty acids block the transport of glucose into the cell and reduce the sensitivity of its membrane to insulin.
  4. Long-term untreated arterial hypertension. Causes impaired peripheral circulation, which is accompanied by a decrease in tissue sensitivity to insulin.
  5. Addiction to low-calorie diets. If the calorie content daily ration is less than 300 kcal, this leads to irreversible metabolic disorders. The body “saves” and builds up reserves, which leads to increased fat deposition.
  6. Stress. Prolonged mental stress disrupts nervous regulation organs and tissues. As a result, the production of hormones, including insulin, and the response of cells to them are disrupted.
  7. Taking insulin antagonist drugs:
    • glucagon
    • corticosteroids
    • oral contraceptives
    • thyroid hormones
    These drugs reduce the absorption of glucose into tissues, which is accompanied by a decrease in insulin sensitivity.
  8. Insulin overdose during treatment diabetes mellitus. Incorrectly selected treatment leads to a large amount of insulin in the blood. This causes addiction to the receptors. Insulin resistance in this case is a peculiar defensive reaction the body from high concentrations of insulin.
  9. Hormonal disorders. Adipose tissue is an endocrine organ and secretes hormones that reduce insulin sensitivity. Moreover, the more pronounced the obesity, the lower the sensitivity. In women with increased production testosterone and reduced estrogen, fats accumulate in a “male” type, vascular function is disrupted and arterial hypertension develops. Decreased hormone levels thyroid gland in case of hypothyroidism, it can also cause an increase in the level of lipids (fats) in the blood and the development of insulin resistance.
  10. Age-related changes in men. As we age, testosterone production decreases, leading to insulin resistance, obesity and hypertension.
  11. Sleep apnea. Holding your breath during sleep causes oxygen starvation brain and increased production growth hormone. This substance contributes to the development of insulin insensitivity.

Symptoms of metabolic syndrome

Mechanism of development of metabolic syndrome
  1. Low physical activity and poor nutrition lead to impaired sensitivity of receptors that interact with insulin.
  2. The pancreas produces more insulin to overcome the insensitivity of the cells and provide them with glucose.
  3. Hyperinsulinemia develops (excess insulin in the blood), which leads to obesity, impaired lipid metabolism and vascular function, and increased blood pressure.
  4. Undigested glucose remains in the blood - hyperglycemia develops. High glucose concentrations outside the cell and low inside them cause the destruction of proteins and the appearance of free radicals, which damage the cell membrane and cause their premature aging.
The disease begins unnoticed. It does not cause pain, but this does not make it any less dangerous.

Subjective sensations in metabolic syndrome

  • Seizures bad mood in a hungry state. Poor supply of glucose to brain cells causes irritability, attacks of aggression and bad mood.
  • Increased fatigue. The loss of strength is caused by the fact that despite high performance sugar levels in the blood, the cells do not receive glucose and are left without nutrition and a source of energy. The reason for “starvation” of cells is that the mechanism that transports glucose through the cell membrane does not work.
  • Selectivity in food. Meat and vegetables do not cause appetite; you crave sweets. This is due to the fact that brain cells need glucose. After consuming carbohydrates, your mood improves for a short time. Vegetables and protein food(cottage cheese, eggs, meat) cause drowsiness.
  • Attacks of rapid heartbeat. Elevated insulin levels speed up the heart rate and increase the heart's output of blood with each beat. This first leads to thickening of the walls of the left half of the heart, and then to wear and tear of the muscle wall.
  • Pain in the heart. Cholesterol deposits in the coronary vessels cause cardiac malnutrition and pain.
  • Headache associated with narrowing of blood vessels in the brain. Capillary spasm occurs when blood pressure increases or due to vasoconstriction by atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Nausea and loss of coordination caused by increased intracranial pressure due to impaired blood flow from the brain.
  • Thirst and dry mouth. This is the result of suppression by the sympathetic nerves salivary glands with a high concentration of insulin in the blood.
  • Tendency to constipation. Obesity of internal organs and high levels of insulin slow down the intestines and impair the secretion of digestive juices. Therefore, food lingers for a long time digestive tract.
  • Excessive sweating, especially at night - the result of insulin stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.
External manifestations of metabolic syndrome
  • Abdominal obesity, fat deposition in the abdomen and shoulder girdle. A “beer belly” appears. Fatty tissue accumulates not only under the skin, but also around internal organs. It not only squeezes them, making it difficult for them to work, but also plays a role endocrine organ. Fat releases substances that promote inflammation and increase fibrin levels in the blood, which increases the risk of developing blood clots. Abdominal obesity is diagnosed if the waist circumference exceeds:
    • in men more than 102 cm;
    • in women more than 88 cm.
  • Red spots on the chest and neck. These are signs of increased blood pressure associated with vasospasm, which is caused by excess insulin.

    Blood pressure readings (without using antihypertensive drugs)

    • systolic (upper) blood pressure exceeds 130 mmHg. Art.
    • diastolic (lower) pressure exceeds 85 mmHg. Art.

Laboratory symptoms of metabolic syndrome

At biochemical research blood levels in people with metabolic syndrome show significant deviations from the norm.

  1. Triglycerides– fats without cholesterol. In patients with metabolic syndrome, their amount exceeds 1.7 mmol/l. The level of triglycerides increases in the blood due to the fact that with internal obesity in portal vein fats are released.
  2. Lipoproteins high density(HDL) or "good" cholesterol. Concentration decreases due to insufficient consumption of vegetable oils and a sedentary lifestyle.
    • women – less than 1.3 mmol/l
    • men – less than 1.0 mmol/l
  3. Cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or “bad” cholesterol levels increased above 3.0 mmol/l. A large amount of fatty acids from the adipose tissue surrounding the internal organs enters the portal vein. These fatty acids stimulate the liver to synthesize cholesterol.
  4. Fasting blood glucose level more than 5.6-6.1 mmol/l. Body cells do not absorb glucose well, so its concentrations in the blood are high even after an overnight fast.
  5. Glucose tolerance. 75 g of glucose is taken orally and the blood glucose level is determined after 2 hours. U healthy person During this time, glucose is absorbed, and its level returns to normal, not exceeding 6.6 mmol/l. In metabolic syndrome, the glucose concentration is 7.8-11.1 mmol/l. This suggests that glucose is not absorbed by cells and remains in the blood.
  6. Uric acid more than 415 µmol/l. Its level increases due to a violation of purine metabolism. In metabolic syndrome, uric acid is formed during cell death and is poorly excreted by the kidneys. It indicates obesity and high risk development of gout.
  7. Microalbuminuria. The appearance of protein molecules in the urine indicates changes in kidney function caused by diabetes mellitus or hypertension. The kidneys do not filter urine well enough, resulting in protein molecules getting into it.

Diagnosis of metabolic syndrome

Which doctor should I contact if I have problems with excess weight?

Endocrinologists treat metabolic syndrome. But given that various pathological changes occur in the patient’s body, consultation may be required: a therapist, a cardiologist, or a nutritionist.

At an appointment with a doctor (endocrinologist)


At the appointment, the doctor collects anamnesis and compiles a medical history. The survey helps determine what causes led to obesity and the development of metabolic syndrome:

  • living conditions;
  • eating habits, sweet tooth and fatty foods;
  • at what age did you become overweight?
  • whether relatives suffer from obesity;
  • presence of cardiovascular diseases;
  • blood pressure level.
Patient examination
  • Determining the type of obesity. In metabolic syndrome, fat is concentrated in the front abdominal wall, torso, neck and face. This abdominal obesity or male pattern obesity. With gynoid or female obesity, fat is deposited in the lower half of the body: the hips and buttocks.
  • Waist circumference measurement. The development of metabolic syndrome is indicated by the following indicators:
    • in men more than 102 cm;
    • in women more than 88 cm.
    If there is a hereditary predisposition, then the diagnosis of “obesity” is made at values ​​of 94 cm and 80 cm, respectively.
  • Measuring the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference (W/H). Their ratio should not exceed
    • in men more than 1.0;
    • in women more than 0.8.
    For example, a woman’s waist circumference is 85 cm and her hip circumference is 100 cm. 85/100 = 0.85 - this indicator indicates obesity and the development of metabolic syndrome.
  • Weighing and measuring height. For this purpose, medical scales and a stadiometer are used.
  • Calculation of body mass index (BMI). To determine the index, use the formula:
BMI= weight (kg)/height (m) 2

If the index is between 25-30, this indicates excess weight. Index values ​​over 30 indicate obesity.

For example, a woman’s weight is 90 kg, height is 160 cm. 90/160 = 35.16, which indicates obesity.


Each person suffering from metabolic syndrome requires an individual approach to treatment. The selection of medications depends on the stage and cause of obesity, as well as on the indicators of a biochemical blood test.

Drug treatment of metabolic syndrome

Drug treatment of metabolic syndrome is aimed at improving insulin absorption, stabilizing glucose levels and normalizing fat metabolism.
Group of drugs Mechanism of treated action Representatives How to take
Treatment of lipid metabolism disorders
Lipid-lowering drugs (statins and fibrates) They reduce intracellular cholesterol synthesis and help remove “bad cholesterol” from the bloodstream. Fibrates reduce uric acid levels by allowing its salts to be absorbed by the kidneys. Rosuvastatin Take 5-10 mg of the drug once a day. After 4 weeks, the doctor evaluates your blood cholesterol levels and may increase the dose.
Fenofibrate Take the drug 2 times a day: 2 capsules with breakfast and 1 capsule with dinner.
Treatment of insulin resistance and glucose control
Drugs to reduce insulin resistance They improve the entry of glucose into the cell without stimulating insulin production. They slow down the production of fatty acids and accelerate the process of converting glucose into glycogen. Improves the binding of insulin to cell receptors, increasing tissue sensitivity to it. Metformin The dosage is determined depending on the blood glucose level: 1-4 tablets. The daily dose is divided into 2-3 doses. Consume after meals.
Drugs that increase insulin sensitivity The drugs slow down the absorption of glucose from the intestines, reduce glucose production in the liver and increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin. Reduce appetite and help get rid of excess weight. Siofor
The initial dosage is 500-850 mg 2-3 times a day with meals. After 2 weeks, dose adjustment is necessary taking into account blood glucose levels.
Vitamins Alpha lipoic acid regulates liver function and improves cholesterol metabolism. Improves glucose uptake in skeletal muscles. Alpha lipone Take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for 3-4 weeks.
Drugs that normalize metabolism and blood pressure
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors Block the action of an enzyme that causes vasoconstriction. They expand the lumen of blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, and facilitate the work of the heart. Captopril The drug is taken on an empty stomach 3 times a day. Daily dose from 25 to 150 mg.
Enalapril 0.01 g 1 time per day, regardless of meals.
Calcium antagonists or calcium channel blockers They lower blood pressure, reduce the need for oxygen in the heart muscle and at the same time improve its nutrition. They have a weak diuretic effect. Felodipin
Take 1 tablet (5 mg) once a day. Consume regardless of food.
Obesity treatment
Fat absorption inhibitors They reduce the activity of digestive enzymes and thus interfere with the breakdown and absorption of fat in the small intestine. Xenical Take one capsule (120 mg) with each main meal or no later than an hour after meals.
Orlistat Take 120 mg with the main meal 3 times a day. If the food contains little fat, then orlistat may not be taken.
Drugs that act on the central nervous system and suppress appetite Model eating behavior, reduce the need for food, reduce appetite. Helps cope with hunger while dieting. Fluoxetine The antidepressant is prescribed 1-3 tablets throughout the day after meals.

Lifestyle with metabolic syndrome

In order to restore metabolism and increase insulin sensitivity, 2 conditions must be met:
  • proper nutrition low in carbohydrates;
  • moderate physical activity.
Let's take a closer look at each of these areas.

Physical training for metabolic syndrome.

During exercise, the body burns fat reserves. In addition, metabolism accelerates, so even at rest, the body continues to process fats into energy.

Thanks to training, happiness hormones - endorphins - are produced in the brain. These substances not only improve your mood, but also help control your appetite and reduce cravings for carbohydrates. Therefore, when a feeling of hunger arises, healthy protein foods help overcome it.

Good mood and well-being, increased sensitivity to insulin and a slim figure and slowing down the aging process, increased performance - bonuses from regular exercise.

A few rules that will help you cope more effectively with obesity.

  1. Have fun. Choose the sport that suits you. If classes bring joy, then you will not stop training.
  2. Exercise regularly. Set aside time every day for physical activity. You must understand that your health depends on discipline in this matter. The optimal workout is 6 days a week for 60 minutes.
  3. Choose suitable look sports.
    • For people over 50 years of age with poor circulation and heart disease, walking or Nordic walking with ski poles is suitable.
    • For people under 50, relaxed jogging.
    • At any age, swimming, cycling, skiing, and a rowing machine will help improve heart function.
  4. Don't overwork yourself. Training should not be exhausting, otherwise it will have a detrimental effect on the immune system. Start with minimal load and gradually increase the duration and intensity of exercise.
  5. Monitor your pulse. Fats are burned most effectively at a frequency of 110-130 beats per minute. Maximum heart rate: 220 minus age in years. For example, if you are 40, then the dangerous indicator for you is 220-40 = 180 beats per minute. To monitor your heart rate during training, it is convenient to use a heart rate monitor.
  6. Consider contraindications which depend on concomitant diseases and complications caused by metabolic syndrome. It is recommended to refrain from exercising if:
    • protein was detected in the urine;
    • blood pressure is significantly higher than your normal;
    • blood glucose level is above 9.5 mmol/l.
Many people are interested in the question: “What sports activities are most effective in combating obesity?” So that your training brings maximum benefit It is necessary to alternate anaerobic and aerobic exercises every other day.

Anaerobic exercise or strength training(when muscles work under oxygen deficiency) help improve metabolism and reduce insulin resistance by increasing the number of glucose transporters. Strength exercises make muscle relief more noticeable, strengthen bones and joints, and allow you to become much stronger. Strength training good for young men and women.

The exercises are performed at a fast pace and require significant effort. They call sharp pain in working muscles. This occurs because microtears appear in the muscle fibers and lactic acid accumulates in the muscle tissue.

It is believed that these exercises increase insulin sensitivity, but they can only be performed by people with healthy heart. Anaerobic exercises include:

  • sprint running;
  • swimming at a fast pace;
  • cycling downhill;
  • squats;
  • push-ups;
  • lifting weights (exercises on exercise machines).
Exercises are done in 3-5 approaches lasting no more than 1.5 minutes. Alternate exercises to make them work different groups muscles. The total duration of the lesson for a beginner is 20 minutes. Gradually increase the duration of your workout to an hour.

Aerobic exercise performed slowly with low or medium intensity. At the same time, the muscles are well supplied with oxygen and subcutaneous fat is burned. Aerobic exercise is also called cardio training, it prevents heart disease, improves lung function and helps fight stress. Aerobic exercises include:

  • aerobics;
  • dancing;
  • treadmill;
  • cycling or exercise bike.
The first workouts should not exceed 15 minutes a day. Increase your practice time by 5-10 minutes weekly. Gradually you will reach the required level of endurance, and your sessions will last about an hour. The longer you exercise, the more fat you burn.

A lightweight training option. If complications arise in the kidneys (nephropathy) or in the eyes (retinopathy), then use easy complex physical exercise. It does not cause an increase in pressure and does not increase the load on diseased organs. Lightweight workouts strengthen joints, improve coordination of movements and activate metabolic processes.

During classes, dumbbells (or plastic bottles with water) weighing 300-500 g are used. The following types of exercises are performed:

  • flexion and extension of biceps;
  • raising your arms up;
  • bending forward;
  • raising your arms to the sides in a lying position.
Each exercise is done slowly and smoothly 3 sets of 10 times. Take a 10-15 minute break between sets.
Remember that the more muscles you have in your body and less fat, the higher the tissue sensitivity to insulin. Therefore, if you lose excess weight, the manifestations of metabolic syndrome will be minimal.

Proper nutrition for metabolic syndrome.

The main goal of the metabolic syndrome diet is to limit the intake of carbohydrates and fats. This will help stop obesity and gradually get rid of excess weight.

Modern nutritionists are against fasting and low-calorie diets. In this case, a person is constantly haunted by a feeling of hunger, so only people with a strong will can adhere to such a diet. A diet with limited carbohydrates (low carb) is tasty and satisfying. A variety of dishes can be prepared from permitted products.

Low-calorie diets are being undermined immune protection from viruses and bacteria. This is due to the fact that the body does not receive enough proteins and vitamins necessary for work immune system. A low-carbohydrate diet, on the contrary, strengthens the immune system and normalizes intestinal microflora, thanks to protein and fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables.

A low-carb diet should become a lifelong nutritional system. The calorie content of the daily diet is 1600-1900 kilocalories. You need to eat often 4-5 times a day, but in small portions. This diet helps avoid hunger.

  • lean varieties of animal meat (veal, rabbit, skinless chicken) and poultry 150-200 g per day;
  • fish and seafood 150 g;
  • eggs – 1-2 per day in the form of an omelet or hard-boiled;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • cottage cheese 100-200 g;
  • low-fat and mild varieties of hard cheese – limited to 30 g;
  • low-fat beef sausages or boiled sausage 2 times a week;
  • vegetables 25% raw, the rest stewed, boiled, baked, steamed (at least 400 g).
Green vegetables are recommended;
  • unsweetened fruits and berries up to 400 g. Fresh, frozen or canned without sugar.
  • sauerkraut, washed with water;
  • porridge from pearl barley, buckwheat, barley, brown rice. 150-200 g per serving with the condition of limiting bread;
  • first courses (250-300 g) in weak low-fat meat, fish or mushroom broth, vegetarian soups.
  • wholemeal bread, products with bran up to 200 g;
  • teas, fruit and vegetable juices no sugar;
  • strip of dark chocolate, jelly and mousse, sugar substitutes;
  • fluid intake is limited to 1.5 liters. This causes increased breakdown of fats in the body.
You should avoid the following products:
  • confectionery products: sweets, cookies, cream products;
  • baked goods, especially butter and puff pastries;
  • fatty meats: pork, lamb, duck;
  • canned food, smoked meat and fish, sausage, ham;
  • rice, semolina and oatmeal, pasta;
  • cream, sweet yogurt, full-fat cottage cheese and products made from it;
  • margarine, cooking oil;
  • raisins, bananas, grapes, dates and other sweet fruits;
  • mayonnaise, fatty hot sauces, spices;
  • sweet carbonated drinks, juices and nectars with sugar.
Once every 1-2 weeks you can take a day off and consume “undesirable” foods in moderation.

Sample menu for the day

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with butter, hard-boiled egg or omelet, tea or juice.

Lunch: fruits.

Dinner: vegetable soup with sour cream (without frying and without meat), stewed vegetables vegetable oil, boiled meat, unsweetened compote.

Dinner: fresh vegetable salad, baked or boiled fish 150-200 g, tea.

Second dinner: kefir or unsweetened yogurt.

Prevention of metabolic syndrome

What should I do?

  • Eat right. Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. You should not feel hungry. Otherwise, the body, when receiving nutrients, stores them in reserve, which contributes to the development of obesity.
  • Move more. This helps burn calories and normalizes metabolism. Take every opportunity to be physically active: walk to work, take the stairs, wash the floor with your hands instead of a mop.
  • Buy a subscription at gym or swimming pool. The money spent will encourage you to attend classes.
  • Massage and self-massage. This procedure normalizes blood circulation in tissues, especially in lower limbs, which makes cells more sensitive to the effects of insulin.
  • Take a course of physical therapy: Pressure chamber, myostimulation, cryotherapy, mud therapy perfectly speed up the metabolism. A referral to a physical therapy room can be obtained from your attending physician.
  • Hirudotherapy. Treatment with leeches improves all blood characteristics and normalizes blood flow, which is important for maintaining metabolism in the body.
  • Monitor your cholesterol levels. After 40 years, check the level of “good” and “bad” cholesterol at least once a year so that, if necessary, start treatment in a timely manner.

What should you avoid?

  • Hot herbs and spices, they stimulate your appetite and you will overeat regularly.
  • Fast food. Don't eat on the go. Find time to eat a full meal.
  • Alcohol and cigarettes. Bad habits further disrupt metabolism and increase the risk of developing metabolic syndrome.
  • Physical inactivity. The less you move, the higher your risk of developing insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.
Metabolic syndrome today threatens every third resident of our country. But daily physical activity and proper nutrition will help minimize the risk of developing pathology.

Today, the leaders in mortality are diseases of the cardiovascular system (stroke, myocardial infarction) and type 2 diabetes, so humanity has been persistently fighting these diseases for a long time. At the core preventive measures The answer to any disease is to eliminate risk factors.

Metabolic syndrome is a term used in medical practice for early detection and elimination of risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. At its core, metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Disorders included in the metabolic syndrome remain undetected for a long time. Often they begin to form in childhood or adolescence and form the causes of diabetes, atherosclerotic diseases, arterial hypertension.

Often in obese patients; slightly elevated blood glucose levels; blood pressure at upper limit norms, due attention is not paid. The patient receives medical attention only when the risk criteria lead to the development of a serious illness.

It is important that such factors are identified and corrected as early as possible, and not when cardiac arrest looms on the horizon.

For the convenience of practicing doctors and patients themselves, clear criteria have been established, thanks to which it has become possible to make a diagnosis of “metabolic syndrome” with minimal examination.

Today, most medical specialists use a single definition that characterizes metabolic syndrome in women and men.

It was proposed by the International Diabetes Federation: a set of abdominal obesity with any two additional criteria (arterial hypertension, impaired carbohydrate metabolism, dyslipidemia).

Symptomatic signs

First, it’s worth taking a closer look at metabolic syndrome, its criteria and symptoms.

The main and mandatory indicator is abdominal obesity. What is it? With abdominal obesity, adipose tissue is deposited mainly in the abdominal area. This kind of obesity is also called “android” or “apple-type.” It is important to note and.

“Gynoid” or “pear-type” obesity is characterized by the deposition of fatty tissue in the thighs. But this type of obesity does not have such serious consequences as the previous one, therefore it does not apply to the criteria for metabolic syndrome and will not be considered in this topic.

To determine the degree of abdominal obesity, you need to take a centimeter and measure your waist circumference at the middle of the distance between the ends iliac bones and costal arches. Waist size in a man belonging to Caucasian race, more than 94 cm, is an indicator of abdominal obesity. A woman’s waist circumference is more than 80 cm, which signals the same thing.

Obesity rates for the Asian nation are more severe. For men, the permissible volume is 90 cm, for women it remains the same - 80 cm.

Pay attention! The cause of obesity can be not only overeating and wrong image life. This pathology can be caused by serious endocrine or genetic diseases!

Therefore, if the symptoms listed below are present individually or in combination, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible. medical center for examination by an endocrinologist who will exclude or confirm secondary forms of obesity:

  • dry skin;
  • swelling;
  • bone pain;
  • constipation;
  • stretch marks on the skin;
  • visual impairment;
  • changes in skin color.

Other criteria:

  1. Arterial hypertension - pathology is diagnosed if systolic blood pressure is equal to or exceeds 130 mm Hg. Art., and diastolic equals or exceeds 85 mm Hg. Art.
  2. Lipid spectrum disorders. To determine this pathology you will need biochemical analysis blood, which is necessary to determine the level of cholesterol, triglycerides and high-density lipoproteins. The criteria for the syndrome are defined as follows: triglycerides more than 1.7 mmol/l; the high-density lipoprotein level is less than 1.2 mmol in women and less than 1.03 mmol/l in men; or established fact of treatment of dyslipidemia.
  3. Disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism. This pathology is evidenced by the fact that the fasting blood sugar level exceeds 5.6 mmol/l or the use of hypoglycemic drugs.

Making a diagnosis

If the symptoms are vague and the pathology is not clear, the attending physician prescribes additional examination. Diagnosis of metabolic syndrome is as follows:

  • ECG study;
  • daily blood pressure monitoring;
  • Ultrasound of blood vessels and heart;
  • determination of blood lipid levels;
  • determination of blood sugar 2 hours after eating;
  • study of kidney and liver function.

How to treat

First of all, the patient must radically change his lifestyle. In second place is drug therapy.

Lifestyle changes mean:

  • changes in diet and nutrition;
  • giving up bad habits;
  • increased physical activity during physical inactivity.

Without following these rules, treatment medicines will not bring tangible results.

Very strict diets and, especially, fasting for metabolic syndrome are not recommended. Body weight should decrease gradually (5-10% in the first year). If the weight decreases rapidly, it will be very difficult for the patient to maintain it at the achieved level. In most cases, the kilograms lost suddenly come back again.

Changing your diet will be much healthier and more effective:

  • replacing animal fats with vegetable fats;
  • increasing the amount of fiber and plant fiber;
  • reducing salt intake.

Carbonated drinks, fast food, confectionery, and white bread should be excluded from the diet. Vegetable soups should predominate, and lean varieties of beef are used as meat products. Poultry and fish should be steamed or boiled.

For cereals, it is recommended to use buckwheat and oatmeal; rice, millet, and pearl barley are allowed. But semolina It is advisable to limit or eliminate it altogether. You can clarify so that everything is calculated correctly.

Nutritionists advise consuming vegetables such as beets, carrots, and potatoes no more than 200 grams. per day. But zucchini, radishes, lettuce, cabbage, bell peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes can be eaten without restrictions. These vegetables are rich in fiber and therefore very healthy.

You can eat berries and fruits, but not more than 200-300 grams. per day. Milk and dairy products should have minimal fat content. You can eat 1-2 glasses of cottage cheese or kefir a day, but heavy cream and sour cream should be consumed only occasionally.

For drinks, you can drink weak coffee, tea, tomato juice, juices and compotes from sour fruits without sugar and preferably homemade.

What kind of physical activity should you have?

It is recommended to increase physical activity gradually. In case of metabolic syndrome, preference should be given to running, walking, swimming, and gymnastics. It is important that the loads are regular and compared with the patient’s capabilities.

Treatment with drugs

In order to cure the syndrome, you need to get rid of obesity, arterial hypertension, carbohydrate metabolism disorders, and dyslipidemia.

Today, metabolic syndrome is treated with metformin, the dose of which is adjusted to control blood glucose levels. Usually at the beginning of treatment it is 500-850 mg.

Pay attention! The drug is prescribed to elderly people with caution, and metformin is contraindicated for patients with impaired liver and kidney function.

The drug is usually well tolerated, but side effects in the form gastrointestinal disorders are still present. Therefore, it is recommended to take metformin after or during meals.

If the diet is violated or if the drug is overdosed, hypoglycemia may develop. Symptoms of the condition are expressed by trembling and weakness throughout the body, anxiety, and a feeling of hunger. Therefore, blood glucose levels must be carefully monitored.

Ideally, the patient should have a glucometer at home, which allows him to regularly monitor his blood sugar levels at home; for example, this can be used.

Orlistat (Xenical) is quite popular in the treatment of obesity today. Take it no more than three times a day, during the main meal.

If the food in your diet is not fatty, you can skip taking the drug. The action of the drug is based on reducing the absorption of fats in the intestines. For this reason, if you increase fat in your diet, unpleasant side effects may occur:

  • frequent urge to defecate;
  • flatulence;
  • oily flow from the anus.

Patients with dyslipidemia, if long-term diet therapy is ineffective, are prescribed lipid-lowering drugs from the groups of fibrates and statins. These medications have significant limitations and serious side effects when used. Therefore, only the attending physician should prescribe them.

Drugs that lower blood pressure used for metabolic syndrome contain angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (lisinopril, enalapril), imidosaline receptor agonists (moxonidine, rilmenidine), calcium channel blockers (amlodipine).