High myopia. Characteristics of the disease high myopia and therapeutic measures Programming and high myopia

Main contraindications to sports for people with myopia.

Many people believe that myopia does not interfere with playing sports, but they are deeply mistaken. As with others complex diseases, with myopia should be reversed special attention on the approach to choosing a sport and permitted loads.

For myopic people, it is imperative to correctly identify contraindications. Doctors must monitor the condition of the organ of vision. Sports can be good for the eyes with myopia and help stabilize it, but it can also be bad for the eyes and cause blindness. This depends on the degree of myopia, as well as on the structure of the chosen sport and sports loads.

Features of playing sports for myopia and farsightedness

Myopia (myopia, from the Greek “myo” - squinting and “opsis” - looking) is a change in the shape of the eye from round to oval, due to which the refraction of light within it is disrupted, and light rays passing through the eyeball are focused in front of the retina, and not on her. Therefore, nearsighted people see objects that are far away as blurry. In this case, the retinal cells located in the zone of maximum light sensitivity are rarefied and stretched. This is the main reason why doctors prohibit activities related to jumping, hitting, straining and the possibility of getting a traumatic brain injury - because high risk retinal rupture or detachment.

With farsightedness, for example, the eye is not elongated, but flattened, and the retina does not stretch as critically as with myopia. Therefore, farsighted people in sports are almost always given “ green light", at least by ophthalmologists.

However, the diagnosis of “myopia” in itself is not a final verdict that puts an end to sports activities. Firstly, it can be congenital and acquired. The second, naturally, is more dangerous.

Secondly, the degree of myopia matters. Officially distinguish:

  • weak myopia - up to 3 diopters
  • average myopia- from 3 to 6 diopters
  • severe myopia - above 6 diopters

Up to 3 diopters, as a rule, there are no restrictions on physical activity. From 5 diopters - doctors are cautious in giving permission to play sports, even in the absence degenerative changes on the fundus. In this case, novice athletes will have to forget about weightlifting, boxing, all types of wrestling, acrobatics and artistic gymnastics. Over 6 diopters is the maximum limitation, regardless of sports ranks and achievements.

Thirdly, this gradation is very arbitrary, since with -1 vision you can have progressive myopia (when it increases by one or more diopters per year). Then the doctor will think carefully about what conclusion to give you. Or you can walk around with -3 all your life, do boxing, wrestling and lifting weights, and your eyes will feel great. Well, maybe not exactly excellent, but no less than -3.

And fourthly, to summarize the previous two points, restrictions on playing sports are imposed not in accordance with the degree of myopia, but based on changes inside the eye. Let’s say, it’s much worse and more dangerous when mild myopia hemorrhages are visible in the fundus and the retina is weakened than the stable condition with average myopia.

If your myopia does not progress, you should definitely engage in some kind of sport. If it is impossible to play sports with glasses and contact lenses, then you can take off your glasses during exercise. If you cannot use glasses, but visual acuity is necessary, then in such cases you need to use contact lenses worn directly on the eyeball.

When developing myopia, you cannot engage in sports with great physical stress (boxing, wrestling, weightlifting, etc.).

If a person has myopia of more than 4 diopters, then doctors should not allow him to play sports. Myopia may progress during exercise, in which case the athlete should stop playing sports or reduce the load.

Playing sports can have a positive effect on vision stabilization. Sports games, swimming, skiing, and mountain sports give them great advantages.

When limited physical activity Myopic people experience a deterioration in the blood supply to various organs, including the eyes, and a deterioration in the ability to accommodate. However, as the researchers note, not all physical exercises will be beneficial for people with myopia. The most useful are cyclic exercises of moderate intensity (running, swimming), in which the heart rate remains at the level of 100-140 beats per minute. By causing blood flow to the eyes, these exercises improve the functioning of the ciliary muscle of the eye and normalize circulation intraocular fluid. High-intensity cyclic exercises, as well as acrobatics, jumping, exercises on gymnastic apparatus, causing an increase in heart rate up to 180 beats per minute, lead to significant long-term ocular ischemia, and are therefore contraindicated for myopic people.

A decrease in general physical activity and physical inactivity, combined with significant visual stress, which is often found among schoolchildren and students, contributes to the development and progression of myopia. To prevent the occurrence and treatment of myopia in children and youth, a combination of physical exercise aimed at general development, with special exercises that improve blood supply to the eyes and cause strengthening of the ciliary muscle.

In order to correctly assess the possibility of engaging in certain types of physical education and sports, it is necessary to focus on the existing criteria for dividing students and schoolchildren into groups in accordance with the degree of myopia and the presence or absence of complications and changes in the fundus. According to this methodology, there are main, preparatory and special groups for classes physical culture. Students with farsightedness or myopia greater than 6 diopters, chronic or degenerative eye diseases and changes in the fundus of the eye should study according to an individual program under the supervision of a doctor in a special group. IN preparatory group All students with farsightedness or nearsightedness of 3 to 6 diopters should be referred. If refractive errors do not exceed 3 diopters, students can attend physical education classes in the main group.

Students and schoolchildren with weak degree For myopia or hypermetropia, sports games are useful, during which there is a constant switching of vision alternately to close and far distances. Sports such as volleyball, basketball or table tennis have a beneficial effect on the accommodative ability of the eyes and train the eye muscles, preventing the progression of pathological changes organ of vision.

Students with moderate myopia or farsightedness should limit the intensity of physical education classes, as well as types of physical activity such as jumping (long jumping, high jumping, high jumping, etc.). Their physical education classes must be supplemented with special exercises aimed at strengthening the eye muscles, eye gymnastics, physical therapy.

With a high degree of myopia, complications and changes in the fundus of the eye, a significant limitation of types of physical activity is indicated. Myopia and sports are not compatible in cases of sports disciplines such as boxing and wrestling, jumping, tennis and football, alpine skiing, weightlifting, cycling or equestrianism. Dosed cyclic exercises under the supervision of a doctor (running, swimming, race walking, shooting, rowing, fencing).

Exercise therapy for myopia

Patients with mild myopia and medium degree To improve your vision, you need to perform the following exercises daily to strengthen your muscles. It is necessary to include in all complexes the exercise “mark on glass” to train the ciliary muscle.

Sample exercises to improve vision:

A) The exercise is done standing, hands placed on the back of the head. First, raise your arms up, bend, then return to your current position. Do it 7 times.

B) Circular movements head 4 times to the left and 4 to the right.

B) Self-massage of muscles back surface neck and back of the head for 60 seconds.

D) Circular movements of the eyes. Perform slowly first to the left, then to the right for about 1 minute.

D) Closing your eyes, lightly press your fingers on your eyeballs for about 35-45 seconds.

E) Exercise “mark on glass”. It is necessary to perform for about 1-2 minutes, training the muscles of the eye, first the left, then the right, and then together.

G) Closing your eyes, stroke your eyelids from the outer corners to your nose, and then back for about 40-45 seconds.

H) Perform rapid blinking for about 25-30 seconds.

I) Sit with your eyes closed for about 60 seconds and perform abdominal breathing.

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Good day, friends! As you know, myopia is called refractive error, leading to decreased distance vision. It turns out that a person sees well up close, but finds it difficult to see everything that is at a distance from him.

Those who have been diagnosed with high myopia in both eyes know what inconvenience this ophthalmological pathology causes, depriving a person of full life. For this reason, I would like to know how to get rid of this disease. This is what we will do now!

What is it - high myopia (ICD-10 code - H52.1)? This is an eye disease characterized by elongation eyeball, which leads to a significant increase in the distance between its posterior part and the cornea. As a result, the light rays entering the eye are incorrectly refracted - they are focused not on the retina, but in front of it. With a high degree of myopia, visual acuity indicators drop to -6 or more diopters.

The danger of the pathology is due to serious changes occurring in the organs of vision. Thus, with severe myopia, thinning of the retina and choroid is observed, as a result of which vision is greatly deteriorated: a person is able to see only those objects and images that are located 10-15 cm from his eyes. High myopia requires mandatory treatment, otherwise serious complications may arise in the form of:

  • dystrophy and
  • cataracts;
  • destruction vitreous;
  • lattice degeneration of the retina;
  • Fuchs spots;
  • total loss vision.

There are certain contraindications that people with high myopia should take into account to prevent the risk of retinal detachment. Under no circumstances should they do heavy work. physical activity, lift heavy objects and strain your eyes. There's another one important point concerning childbirth high myopia. Many women are interested in whether it is possible to give birth on their own if they have such an illness.

Most experts recommend giving preference caesarean section, because due to the increase intraocular pressure During childbirth, a woman may lose her vision temporarily or permanently. However, there are no absolute contraindications to natural childbirth with high myopia.

In any case, the final decision on the method of delivery remains with the ophthalmologist and gynecologist.

Are people with a high degree of myopia granted disability status?

Misconception many people suffering from high myopia in both eyes, is that with such ophthalmological disease put . This is partly true, but there are many nuances on the basis of which a decision is made about the advisability of assigning a disability to a patient. The right to receive this status are persons who have been diagnosed with degenerative myopia, as well as those whose myopia has led to serious complications in the form of retinal dystrophy or degeneration.

If the disease is detected in a child, disability is due if it progresses rapidly. Each case is considered individually by members of the medical commission. The decision to assign or not to assign a disability due to myopia is made based on the person’s functional capabilities.

Popular treatments for severe myopia

Today, there are several treatment options for high myopia in adults and children. They are either conservative or surgical. The most common include:

  1. Glasses. This is the most popular method for correcting myopia in childhood. Thanks to minus glasses, the image moves directly to the retina and becomes clearer.
  2. Contact. Convenience is the main advantage of contact lenses. Unlike glasses, while wearing contact lenses there is no disruption lateral vision and and spatial perception.
  3. Orthokeratology lenses. These are special lenses designed for night use. They are put on before going to bed and taken off after waking up. The main advantage of such lenses is that they help flatten the cornea.
  4. Physiotherapy. This method involves carrying out various physiotherapeutic procedures using special devices. The most popular physical procedures for the treatment of high myopia are: magnetic therapy, laser therapy, electrophoresis, vacuum simulators, etc. In most cases hardware treatment high myopia is prescribed to small patients. To increase therapeutic effect, it is recommended to run in parallel special exercises for the eyes and carry out vitamin therapy.

Surgical methods for treating eye diseases

In cases where optical and contact correction are powerless in the treatment of severe myopia, patients over 18 years of age undergo surgery in one of the following ways:

  1. Laser correction (indicated for myopia up to -15 D). This is one of the most popular modern procedures to eliminate myopia, which is aimed at changing the shape of the curved cornea. As a result, it changes optical power vision: the image, slightly scattered, falls directly on the macula.
  2. (indicated for myopia up to -20 D).
  3. Removal of the lens followed by implantation of an intraocular lens. ( similar operation allows you to eliminate myopia down to -25 D).

Important! Any type of surgical intervention to correct vision for high myopia is carried out only when the disease is in a calm state, that is, it does not progress or its manifestations are temporarily suspended. Unfortunately, no operation can give a 100% guarantee that a person will not encounter a similar problem again in the future.

Speaking of best clinics where myopia is treated, we should highlight: Excimer, Center for Vision Restoration, eye clinic Shilova, Fedorov clinic, etc.

112 10/22/2019 5 min.

Myopia (myopia) is considered one of the most common diseases. The patient is unable to see distant objects - their contours appear blurry and unclear. Increased danger represents high degree myopia, there is a risk of developing serious complications up to blindness. A high degree of myopia is diagnosed at 6 diopters and above. When correcting the disease, glasses or contact lenses, in severe cases it is carried out surgery.


High myopia develops for the following reasons:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • increased strain on the eyes - sitting at a computer for several hours in a row, reading small print, poor lighting;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • neglect of hygiene rules;
  • congenital pathologies of the eye structure;
  • bad environment.


The following methods are used to diagnose myopia:

  • medical examination- used when diagnosing children under 3 years of age - during the process the shape, size, position of the eyeballs are checked, the patient’s ability to fix the eyes on moving bright objects is diagnosed;
  • biomicroscopy– when carrying it out, a special slit lamp, the device makes it possible to assess the condition of the lens, cornea, conjunctiva, fundus, anterior eye chamber;
  • color testing- as part of the procedure, the patient’s ability to distinguish colors is tested (most often used when passing a medical examination for drivers);
  • ophthalmoscopy- provides examination of the condition of the retina, incl. central artery and other vessels, optic nerves and other structures;
  • skiascopy- includes a shadow test, using an ophthalmic mirror;
  • refractometry- allows you to determine the degree of refraction and the type of astigmatism;
  • Ultrasound- used to diagnose retinal detachment, hemorrhages, scars, foreign bodies, neoplasms.

Effect on pregnancy and childbirth

Quite often mild degree myopia occurs during pregnancy. With previously diagnosed myopia, there is a risk of significant worsening visual function, most often this happens in the 3rd trimester. The pathology is accompanied by an increase in intraocular pressure, placing additional stress on the retina. He will tell you about vitamins for the eyes for myopia.

The risk of retinal detachment during this period increases many times over; constant medical supervision is required throughout the entire pregnancy, and it is necessary to attend exercise therapy classes. The decision on the method of delivery is made by the doctor - when minimal risk childbirth shown in a natural way, if high, a caesarean section is performed.

After giving birth, a woman should visit an ophthalmologist to help avoid vision problems.

What to abstain from


The main method of vision correction is glasses and contact lenses; this should be done by an ophthalmologist. When selecting glasses, the amount of myopia is determined for each eye in a state of movement and rest, correction is carried out taking into account binocular vision. A high degree of myopia is subject to 100% correction. An ophthalmologist may recommend 2 pairs of glasses: for near and far distances. Read about the treatment of progressive myopia in children and adults.


When performing surgery, the following methods are used:

  1. Refractive lens replacement. The operation is performed using minimally invasive approaches in outpatient setting after local drip anesthesia. As part of the procedure, the lens is removed and an artificial analogue is installed in its place. Before the operation is carried out comprehensive examination. During the operation, it is constantly present, since the patient is conscious, it may be necessary to take sedatives. To fix the eyelids, a special spring blepharostat is used to hold the eyes open. After anesthesia, the ophthalmologist makes a hole in the cornea and an ultrasound device is inserted through it. Under its influence, the lens is destroyed, and an artificial lens is placed in the lens capsule.
  2. Phakic intraocular lenses are a method similar to vision correction with contact lenses. Optical devices are not installed on the cornea, but are implanted into the anterior or posterior chamber, while the lens is preserved. The method leads to loss of the ability to accommodate, so after the operation the patient must wear glasses for close work and reading. This method of correction is prescribed for loss of natural accommodation; it is most often used in the treatment of patients over 45-50 years of age.
  3. Excimer-. The essence of the operation is laser exposure to the cornea. High precision laser beam provides modeling of a transparent outer shell, resulting in its correct shape. Laser method has become widespread; special equipment is used during the intervention. An excimer laser is a special device that affects the affected area with a gas ultraviolet emitter. As a result of the operation, part of the cornea evaporates. Precise exposure prevents infection from entering the diseased eye, which also helps reduce the recovery period.

Selecting a method surgical correction depends on specific situation, the decision is made by the attending physician.


Following these rules will help prevent myopia:

  • compliance with the visual work regime;
  • the correct choice of lighting should ensure maximum comfort for the eyes; when working in the office, it is recommended to use natural and artificial lighting;
  • refusal to read while lying down and in transport;
  • spending time outdoors;
  • limiting time spent watching TV, computer, smartphone, tablet;
  • need for regular visits ophthalmologist;
  • periodic visual gymnastics.


The main danger of severe myopia is increased risk occurrence of complications.

Main complications:

  1. Retinal atrophy– develops as a result of its degeneration and thinning.
  2. Peripheral dystrophy retina.
  3. Lacquered retinal cracks– gaps between choroid and retina.
  4. Chorioretinal form– accompanied by the formation of new blood vessels, which grow from the choroid onto the retina. They are characterized by increased fragility; bleeding often occurs, which causes swelling and damage to the retina.
  5. Cataract- a disease accompanied by clouding of the lens, which leads to various forms disorders of visual function up to complete loss. Turbidity occurs due to denaturation of the protein that is part of the tissue.
  6. Glaucoma- large group eye diseases, which are accompanied by a constant/periodic increase in intraocular pressure with the development of typical field defects.

In addition to the listed complications, a high degree of myopia leads to a deterioration in the quality of life; the patient is forced to constantly wear glasses or contact lenses.

When is disability possible?

With a high degree of myopia, with vision of 0.1 or lower, the patient has the right to claim disability. To do this, you need to contact an ophthalmologist, whose responsibilities include issuing a referral to other specialists and taking tests.

The patient must undergo an ECG, X-ray, ultrasound, the list of specialists is determined by the doctor based on the characteristics of the disease.

After filling out the referral for medical examination, the patient is sent to a medical commission, at this stage specialists check the correctness of filling out the documents. All documents are certified by the signature and seal of the head physician.

At the next stage, the patient contacts the ITU at his place of residence, after which appointments are made. exact time and date of examination. As part of the examination, it is carried out ophthalmological examination, based on the results of which the doctor decides on the need to assign disability.


This video will tell you in detail about the signs of high myopia.


  1. Myopia is a serious visual impairment, which is accompanied by deformation of the eyeball; distant objects appear blurry, their contours are unclear.
  2. The reasons for the development of the disease are very different, most often the pathology occurs against the background of a genetic predisposition.
  3. With myopia, the patient cannot see distant objects; there are three degrees of myopia (high, medium and).
  4. During treatment, lenses, glasses, medicines, laser correction, surgical intervention.
  5. Compliance with certain preventive measures will prevent the development of myopia; eye strain should be avoided.

The eyes and the ability to see are important for a person, this is especially acute if grade 3 myopia is diagnosed. Modern life requires excellent vision. At the same time, almost 1 billion of the world's population suffer from myopia and are forced to resort to glasses or contact lenses, which limits their opportunities and choice of profession. Those who have poor vision have a reduced quality of life. Therefore, any vision problems should be eliminated whenever possible. What could be the solution for this disease?

What is myopia? This is an eye pathology in which a person sees well only at close range.. He does not distinguish objects that are located far away. With this disease, the focusing of rays that penetrate the eyes occurs not on the retina, but in front of it. Myopia comes in three degrees:

  • weak;
  • average;
  • high.

If myopia is degree 3, then you need to select glasses with lenses of more than 6.0 diopters.

Causes of myopia:

  • heredity;
  • sitting at the computer for a long time;
  • reading in a dimly lit room and in supine position;
  • eye strain experienced for a long time during the day.

Myopia can be:

  • from birth or acquired;
  • progressive and non-progressive.

There is a very good chance that both eyes have it if there is hereditary predisposition(about 60%). In this case, a high degree of myopia is diagnosed, the cause of which may be anatomical deviations of the organ of vision from the norm. With a weak sclera, myopia is likely to progress. Doctors may recommend surgery to strengthen the sclera.

Vision may remain at the same level (non-progressive type) or decrease, then it is. In the first case, vision deteriorates per year by no more than 1.0 diopters. This means that myopia is benign.

Myopia most often develops as a malignant type in adolescence When myopia progresses (by more than 1.0 diopter per year), it may be accompanied by astigmatism (a disorder in the shape of the lens or cornea, which makes it impossible to see objects clearly). Visual abilities are quickly lost.

The danger of progressive myopia is that it can reach 25.0-30.0 diopters, when a person practically cannot see. This development of the disease is more difficult to correct than non-progressive myopia.

Treatment methods

For high myopia, treatment is prescribed depending on the following factors:

  • how much ;
  • whether the person has other diseases;
  • a condition of the retina, which, as it becomes thinner, can peel off.

High myopia suggests constant wearing glasses or lenses, which are selected by an ophthalmologist (independence is unacceptable here). The doctor will also prescribe special drops or gels for moisturizing the eyes, which is important when working at the computer, vitamins with microelements. A course of treatment using ATP injections may be prescribed. But all this will not help to significantly improve vision. There are more radical methods:

  1. Laser correction. It is done when vision is 6.0-15.0 diopters and in other cases when the patient decides to refuse to wear lenses and glasses. Best age The period for surgery is considered to be from 18 to 55 years, during which time the size of the eyeball remains the same and there are no changes due to the aging of the body and under the influence of complex diseases. If vision does not allow you to decide on surgical intervention, then there are alternative ways myopia treatment.
  2. Refractive lens replacement. It is used for vision up to 20.0 diopters. In this case, the transparent lens is replaced with an artificial one, which is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. The operation is simple and does not require hospitalization.
  3. Keratoplasty. The cornea, its shape and function are restored surgically. This shell is replaced with another material, and the graft can be artificial or donor. Computer modeling allows you to give the cornea the required form. The operation will require local anesthesia.

It is impossible to say clearly which method is the best and which is more difficult. This issue can only be resolved by a highly qualified specialist who will take into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the structure of his eyes, and the degree of myopia. It is also possible to use a combined method of treating high myopia.

Disability due to myopia

High myopia is a severe case and an indication for disability registration. This means that myopia cannot be corrected with lenses or glasses, and the patient is unable to exercise due to vision loss. labor activity. The medical commission determines which disability group will be assigned to the patient:

  1. In group 3, a person can take care of himself with difficulty and with the help of auxiliary devices.
  2. In group 2, the patient lives in a special environment for the disabled, uses the help of other people, and vision improvement is impossible.
  3. In group 1, visual abilities are completely lost, the person is practically helpless in everyday life.

If possible, it is better not to bring yourself to such a state.

Is it possible to give birth with high myopia?

The third type of myopia is usually an indication for cesarean section during pregnancy, a ban on natural childbirth. But the final decision remains with the doctor after examining the patient’s fundus.

To warn possible complications vision, an ophthalmologist examines a pregnant woman diagnosed with myopia early stages, and then at the end of bearing the baby. Indications for cesarean section are changes occurring in the retina and hemorrhages observed in the vitreous area. In this case, it will be contraindicated for the expectant mother to push, since this increases intraocular pressure.

If pregnancy proceeds normally, the refractive power of the eyes does not change. But on later the elasticity of connective tissue increases. Outer shell the eye also becomes more elastic.

With pregnancy pathology, visual acuity may decrease by 2-5 diopters during early and late toxicosis. This is facilitated by swelling and changes in the curvature of the lens. As its volume increases, the refractive power may increase.

If during the examination the doctor finds the retina with tears and thinning, it is possible to perform preventive laser coagulation, during which the retina is connected to the choroid. This painless procedure will prevent dystrophy inner shell and its peeling. The procedure is done if there are no pregnancy complications with increased blood pressure. After this operation, the patient will be examined by a doctor every month.

If during pregnancy, you should see a doctor immediately. The following symptoms should not be ignored:

  • light flashes;
  • flickering;
  • floating cloudiness before the eyes;
  • distortion of the outlines of objects.

After the examination, treatment will be prescribed.

If you had laser correction before pregnancy, you should definitely see a doctor, as retinal stretching is possible.


Contraindications for those with high myopia:

  • stay in the cold and in rooms with excessive high temperature(baths and saunas);
  • drink strong drinks;
  • donate blood as a donor;
  • sometimes give birth naturally;
  • engage in sports that require muscle tension.

If you have grade 3 myopia, physical therapy is recommended:

  1. If vision is above 6.0 diopters, you can perform movements with moderate loads. Gymnastics including eye exercises for 10 minutes will be useful.
  2. Myopic people with vision above 10.0 diopters are prohibited from heavy loads and should not make sudden movements. The complex may consist of 10-12 breathing exercises. Walking at an average pace will be helpful.

How to save your eyesight?

If you already have myopia, then it is advisable not to bring it to a high degree of myopia and treat the pathology in a timely manner. This is possible if you take time to care for your eyes for preventive purposes. poor eyesight. These are the rules:

  1. You need to adhere to a visual regime so that your eyes do not dry out.
  2. Reading or doing other work should be done in good lighting. At the same time, the organs of vision should not strain to see the font or other small details.
  3. When reading, the book should be at a distance of 30-40 cm from the eyes. You should not get used to reading in a lying position or while in transport.
  4. Gymnastics for the eyes will help if you do it regularly.

Whatever your vision, you need to take care of your eyes: take into account contraindications, follow a diet. The body needs to be strengthened by being in nature and doing physical exercise.


High myopia: what is it? This is a fairly common disease that affects every 4th inhabitant of our planet. High myopia is myopia, measured above 6.0 diopters. The disease can make itself known in childhood or adolescence. A patient who has been diagnosed with myopia sees objects in front of him well if they are at a sufficiently small distance. However, the situation with distant objects is different: it is difficult for a person to see them clearly, he sees only vague outlines and nothing more.

The main thing in this case is to start treatment in a timely manner so as not to aggravate the situation and not bring the disease to the status of a pathology. It’s bad when myopia reaches a fairly high degree. IN medical practice There are 2 known variants of the course of the disease:

  1. Progressive myopia, involving the wearing of glasses or contact lenses, treatment and therapeutic procedures.
  2. Non-progressive myopia that does not require enhanced treatment, but only vision correction.

Often, patients do not even suspect the presence of an illness, and only professional diagnostics. However, patients already begin to complain in advance that they have trouble seeing vehicle license plates when standing at a bus stop, and cannot immediately distinguish the numbers on price tags in supermarkets. Children complain that at school they have difficulty seeing what is written on the board if they sit further than the first desk.

High myopia can develop for the following reasons:

  • poor eye and vision hygiene;
  • high body fatigue;
  • imbalance and weakness of eye accommodation, that is, weak ability to see and distinguish objects;
  • weak connective tissues eyes;
  • predisposition at the genetic level.

With this disease, the patient must clearly know the available contraindications:

  • It is forbidden to take a steam bath;
  • you can’t drink alcohol;
  • people with high myopia cannot work in some areas of activity, and young people of military age are not drafted into the army;
  • high myopia excludes donation and even childbirth.

However, all this is very individual, so all questions should be discussed with your doctor. A person with such a disease must be prescribed glasses or contact lenses, but such methods are not curative at all. In case of a progressive form of the disease, surgical intervention is necessary. High myopia with astigmatism is nothing more than myopia, which occurs as a result of a person’s genetic predisposition, and sometimes due to any injuries or surgical interventions.

Preventive measures in the fight against the disease

Before starting an examination of the patient, the ophthalmologist carefully listens to his complaints, and then, based on them, begins an appropriate examination. Signs with letters known to everyone from school days can be used different sizes, as well as a special ophthalmic instrument. Most important method- This is skiascopy, which is aimed at studying the ability of the eyes to refract light (more precisely, the cornea and lens). The final stage of the study is the so-called ophthalmoscopy, with the help of which the doctor examines the fundus of the eye.


To prevent the development of the disease, you should follow preventive measures. This applies to everyone, especially people who often work at the computer and children, as they tend to write in notebooks with their heads bowed low:

  1. The most important measure- This means visiting an ophthalmologist annually, who can diagnose any changes in a timely manner. If the patient begins to be bothered eye pain, discomfort, and vision becomes worse, a trip to the doctor should be made without delay.
  2. Nutrition is an important point in the prevention of eye diseases, because balanced and vitamin-enriched food can maintain vision at the proper level.
  3. As a preventive measure, you need to do certain exercises aimed at relaxing the eye muscles.
  4. To maintain normal vision, good lighting is required, especially during work. At poor lighting the eye constantly strains to distinguish objects, and this negatively affects vision.

If visual acuity, even taking into account corrective means, does not exceed 0.3 diopters, then the patient becomes disabled due to myopia.

When is visual impairment possible?

Visual disability can be of several groups:

  1. The first group is assigned if visual impairment is severe, that is, the person has absolute or almost absolute blindness. Disability in in this case is clearly prescribed, since with such a low level of vision a person is not able to carry out any activity independently, without outside help.
  2. The second group is assigned to the patient if he has poor vision and in most cases needs social support.
  3. The third group is prescribed when the patient has more or less moderate vision loss, self-care is partially impossible and sometimes requires social support.

Disability is also assigned for congenital or chronic diseases of a severe nature. In addition, the patient’s financial situation is also taken into account. If a minor child receives such status, then upon reaching 18 years of age, he will need to undergo a repeated re-examination procedure in order to receive the status and disability group as an adult. The whole procedure is not so fast, because you will need to visit a doctor and collect the complete package necessary documents: this is a written application of a disabled person for re-examination, a medical card, and many other documents with signatures and seals.

From childhood, you need to be careful about your health so as not to develop many chronic ailments in the future, including those related to vision.