Moderate myopia, normal visual load. What is myopia and possible methods of vision correction

Ophthalmologists are concerned about the significant decline in vision in children school age. Today, myopia in children is one of the most common eye diseases. Moreover, doctors observe not only growth total number sick children and especially schoolchildren, but also a significant complication of the course of the disease, is increasingly diagnosed severe degree myopia and its complications.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify what childhood myopia is: it is a violation of visual acuity in which the child sees objects that are far away poorly, but clearly distinguishes those that are close.

At birth, babies receive a reserve of farsightedness; they see well those objects that are located far away, but poorly distinguish objects at a distance of 20-30 cm. Farsightedness occurs due to small sizes The eyes of a baby (the axis is longer) in them the image is focused behind the retina.

Newborn babies have farsightedness within 3-3.5 D. The anteroposterior axis of their eye is only 17-19 mm, while in an adult it is 24 mm.

This supply, obtained from nature, allows the eye to develop without pathologies and by approximately three years the baby’s axis is already 23 mm, and by 10 years the child has vision equal to 1.

The anteroposterior axis is the path of the beam to the retina. With a length of 24 mm, the image refracted by the lens (refraction) is projected exactly onto the retina and the person sees a clear picture. If the length of the axis is greater than the distance to the retina, then the image will be behind it, and if it is less than necessary, which happens when the eyeball is abnormally (abnormally) elongated, then it will focus in front of it.

The more the relationship between refraction and axis is disrupted, the more blurred the outline of distant objects is. To see them, the baby needs to bring the image (book, screen) closer; often in such cases children squint.

Myopia is also called myopia; in order to see an object better, it needs to be moved to a closer distance.

Causes of myopia in children

Age-related myopia occurs due to impaired eye growth. Weak eye structures: retina, sclera lead to eyeball stretches and the axis shifts. With stronger stretching of the sclera, the retina cannot withstand it, and complications arise: detachment vitreous, dystrophy, retinal rupture, hemorrhage.

Ophthalmologists name several causes of childhood myopia. And among them there are those that can be prevented.

So, there are several reasons.

  • Hereditary predisposition. However this reason, is not necessary for the occurrence of myopia. If you follow the series preventive measures You can, if not completely avoid the problem, then significantly reduce its impact on the baby’s development. Among hereditary factors I will have myopia in one or both parents, as well as prematurity of the baby.
  • Congenital myopia. This type of disease develops during prenatal period and manifests itself in the first year of life, it is difficult to prevent it. It usually occurs with diabetes mellitus, Down syndrome, congenital glaucoma(but in this case there should still be weak retina), congenital cataracts, congenital defects of eye structures (cornea, lens, retina).
  • Acquired myopia. Its occurrence very often directly depends on the behavior of adults. Most often it occurs as a result of one or more reasons. Among them will be:
  • Increased visual load. Too frequent or prolonged visual stress from a phone, tablet, laptop, or TV.
  • Not balanced diet, in which the baby’s body receives few vitamins and microelements.
  • Improper organization of the student’s workplace or poor visual hygiene.
  • Infectious diseases. Among them will be such complex ones as pneumonia and such common ones as influenza and ARVI.

Acquired myopia in children is most often diagnosed during school. This is associated with a significant increase in visual load.

Types and types of childhood myopia

Based on the degree of visual impairment, there are:

  • A progressive form in which vision decreases constantly. Moreover, a drop in vision of up to 1 D per year is designated as slowly progressive myopia, while a drop of more than 1 diopter is referred to as a rapidly progressive form of the disease. The fall begins at age 6 and most often stops by age 18.
  • Non-progressive – when the pathology is at the same level.

If we look at the type of occurrence, we distinguish:

  • A physiological type, it occurs during the child’s growth and, as a rule, does not progress.
  • Pathological is actually a disease; it progresses and can lead to significant loss of vision and even disability.
  • The lenticular appearance occurs as a consequence of the disease ( diabetes mellitus, abnormalities in the structure of the lens, congenital cataract) as a result of the greater refractive power of the lens. This type of pathology occurs when using certain medications.

According to the level of progression, there are 3 degrees of myopia:

  • When vision drops to 3 diopters, a weak degree is diagnosed.
  • With a corridor from 3 to 6 D, they indicate an average degree (in fact, this is a myopic disease).
  • If the level of vision loss is above 6 D, a high degree of myopia is diagnosed (this degree is often progressive).

Most often, myopia develops in both eyes. It also happens that pathology is detected only in one eye or in different eyes it is diagnosed to varying degrees.

Diagnosis of the disease in children under 3 years of age

The ophthalmologist performs the first examination of the baby at 3 months. During this period, it is difficult for parents to detect the pathology on their own, but an experienced doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis.

The doctor will examine the eyeball, its shape, position, depth, and see if the baby’s eye can detect toys. The examination should be especially thorough if there is a congenital predisposition: prematurity, problems during childbirth, myopia in one or both parents, the presence of other diseases.

The next examination of the baby is carried out at 6 months. At the same time, parents can already independently notice visual impairment in the baby - both eyes or one is squinting, but this symptom does not always appear.

Parents should be wary of the desire one year old baby pulling objects, toys too close to the eyes, low head tilts over a sheet of paper with a picture.

An alarming symptom will be the appearance of strabismus, in which case the baby should be shown to an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. After all, the sooner you start treating the disease, the more likely it is to save your vision.

During this period, the final diagnosis is made: congenital myopia, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence.

Experts say that children under 3 years of age have a high probability of developing myopia when exposed to heavy visual loads (TV, gadgets), even when their parents do not suffer from this pathology. During this period, it is especially important to adhere to visual hygiene.

In any case, children should be shown to an ophthalmologist annually, and if there are visual impairments, every six months.

When myopia is detected, children are prescribed glasses, which are designed to reduce eye strain, but they are not a treatment or conservative therapy.

Symptoms of myopia in older preschoolers

If there is a suspicion of myopia in preschoolers, examinations are carried out, which will include:

  • Skiascopy (shadow test).
  • Research using lenses (plus and minus).
  • Ultrasound of the eye.
  • Determination of the present reserve of accommodation and volume.

At mild myopia no need to wear glasses all the time. However, they must be used in all cases prescribed by the doctor. All doctor’s recommendations are mandatory. Since a weak degree can develop into a medium one, and then into a strong one.

The treatment is complex and involves vitamin therapy, special gymnastics for the eyes, compliance with the rules of visual hygiene and a number of restrictions. For kids with high level Myopia requires visiting a special kindergarten.

If myopia exceeds 3 D (diopters), it is undesirable to engage in active sports.

How to detect diseases in schoolchildren?

Congenital myopia in school-age children, as a rule, progresses, which is associated with increased visual loads during the educational period.

Along with congenital forms, a physiological type of pathology arises during this period. Thus, upon entering school, only 3% of children are diagnosed with childhood myopia, and in graduating classes the number of adolescents with pathology increases almost 10 times and is about 25–27%. Progressive myopia in children is one of the most common eye diseases among schoolchildren.

Most often, detection of childhood myopia occurs during annual preventive examinations.

Attentive parents will notice that their child is placing books, notebooks, screens, and phones too close. Signs of myopia will also include frequent blinking. When looking at distant objects, such children squint. At average and high degree Strabismus often occurs.

If a problem is not detected in time, it leads to a lag in learning and, most importantly, to the progression of the disease, deterioration of vision, and in the most difficult cases- to disability.
It is impossible to cure age-related myopia, you can only stop its progression.

Prevention of myopia in children during this period comes first.

Methods for detecting false myopia

In some cases, myopia is associated with a spasm of accommodation. In this case, impaired visual acuity occurs as a result of spasm of the eye muscle (accommodation). This type of myopia is called false myopia.

Attentive parents, having discovered alarming symptoms: squinting, approaching books and notebooks, the screen should immediately show the child to the doctor. A spasm of accommodation is also characterized by headaches in the temple area, pain in the eyes, and their redness.

Timely treatment will resolve the problem and vision will be restored. When diagnosed with “false myopia,” a consultation with a neurologist is required, since this problem arises due to nervous overstrain, stressful situations, in overly impressionable children prone to neuroses.

Therapy for mild to moderate disease

When myopia is detected in a child, the question immediately arises: how and what should parents do?

First of all, they need to show the child to an ophthalmologist, and then strictly follow his instructions.

When treating childhood myopia, stopping its development (or at least slowing it down) comes to the fore. It is also important to prevent complications that the disease can cause.

Myopia is the most common weak degree(1st degree myopia). If a decrease in vision to 3 D is detected, this is exactly the diagnosis. IN further illness is considered to be slightly progressive if vision decreases by 0.5 D per year.

With this diagnosis, glasses are selected, which need to be changed in a timely manner so as not to increase the strain on the eyes. With this form of the disease, constant wearing of glasses is not required, but it is better to seat the child at the first desk.

For older children, it is possible to use contact lenses, which are especially indicated in the presence of anisometry (the degree of myopia differs in different eyes).

In the case of a congenital form of the disease, glasses are prescribed as early as possible.

There are several other types of glasses designed to stop vision loss:

  • Orthokeratological (night). These are not glasses, but lenses; they are used to flatten the cornea, which allows refraction to be corrected and vision returns to normal. However this effect lasts only 24–48 hours, and then the procedure must be repeated.
  • Relaxing glasses. They have low-positive lenses and help to relax the eye muscles.
  • Laser vision They are used to slightly improve distance vision, but the disease itself is not treated.
  • Special training glasses. They are designed to strengthen the accommodative muscle.

Today there are a number of special computer programs, promoting relaxation of accommodation.

The opinion that glasses worsen vision loss is fundamentally wrong, as is the idea that reading books contributes to vision loss.

Books, like a computer or a TV screen, are harmful when the time devoted to them is not controlled, and reading or watching (playing) takes place without observing hygiene standards (lighting of the room, distance to the object, position of the student’s body).

In the treatment of childhood myopia, not only visual hygiene will be important, but also the quality of the child’s nutrition; a sufficient amount of lutein is especially important.

The following comprehensive approach is used in the treatment of children with grade 1 myopia:

  • Selection of glasses and their timely change.
  • Special exercises for the eyes.
  • Compliance with all doctor’s recommendations on visual hygiene.
  • Balanced nutrition using special vitamin complexes.
  • Selection of visual stress and rest taking into account illness.

Myopia medium degree indicates the presence of myopic disease itself. At the same time, vision loss occurs constantly and exceeds 0.5 D per year. With degree 2 myopia, complications such as dystrophy are possible blood vessels eyes, retinal hemorrhages and retinal detachment. The child complains of spots before the eyes, eye fatigue and headache.

Here it is advisable to prescribe hardware treatment for myopia; among the most well-known procedures are: vacuum massage, the use of infrared laser therapy, procedures using electrical stimulation equipment.

For the treatment of myopic disease, calcium preparations and trental are used; the presence of retinal dystrophy suggests the use of Vikasol, Emoxipin, Dicinon, etc.

When pathological foci form, Lidaza is used.

If complications occur, special drug treatment is indicated, laser treatment, in other cases, courses of vitamin complexes are recommended.

Treatment of severe myopia

High myopia often requires surgical intervention which is called scleroplasty. It can be carried out by two in different ways, but its essence is to strengthen the back wall of the eye and stop the stretching of the sclera. This will stop the disease, but will not cure the patient.

This operation is performed only in cases where there are no complications from the eye structures.

How can preventing myopia help?

Scientists say that the onset of the disease is often associated with improper behavior of children during school hours, as well as when watching TV and playing computer games.

If you follow simple rules, you can, if not avoid the disease, significantly slow down its course.

Moderate myopia is a defect in the functioning of the visual organs, the cause of which is refractive error. As a result, a person sees images and objects well at a close distance, but the distance is blurry and unclear. But if the disease is not dealt with, then over time the near vision will begin to deteriorate.

In medicine, there are 3 degrees of myopia:

  1. weak - up to 3 diopters.
  2. average - up to 6 diopters.
  3. high - over 6 diopters.

Myopia almost always affects both eyes, in rare cases one. Many experts believe that “unilateral myopia” is a consequence of improper correction.

It is important to know that if a person is diagnosed with moderate myopia, then observation by an ophthalmologist and vision correction are mandatory, since, as the disease progresses, it leads to inevitable consequences - blindness.

Symptoms and signs of myopia

The main manifestation of the disease is poor visibility of objects located in the distance and the faster, the more this distance is reduced. With moderate myopia, a person may have difficulty seeing objects located at a distance of only 20–30 cm from him.

The disease also manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • constant desire to squint your eyes when viewing images;
  • rapid eye fatigue;
  • possible appearance of light glare in front of the eyes;
  • blurred vision during twilight;
  • feeling of discomfort in the eyes;
  • inability to read text at arm's length;
  • straight lines appear curved;
  • photosensitivity;
  • sometimes the patient exhibits a symptom such as “bulging eyes”;
  • dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Factors provoking the development of the defect:

  • incorrect correction and treatment
  • hereditary factor;
  • eye diseases: astigmatism, strabismus;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • poor circulation in the eyeball;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • constant visual stress;
  • shortage useful microelements and vitamins;
  • thyroid diseases.

Treatment of moderate myopia

Treatment of moderate myopia is possible in several ways:

  • various types of correction;
  • therapeutic methods.

Vision correction

After the examination, the ophthalmologist selects an individual vision correction method.

Note to parents:

Glasses and contact lenses

Glasses - for second degree myopia, ophthalmologists usually prescribe wearing two pairs of glasses. One pair for close-range work:

  • reading;
  • letter;
  • watching movies.

The other is for long-distance vision.

In such a situation, an excellent alternative is bifocal glasses, the lenses of which are divided into two parts and, thanks to this design, they are suitable for wearing in both cases.

  • different degrees of myopia in the eyes;
  • unilateral myopia.

You should know that for moderate myopia, correction using optics is prescribed mainly as a temporary measure, or in cases where laser or surgically impossible:

  • patients under the age of majority;
  • thinning of the cornea;
  • weak retina.

Laser correction

The most common and effective way to restore full vision. Corrected with laser irregular shape cornea.

There are several options:

  • Smile;
  • Excimer.

They all have the same effect, the main difference being the cut.

Restoring vision with laser correction has a number of advantages:

  • the procedure is safe and painless;
  • complete restoration of vision;
  • short duration of the operation.

Statistics show that for the past 20 years, there has been no negative consequences and cases of disease progression after laser vision correction.

It should be noted that laser correction is best performed between 18 and 55 years of age.

Surgical methods

Surgical methods for correcting moderate myopia are used only if it progresses by 1 or more diopters per year, and also if the patient has contraindications to other treatment methods.

In other cases, such treatment is not advisable.

Types of operations:

  1. Implantation of actual lenses - on eye lens lenses are installed that not only help improve visual function, but also do not violate the integrity of the eye cornea. Another advantage of the method is that the actual lenses are biologically compatible with human eyes. Vision returns 3–7 hours after surgery.
  2. Lens replacement - the essence of the operation is as follows: the defective lens is removed, and an artificial one is implanted in its place, which refracts rays in the right way, as a result of which a person’s visual function is normalized.

Therapeutic methods

Therapeutic treatments are not able to eliminate the disease, but it has been proven that they can significantly reduce the rate of its development.

Most Common Treatment Options

Drug treatment- patients are prescribed medications such as:

  • Irifrin;
  • Piracetam.

Also as aids are appointed vitamin complexes groups A, B.

Gymnastics for the eyes - by performing a set of gymnastics for the eyes every day, a person not only trains the visual muscles and relieves fatigue, but also significantly slows down the progression of myopia. There are many techniques; the most optimal exercises are selected by an ophthalmologist.

The easiest and simplest exercises:

  1. Blink rapidly for a minute.
  2. Draw a diamond or square with your eyes.
  3. Fix your gaze on any object and begin to tilt your head left and right.

Techniques hardware treatment- with the help of ophthalmological devices, the condition of the retina improves and the blood supply improves.

The most effective methods:

  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Electrical stimulation;
  • Color effect.

Prohibitions and restrictions for moderate myopia

Restrictions for second degree myopia:

  • Young people with moderate myopia, which approaches the critical level of 6 diopters, as well as concomitant eye diseases, are unsuitable for military service.
  • Sports such as boxing, wrestling, and hockey are prohibited.
  • Since with second-degree myopia there is a high probability of retinal detachment, prolonged tilting of the head down is not recommended.
  • It is necessary to reduce visual stress.
  • Protect your eyes from the sun.
  • Avoid alcohol.

The main rule is not to self-medicate, but to follow the recommendations of your treating doctors.

Deterioration of vision is a consequence bad ecology, wrong image life and rapid technological progress. Moderate myopia is one of the most common diagnoses. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in childhood or youth. Older people rarely suffer from myopia. Myopia is a synonym for this ophthalmological disorder. If you do not consult an ophthalmologist in time, the disease will progress. Visual acuity is improved by wearing glasses or contact lenses. The only way to get rid of myopia forever is through surgery.

What is moderate myopia?

The eyes are a tool visual system. A special center in the brain is responsible for image perception. In a person with good eyesight Light rays are projected onto the center of the retina, refracted and transmit the image to the brain. With myopia, the eyeball lengthens. Light rays do not reach the retina and are focused in front of it.

A person with second degree myopia sees well up close, but objects in the distance become blurry and appear unclear.

The eye muscles tense and stretch. This leads to a worsening of the condition.

The second degree of myopia is characterized by the presence of symptoms such as:

  • decreased visual acuity at dusk;
  • blurring of distant objects;
  • frequent migraines;
  • squinting your eyes to get a clear image;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • pain in the eyes and between the eyebrows.

To improve your visual acuity, it is important to understand what myopia is and why it occurs. Myopia is a refractive error. The disease occurs due to improper refraction of light rays. The visual muscles are in constant tension. The eye lengthens by 1–3 mm, turning from a sphere to an oval. To improve vision, ophthalmic exercises are prescribed. The exercises are aimed at relaxing and restoring the functionality of the eye muscles.

Myopia 2nd degree is a refractive error within the range of -3.25 to -6 diopters. With this disorder, a person has poor spatial orientation. He cannot distinguish the number of a vehicle, does not see letters at arm's length, and does not recognize familiar people on the street. Myopia of the 2nd degree must be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. Otherwise, the quality of life will deteriorate.

Hypertonicity eye muscles provokes damage to blood vessels and capillaries.

Marked frequent hemorrhages. The condition of the fundus is deteriorating. Without treatment, complications arise. Retinal detachment - dangerous consequence neglected form myopia. Dystrophic changes lead to blindness. To prevent this from happening, it is important to start treatment for moderate myopia on time. Therapy and correction are selected taking into account age and individual physiological factors. The task of the ophthalmologist is to strengthen the blood vessels of the eye and prescribe glasses or contact lenses.

Drug therapy methods

Myopic people experience dry and itchy eyes. This occurs due to constant tension and frequent rubbing of the eyelids with fingers. Redness appears on the mucous membrane. My eyes start to hurt. To relax visual organs, an ophthalmologist prescribes drops to a patient. Drug treatment does not eliminate the pathology, but only eliminates physical discomfort. However, this is also important.

Myopia of the 2nd degree is alleviated with the help of drugs such as:

  1. Irifrin. Drops are removed excess liquid and dilate the pupils, helping to relax the eye muscles. The medicine constricts blood vessels and strengthens the retina. The fundus of the eye receives all the necessary substances.
  2. Ujala. The drug is intended to cleanse the lens and relieve tension. Potassium is the main component of the drops; it nourishes the eye structures at the cellular level. Regular use of the medicine helps cleanse blood vessels and capillaries.
  3. Taufon. Drops based on sulfur and amino acids improve metabolic processes and promote rapid tissue regeneration. The drug is effective in stages 1 and 2 of myopic disorder.
  4. Vita-Iodurol. These are universal eye drops. They are rich in minerals and trace elements. The drug is prescribed to children with caution.
  5. Emoxipin. The drug protects the cornea and strengthens the retina. It contains a complex of antioxidants and is prescribed to improve vascular system organs of vision.

If myopia progresses, the doctor prescribes vitamin drops. The following drugs are effective:

  • Quinax;
  • Visiomax;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Aquadetrim;
  • Okovit;
  • Focus V.

If it is necessary to relieve inflammation or examine the fundus of the eye, the doctor prescribes Tropicamide. For children under 6 years of age, the medicine is dripped in the presence of an ophthalmologist, since active substance has a strong influence on nervous system. It is important to correctly calculate the dosage to avoid negative consequences.

Drops are additional method therapy.

The main treatment is to use correction and perform eye exercises. Myopia can be treated with drops only with the permission of an ophthalmologist. Incorrect selection and dosage of medication can negatively affect the functioning of the visual organs.

Optical correction of moderate myopia

You can improve your visual acuity with glasses or contact lenses. This is optical correction. This method completely safe and suitable for people of all ages. The use of medical accessories will not eliminate the pathology, but will only improve the clarity of the visible image. This will have a positive effect on the functioning of the eye muscles, since they will relax while using the correction.

Moderate myopia in both eyes is corrected with glasses with diverging lenses that have minus values. The thickness of the glass depends on the number of diopters. The more advanced the pathology, the thicker the lenses in the glasses. Glasses that correct myopia visually make the eyes smaller. Glasses are prescribed by an ophthalmologist for constant wearing. A person puts them on in the morning and takes them off just before bed.

People with stage 2 disease find it more convenient to use contact lenses. Therapeutic accessories are made of hypoallergenic material, so they are comfortable to wear. Lenses for myopia correction also have minus indicators and are divergent. People with hypersensitive mucous membranes of the eyes are recommended to wear glasses.

Contact lenses can cause the development of conjunctivitis.

The correction method is selected only by an ophthalmologist. The doctor examines the patient, diagnoses the degree of deviation and writes a prescription for glasses or contact lenses. You won’t be able to choose a corrective accessory on your own. The patient goes to the optician with a prescription for glasses. Contact lenses can be purchased at a regular pharmacy.

Laser correction and ophthalmic surgery

Myopia 2 degrees amenable complete cure laser. The procedure is modern, safe and effective. It allows the patient to return 100% visibility. Laser correction has age restrictions; it is performed on people from 18 to 40 years old. This is explained by the fact that before adulthood, the visual organs are still being formed. After 40 years, laser correction of myopia can have the opposite effect, with myopia turning into farsightedness.

The essence of the procedure is to change the shape of the cornea. The top layer is cut off with a laser, forming something like a minus lens. A flat cornea scatters light rays better, and the image is projected clearly onto the retina. There are several types of laser correction. The most expensive method is distinguished by its ability to adapt to individual physiological characteristics patient. This is necessary in case of serious congenital pathologies. Suitable for ordinary myopia standard procedure laser correction.

Progressive moderate myopia is dangerous pathology, which is recommended to be corrected using ophthalmic surgery. This method is used in cases where the degree of impairment exceeds -20 diopters. The operation is complex and requires a long rehabilitation period.

The natural lens is replaced by an artificial one.

Sometimes a corneal layer is transplanted. An IOL or phakic lens is implanted into the eye. Ophthalmic surgery is good alternative laser correction. Price similar operation depends on the stage of the disease, the popularity of the clinic and the reputation of the attending physician.

Myopia - pathological condition, characterized by refractive error in one eye or both. In this case, the main optical focus is localized between the retina and the lens of the visual apparatus. Because of such pathological changes a sick person begins to have difficulty distinguishing objects that are located at a certain distance from him.

IN medical literature myopia of the eye is also called myopia. The disease was named this way because a person is much better at distinguishing between objects and people in close proximity to him.

Medical statistics are such that eye myopia is a fairly common pathology of the visual system. It affects over 25% of the world's population. Therefore, it is important to start preventing the disease as early as possible. It is also worth noting that congenital myopia sometimes occurs. But it is still more often diagnosed in adolescents. Over time, this pathological condition can gradually progress.

In myopia, light entering the eye is refracted by the lens and projected in front of the retina. It is precisely because the central focal point is located in front of the retina that a person cannot clearly see objects located at a certain distance from him. The picture turns out blurry.

With low myopia, the patient sees distant objects poorly, but close objects well. If the disease continues to progress, then soon the patient will no longer see close objects normally. Progressive myopia can cause the patient to become disabled. But myopia may also not be progressive. In this case, vision is impaired only when looking into the distance. Treatment for this condition is usually not required. Doctors only carry out its correction.


There are many reasons for the progression of myopia. The main ones are the following:

  • heredity. Myopia is transmitted at the genetic level. If one of the parents has such a disease, then with a 25% chance it will be passed on to his child. Myopia in children in whom both parents have this disease, progresses in 50% of cases;
  • malnutrition;
  • increased loads on the visual apparatus - one of the main reasons;
  • pathologies of the visual apparatus;
  • birth injuries;
  • TBI of varying severity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • intoxication;
  • previously suffered illnesses of a bacterial, viral and fungal nature.


In total, there are 3 degrees of myopia in medicine. They all differ in severity pathological process, symptoms.

Degrees of myopia:

  • myopia 1st degree. In this case, the refractive error does not exceed 3 diopters. Visual function is practically not impaired. With low myopia, the contours of distant objects are slightly blurred, but a person can still see them. Other symptoms of this pathology: squinting the eyes to see distant objects, painful sensations in the forehead, temples, orbits, rapid fatigue of the visual apparatus and increased dryness of the mucous membrane;
  • myopia 2 degrees. The degree of refractive error is from 3 to 6 diopters. The progression of moderate myopia entails changes in the fundus, so it is important to begin treating it as soon as possible. This degree of myopia is diagnosed in 14% of the total number of patients suffering from this disease. The main symptom is a decrease visual function to the extent that the patient begins to see poorly objects that are located 25 cm from him. Also, with moderate myopia, twilight vision worsens, slight bulging eyes are noted, and headache And increased fatigue visual apparatus. It is important to immediately contact an ophthalmologist for treatment if such signs appear. If moderate myopia progresses, flashes will begin to appear before the eyes, and the permeability of the blood vessels supplying the eyes will increase. In severe cases it is even possible;
  • myopia 3 degrees. High myopia is the most severe, since the refractive error exceeds 6 diopters. This disease is dangerous because it leads to progression dangerous complications. People with high myopia practically cannot see objects. The world without glasses merges for them into one big blurry spot. The disease is often accompanied. Symptoms of high myopia: squinting of the eyes, thinning of the retina and a significant increase in the permeability of the blood vessels of the visual apparatus, headaches of varying degrees of intensity. In severe cases, the retina becomes deformed.


The main symptom of high, moderate and low myopia is difficulty in distinguishing objects that are located far from the sick person. In addition, the following signs appear:

  • the sclera of the eye may have a bluish tint;
  • headache of varying degrees of intensity;
  • a person constantly squints his eyes to better see distant objects;
  • light spots, threads and flashes appear before your eyes;
  • there is a desire to rub your eyes to slightly improve the clarity of the picture;
  • palpebral fissure expands, so the manifestation of bulging eyes is possible;
  • decline twilight vision;
  • the visual apparatus quickly gets tired;
  • eye pain;
  • eyes are constantly tense.

When manifested specified symptoms should immediately contact a qualified healthcare professional for competent diagnostics and prescribing the correct treatment plan.

Separately, it is worth highlighting myopia during pregnancy. Pregnancy is not a pathology, but a difficult condition for female body, which leads to changes in almost all organs and systems. This also applies to the visual apparatus. Myopia can cause the following problems during pregnancy:

  • in the third trimester, retinal complications may occur;
  • vision may decrease due to early or late toxicosis;
  • High myopia during childbirth can lead to retinal detachment. Therefore, the presence of such a disease may become a contraindication for childbirth.

Therapeutic measures

Myopia treatment should be carried out as soon as the diagnosis has been confirmed. Today, there are several methods that make it possible to restore normal visual acuity.

Drug therapy

It is taught in courses. Therapy should be given to patients with varying degrees myopia. For moderate, low and high myopia, the following pharmaceuticals are prescribed:

  • calcium preparations;
  • vitamins from group B;
  • drugs that stimulate blood circulation in the brain.

It is important to remember that such drugs also have some contraindications that the doctor must take into account when prescribing them.

Correction with lenses and glasses

The strength of the lenses is selected by the doctor strictly individually. Which correction method to choose - glasses or contact lenses - depends on the patient’s preference. But it is worth noting that lenses have some contraindications, such as allergies or individual intolerance.

Hardware therapy

In this case, doctors resort to the use of a laser, accomodo trainer, as well as color pulse treatment.

Surgical techniques

They are resorted to in case of rapid progression of the disease. The main goal is to stop the progression of the disease. In cases of high myopia, the patient undergoes lens replacement.

Laser correction

An effective procedure to restore vision. It has some contraindications, including:

  • age under 18 years;
  • inflammatory diseases of the elements of the visual apparatus.


Scientists have found that the disease begins to progress even in childhood. Therefore, prevention should be practiced from childhood.

Prevention of myopia:

  • regular eye exercises are an excellent prevention of pathologies of the elements of the visual apparatus;
  • Proper sitting while studying is another important preventive measure. It is forbidden to arch your back, your head must look straight;
  • balanced diet;
  • eye protection from active exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Examinations by an ophthalmologist are a preventive measure that will help prevent not only myopia, but also other diseases of the visual system.

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1. Heredity. A scientific connection has been established between the myopia of parents and their children. If both parents have myopia, then the risk of developing of this disease their child under 18 years of age is more than 50%. When both parents have normal vision, the risk of their child developing myopia is 10%.

2. Intense visual loads to which the organs of vision are exposed. Myopia most often develops either during school or student years, precisely when the maximum load is placed on the eyes.

3. Incorrect vision correction. When selecting glasses for the first time, it is very important to follow all correction rules, as well as to exclude false myopia. To prevent the progression of myopia, you need to follow the recommendations and rules for wearing glasses and contacts, and do not forget to regularly check your vision.

It is worth noting that wearing contact lenses contributes to changes in the tissues of the ocular surface, which is often accompanied by discomfort and dry eye syndrome. Provide healthy condition the surface of the eye will help comprehensive solution– use of ophthalmic gel and eye drops. Eliminates the causes of discomfort with the Korneregel gel. It contains carbomer on a soft gel base, which maintains complete hydration, and dexpanthenol, which has a healing effect.

Those who experience discomfort and dryness 3 or more times a day should choose Artelak Balance drops, which combine a unique combination of hyaluronic acid and vitamin B12. Hyaluronic acid forms a film on the surface of the eye that provides long-lasting hydration. The action of hyaluronic acid prolongs the special protector. Vitamin B12 is the most strong antioxidant, protecting cells from damage by free radicals.

To those who experience discomfort no more than 2-3 times a day, Artelak Splash drops containing hyaluronic acid providing instant hydration.

Regardless of the symptoms, to prevent discomfort and dryness, it is good to use these eye drops in combination with a gel based on dexpanthenol.

4. Poor nutrition. Myopia can occur due to the lack of microelements and vitamins in the diet, which play a significant role in the synthesis of tissues (the membrane of the eye) and are involved in light perception.

5. Vascular factors. If the blood supply to the eye is disrupted, then there is a high probability of developing myopia in the near future.


The main symptom of myopia is decreased distance vision, when all objects appear blurry and indistinct. A person, trying to improve the clarity of the picture, begins to squint. At the same time, a person with myopia sees objects located nearby clearly. In addition, symptoms of myopia include the following: headaches, visual fatigue.

Usually, the first signs of myopia appear at a fairly young age (7-12 years), after which the disease progresses in women up to 20 years, and in men up to 22 years. Then vision usually stabilizes, but may further deteriorate.

The development of myopia is not difficult to recognize. If you notice that your child often squints while looking at something, this is good reason consult an ophthalmologist.


Degrees of myopia

There are three degrees of the disease:

1. Mild myopia (no more than three diopters).

2. Moderate myopia (3-6 diopters).

3. High myopia (more than six diopters).

By clinical course myopia is divided into progressive and non-progressive:

Progressive myopia is a disease that requires an increase in lens power by more than 1 diopter per year. In this situation, it is possible that serious complications requiring surgical intervention. Non-progressive myopia is an anomaly. Her clinical manifestation– decreased distance vision, which can be corrected and does not require any treatment.

Diagnosis of myopia

Only an ophthalmologist can diagnose myopia. For this purpose, a thorough examination of the patient is carried out, his visual acuity and a number of special research(, and others).

If you discover symptoms of myopia, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist, but not an optician, because it is not always possible to get advice from a specialist with a higher education degree. medical education(ophthalmologist, ophthalmologist). When going to an optician, where clients are advised by a regular optometrist (a person who has completed courses in correct selection glasses), you risk receiving incorrect information and damaging your vision.

Complications of the disease

Myopia treatment

Treatment of myopia is divided into several areas: correction, treatment and surgery.

1. Myopia is corrected using diverging lenses. When prescribing glasses or contact lenses, the doctor is based on the degree of myopia. If the degree is weak, glasses can not be worn all the time, but only when necessary.

2. Treatment of myopia. In childhood and adolescence, special training ciliary muscle. In addition, special stimulating (hardware) therapy is prescribed and restorative treatment, including with (" " for adults and " " for children).

Among the physiotherapeutic devices, one can highlight "" - a device that combines 4 methods of influence: infrasound, phonophoresis, pneumomassage and color pulse therapy. This complex effect improves blood supply to the tissues of the eye, trains the eye (ciliary) muscle, and enhances the effect of medications. The advantage of the device is that it can be used at home by patients of all ages. age groups(both older people and children over 3 years old.)

3. Surgical intervention for myopia has become widespread:

To prevent the progression of myopia and the development of complications, it is performed (strengthening back wall eyeball).

Most often used to restore vision