Is it possible to get pregnant while taking hormones? Why is it not immediately clear that a woman is pregnant?

Resorting to contraceptive method, a woman wants to be sure of the effectiveness of this product. Statistics show that pregnancy during use contraceptive drugs possible. Familiarization with the reasons will help protect against unforeseen situations.

    How do birth control pills work?

    Oral contraceptives(OK) are drugs that provide contraceptive effect. Their action is based on the content of hormones that block ovulation. The effect lasts for the period of taking the pills in the current cycle.

    OCs are taken daily, at the same time, starting from the first day of the cycle. Included with the tablets detailed instructions by application. Each pill is numbered. The number must match day of the cycle, in which the reception takes place.

    Contraceptive pills are taken for 21 days. Then a 7-day break is taken. During this period comes menstrual bleeding. The next package is opened exactly 7 days after the end of the previous one.

    A certain concentration of hormones provides inhibition reproductive function. The follicles do not grow to the required size. The meeting of the sperm with the egg becomes impossible. Even if ovulation occurs, growth will be blocked corpus luteum. Implantation will not take place due to insufficient thickness of the endometrium.

    There are many drugs that have a contraceptive effect. They are selected individually, based on the woman’s hormone levels. IN mature age Prescribe medications with a high content of hormones. For young nulliparous girls there are low-dose OK.

    The duration of taking the pills depends on the purpose of their use. For contraceptive purposes, you can take the pills for an unlimited amount of time.

    Oral contraceptives are also prescribed for infertility. In this case, treatment lasts from 3 to 6 months. Conception occurs against the background drug withdrawal.

    In some cases, contraceptives are used to normalize the cycle and treat certain diseases. With the help of contraceptive pills you can achieve the following:

    • improvement of skin condition;
    • cycle regulation;
    • contraceptive effect;
    • rebound - effect(conception after drug withdrawal);
    • treatment of ovarian cysts;
    • for recovery in the postoperative period.

    PECULIARITIES! Hormone therapy stimulates appetite. It is recommended to control your diet while taking pills. In this case, the set excess weight not scary.

    Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills?

    Low chance of conception during use contraceptives, subject to compliance with the rules of admission, exists. It is 1-2%. Some factors increase the risk of pregnancy. These include:

    • use of antibiotics;
    • skipping a pill;
    • treatment with drugs containing St. John's wort;
    • vomit;
    • violation of the dosage regimen;
    • diarrhea;
    • expired expiration date of tablets.

    If there are factors that reduce the effectiveness of the drug, the current cycle uses additional methods contraception. The scheme for further taking the tablets is described in the instructions.

    How to avoid a decrease in contraceptive effect?

    To avoid a decrease in contraceptive effect, you must comply intervals between tablets. Their increase leads to the release of hormones responsible for the maturation of the egg. It is recommended to set an alarm for the time when you need to take pills. Keeping a menstrual calendar will help in controlling the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

    It is important to monitor the condition of your body. Poor quality food, excess quantity alcohol and viral infections can provoke vomiting. It leads to premature release of hormones from the body. Preventing such situations will ensure a stable contraceptive effect.

    NOTE! Whenever side effects from OK, you need to contact a gynecologist to change the drug.

    Signs of pregnancy while taking birth control pills

    Signs of pregnancy while taking OCs can easily be confused with side effects of pills. Taking contraceptives has the following features:

    • breast enlargement;
    • decreased libido;
    • nausea;
    • blood pressure surges;
    • swelling;
    • increased or decreased appetite;
    • irritability.

    The main signs indicating the development of pregnancy are delay and positive test for pregnancy. While taking contraceptives, the woman does not have any discomfort in the small pelvis. And during the process of embryo implantation, characteristic pain may appear.

    How does pregnancy occur while taking OK?

    Experts say that a pregnancy that occurs while taking birth control pills proceeds exactly the same as any other.

    Hormone concentration in the drug is too small to have a negative effect on the development of the child. Despite this, if pregnancy is detected, the use of OCs is discontinued.

    In some cases, spontaneous pregnancy may be problematic due to insufficient endometrial thickness. The solution to the problem is to prescribe progesterone support. This will allow you to avoid miscarriage.

    Oral contraceptives are the strongest medical supplies. Their selection and use should be treated with extreme caution. Before we start hormone therapy tests are required to determine hormonal status.

At 100%. Pregnancy can occur while taking even the most advanced and sophisticated medications. Why does this happen, how to avoid it? And most importantly, what to do with an unplanned pregnancy?

In what cases can you get pregnant?

You can become pregnant while taking birth control pills in the following cases:

    If you have just started to protect yourself from pregnancy using oral contraceptives and do not use the drug in the first two weeks of taking the drug additional funds protection. This condition is recommended to be observed only in the first cycle; in subsequent cycles, additional protection is no longer required.

    If you miss your next dose of your birth control pill by more than 12 hours, the contraceptive effect will be reduced. Consequently, the risk of becoming pregnant will increase.

    If oral contraception is chosen incorrectly. For example, you take a drug that is intended for breastfeeding women. These contraceptives contain fewer hormones, so the likelihood that you will become pregnant is very high.

    If less than three hours after taking the contraceptive you experience vomiting or stomach upset or diarrhea.

“Oral contraceptives may not be effective if other pills are taken at the same time. pharmaceuticals and even some funds traditional medicine, - speaks Daiva Pikauskaite, PhD, obstetrician-gynecologist, medical center"Human Health". – These include antibiotics (ampicillin, rifampicin, tetracycline, erythromycin), antifungal agents(griseofulvin), anticonvulsants(phenytoin), barbiturates (thiopental, phenobarbital). One of the traditional medicines is the herb St. John's wort. All of these drugs reduce absorption contraception in the intestines or accelerate the process of their breakdown in the liver, which leads to a decrease in the contraceptive effect. Therefore, when prescribing any medications, be sure to tell your doctor about taking oral contraceptives. You may have to turn to other methods of contraception, such as barrier or chemical contraception, during treatment.

It is worth mentioning alcoholic drinks. Keep in mind that alcohol also makes the liver work more intensively: it urgently gets rid of toxic substances, and at the same time neutralizes estrogens contained in birth control pills. Therefore, when taking large doses of alcohol, estrogen is inactivated faster and cannot fully affect the ovaries and suppress ovulation.”

What to do if conception occurs

Pregnancy that occurs while taking birth control pills is always a surprise and a cause for concern. A woman is overcome by a lot of disturbing thoughts: how will the medications she takes affect the course of pregnancy and the development of the unborn baby, will the baby be born with physical defects or mental disabilities, and wouldn’t it be wiser to have an abortion? Doctors rush to reassure.

Pregnancy while taking birth control pills

“Conception that occurred during contraception using oral contraceptives is not a reason to worry about a successful pregnancy outcome,” says Daiva Pikauskaite. – Long-term statistics show that the number of births of defective children in such cases is no more than the statistical average. Thousands of healthy babies provide compelling evidence of this research.”

Therefore, the fact that you are taking oral contraceptives should not affect your decision to continue or terminate your pregnancy. Gynecologists do not consider taking birth control pills a contraindication for conception, because the amount of hormones in such drugs is not so great as to cause harm. to the expectant mother and the baby. Pregnancy in such circumstances is considered and observed as completely normal.

Rules for the use of oral contraceptives

According to most experts, oral contraception– convenient, safe and sufficient reliable way protection, if, of course, you follow the instructions. To minimize the occurrence of unwanted pregnancy while taking such medications, be careful and careful and strictly follow your doctor's recommendations.

To avoid unwanted conception, women use a variety of methods of contraception. One of the most reliable is the use hormonal drugs with a contraceptive effect. They are easy and convenient to use, but pregnancy is still possible while taking birth control pills.

If a woman takes oral contraceptives (OC), she should know the principle of their action and the periods dangerous for conception. It is equally important to be able to recognize the signs of pregnancy in order to take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

Tablet contraceptives are divided into non-hormonal (spermicides) and hormonal. The first group acts locally - tablets are inserted into the vagina. These chemicals kill sperm, make the mucus in the cervical canal of the uterus thick, which prevents fertilization. The effectiveness of these funds is about 70%.

Hormonal drugs are taken orally and are much more effective (reliable in 98% of cases). They are divided into two classes:

  • Contraceptives containing gestagen.
  • Combination drugs that, in addition to gestagen, contain estrogens.

The advantage of the second group is the suppression of ovarian function, making ovulation impossible. General effects oral contraceptives are the thickening of the mucus of the cervical canal, the effect on the endometrial mucosa, which prevents the attachment of the fertilized egg and the development of pregnancy.

Pregnancy with OK

Is pregnancy possible while taking birth control pills? Yes, this can happen, although the drugs are considered a reliable method of contraception and unwanted pregnancy occurs in only 1-3 women out of 100.

If for some reason there is an unexpected break in the schedule, when you resume taking it, you need to use condoms for a week to avoid conception. Indeed, due to a pause in therapy, the level of estrogen in the blood decreased.

It must be remembered that uncontrolled use of birth control pills contributes to the development of obstruction fallopian tubes. Therefore there is a risk. Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and spotting are reasons for emergency medical consultation.

After taking birth control, even for a long time, there is no need to worry about infertility. Proper use of oral contraceptives is completely safe. Three months after their abolition, the functioning of the ovaries is restored and fertilization becomes possible.

Do pregnancy symptoms change when taking OCs?

While taking contraceptives, symptoms that indicate possible conception are sometimes observed:

  • discomfort, tenderness of the mammary glands;
  • change taste sensations and the emergence of new food preferences;
  • lack of appetite, nausea.


Why does pregnancy occur? The following predisposing factors exist:

  • The woman took the drug 10 hours late. This will increase the risk of fertilization due to fluctuations in hormone levels in the blood. In such a situation, only protected sex for a week is permissible.
  • Sudden refusal to use OCs, which leads to activation of ovarian function.
  • The use of OCs against the background of antimicrobial or antifungal therapy, antiepileptic drugs, herbal mixtures containing St. John's wort leads to the destruction of estrogens and a decrease in contraceptive function. The effects of some medications persist for several weeks after discontinuation, so it is better to play it safe and use suppositories or condoms along with the pills.
  • Using a drug that has been stored incorrectly or has expired.
  • Disease gastrointestinal tract, occurring with vomiting and frequent loose stools. This interferes with the absorption and absorption of hormonal drugs taken.
  • Independent choice of an oral contraceptive, not coordinated with a doctor.
  • Failure to comply with the instructions and rules of administration, which should be started from the first day of the cycle.

Delay during reception OK

A delay in menstruation is a sign of fertilization or a manifestation of side effects of medications.

If taken incorrectly

If your period has not come and there have been violations in the use of contraceptives, you should consult a gynecologist. When there is no pregnancy and the delay is caused hormonal imbalance, you need to wait for the onset of menstruation and resume taking hormonal pills only after they are finished.

If the drug has not been used regularly, then another package should be started immediately after the end of 21 days. Wait for the appearance bloody discharge no need.

Subject to the rules of admission

With regular use of the first package contraceptive drug it is also possible to delay the appearance of bloody vaginal discharge. This is due to the suppression of ovulation.

Probability of conception at correct use contraceptive rates are very low. But, if your period does not come during withdrawal, you should visit a gynecologist to rule out pregnancy.

The effect of contraceptives on fetal development

If during the first three weeks after fertilization, which the woman is not yet aware of, she continues to take medications, there is no need to worry about the effect of hormones on the fetus. Negative effects are possible only from the 6th week of pregnancy, when the formation of the child’s genital organs begins.

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills? — A fairly common question from women at an appointment with a gynecologist. The female body is not predictable, therefore different situations behaves differently.

When choosing contraceptives you need to be extremely careful; you can buy contraceptives only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Features of birth control pills, how they protect against pregnancy

The effect of birth control pills is due to their active substances. They contain hormones (estrogen and progesterone). These hormones block ovulation, which stops the maturation of the egg and its release from the appendages.

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills - here's how they work female body

Oral medications also modify the structure of the endometrium (uterine lining), due to these changes, the fertilized cell is not able to attach.

Active substances birth control pills change the mucous composition. The cervix of the organ produces thick and viscous mucus, which slows down sperm activity. All the factors presented help prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Factors that reduce the effect of birth control pills

Oral contraceptives are taken for a long time, so it is possible that sometimes you have to take them with others medications. These could be antibiotics, sedatives, etc.

The effect of oral contraceptives is reduced if the next pill is taken at the wrong time
or the appointment is completely missed.

Risk factors include vomiting or diarrhea that occurs after using a contraceptive within 3 hours.

Frequent and not permissible quantities drinking alcoholic beverages or coffee reduces the effectiveness of the contraceptives in question.

Birth control pills and other medications

If you have to take others for health reasons medicines, this should be discussed with your doctor. If the drugs used are not compatible with COCs, then you will have to additionally use other means to prevent pregnancy during treatment.

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills? This question worries many women.

Important to know! Some drugs reduce the effect of birth control pills.

These medications include the following:

  • drugs from the antibiotic group affect the effect of birth control pills;
  • when taking diuretics, the risk of unwanted pregnancy increases;
  • sorbents;
  • anticonvulsants may affect the results of taking contraceptives;
  • almost all sedatives increase the risk of conception while taking oral contraceptives.

Truths and myths about contraception. This is important for every adult to know.

Birth control pills and medicinal herbs

The herbs St. John's wort and valerian can reduce the effect of oral medications. If St. John's wort was taken before starting to use oral contraceptives, this should be reported to the doctor at the appointment when selecting a contraceptive.

Important to remember! The effectiveness of the herb St. John's wort can remain in the body for more than 10 days after the end of the course of therapy with this plant.

At Pregnancy-preventing pills should be stopped herbal infusions and teas based on this herb. Whether it is possible to be treated with another homeopathy is decided by the doctor in a particular case. If this is not possible, then you will have to use additional contraceptives to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

St. John's wort contains substances that activate the functioning of the liver in the body. This leads to the destructive consequences of the drugs taken and their natural elimination from the body, the same applies to the substances of birth control pills.

Birth control pills and alcohol

Alcohol does not directly affect the way birth control works, but it does have an effect on the liver, which can make the drugs less effective. Alcohol intake affects the production of enzymes, general functions fail, acceleration metabolic processes. All this provokes a decrease in the effect of the drugs.

Alcohol has no effect in small doses negative impact. Doctors allow drinking alcohol no more than 2 times in 7 days, not exceeding a dose of 20 mg. For example, it could be a glass of wine, a shot of vodka or 0.33-0.5 beer.

Birth control pills and vomiting, diarrhea

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills, if after using the contraceptive there was a diarrhea or vomiting– there is no definite answer. It all depends on how much time has passed between these events.

If the phenomena in question occurred earlier than 3 hours after taking the oral medication, then you can take another pill as a safety net. This is explained by the fact that the previous drug may not have had time to be absorbed into the blood.

Important to remember! Repeated use of the drug can lead to an overdose. If a woman using birth control pills has frequent gastrointestinal disorders, the doctor should know about this. The specialist will tell you whether the chosen medication can be taken. In some cases, if the gastrointestinal tract malfunctions, other methods of preventing pregnancy are recommended.

How to take birth control pills correctly to avoid getting pregnant

The tablet must be taken at the same time, for example, before bed.

  • If the use of the drug has not started on the first day of menstruation, despite daily use pills, it is better to insure the first week with additional contraceptives.
  • There should always be spare packaging on hand birth control pills. Each package contains instructions for taking the drug, which should be read carefully. The use of pills does not depend on the frequency of sexual intercourse.
  • If menstrual irregularities occur, taking medications does not stop, however, you should consult and be examined by a doctor.
  • In case of sudden signs of deterioration general condition health, you should stop taking it and seek help from a specialist.

you should know! Birth control pills only protect against unwanted pregnancy, however, venereal diseases partner and various sexually transmitted infections - they do not save.

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills if they are chosen incorrectly?

You cannot select birth control pills on your own, relying on the advice of friends or being guided by advertising. An incorrectly selected drug may not work, which means an unwanted pregnancy is possible.

Accidental conception despite taking birth control pills is not the only risk for women. Side effects are possible, in some cases disability and even death.

Each female body has its own unique characteristics, so when selecting medications, doctors pay attention to all the nuances. Only correct selection will ensure complete safety from unwanted pregnancy.

There is a phenotype table for women, according to which the specialist will determine whether oral medications can be taken and which ones.

Selection of contraceptive pills that protect against pregnancy in case of differences in phenotype

Characteristic differences Balanced look Progesterone Estrogen
Features of pregnancyNoWeight gain gag reflex, toxicosisNo
Breast developmentAverage developmentUnderdevelopedGood development
Pubic hairFemale typeMale typeFemale type
Psychological state before menstruationCalmStressfulNervous
Cycle duration28 daysUnder 27Up to 30 days
Duration of menstruation4-5 days5 daysMore than five days
Menstrual symptomsNo symptomsNagging pain in the abdomen, legs, lower backengorged breasts
Abundance of menstruationModeratelyScantyAbundantly
VoiceFeminineRudeDeeply feminine

The effects of contraceptive pills that have expired

All medications must not be taken after their expiration date. As for birth control pills, an expired drug will not have the desired effect.

Pharmacies offer a wide range of contraceptives, but you should not experiment with medications on your own. You can't joke with hormones, only a doctor can recommend necessary drug in each individual case.

Useful videos about the likelihood of pregnancy when taking birth control pills

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking contraceptives:

Is it possible to get pregnant if I take contraception? Hormonal contraceptives:

How should you take birth control pills and is it possible to get pregnant while taking them:

A doctor's explanation of how birth control pills work:

According to doctors and the media, oral contraceptives are the most reliable protection against pregnancy. But birth control pills are not an extremely reliable means, and pregnancy can occur in some cases. Such situations are described in the instructions for contraceptives, but not all women study such an extensive amount of information.

Many people believe that negative factor– this is the use of the “wrong” oral contraceptive with a low content of hormones. However, in practice it turns out that almost all modern contraceptives have a similar composition of components. For young girls, the doctor prescribes low-dose medications that contain 0.02 mg of ethinyl estradiol. This amount of substance is enough to block ovulation.

When taking contraceptives that contain estrogen, the formation of dominant follicle in the ovary, and the woman becomes temporarily infertile. There are tablets of a different principle of action that do not guarantee 100% blocking of the onset of ovulation, but thicken cervical mucus to a consistency that does not allow sperm to pass out of the vagina. Such tablets (popularly called mini-pills) are inferior combination tablets in reliability, however side effects less on their part.

Taking the mini-pill does not reduce production breast milk, so these tablets are prescribed even to nursing mothers. Reception is less likely to provoke the development of problems in cardiovascular system, which allows them to be prescribed to women over 35 years of age ( heavy smokers smoking more than 10 cigarettes per day). Since there is still a small risk of becoming pregnant, doctors recommend birth control pills to women who have reduced fertility, which is typical for nursing mothers and women over 35.

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills?

  1. The instructions for all oral contraceptives clearly state that they must be taken at a strictly prescribed time, since a delay of more than 12 hours in taking them reduces the contraceptive effect. In other words, you can get pregnant while taking birth control pills.
  2. The situation is different - 3 hours have not passed since taking the contraceptive pill. How does a woman vomit? Then you need to take it right away extra tablet, because the first one was not fully assimilated. Similar actions are taken in case of repeated diarrhea. If a woman has problems with the intestines and stomach, doctors recommend using a Ring ring or a special patch.
  3. The reliability of tablets may be reduced by other medicines or the use of traditional medicine. The greatest “damage” to the reliability of birth control pills comes from antibiotics, which are often prescribed for treatment colds. One of the most powerful means Traditional medicine is St. John's wort. When taking it, you should take into account the fact that after completing the course of treatment, St. John's wort tincture affects the body over the next two weeks. Therefore, if you are protecting yourself with pills, you cannot self-medicate. When prescribing treatment, you must notify the doctor about the method of contraception used; it is possible that during treatment you will have to use a barrier (vaginal cap or condom) or chemical contraception(spermicides). The same is done in situations where there is a risk of reducing the effectiveness of the contraceptive.

The effectiveness of birth control pills decreases if a woman experiences regular bleeding and intermenstrual discharge. During the first 3 months of taking medications, the body gets used to them, so such phenomena are considered normal. A high risk of becoming pregnant while taking the pills occurs in the first 7-14 days from the moment of taking the pills, if you do not take additional protection. These restrictions are typical only for the first cycle; they are not present in subsequent cycles.

What can happen if a woman becomes pregnant while taking contraceptives? Taking the pills for the first 3-4 weeks does not affect the fetus and is not a reason for abortion. But if between pills (week break) menstrual bleeding doesn't open, don't rush to open it next package– make sure you are not pregnant.