Is it possible to treat teeth if you have a cold? When you shouldn't put off visiting the dentist

Is it possible to treat teeth if you have a cold? current issue for everyone who is “lucky” to simultaneously experience symptoms of ARVI and caries or some other dental disease. Although there is no clear answer, there are a number general recommendations, which you may find useful.

Features of dental treatment for colds

If you need to see a doctor for dental treatment for a cold, you should remember the following:

  1. ARVI (what is commonly called a cold) is a disease of viral origin. The presence of any pathogenic microorganisms in the body significantly weakens the immune system. Accordingly, the actual treatment of other diseases can be complicated, and recovery period can take much longer - the immune system will have to fight both natural consequences treatment, and with a viral attack.
  2. Any illness, including the common cold, is high level stress for the body. Therefore, he may react to dental treatment in the most unexpected way. For example, action local anesthesia will be much weaker than it should be, and the pain after tooth extraction may spread to the entire face.
  3. Metabolic products of pathogenic microorganisms cause general intoxication, which becomes a blow to the immune system and causes its hypersensitivity. She may react to injections of an anesthetic drug with allergies, including its most severe forms - anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema.

The listed circumstances make it justified to weigh the pros and cons if you have planned a visit to the dentist during an acute respiratory viral infection.

Indications for dental treatment during a cold

You can visit the dentist in any case - based on the results of the examination and medical history, the specialist will decide how appropriate the treatment is in this situation. But in some cases it is necessary to see a doctor:

  • Your usual cold symptoms (weakness, headache, elevated temperature bodies, etc.) developed several days after the appearance of signs of dental disease or simultaneously with them. This may indicate that the condition that you mistake for ARVI is actually a complication of pulpitis, or other pathology of the teeth and gums.
  • You are experiencing strong and constant pain in the tooth, which is not relieved with painkillers, and the gums in the area of ​​the diseased tooth become very swollen or swelling is observed on the corresponding side of the face. In this case, it may be necessary to treat pulpitis due to a cold or other disease that causes these symptoms in order to prevent the spread of a pyogenic infection throughout the body.
  • Pus is released from the gums in the area of ​​the diseased tooth, and the body temperature is steadily elevated, and does not decrease (or decreases slightly) after taking antipyretic drugs.

The listed conditions do not guarantee that you will definitely receive treatment when you visit a dentist. The doctor may reschedule your appointment for later late date, until your complete recovery, or proceed to necessary procedures, if the benefits of treatment outweigh the possible risks.

Contraindications to dental treatment during a cold

You should cancel your visit to the dentist in the following cases:

  1. There is no need to treat caries for a cold or any other disease if the pain is completely controlled by painkillers, and the symptoms of ARVI are not more severe than usual.
  2. Feverish conditions, if they are caused specifically by a cold, are contraindications to any interventions.
  3. If you are assigned specific date, when you have to have a tooth removed, if you have a cold, this operation should be rescheduled - the risks of infection of the socket and the infection entering the bloodstream are too high.
  4. If you have treated a cold with aspirin and medications containing acetylsalicylic acid- any manipulations should be postponed for at least a week, since these medications significantly increase the risk of bleeding even with minor interventions.
  5. Lack of nasal breathing. Complete nasal congestion is a serious obstacle to carrying out dental treatment, since necessity long time Sitting with your mouth open can cause severe discomfort.
  6. At severe weakness and dizziness, it is extremely undesirable to carry out any dental procedures, which can further disrupt the state of health against the background of unsatisfactory health.

It should be remembered that the decision on the advisability or inappropriateness of treatment of dental diseases must be made by the doctor. If you doubt that postponing a visit to the dentist will be safe for your health, contact a specialist by phone, describe the situation to him and answer the questions posed. A qualified doctor will be able to determine the risk factors that make it reasonable to contact him even with a cold, in order to personally examine the patient and carry out treatment or postpone it to a later date if there are no health risks.

How to help yourself at home

Having a cold does not mean that you have to wait for complete recovery and endure pain and discomfort. To eliminate discomfort and reduce the likelihood of complications, follow these recommendations:

  • Don't ignore your oral hygiene requirements. Even if you feel unwell, you can brush your teeth twice a day and regularly rinse your mouth with clean water after eating or drinking sweet tea/compote.
  • Accept what is familiar to you symptomatic remedies(citramon, paracetamol, ibuprofen, etc.), which are usually used for ARVI - they contain painkillers that will help relieve both body aches and pain.

Try not to burden the sore tooth by chewing hard food - until you consult a doctor, switch to liquid nutrition or mushy food.

Before starting dental treatment at the dentist, you need to find out under what conditions it is possible and under what conditions it is impossible to carry out any surgical manipulations in the oral cavity. What are these conditions? When should teeth not be treated?

What diseases cannot be treated for teeth?

Teeth cannot be treated during ARVI. The body is weakened by microbes and infections. The risk of infection of open wounds, which increases during dental and surgical procedures, is already very high. Anesthetics and painkillers have a negative effect on a weakened body. Also, the patient will feel uncomfortable sitting for a long time with open mouth with a runny nose. You can also infect your doctor.

An extremely undesirable procedure for ARVI is tooth extraction. An open wound is the most suitable place for pathogenic microorganisms.

Important: This is additional stress for a person, which can aggravate the course of the disease.

But ARVI is not an absolute contraindication to dental treatment. If the situation is urgent and there is a risk of developing flux or purulent inflammation, it is better to consult a doctor. In other situations, it is better to treat the cold first.

Cold on the lips

If herpes has worsened, treatment of the oral cavity should be carried out only in in case of emergency. Treatment of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, tooth extraction are strict contraindications for diseases.

Treatment involves certain mechanical intervention. The herpes virus easily enters the bloodstream and causes herpetic stomatitis, and ulcers will appear in the oral cavity. The most dangerous phase for infection is the rupture of the bubbles.

The appearance of acute herpes indicates weak immunity. Low immunity has a bad effect on the condition of teeth. If relapses of herpes are frequent, you need to contact an immunologist and do not forget about preventive visits to the dentist.

Interesting: Virus herpes simplex 90% of the planet's inhabitants are infected with the first type.

Treatment during pregnancy

Dental problems are a common problem among pregnant women due to changes hormonal levels. We must try not to bring the condition of the oral cavity to the point of requiring serious treatment. The vitamins that doctors prescribe will help with this. early stages pregnancy.

A pregnant woman should see a dentist if the following symptoms appear:

  1. Bleeding gums when brushing teeth and eating.
  2. Increased tooth sensitivity.
  3. Toothaches, periodic or constant.

These are signs of incipient inflammation and should be treated, especially during pregnancy. If you start, you will have to do much more painful manipulations. Without anesthesia. Pregnant women are allowed to have fillings. They are not dangerous to the health of the unborn baby.

During pregnancy you can treat:

  1. Caries at an early stage.
  2. Periodontitis, pulpitis.
  3. Periostitis.
  4. Periodontal disease.
  5. Gingivitis.
  6. Stomatitis.

Important: It is better to avoid dental intervention in the first and third trimesters. In the first, the formation of the child’s organs and systems occurs, in the third, the excitability of the uterus increases. Any irritants can cause a miscarriage or premature birth. The second trimester is the safest for dental treatment. But you should first consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist.

The following procedures should not be performed during pregnancy:

  1. Whitening and strengthening.
  2. Removing stones.
  3. Correction of teeth or bite position.
  4. Removal of wisdom teeth.

Is it possible to use anesthesia for a pregnant woman during dental treatment? Possible if the doctor prefers local anesthetics. They are hypoallergenic and the body tolerates them well. They do not penetrate the placental barrier and do not harm the fetus. Anesthesia with a high content of adrenaline should not be used. Lidocaine reduces blood pressure, causes convulsions and other side effects. Stopangin causes fetal pathologies and provokes post-maturity. Sodium fluoride disrupts the functioning of the heart and negatively affects the health of the unborn child. Surgical intervention carried out only for urgent indications.

  1. For pulpitis or periodontitis, it is better to start treatment as early as possible.
  2. In the second half of pregnancy, you need to undergo a routine dental examination.
  3. In the third trimester, teeth should be treated carefully. Stressful situations should not be allowed.
  4. Before visiting the dentist, you must inform the doctor about your situation.

Complicated caries, periodontitis, pulpitis, stomatitis can negatively affect the development of the fetus:

  1. Provoke premature birth.
  2. Low body weight.
  3. Spreads infection and affects soft fabrics fetus, which can lead to miscarriage.

Other conditions in which dental treatment is dangerous

You should wait to see a dentist if there is an exacerbation. chronic diseases liver, kidneys, pancreas and mental illnesses. Sometimes with scarlet fever, tuberculosis, syphilis and various fungal infections, the oral mucosa is affected. In such cases, the tooth should not be removed. A tooth cannot be pulled out even after a recent heart attack.

It is better not to go for dental treatment under anesthesia if you have recently consumed alcohol. The specialist will not give guarantees for painless treatment. Even with strong anesthetics.

Situations that favor dental treatment

  1. No colds.
  2. Second trimester of pregnancy (in the absence of contraindications).
  3. The woman feels well, lacks dizziness and severe pain during her period.
  4. Absence of heart disease and other acute diseases.
  5. The blood pressure is not elevated.

How to overcome the fear of dental treatment - video

Acute respiratory viral infection is accompanied by characteristic symptoms by which the disease can be easily recognized. But why do teeth hurt with ARVI, how banal disease affects the oral cavity.

ARVI may well contribute to dental disease

Often, when teeth hurt due to ARVI, people do not immediately understand that there is a direct connection between a cold and pain. To find out, you need to know what happens to the human body during illness. What causes the pain, because teeth cannot get cold on their own.

The main factor. With colds, problems can affect the entire body. The disease can occur due to hypothermia, contact with infected person. If immunity is reduced, then there is every chance of catching an infection and at the same time all complications. A weakened body can be susceptible to acute respiratory viral infections even with slight hypothermia. The main signs help determine the condition:

  • runny nose;
  • sneezing;
  • tearfulness;
  • sore throat;
  • cough;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract.

In rare cases, it occurs toothache, with which nerve endings signal that a person is sick. It is also worth paying attention to painful sensations due to exposure to air, cold water, when drinking cool drinks. In some cases, the problem may affect half of the face or its entire lower part - here the problem may lie not only in a cold, but also in the condition of the oral cavity. If there is no caries, you need to determine whether the problem is caused by teeth or ARVI, and immediately consult a doctor.

ARVI has many symptoms and, oddly enough, toothache may be one of them

Why does pain occur during ARVI?

  • First reason. The sick person is affected respiratory tract, a viral infection penetrates the nasal sinuses, causing damage to the mucous membrane. Any cold is accompanied by copious discharge In other words, snot flows from the nose. Unfortunately, not all of the mucous mass, in which pathogenic microbacteria are predominantly concentrated, comes out by blowing your nose. The remaining part constantly accumulates in the sinuses, creating pressure on the nerve endings, which causes pain.
  • Second reason- reception medicines containing acids. It’s no secret to any of us that when we are sick we need drinking plenty of fluids, and we constantly drink tea with lemon and rosehip. Yes, a liquid containing citric acid warms the body and cleanses it of toxins, raises the level of vitamin C. But at the same time, it thins the body. tooth enamel, teeth become sensitive to drinks and cold air.
  • Reason three- nutrition. When a person has a cold or an acute respiratory viral infection, the main symptom is nasal congestion. The patient breathes mainly through his mouth. The mucous membrane dries out, sugar residues on the teeth destroy the enamel and high sensitivity occurs.
  • Fourth reason. Gastrointestinal disorder. Colds often cause gastrointestinal problems intestinal tract, the patient is worried about nausea and vomiting. Vomit contains acid, which, passing through the oral cavity, touches the teeth, also thinning the enamel and causing hypersensitivity.

Is it possible to treat teeth during ARVI?

A cold should not be an obstacle to dental treatment. As soon as they arise characteristic symptoms, you need to visit a dentist. After thorough sanitation, the doctor will find out the nature of the problem and prescribe a course of treatment, which includes:

  • painkillers;
  • healthy nutrition;
  • exclusion of hot and cold drinks;
  • calcium supplements with vitamin D3.

Painkillers will help relieve pain

In cases where the pain has nothing to do with the condition of the teeth or a cold, the doctor can give a referral to a neurologist, since they often arise due to inflammation trigeminal nerve.

Is it possible to treat teeth with the flu?

During the acute phase viral infection, the dentist cannot perform radical treatment— removal, installation of filling, extension. With influenza high temperature Any manipulation is contraindicated. But the course of treatment for a viral infection includes vitamin complexes and agents that relieve painful and inflammatory conditions. They affect not only the virus, but also any accompanying problems - dental, headache, joint, muscle pain. The diet must include fermented milk products, nuts, raisins, dried apricots, dates, fish, meat. The disease is not an obstacle to taking medications based on calcium, vitamins, phosphorus, and protein.

Is it worth treating your teeth after the flu?

With adequate treatment viral disease, the disease goes away on the 8th day. If you miss time and don’t take antiviral agents, vitamin complexes prescribed by a doctor are possible, complications are serious. Along with the signs of a viral infection, the painful sensations. But this does not mean that you need to forget about the problems that bother you with the flu, they need thorough research and treatment.

Rinsing teeth with chamomile helps relieve pain

Before visiting the dentist, you can apply traditional methods treatment.

  • Rinse your teeth with anti-inflammatory herbs - chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, ginger.
  • Rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day soda solution, a strong solution of table salt helps a lot.
  • With the development of caries, cranberry juice helps. The effectiveness of the product has been proven by leading American scientists. At the same time, berries are an excellent anti-inflammatory agent containing vitamin C in large quantities.

Prevention of toothache

In order not to suffer from toothache, regardless of the cause - caries, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, colds or infectious diseases, you need to take care of their condition in advance. Regular visit A dentist is a must for every person.

To strengthen bone structure, and, therefore, for the strength of teeth and the preservation of strong enamel, it is necessary to include foods containing calcium in the diet: cottage cheese, kefir, sesame seeds, white meat, fish.

Eat more cottage cheese- it improves dental health

It would not be amiss to repeat that banal oral hygiene, the use of toothpaste plant based containing fluoride and calcium will keep your teeth strong and healthy.

Viral diseases, such as flu and colds, tend to start when you least expect them. And viruses are not at all worried about the fact that you have an appointment with the dentist.

Fever, runny nose, weakness, headache, but there’s no way to postpone tomorrow’s visit? Many people are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to treat teeth during colds.

Why not

Before accurately answering this question, it is necessary to firmly understand that any disease is a stressful situation for the body, and therefore significantly weakens it. protective functions, forcing immune system work beyond your capabilities.

Impacts on teeth, as well as any interference in a functioning organism from the outside, represent a stressful situation. It, superimposed on the already weakened immunity due to the virus, can cause complications, the outcome of which is quite difficult to predict. Of course, not everyone will develop complications, but if we are talking about health, then it is better not to take risks.

In addition to the general weakening of the body, there are other reasons why you should postpone a visit to the doctor, even if your tooth hurts, until you have completely recovered:

  • Due to a weakened immune system, the body is more easily susceptible to infections, and pathogenic organisms from the oral cavity can penetrate deeper without much hindrance.
  • Dental manipulations often lead to the formation of open wounds, which also serve as excellent entrance gate For infectious process.
  • Drugs with an analgesic effect do not always work well on an organism weakened by a viral disease.
  • If you have a cold that is accompanied by a runny nose, it is difficult to sit in the dental chair for a long time with your mouth open.
  • Cough is a frequent accompaniment of a cold, which also does not contribute to successful manipulations with oral cavity.
  • During dental treatment, you can infect your dentist.

If you take into account everything that is said above, then it is still better to postpone going to the dentist until you recover.

When treatment is necessary

Influenza and acute respiratory viral infections are not a strict contraindication for treating diseased teeth, although dental procedures during their course are extremely undesirable.

Sometimes dental treatment during a cold is necessary. Such situations include:

  • Rapid development inflammatory process.
  • Acute and progressive purulent inflammation.
  • High probability of flux development.

Treatment for a cold on the lip

The herpes simplex virus, according to research, lives in the bodies of 90% of people. The virus usually appears when the immune system is weakened, due to stress, or hypothermia.

People often wonder whether it is possible to treat teeth if they have a cold on the lip, and some patients are completely sure that there is nothing wrong with small bubbles and they will not interfere with the dentist. This is a mistake.

For diseases such as pulpitis, periodontitis and caries, as well as during tooth extraction, a cold on the lips is a strict contraindication for manipulation.

Most treatment procedures in the oral cavity lead to mechanical damage tissues, and in this case the virus easily penetrates inside. As a result, a disease such as herpetic stomatitis develops, in which not the lip, but the entire oral cavity is covered with wounds.

What to do

Sometimes toothache makes you want to climb the wall, but dental procedures are prohibited due to a viral disease. In this case, you can use one of the methods below to relieve the pain. Do not forget that the choice of method is best agreed with your doctor.

You can remove teeth and perform other medical procedures, associated with teeth during a cold, although this is extremely undesirable. Complete contraindication the virus is still not Doctors usually advise you to think about your own health and, in order to avoid complications, postpone visiting the dentist.

Colds occur without warning. They are absolutely indifferent to the fact that a person has a planned visit to the dentist. However, is it possible to have dental treatment if you have a cold? This question interests many people who are faced with a similar situation.

Initially, you need to understand that any disease contributes to the emergence of a stressful situation in the body. Bacteria and germs weaken the immune system. Dental treatment is also stressful for the body. This means that with acute respiratory illnesses, the condition can only worsen.

Features of the development of the disease

Some people wrongly consider the cold to be a primitive ailment that can be easily cured in a day or two. In fact, this disease develops gradually. In the first few days, a person feels very lethargic and tired. Initially, the throat begins to feel sore. Then a runny nose occurs. The man begins to sneeze. After another day or two, a cough appears. The temperature rises slightly, to about 38 degrees, and lasts up to two days. There is no need to knock it down.

However, if such a disease is not treated and you endure it on your feet, doing everyday things and visiting public places, then ear inflammation or bronchitis may occur. Complications after a cold are very rare.

But indoors they are sharp respiratory viruses spread around a person at a distance of up to seven meters. From two to nine hours they can live in the air of the corresponding room. And the highest concentration is in the first few days of the disease.

This leads to the conclusion that visiting public places when you have a cold is extremely dangerous. This increased risk infect other people. In addition, a weakened body, which spends a lot of strength and energy to resist an insidious disease, can easily catch some more dangerous infection.

Dental treatment for colds

Currently, experts disagree about the advisability of dental treatment for colds. However, when strong desire You should consult a dentist or therapist - they will help you find the optimal solution.

It should be understood that germs and bacteria significantly reduce immunity. As a result, a person may contract an infection. Dental procedures typically create open wounds. Infection can occur through them. Painkillers and anesthetics also negatively affect the functioning of the body.

Therefore, in order to avoid additional diseases, there is no need to treat your teeth when you have a cold. In addition, this disease is mainly accompanied by a cough and runny nose. In such a state, sitting for a long time with your mouth open and your head thrown back is at least difficult. Moreover, the patient can simply infect the dentist.

When is treatment acceptable?

Of course, acute respiratory illnesses are not a contraindication to dental treatment. However, it is still undesirable to perform dental procedures during this period. Although there are several cases in which treatment is not canceled.

For example, the development of fluxes or purulent inflammation due to progression colds. In this case, tooth extraction is not advisable. After all open wound- an ideal place for pathogenic microbes and bacteria. If the therapist does not prescribe treatment for your teeth, then if you have a cold, it is better to stay at home and not rush around in lines at dental offices. After all similar treatment- excessive stress for the body and the possibility of additional infection.

Viral diseases can haunt you for a long time with weakness, headaches, runny nose and fever. During this period, the body works at the limit of its own capabilities. Therefore, he does not need additional medical intervention. Impact on teeth too stressful situation. Against the background of reduced immunity, this is fraught with complications with unpredictable outcomes. Therefore, the risk in this situation is not justified.

Of course, a systematic examination by a dentist, as well as compliance hygiene rules oral care products are the key beautiful smile And healthy teeth. However, for a cold, treating tooth enamel is not best solution. After all, the infection can penetrate directly into dental tissue. This will only worsen the course of dental disease. It is advisable to remain in bed for several days, following the recommendations of the therapist, and regularly consult with your doctor in order to recover quickly and visit the dentist.