Lots of foam. Soap foam according to the dream book

If in a dream you see singers at a pop concert, it means that in reality you will show generosity and write off a debt from a good friend who is unable to pay you back, despite the fact that the amount he borrowed from you is insignificant.

Hearing opera singing in a dream is a sign of trouble; singing in the opera itself is a joy. Hearing a solemn cantata performed by a choir means meeting a person whom you should fear and avoid, because great evil comes from him for you.

Singing in church on the choir - in reality you will gain useful acquaintances. Hearing a tenor sing - in reality you will be able to avoid many troubles, bass - will come to your home great joy, contralto - you are in danger of an accident or illness.

Singing psalms foretells good progress in finance and trade. Ceremonial singing accompanied by an organ promises a good harvest and successful preparation for the next season for everyone involved in agriculture. Hearing the rollicking singing of a drunken company is sad news.

A dream in which you hear the deep singing of birds that in reality are incapable of this, that is, the trill of a sparrow or the crow's knees, means that you will soon have problems with traveling on a work assignment, which you will want to use at the same time for personal purposes.

Hear the rooster crow - good sign, foretelling young people a successful marriage and prosperity in the house. Siskin singing - you will hear the most contradictory judgments and gossip about yourself; canaries - strengthening friendships and living in luxury; a lark singing in the sky foretells that you will be happy in your second marriage, and one singing in a cage means unpleasant news.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Stump

If in a dream you notice the presence of a stump, then do not try to find a deep hidden meaning in it. The symbolism of the stump is very transparent and is interpreted based on the setting in which it is found.

The main meaning of this symbol is slowness, clumsiness, unreliability.

Seeing uprooting stumps in a dream means hard, thankless work, which will affect your health with illness.

To see a huge stump with a rotten core - do not rely on the help of a powerful person, he has no time for you, so do not waste time and solve the problem yourself.

To dream of a large stump covered with a tablecloth, around which a lot of people have gathered to celebrate some event - stay away from a person who is prone to showing off; try to stay in the shadows and not attract too much attention to yourself.

To see a tree stump decorated with multi-colored ribbons and paper crafts means you will be dealing with a person for whom style and following fashion are of key importance when collaborating.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream white foam? The vision reflects your fatigue from everyday activities. Monotony and routine make you sad and depressed; you need a completely new solution, unlike all previous ones, which can be a breath of fresh air for you.

Give yourself a break from everyday life. Try to unwind at least a little while living an emotionally rich life. Forget about problems and matters for a while, allow yourself to rest and relax.

Dreaming of shaving foam

Dreaming about shaving foam promises disappointment and failure. Such a plot in most cases warns of possible problems And negative consequences for reputation. The committed act will be made public, which is extremely undesirable for you.

You should not commit forbidden deeds or act for selfish reasons. Everything you hide will become known to the public one way or another; it is better to predict this moment and completely abandon attempts to do anything.

I dreamed of thick foam

Thick foam in a dream acts as a warning about the onset of adverse consequences of an emotional outburst. Too frequent mood swings and emotional behavior can create an unpleasant situation that will be difficult to get out of.

Try to control yourself and your emotions. Maintain composure and restraint, think about the consequences of what you say and do before you begin to make any attempts to get out of the current situation.

Seeing soap foam in a dream

I dreamed of soap foam - your desires and ambitions far exceed real opportunities. Such dissonance is observed due to your reluctance to show persistence in achieving high goals.

Once you think about the situation and make attempts to correct everything, it will change for the better. Don’t be afraid to take justifiable risks; your diligence will bring long-awaited results.

Dreaming of sea foam

The Oracle's Dream Book describes sea foam as a harbinger of participation in a dubious event to which you will agree against your will. The upcoming actions will cause you a storm negative emotions, however, you are unable to prevent this.

Try to do everything in your power to minimize damage and possible negative consequences what's happening. At the first opportunity, refuse to participate in dubious matters and projects.

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 28th day of the month. Dreams that occurred on the night of today promise some difficulties and come true within 30 days.

Today is the 24th lunar day. Dreams that occurred on the night of today come true in 12 days.

Today is Thursday. Thursday is the day of the social planet Jupiter. Thursday's dreams in the same form talk about work, about the prospects that open before you. Thursday's dreams will show activities that can bring great success. “Jupiterian” dreams can also tell about your superiors or patrons, sponsors, mentors. On Thursday night you can see the solution to any issues related to social and public life.

It’s great if in Thursday’s dream you took part in a major event. Large-scale paintings in a dream of Jupiter mean your quick success in social activities, rapid promotion, and the love of your superiors. If a small number of participants are involved in “Jupiterian” dreams, it means that work is not the main thing now and no serious changes are expected in this regard. If you see your ancestors or pictures of distant times, it means that life will force you to continue the work of your parents and study their profession.

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SEA FOAM – Miller's Dream Book

Sea foam appears in your dream as evidence of your frivolity. This is especially true for women. Soon, disorderly and immoral temptations will lead her astray from the path of virtue. If sea foam appears to her as a wedding veil in a dream, it means that she will unnecessarily indulge in sensual joys to the detriment of spiritual perfection and natural modesty. The one who has this dream will make people dear to her heart suffer because of their inability to indulge her ambition.

SEA FOAM – Modern Dream Interpretation

You see sea foam in a dream - the peace of your soul is in danger; perhaps you will not have the strength to resist temptation.

Sea foam seems to have stuck to your feet - the dream suggests that you are placing too much emphasis on great value external side of phenomena, so you often make mistakes in your assessments, you should remember that the most dangerous swindler looks quite decent - perhaps even more decent than an honest person.

A young woman dreams that instead of a veil, sea foam covers her head, or that the veil suddenly turns into sea foam - this woman will not be able to resist temptations and will indulge in pleasures, many of which are forbidden. Subsequently, this fun pastime will come back to haunt her and upset the wedding.

In all cases, a dream in which sea foam appears serves as a warning (especially for young people) that it is unacceptable to cause pain and suffering to loved ones because of one’s own selfishness.

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Dream interpretation foam

In dreams human brain is able to project all desires, fears, concerns, providing the dreamer with interesting interweaving of images and plots. The origin of dreamed foam can be completely different.

Some people dream of foaming sea ​​surface, others see soap bubbles in the bathroom. Sometimes it even happens in a dream to remove the foam from a beer mug. Predictions from various dream books will help you deal with mysterious visions.

As he insists esoteric dream book, soap foam symbolizes future household chores, various chores, minor troubles, and everyday problems.

Small Velesov, the dream soothsayer, insists that remnants and growing foam are a sign of deception, unnecessary fuss, and anxiety.

Popular predictions

Choose suitable value Why foam is dreamed of can be explained thanks to folk predictions, forecasts of seers, sorcerers, and mediums.

Dreaming of a bubbly substance

  • According to psychoanalyst Gustav Miller, any foam means that in reality you will have to worry a lot about a failed plan and unfulfilled hopes.
  • Seeing such a plot in a dream means losing your lover’s trust, explains the medium Miss Hasse.
  • As the dream predictor from “A” to “Z” is convinced, people who whip up foam will become the initiator of conflicts and scandals.
  • The interpreter of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima says that foam in dreams is a symbol of the experience emotional stress, which will remain in the dreamer’s memory for a long time.

According to family dream book, the image of foam is dreamed of before the beginning of a dark streak in life, and the sign also indicates future bad luck and defeat.

Amazing dream scenes

Some stories may be puzzling. Then they come to the rescue various predictions from the pages of dream books.

When you have to blow the foam off a glass, in reality you need to discard all stereotypes in order to understand the essence of what is happening.

An ordinary puddle is a sign of defeat and loss, but foam will change the prediction. A dream scenario like this will predict that promises are destined to be realized.

I dreamed about foam washing

Washing clothes with foam is dreamed of by those people who are not very happy with their social status and wages.

Sea adventures

Having visited the luxurious sea coast in dreams, in reality the sleeping person should think about vacation, travel, new acquaintances and meetings with interesting people. What did fate have in store if dead sea inhabitants floated on the shore in thick, dirty foam?

  • According to psychologist Sigmund Freud, foam is identified by the subconscious with falling in love, the emergence of warm feelings.
  • The spring forecaster insists that lambs on the sea surface will indicate the approach of exciting events and good news.
  • As it says summer dream book, sea foam gathered near the surf warns of negative changes, possible danger for the life of a sleeping person.

Seeing high waves in a dream

High foamy waves, according to the female fortuneteller, prepare a married couple for tests of honesty, fidelity, and devotion.

Bathing in the bath

Did you dream of foam in the bathroom? A modern combined dream book predicts a romantic date for lovers.

When you dream of a bath filled with fragrant foam on the eve of marriage, then the future marriage will be strong.

The interpreter warns the fair sex. Such dreams hint at the possibility of temptation, the danger of gaining notoriety.

Heavily foaming water in a dream will hint that you should not expect benefits or benefits from your investment, says a Muslim soothsayer.

Dreamed of a dirty substance

Dirty ponds

Muddy water with dirty foam is considered by most dream books as a negative prediction of troubles and failures. Which one exactly? secret meaning hiding scenarios with foam at the surf?

  • How does he interpret idiomatic dream book, foam with dust and earth symbolizes existing mental health problems.
  • The thick foam, which according to the plot covers the dreamer's head, will tell about possible diseases skin, insists the autumn forecaster.
  • Is there mud, foam, dead fish at the pier? The dreamer's envious people have become more active, and his ill-wishers have already set traps.

According to the French interpreter of visions, muddy water with foam symbolizes pride, narcissism, excessive confidence in one’s own irresistibility and uniqueness.

Possible Predictions

A dreamed beer mug with foam is a symbol of a happy life.

A plot where you had to “prove something with foam at the mouth” means that it’s time to think about own business, refuse parental help and custody.

According to the dream book for lovers, foam in a dream is associated with romance and tender feelings.

Have you seen foam on your beer or punch? In reality you will have to spend time with friends, have fun from the heart, and remember the old times.

This is a symbolic reflection of the consequences of violent emotions.

Dirty, unpleasant foam: warns of the adverse consequences of some kind of emotional outburst. The dream suggests that you should better control your emotions without giving free rein to your feelings.

Otherwise, you risk finding yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Soap suds: portends disappointments and failures.

Such dreams often warn that your reputation may be at risk.

Beautiful, clean foam on the seashore: a sign that it doesn’t bother you to take a little break from everyday life, having lived a rich, emotional life for some time.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Dream Interpretation - Foam

Foam - Soapy - minor hassles associated with treatment, clinics, pharmacies. In milk - minor injuries, cuts. When cooking, in broth - unforeseen minor troubles from your own mistakes. On beer, punch - to a feast, a friendly feast. To blow away - you are above all petty worries, and troubles will pass you by.

Interpretation of dreams from