Is it possible to drink water during childbirth? What not to do to ensure a successful birth: tips for different stages of the process

Many pregnant women are interested in the question: is it possible to eat during childbirth? Before giving birth, every woman in labor will have to go through a bowel cleansing procedure using an enema. This is especially necessary for women preparing for a caesarean section. During childbirth, during contractions, you should not eat or drink. This is due, firstly, to the fact that against the background of contractions, gag reflex. Well, and secondly, until labor is completed, the possibility of surgical delivery cannot be ruled out. Therefore, the intestines must be prepared for childbirth in any case.

Where to get strength during childbirth?

Women in labor are routinely compared to athletes who are encouraged to consume huge quantities carbohydrates and proteins, and drink a lot when they are under maximum exertion. Moreover, the midwives themselves in some maternity hospitals recommend that a pregnant woman preparing for childbirth eat some food and drink sweet tea.

However, specialists who study the physiology of childbirth know how a woman’s body works during childbirth, how much energy is consumed, and are confident that there is no point in overloading the intestines.

If childbirth proceeds as physiologically as possible, without stimulating drugs, all the skeletal muscles of the woman in labor are relaxed. A woman in this phase is more comfortable in a relaxed position, lying on her side or on all fours. The woman in labor strives to take a stationary position and expends little energy, her need for carbohydrates is minimal.

When childbirth is easy, only two organs really work: the muscle of the uterus and the oldest part of the brain - the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

Their function is to secrete hormones involved in the process of childbirth and they consume a negligible amount of energy. As for the uterine muscle, it belongs to the so-called smooth (involuntary) muscles. Smooth muscles spend energy 200-400 times more economically than striated muscles, and they can easily be used as “fuel” fatty acids(and prefer them to glucose). Since in human body a lot of fat reserves, the danger of being left without an energy source smooth muscles practically no threat.

Why can't you eat sweets?

Comparing a woman in labor to a marathon runner is not only confusing, it can even be dangerous. Side effects The use of sugar during childbirth has been repeatedly documented. Obstetricians should be aware that sugars in pure form tend to reduce pain threshold and level of maximum pain tolerated. Moreover, there is evidence that when mothers were given intravenous glucose during labor, the intensity of neonatal jaundice was greater.

Don't drink?

The need for fluid in a woman in labor is often overestimated. It is often written that during childbirth it is necessary to replenish enormous water losses in order to avoid dehydration and its consequences. In fact, fluid loss during childbirth is not so significant due to the increased secretion of the antidiuretic hormone vasopressin (which retains water) by the pituitary gland, as well as due to the relaxation of voluntary muscles. When labor begins, the mother's body has a more than sufficient supply of water - water intoxication and low sodium levels in the blood should rather be feared. A full bladder also causes discomfort.

How a woman behaves during childbirth

By studying the behavior of women during childbirth, several simple patterns can be derived. First: labor rarely begins if a pregnant woman is hungry. This is understandable, since hunger usually increases the level of adrenaline hormones in the blood. The second pattern: when labor has entered the active phase, women, as a rule, do not eat. If a woman eats, then serious doubts arise that she is really giving birth. Childbirth is a difficult diagnosis. When a woman has contractions every 5 minutes and is told that her cervix is ​​1-2 cm dilated, she becomes confident that she is undoubtedly in labor. Such a diagnosis often leads to protracted labor, which also increases the likelihood surgical intervention, before which anesthesia will be required. If a woman is really hungry, then she needs to be fed so that the adrenaline level decreases and labor can actually begin. Often, expectant mothers are sent to the hospital during the prenatal period, but labor does not begin, since they are not allowed to satisfy their hunger. The third pattern: women who really feel relaxed and who have not been told that they “need strength” prefer to drink only a little water, but not sweet drinks. Often they have a strong desire to take a sip of water right before the irresistible last attempts, which are caused by the so-called fetal ejection reflex (this is a sign of a sharp release of adrenaline).

Preparing a woman in labor

It should be recalled that in many hospitals for a long time There was a strict ban on eating and drinking during childbirth. The purpose of the ban was to prevent serious complications due to general anesthesia when, with a full stomach, the backflow of solid food can lead to blockage respiratory tract, and the reflux of acidic stomach contents into the lungs (aspiration) can cause severe pneumonia. Now that most caesarean sections are performed under an epidural, or spinal anesthesia, the beneficial effects of more liberal rules outweigh the risk of complications. As a result, the number of operations is reduced.

Preparing the intestines for childbirth, according to experts who support the theory light stomach, is done as follows. 3-4 weeks before giving birth, it is necessary to exclude meat and heavy side dishes from the diet, and significantly limit sweets and starchy foods. It is advisable to leave only vegetables, fruits in any form (boiled, stewed, fresh) and fermented milk products.

In addition to the diet, you should prepare the intestines for childbirth by taking Forlax: dilute 1 sachet in one glass boiled water and drink the prepared solution for 10-14 days daily during breakfast. In cases of constipation, dilute two Forlax sachets in two glasses of water. Accept as well.

To overcome thirst during childbirth, you need to either suck on an ice cube or rinse your mouth with cool water. There is no need to fortify yourself with chocolate or apples. Since sweet chocolate can strengthen the gag reflex, and apples can cause gas formation. Therefore, it is better to leave a chocolate bar for the early postpartum period.

Even if there is a renewed interest in the physiology of childbirth in the near future, we will still need to recognize that the nutritional needs of a laboring woman are too complex to be controlled by a birth attendant. Generally speaking, labor cannot be controlled. Women should rely on their feelings, and not on what they read in books or heard from someone. Advising a woman giving birth to eat pasta or add honey to her tea is as unreasonable as introducing prohibitions. The only recommendation we can give is to avoid giving recommendations! you can find out from our article.

Childbirth is a fairly lengthy process that requires the expectant mother to large quantity strength and endurance. What to do if, for example, labor begins early morning when a lot of time has passed since your last meal? Where to the expectant mother to take the strength to bring a child into the world?

Today we will talk about nutrition during childbirth and try to determine whether it is possible to eat and drink during labor.

Doctors' opinions on nutrition during childbirth

Regarding this issue, the folk wisdom is very accurately implemented in the medical community: “How many people - so many opinions.” And indeed, even the doctors themselves do not have a clear position on the issue, Is it possible to eat and drink during contractions?. In some hospitals, women in labor are strictly prohibited from eating any food or even drinking water. In other maternity hospitals, you are allowed to take a bottle of still water with you or drink sweet drinks to give you strength. And there are also maternity hospitals where food during labor for a particular woman in labor depends on the availability of a contract for childbirth: free patients are prohibited from eating anything, but paid women in labor can bring with them the first, second, and third.

How should this actually happen? What should it be nutrition during childbirth? And should it exist at all?

Correct principles of nutrition during childbirth

Prohibition on the use of any food during childbirth quite justified. The fact is that until the very end of labor, none of the doctors can give you guarantees that you will not have to have an emergency caesarean section. And holding abdominal surgery It is quite problematic for a woman in labor who has eaten heavily a couple of hours before.

In addition, the introduction general anesthesia with a full stomach, it can cause pieces of food to be thrown into the lungs, which can lead to inflammation.
In addition, during labor, too much breakfast can trigger the gag reflex, which will add additional inconvenience to childbirth.

All these reasons exist. More precisely, they took place...before. As for modern times, caesarean sections are now increasingly performed under epidural anesthesia. Unlike general anesthesia, epidural anesthesia does not lead to the consequences described above, so it can be safely done on a woman who has recently had an anaesthetic.

In addition, more and more doctors are talking about positive impact nutrition during childbirth on labor. If a woman in labor constantly thinks about food or drink, and not about her immediate task, not a trace will remain of a positive attitude. And pessimism has never benefited anyone.

No one suggests you eat a set lunch during labor, but a light snack will only benefit you. It is better if it is low-fat carbohydrate food: bread, crackers, low-fat broth, boiled egg, dried fruits, puree or fruit jelly. Nutrition during childbirth may even be reusable, but always in small quantities. During childbirth, food digestion is worse, so nutrition during childbirth should be light.

Eating during labor is permissible only in the first stage of labor. Stock up on energy for the future so that in the second and third stages of labor you can do without food. This way, you can recharge your batteries without overeating at the same time.

What should you drink during childbirth?

Dehydration is very dangerous for any person, not to mention a pregnant woman preparing to give birth to a baby. Due to this, drinking during childbirth must be present. Another question is what should you drink during childbirth?

Of course, you should not drink any soda during labor. But still water, clarified fruit juice or weak tea are excellent for preventing dehydration during childbirth. You need to drink in small sips, little by little, but often. You can be sure - slightly wet your throat during childbirth It will be enough for you.

It is considered a very effective drink during childbirth. special drink, the recipe for which we will now provide you with:

A third of a cup of lemon juice

A third of a cup of honey

Quarter tsp. salt,

Quarter tsp. baking soda,

Two powdered calcium tablets

1 liter of clean drinking water.

This drink effectively quenches thirst during childbirth and gives the expectant mother strength.

And with The most important criterion for choosing nutrition during childbirth should be your body. If you feel hungry or thirsty, do not deny yourself small amounts of light food or water. And if the process of childbirth has fascinated you so much that you don’t even want to think about food, don’t force yourself and don’t force yourself to eat. Your body knows perfectly well what and when it needs. And your task is only to listen to him.

Have an easy birth!

Have you ever heard of Mendelssohn's syndrome? This is a reaction digestive tract for general anesthesia. The syndrome was discovered in the forties of the last century. Doctors have found that if a woman in labor ate or drank during childbirth, or shortly before it, and received general anesthesia, it may happen that pieces of food get into the lungs, and this can contribute to the development of pneumonia. In some cases, the consequences can be more serious; due to damage to the lungs, the woman may die.

But now, during a caesarean section, general anesthesia is used very rarely; epidural anesthesia is often used for this operation, and therefore the ban on taking food and water during childbirth is no longer relevant.

The method of using general anesthesia has also changed since then, and the technique of performing a caesarean section has improved, so women do not have to worry about what they ate before giving birth. Since even in the event of an emergency caesarean section, food will not be a threat to a woman’s life.

Today, you can eat and drink during childbirth - this has been proven by various studies.

But our readers may have a completely logical question: why was it not possible before, but now it is possible?

Firstly, many studies have been conducted and scientists have proven that when normal birth a woman can consume water and food in small quantities.

Moreover, prohibiting food and water during childbirth can affect not only physical condition women (dehydration, exhaustion), but also on moral. And stress can lead to complications during childbirth.

Scientists have also proven that drinking food or water during labor significantly shortens the duration of labor.

But not all women are allowed to eat during childbirth, those who suffer overweight, as well as those who take certain types of anesthesia.

Food or water - which is better?

English scientists conducted a study dividing women in labor into two groups, some were only allowed to eat a little liquid or solid food, others were only allowed to drink water. As a result, the scientists found that food or water did not affect the duration of labor, either natural or via cesarean section. If a woman's birth is natural and uncomplicated, then the woman can eat small amounts of food and water if she wishes.

List of foods that can be consumed during childbirth:
  • natural juice;
  • tea (not very strong);
  • yogurt;
  • bread (you can spread a little butter);
  • boiled eggs;
  • fresh or baked fruits;
  • bouillon;
You need to drink water in moderation during childbirth; if a woman drinks more than 2.5 liters, the amount of sodium ions in her blood may decrease, which can lead to headaches, nausea, and even vomiting.

Doctors believe that it is best to drink clean water during childbirth; you need to drink water in small sips and in small quantities.

The first birth lasts approximately 12 to 16 hours; it is still possible to survive without food for that long, but without water it is very difficult. Therefore, it is better not to exhaust your body, and take care of a bottle of water in advance.

Many women after giving birth admit that they didn’t want to eat at all during childbirth.

Also, doctors say that taking a small amount of food can calm a woman during childbirth.

Listen to your own body and if you still want water, or feel hungry, do not deny yourself. IN in this case The principle applies: “if you really want to, then you can.” But remember that everything should be in moderation.

Reading time: 7 minutes. Views 3.3k. Published 02/02/2019

This article will be of interest to those expectant mothers who have about a month left before giving birth. The baby is already preparing for birth, and his mother needs to take care that the birth goes smoothly. Obstetricians advise exercising muscles pelvic floor, master breathing techniques, and tune in psychologically. It will also help you have an easier birth. special diet before childbirth.

The benefits of diet before childbirth

The diet of a pregnant woman is important throughout pregnancy - the health of the developing baby largely depends on it. But by the ninth month the formation process is almost complete.

The main task of the ninth month is to prepare the woman and child for childbirth. Nutrition in the last weeks of pregnancy should solve the following problems:

  • prevent overfeeding of the baby;
  • unload the mother's body;
  • increase elasticity muscle tissue.

Basic principles of nutrition before childbirth

Towards the end of pregnancy, a woman has a hard time. A massive belly, frequent trips to the toilet, and swelling make her life much more difficult. Therefore, nutrition is structured in such a way as to help the expectant mother as much as possible.

It is better to choose a fractional diet - often and little by little to reduce the load gastrointestinal tract. It is optimal to eat 5 times a day at intervals of about 3 hours.

You should not eat at night, and drinking should be limited after seven in the evening - otherwise sleep will be interrupted by trips to the toilet.

You should drink frequently, but only on condition that there are no problems with fluid removal. If there is swelling, the doctor will probably advise you to limit drinking, as well as salty foods.

What not to eat before giving birth

IN last month It is recommended to reduce or completely remove meat products from the menu, including animal fats, the same applies to fish and eggs. This is due to the fact that animal protein negatively affects the elasticity of muscle tissue, including in the birth canal.

Foods rich in calcium are undesirable: cottage cheese, cheese and other dairy products.

The baby's skeleton is already formed, and excess calcium can cause excessive hardening of the bones, which will complicate childbirth. An exception is made only for fermented milk products, due to their benefits for digestion.

What can you eat before giving birth?

To make childbirth easier, the diet before childbirth consists of cereal and vegetable dishes. If you gain excessive weight, it is better to cook porridge in water; you can add fruit for taste.

For vegetables, frying is excluded from the cooking methods - boil, bake, stew, steam. Salads from raw vegetables with the addition of vegetable oil.

Vegetable oil must be included in the daily diet, approximately 1-2 tbsp. l. It regulates the gastrointestinal tract and also has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of muscle tissue. Olive or flaxseed is the healthiest; sunflower is also possible.

The menu also includes fermented milk products: kefir, fermented baked milk, yoghurts - but without fillers.

Let's look at the nutritional features of the last month week by week. The approaching birth dictates that you lighten your diet, but relying only on intuitive decisions is unwise.

In 4 weeks

Animal proteins and dairy products are removed from the diet, with the exception of fermented milk - on the contrary, they need to be eaten every day.

Water-based porridge with dried or fresh fruits, vegetable soups, baked and stewed vegetables, salads with vegetable oil, vegetable and fruit fresh juices, herbal teas, gray and black bread - a fairly extensive range of products.

If you really want meat, you shouldn’t give it up completely. Boiled chicken breast or steamed fish in reasonable quantities will not cause harm. But gradually it is better to exclude them.

Sweets and baked goods are prohibited. For sweets, you can allow a little marshmallow or marshmallow, but it’s better to avoid them. Sweet and rich foods provoke gas formation, which this period highly undesirable. And the extra calories that are inevitable with such a diet are also useless.

In 3 weeks

The menu becomes simpler. It is better to remove meat and fish completely.

In 2 weeks

This diet contains all the substances necessary for the body, and at the same time significantly facilitates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In 1 week

There are only a few days left before the birth. It is better for the expectant mother to temporarily be a vegetarian - fermented milk products are removed from the diet.

All that remains is plant food. This will allow the body to spend a minimum of energy on digesting food, focusing on preparing for childbirth.

If not a diet, then restrictions

But restrictions are still necessary. There is no need to eat pork three times a day; get by with a small piece of boiled or baked chicken. If you really want something sweet, eat it, but not the sponge cake with buttercream.

Believe me overweight and a stomach tired of heavy food are bad helpers during childbirth.

What to eat before giving birth

So, day X has arrived. If you feel the onset of labor (water has broken, weak contractions), it is better to refuse food. During labor and childbirth, nausea is possible, which is easier to tolerate on an empty stomach.

It is also better not to overload the intestines, which is why an enema is done before childbirth. In addition, the first time after birth it will be difficult to empty the intestines, and it will take time to recover.

Appetite usually disappears before childbirth. But you can drink it – unsweetened drinking water, mineral without gas, herbal teas. Be careful with herbal infusions– their composition should not include herbs that affect the uterus, such as thyme.

But if your appetite still awakens, you can eat a small portion of light food even in the prenatal ward.

What to eat before giving birth:

  • dry biscuits;
  • cheese with bread;
  • boiled egg;
  • dried fruits.

Eat little and be sure to drink.

Teas and decoctions are prepared in advance and brought with you in a thermos or in bottles. You need to drink in small portions - a too full stomach can lead to nausea.

Food during prolonged labor

If for some reason labor is delayed, appetite may appear. And the strength of the woman in labor needs to be restored. Therefore, in this situation, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to eat during contractions is definitely “yes.”

Food should be easily digestible and well-replenishing energy. Experienced obstetricians recommend taking chocolate to childbirth, and not so long ago scientists discovered another product useful for women in labor - dates.


Let us clarify right away - we are talking only about bitter Milk, with fillers, white and other varieties are not suitable. Useful properties Cocoa beans give chocolate maximum quantity which is contained specifically in bitter varieties.

Chocolate is useful not only as a generally recognized energy restorer. It has the property of stimulating the process of dilation of the cervix and also reduces pain sensitivity.

But you should still consult a doctor in advance - chocolate is one of the most powerful allergens. And in any case, you shouldn’t eat the whole chocolate bar at once; it’s better to replenish your strength one slice at a time.


Another product that can restore energy lost during contractions is dates. They are high in content healthy sugar, reaching up to 60%. It is fructose that will help a woman in labor quickly restore vitality.

But dates also have other properties that are valuable for a woman giving birth. The oxytocin they contain has a beneficial effect on labor by stimulating muscle contraction. The effect of oxytocin continues after childbirth - it activates the production of breast milk.

Thus, dates before childbirth, thanks to their unique properties, will not only satisfy your hunger, but will also help you give birth easier.


Childbirth is a difficult experience for female body. Although the birth of a baby justifies both the nine months of waiting and the pain of contractions, the expectant mother needs to do everything to make the birth as easy and painless as possible - both for her and for the baby.

Special meals in last weeks pregnancy is one of effective measures, helping mothers in labor cope more easily with the birth of a child.

What is your opinion on this issue? Do you think a diet is needed in the last month and is it possible to eat before giving birth? We are waiting for your comments.

If your labor progresses within normal limits, nothing bad will happen if you eat a little in between contractions. For example, you can eat bread, crackers, vegetable broth, baked fruits, applesauce, natural fruit jelly. Any fats, proteins, especially animal origin, should be avoided due to their severity. Eat foods that are easily digestible, often and little by little, so as not to overload your stomach. They offer a variety of light food options. Try to stock up on energy during the first stage of labor. At the second stage, it is advisable to eat less and completely refuse food in the transition phase or already at the end of the second phase, but continue to drink little by little. Or you can put small ice cubes in your mouth.


It is not prohibited to drink during childbirth - dehydration can be dangerous. But you should not drink a lot of liquid - no more than two liters. Due to decreased motility, the stomach is slower to empty its contents, which can lead to vomiting. You should drink in small quantities in small sips when you feel thirsty. Best drink during childbirth - clean water. You can drink some tea or clarified fruit juice.

If childbirth is going well, the woman is not prohibited from eating a little. But it should be something light - fruit puree, baked apples, crackers. Fatty protein foods, especially those of animal origin, should be avoided. It’s good if someone close to you is with you during the birth. The inability to have a snack often arises due to the fact that the expectant mother simply has no one to help. Help in the maternity hospital medical personnel There is no point in counting too much in such matters. In the intervals between contractions, the woman in labor is allowed to eat a little, but it should be light food.