Scientific support of the project. "Stroitelnaya Gazeta": The design and construction of unique sports facilities requires scientific and technical support from specialists

Scientific support of design and construction

"...Scientific and technical support of construction (NTSS) is a set of works of a scientific-analytical, methodological, informational, expert-control and organizational nature, carried out by specialized organizations in the process of surveys, design and construction of construction projects to ensure the quality of construction, reliability (safety , functional suitability and durability) of buildings and structures, taking into account the non-standard design and technical solutions, materials and structures used..."


"MRDS 02-08. Manual on scientific and technical support and monitoring of buildings and structures under construction, including long-span, high-rise and unique (First edition)"

"...Scientific support of design and construction - participation of specialized scientific organizations in the process of survey, design and construction of the facility..."


DECREE of the Moscow Government dated April 22, 2003 N 288-PP


Official terminology. 2012.

See what “Scientific support of design and construction” is in other dictionaries:

    Scientific support- participation of a scientific organization in the process of design and construction of a structure on the introduction of new materials, structural technological solutions, as well as when performing complex calculations, etc. Source: Directory of road terms ... Construction dictionary

    LLC Scientific Research Institute of Transport Construction (JSC TsNIIS) Type Open joint-stock company Year founded 1935 Location ... Wikipedia

    Paimushin, Vitaly Nikolaevich- Vitaly Nikolaevich Paimushin, full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan (2008), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan, laureate of the personal prize named after. H. M. Mushtari of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan and ... Wikipedia

    Infrastructure- (Infrastructure) Infrastructure is a complex of interconnected service structures or objects Transport, social, road, market, innovative infrastructure, their development and elements Contents >>>>>>>> ... Investor Encyclopedia

    Engineering surveys- for construction, work carried out for a comprehensive study of the natural conditions of the area, site, site, route of the planned construction, local building materials and water supply sources and obtaining the necessary and... ... Wikipedia

    life cycle- 4.16 life cycle: Development of a system, product, service, project or other human-made object, from the concept stage to the end of use. Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

The design of unique long-span and high-rise structures requires mandatory comprehensive scientific and technical support, which includes in full or in part: the previously mentioned purging of the structure’s layout in a wind tunnel and the development of recommendations for determining snow and wind loads; production and study of a physical model of the structure; in particularly difficult cases, the creation of a large-scale prototype of the structure cannot be ruled out, as was done when designing the Yubileiny Sports Palace in St. Petersburg (on such a full-scale model, not only load-bearing structures were tested, but also installation operations were worked out). Scientific teams can provide significant assistance in drawing up and studying the design diagram of a structure and performing verification calculations. In addition, on-

Research and specialized organizations are involved in the manufacture and installation of structures, the development of recommendations to ensure the viability of the structure in extreme situations, and monitoring of the main load-bearing structures at the stage of construction and the first years of operation. It is necessary to have systematic feedback, controlling the behavior of structures, to ensure the durability of the object and justify new requirements for future similar structures.

Experimental studies on large-scale models, prototypes and full-scale objects are carried out not only to identify the actual stress-strain state of complex systems, assess the reliability of calculations, the validity of the accepted initial premises, but also to study such aspects of the operation of structures that are difficult to solve mathematically methods.

Another important task is to prepare recommendations for choosing a rational design option, optimal geometric relationships and rigidity parameters, based on an assessment of the effectiveness of parts and the system as a whole. Not all designers today can cover this set of problems in the short time allotted for design and find an appropriate solution to it. Involving scientific institutes in design is the best way to meet these challenges.

8. Some special design issues

When designing unique structures, it is also necessary to take into account emergency situations. However, with literal compliance with GOST "Reliability of building structures and foundations", real design becomes impossible, due to the uncertainty of part of the requirements of clause 1.10 of the regulatory document. Thus, if fire impacts are more or less fully defined by regulatory documents, then the situation with an explosion has a very subjective interpretation. Note that GOST 27751-88 was compiled in the USSR in 1984-87, when the emergency effects of only industrial explosions were considered. Today this term (explosion) is interpreted more broadly by some experts, since it includes terrorist acts. Based on the analysis. requirements of foreign standards, the following formulation is proposed, instead of the existing one (see clause 1.10 of GOST "a).

An emergency design situation is the operation of load-bearing structures in exceptional conditions (for example, a fire, an industrial explosion, an equipment failure, with a low probability of occurrence and a short duration), which in most cases leads to serious consequences if special measures are not taken.

Possible damage to structures from accidents should be prevented or limited by selecting and implementing one or more of the following measures:

Prevention, elimination or reduction of danger to which a structure or object may be exposed;

Choosing a design solution that has low sensitivity to the previously listed influences;

Choosing a design solution that, in the event of a local emergency

damage or failure of an individual element or parts adjacent to it does not lead to loss of the load-bearing capacity of the entire structure;

The use of structural systems, loss of load-bearing capacity of the

which is accompanied by warning manifestations of external signs.

The listed requirements must be met by selecting suitable building materials in a qualified manner!”*] performing design work, choosing a control method at all stages of design, construction and operation of the structure.

Please note that Russian Federation standards do not regulate the need to test load-bearing structures for survivability. This situation is directly related to the need to take into account the failure of any structural element in the calculations. Naturally, questions arise: which elements should be excluded from the calculations, in what quantity, in what sequence, what design combinations of loads should be taken for this case? Should the cause of the failure, the type of failure and its possible consequences be taken into account? It must be borne in mind that every structure has a certain probability of destruction. An attempt to bring this probability closer to zero is accompanied by the tendency of the cost of the structure to infinity. The increased level of reliability of a unique structure and the list of additional measures that ensure it must be stipulated in the “Technical Specifications for Design” approved by the customer.

It is obvious that one regulatory document cannot reflect all the requirements for different structural systems. Ensure the existence of a unique long-span or high-rise structure after failure any design element is impossible (for example, the support contour of hanging or convex shells, load-bearing pylons or columns of a high-rise building, suspension of cable-stayed systems, etc.). It is obvious that the survivability of such complex systems must be achieved, first of all, by the necessary reserves of bearing capacity of the main structural elements, including those that ensure the overall stability of the structure, with the exception of the progressive collapse of the system due to the failure of secondary structural elements, components and parts; as well as the anti-terrorism complex

istic organizational measures, as is done in aviation transport and in the protection of bridges.

A section that has never been performed and is not performed in domestic practice. But to compare the final technical and economic indicators of the just completed project with the corresponding data of analogous objects that were studied at the very beginning of the design - isn’t this interesting, isn’t this another check that allows, in the event of a radical discrepancy in the numbers, to think about whether something was wrong somewhere? it is an error or, on the contrary, something has been done that takes the object to a new higher technical and economic level. The final comparative technical and economic analysis will be the completion of the project documentation, confirming the reliability of innovative solutions and provisions of the business plan, that is, the initial ideas.

Project examination

Note that in the practice of designing standard objects, state examination is carried out only at the “project” stage. For unique structures, a mandatory independent examination of completed working documentation is required before it is put into production. The purpose of such an examination is to reduce the likelihood of fatal errors.

1. Statistical data, information about accidents of unique objects, experience in identifying the causes of collapse of long-span pavements show that in most cases, catastrophic situations are the result of a set of errors, among which the first place is occupied by the miscalculations of designers.

2. Violation of design technology, lack of clear formalized regulations describing a consistent set of mandatory actions during design, poor awareness of the main actors - designers - about the experience of designing related objects, passion for computer calculations without a clear understanding of the work of the structure, verified by approximate calculations in the early stages of design, provoke the appearance of gross errors in projects.

3. The technical specifications do not indicate the degree of responsibility of the structure; the need for physical modeling and scientific support for design and construction are not legitimized. Author's supervision

is carried out formally, the customer and operating services do not always monitor building structures with the help of scientific teams during construction and after the commissioning of the facility.

4. Complex structural systems are considered without taking into account physical and geometric nonlinearity; in reinforced concrete elements, the increase in deflections due to the influence of long-term creep of concrete is not taken into account.

5. The dynamic characteristics of structures are not revealed, although in some cases only dynamic calculations can reveal the shortcomings of the selected design schemes.

6. Engineering surveys, as a rule, are insufficient in scope and methodologically do not correspond to the rank of the unique objects being built.

The above allows us to orient designers when working on unique objects to the need for:

So that the products of pre-design activities must be: “Technical specifications for design”, “Special technical conditions for the design, manufacture of structures and their installation”, materials of geophysical, geodetic and geological surveys, “Business plan for a construction site”;

So that the design is carried out in 3 stages: preliminary design (conceptual

al stage), “Project” (identification of the main technical and economic characteristics) and detailed design (execution of drawings according to which the structure will be erected and calculations for the strength, deformability and stability of the structure);

So that the technical specifications must necessarily provide for parallel calculations of structures by third-party specialists using a set of calculation programs not used by the authors of the project;

So that an examination is carried out not only of the “Project”, but also of the working (3rd) stage, as was envisaged back in 1976 - 1979 during the development of sports facilities for the 1980 Olympics;

So that a mandatory section in the nomenclature of design work becomes

scientific support for the future facility, including: blowing through a model of the structure in a wind tunnel, developing recommendations for determining snow and wind loads; study of the physical model of the structure; drawing up and studying a design diagram of a structure that is as close as possible to the full-scale system; performing verification calculations of load-bearing structures. In addition, research and specialized organizations should be involved in the manufacture and installation of structures,

developing recommendations to ensure the viability of the structure in extreme situations, incl. fire and anti-terrorism, to monitoring the main load-bearing structures at the construction stage and the first years of operation; so that it is accepted as a rule: when developing a conceptual (draft) design, use approximate calculations that enable the designer to understand the “life of the structure”; so that design, as a process, is formalized, control and acceptance of individual parts of the project, hidden work, and production of structures are strictly scheduled;

so that the development of a project for unique structures takes into account special factors, such as: static and dynamic response of the structure to various combinations of loads and impacts, including installation ones; local and general stability of the system as a whole and individual structural elements; physical and geometric nonlinearity, short-term and long-term creep; reliability and safety margins of materials, including fatigue, etc.;

So that the calculation of unique structures is carried out for a single spatial system, including foundations, frame, long-span covering;

So that the engineering community recognizes that the survivability of such complex systems must be achieved, first of all, by the necessary reserves of bearing capacity of the main structural elements, including elements that ensure the overall stability of the structure; except for the progressive collapse of the system due to the failure of secondary structural elements, components and parts; and last but not least, a set of anti-terrorist organizational measures;

So that the increased level of reliability of the unique structure and the list of additional measures that ensure it are necessarily stipulated in the “Technical Specifications for Design” approved by the customer.

Lecture six*

Sustainable development - what is it?

Recently, in the specialized literature devoted to urban development, the terms “sustainable development”, “sustainable design”, “sustainable construction” have begun to be actively used. The English noun “stability”, turned into a Russian adjective, in combination with the words “development”, “design”, “construction”, has acquired an ambiguous meaning. It is interesting to delve into the term “sustainable development” and think about its antipode - “unsustainable development”. Can this really happen? Well, we can’t even talk about sustainable construction without shuddering: if we strive for it, does this mean that we are building unsustainably today? If we continue our excursion into the meaning of the word “stabilization,” it turns out that the Latin “stabilis” (stable) also has a slightly different interpretation - strengthening, constancy, bringing into a constant, stable state and maintaining this state. This definition inspires hope. Obviously, stability should be understood as continuous development, as awareness of the fact that one cannot develop one thing by destroying another. This is what should be understood by “sustainable development”.

Then it is not “design” or “construction” that becomes the main thing in the previously cited phrases, but stability. And design and construction should create the prerequisites for the constant development of society, the interrelations of the artificial, man-made environment with the natural environment, to strengthen these connections, and not destroy them, in which we have been very successful in the last century.

However, both design and construction do not exist on their own or for themselves, but are called upon to fulfill a social order. In order for this order to be aimed at satisfying human needs and not disturb the “peace of the Earth,” a new attitude of man to his environment should be cultivated.

This is a very difficult task. There are many of us on earth. We are wasteful, hasty and lazy. When inventing and using new technologies, we only care about immediate benefits. We produce and consume more than we need, and we strive to convince ourselves of the need for constant growth in consumption. By “improving” our usual way of life, we convince ourselves that we are contributing to progress, but at the same time we forget to maintain natural thousand-year-old connections with Nature. And, no matter how pompous it sounds, Nature returns our debts with interest. “A superhuman force in one winepress crippled everyone, a superhuman force threw the Earthly from the Earth” (A. Kochetkov). Poets, as always, are right, because God speaks through their lips. Don’t we really feel the narrowing walls of the dead end, where we stubbornly rush, conjuring: “We cannot wait for favors from nature, take, take, take them!”...

* The lecture was written jointly with Dr. Tetior A.N.

Obviously, in order for the development of a society, country, or city to be sustainable, there is so much to be done that its outcome seems so distant, the scale of work is so grandiose that it seems that a wonderful future will never come.

And it will not come for us now living, for our children, grandchildren and more distant descendants, if we do not work today in the name of this great goal - to make life on earth beautiful and joyful.

A city can be considered sustainable if it creates and maintains an artificial healthy habitat based on ecological principles and efficient use of natural resources, if a high quality of life is ensured, if the activities of citizens do not interfere with the self-healing of the environment, do not harm their own health, if, along with the use Conventional energy sources use renewable natural resources. The above conditions are not complete, not absolute, since human activity is multifaceted, it is connected not only with the material environment. City life - this is the center, the focus of spiritual values, it is in cities that they are actively reproduced and it is here that conditions should be created for new spiritual, ethical, aesthetic, social, philosophical, political and cultural aspirations. The saturation of society with them and the stage of their implementation distinguishes the sustainable development of society from the utilitarian growth of material wealth. This is especially important because overcrowding in cities without constant concern for spiritual well-being gives rise to feelings and actions that are far from solidarity, sociability, tolerance, compassion, etc. Paradoxically, it is the latter that give meaning to the phrase “sustainable development.” The role of architecture in “education of feelings” is well known. In this regard, an interesting quote from the “Declaration of Connections for a Sustainable Future” (adopted at the World Congress of Architects in Chicago in 1993): “Architects are committed to placing the sustainability of the natural environment at the center of their practice and professional responsibilities. They must educate their colleagues, building practitioners, clients, students and the public about the importance and feasibility of such design; include environmental protection in the design, construction, operation and use of secondary resources, develop design standards for the sustainable development of settlement areas.”

So where should you start?

From learning, from changing the way you think and act. With the awareness of the continuation of one’s life in the lives of descendants. Every moment of our life can be viewed from the angle: everything that I (we) do (eat) helps improve the life of the city and its inhabitants beyond today. If the answers, considered comprehensively, are positive, it means that the city is looking towards tomorrow, which means that its development is sustainable. If not -

This means that I (we) contribute (eat) to his death, and there is no third option. Here are a few of those questions:

Is the architectural and landscape environment of the city beautiful? Does it even exist today and will it exist tomorrow?

Is the growth in the use of energy and resources consistently decreasing in the city, how completely is waste being recycled, how safe for the health of residents and nature is “hidden” what can no longer be a secondary resource?

Does the city provide every person with ample opportunities in choosing a profession, place of work, does the city create conditions for professional and spiritual growth?

Does the city provide equal opportunities for different ethnic, age, cultural, professional and other groups?

Are all forms of life and human activity in the city (transport, industry, energy, buildings and engineering structures, etc.) sufficiently environmentally friendly?

Does the city provide environmental education for residents and the formation of a new environmental ethics?

What do we use completely, one hundred percent, and do not throw away ahead of time?

Try to answer and you will understand that most of our cities require environmental and social assistance.

Therefore, the creation of standards for the ecological restoration of the city and its districts, new architectural and planning solutions and structural systems of buildings and structures, the use of renewable energy sources, non-traditional for our energy sector, become the priority measures of this assistance. In the near future, educational programs aimed at rational energy consumption will be extremely relevant. The example of Western countries shows that respect for the country's resources should be instilled from childhood - and the sooner, the better.

Traveling abroad, to European countries, we never cease to admire the cleanliness of the streets, green spaces, and frequent inclusions of the natural environment in the urban landscape. For this to become commonplace here, we need design standards that allow us to preserve and restore natural landscapes and their components, maintain biodiversity, and increase the sustainability of artificial landscapes. Life in a tidy city educates residents, creates conditions for the formation of cozy courtyards, sidewalks and driveways free from vehicles, and the buildings of public meetings (theatres), environmental education and training centers with video rooms and libraries built in the city districts will enhance the educational impact.

Urban transport in a developing city is transport that does not suppress pedestrian traffic, but includes in its structure a network of bicycle paths and bicycle parking. Effective purification of air, soil, water, restoration of their properties, introduction of waste-free technologies - these are all features of the city of the future, the developing city.

Thus, design and construction in a developing city is an extremely important activity. Therefore, it is necessary to concentrate the efforts of scientists and designers on creating the theoretical foundations and detailed developments of healthy cities, regions, buildings and engineering structures.

And one more problem, without which neither sustainability nor development is possible. The quality of our work. Quality is a national problem. No one in the world needs worthless goods, services, or products. It is impossible to build a developing society without the exchange of technologies and products of these technologies. A society that is closed in on itself cannot develop; it is doomed. And we trade resources: oil and gas. There are no complaints about them. The quality of the product was ensured by nature. As for the fruits of our technological skill, there are not so many of them that the world is interested in. Except for MIGs, Sushki and missile systems. And is this for sustainable development? Most of the enterprises of the industrial complex occupy enormous territories. Using these territories irrationally, poisoning the air, water, soil, rivers and groundwater with waste from their production, they cause enormous damage to all living things. It would seem that by fulfilling a social task - the city-forming factor of factories is undeniable - the city receives “dividends” that are diametrically opposite to those expected.

Let us turn to the most stable sector of the Moscow urban economy - housing construction. If we build our future homes poorly, it means that we are provoking future homeowners to completely refurbish and refurbish their apartments. The entire interior is being scrapped and thrown away. This means that not only does the same object require a double portion of resources and double living labor, we simply contribute to the depletion of natural resources and depreciate the value of our activities. Two examples are only a small part of human anti-natural activities. The destruction of nature, the depletion of mineral resources are the consequences of living separately between man and nature, of unreasonable, wasteful management, of life without aspiration to the future.

The table below shows how far Moscow is still from the indicators characterizing sustainable development, and how much remains to be done.

The article discusses the issues of organizing on an ongoing basis scientific and technical support for the design and construction of underground structures.

The design and construction of underground structures is a very knowledge-intensive field of technology and production that has existed and developed in our country and abroad for many decades.
This article is of an applied nature, so we are interested, first of all, in the problems of the science of underground construction of the modern period and, mainly, in relation to the conditions of our country.


The variety of underground structures is very large. These are tunnels for various purposes (road, railway, hydraulic, municipal, etc.), subways, storage facilities for various purposes, shopping malls and other structures due to the intensification of the processes of complex development of underground space.

Probably, a justified approach would be that when a scientific solution is obtained on issues related to the construction of the most technically complex underground structures, this will “automatically” provide a solution to similar issues for simpler underground structures.

There is no doubt in the professional community that the most complex range of scientific and technical problems facing us today is posed by the Moscow Metro development program. This is due to the pace and volume of design and construction, the complexity of organizing work in urban areas, very unfavorable geology and a number of other reasons.

It should be noted that Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other cities of the Russian Federation, where large-scale underground construction is underway, are, of course, not deprived of scientific attention. In the interests of these construction projects (including design work), a large amount of research and development work (R&D) is carried out. The performers of these works are scientific institutions that are not only the best in our country, but also have gained worldwide recognition. These are the Mining Institute of NUST MISiS (formerly MGGU), Moscow State University of Railway Transport (IPSS), Institute of Geosphere Dynamics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Mining Institute of the KSC RAS, TsNIIS (branch: Research Center "Tunnels and Subways"), Research and Development Institute "Lenmetrogiprotrans" , St. Petersburg State Transport University, organizations such as the Scientific Research Center for Industrial Enterprises of Mosinzhproekt JSC, the Scientific Research Center for Transport Engineering and a number of others. These organizations employ such venerable scientists as N.N. Melnikov, M.G. Zertsalov, B.I. Fedunets, V.A. Garber, K.P. Bezrodny and others. Their contribution to the science of underground construction can hardly be overestimated.

Some scientists, as well as customers, are sincerely confident that the R&D that is being carried out is scientific and technical support for the design and construction of underground structures. Actually this is not true. Those R&D projects that are currently being carried out and in which very pressing scientific and technical problems are solved at the highest level are not scientific and technical support for design and construction, but are local scientific and technical support for solving certain production and technical problems. Moreover, decisions to carry out R&D are made, as a rule, by customer organizations (albeit taking into account the recommendations of scientists), which are committed to minimizing scientific research and development and, in some cases, make technical decisions using administrative-command methods.

In the conditions of construction of the Moscow metro, the problem is aggravated by the large number of participants in design and construction organizations (quite justified from the point of view of production tasks). All of these enterprises have high professional qualities in their field, but each of them has its own experience, its own skills, its own traditions (production) and, finally, its own capabilities and attitude towards the use of scientific support, they are all different. As a result, we are handing over to the metro not a single complex created on the basis of scientifically based, optimal, unified technical solutions, but a “patchwork quilt” that it will have to deal with for a long time.

In such a situation, it is very difficult to build any unified scientific and technical policy for the reasons indicated above, as well as due to the lack of a system for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of R&D. Meanwhile, such systems exist in world practice, and they are implemented in the form of permanent scientific and technical support for the corresponding complex, program, project, etc.


In our country, scientific and technical support (in the true meaning of this concept) is developed in such industries as the nuclear industry, the military-industrial complex, etc.

In these industries, a lead research organization is appointed for scientific and technical support of the program, or a chief designer of the complex who accompanies this complex. Support is provided from the moment of development of functional requirements and development of technical specifications and further - at the stages of R&D, design and survey work (R&D), construction and installation work (or factory production), commissioning and operation for its intended purpose (including modernization and reconstruction ), up to the decommissioning of the complex and its disposal. In this case, part of the listed stages (types of work) is carried out by the parent organization independently. For the remaining (usually the prevailing) part, she makes a proposal to the customer to attract the necessary research institutes and design bureaus. Then the parent organization monitors and coordinates their activities within the framework of this program (of course, we are not talking about petty supervision and total control). Naturally, such a system leads to a larger volume of R&D than with their “local” organization, and, accordingly, leads to an increase in the expenditure of funds on science.

But it's justified. It is not without reason that in the times of the USSR (and to some extent in our time) the military-industrial complex was not only the industry most generously financed by the state, but also the industry most advanced in scientific and technological terms. And not only on a national scale, but also in the world. By the way, a similar system was used in the design and construction of the first stage of the Moscow metro, which was recognized as the best in the world (the scientific commission was headed by academician

G.M. Krzhizhanovsky).


A large metropolis, such as Moscow, requires the implementation of a large number of production and technical programs, which are very complex in engineering terms and therefore highly knowledge-intensive. One of such programs is the construction of the metro, which has been ongoing continuously for about 90 years. The Moscow government, understanding the importance of the problem, made a number of decisions aimed at implementing the provisions of the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”, ensuring the proper quality and safety of construction projects through the use of progressive technical solutions and scientific methods for solving technical issues at all stages of design and construction. In order to practically implement these provisions, the Moscow Government, represented by the leadership of the Construction Complex, developed together with the State Construction Committee and put into effect recommendations for scientific and technical support and monitoring of buildings and structures under construction, including long-span, high-rise and unique ones.

Of course, due to the large volume of already constructed metro structures, completed design and survey work and construction progress, it is not possible to apply these recommendations in full at this stage. Moreover, the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation does not classify subways as unique structures, although they meet the criterion of deepening the underground part below the planning level of the ground by more than 15 meters. However, the impossibility of using this document in relation to subways in full does not prevent the application of its provisions (as an analogue) in terms of the formulation of tasks of scientific and technical support in the design and construction of metro structures.

Structure of scientific and technical support for metro construction

These tasks are formulated in the Decision on scientific and technical support for the design and construction of Moscow metro, adopted by Mosinzhproekt JSC and the Tunnel Association of Russia, agreed upon by the Moscow Metro and approved by the Moscow Construction Department. The Tunnel Association of Russia has been designated as the lead organization for scientific and technical support.
Based on the need to ensure a unified scientific and technical policy when creating subways, it is proposed to consider scientific and technical support as a complex of works of a scientific-analytical, methodological, informational, expert-control and organizational nature. Such work must be carried out in the process of surveying, designing and constructing metro facilities to ensure the quality of construction, reliability (safety, functional suitability and durability) of metro structures, taking into account the non-standard design and technical solutions, materials and structures used.
The purpose of scientific and technical support for design and construction (NTSS) is to ensure:
. safety of people, construction sites, as well as buildings and structures located in the zone of influence of construction (based on scientific forecasts and analysis of site monitoring data carried out by specialized organizations);
. quality and efficiency of work performed, reliability of construction projects, taking into account their uniqueness and responsibility.
The structure of scientific and technical support for metro construction can be presented in the form of an enlarged diagram of interaction between organizations involved in the design and construction of the metro (see diagram).


During the implementation of scientific and technical support for the design and construction of the metro, the following tasks must be solved:

Participation in the preliminary development of the concept of the metro facility planned for construction, in the preparation of design assignments;

Participation in making optimal design decisions on technical and technological issues arising during the design and construction process;

Participation in the compilation of a list and preparation at the construction stage of technical specifications for the development of PPR, technological maps, regulations, technical specifications, etc.;

Drawing up a work program for conducting NTSS and technical specifications for various types of monitoring;

Expert analysis of design documentation in order to improve space-planning and design solutions, clarify the list of particularly critical units and elements for monitoring (together with specialized organizations and the designer);

Analysis of calculations performed for the designed construction project;

Analysis and synthesis of data from all types of monitoring received from specialized organizations;

Assessment of the suitability of structures made with deviations from the design, including those justified by relevant calculations and additions to the design documentation (together with the designer);

Development of special technical conditions and additional technical recommendations not included in the current regulatory and technical documents;

Development of recommendations and proposals for improving the technologies of construction and installation work and the use of new effective materials based on advanced achievements of science, technology, foreign and domestic experience;

The Decision on scientific and technical support for the design and construction of Moscow metro facilities does not address monitoring tasks, including monitoring of load-bearing structures, geotechnical monitoring, monitoring of buildings and structures of the surrounding development, etc. Of course, these works are carried out during construction, but they, just like R&D, are not uniformly structured, are not subject to comprehensive analysis and coordination, are not supported by an estimate and financial mechanism and are not protected from the actions of individual officials who want to save money.

Scientific and technical support and construction monitoring are closely related and should be developed together. It is necessary that specialists practicing in this area make their proposals for improving and optimizing monitoring and NTSS in the light of the above.

1. Melnikov N.N., Epimakhov Yu.A., Abramov N.N., Kabeev E.V. Cooperation between science and industry is the key to effective and safe construction of underground structures // Metro and tunnels. - 2013. - No. 6. - P. 10-13.
2. Merkin V.E., Zertsalov M.G., Konyukhov D.S. Management of geotechnical risks in underground construction // Metro and tunnels. - 2013. - No. 6. - P. 36-39.
3. Yatskov B.I., Sinitsky G.M., Kutuzov B.N., Maksimova V.N., Merkin V.E., Fedunets B.I. Lefortovo tunnels. How to build: open or closed? // Subway and tunnels. - 2001. - No. 4. - P. 6-8.
4. Garber V.A. How to optimize the design process of new metro lines // Metro and tunnels. - 2013. - No. 4. - P. 23-29.
5. Bezrodny K.P. The role of science in technological and constructive solutions of Lenmetrogiprotrans // Metro and tunnels. - 2006. - No. 6. - P. 15-16.
6. MRDS 02-08 Manual on scientific and technical support and monitoring of buildings and structures under construction, including long-span, high-rise and unique ones. — M: Moscow Government; Gosstroy, 2008.
7. Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (version valid from January 22, 2015).
8. Decision on the issue of scientific and technical support for the design and construction of Moscow Metro facilities. - M., 2015.

Scientific and technical support for design and construction is a complex of works of a scientific-methodological, expert-control, information-analytical and organizational-legal nature. Scientific and technical support is carried out in order to ensure the quality and reliability of designed, constructed, operated and reconstructed buildings and structures.

The institutes within JSC “SRC “Construction” provide scientific and technical support at all stages of work: survey, design, construction, operation.

Specialists from the institutes of the Research Center “Construction” carry out monitoring, examination and expert assessment of the load-bearing capacity of structures of buildings and structures, including after accidents and emergency impacts; preparation of documentation for their restoration and strengthening, solving problems of reconstruction and renovation of residential, public and industrial buildings.

TsNIISK them. V.A. Kucherenko provides comprehensive scientific and technical support for design and construction and technical supervision, including:

Scientific and technical support for the design and construction of buildings and structures erected in areas with seismicity up to 10 points and in difficult geological and climatic conditions (karsts, undermined areas, permafrost, etc.);

Development of special sections of the project for engineering protection of territories and structures from hazardous natural and techno-natural processes (including vibration and seismic protection);

Technical inspection of buildings and structures to assess the state of reliability of building structures;

Monitoring during the construction and operation of buildings and structures;

Specialists from NIIZHB named after. A.A. Gvozdev provide scientific and technical support for design and construction using concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Including scientific and technical support:

    Production and use of concrete with high performance properties (high-strength, non-shrinkable concrete with high water resistance and frost resistance; thermal insulating lightweight and cellular concrete with low thermal conductivity; polymer concrete, fiber-reinforced concrete);

    introduction of modern energy-saving technologies for manufacturing structures;

    construction of prefabricated and monolithic buildings in any climatic conditions;

    the use of non-shrinking and multifunctional binders, chemical additives for concrete for various purposes, methods of protecting building structures from corrosive influences.

    all types of work in the field of steel and non-metallic reinforcement for conventional and prestressed reinforced concrete structures;

    develops technologies for prestressing reinforcement, including automated and highly mechanized lines;

    carries out quality control over the production of reinforcement and reinforced concrete products;

    performs incoming and operational quality control of reinforcing steel and reinforcing products at construction sites.

NIIOSP named after. N.M. Gersevanova carries out work on comprehensive scientific and technical support in the field of construction of foundations, foundations and underground structures. The tasks of scientific and technical support solved by the Institute include:

    Analysis of the concept of developing underground space in conjunction with other urban construction projects.

    Examination of engineering and geological survey programs.

    Forecast of changes in engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions in connection with construction.

    Forecast of the impact of construction on existing buildings.

    Determination of the need and selection of types of protective measures.

    Carrying out calculations that go beyond the methods of regulatory documents.

    Development of programs and implementation of comprehensive monitoring during the construction process.

    Interactive design, which includes comparing the results of the forecast of the mutual influence of the object and the environment with the results of observations and, if necessary, making corrective decisions on this basis.

Research Center institutes provided scientific and technical support for almost all unique construction projects in Moscow and other cities of Russia, including:

    Cathedral of Christ the Savior,

    Victory Monument on Poklonnaya Hill,

    high-rise buildings MIBC "Moscow City",

    high-rise buildings on Marshal Zhukov Avenue and on the street. Nametkina

    stadiums "Luzhniki", "Lokomotiv", "CSKA", "Zenit", "Saturn", "Novator",

    Ice Sports Palace,

    library building of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov,

    residential complex on Karamyshevskaya embankment,

    restoration work of the Ostankino TV tower after the fire,

    reconstruction of the Bolshoi Ustinsky, Astakhovsky and Novospassky bridges,

    the third transport ring, including the largest structure of this ring - the Lefortovo transport tunnel.

    Kuryanovskaya, Solnechnogorskaya, Lyuberetskaya, Shchelkovskaya water treatment plants in the Moscow region

    Bolshoi Theater

    Central Exhibition Hall "Manege"

    business and residential high-rise complexes “Vorobyovy Gory”, “Scarlet Sails”

    Hotels "Moscow" and "Ritz-Carlton"

    indoor skating center in Krylatskoye,

    Ice Palace on Khodynka Field

    air terminals "Vnukovo 2" and "Sheremetyevo 3"

    a number of industrial and civil buildings in areas with climatic temperatures below - 40°C

    objects of the Sochi 2014 Olympics

    Gagarin tunnel of the Third Transport Ring

    Underground complex on the square of Paveletsky Station

And many other significant objects.