Vacation medicine set. What medications should I take at sea? We collect a first aid kit for children and adults

For all holiday occasions

What medications to take with you on vacation

Natalya Khanina / website

What medications should I take with me on vacation so that health problems do not ruin my vacation? What should be included in a travel first aid kit so that a slight ailment does not turn into serious illness, affecting not only the vacationer’s plans, but also his wallet? We consulted with doctors, representatives of the tourism industry and experienced tourists. There is a specific list at the end of the publication.

For diarrhea and stomach problems

The statistics are relentless: one of the most common health problems in the first days of vacation is diarrhea. Or, more simply put, diarrhea, which we owe to infections that enter the body due to unwashed hands, bad water and poor-quality food. The food, however, may be of quite high quality, but unusual and, importantly, too plentiful, washed down, moreover, with a hefty dose of alcohol. Also, experts have long been talking about “traveler’s diarrhea,” calling the cause of the disease not even infections and poisoning, but the very change of place, to which the body is various reasons It can be difficult to adapt. Especially if chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract make themselves felt at home from time to time.

Be that as it may, a remedy for diarrhea is something that should definitely be in the travel first aid kit, says Vladislav Pavlov, leading specialist at Pharmacor Production. First of all, these are enterosorbents that bind harmful microflora and toxins in the intestines. They are sold in different forms: in the form of tablets, gels and powders for diluting suspension. Pavlov recommends dioctahedral smectite (or diosmectite). The most famous representatives of this group of drugs are Smecta or Neosmectin. There is also Polysorb, recalls travel agent Margarita Pshinnik, but its packaging may take up too much space. Good old (and most affordable) activated carbon no one canceled either.

Another thing is that you will have to take quite a lot of it with you: for the desired effect, an adult needs a dosage of one tablet per 10 kilograms of weight.

And the effect itself will have to wait. Doctor and active traveler Oleg Andrienko recommends taking such a supply of sorbents that it will be enough for each participant of the trip for 4-5 days.

Suhyeon Choi /

During long flights and waiting for connections at airports, it can be a good idea to reduce the frequency of trips to the toilet. There are drugs that inhibit intestinal motility and, consequently, the passage of contents through the gastrointestinal tract. The urge becomes less frequent. True, doctors recommend not to abuse this trick. And, of course, during this period you should not overload your body with food. Experts call Loperamide the most famous and most accessible of these drugs, which, by the way, also helps with diarrhea. An analogue is the widely advertised Imodium.

Travel consultant Anna Androsova, who herself actively travels around the world, reminds us of another common problem on the road - motion sickness. Anna calls “Dramina” a good remedy for seasickness, which, as you know, happens not only at sea. active substance- dimenhydrinate). And for vacationers who are going on a gastronomic tour, the expert recommends stocking up on enzyme preparations that help with digestion. First of all, we are talking about products based on pancreatin.

For pain and inflammation

Both doctors and experienced tourists consider analgesics and painkillers to be the number one remedy, advising them not just in a travel first aid kit, but always at hand. Especially if you are prone to migraines, notes Alexey Filippov, general manager GPC Pharmaceuticals. The choice of drugs is large (No-Shpa, Nurofen, Askafen), but it is important that it helps you. Therefore, if you are not sure that you will be able to find what you need on vacation, do not forget to buy it at home.

What helps with allergies and how to treat them

A universal remedy Paracetamol remains, which also helps to cope with high fever. At inflammatory process, including for colds, it is good to have medications with ibuprofen. Miramistin is also a universal assistant (already an antiseptic): it is useful both, if necessary, to treat a wound, and if symptoms of a sore throat appear, says Margarita Pshinnik.

Yana Kotukhova, Servier’s director for external communications in the EAEU countries, recalls the appearance of the term “economy class syndrome.” It refers to the problems that passengers on airline, rail and bus lines are beginning to experience when they are forced to long time leave your legs almost motionless between the close rows of chairs. At altitude, this is aggravated by even increased hydrodynamic loads on the veins of the legs. The result is stagnation of blood, and with it swelling, pain and heaviness. Advice: wear on the go compression stockings and knee socks (loose and comfortable shoes are a given), try to take walks around the salon every half hour, drink more water. And passengers who are prone to varicose veins veins, do not forget to take venotonic drugs with you (for example, Detralex, Venarus, Phlebodia 600).

Jose Antonio Gallego Vázquez /

In case of injuries, burns, allergies

In case of cuts and abrasions, put antimicrobial ointments (Baneocin, Bonderm, Supirocin) in your suitcase. Help to cope with a severe allergic reaction to insect bites steroid ointments(for example, 1% Hydrocortisone), advises Andrey Melnikov, chief specialist of the TeleMed remote medical consultation service.

By the way, it’s worth remembering about allergies even for those who don’t usually suffer from them: the absence of a reaction in previous years and at home does not at all guarantee that the allergen to which your body reacts is not waiting for you in another region of the planet.

And the body’s response can be very serious, warns Ella Smolyakova, a specialist at the ProDoctors portal. So antihistamine, like painkillers, it’s best to take it with you even to the beach and excursions.

Those traveling to the South Seas are urged to be mindful of sunburn treatments. They are often confused with creams and lotions that prevent burns, and they are not particularly concerned about this, believing that the right remedy can be found in the shop on the approach to the beach. It’s possible, but it’s not a fact that there will be exactly medical drug in case the sunbathing ended up being too much. And running around resort pharmacies with a burn is still a pleasure, says Ella Smolyakova.

What about a baby first aid kit?

Denis Usenko, pediatrician, infectious disease specialist, doctor medical sciences, advises travelers with children to ensure that they have six groups of medications in their travel bag. First of all, it is an antipyretic drug based on ibuprofen. Nurofen is suitable in the form of a suspension, which can be given to children from the age of three months.

The second number on the list is a drug for infections and, accordingly, sore throats. It is better to give children “Lizobakt”, which does not contain unnecessary chemicals and does not violate normal microflora oral cavity and throat and acts specifically on pathogens. It is important not to forget about the remedy for the runny nose: anyone will come to the rescue children's drug based on xylometazoline (for example, Nazivin or Otrivin). And since a sore throat and runny nose are often combined with a cough, you will need a remedy to alleviate this problem. Denis Usenko thinks he copes well with her baby syrup"Bronchobos", which can be given to patients as young as three years old.

Of course, children can catch an intestinal disorder faster than adults. Since most cases of acute diarrhea are caused by infection, you will need intestinal antiseptic. If the child is under three years old, it is better to take the Enterofuril suspension (approved for use starting from one month of age). If the child is over three years old, you can also give it in 100 mg capsules. Treatment of intestinal disorders is best combined with sorbents (for example, Smecta or its analogue Neosmectin). To replenish the loss of fluid by the body, it does not hurt to take a couple of bags of any rehydration solution.

Finally, you need to be prepared to respond to possible allergic reactions. It is better in the form of drops, since they are indicated for children starting from six months - Zyrtec is suitable. The drug "Zodak" can be given to children from one year old.

Dragos Gontariu /

What can you always buy on the spot and what else should you not forget about?

Experienced traveler Anna Androsova believes that when going on vacation, you shouldn’t be too zealous about filling your first aid kit, scrolling through many negative scenarios in your head. First aid supplies such as iodine, cotton wool, bandages and cold drops, general-purpose painkillers, even a thermometer can almost always be purchased at your vacation destination. It’s possible, confirms travel agent Margarita Pshinnik, but if you don’t want to look for a pharmacy on the first day (or even the first night), try to explain something to the pharmacist in broken English, it’s better to create your own supply. At least for the first time.

Doctor-traveler Oleg Andrienko and, by the way, father of six children, advises not to forget about bactericidal patches - narrow and wide. Even if you have a “vegetable” vacation ahead that does not involve long walks, you or your children can still be at the airport before they get blisters. In this case, you definitely won’t have time to search for a pharmacy, so make at least a one or two day supply.

CEO of GPC Pharmaceuticals Alexey Filippov draws attention to what turns out to be a difficult issue, such as preserving drugs in the heat. In the summer, if possible, it is better to give preference to drugs in tablet form, the expert says.

In any case, it is better to put the first aid kit in the refrigerator or in the darkest and coolest room. It is especially important that the bag with medicines is not left in direct sunlight.

Andrey Melnikov from TeleMed gives important tips those who have to take constant drug therapy and you have to take your drugs to a foreign country. You need to purchase a transparent plastic container (this is also suitable for completing a travel first aid kit as a whole) and put all the medications there in their original packaging. When traveling by air, if possible, take a first aid kit in your hand luggage. At worst, do not forget to take with you exactly those medications that you may need during the flight.

Telemedicine: how does it work, can it be trusted and is it expensive?

The most important thing is that you must have in your hands prescriptions written out for each drug, indicating the drugs in Latin and the signature and seal of the treating doctor. It’s even better if you also have an extract from your medical record indicating the prescribed medications (also in Latin and also with the doctor’s personal signature and seal). It is highly advisable to have a receipt from the pharmacy for each medicinal item, and the volume of drugs imported into the country should not exceed that specified in the prescription. All this is necessary to avoid unnecessary questions at customs. Especially if you know that the country of entry has strict restrictions and you may face unpleasant proceedings for packaging Phenazepam or even Corvalol. The best thing to do is to try to make official inquiries about these restrictions. The more complex the doctor’s prescription, the more attention should be paid to this issue, the expert notes.

Finally, our interlocutors recommend that before going on vacation, think not only and not so much about properly filling a travel first aid kit, but about buying good medical insurance. “It’s she who’s in emergency will protect the traveler better than self-medication with pills collected for all occasions,” says travel consultant Anna Androsova. Another modern way stay under the supervision of doctors while away from home - use telemedicine services. We have already talked about the advantages of this option, including for travelers.

Bottom line: what to take on vacation

Antidiarrheal drugs: Loperamide (Imodium), Polysorb, Smecta (Neosmectin), activated carbon.

For motion sickness: Dramamine, Ciel.

To help digestion: “Pancreatin”, “Mezim”.

Sleeping pills for sudden changes in time zones: “Melaxen”, “Tenoten”, “Novo-Passit”.

Painkillers: paracetamol, aspirin, No-shpa, Nurofen, Askafen.

Anti-inflammatory: for example, Ibuprofen.

Against heartburn: “Maalox”, “Almagel”, “Phosphalugel”, “Topalkan”.

Antihistamines (for allergies): Suprastin, Diazalin.

Antibacterial ointment for inflamed cuts and abrasions: “Baneocin”, “Bonderm”, “Supirocin”, “Triderm”.

Steroid creams (for severe reactions to insect bites): for example, “Hydrocartisone 1%”.

For children from throat infections: “Lizobakt”.

Children from severe cough: "Bronchobos."

Of course, it is best to consult a doctor who will give recommendations based on your health condition.

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Not everyone pays due attention to their own health on vacation and approaches the collection of a first aid kit rather superficially. Unusual climate and exotic cuisine can provoke ailments and ruin a long-awaited vacation. Deterioration in health can occur at the most unexpected moment. It is not always possible to obtain timely qualified medical care or purchase the right medicine, especially at night. Having a first aid kit on hand will help you negative consequences to a minimum. It is especially important to take the necessary medications with you if a person has chronic diseases, or if you have small children going on vacation with you.

How to properly pack a first aid kit for travel

Basic principles for collecting a “traveler’s first aid kit”

  1. Be sure to take a supply of medications for regular use. This applies to people with chronic and allergic diseases.
  2. Focus on own experience and take only proven drugs. Vacation is not the time to experiment with your health, so don't use unfamiliar medications.
  3. Be sure to bring first aid supplies. For all medications, check the expiration dates and the integrity of the packaging. Don't forget to include instructions for use.
  4. Collect a children's first aid kit separately; babies need certain children's medications.
  5. If you are going on vacation to another country, find out in advance the list of drugs prohibited for transportation and, if necessary, purchase approved analogues.
  6. The first aid kit should be spacious, convenient and hermetically sealed.

The most common holiday health problems

One of the most common problems traveler are ailments and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: poisoning, infections, bloating and others.

Most often this is due to food that is unusual for the stomach (exotic local food) or unsanitary conditions (stale food, dirt). It's no secret that at the height of the season, seaside resorts often enteric viral infections, from which young children suffer the most.

To avoid or reduce these troubles to a minimum, follow simple rules of conduct while on vacation:

  1. Observe basic hygiene standards, wash your hands often, use wet wipes and sanitizer;
  2. Don't drink local tap water, it's better to play it safe and buy bottled water drinking water, or boil the tap water;
  3. Explain to children that they should not swallow water: sea water or from the pool;
  4. Wash local fruits and vegetables thoroughly;
  5. Do not buy street food or try specific local exotic foods if you are not sure of the quality of the dish;
  6. Before traveling to a hot exotic country, get all the necessary vaccinations in advance.

In second place is sunburn. Many people still don’t know the rules for staying in the hot sun and, having grabbed a sea holiday, they get sunburned in the very first days. For safe tanning, it is better to visit the beaches before 11-12 noon or after 16-17 hours. Be sure to use protective equipment, wear hats and drink more water.

Mandatory list of medications for an adult traveler

First group medicines- for the gastrointestinal tract. These remedies will relieve heartburn, bloating and discomfort in the stomach from overeating or eating heavy food:

  1. Mezim or Pancreatin;
  2. Gastal (Rennie);
  3. Motilium;
  4. Activated carbon.

These drugs are necessary for poisoning and gastrointestinal disorders(vomiting, diarrhea, cramps). Regidron will help restore the water-salt balance in the body:

  1. Smecta;
  2. Imodium;
  3. Bifiform;
  4. Loperamide;
  5. Linux;
  6. Enterosgel.

The second group is first aid equipment:

  1. Dressing materials and external antiseptics;
  2. Bactericidal patch (several packages of different sizes);
  3. Green pencil.

Tablets for motion sickness in transport:

  1. Dramamine;
  2. Air sea or analogues.

Buy a pack of natural lollipops, preferably mint or citrus, they also help relieve nausea.


  1. Paracetamol;
  2. No-shpa;
  3. Pentalgin;
  4. Askofen or Andipal - for people suffering from low or high blood pressure.

Don't forget to add antiallergic medications (Telfast, Tavegil, Suprastin, ointments for external use). This group also includes remedies for insect bites (Fenistil).

On vacation, both children and adults walk a lot, swim, attend excursions and attractions, so injuries and sprains are common. In this case, put in your first aid kit:

1. Hydrogen peroxide;

2. Zelenka or iodine;

4. Ointments for bruises and sprains (Finalgon, Sustavit, Fastum-gel).

It would be a good idea to put antibiotics and antipyretics in your first aid kit:

  1. Amoxicillin;
  2. Aspirin;
  3. Paracetamol.

On vacation, especially at sea, there is a risk of overshopping and catching a cold. Therefore, additionally put a thermometer, runny nose drops and throat spray:

  1. Otrivin;
  2. Nazivin;
  3. Inhalipt;
  4. Tantum Verde;
  5. Coldrex;
  6. Lazolvan or Gedelix (for cough).

Don't forget to include your essential medications that you take regularly.

Be sure to take sunscreens and medicines for burns:

  1. Panthenol;
  2. Cooling ointments based on aloe;
  3. Ibuprofen.

For overly impressionable people, you will need sedatives: Novopassit, Persen or valerian tablets.

First aid kit for a young tourist

It is better to collect a children's first aid kit separately, this will be much more convenient and you will not have to search for the right medicine for a long time. Not all drugs for adults are suitable for children. Children's medicines are initially made and designed for a young body, according to the age and weight of the young patient.

A cold can strike even in a southern resort. The main reasons are hypothermia after a long stay in water, acclimatization, viral infection. As antipyretic drugs, it is better to take children's Efferalgan or Panadol. Antiviral drugs: Anaferon, Arbidol, Umkalor.

If the child is very small, you will need a remedy for bloating - Espumisan. To reduce pain in the gums when teething, you should take Kalgel or Kamistad.

Children's ears may get sore after a long swim in the sea; Otipax drops will help relieve inflammation. As antihistamine Instead of Suprastin tablets, it is better to take Zyrtec drops. Antibiotics and other medications should also be taken in a form that is more convenient to take: suspension, syrup.

Don't forget to include baby skin care products, wet wipes, cotton pads and ear buds.

Take sunscreen for babies (especially very small and fair-skinned) high degree protection (+35 or +50).

Just in case, put “Rescuer” ointment or “Fenistil-gel”. They are indispensable for insect bites, abrasions and small cuts.

Putting together a “traveler’s first aid kit” is a serious matter, but keep in mind that this is not a panacea, but only an assistant. If the condition is serious and is only getting worse, do not rely on your own strength, call a doctor or ambulance. Sometimes delay only worsens the patient's condition.

The long-awaited vacation has finally arrived, and you are going on vacation to another city or country that you have long dreamed of visiting. When packing for a trip, you ask yourself a reasonable question: do you need to take medications with you if you are a practically healthy person who rarely gets sick? The unequivocal answer is yes, it is necessary.

And although I don’t want to think about possible problems, especially in a foreign climate zone with food, water, weather and other features of the holiday that are unusual for the body, anything can happen and it’s better to be prepared for it. You shouldn’t collect everything you have in your closet at home. At first glance, the list necessary medications It will seem impressive, but, on the other hand, there is nothing superfluous in it; you can need anything and in any combination.

So, let's pack a first aid kit for the road.

First, decide which medications you have in your home medicine cabinet and which ones you will have to purchase. On the packages available at home, carefully look at the expiration date and quantity of the drug; it should be enough for the period that you will be resting, but it is better to take it with a small supply. Medicines that have expired or are approaching their expiration date should not be taken. You also need to take care of what you carry the medicines in. The packaging must protect against mechanical damage, exposure to the sun, heating, getting wet.

There is no need to collect absolutely all the names of drugs listed in the list; one drug from each group (aimed at treating one pathology) is enough.

1. Antiallergic drugs. Suprastin, tavegil, loratadine

At food allergies, exacerbations allergic rhinitis, cutaneous allergic itching, urticaria. Take the pills with you, even if you have never suffered from this.
Caution: taking these drugs is prohibited while drinking alcohol or while driving.

2. Painkillers. Nurofen (ibuprofen, mig 400, Burana), baralgin, spazgan will be removed headache, pain in the back, muscles.

3. Gastrointestinal.

A) Antidiarrheal and enterosorbents. Smecta, activated carbon, enterosgel, imodium (loperamide). It is permissible to use it for 3 days; if there is no improvement, consult a doctor.
B) Medicines against heartburn, nausea, heaviness in the stomach. Gastal, Rennie, Mezim Forte (Pancreatin), Motilak, Cerucal. Mezim forte (pancreatin) can be taken during a heavy meal, consumption fatty foods to facilitate digestion.

B) Against abdominal pain. No-shpa (drotaverine).

D) For food poisoning. Smecta, rehydron, enterol, bifiform, ersefuril

D) For constipation. Guttalax, laxigal, forlax

4. Remedies for motion sickness in transport. Dramina, airsea

5. Products for the treatment of sunburn. Panthenol, Soventol

6. Cold remedies.
A) Antipyretic and eliminate joint and muscle pain. Paracetamol (Efferalgan, Tylenol, Panadol), Nurofen, Nise.

B) Remedies for the common cold. Xymelin, rhinostop, otrivin

B) For a sore throat. Lozenges: septolete plus, strepfen, grammidin
Aerosols: ingalipt, hexoral

D) When coughing with sputum. Ambroxol tablets, lazolvan (syrup), ambrohexal (syrup)

7. Sedatives. Persen, novopassit, valerian tablets.
Can be used in the first days of staying in a new place - during the day, and at night in case of sleep disturbances.

8. Antiherpetic drugs(for blistering rashes on the face). Zovirax gel, acyclovir

9. Local antiseptics. Chlorhexidine solution(miramistin), hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green (can be in the form of pencils)

10. Dressing material. Sterile bandages 2 pcs., bactericidal patch, cotton balls

11. Eye drops. Sulfacyl sodium (albucid), Visine

12. Local remedies for the treatment of bruises, ligament and muscle damage. Voltaren emulgel, fastum gel, indovazin gel

13. From tired legs, swelling. Gelenven, ginkor gel

14. From insect bites. Psilo balm, fenistil

15. Electronic thermometer

16. Repellents– insect repellents if you are planning a trip to tropical countries. It’s better to take something you’ve already used, or test the product on yourself first to rule out allergic reactions.

17. Means that protect against harmful ultraviolet radiation with a high protective factor (SPF).

For people with chronic diseases, do not forget to take medications that you regularly take, as well as medications recommended by your doctor for emergency assistance, for example, in the case of a sudden increase in blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension.

What medications to take with you on vacation for your child?

What to put in a first aid kit for children? Of the antipyretic drugs for children, paracetamol in syrup (Panadol for children, Efferalgan syrup for children, Tylenol for children) or in suppositories (Panadol, Cefekon) is preferable. Mandatory products that protect the skin from the sun with a UV factor of at least 30, local antiseptics, smecta, bandage, panthenol for sunburn, nasal drops (nazol, Aqua Maris), eye drops, antiallergic, motion sickness remedies (Dramine) or mints. For constipation - glycelax suppositories or Duphalac syrup.

If your child suffers from any chronic illness, consult your pediatrician before leaving.

Rules for transporting medicines across the border

Restrictions on transportation across the border apply to psychotropic and narcotic substances. If you suffer from a disease that requires you to take a drug from this group, you must confirm that you need this drug for your personal use. medical indications. Proof of this is a prescription from a doctor (a duplicate is possible) or an extract from the medical history with a doctor’s signature. In addition, you must fill out a passenger customs declaration, indicating the name and quantity of the drug being transported, attaching to it the available medical documents, and go along the “red corridor”. An important clarification - many combination drugs may contain a prohibited component. These are some painkillers, antitussives, sedatives, such as the familiar Corvalol or Valocordin, which contain phenobarbital. Weight loss drugs can also belong to the group of psychotropic drugs. They will also have to be declared. The list of potent substances subject to declaration can be found on the website of the Federal Customs Service.

For any medicine that states that it is available by prescription, you must be prepared to present a prescription from your doctor. If the medicine is NOT on the list of potent and psychotropic drugs, you do not need to declare it, your corridor is “green”.

These are Russian rules. However, each country has its own list of prohibited drugs, which you need to find out about in advance from a travel agency or by using the Internet to avoid unforeseen problems.

Transportation of medicines by air

IN hand luggage you can carry liquid dosage forms, as well as creams and gels with a container volume of no more than 100 ml each. They must be placed in transparent plastic packaging and their total volume must not exceed 1 liter. It is prohibited to carry aerosols in hand luggage, with the exception of those needed during the flight for medical reasons, for example, anti-asthma. In this case, be prepared to provide a doctor's certificate indicating the diagnosis or a prescription. The same rule applies if you are carrying strong drugs or regular medicine in large quantities.

And, in conclusion, it is important to remember that even the most modern medicines taken on a trip do not replace the need for qualified medical consultation if, while taking them, your health does not improve within 2-3 days. Do not experiment with self-medication for longer than this period; trust your health to doctors.

Have a nice holiday!

Doctor therapist S.E.V

If you are about to have a pleasant trip to warm countries, you should not be careless and go on the road completely unprepared for possible health problems. Especially if children are traveling with you.

Indeed, a lot of things sometimes happen to vacationers! Either they catch a cold, then they get hurt, or they get poisoned; a vacationing person can get seasick during a pleasant boat trip, he can get terribly sunburned, and so on... To help you “lay out straws” in case something happens, we decided to tell you in detail what medicines to take with you to the sea is not only advisable, but necessary for every sane person. Read and, as they say, blow your mind!

For people suffering from chronic diseases

If you consider yourself absolutely healthy person, then you can safely skip this chapter. Because it will talk about what medications to take with you to the sea for people who have certain chronic diseases.

Periodic attacks bronchial asthma, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, problems with cardiovascular system, allergies, chronic tonsillitis- It is impossible to list all the diseases that affect both old and young. If you know exactly your diagnosis and regularly take certain medications prescribed by your doctor, do not forget to take them with you on the road, even if you are now in a period of stable remission.

The fact is that climate change, heat, bright sun, sea bathing - all this can provoke an attack of any chronic disease. Patients who need to carry strong medications with them at all times must take a prescription from their doctor with them when traveling. Moreover, this document must be written in Latin - the international language of all physicians. This is important if you are going on vacation to another country. If necessary, such paper will make it much easier to communicate with local pharmacists.

First aid for injuries

I don't want to scare anyone, but vacation injuries happen more often than you might imagine. On the beach it is very easy to cut yourself on stones or shards of glass, you can get a bruise or rub your feet until you have bloody blisters. You never know! Therefore, when packing medicines for your trip to the sea, be sure to put in your first aid kit:

  • bandage and cotton wool;
  • bactericidal patch of different sizes;
  • iodine, brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide.

Sunburn, which can be so difficult to avoid in southern resorts, can also be classified as an injury. It is best, of course, to prevent this problem than to treat it, and take with you a special cream with a high protective factor (FPS - from 30 units), which must be applied to the skin before going to the beach. If the burn could not be avoided, then the suffering will be alleviated by such remedies as "Dexpanthenol" or its analogues, the preparations "Pantoderm", "Bepanten", "D Panthenol".

Cold medicines

Unfortunately, no one is safe from ARVI, even in the warmest country in the world. You may suddenly develop a sore throat, runny nose, and fever. Therefore, we carefully collect medicines at sea. The list below is very important! So, let's put in our first aid kit:

1. Any of the antipyretic drugs such as Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Ibuklin, Efferalgan. You don’t need to buy all of these medications, just one is enough.

2. Any effective drops for a runny nose: “Naphthyzin”, “Galazolin”, “Otrivin” or “Sanorin”.

3. Remedies for sore throats (lozenges, lozenges and solutions) “Septolete”, “Faringosept”, “Strepsils”, “Miramistin”. The last drug(solution) is also good because it can be used not only for gargling for sore throat, but also for gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and stomatitis.

4. Anti-inflammatory ear drops: “Otipax” or “Otinum”. Getting otitis media while swimming in the sea is much easier than you might think.

It seems like what medications to take with you to the sea in case possible cold, we figured it out! Now let's move on.


Sudden migraine attack toothache, stomach colic - all this happens to each of us from time to time. In this case, it’s good to have some reliable and safe medicine, capable of removing painful sensations. There are a lot of such drugs. And we recommend that you take painkillers with you on your trip to the sea. And not just one drug, but several, different cases life, so to speak. You can choose something suitable from this list:

  • "Analgin";
  • "Baralgin";
  • "Citramon";
  • "Spazmalgon";
  • "Caffetin";
  • "No-shpa."

By the way, painkillers such as Baralgin or Analgin can also be used to reduce fever.

For problems with the stomach and intestines

When people come on holiday to a country with a hot climate, they may be plagued by problems with digestive tract. After all, as you know, food spoils very quickly in the heat, which is why it’s easy to get a banal stomach upset. Problems with gastrointestinal tract Factors such as unusual local food and water, as well as acclimatization, also contribute. Therefore, the following medications are simply necessary at sea:

1. Sorbent preparations "Polifepan", "Smecta", "Activated Carbon", "Enterosgel" will help with both constipation and diarrhea.

2. Products containing enzymes - "Festal", "Mezim", "Pancreatin", "Creon" - can help with overeating (this often happens at the resort), as well as with problems with the absorption of unusual food.

3. Anything from this list of drugs will help with banal diarrhea: Stopdiar, Ersefuril, Nifuroxazide, Furazolidone. One of the above will be sufficient.

4. Normalize anxiety intestinal microflora You can use the products “Linex”, “Bifidumbacterin” or “Hilak Forte”.

In case of allergies

Even if in normal conditions you do not suffer from any allergic reactions, this is not a fact that allergies will bypass you on vacation. Pollen from exotic southern plants, insects, unusual food, climate, etc. can contribute to this.

There is nothing particularly terrible about this if you take antiallergic medications to the sea, a list of which we provide. Choose drugs:

  • "Diazolin";
  • "Tavegil";
  • "Fenkarol";
  • "Zyrtec";
  • "Fenistil";
  • "Suprastin";
  • "Claritin."

As you can see, there are a lot of remedies for allergies. Of course, there is no need to take full “ammunition”. It is enough to take one thing from the list.

Eye drops and ointments

Of course, you can say that you never have problems with your eyes. But on vacation, both conjunctivitis and blepharitis can happen. So we advise you to take with you Albucid, Tobradex or Gentamicin Ointment for complete peace of mind.

Special remedies for motion sickness

If you plan to travel by ship or plane, then you may need anti-motion sickness medications. By the way, at sea, many-hour excursions on boats and small vessels are often organized. And if on a huge liner there is practically no motion, then on small excursion boats you can experience all its “charms” to the fullest.

Therefore, we take with us drugs such as Avia-More or Dramamine. By the way, they also help with motion sickness in a car or bus. For people with weak vestibular apparatus- this is a real salvation.

Should you take antibiotics with you?

These are too strong drugs. You don’t have to take them to the sea. The fact is that independent use of such potent drugs is unacceptable. Such tablets should be prescribed by a doctor if he deems it necessary. In the event that something worse happens to you on vacation than common cold(pneumonia, for example), you will have to seek professional medical help.

But if you still want to be fully prepared, you can put modern antibiotics such as Sumamed or Clarithromycin in your travel first aid kit.

If you are going on holiday with a child

Now let's talk in detail about what medications to take with you to the sea if you are going there with small children.

1. Be sure to take antipyretic drugs for children. They must be in the form of syrup or rectal suppositories based on paracetamol.

2. In case of diarrhea, the child can be given a suspension of "Nifuroxazide" - we put it in the travel first aid kit.

3. Cough remedies. Ambrobene syrup has expectorant and soothing properties and is well tolerated even by very young children. Our pharmacies also sell cough syrups "Gedelix" and "Erespal" for children, but they can only be given to children from 2 years of age.

4. As an anti-allergic remedy for your baby, you can take Tavegil syrup on the road. Its use is permitted for children from 1 year of age.

5. And be sure to put in the children's first aid kit a device for measuring temperature, or simply a thermometer.

What other children's medications should you take at sea? We would recommend the drug "Espumizan". This gas reliever may be necessary for babies. And one more thing: if your vacation will take place in places where there are a lot of mosquitoes, then take Fenistil gel or emulsion with you. These medications will help relieve itching from bites and can be used not only for children, but also for adults. They are also effective for dermatoses caused by an allergic reaction.

Adults only

And now it’s time to talk briefly not about medications for seaside holidays that help cure various diseases, but about special protective equipment for the adult population. Yes, yes, that's what you're thinking about now. Holiday romances happen so often on vacation, and this, of course, is wonderful, but we hope you understand what casual relationships are fraught with? Here is a small list of things that will help protect yourself from STDs (sexually transmitted diseases):

  • condoms;
  • protective suppositories and pastes for women "Pharmatex" and "Patenteks oval";
  • antiseptic drugs "Betadine", "Gibitan", "Miramistin".

What medications are best not to take with you if you are going on vacation abroad?

Well, now you know almost everything about what necessary medications You need to take it with you to the sea. Are there any medications that you should not take on the road? Yes, I have. And you need to know about them if you go on vacation abroad. For example, antitussives. Some of the cough tablets that are freely available in our pharmacies may be prohibited drugs in other countries. If, upon arrival in Thailand, tablets containing the substance codeine are found in your luggage, then instead of a pleasant holiday, you may end up in prison.

In the Philippines, drugs that can cause abortion are prohibited, and if you want to have a good time at Australian resorts, keep in mind that in this country all imported drugs must be declared.

But if you are heading to the sea in Egypt or Turkey, then you don’t have to worry too much; these countries do not yet have any strict rules regarding the import of medicines.

In conclusion

In parting, I would like to say that even if you take all the necessary medications on your trip to the sea, this is not an absolute guarantee of the safety of your health. There are times when self-medication is life-threatening, and if you or your child feels sharp deterioration health, then do not hesitate and be sure to seek medical help.

Changing location is stressful for the body. An unusual environment can have a negative impact on your well-being, and you need to be prepared for this.

There are dangers on the seashore and in the water. Contact with jellyfish, sea urchins, corals and poisonous fish can result in wounds and burns. In addition to these exotic inhabitants, in hot climates health is threatened by solar and heat strokes. Travelers also often encounter food poisoning.

To prevent troubles, you need to think about them in advance. When traveling to foreign resorts, you must take out travel insurance. If necessary, it will cover the costs of calling an ambulance or hospitalization.

When planning a vacation, consult your doctor. He will make recommendations according to your health condition.

Customs regulations of states do not allow the import of all drugs into their territory. If you're flying abroad, don't skimp on space in your suitcase by packing a first aid kit. Medicines must be in original packaging and with instructions. Drugs that go beyond basic first aid kit, should be carried along with a prescription from a doctor. It is advisable to check in your luggage for medications that you can do without on board the plane. Drugs classified as potent or narcotic and psychotropic, if allowed in the country of destination, will have to be declared. To do this, you will need a doctor's prescription in English or in the local language.

If you anticipate a language barrier in the country of your intended vacation, write down the basic words on the topic in advance. This dictionary will help explain to a foreign-language doctor exactly what disease or symptom you are complaining about. You can also install an offline translator on your phone for this purpose.

List of medications for travel

Remedies for poisoning and indigestion

When we collect a travel first aid kit, the first thing we put in it is medicines that help with food poisoning. Getting to know the local cuisine or food spoiled in the heat are the main reasons for this problem, which often worries tourists. Therefore, it is necessary to have adsorbents and anti-diarrhea medications on hand. Adsorbents neutralize the effects of toxins, so activated carbon or polysorb are necessary for poisoning and intestinal infections.

You can stop diarrhea due to an upset stomach with the help of medications whose main active ingredient is loperamide or imodium.

Unusual foods can cause digestion difficulties. Relieves heaviness or bloating enzyme preparation, such as pancreatin or mezim.

Thus our travel first aid kit must contain adsorbents, anti-diarrhea agents and enzyme medications.

Antipyretics and painkillers

If your body temperature rises above 38 degrees, you should use an antipyretic drug: for example, a medicine containing paracetamol or ibuprofen.

It is worth putting drugs in the category of painkillers and anti-spasms in your first aid kit. Pentalgin is included in both categories, but one of the contraindications for this medication is age under 18 years. Antispasmodic drug based on drotaverine - no-spa.

If you are traveling with a child, it is better to purchase a specialized paracetamol-based antipyretic for children.

Even if you've planned an inactive vacation, it's still worth taking something that will help with cuts and wounds. Step on sea ​​urchin or getting scratched on rocks is easy. For this emergency It is necessary to collect antiseptics in the first aid kit. Disinfectants such as hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine will disinfect the damaged area.

Also heals wounds and helps with bruises medicinal ointments, For example, . This universal drug based on formic alcohol. The special ointment additionally has a bactericidal effect.

In order to close the wound, put a sterile bandage in the first aid kit. In case of stretching - elastic. Don’t forget the plaster, because even comfortable shoes can chafe in the heat.

That is, the first aid kit should contain products with antiseptic effect, sterile and elastic bandages and plaster.


Medicines in this category should only be taken on the advice of a doctor. If your doctor has prescribed them, take them with you. Antibiotics cannot be purchased abroad without a prescription. If the certification of the doctor who wrote the prescription is not valid in the country of your holiday, you will have to contact a local doctor.

Cold remedies

The most common illnesses when traveling are colds and infectious diseases. Antiviral agents, stimulating immune processes, will not be superfluous in your suitcase. Interferons will help adults against ARVI. You can take candles with you - many of them are suitable even for one year old child. You should also pack lollipops or a spray for a sore throat and drops for nasal congestion in your first aid kit.

If you are planning a vacation in an unfamiliar climate or geographic area, you must take allergy medication with you. Diazolin and loratadine block allergic reaction, including skin damage from insect bites.

Don't forget individual preparations, which you take constantly. Place a first aid kit with them in a bag that you will keep with you. Read reviews in advance for unfamiliar drugs that you decide to take with you. Pay special attention to whether these medications can be taken by children. Be sure to check the expiration date of all products you take on the road.


Sunburn is not uncommon at the beach. Be sure to bring sunscreen that suits your skin type. If you are traveling with the whole family, do not skimp on the cream: choose the right one for each family member. If you do get a sunburn, then to alleviate the consequences, you need to use an ointment that restores the integrity skin. Dexpanthenol or ointment has these properties.

From motion sickness

Any vacation trip means a long time on the road. In the warm season, you get especially sick in a stuffy bus. A walk on water transport can also turn into “ seasickness" Make sure that the drug that relieves the feeling of nausea and dizziness is nearby.

Have a nice holiday!