Peppermint: medicinal properties and contraindications, oil, decoction, infusion. Useful mint tincture: studying its use

There is probably no person in the world who is unfamiliar with the invigorating smell of mint. It is present in toothpastes, air fresheners, teas, creams, baked goods and cocktails. This famous plant has found its use in cooking, cosmetics, and perfumes. And in folk medicine it has been used since ancient times, when there were no antibiotics, antidepressants or painkillers. Peppermint tincture in water and alcohol – “thermonuclear” medicine, which can give odds to any pharmaceutical drug.

About how mint appeared

The plant got its name from the ancient Greek nymph Minta, who was responsible for the human mind. The lands that her foot touched became ennobled, the air was purified, and the water in rivers and springs became crystal clear. She gave people tranquility and peace, strength to tired wanderers, and extended life to the elderly. God Hades, enchanted by Minta's beauty and kindness, gave her his heart. But his wife, Persephone, intervened in the love story and turned the nymph into a plant. The beautiful essence of Minta made it beautiful and flavorful.

In ancient times, mint was considered a powerful love potion, and in the Middle Ages it was credited with improving brain function. Students of those times wore mint wreaths for this purpose. Today, mint tincture performs a wide range of medical purposes, acting as a sedative, analgesic, antiseptic and choleretic agent.

What you need to know about mint

There are a great variety of plant species, but the most common is peppermint. It grows in front gardens, gardens, and wild nature, exuding an unusually fresh and invigorating aroma. The herb contains essential oils (mainly menthol), vitamin C, flavonoids, rutin and other beneficial microelements.

Attention! The most useful thing about mint is its leaves, which must be collected for medicinal purposes during its flowering period.

Mint leaves in dried or fresh Brew, infuse with alcohol, boil. In cooking, sauces, baked goods, desserts, sweets, cocktails and liqueurs are prepared from aromatic herbs. One of the popular cocktails based on it is Mojito. Mint gives dishes and drinks a special taste, but its smell is too strong, so you need to use the spice in doses.

Mint in folk medicine: recipes

IN traditional therapy Peppermint tincture has a very wide range of uses. It eliminates malfunctions of the heart, normalizes blood circulation, makes blood vessels elastic, reduces blood pressure, and saves from stress and depression. Its power is great in the fight against diseases of the stomach and intestines, bruises and sprains, headaches and nervous exhaustion. Mint tincture is also used for hair - to strengthen the hair follicles and eliminate dandruff.

Attention! Mint should not be dried in the sun, otherwise it will lose its medicinal properties.

Alcohol tincture

Recipe 1. Pour fresh or dried peppermint (100 g) with alcohol, approximately 75% strength (half a liter) and leave to infuse for two weeks. The container should be stored in a place protected from sunlight. Instead of alcohol, vodka is also quite suitable.

Recipe 2. Dilute the leaves of the plant with a liter of moonshine, 65-70% strength, and leave for 7-10 days.

Attention! For the recipe, try to choose purified and high-quality moonshine.

Mint tincture with alcohol is used 3 times a day, 25 drops. It effectively relieves pain and spasms, and when applied externally, eliminates pimples and blackheads. It is also used for rubbing for migraines, severe headaches, and neuralgia.

Water tincture

In cases where alcohol is not recommended for health (when treating small children, pregnant and lactating women, people prone to alcoholism), mint infusions are prepared in water. The action of alcohol and water is identical.
1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of dry herbs with a glass of boiling water and leave in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. After cooling the broth, filter it and take 50 ml three times a day 15 minutes before meals for the above diseases.


A decoction based on mint is no less healing. Boil 50 g of dried or fresh leaves of the plant in a liter of water for 15-20 minutes. Leave for half an hour. Drink 2 tbsp as a choleretic and sedative. spoons 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.

For joint diseases

Peppermint tincture saves from arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, gout, mastopathy.
For healing recipe Dry the leaves of the plant thoroughly, fill them with water (1:3) and boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Leave for half an hour, then pour into a bath with prepared water.

For chronic fatigue

Recipe 1. For depression, apathy, stress and fatigue. For cooking healing infusion pour dry or fresh leaves(1 tablespoon) boiling water (1 glass), keep on low heat for a quarter of an hour, remove and filter. For these purposes, you should take it 0.5 cups twice a day before meals.

Recipe 2. Mint tincture is excellent for nervous exhaustion: brew dried leaves (1 teaspoon) with boiling water (1 glass). Pour the infusion into a thermos, leave for half an hour, squeeze and strain. Drink 0.5 glasses 3 times a day.

For gastrointestinal diseases

Tincture aromatic plant promotes rapid digestion of food, eliminates heartburn, nausea, relieves spasms in the stomach and intestines, has bile- and carminative effect. That is why mint is included in most stomach preparations and medicinal preparations.

  • For gastritis. Dilute dried and crushed peppermint leaves (10-15 g) with boiling water (half a glass), leave for 10-15 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.
  • For pain in the liver and gastritis. Mix dry mint leaves and centaury herb (4:1). Separate 2 teaspoons from the collection and pour boiling water (1 cup) over the raw material. Drink 1 glass half an hour before each meal.
  • Peppermint tincture helps with acute and chronic colitis. To do this, brew 1 tablespoon of the plant with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes, closing the lid. After straining the broth, drink 0.5-1 glass half an hour before each meal.
  • At severe diarrhea and burps, dilute 1 tablespoon of herb hot water(1 cup), pour into a thermos and leave for 30-40 minutes. After filtering, drink one cup in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.

What else is mint tincture useful for?

Inhalations with mint tincture relieve cold symptoms, clear the throat and relieve pain. They eliminate inflammatory processes for bronchitis, sore throat and pneumonia, relieve spasms that accompany bronchial asthma.

Water infusions of mint are actively used in cosmetology. By washing your face with them, you will get rid of skin diseases, eliminate irritation and inflammation. Compresses and lotions smooth out wrinkles, improve complexion, and perfectly tone the skin.

For hair

Peppermint tincture is irreplaceable for hair. Curls become soft and silky, dandruff and irritation disappear, and hair loss processes are eliminated. Aromatic herb cleanses the scalp of sebaceous deposits, improves blood microcirculation, nourishes hair follicles, strengthens the roots.

To obtain a life-giving rinse, pour hot water (1:4) over the dried leaves of the plant and leave for half an hour, covered with a lid. Rinse your hair after shampooing without rinsing.

Attention! Frequent use of tincture and excess permissible norm will have the opposite effect: the scalp will become overly sensitive and dandruff will appear.


Mint tincture is prohibited for use by children under three years of age and women who have problems conceiving. Children over three years old should make infusions and decoctions with a lower concentration of herbs. The plant reduces tone blood vessels, therefore it is contraindicated in patients with varicose veins veins

Mint calms the nervous system and causes drowsiness, for this reason it is forbidden to drink it for those who are going to drive. Excessive consumption of tincture is harmful for people with low blood pressure. And frequent use of it reduces male potency.

Mint tincture has wide healing capabilities. There are many recipes for it, but all of them will be beneficial only if the dosage and correct proportions are observed.

Peppermint tincture is sold at any pharmacy. It has many applications due to the fact that the medicinal properties of peppermint help get rid of many diseases. It is actively used not only for medicinal, but also for cosmetic purposes.

You can make mint tincture at home

Instructions for use

Mint tincture should be used in moderate doses. Typically, this is 10 to 15 drops at a time, dissolved in a quarter glass of water.

Take it approximately half an hour before meals, a maximum of 3 times a day. After the signs of the disease for which the tincture was prescribed disappear, stop treatment. For prolonged headaches or migraines, a few drops of tincture should be rubbed into the skin on the temples.

When using mint tincture, you must follow the dosage

Use as a remedy

Peppermint tincture pure form used to treat many diseases, and some diseases can be cured as a result of combination with other tinctures.

Peppermint tincture is used in the following cases:

  • as a sedative;
  • to improve the functioning of the gallbladder;
  • as a strong antispasmodic;
  • with nausea and vomiting;
  • as an analgesic for mucous membranes;
  • to eliminate migraines and neuralgia.

An infusion of water can be used during pregnancy for toxicosis.

Useful and healing properties

Peppermint tincture has a number of the following beneficial and medicinal properties:

  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • increases appetite;
  • increases bile secretion;
  • gives an antispasmodic effect;
  • has a disinfectant effect;
  • helps with nausea and vomiting;
  • reduces headaches;
  • has a mild sedative effect.

Mint tincture with alcohol will improve immunity

Harm and contraindications

The tincture does not cause any particular harm, but the dosage must be observed, as it may allergic reaction. Also, if you are personally intolerant, you should avoid using mint tincture.

You can find out contraindications for peppermint in another article.

How to cook at home

To prepare the tincture, peppermint is collected during the flowering period and dried well. From its leaves you can make:

  1. Alcohol tincture. For 75-100 grams of plant, take 500 ml of alcohol (75%) or well-purified moonshine (strength greater than 60%). The product is infused for two weeks in a dark place. You need to take it 25-30 drops orally or for rubbing.
  2. Water tincture. Usually pour 5 grams of mint into a glass of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. The cooled infusion is filtered and squeezed. This remedy is preferable when you need healing properties mint, but the alcohol contained in the alcohol tincture is contraindicated.
  3. Decoction. Pour 50 grams of mint into a liter of water, first boil the product for 15 minutes, and then leave for half an hour.

Where to buy

Peppermint tincture can be found in every pharmacy. It has a wide range of medicinal properties described above. Most often it is this that is used in treatment, and not the tincture of mint, since peppermint has more wide range medicinal properties, due to which it is the most widespread and cultivated almost everywhere.

Mint tincture cannot be purchased, but can be prepared at home.

Combination with other tinctures

Peppermint tincture is often used in combination with other tinctures, which allows you to further expand the scope of its use.

Peppermint tincture can be purchased at any pharmacy.

With motherwort

In combination with motherwort, mint tincture produces a calming effect. This is an excellent mixture against stress and insomnia.

Motherwort tincture helps with increased nervous excitability, and is also used as a diuretic and improves heart function.

It is usually sold in pharmacies in a 100 ml bottle, and mint tincture in a 25 ml bottle. The tinctures are mixed in this ratio to obtain the desired effect.

The combination of mint and motherwort will calm the nervous system and normalize heart function.

With peony

Peony tincture helps with nervous disorders, accompanied constant anxiety and fear. It improves sleep quality and helps normalize blood pressure.

In combination with mint tincture, it helps with hypertension and other diseases cardiovascular system. In addition, mint tincture helps improve the taste of peony tincture.

Both tinctures are mixed in the same proportions as in the previous case: 4 parts peony tincture to 1 part mint tincture.

Tincture of mint and peony will save you from insomnia

With hawthorn

Hawthorn tincture has a mild sedative effect. Used for calming nervous system, stimulating the work of the heart muscles, increasing heart rate, lowering blood pressure.

In combination with mint tincture it acquires a more pleasant taste. In addition, the mixture of tinctures gives an antispasmodic effect and successfully helps with neuroses, insomnia and hypertension.

The tinctures are mixed in the same proportions as in previous cases.

Tincture of mint and hawthorn will relieve spasms and normalize blood pressure

For hair

Mint tincture helps improve hair growth, revitalize more sluggish hair follicles by activating blood supply, and get rid of itchy skin and dandruff.

Thanks to its use, hair becomes thicker, more voluminous and surprises with its shine. Moreover, it is recommended to use mint tincture even in the first stages of baldness.

In order to achieve this positive effect for hair, you should rub one or two teaspoons of mint tincture into the hair roots 30 minutes before washing.

Mint tincture for hair will not only heal hair and soothe the scalp, but also have a refreshing effect

There is a lot of controversy about the properties of mint. This plant can bring the body great benefit, and can cause infertility. The article reveals all the secrets of the competent use of this fragrant plant.

Mint is the oldest medicinal plant. Doctors already in the times of the Assyrians and Egyptian pharaohs used its healing properties.

It received its name from the ancient Greeks. Legend has it that Persephone, the wife of Hades (Hades), the god of the underworld, turned his mistress Mentha into a plant. This is how mint appeared, a delicate plant with a cool smell.

How is mint beneficial for women and men?

Mint is considered more " female grass", because female body it brings more benefits.

Benefits of mint for women:

  • regulates hormonal background, decreasing testosterone levels and increasing progesterone levels
  • improves physical condition for PMS, menopause, reduces menstrual pain
  • relieves nausea during pregnancy toxicosis

Benefits of mint for men:

  • increases the tone of the whole body, which helps to increase potency
  • increases sensitivity and reduces tension, which increases the pleasure of lovemaking

But mint should not be taken in large doses, like any medicine.

How to brew mint correctly?

  • brew mint in a porcelain container, if you don’t have one, then in a glass one
  • Before putting mint in the teapot, pour boiling water over it
  • pour mint with water 5 minutes after boiling, and not immediately, in order to preserve microelements as much as possible
  • leave after pouring boiling water for 15 minutes
  • For 1 glass of prepared tea, it is recommended to take 1 tsp. fresh or 0.5 tsp. dry mint leaves. These are the proportions for tea, in medicinal decoctions put more mint
  • Drink mint tea only freshly brewed and without sugar.

Peppermint tea is a drink on its own, but you can add mint leaves to regular tea or herbal teas.

The benefits and harms of mint tea

Thanks to the main active ingredient - menthol, mint tea soothes the soul and strengthens the body:

  • reduces pain
  • regulates metabolic processes
  • removes spasms
  • improves performance gastrointestinal tract
  • increases mental activity
  • regulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system
  • tones and invigorates
  • calms the nervous system

Mint tea can only cause harm if consumed in excess. Heart pain, drowsiness, headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances, heartburn, and weakness may occur. Frequent consumption of mint tea (more than 3 cups daily) has a detrimental effect on “male strength” and the ability to conceive.

Use of mint in medicine

Mint has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, choleretic, and sedative properties.

In medicine it is used in the treatment of many diseases:

  • insomnia
  • neuralgia
  • hypertension
  • gastritis
  • gynecological diseases
  • asthma, vomiting, colds, rheumatism

Various tablets, ointments, and drops contain a mint component.

What are the benefits of mint decoction?

Decoctions are highly concentrated useful substances. Decoctions are prepared if it is necessary to have a profound effect on the body.

Benefits of mint decoction:

  • regulates digestion
  • promotes weight loss
  • reduces blood sugar concentration
  • has a positive effect on the immune system
  • normalizes sweating
  • lowers blood pressure
  • protects the body from the effects of radiation
  • treats cough, relieves sore throat, reduces headaches
  • relieves heartburn, nausea
  • normalizes blood circulation

Peppermint tincture: medicinal properties and contraindications

The high usefulness of peppermint is determined by its composition:

  • essential oil- menthol, provides the taste, smell, analgesia and antispasmodic properties of mint
  • tannins- give an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect, accelerate the healing process, destroy bacteria
  • carotene- natural immunostimulant
  • vitamin P- reduces capillary permeability, relieves swelling and inflammation
  • ascorbic acid- strengthens the immune system, reduces vascular permeability
  • betaine- regulates digestive system by activating fat metabolism in the liver and stimulation of bile production
  • phytosterols- “plant hormones”, reduce cholesterol concentrations, improve metabolism
  • phytoncides- provide protection against bacteria and microorganisms
  • microelements- regulate the functioning of the nervous system, the production of enzymes

There are also several contraindications to the use of mint tincture:

  • allergy
  • hypotension
  • low stomach acidity
  • varicose veins, since menthol reduces the tone of blood vessels
  • liver and kidney diseases

Melissa mint: medicinal properties

  • Melissa is also called “lemon mint” because it has a mint-lemon aroma.
  • There is less essential oil in lemon balm than in mint, so it is more often used in cooking as a seasoning, and not just as a flavoring agent.
  • Lemon balm is used to combat depression, as an antiviral and antispasmodic agent.

Medicinal properties of mint tincture

  • Alcohol tincture of mint is used for neuralgia, irritability, and insomnia. It relieves pain and reduces spasms. Apply a few drops to the temples, forehead, back of the head and rub. Or take 10-15 drops shortly before bedtime for a week
  • For bronchitis, inflammation of the nasopharynx and trachea, the tincture is used for inhalation. Mint relieves swelling and inflammation, reduces pain, and makes breathing easier. Solution: add 15 drops of tincture to 1 liter hot water, breathe this steam. Repeat 3-4 times a day
  • Mint tincture can be made as follows: pour 20g of dry leaves with 100 ml of alcohol, moonshine with a strength of 75%. But you can also use regular vodka. Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Take 3 times a day, 25 drops, which must be diluted in 1 glass of water. Used to relieve spasms, migraines, nausea and vomiting

Effect of mint on the heart

  • Mint is useful in the treatment of angina pectoris as it dilates coronary vessels and stabilizes heart rate. Included in validol and valocordin. It normalizes cardiac activity and improves blood circulation
  • For heart diseases, it is useful to drink the infusion: 4 tbsp. dry mint is poured with a liter of boiling water. The decoction should be left to steep for about 2 hours. You can drink it like regular tea. The calming effect of tea will increase if you add valerian root
  • You need to limit yourself to 2-3 cups a day, otherwise the pain in the heart will resume and headaches will begin.

Mint for depression

  • For relief depressive states It is good to use mint tea: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water immediately after boiling. Leave for 1 hour. Take half a glass in the morning and at night
  • If the condition is very serious, then prepare a decoction: 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of dry leaves into 1 glass of water and boil the infusion for 10 minutes. After boiling, leave for another 10-20 minutes, strain. Take the decoction 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals for 2-4 weeks

Mint for infertility

Infertility is a direct contraindication to the use of mint infusions and decoctions. Especially if you use field mint rather than peppermint.

But if the cause of infertility in women is an increased number male hormones- androgens, then the doctor may prescribe mint infusion. It has been proven that 2 cups of infusion per day significantly reduces androgen levels.

Peppermint tea during pregnancy. Can pregnant women drink mint?

  • It is not recommended for pregnant women to drink mint, as this can cause uterine tone. Peppermint also increases estrogen levels in the body, which can contribute to miscarriage.
  • But since mint relieves nausea well, it is recommended to drink mint tea for toxicosis, dizziness, heartburn, and colds. But no more than 2 cups a day and after 3-4 days it is advisable to take a break
  • The dosage of mint tea for a pregnant woman should first be discussed with a doctor.

Is it possible to give mint to children?

It is forbidden to give mint tea to children under 3 years of age. If the child is not very active, then mint should not be given until 5-6 years of age, since mint can cause drowsiness and lethargy.

In addition, mint can become a source of allergies in children. Therefore, before giving your child mint tea, you should consult your pediatrician.

Soothing mint infusions for young children

For young children, you can prepare decoctions of mint, which are added to the bathtub. This bath will relax and calm the baby and can be used for up to a year.

Prepare a simple decoction:

  • take 50g of the collection - oregano, mint, calendula flowers in equal parts
  • Pour three liters of boiling water, leave for half an hour
  • Add the strained infusion to 10 liters of water
  • In such baths it is necessary to bathe the child before bedtime 3 times a week
  • The minimum number of procedures is 5-7, if there is no allergy and the child likes it

Peppermint essential oil: properties and uses

  • The aroma of mint affects a person on an emotional, physical and mental level.
  • Peppermint oil has a tonic effect. Its aroma restores strength, relieves stress, increases mental activity, removes tension, relieves headache, restores heart rhythm
  • For headaches, mint oil is rubbed on the forehead, back of the head, temples, and then applied cold compress to the head
  • In case of nervous disorders or fears, it is good to have a handkerchief in your pocket with a few drops of oil on it, so that in case of nervous exhaustion you can inhale the aroma
  • If you faint, instead of ammonia, you can sniff peppermint oil and rub it into your temples
  • To reduce stomach pain, rub your stomach with essential oil and apply a cold compress. Also, for pain, bloating, heartburn, it will help if you drink a glass of water with 2-4 drops of oil; or eat a piece of sugar with 2-4 drops of essential mint essence
  • Baths with 6 drops of mint will help restore your heart rhythm. The same baths will improve the condition of the liver
  • Nausea will go away if you inhale the aroma of mint oil.
  • Compresses with mint oil (4-6 drops are enough) help with acute respiratory infections: relieve coughing attacks, relieve fever
  • Massage with mint (6 drops per 10 ml of basic massage oil) will help relieve pain from arthritis, bruises, rheumatism, sprains, muscle pain
  • If you apply a cotton wool with essential oil to a sore tooth, the pain will subside
  • Aromatherapy using essential oil(3-6 drops per aroma lamp) mint - an excellent method of relaxation

Using mint oil on the face

  • To keep your facial skin toned, wipe it daily ice cubes from mint infusion:
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry leaves per half liter of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, filter and freeze in ice cube trays. This procedure will improve blood circulation in the skin and prevent inflammation.
  • If you wash your face with this infusion 2-3 times a day, your skin condition will improve significantly, and age spots and wrinkles will be less noticeable

Rejuvenating mask with mint:

  • mix 1 glass oatmeal(finely ground), 2 tbsp. spoons of mint infusion, 3 tbsp. spoons of warm milk. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes. The skin should be clean. Rinse it off. It is better to perform the procedure before bedtime

Using mint oil for hair

Mint can help with the following hair problems:

  • dandruff
  • oily scalp
  • brittle, dull hair

To do this, add mint oil to the shampoo at the rate of 2 drops per 10g of shampoo (1 serving of shampoo). This enrichment enhances blood circulation, activates hair growth, and relieves inflammation. skin, relieves itching and irritation.

You can make a mint mouthwash. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of mint and 1 tbsp. Boil water for 10-15 minutes. Cool, strain, add 3-4 drops of mint oil. After washing your hair, you need to rinse your hair with this decoction and rub it a little into the roots.

Mask with mint oil for weakened and colored hair: to 2 tbsp. spoons castor oil add 2 drops of mint oil. Apply oil to your hair and cover your head with film. Leave the mask on for about 40 minutes. Rinse your hair with shampoo.

For oily/normal hair, use the recipe: mix 2 egg yolks, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 3-5 drops of peppermint oil. Leave the mask for 15-20 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Peppermint essential oil for acne

To get rid of acne, just wipe your face with a cotton pad with a few drops of mint essence 2-3 times a day. This must be done gently and carefully.

For oily/combination skin, you can add mint oil to a toner or gel to cleanse the skin, which will help cleanse the skin of rashes and make it healthier.

Use of mint in cooking

  • In cooking, it is better to use apple or spearmint. These types do not produce bitterness when heated. But pepper is also popular
  • Fresh mint is used to season meat and vegetable dishes, salads, and is used to make cocktails, liqueurs, ice cream, desserts, candies, and used as decorations. Dry leaves are also used, but mainly for making tea, infusions, as a seasoning for meat, for sauces, in baking
  • Mint is used as an independent spice, trying not to combine it with others. Its dose should be minimal: 1-5g of fresh herbs, 0.2-0.5g of dried herbs per serving. Add mint to dishes shortly before cooking, 5-10 minutes

Liliya Vladimirovna, 47 years old:

“I make my own face masks. I apply the mask once a week. In 4 months, pigment spots became less noticeable, and skin tone really improved. It seems to me that I look fresher, as if after a rest. But the wrinkles haven’t gone away.”

Anna, 20 years old:

“I have been getting acne regularly since I was 13 years old. The pores on the nose and cheekbones are enlarged. Now I wash my face with a gel to which I added essential oil (2 drops per 10g of gel, added directly to the bottle and mixed), I cauterize any inflammation that appears with mint tincture and drink tea with mint once a day. The face has become cleaner, and acne appears less. I don’t know what helped, maybe in combination.”

Olga, 30 years old:

“I really love taking a bath with peppermint oil. I add mint, lavender and rose oil to the bath, 6-10 drops. The effect is amazing, I feel great after it, rested and cheerful.”

Lyudmila Ivanovna, 55 years old:

“On the advice of my daughter, I began to wipe my face with ice cubes from mint infusion. Helps you wake up in the morning and relieve swelling.”

Karina, 35 years old:

“I used to drink coffee in the morning, now I switched to a green smoothie: you need to take one small bunch of parsley and mint, half a lemon without zest, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of honey, 1.5-2 liters of water. Mix everything in a blender, drink it fresh, it helps to cheer you up in the morning.”

Video: About mint

People have been using mint leaves for thousands of years to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, heart and blood vessels. Alcohol tincture peppermint refreshes and soothes the inflamed mucous membrane of the throat and skin. The product is used externally for migraines, to improve the condition of the skin and hair on the head.

Options for using pharmaceutical mint extract

Mentha piperita is a plant well known to botanists, doctors, flower growers and all fans of phytomedicine. Mint extracts improve digestion and slightly reduce blood pressure. Mint tincture with alcohol is prescribed for nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal spasms, bloating, colic. The herbal remedy reduces the tone of the intestines, bile ducts and urinary tract. Available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Peppermint tincture has pharmacological effects:

  • moderate local analgesic;
  • local irritant;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antiemetic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • choleretic;
  • sedative.
  • Indications for local and external use - itchy skin and rashes, sore throat and sore throat.

    In the instructions for the pharmacy mint tincture, manufacturers indicate doses for oral administration - 8–15 drops three times a day. You can add 20 drops to tea and drink throughout the day. The drink is not suitable for long-term use due to irritating effect menthol on mucous membranes. The main contraindication to the use of tincture is increased sensitivity to its components. Due to the alcohol content, the drug is not recommended to be taken orally during pregnancy, lactation, and early childhood. Among side effects The instructions indicate only allergic reactions.

    Benefits of Peppermint Alcohol Extracts

    Pharmacy tincture contains the ingredients of leaves and peppermint oil, taken in equal parts. The recipe approved for the pharmacy chain requires the use of 1 liter ethyl alcohol 90%, 50 g of mint and the same amount of mint oil. Fresh raw materials contain water, so the final strength of the tincture is lower. Alcohol-, water- and fat-soluble components pass from mint into the extract, including menthol, flavonoids, carotene, vitamin C, E, PP, and organic acids. The first substance in this list is the main biological active ingredient all types and hybrids of mint.

    The most important healing compounds of the plant - menthol, menthone, menthyl acetate - are slightly soluble in water, but dissolve well in alcohol. Therefore, mint tincture is the best option for obtaining the entire spectrum of the healing effects of the plant. Alcohol content and strength vary depending on the recipe and production method. It is recommended to infuse succulent leaves in 60–70% alcohol or moonshine, dry raw materials - in alcoholic beverages with a strength of 40%.

    Alcohol extract has a longer shelf life than water infusion or decoction. Best before date pharmacy tincture is 2 years, homemade water decoction - no more than 48 hours.

    It is not recommended to take mint tincture if you have stones. gallbladder, inflammation biliary tract and pancreatic ducts, with severe liver failure. The tincture should not be given to children under 2.5 years of age, but the decoction can be given. It should be remembered that in age group Up to 12 years of age, alcohol extract is used only after consultation with a doctor.

    Making mint extract at home

    The recipe for tincture from dry leaves provides for a ratio of raw materials and moonshine - 1:5. You need to chop 20 g of mint, add alcohol-containing liquid. Mix the ingredients and leave for 2 weeks. Homemade tincture taken orally for indigestion, flatulence, irritable bowel syndrome, and cough during seasonal infections. Use the product externally to treat skin and strengthen hair.

    In large doses, mint in alcohol invigorates and interferes with sleep, in small doses it has a relaxing, sedative. The same effect is observed when using mint decoction.

    The following recipe is for ways to make homemade peppermint liqueur for coughs and colds. Take one handful of chopped fresh or dried mint, pour in 0.75 liters of cognac or moonshine with a strength of 40–50%. Close the bottle tightly and let the product sit in the sun for 20 days. Then you need to strain the liquid, add 200 g of sugar to the solution and put it in a dark place for several days.

    Another recipe for mint liqueur against cough: fresh raw materials are placed in glass bottle with a wide neck, pour moonshine, leave in a warm place for 2 weeks. Then add ½ kg of sugar dissolved in 1 liter of water to 1 liter of this liquid. The liqueur is infused for another 2 weeks, then filtered. When taken orally, the product normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves immunity, and promotes relaxation.

    The use of mint extracts in home cosmetology

    Mint decoction and infusion are popular means for rinsing the face and hair, but not all beneficial substances of the plant are transferred into these water extracts. It is more convenient to use mint tincture with vodka or moonshine. The product contains almost all the healing components of mint, helps strengthen the roots, enhance hair growth, and ultimately obtain thick, strong and beautiful strands.

    Recipe and method of use:
    1. Cut the raw material, place it in a jar, pour moonshine.
    2. Close and keep for 2 weeks in light and warmth.
    3. Drain the solution, squeeze out the mint, filter everything.
    4. Before use, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10.
    5. After washing your hair, apply the product to the scalp and massage.
    6. It is recommended to carry out this procedure twice a week.

    A hair mask with mint extract is prepared according to the following recipe. Mix 2 egg yolks and 1 tbsp. l. mint tincture. The mass is applied to the scalp and left for 60 minutes, after which the hair is washed using shampoo. After the first use of the tincture oily hair and itchy scalp will be a thing of the past.

    Peppermint extract helps care for oily skin with enlarged pores. The herbal remedy is diluted with water and used as a tonic in the mornings and evenings. Daily use of tincture or decoction helps normalize work sebaceous glands, reduces symptoms of inflammation, improves complexion. In addition, mint tincture can be added to masks and face cream to prevent the occurrence of early wrinkles.

    Do you know how to prepare an infusion of peppermint, its use in medicine, as well as the beneficial properties of this drug?! Let's look at them today.

    Myths and legends

    The name mint takes its origins from ancient Greek mythology and belongs to the nymph Minta, who patronized the purest natural springs and streams. The city where the nymph lived was distinguished by incredibly clean and fragrant air, which had incredible healing properties.

    Tired travelers, when they came to this city, immediately regained their strength, the old people regained their lost youth, the sick were cured of their ailments before our eyes. One day Hades fell in love with a nymph. His wife, having learned about this, turned Minta into a plant that embodied all the aromas of the nymph. Such a sad story is associated with the name of this representative of the flora.

    Plant composition

    A distinctive feature of this plant is the presence of a special essential oil, which makes the smell of mint recognizable and incomparable. The already familiar aroma is formed mainly by esters of isovaleric and acetic acids and menthol.

    Among other things, mint contains the following: chemicals: tannins, flavonoids, carotene, organic acids, betaine, a significant amount of minerals, some of which are quite rare, cineole, hesperidin, apinene, limonene, dipentene. Some of these compounds are practically not found in other plants.

    Useful properties plants

    Peppermint medicines are beneficial for many patients suffering from various ailments. First of all, the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract should be noted. The use of various infusions and decoctions of mint for stomach ailments normalizes digestive processes, suppresses the secretory activity of the epithelium, as well as nausea and vomiting, and muffles pain.

    Peppermint essential oils have a mild sedative effect and therefore the use of medicinal drugs can normalize brain function, eliminate negative consequences stress conditions, suppress excessive anxiety, improve mood.

    Separately, the use of mint should be replaced as a mild and safe sleeping pills. This property is directly related to the normalization of brain processes, but the degree of its severity is such that in some cases, peppermint infusions can be used as safe alternative medications.

    Peppermint phytoncides are very effective in combating pathogenic microflora. For this reason, drugs from this plant are often used for dysbiosis and infectious pathology of the urinary system. Local use of drugs may be useful in purulent diseases skin and mucous membranes.

    Peppermint is an effective antispasmodic. Peppermint infusions are traditionally used to suppress excessive activity of smooth muscle fibers of the intestines, gallbladder, and so on.

    Use mint and, if available, cardiovascular diseases. The influence of plant nutrients in this case is quite multifaceted. On the one hand, mint medicines can normalize vascular tone and normalize indicators blood pressure. On the other hand, the use of mint can improve contractility myocardium.

    Cooking method

    It is not difficult to purchase mint in pharmacies, but, nevertheless, you can grow and prepare the raw materials for the healing potion yourself. Peppermint grows well in central Russia. In addition, it requires almost no maintenance.

    The most valuable part of the plant, containing the maximum of useful substances, is mint leaves. It is recommended to harvest raw materials during the flowering period. All you need to do is carefully pick the leaves and place them in a dryer (a specially equipped room where they are stored). elevated temperature, no direct sunlight and good ventilation).

    It is better to store mint not in sealed bottles, but in plywood boxes in warm, heated rooms. If properly prepared and stored for two years, the plant will not lose any of its properties.

    Peppermint infusion for fatigue

    To prepare an invigorating infusion, which will not leave even a trace of fatigue, you will need one tablespoon of dry pepper mata leaves, which should be placed in a glass container and pour a glass of boiling water. It is recommended to infuse the drug for no more than 15 minutes, after which it should be strained through several layers of gauze.

    It is better to take 100 milliliters before meals. For maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to refrain from eating and even drinking liquids for 30 to 40 minutes.

    Infusion of peppermint leaves for intestinal diseases

    To prepare the medicine, you will need 10 grams of crushed mint leaves, which should be poured with a glass of hot water and allowed to cool at room temperature.

    Contraindications for use

    Who better not to take mint infusion and limit the use of drugs based on it? Strictly speaking, there are very few such categories of patients. Of course, if you are individually intolerant to this plant, it is better not to take mint infusions. In addition, these drugs are not recommended for children under 2 years of age (although they are not contraindicated).

    It is also worth remembering that mint causes drowsiness. Therefore, when driving a car you need to be as careful as possible. Attention men, mint infusion suppresses male desire. That's why stronger sex This folk medicine should not be abused.