Is it possible to squeeze (remove, remove) acne on the face and nose at home. Squeezing pimples: all the pros and cons How to squeeze out a purulent pimple on the face

In my youth, like many others, I had acne. And I crushed them. No, I didn’t push them, I suppressed them. I destroyed them to the roots, mercilessly drove them out of my face, hated them with every fiber of my girlish soul, despised them. By the way, myself too. At the same time. Because it was my face, not bad, by the way, and even quite beautiful, that became such a welcoming and welcoming springboard for them.

It all started in adolescence, as almost always and for almost everyone. By the way, at the age of 13-15, I was quite philosophical about these formations on the face and on the back, well, even on the chest, realizing that adolescence and hormonal changes will inevitably end, and with them the annoying pimples should end. Moreover, I was by no means the only one in the class; in general, I didn’t suffer very much.

Those pimples that popped up on the skin of the back and chest could not be seen at all under clothes, and the objects on the face were located quite well: on the forehead and on the nose. The forehead was camouflaged with bangs, and the nose - who among teenagers doesn’t have pimples and blackheads on their nose?

In addition, it was at this age that we studied anatomy. And we even had separate lessons: separately - for boys, separately - for girls. In these lessons we learned about the characteristics of puberty and its side effects, so to speak.

Actually, we girls learned about why you shouldn’t squeeze pimples during these lessons; the delicate and kind teacher Dina Andreevna explained everything clearly. “And if you can’t resist,” she added, “wait until the pimple is completely ripe, an abscess appears outward - a white or yellow head - and then, strictly with very clean hands, rubbing it with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, squeeze it out until pure blood will not appear.

And it’s better to squeeze out a pimple not with your nails, but through a clean gauze. And after squeezing, be sure to additionally disinfect with alcohol, iodine, brilliant green, or the same peroxide.”

We believed Dina Andreevna. But. I had a mother. And she couldn't let nasty pimples appear on my face. Neither on the forehead, nor on the nose. I honestly explained to her that it was impossible to push them. Well, you can't. Unsafe and sometimes unhygienic.

So what, it’s better to have a pimple than a scratched wound. But she knew better. As soon as a pimple appeared on my unfortunate nose, she rushed to squeeze it out. Nails and it hurts. In fact, she did not squeeze it out, but tore it apart. Then I cauterized it with calendula tincture for disinfection.

And I came to school the next day with scratches and dried sores on my nose, and my classmates joked: “Did you plow your nose on the asphalt?” Or: “Have you got a cat at home?” Or: “Did a mosquito kiss you passionately?” (By the way, the younger sister managed to avoid this fate. She somehow managed to insist that her face not be touched).

And Dina Andreevna told us that you shouldn’t squeeze pimples because of possible subsequent inflammation. That if you violate the rules of hygiene, you can get an infection through damaged skin. Or, if you squeeze it clumsily, you can crush the pimple instead of squeezing it out; it will burst not outward, but inward, and then the pustular mass will enter the bloodstream and spread to neighboring areas of the face, or even the whole body.

And if pimples appear in the nasolabial triangle, then they should not be touched under any circumstances, since this part of the face blood vessels directly connected to the brain, and, God forbid, the infection gets there.

Meningitis and even death- why do you need this? Are such risks comparable to some kind of acne? And if you have not just a pimple, but a boil - a boil, then, without hesitation or shelving, run to the surgeon! Because it's already infectious disease, accompanied by the formation of purulent bulges, and here the risk to the brain is especially great.

Only a medical specialist can, should and has the right to open such an abscess. And especially difficult cases, if a boil has formed, for example, in the nose or ear, and it cannot be reached, a course of intravenous antibiotics is prescribed and may even be admitted to a hospital.

Causes of acne on the face and their elimination

We have grown up. Adolescence is over, acne is gone. But it turned out that this problem is by no means just a teenage problem. In adults with established hormonal levels There may also be acne.

And they are no longer localized only on the forehead and nose; much more often they appear on the cheeks. And there can be many reasons for this:


Oily or combined, with the so-called oily T-zone - chin/nose/perinasal areas/forehead very often leads to the appearance of pimples. If there are oily areas of the skin, this means that excess sebum is being produced and a blockage may occur. sebaceous glands. Acne forms on this greasy soil.

It is precisely because of this problem that people begin to squeeze pimples most often. And with horror he sees how the face becomes worse and worse, more and more pimply and pimply (this effect is illustrated by the photo below), even neighboring pores are affected and enlarged.

Plus, the “post-acne” effect is added, when, it seems, a pimple has been squeezed out, but an ugly mark remains, in the form pigment spot or an infiltrate, or a scar, or a rut like after smallpox. And there can be a lot of such traces.

In this case, it is better to abandon your own efforts and trust a professional: go to a cosmetologist. At the very least, your face will be cleansed competently, with preliminary preparation and a final mask that tightens the pores.

And they will explain how to properly care for such skin:

  1. First of all, thorough cleansing with specially selected products, comprehensive care and moisturizing the skin, careful selection of specialized cosmetics that do not clog pores.
  2. Ensure that persons do not touch foreign non-sterile objects, including their own dirty hands. Strangers, of course, even more so.
  3. And, most likely, when problem skin will be required regular visit cosmetologist, because in in this case Facial cleansing is a therapeutic procedure.

Hormonal changes

The skin of the face, back, and chest may become oilier during pregnancy, for example, or due to illness endocrine system. In the first case, you need to treat your face as if you have problem skin, in the second, contact an endocrinologist and get complex treatment hormonal drugs.

Yeast on the skin

Due to yeast, a rash in the form of small and large papules may appear on the face. In this case, squeezing out pimples only leads to more extensive damage, i.e. This action is absolutely ineffective, but, on the contrary, aggravates the disease.

Only a dermatologist will help here, who will prescribe a study of the nature of the formations on the face, and then select antifungal drugs locally and internally.

Psychology: what is the reason for the craving for constantly squeezing out pimples?

Neurosis-like state

In fact, if you have already gotten involved in this activity, despite all the warnings about the dangers, it is really very difficult to unlearn it. Because this is neurosis. At every convenient and even inconvenient occasion, someone rushes to the mirror in order to subject their face to a scrupulous check for, God forbid, blackheads or, even worse, a pimple. And if they are discovered - watch out, face! They will squeeze out and crush.

The other constantly checks tactilely, i.e. with those same not very clean hands: evenly or unevenly. If it’s uneven, we’ll level it! You don’t even need a mirror here; you just need to tear off the bulge with your fingernail. If you have enough willpower not to pick it off right away, then no one will forbid you to regularly check and touch this bulge. And each such “check” adds pollution.

Reaction to a negative psychological factor

There is another type of neurosis that forces you to press your face - this is negative reaction to a negative psychological factor.

For example:

  • you were unexpectedly offended,
  • yelled at
  • committed an ugly act
  • brought to tears - and you, upset, go to remove an invisible pimple.

If it is visible - then until complete “victory”. Rub your face so that nothing remains but a red mess, or, in as a last resort, a large, torn or swollen spot. It turns out that there was a small, inconspicuous pimple, but what turned out to be a large, conspicuous problem on the face from afar.

Psychologists say that such a reaction is a neurotic and unconscious way of punishing oneself, thus proving the injustice of the offense.

How to wean yourself from squeezing out pimples on your own?

And how can we wean ourselves from all this? It is still very useful to consult a psychologist. And in parallel to a cosmetologist. Here it is important to find that person, a specialist, whom you can trust and, as it were, shift this responsibility for the “purity” of your face onto him.

And when you again unbearably want to put your hands on your face, tell yourself: this pimple will calmly live until my visit to a cosmetologist or psychologist. And he/she will take care of me.

If you try to wean yourself from squeezing pimples without a psychologist, you should work with your consciousness. Understanding the cause of your neurosis is already half the battle. But the second half: every time you try to “clean up” your face, remember that this is a neurotic reaction, and resist, not allowing yourself to spoil your own appearance, realizing that the true goal of neurosis is pain, damage and ugliness, and not at all self-improvement.

Video: why you shouldn’t squeeze pimples and what the consequences might be?

Most dermatologists warn that you should never try to squeeze out pimples. Not only is this painful, but it can also lead to scarring and increased inflammation. However, when the pimple is close to the surface of the skin and is about to open, you can help it by applying warm compress. Be sure to thoroughly clean the area around the pimple and apply a special spot-on acne cream before and after popping the pimple to kill germs and prevent infection. If you want to get rid of a pimple quickly but it's not yet ripe, you can try a spot treatment or see a dermatologist for a cortisol injection.


Opening a pimple with a warm compress

    Wait until the pimple is ripe, that is, it white head will be clearly visible on the surface of the skin. If the pimple is deep under the skin, then squeezing it will do more harm than good. Wait until a white or yellow pimple head forms - this will indicate that the infection is close to the surface of the skin.

    • Blackheads with black heads that form when pores or hair follicles clogged with hardened fat, sometimes you can gently squeeze it out using a warm compress.
  1. Wash your hands to remove dirt and germs from them. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before popping a pimple. warm water with soap. This will prevent dirt and bacteria from spreading to the area and causing the infection to worsen.

    • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds and make sure to wash the entire surface of your hands, including the areas between your fingers and under your nails.
    • Thoroughly rinse off all soap from your hands and dry them with a clean towel.

    Advice: there is no need to use antibacterial soap. Research has shown that regular soap is also effective at killing germs and is less likely to promote the development of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.

    Wash your face with warm water and cleanser. After washing your hands, wash your face with warm water and a cleanser or soap of your choice. Ideally, you should use a product for oily skin to remove from skin excess fat along with dirt and bacteria.

    Apply a warm towel to the pimple to pop it. Once you have cleansed your skin, take a clean towel and soak it in warm water. Gently apply the towel to the pimple to soften the skin and open the pores. If the pimple is ready to break out, a warm compress will help speed up the process.

    Prick the pimple with a needle if the compress does not help. If you are sure that the pimple is ripe, but a warm compress did not help, then try gently pricking it. Wash your hands and face, and then take a thin needle and disinfect it by holding it over the fire from a lighter. Gently poke the head of the pimple to open it.

    • If the pimple doesn't come out completely after you poke it, gently apply pressure to the area around the pimple with a damp towel.
    • If the head of the pimple is close to the surface of the skin and can be clearly felt, then when squeezing it out painful sensations there shouldn't be.
    • Do not attempt to poke a pimple if it is not yet ripe, cannot be pierced, or if its contents do not come out after piercing.
  2. Attach cold compress after you pop the pimple. Take a clean towel and wet it cold water. Once all the contents of the pimple are sure to come out, gently rub the treated area to clean it. Apply a cold compress for 5 to 10 minutes to reduce swelling and pain.

    • A cold compress should be applied as soon as you see ichor leaking from a pimple.
  3. Disinfect the area after opening with rubbing alcohol. After holding the cold compress for a few minutes, take a cotton pad and soak it in alcohol. Rub it over the treated area. This will kill germs and dry the area where there was previously a pimple, which promotes more fast healing.

    • You can also use a special alcohol wipe.
  4. Apply a salicylic acid spot treatment to the treated area. Finish with a spot-on anti-acne treatment that contains salicylic acid. Such remedies prevent the development of inflammation and prevent the recurrence of pimples.

    • For best results As the treated area heals, continue to apply the spot application for several next days. Follow package directions and reapply as often as recommended.

    Alternative methods

    1. Apply a hydrocolloid dressing to reduce swelling. If the pimple is red and inflamed, but not yet ripe, then a hydrocolloid bandage will help quickly soothe it. Use a hydrocolloid dressing or patch at night to relieve inflammation and remove excess fat and pus.

      • Hydrocolloid patches are often used to treat calluses. You can buy them at the pharmacy and in some online stores.
      • This method will not get rid of a pimple overnight, but it will help make the pimple less noticeable.
      • Apply the bandage for a few days and the pimple will most likely disappear completely.
    2. Try a spot treatment for acne to dry it out. Spot-on acne treatments dry out pimples and reduce inflammation, promoting faster healing. These funds also have antimicrobial properties, which prevents the formation of new acne. While these remedies won't cure the pimple right away, they can help make the pimple less noticeable and promote faster healing. Choose spot-on products that contain ingredients such as:

      • benzoyl peroxide;
      • salicylic acid;
      • sulfur.
    3. Try to hide a pimple proofreader . And although concealers do not help get rid of acne, a little work with concealer and smart makeup can help you make a pimple less noticeable. Apply the corrector to the problem area and pat lightly to blend.

      • Green-tinted concealer helps hide visible redness.
      • Before applying concealer, be sure to wash your face to remove excess oil, dirt, and germs from your skin.
      • For maximum effect the corrector can be used in combination with other treatment methods. For example, you can apply a hydrocolloid patch at night to reduce inflammation, and apply a corrector in the morning.

      Advice: Some concealers contain ingredients that help fight acne, such as salicylic acid. Study the composition of the corrector and choose a product that allows you to not only disguise the pimple, but also cure it!

      See your doctor for a cortisone injection to treat your pimple quickly. It often takes several weeks for the contents of the pimple to reach the surface of the skin and for it to fully mature. If you can't wait that long, then see your doctor and ask for a cortisone shot - this is a surefire way to get rid of a pimple in a couple of days. Talk to your doctor about cortisone treatment or ask to recommend a dermatologist who can treat you.

Popping pimples in itself is disgusting. At the same time, it brings a very peculiar satisfaction: whatever you say, it’s nice to see how the skin gets rid of all the nastiness. What exactly this muck consists of depends on the type of skin defect.

Open (blackheads) and closed comedones (whiteheads)

Both types of comedones have the same filling: dead skin cells, propionic bacteria (bacteria that live on the skin) and sebum.

Many people think that blackheads are clogged with dirt, but this is not true. Dark color open comedones are due to the fact that they oxidize upon direct contact with oxygen. Whiteheads are located under the skin and therefore remain white.

Papules and pustules

Sometimes a clogged pore becomes inflamed, redness appears, painful sensations and suppuration. In this case, you are dealing with papules or pustules. Papules are reddened dense balls on the surface of the skin, which can sometimes be painful to touch. Pustules are pimples with a white head filled with pus and redness around it.

Cysts and nodules

These are the most unpleasant views skin inflammations, which are essentially a more severe case of papules and pustules. Cysts and nodules are characterized by inflammation and pain. Nodules are hard to the touch and very painful nodules deep under the skin, and cysts are also filled with pus.

Whatever the pimple is, don't squeeze it.

Most doctors, including those from the American Academy of Dermatology Pimple popping: Why only a dermatologist should do it., agree that it is better to consult a dermatologist with any skin problems.

When you try to squeeze out a pimple yourself with clean, but still not sterile, hands, you risk introducing an infection and aggravating the inflammation.

Plus, getting rid of a pimple without using the proper tools can leave you with lifelong scars.

The doctor will quickly and completely remove comedones using a special spoon or loop. More serious inflammations, such as nodules and cysts, are treated with injections, and in some cases, surgical opening of the inflamed area of ​​skin is required.

But the main means for acne healing as quickly as possible are patience and self-control. Do not pick or rub the problem area, apply ice to reduce pain and swelling, and do not neglect pharmaceutical products to combat.

We all often hear and read that pimples should not be squeezed out. However, it is very difficult to resist squeezing such a terrible and half-ripe pimple. Needless to say, my hands constantly reach out to squeeze something out. And so, when the job is done, and time cannot be turned back, an even more depressing red spot remains on our wonderful face, sometimes even bleeding. At this moment you understand that you shouldn’t have squeezed it out, because now it’s even worse.

If you often wonder: or you are one of those amateur pimple crushers, this article is for you. Not everything is so bad, because there is good ways quickly dry the pimple, and if you do everything correctly, then there won’t even be a trace left of the squeezed pimple.

It is very important that the wound from a squeezed pimple is as small as possible and with a minimum of blood. If it turns out that you severely tore the wound, it turns out to be large and deep, it is better not to resort to the methods presented in the article.

However, if the pimple was small, and the wound turned out to be tiny after squeezing, then first of all it is necessary to moisten the area with cold water so that the blood clots faster and the redness goes away. Wet a cotton pad and apply it to the pimple for at least a minute or two. If there is no more bleeding, you need to use one of the remedies below.

1. Oil tea tree

After popping the pimple, immediately apply tea tree oil to it. Firstly, it is a very good antiseptic, and secondly, it dries the skin very well, and thus the trace of a squeezed pimple will be minimal. Just remember to make sure that you are not allergic to this essential oil.

2. Toothpaste

The toothpaste is just great dries out a popped pimple. The main thing is not to use paste that contains various dyes. Apply a small drop to the entire area of ​​the pimple and rinse with water after 20-30 minutes. It will sting a little, but this should not scare you.

3. Tar soap

Lather the area with the popped pimple. tar soap and wash off after 30 minutes. This soap dries out the skin very well, and if you wash your face with this soap at least once a week, then acne will stop bothering you altogether.

4. Aloe juice

Aloe juice will also serve as a good antiseptic after squeezing. Apply it to the squeezed out area and you can safely go to bed. In the morning you will be irresistible!

5. Lemon juice

Apply a little lemon juice onto the squeezed area and wash off after half an hour. However, applying lemon juice can cause a terrible burning sensation, so you should not use it if squeezing a pimple left you with a large cut.

But still, try to wean yourself from squeezing pimples. It’s better to make an effort so that they don’t appear at all, and then you won’t have to think about what to do if you pop a pimple.

Pimples are a common infectious formation that occurs on the skin. It is a kind of pathology that requires elimination. For proper removal, you should know the rules for eliminating rashes and strictly adhere to them. The very fact that the removal will take place at home already says a lot. And sterility should be no worse than in the surgical department.

Elimination of inflammation

Acne is an inflammatory formation that occurs under the influence of external, internal factors. Are distinctive feature adolescence. Having noticed profuse rashes, small pimples the problem should be resolved by applying medications, preventive, independent method removal skin rashes. For the use of ointments, there are instructions and consultation with a doctor. Solving the problem on your own raises the question: how to squeeze out formations correctly.

You need to know and be able to follow a few simple rules to help get rid of skin rashes. By adhering to the nuances, you can avoid unpleasant consequences resulting from improper elimination of rashes. Improper removal promises the appearance of a tumor, acute inflammatory formations, and more rash. Maintaining good hygiene is the key to success. The procedure performed should be beneficial and make the face cleaner. The occurrence of a problem indicates non-compliance with the rules.

Sequence of actions

When eliminating rashes, you need to know the sequence of actions of the procedure, auxiliary components that have a positive effect on the condition skin:

  • hand cleansing;
  • check the readiness of inflammation for squeezing out;
  • secretion of ichor;
  • repeated disinfection.

The following rules will help you to properly squeeze out a pimple on your skin. By following the instructions you can achieve the desired effect.

The first rule is that pimples on the face should be squeezed out with clean hands. Disinfection plays a huge role in eliminating skin inflammatory processes. You need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Before removing it yourself, you need to remove dirt from under your nails. Fingers must be clean. Dirt provokes the spread of the inflammation process. Not washing your hands can make the situation worse. There may be a risk of blood poisoning. Eliminated by blood transfusion long-term use antibiotics. The process does not bring pleasant sensations.

You must adhere to the rules of hygiene. By keeping your hands clean, the process will be successful. If you wish, you can wear medical gloves. By using it, obstruction is guaranteed infectious inflammation, successful result. You should not forget to follow the indicated rule. The indication is basic, begins the procedure.

The second rule will indicate how to squeeze out pimples correctly and check whether they are ready for self-removal. You need to prepare your face for the procedure in advance. The affected area should be cleaned cosmetic preparations using a makeup remover. The cleansed face needs to be steamed. The rashes will be easier to remove. The bath should be at room temperature. You can add chamomile infusion. Relieves redness, eliminating the inflammatory symptom. The bath lasts twenty minutes. After the procedure, you should carefully wipe your face with a towel. Use a dipping motion. The skin should not be damaged. There will be irritation. After the bath, you need to make sure that the inflammation is ready to be eliminated. The inflammation should be elevated. Pus forms at the top, having a white, yellow. Signs characterize readiness for elimination. Squeeze out carefully. Don't press too hard. There will be a scar. Light movement will help eliminate inflammation.

It is necessary to squeeze out pimples on the skin until the appearance of ichor - a pale red liquid that characterizes the final removal of the pimples. The ichor indicates the correctness of the procedure and successful extrusion. The absence of appearance indicates an incomplete release of pus. We need to achieve a final exit. The enzyme dries out quickly.

An open wound requires constant disinfection. After squeezing out the inflammation, you need to constantly disinfect the wound. Getting an infection brings unpleasant consequences. You can use alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. The wound should be treated with antiseptics. Usage herbal lotions is an alternative to care for inflamed skin. The use of masks will help relieve redness and make the skin healthy and clean.

Self-removal will help answer the question: how to squeeze out a pimple on the skin, make the epidermis healthy, clean, beautiful. Having used the method correctly, eliminate the question: how to squeeze out a pimple on your face. The main thing is to follow the rules, without deviating from the order of execution. Ignoring instructions will result in unpleasant consequences. The latter require careful elimination, long treatment. You need to be careful when carrying out the procedure at home.


An effective way to answer the question: how to squeeze out pimples on the skin, not following the instructions has negative consequences:

  1. Re-education.
  2. The appearance of scars.
  3. Lumpiness of the skin.
  4. Purulent formations.

Having seen the consequences, you need to seek help qualified specialist. The doctor will tell you safe method elimination of inflammatory formations.

Repeated inflammation is painful and characterized by redness. Trying to squeeze it out again can provoke the appearance of a boil - an infectious inflammatory formation that brings severe pain. Frequent squeezing provokes furunculosis. The disease infects the blood and skin. Will be required long time to get rid of inflammation.

Strong impact on the skin can leave scars. Scars remain for a long time. It is almost impossible to remove. You will need the help of a cosmetologist who uses laser therapy. Eliminating ointments will not have any effect. Scars are not a person's adornment. Scars disfigure the dermis by changing its appearance, forming a bumpy surface. To avoid this, you need to know how to properly squeeze out pimples with a clean, healthy dermis. The information will have a positive impact and help maintain health and beauty.

The appearance of lumpiness is a sign of improper extrusion of inflammatory formations. It appears as a pimple without internal content. Small bumps appear on the skin. It is worth knowing how to properly squeeze out pimples on the skin. It will help to avoid unpleasant consequences and keep the epidermis healthy. Lumpiness is not eliminated traditional methods, you need to see a doctor.

Cases of a pimple popping out and a tumor appearing are common. First they arise. An attempt to squeeze out forms tumors - . Require surgical intervention. They don't give in surgical treatment. They are large in size and cause pain when touched. By squeezing they acquire larger size. Once cut, they leave scars. You need to be careful when removing pimples on your own. May lead to unpleasant consequences. Eliminating the consequences will be difficult. The person will regret the decision to remove the rash on their own. It's worth thinking about when starting the procedure. Weigh the pros and cons, make sure the procedure is urgent. After thinking and making a decision, you can begin manipulation at home and consult a doctor.

Preventive measures

Can be used to prevent rashes preventive measures. Application will not be difficult. Will make the epidermis clean. There is no need for an at-home removal procedure or the use of medications.

It is necessary to wash thoroughly. The water temperature is determined by the type of skin. - requires warm water, fatty – cold. You should not rub your face with a towel, as this can cause irritation. You should try to use less cosmetics, irritate the skin, provoke allergic reaction. You need to eat right and take vitamins. Healthy food nourishes the body, satiating useful substances, vitamins. Stabilize the condition of the skin, improve metabolism.