Traditional contraceptives after intercourse. Contraception at home

Traditional contraceptives are used by women all over the world. The effect of such contraception is based on the presence of phytoestrogens in some plants. Also, certain products change the characteristics of vaginal secretions. But a woman must understand that such methods of protection do not always give positive effect. If abused folk ways irreparable changes may occur. For this reason, before starting to use any products, you should consult your gynecologist.

An illiterate approach to the issue of contraception may lead to health problems.

Folk remedies with a contraceptive effect are used in various ways. Substances are manufactured for internal and local use. For internal use decoctions are made from herbs containing a natural analogue of female estrogen.

In a normal unprotected cycle, three stages are observed. Each phase depends on the activity of a specific hormonal substance. In the first phase, estrogen is the main one. The production of a follicle-stimulating substance is also observed. In the middle of the cycle, the production of luteinizing hormone is observed. It is responsible for releasing the egg from the follicle. After ovulation, estrogen and FSH give way to progesterone. Progesterone is responsible for proper conception and further life activities embryo.

For contraception, it is necessary to prevent the production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone. These substances belong to the group of gonadotropins. They are produced by the pituitary gland. To eliminate the production of gonadotropins, it is necessary to increase estrogen levels. In this case, the cycle becomes fruitless.

It is on this effect that the use of folk remedies for contraception is based. When using such decoctions, an increase in your own estrogen is observed. Ovarian activity slows down. Ovulation disappears. Without ovulation, pregnancy cannot occur.

Folk remedies for topical use have a spermicidal effect. This group substances are used in the form of solutions for vaginal irrigation. Douching liquids contain acids. They contribute to changes in characteristics vaginal microflora. When fluid is introduced into the vagina, acidity increases.

Male seminal fluid has a salty environment. In this composition, sperm are able to actively move. After getting into the women's reproductive system seminal fluid changes its characteristics. IN acidic environment in male germ cells, the outer membrane is disrupted. Because of this, sperm stop moving and die.

The use of special douching contributes to the death of spermatozoa

Individual douching solutions affect activity cervical canal. The walls of the cervix are penetrated by a large number of secretory glands. They produce special mucus that performs protective function. Also, the quality of the secretion depends on the phase menstrual cycle. To maintain the viability of sperm in the uterus, mucus production increases. The secretion becomes liquid and transparent.

When using folk remedies for protection, the secretory substance changes its qualities. It becomes thick and viscous. In such a vaginal substance, sperm are unable to move quickly. After some time, the male reproductive cells die.

Solutions for internal use

To develop a contraceptive effect, it is necessary to prepare a solution. It is taken from the first day after the end of menstruation. For this purpose, the following compositions are offered:

  • coriander infusion;
  • decoction of rowan blossom;
  • caraway and ficus seed remedy;
  • concentrated decoction of viburnum bark.

To make the first infusion, you need to purchase fresh coriander seeds. A few grams of seeds need to be ground in a coffee grinder to a powder state. The powder is poured hot water. The mixture is kept on low heat for 10 minutes. The resulting liquid is placed in a dark glass container. The container is stored in a dark place. The resulting infusion is decanted into a clean container through a filter. The liquid is taken half a glass after each meal. Before we start next menstruation you need to stop using the infusion.

Widely distributed among women different ages The second folk contraceptive is a decoction of rowan blossom. The color is collected at a certain time. Only fresh flowers have a contraceptive effect. The inflorescences must be thoroughly ground in a mortar. The resulting mushy mixture must be poured with hot water. The infusion is poured into an iron container and placed on water bath. After an hour, the liquid is removed from the heat and passed through sterile gauze folded in four layers. The decoction is consumed one glass a few minutes before meals.

Caraway seeds should be consumed with caution

A mixture of cumin and ficus seeds has a strong contraceptive effect. Seeds can be purchased at any grocery store. They must be passed through a coffee grinder. The resulting powder is poured with hot liquid. Drink the mixture after menstruation. For several weeks the woman is unable to conceive. Before using this solution, it is recommended to visit a specialist. If there are pathologies in the activity of the ovaries, the mixture is prohibited for use, as it can cause secondary infertility.

A decoction made from viburnum bark is used as folk contraception. Ready-made raw materials can be purchased at any pharmacy store. The bark is filled with a small amount of water. The product is boiled until half of the original composition is obtained. The finished liquid is also passed through a clean rag. The concentrate is taken in the morning before meals.

All of the above decoctions have harmful influence on the process of producing your own follicle-stimulating hormone. Under the influence of these agents, a follicle does not appear on the ovary. In this case, ovulation disappears. Before starting self-protection, you need to visit a gynecologist to determine the condition of the reproductive system.

Solutions for protection after an unprotected act

Such folk remedies used as douching after unprotected sexual intercourse. For this purpose, the following douching liquids are used:

  • decoction of elm bark;
  • St. John's wort;
  • boron composition;
  • douching with lemon juice;
  • vinegar essence.

Elm tree bark has a contraceptive effect

A decoction of elm bark can be made from ready-made raw materials. The package of bark is filled with a glass of hot liquid. The resulting composition must be boiled. Boiling is carried out for several minutes. The composition must be cooled thoroughly. The liquid is filtered through cheesecloth. You need to add a glass to the concentrated product cold water. The prepared solution is inserted into the vagina after unprotected sexual intercourse.

For douching, you can use a folk remedy made from St. John's wort herb. The product is prepared from fresh leaves plants. A small amount of fresh leaves is placed in a two-liter saucepan. After boiling, the composition should be cooked for no more than five minutes. After cooling, the contraceptive should be placed in a clean container. It is used after every unprotected sex.

More aggressive douching after contact is also suggested. In this case, the folk remedy is obtained by dissolving the medical boric acid in large quantities boiled water. For douching, only sterile medical powder is used. A small volume of solution is administered vaginally. Not recommended for frequent use this remedy. It can change the quality of the microflora of the organ.

Many girls use a solution made from lemon juice. Lemon juice increases the acidity of the vaginal microflora. The product also promotes the immediate death of sperm. When sperm come into contact with juice, the cell membrane is destroyed. Men's sex cell stops moving and dies after a while.

The contraceptive effect of vinegar essence has been known since ancient times. For douching, only natural apple or pear vinegar is used. A tablespoon of essence is diluted with a liter of boiled water. When using the product, it is necessary to take into account the presence of an individual allergic reaction.

Contraception in unexpected ways

In order to obtain a contraceptive effect, unexpected folk remedies are also used. The following products are suggested:

  • carbonated drink;
  • lemon fruit;
  • date tree fruit;
  • laundry soap;
  • ash solution.

Before using any traditional anti-conception method, you must consult a doctor.

In many countries, the popular carbonated drink Coca-Cola is used as a folk remedy. Before starting douching, the bottle must be shaken thoroughly. The gases used to prepare the drink have a detrimental effect on sperm. This method is questioned, since the composition of the drink is completely chemical.

Some women insert a slice of lemon fruit into the vagina during sexual intercourse. It is believed that fetal acid can kill all male reproductive cells that enter the uterus. There is also an increase in vaginal acidity. But this technique is not recommended for many reasons.

Widespread and so popular contraceptive method, like tamponing with gruel from the fruits of the date tree. The porridge is made by grinding fresh dates through a fine grater. The resulting porridge is placed in a sterile bandage. A tampon is inserted vaginally before unprotected sex.

Many Russian women believe that laundry soap also has a contraceptive effect. A thin candle is cut out of a piece of soap and placed in the vagina before intercourse. But this method may cause negative changes in mucous tissue.

Also in ancient times women used wood ash for douching. She dissolved in water. The liquid was filtered using clean gauze. It was believed that the ash caused thickening cervical mucus. But this technique is not always effective.

Side effects of the proposed contraception

Medication birth control contraceptives have various contraindications and adverse reactions. Traditional methods can also cause negative changes. The following are considered undesirable consequences home contraception:

  • cessation of ovarian function;
  • development bacterial vaginitis;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • allergic individual reactions;
  • low contraceptive response.

At long-term use herbal decoctions, the ovaries cease to function normally. Gradually the organ refuses to work. In this case it is diagnosed primary infertility or multifollicular ovaries. The problem can only be eliminated medically.

Douching also does not apply safe methods contraception. With constant contact of liquid with microflora, a change in bacterial composition may occur. Place beneficial microorganisms occupy pathogenic bacteria. This leads to the development of bacterial vaginitis. In some cases, more beneficial microbes die. This complication is accompanied by dryness during sexual intercourse.

The use of decoctions is also fraught with complications. They can provide negative influence for the menstrual cycle. With prolonged intake of phytoestrogens, the duration of the progesterone phase may change. This leads to the disappearance of ovulation and long absence pregnancy.

Before using these methods, you should visit a doctor. Only he can advise effective folk contraceptives.

How to reliably protect yourself from attack unwanted pregnancy? Every woman thinks about this question at one time or another in her life. And, despite the fact that the use of modern methods of contraception allows us to reduce the risk of conception to a minimum, some of us, relying on the advice of mothers, friends and just “maybe”, use “grandmother’s” methods that once accidentally helped someone .

And yet, what is the situation with traditional methods of birth control in reality? Are they really effective or are they just rumors? Let's try to figure it out and find out where the truth is and where the myth is.

A little history of contraception

Prevention of unwanted pregnancy using the most different ways people have been practicing it for thousands of years: even in primitive tribes there were certain methods of birth control. Thus, some peoples believed that pregnancy could be prevented by spitting in the mouth of a toad, while others believed that by eating a large number of bees. Ancient Africans widely used for this interrupted coitus, Indian women washed their vaginas with a decoction of lemon and mahogany bark, and the ancient Egyptians, in order to increase the acidity of the vaginal environment, used tampons dipped in a decoction of honey and acacia, elephant or crocodile droppings.

Later, ancient Greek doctors recommended that women use tampons soaked in narcotic substances, a decoction of willow leaf or a mixture of resin, cedar, alum and apple, and men were asked to lubricate the penis with a mixture of onion and butter before intercourse. In China, mercury was used for contraception, and in Japan, oil-soaked bamboo sheets or thin skin plates were used, which prevented the penetration of sperm into the uterus (analogous to the female condom).

In European countries, they used tampons soaked in acetic acid or inserted lemon peels into the vagina. In addition, to prevent pregnancy in different countries powders, juices or decoctions of “medicinal” plants were used, such as unripe pineapple, juniper, spurge, shepherd’s purse, burdock, marjoram and peas. At a later time, for the purpose of contraception, male condoms made from animal skin began to be used, and women were given special tin neck caps, precious metals, wood or ivory.

Pregnancy prevention: TOP 5 modern folk methods

What folk methods are considered the most “effective” today? Let's try to make a kind of rating of them.

So, the leading position in our TOP, without a doubt, is occupied by interrupted coitus- removal of the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. However, not all couples know that already at the very beginning of sexual intercourse, a man releases a small amount of sperm. Therefore, according to statistics, every third interrupted sexual intercourse leads to an unwanted pregnancy. In addition, the non-physiological nature of the method can lead to a decrease in male potency over time.

Another leader of our TOP is douching protection vagina after sexual intercourse using the most different means- your own urine, a solution of potassium permanganate, aspirin, acetic or citric acid and even Pepsi-Cola. According to “experts”, this method changes acid-base balance vagina and contributes to decreased motility and death of sperm. There is some truth in this method, but it should be borne in mind that it is simply impossible to wash all the sperm from the genital tract, but it’s easy to get cervical erosion, dysbacteriosis or a burn of the vaginal mucosa!

An honorable third place in our ranking is occupied by a method based on the use of certain decoctions, drinks or food products. Thus, among young people it is believed that drinking a glass of water with the addition of three drops of iodine immediately after sexual intercourse causes a miscarriage. And the more “experienced” say that pregnancy can be prevented with the help of an infusion of flowers or fruits of red rowan, pomegranate peels, infusion bay leaf, raw beet juice or several packages ascorbic acid, taken at the same time. In addition, it turns out that you can reduce the risk of conception by including it in your diet. large quantity peas As you understand, the effectiveness of these methods does not require special comments.

The next position in our TOP “folk contraceptives” is occupied by another “effective” method - having sex while standing or jumping and running after intercourse. However, the opinion that sperm can be “shook out” from the vagina is 100% wrong: the average speed of their forward movement is about 3 mm per minute, so most of the sperm will enter the uterus before you even get out of bed.

And finally, our rating method based on thermal effects on the body. Thus, it is believed that a woman can prevent pregnancy by thoroughly steaming her feet in mustard after sexual intercourse, and the fertilizing ability of sperm can significantly decrease for about six months if a man takes a hot bath every day for 21 days (the procedure should take at least 45 minutes) . The effectiveness of these methods of protection, like the previous ones, is also close to zero: they can protect against complications colds, but not from pregnancy.

How to be and what to do?

Do you want to minimize the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy and stay healthy at the same time? Forget about traditional methods of birth control, do not believe the experience of others, but consult a doctor - only a gynecologist can choose a reliable and safe one for you modern way contraception. However, keep in mind that if the doctor advises you to use a calendar (according to the days of the menstrual cycle) or temperature method of contraception (according to schedules) basal temperature), then you should contact another specialist - these methods are not suitable for everyone. In addition, do not place too much faith in contraceptive reliability. breastfeeding(method lactational amenorrhea): it can be used only until the restoration of menstruation, reduction in the frequency of feedings of the baby and until he reaches 6 months of age.

We sincerely wish you to see two lines on the test only when you are really ready for it!

Natural methods of contraception have been known to people since ancient times. They are proven and relatively reliable, with the right approach and serious planning. In addition, unlike hormonal (and especially surgical) methods, they are absolutely harmless to health. What are they - the most effective folk methods of contraception? About this and we'll talk below.

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Photo gallery: Effective folk methods of contraception

Sexual abstinence

As you know, the simplest and effective way To avoid pregnancy is to abstain from sex altogether. By the way, this is not as crazy as it seems at first glance. There are many equally pleasant ways to please each other, especially if you are “not up to physical maturity” in age. Some women experience greater pleasure from caresses and foreplay than from sex itself. So, if pregnancy is not part of your plans, abstinence is the only method of contraception with 100% results.


Actually, this method is similar to the first. That is, there is no direct contact. However, there is a difference - during petting, both partners are naked, they take the same positions as during regular sex, but the penis is not inserted. What is the danger? During such “games,” a man may ejaculate on the female genital area, and here the likelihood of pregnancy increases significantly. This method is often used by young people who are making their debut in this area of ​​life. They learn sexual behavior and ways to please themselves and their partner. The contraceptive method is quite effective if you are careful.

Calendar method of contraception

IN lately The calendar method is becoming very popular. This method is based on research that back in the 30s of the 20th century showed that ovulation always occurs on day 14-1 of the cycle (plus/minus 2 days), and not in the middle of the cycle, as most people thought. Menstrual cycle healthy women, according to experts, can vary from, for example, 21 days to 35 days. In any case, ovulation can occur around the 14th day of the cycle.

According to the calendar method, you should abstain from relationships for 9 days after your period and for 9-18 days before the expected bleeding. The moment when this bleeding occurs is determined by the length of the last 6-9 menstrual cycles, as well as taking into account the lifespan of the egg after ovulation (2 days) and sperm after ejaculation (5-7 days).

The method is simple and quite effective, but not particularly convenient. You have to take a serious approach to calculations, regardless of passion, impulses of desire and elementary feelings. Situations often arise when partners quarrel because they “want to,” but “today is not possible.” Constant feeling tension kills desire, although it is very good as a method of contraception.

Thermal method

It is based on changes in a woman’s body temperature during certain periods. Basic daily measurements of body temperature are carried out in the morning, so that a significant increase in temperature can be observed at one point. This occurs during ovulation (during the main, repeating cycles of ovarian activity involving the expulsion of a mature egg from the follicle). Fever maintained for three consecutive days during the fertile period every month. A drop in temperature indicates the end of ovulation and the following days are safe when you can be sure that you will not be able to get pregnant.

To determine the duration of the safe period, at least 6-8 days must be subtracted from the first day of temperature rise. This effective folk method of contraception has a number of conditions, without which it will not be effective enough. In the morning, core body temperature should be measured daily, at approximately the same time shortly after waking up and without getting out of bed, after at least 6-7 hours of sleep.

It is worth remembering that the reasons for errors in correctly reading the temperature graph can be situations such as travel, climate change, stress, infections, getting up at night, for example, to see a child or during night duty, drinking alcohol, taking medications, fatigue.

Emission control method

The fact is that the type and consistency of the discharge changes depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Experts distinguish two types of mucus: the estrogenic type (characteristic of the period close to ovulation) and the gestagenic type (appears after ovulation). Estrogen secretions are slippery, transparent, glossy, flexible and stretchy. They give a feeling of moisture in the vagina. Sometimes it contains blood. Progestin discharge is sticky, whitish or yellowish color. It is an opaque, cloudy flocculant, dense and sticky. It does not give a feeling of wetness in the vagina. Due to its thick consistency and stickiness, gestagenic secretions become impermeable to sperm, so they are stored in the cervical mucus. There they die after about 8-12 hours under the influence of the acidic environment of the vagina. Safe period begins three days after the presence of thick, sticky mucus is confirmed.

Other symptoms of ovulation

The flow of cervical mucus lets a woman know when her fertile period, ovulation period is taking place, and when it is necessary to strengthen the prevention of unwanted pregnancy. Thus, it can be noted that the external mouth of the cervix opens before ovulation (this is called the “pupil symptom”) and this is the period when it is better to refuse sex.

In addition, a woman can also pay attention to some other ovulation symptoms to highlight her safe days. The first sign is severe short-term pain in the lower abdomen, usually one-sided. These pains precede the release of an egg from the ovary. The second sign is a change in mood. Most women during ovulation or the fertile period are cheerful, work better, and look better. In turn, after ovulation, their hair becomes dull, their eyes become tired, skin imperfections become more pronounced and their breasts become hard and painful.

Coitus interruptus

The most common and effective traditional methods contraception. This is a sexual act in which the man must remove the penis from the vagina just before ejaculation. Unlike others natural methods, it is not associated with periodic abstinence. This means you can have sex at any time.

This method requires some experience in mastering conditioned reflexes and speed skills. Therefore, it should not be used by men who are prone to premature ejaculation. Also remember that a small amount of semen is released just before ejaculation as a result of sexual arousal. A certain number of spermatozoa are also in urethra, not far from foreskin and the head of the penis. After sexual intercourse, they can get inside, and sperm can lead to fertilization. In addition, in men it can sometimes lead to sexual neuroses, a tendency to premature ejaculation, and sometimes even impotence. This is also disadvantageous for women, because it is constantly associated with a sharp outflow of blood from pelvic organs and lack of orgasm.

Prevention from unwanted pregnancy is very topical issue for many women. In Russia, 13 thousand abortions are performed per day, bringing female body serious physical and mental injury. The current situation forces gynecologists to strengthen their efforts to educate the population on contraceptive methods.

Contraceptive folk remedies have been used since ancient Egypt. Egyptian priestesses of love reduced sperm activity with lactic acid obtained from acacia. To do this, they introduced a mixture of honey, dates and acacia, previously ground, into the vagina.

Traditional contraceptives are also used in modern society. The most highly effective folk methods are:

  1. immediate douching with an acid solution after the act (with a solution of acetic acid or low concentration of potassium permanganate)
  2. interrupted coitus
  3. calendar method(5 days before and after menstruation it is almost impossible to get pregnant)

The method of increasing the acidity of the vaginal environment by douching can be effective because... sperm in such an environment become inactive, unable to merge with the egg and quickly die. Usually a solution of acetic or citric acid is prepared. An aspirin tablet or a slice of lemon inserted into the vagina has the same effect.

Traditional contraceptive recipes for oral administration

Folk contraception offers many recipes that have been passed down for centuries:

  • 15 grams of lush clove seeds, passed through a coffee grinder, are poured with 200 grams of boiling water, left for 1 hour and filtered (strained). Take two teaspoons three times a day before meals.
  • One spoon of red rowan flowers is poured with 200 grams of boiling water, infused for 60 minutes, filtered. Drink 100 milliliters before meals. Attention! Using rowan berries instead of flowers is less effective. The berries are boiled for 15 minutes.
  • One tablespoon of dry club moss grass is poured with five hundred grams of water and boiled for eight minutes. Let the resulting decoction infuse for three hours, filter and consume two teaspoons before meals three times a day.
  • The watercress, washed and scalded with hot water, is crushed and squeezed. The squeezed juice is filtered, diluted with water (one part juice, two parts water), brought to a boil and boiled for two minutes. We consume two teaspoons of the prepared decoction before meals three times a day.
  • One dessert spoon of wild rosemary is poured with 200 grams of boiling water, infused for 120 minutes, filtered and consumed before meals, four teaspoons three times a day.
  • Pour boiling water over the roots of gentian triflorum (one part of the roots per ten water), leave for two hours and drink a third of a glass before meals three times a day.

The real effectiveness of folk remedies

Folk contraceptives are unreliable. This is their disadvantage. It is worth knowing some features that can reduce the effectiveness of a particular method. For example, when douching with water or solutions medicinal herbs The walls of the vagina and uterus are washed, which leads to changes in the microflora of the vagina and its dryness. In addition, douching should be done immediately after the act of popadaol, because within a minute the sperm enters the uterus. If you don’t have any means at hand, you can douche with intense pressure of plain water; the method is not reliable, but it is also a chance.

Folk contraceptives should be used with extreme caution after intercourse. In the early stages of pregnancy, they provoke uterine contractions and fetal rejection.

Folk emergency contraception is used if, in a fit of passion, unprotected sexual intercourse has already occurred. Be careful: extremely extreme methods can lead to disaster, and ineffective ones will not help! It’s good to have in your notebook the phone number of a gynecologist who can give you advice and advice. difficult moment. Practice family doctors, is becoming very popular now.

The unique action of the northern breacher

Folk contraceptives for women have been studied by doctors since the time of Dioscarides (1st century AD). One of the most reliable folk remedies can be considered an infusion of northern boar. Latin name this herb is androsation (from the Greek "aner" - husband, "sace" - shield, literal translation - protection from husband). For more than a thousand years, a decoction of prolomnik has been used to protect against pregnancy.

A candidate's dissertation was defended on the contraceptive properties of prolomnik, the customer of which was the well-known gynecologist-obstetrician Surina in Tyumen. It was she who ordered to find a reliable and safe remedy from conception in the plant world. A study of the contraceptive properties of the Northern Prolomnik was also carried out at the Leningrad Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The results of the study make it possible to use prolomnik as a raw material for the production of reliable contraceptive drugs.

What to give preference

Folk remedies emergency contraception very diverse. In many ways traditional medicine more reliable and secure. It's worth remembering that medicines made from natural raw materials, as a rule, give much less side effects than chemically synthesized ones. For this reason they are often used if modern methods contraception is contraindicated.

The issue of protection from unwanted pregnancy has always been, is and will be relevant. That is why traditional medicine has been accumulating various recipes for contraceptives since ancient times.

However, all these funds have a significant drawback - they are unreliable. But if you are still ready to trust traditional methods of contraception, we will present to your attention several recipes.

Contraceptive made from acacia shoots, honey and dates

  1. grind acacia shoots and dates
  2. mix the resulting mushy mass with honey
  3. then place the resulting mass into the vagina
  4. the essence of such a contraceptive is that from crushed acacia a plant glue is obtained, from which lactic acid is formed
  5. this acid has the property of reducing sperm activity

Douching with an acidic solution

This folk contraceptive is one of the simplest and most accessible.

  1. You need to make an acidic solution
  2. this solution is needed to increase the acidity of the vagina
  3. in an acidic environment, sperm lose their fertilizing ability and die
  4. You can use vinegar or citric acid to make the solution
  5. then immediately after intercourse you need to douche with this acidic solution
  6. In addition, you can place a slice of lemon or aspirin in the vagina, which will also increase the acidity of the vagina.

Rowan contraceptive

It turns out that ordinary red rowan has a contraceptive effect. To use it, you need to make a special infusion according to the following recipe:

  1. take one tablespoon of red rowan flowers
  2. fill this raw material with 200 milliliters of boiling water
  3. after this, leave the broth to infuse for 1 hour
  4. After this period, strain the product
  5. three times a day before meals, drink a third of a glass of the resulting infusion
  6. You can use berries instead of flowers, but, unfortunately, they are less effective

Rowan can also be used for douching. It is necessary to prepare a mixture based on rowan in advance. It's done like this:

  1. take two spoons of rowan flowers, and the same number of spoons of viburnum flowers and yellow egg capsule
  2. mix these components thoroughly and pour the resulting mixture with a liter of boiling water
  3. after this, leave the broth to infuse for an hour
  4. after this period, the liquid can be used as a contraceptive

Contraceptive method for men

To increase the reliability of traditional methods of contraception, you can use simultaneously means for men and women. A folk remedy for men that will help prevent pregnancy is as follows:

  1. for three weeks, a representative of the stronger sex must take a hot bath for 45 minutes
  2. after such procedures a man becomes sterile for six months
  3. after six months, reproductive capacity returns

Contraceptive diet

IN folk medicine it is mentioned that if a woman’s diet consists of 30 percent peas, then such nutrition has contraceptive effect.

Abortive folk remedies

Such drugs will provoke contractions of the uterus and help terminate pregnancy at the earliest possible moment. early stages. However, you should be very careful when using them.

Watercress juice

  1. Wash the watercress thoroughly, then scald it with boiling water
  2. then chop the plant and squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp
  3. strain it and dilute with water so that there is twice as much water
  4. Place the resulting mass on the stove, bring to a boil and then cook for one or two minutes.
  5. the finished decoction should be taken 3-4 times a day in portions of one tablespoon

Moss grass

  1. grind pre-dried club moss grass;
  2. pour one tablespoon of the resulting raw material with two glasses of water;
  3. then cook this mixture over the lowest heat for five minutes;
  4. then leave the broth to infuse for two hours in a tightly closed container;
  5. after this, strain the product;
  6. Take it one tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Lush carnation seeds

  1. Grind the clove seeds well
  2. take 15 grams of the resulting raw material, pour a glass of boiling water over it;
  3. wait 1 hour for the drug to infuse, then strain it;
  4. ready-made product Take one tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Roots of Gentian triflorum

  1. pour boiling water over the gentian roots in a ratio of 1 to 10, respectively;
  2. wait until the product infuses;
  3. then take it orally in portions of one-third glass 2-3 times daily.

Marsh wild rosemary

  1. take one dessert spoon;
  2. pour a glass of boiling water over it;
  3. leave the product to infuse for two hours, then strain;
  4. take it 3-4 times a day in portions of two tablespoons.

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