There is redness at the end of the head. Causes of itchy scalp in men

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Symptom: redness of the head of the penis.

Which doctor should I contact: to a urologist-andrologist.

One of the most frequent requests from patients to urologists is redness of the glans penis. Sometimes it is accompanied by burning and itching. One of the most common causes of redness of the skin of the penis or its head are various infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted. Also, similar symptoms can occur as an allergic reaction to food, hygiene products, latex. Fungal infections, such as candidiasis, cannot be ruled out. The cause of redness can be diseases such as balanitis and balanoposthitis, bacterial infections sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis).

Redness of the skin of the penis and others inflammatory processes may be caused by improper or irregular hygiene care. The foreskin of the glans penis makes it difficult to clean the glans; salts and bacteria accumulate under it, creating favorable conditions for the proliferation of fungi or pathogenic microbes. Irregular hygiene often leads to a disease such as phimosis. The result of this disease It becomes difficult to open the head of the penis or it becomes completely impossible to open it. In addition, failure to comply with the rules of personal intimate hygiene, leads to diseases that disrupt metabolism, such as diabetes.

But everything is the same common reasons Various infections cause redness of the glans penis. It could be streptococci coli, enterococci, staphylococci, not counting sexually transmitted infections.

Most often, such infections affect men who have regular sexual relations with a partner suffering from dysbacteriosis or bacterial vaginosis of the vagina. The reasons that cause inflammation and redness of the glans penis are often oral sex, with a partner, having diseases of the oral cavity (for example, such a common disease as caries) and anal sex without using a condom.

Almost any infection that gets on the head of the penis can cause inflammation and, consequently, redness.

Redness of the glans penis often accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms. A variety of discharge may be observed; usually, during inflammatory processes of the head, smegma is released in large quantities. Redness of the glans penis is often accompanied by itching, burning, and increased sensitivity. Cracks, sores, and red spots may appear.

If you experience redness of the glans penis, there is no need to self-medicate; you should definitely find out the cause of the symptom and do a bacterial test. Redness can be caused by the most for various reasons, and the faster these causes are identified, the faster and easier it will be to eliminate them.

Treatment should be prescribed only by the attending physician; you should not let the disease take its course or use folk remedies. The selection of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory treatment is carried out by the attending physician based on your bacterial tests and the individual characteristics of your body. The only thing you can do on your own if redness or itching occurs in the genital area is to be more careful about your personal hygiene.

An advanced disease can lead to a variety of consequences: decreased general immunity, metabolic disorders, sexual disorders.

If you have redness of the penis or glans, then contact our Republican Center for Human Reproduction and Family Planning. Experienced doctors will be able to help you.

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2013-10-15 08:18:15

Sergey asks:

Hello! I have a question about three years ago, after sexual intercourse, I discovered some kind of redness on part of the head of the penis. I didn’t give it that meaning, I thought it was rubbed from lots of sex. The redness went away, then a small coating began to appear again, and only near the urethra. It went away. then it appeared after standing in the sea in cold water more than 40 minutes. There was a slight itching and slight transparent discharge no pain. Went to the urologist and had tests for glamydia and other viruses in Siniva, nothing came up. The urologist looked at the prostate, sent for an ultrasound, so nothing special, prescribed medications and gave injections, told him about the redness near the canal, he didn’t say anything. And that’s it. Redness remained until now, I didn’t go to see him anymore. What could it be, but something has probably turned into a chronic one. I don’t tell my wife, I’m afraid that he will say that I’ve gone fornication somewhere, although I haven’t had sexual contact with anyone. There were contacts before, maybe something -did I get it before? Although I didn’t notice anything like that. I smeared the head with a lifesaver, the redness seemed to become a little less, but it doesn’t go away. My wife doesn’t complain, she was examined by doctors many times and took tests, but they didn’t find anything. But there were two pregnancy failures, the first a miscarriage, a second fetal death in the second month, maybe the problem is in me. Doctors say this is due to genetics. In general, I don’t know what to do, go to the doctor, it’s just a shock, a lot of no necessary medications especially here in Odessa! As soon as the last skin is taken off, there’s no point!

Answers Brezitsky Yuri Iosifovich:

Sergey, come to me “here in Odessa” at Seminarskaya 7. Free consultation. Let's discuss your situation. After the meeting, you decide what you will do. Just take the test results and what you were treated with.

2013-12-16 17:58:25

Alexander asks:

Good afternoon! A month ago I had sex without a condom, and the last few days I noticed thick discharge yellowish color and redness of the tip of the skin and the tip of the head, the itching is slightly noticeable when urinating, this mucus also stretches and quickly dries on the panties, forming a crust. I will be able to see a urologist only in a month, since I am on a business trip, and there is no clinic here, but there is a pharmacy. Please tell me what kind of infection this is and what I should do, I repeat that I will only come home in a month and see a doctor, but doing nothing is dangerous and it’s scary, maybe I should take some medicine for prevention. Thanks in advance.

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Dear Alexander, without tests and examination, not a single doctor is able to determine what kind of infection it is, much less how to treat it - unknown.
Some medications are unlikely to help you, but they can harm you.
Lastly, in principle, they are not allowed to prescribe treatment via online consultation.
You need to take tests, visit a doctor and, based on them, select adequate treatment, since there are a lot of genital infections, and there are even more medications, and they are always selected taking into account the individuality of the patient.

2013-07-10 13:38:33

Evgeniy asks:

Hello doctor, I have a problem that worries me bad smell the head of the penis, no fluids are released, there is no itching or redness, I wash my penis 2-3 times a day, what could it be? I didn’t have sex without condoms...

2012-06-25 20:58:57

Vitaly asks:

Hello! I have this question. A couple of days ago, redness in the form of dots appeared on the head of the penis, accompanied by mild itching. Today I have a transparent, very thick, odorless discharge. Please tell me what this could be? And how to deal with it.

2012-03-10 18:07:33

Vladimir asks:

Please allow me to ask your opinion regarding what disease I may have based on the symptoms and test results below.

- periodic irritation of the head of the penis;
- the sensitivity of the head has decreased, various touches have become painful;
- slight itching at the end of the urethra;
appears after orgasm discomfort V urethra, and also after orgasm, when I go to the toilet, pain occurs when urinating;
achieving orgasm became more difficult, mild and sometimes moderate pain began to be felt;
- periodically dry scalp occurs;
after masturbation, not even prolonged, but simply after stroking the head through the foreskin, it turns red at the tip and becomes painful;
- the smell of sperm disappeared.

I went to see a urologist, he, in turn, sent me for a urine test, the results of which said that I had no abnormalities or inflammatory processes and everything was normal. However, I read on the card that he diagnosed me with Urethritis, although he told me that I did not have it.
For prevention, he prescribed me to drink Urolesan.

Since the symptoms remained, I independently took the test for: Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma parvum. The analysis was carried out using PCR methods using a smear from the urethra.
- Chlamydia trachomatis - negative
- Mycoplasma genitalium - negative
- Ureaplasma parvum - positive (++)

After a course of antibiotics, the symptoms remained. And, 12 days later I visited the Regional Dermatovenerological Dispensary.

There I was tested again for ureaplasma, as well as for other STIs:
- ureaplasma urealiticum;
- gonococci;
- mycoplasma hominis;
- mycoplasma genitalium;
- Chlamydia trachomatis.

Analysis during the examination also revealed:
Trichomonas - not detected;
yeast-like fungi - not detected;
key cells - not detected;
pl. epithelium 10-25-359 (the last number 9 was written illegibly)
leukocytes 1-3

The original is shown on the scan:

Please explain what pl means. epithelium 10-25-359 (the last number 9 was written illegibly) and leukocytes 1-3 and what are the norms? I also can’t make out the information about the flora...

Based on this, the doctor indicated that I might have a fungal infection and prescribed a single dose of 150g (1 capsule) of Flucostat. For a final decision, it was necessary to wait for the results of the remaining tests.

A few days later I received the results of the remaining tests:
All tests are negative. Nothing found.

Personally, it seems to me that I didn’t wait long - 12 days. After all, perhaps that’s why it didn’t come to light? Before taking the tests, I urinated (I didn’t know that I shouldn’t), so the doctor told me to come in for tests after 2 hours, after which I passed the list of tests given just above.

Based on the results, although a fungal infection was not detected, the doctor still said that most likely I have it. And that in general it is difficult to detect. He prescribed me to take flucostat again and smear the head with Akriderm GK cream twice a day for 10 days. I read on the Internet that this cream can be dangerous and lead to irritation and ulcers, and I already have periodic pain and irritation there. This is true? What do you think? Even if it helped, I believe that it would most likely only eliminate the symptoms, but not the cause. It's a cream after all.

I decided to go to another doctor, who prescribed me the following:
1) Doxycycline 0.1*2 for 14 days;
2) Metronidazole 1t*3r/d for 10 days;
After 3 days of taking metronidazole and doxycycline, take 3) Azithromycin 2 g immediately
3) Voltairene rectal suppositories at night for 10 days every day;
4) sex at least 2 times a week (preferably more)
5) Procedure “Magnet on the perineum” 10 days every day. If you cannot find a device for this procedure, then massage the prostate every day for the same 10 days.

Dear doctor, please express your opinion regarding this situation and my treatment.

I understand that you cannot prescribe a course of treatment remotely, as this is not legally permissible. But based on the facts I have presented, the analyzes given, what would you advise - what possible treatment regimen could you propose?

Or should I try the last doctor's regimen? Is this course of treatment harmful and is it adequate? It seems to me that this is a serious burden on the liver and kidneys, right? I have never had problems with my kidneys and liver. Maybe to relieve the liver and restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, you should take Nystatin along with antibiotics from a second doctor? Would it be harmful to take it with them? If it should be taken, then it is better in what doses in accordance with the course of the second doctor?

Or maybe I don’t have ureaplasma, but something else, judging by the tests presented? What do you think you would assume?

I'm going to get tested for prostate secretions. Please tell me what else you would advise me to do? What should I do? I apologize for so many questions, I’m just really desperate with this disease. The symptoms do not disappear, which is very depressing and depressing. I really want to be cured and experience the same sexual sensations that I had while I was healthy and had good genital sensitivity.

The main problem is that it is more difficult to achieve orgasm both during sex and onanism. Especially during masturbation. This has never happened before. The redness periodically disappears. I don’t rub my penis too hard or roughly, so the nature of the inflammation is different.

I sincerely ask you to please express your opinion and answer the questions. Please.


Answers Brezitsky Yuri Iosifovich:

Based on your complaints, you have prostatitis. Urethral smears in this case usually do not differ from the norm. your urethral smear is normal, the last number 35 cannot be 350 (believe me, no laboratory technician will count for so long, he has other smears). When choosing regimens for prostatitis, I am guided by microscopy data of prostate secretions, ultrasound data, prostate data, and the results of digital rectal examination. This data is not available. If the leukocyte level in the secretion is normal, I do not prescribe antibiotics. There are many causes of prostatitis, as well as forms, and each case has its own approach to attraction.

2012-01-16 22:50:17

Andrey asks:

Hello! I am 30 years old and for 5 of those years I have been suffering from diabetes, type 1, complex form, sugar (32-34 mmol). In addition to all this, I also have phimosis. A question of this kind; Could this be due to discharge around the head, itching, curdled masses accompanied by stench, redness in spots all over the head, and 2 days ago I had intercourse with my regular partner, without a condom - today she began to have heavy discharge. I consulted a doctor - (candidiasis) prescribed FUTSIS during the reception it helped, and after the end the symptoms resumed again.? How to treat this and how to get rid of phimosis (without surgical intervention,surgeons are not hired because of high sugars).? Thank you so much!

Answers Klofa Taras Grigorievich:

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of phimosis without surgery. You can operate only if your blood sugar is at least a little closer to normal. I think it's possible. All other problems are associated with the presence of phimosis.

2012-01-03 19:31:29

Stanislav asks:

Hello. For about a year now I have had redness in the middle of the head of my penis, and the skin looks like a wrinkled piece of paper. There is no pain, peeling, burning or itching. Urination is also normal, without pain or discomfort. Sexual intercourse with a condom is normal. I have had one cold this year. What should I do and what could it be?

Answers Kharitonchuk Vadim Nikolaevich:

Dear Stanislav. Visit a urologist, undergo an examination and receive adequate treatment. Redness is one of the four classic signs of inflammation, and throughout the year, a criterion for a chronic inflammatory process.

2011-12-26 16:20:49

Aidar asks:

Hello doctor! I recently had sex without a condom. After a couple of days, a whitish-milky liquid began to come out of my penis. Any touch in the area of ​​the head, as well as urination, is accompanied by slight itching in the head itself! I've never had anything like this before! There are no spots, redness or swelling at all! Please tell me what to do? I am worried about this constant discharge as a result of which I feel some discomfort!
Thanks in advance!

2011-11-02 23:43:07

Andrey asks:

Hello. Help me figure it out, please! I still can't figure out what's wrong with me. It all happened about 4 months ago, I had sexual intercourse without a condom, with a girl, after which immediately in the morning I felt some discomfort and itching in the pubic area, without paying attention to it, the itching went away and appeared cutting pain in the perineum on the head of the penis, redness around the urinary canal, went to the hospital after 2-3 weeks, had a smear for the microflora of the urethra, a urine test, all tests were normal, the doctor prescribed medications, said it was possible, SAND, didn’t say anything specific , I took it as a precaution, I didn’t, at the same time I was having sex with the same partner but with a condom, I noticed something on the condom white coating so to speak, I thought the thrush took pills for thrush twice, it seems that after the first dose one week should pass, but everything remained the same, a month passed, I was patient, I thought it would pass, after about two and a half months the kidneys began to hurt constantly, but also severely it was expressed when I ate something spicy or drank beer, I drank vodka, everything was fine, friends advised me to drink tea, I drank tea, NEPHROPHYTE, the pain, both cutting and pain in the kidneys, stopped a little, but still when I urinated and during sex, after discomfort it felt quite unpleasant, I went to the same doctor, he said it might be necessary to wait, I waited a little longer, then my kidneys started to hurt, and after 4 months I turned to another doctor from the moment of unprotected intercourse, the day it all started, the doctor said to do an ultrasound scan of the cross-sectional system , everything was fine, no deviations, he also prescribed the drugs Flavia, Dicloberl, Cypronate, Vitaprost, take everything in one package, I took it and when I started taking these drugs, the nephrophyte tea just ran out, I suddenly felt stronger cutting pains in the perineum on the head of the penis , please tell me what this could be, can sand appear so suddenly and it will continue to stand out for such a time, lately there has been no personal life, it’s just that this pain is already somehow morally suppressing, although during sexual intercourse everything seems to be normal, but you need to come to this looking for everything as it is then it became indifferent, and the head became very sensitive or in the perineum on it, during all the time the urge to go to the toilet seemed to become more frequent, not significantly, although I’m not sure, maybe it’s all through the sensitivity in the perineum, I’m not sure, but the feeling that I don’t have some kind of sand or I don’t understand, just tell me what all this could be, how to find out 100% what the problem is and how it is solved, how to do it the way it was before, very THANK YOU in advance!!!

The foreskin is a double membrane of skin that covers and protects the head of the penis. She is a specialized sensitive and functional organ, no other part of the body serves this purpose anymore.

The foreskin is an integral part of the penile system.

It is a complex structure with many unique properties.

Among the features foreskin greater elasticity and complete absence subcutaneous fat. It consists of a thin layer of muscle.

The foreskin is more than just a piece of skin. This is a complex organ, very mobile, consisting of a complex network blood vessels, muscles and nerves.

In fact, the foreskin contains approximately 80 m of nerve fibers and hundreds of thousands of erogenous nerve endings different types that perceive the slightest pressure, touch, movement, temperature differences or changes in textures.

Please note

If you find redness of the foreskin in men, then you need to consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Nature has created the head of the penis to be very delicate, and the foreskin protects it and keeps it in excellent condition.

The foreskin can be compared to an eyelid that protects eyeball. Therefore, it is very important to maintain the health of this part of the penis.

At the first sign of redness on the glans and foreskin, many people become concerned that they may have a sexually transmitted disease.

Fortunately, penis problems are usually caused by general conditions skin conditions, which in turn cause skin rashes, pain, burning and itching. Most of these problems can be easily treated at home, using creams containing natural antibacterial and moisturizing agents on a regular basis.

Causes of redness, burning and itching of the head and foreskin

Many health problems can lead to dry skin on the foreskin, glans penis and scrotum, or even the surrounding skin. anus. These symptoms are often harmless and easily treated, but it is best to see a doctor because these symptoms may indicate the development of a more serious condition.

Allergic reactions causing redness of the glans and foreskin

The most common cause of redness and itching of the glans and foreskin is allergies.

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Detergents, synthetic clothing, creams containing chemicals, lubricants and latex condoms may cause allergic reactions for some people.

To prevent and treat these manifestations, try to avoid washing powder with fragrances and dyes, wear only cotton underwear, use natural moisturizers and lubricants for the skin, and choose latex-free condoms.

Dry skin

Naturally dry skin, during masturbation or wearing tight underwear, can give symptoms of burning, redness and itching of the foreskin of the penis. For treatment and prevention, these symptoms are significantly alleviated by moisturizing creams and lubricants from natural ingredients, Vaseline is good for use, but without dyes and flavors.


Men who have psoriasis elsewhere on the skin may experience redness and flaking of the foreskin. These symptoms worsen during sexual intercourse or masturbation, causing great embarrassment for men. Maintaining normal hygiene standards, moisturizing cream and supplements containing vitamin A (commonly used in the treatment of psoriasis) will significantly relieve these symptoms.

Bacterial or fungal infections

There are many types of bacterial and fungal infections that can affect the condition of the foreskin of the penis. Redness, irritation, rash, pain, and burning.

Dry skin can allow bacteria on the skin to penetrate the outer layer of the skin, leading to symptoms of sexual discomfort that are often mistaken for signs of an STD.

Additionally, a fungal infection such as Candidiasis can cause red bumps, rashes, and peeling.

Treatment for these symptoms depends on the type of infection, the best option is antifungal therapy, hygiene and moisturizer.

Poor hygiene

Poor personal hygiene can lead to unpleasant symptoms foreskin of the penis. To avoid these problems, it is important to keep the penis clean and dry. Using a penile skin cream can help keep the skin in good condition and prevent wear and tear problems, as well as bacterial or fungal infections, and other penile health problems.


Some STDs, including HPV and herpes, can cause red bumps, itching, redness of the foreskin, and discomfort during intercourse. Treatment for these diseases mainly involves antibacterial therapy, after identifying the type of bacteria using a smear and culture tank.

Redness of the foreskin in an infant

Redness of the foreskin in a baby is a common situation and may be associated with irritation from soiled diapers, soap residue, swimming in water that is too rich in chlorine, wearing clothes that are not rinsed well. detergents, urine that is too acidic and concentrated (due to low water intake).

When fecal bacteria interact with ammonia in urine, a skin irritation occurs, ammonia dermatitis better known as diaper rash. For treatment and prevention, frequent changes of diapers and diapers, as well as drying ointments and talc are recommended.

Please note

The boy has redness of the foreskin - what to do? First of all, it is very important to take care of the baby’s hygiene. If this is not the case, then contact your pediatrician.

Other common causes of itching, burning and redness of the foreskin in a child and children:

  • Smegma is deposits under the skin of the foreskin. Accumulation of skin segments, fat cells or secretions under the foreskin. Usually smegma is normal, it naturally helps the foreskin separate from the glans. It eventually disappears without any treatment. If you notice such deposits under the foreskin of a child, this means that the process of separating the foreskin from the head has begun. But very often this process causes itching and burning of the foreskin. Treatment requires the use of a moisturizer.
  • When the foreskin is separated from the glans, it may remain attached to the penis in some areas. These areas are called adhesions, and they occur in most boys as part of their natural maturation. Along with the normal separation of the foreskin from the glans penis, these cells will break down on their own before age 17. The attachments should not be broken by force - they naturally disappear as the child gets older.

Treatment of redness of the glans and foreskin in men

  • Phimosis- this is a persistent narrowing of the foreskin that prevents shrinkage of the foreskin after return, in some cases this may be normal (after adolescence). Phimosis can be the result of a growing tip after injury or infection. Treatment involves removing scar tissue (scar). The use of steroids for 4 weeks solves the problem in 80% of cases of phimosis. If this method does not help, surgery is necessary, in some cases circumcision is required.
  • At paraphimosis The foreskin gathers in a rubber ring around the penis, causing swelling, itching, burning and a lot of pain. The doctor will try to return the foreskin to its original position. You can apply a numbing cream to reduce the pain. If this fails, the doctor will try to drain the fluid that is causing the inflammation of the foreskin of the penis. If paraphimosis recurs, the only treatment is circumcision.

The best way to avoid problems and treat redness of the glans and foreskin in men is to maintain a healthy penis with a healthy balanced nutrition, regular physical exercise, limiting the consumption of alcohol and tobacco products.

  • It is important to be selective in choosing sexual partners, the most ideal is to have a regular sexual partner.
  • Maintain personal hygiene.
  • The use of creams containing vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other necessary nutrients, which will daily moisturize the skin and protect against bacterial and fungal infections of the penis, causing discomfort and even leading to serious problems with the health of the penis.

Currently, men suffer from various diseases genitourinary system. These include infections, traumatic lesions, and inflammatory processes. A very common symptom is redness. In this case, the foreskin and head suffer. This is one of the most common reasons for men to see a doctor. Often such a symptom is frightening. In some cases, redness and itching or redness and burning may occur. It all depends on the cause of hyperemia. Very often the cause of such ailment of the head of the penis and foreskin is infection.

These include gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis. They are spread sexually, so they have a large social significance. Irritation may in some cases indicate an allergic reaction. It occurs on personal hygiene products, latex and even clothing. Redness and swelling are the main signs of balanitis and balanoposthitis. Let us consider in more detail why redness of the glans and foreskin is dangerous, etiology, associated symptoms, and treatment of the underlying disease.

Redness of the head with balanitis

Pathology of the male genital organs includes a disease such as balanitis. Balanitis in men is an inflammation of the skin on the head of the penis. It is rarely diagnosed. The causes of balanitis in men are very different: infectious diseases(chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis), non-communicable diseases (skin diseases, diabetes mellitus). Balanitis often develops against the background of decreased immunity. If the head of the genital organ in men turns red, this may indicate initial stage diseases.

Hyperemia of the head in combination with edema and maceration is characteristic of simple catarrhal balanitis. This pathology It is dangerous because, if left untreated, erosions may appear on the scalp, and if infected, the organ may become suppurated and necrosis. When the first signs (hyperemia) appear, you should consult a doctor. Treatment of balanitis early stage carried out locally using baths with antiseptics. For more late stages Antibacterial therapy is indicated.

Inflammation of the glans and foreskin

If the head and foreskin turn red, this indicates balanoposthitis. This pathological condition, characterized by inflammation of the head of the penis and foreskin. Men of any age suffer from it, including children and adolescents. A similar pathology of the head and foreskin occurs under the following circumstances: if there are pathogenic pathogens (staphylococci, streptococci, trichomonas, herpes virus, fungi), with isolated skin injuries, failure to maintain cleanliness of the genitals.

Predisposing factors for the development of balanoposthitis may be weakening protective forces body, diabetes, allergies, lack of vitamins in the body, anemia, narrow foreskin. Balanoposthitis is characterized by redness of the foreskin and head of the organ, and their swelling. Associated symptoms are impaired urine output due to narrowing of the urethra, pain during sex, discomfort, and itching. Redness and burning - very frequent symptoms balanoposthitis. In some cases, it develops against the background of candidiasis.

As for children, redness of the foreskin and glans occurs due to improper hygiene care, using diapers or irritants. Therapy is aimed at maintaining genital care, local treatment using antimicrobial ointments and anti-inflammatory drugs. Antibiotics are required. At severe course surgical intervention is indicated.

Redness of the foreskin due to candidiasis

Men can also suffer from another pathology, which is being detected more and more often today. What to do if the head and foreskin are red, there is itching, burning and curdled discharge? All these symptoms indicate candidiasis. This pathology develops more often in women than in men. Currently, cases of candidiasis in men have become more frequent. The causative agents are fungi of the genus Candida. They are present in the body under normal conditions, but when pathogenic species invade or rapidly multiply, a disease can occur.

Patients complain of redness of the foreskin and glans penis, itching, and burning. Distinctive feature- plaque and white discharge that is cheesy in nature. In addition to itching and burning, stranguria (pain when urinating) is observed. Sexual intercourse is also difficult and often painful. Candidiasis develops as various pathologies genitourinary system (cystitis, balanoposthitis, urethritis). Predisposing factors that contribute to the development of candidiasis are of great importance.

Firstly, this is a decrease in immunity (against the background of HIV infection, chronic diseases, stress). Secondly, surgical interventions and manipulation of the genitourinary system. Thirdly, dysbiosis contributes to candidiasis while taking antibiotics. Of no small importance have endocrine diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus. How to treat candidiasis? Treatment includes the use antifungal drugs. Prevention involves proper nutrition(consumption of lactic acid products), compliance with personal hygiene rules. Candidiasis can be asymptomatic. It is transmitted sexually, so it is very important to use condoms.

Penile skin irritation

If the head and foreskin are red, this may indicate an allergy.

There is such a thing as allergic diseases genitals. There are several risk factors for developing allergies: sexual and non-sexual. The first group of allergens includes seminal fluid, latex, spermicides, lotions, creams, antiperspirants and other products. The second group includes mainly medicines. For example, redness occurs when taking sulfonamides, vaccines, and some vitamins. This occurs only in people with hypersensitivity.

A typical allergy is fixed erythema on the foreskin in men or the glans. It is characterized by the appearance of a dark red spot on the head of the penis, which disappears on its own after a few weeks. Very often allergic reactions manifest themselves as balanoposthitis. Allergies can occur due to improper hygiene. As a result, various salts, bacteria, and smegma are found under the foreskin. The reaction to latex condoms is of great importance.

In this case, the focus of redness of the foreskin in men is limited to the area where the condom is located. Hyperemia does not spread to other areas. When you exclude its use, the redness on the foreskin and glans disappears. Similar symptoms observed in some cases when using condoms made of other materials. Condoms need to be selected individually. When the head and foreskin are red, the quality of underwear matters. This is observed when using synthetic material. The area of ​​redness on the foreskin quickly disappears. At the same time contact dermatitis not observed. Redness on the head may be the result of an insect bite. Associated symptom is swelling.

Thus, itching, burning and redness are observed when various diseases and conditions. To correctly establish the cause of the pathology, the doctor is obliged to collect an anamnesis. Highest value has hyperemia of the penis of an infectious nature. In this case, it is necessary to conduct research on the presence venereal diseases. They also play an important role inflammatory diseases genitourinary system.

It must be remembered that redness is a symptom that may be hiding serious illness, for example, balanoposthitis, which in some cases requires surgical intervention.

Inflammatory processes can develop in the place where you least expect them. Redness on the head in men without much itching or pain is one of these surprises.

If redness causes deformation of the shape of the genital organ and the formation rotten smell, this signals a malfunction of sex hormones.

Also, the reason is hidden in non-compliance with hygiene standards and rules, infections, fungi and other diseases, which provoke the formation of redness in the most intimate area on a man’s body.

The main cause of redness on the head in men without itching

The head of the male genital organ is pinkish in color. The skin that surrounds it moves easily, and there should be no unpleasant tingling. Any red spots that occur in parallel with skin inflammation are dangerous symptom, signaling the development of infectious diseases.

Redness may also occur as:

  • allergy to pharmacological agents, intimate hygiene products and contraception;
  • consequence negative impact bacterial or viral type (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, gonorrhoea);
  • a consequence of infection of the body with simple microorganisms (Trichomonas);
  • the result of mechanical impact on the foreskin (trauma, frequent changes of sexual partners, wearing unsuitable underwear made of poor materials, frequent wearing of a diaper).

Redness on the head without itching occurs when you are not expecting it at all. They can be caused by:

  • A rapid rush of blood to the intimate organs, which occurred as a result of neurogenic characteristics or increased tone in the vessels;
  • Redness that appears as a result of contact with any irritant - allergens, mechanical impact, rapid drop temperature;
  • Pathogenic reaction to a negative pathogen;
  • Improper hygiene or its complete absence;
  • Sexual contact without special contraception, including unconventional sex;
  • Diabetes mellitus, as well as other related diseases;
  • Inflammation of the urethra;
  • Autoimmune diseases (disorders endocrine gland, scaly lichen).

Pain, irritation, causes may be different.

“Soreness” and “irritation” are concepts that experts clearly separate, putting into them a number of external manifestations. Basically, these are a variety of allergic spots, increased pigmentation, blood vessels in the genital organs, and pimples. Pain provokes bloating, erosion and ulcers.

Due to its specific physiology, the head is constantly in a confined space with high humidity and temperature. No air enters there, and this creates an ideal microflora for the proliferation of bacteria. In addition, tight underwear affects the foreskin.

The same “irritation” or “soreness” occurs when a man does not take sufficient care of personal hygiene, or when a seasonal exacerbation of healed viruses occurs. That is why it is most important when deciding correct diagnosis, track additional symptoms, causing blood vessels to overflow.


Most common inflammatory disease organs of the reproductive system in men. The main symptom is: the appearance of redness, swelling, itching of the skin that covers the genital organ, narrowing of the foreskin, the appearance of minor local defects of the mucous membrane, pain. Redness of the glans in men is the main symptom.

Inflammatory processes can develop for quite a long time. This provokes the appearance strong smell with impurities of rot. Improper hygiene, insufficient amount of insulin in the blood, as well as infections transmitted through unprotected sexual contact contribute to the development of the disease.

The sensations that a man experiences depend on the degree of manifestation of balanoposthitis and other deformations on the condition of the skin covering the head.

Itching or burning may appear depending on the type of illness and the intensity of its development. The most common uncomplicated form. The skin, in turn, begins to swell and shrink.

The emphasis in treatment is recommended to be on cleansing the areas with an antiseptic and using special creams. In the future, the guy is obliged to monitor hygiene and always carefully monitor contraception. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

If the disease develops into erosive form In addition to redness, lightened areas of dead skin and massive wounds on the foreskin appear, which emit an unpleasant odor.

Most dangerous form considered gangrenous. In addition to local reactions, complete dehydration of the body is observed: general fatigue, increased thermometer readings, pain in the head.

Massive ulcers form on the skin of the genitals, and the skin begins to swell. As soon as a man notices any redness, he must make an appointment with a specialist, otherwise this will contribute to the development of serious diseases.

Treatment of red spots on the head

To eliminate visual manifestations of redness, it is enough to wash the genital organ up to five times a day. plain water, preferably after all urination and intimate contacts (using detergents). It is important to use warm water for rinsing; you will have to give up winter swimming. Otherwise, the redness on the head and foreskin will never go away.

  • If the head itches to the point of redness, you cannot avoid taking antibiotics ( penicillin group), antiviral, antifungal, antiprotozoal, immunomodulatory, antimicrobials local action;
  • If the redness is localized on the head and the skin that surrounds it, means to combat allergens, as well as traditional medicine, will be effective.

Unnatural redness and obvious swelling of the head of the genital organ are considered the main incentive to make an appointment with a urologist. This symptom is a non-specific type, so it does not always signal the development of pathology. Photos of red spots can be found freely available on the World Wide Web.

This negative reaction the body is just a response to a man’s negligent attitude towards his health, this is a kind of signal that you should pay attention to in order to prevent the development dangerous diseases flowing in more acute form. The main thing is to follow simple rules, which should become the norm and the main rules of behavior.