Inexpensive sedatives list. Combined herbal sedatives

This article discusses what types of sedatives how they differ and how to choose them.

In our dynamically developing modern world Stress cannot be avoided - it awaits us at every step. Stress is both positive and negative emotions. Often a stressful situation haunts us, it disturbs our nervous system - we cannot eat, sleep, or make decisions quickly. Sometimes taking sedatives becomes simply a vital necessity.

Sedatives for stress. Which sedatives to choose?

In modern medicine, psychotropic drugs are used to treat stress and neuroses. These drugs have certain effects on the human body. According to their functions they are usually divided into two groups:

  • Psycholeptic drugs. This group of drugs has a calming, inhibitory effect on the human central nervous system
  • Psychoanaleptic drugs. These drugs exhibit stimulating, stimulating, activating effects on human body

Based on practice, all psychotropic drugs can be divided into the following main groups:

  • Neuroleptics

Neuroleptics are medications that inhibit activity nervous system person. These drugs affect the entire brain, both in those areas that cause mental disorders and in healthy areas. This may have a negative impact on the overall mental health person - he will stop thinking, feeling, acting.

Neuroleptics are prescribed to people with serious illnesses:

  • For amnesia and delirium
  • For schizophrenia, both acute and chronic
  • For severe depression

Neuroleptics are prescribed only by a doctor. Available in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription.

  • Tranquilizers

Tranquilizers act quickly and actively on the human body. These drugs can suppress feelings of fear, anxiety, and help relieve emotional stress.

Some tranquilizers can cause drowsiness. Performance may be reduced, attention may be distracted, and indifference may appear.

Tranquilizers are prescribed for:

  • Anxiety
  • Excited states of a person
  • Neuroses
  • Sleep disorders
  • Worries
  • Epilepsy

Tranquilizers can increase side effects and cause addiction, so they should only be used under medical supervision.

With average and severe degrees depression, panic disorders, for anxiety and phobias, antidepressants are prescribed. This is the most common group of psychotropic drugs.

It is the drugs of this group that can qualitatively improve a person’s life. Antidepressants not only suppress depression, prevent its occurrence, prevent melancholy, lethargy, and apathy, but also lift a person’s mood, help normalize sleep and appetite in a person.

This group of drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor and sold in pharmacies only with a doctor’s prescription.

  • Normotimic drugs

This group of drugs can normalize a person’s mental state and stabilize his mood. Normotimics cope well with irritability, hot temper, and impulsiveness.

Most often, these drugs in this group are prescribed:

  • People with affective disorders
  • For the prevention of affective disorders
  • Nootropic drugs

Nootropics are a group of drugs that are designed to have specific effects on the human nervous system. They affect the brain, some of its functions, which are responsible for mental activity, memory and intelligence.

Nootropics can be prescribed for prevention stressful situations. Can be prescribed to children.

  • With a reduced level of vital activity
  • With adaptation disorders
  • During aging with decreased mental activity
  • Having cerebrovascular disorders
  • For constant fatigue, etc.

Most of these drugs are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

  • Central nervous system stimulants

This group of drugs includes drugs that can have a psychostimulating, analeptic, tonic effect on the human central nervous system, drugs acting on spinal cord person. The main function of these drugs is to stimulate the central nervous system.

Central nervous system stimulants are prescribed for:

  • Vascular and degenerative diseases of the central nervous system in the elderly
  • Strokes
  • Chronic disorders
  • Childhood neuralgia

These are means that can minimize anxiety, calm, and normalize sleep, without causing a person to become dependent on drugs.

We will look at sedatives in more detail in the sections below.


As mentioned earlier, sedatives are psychotropic drugs that exhibit a calming effect on the human central nervous system without disturbing it.

Sedatives are prescribed to people when:

  • Neurotic states
  • Sleep disorders
  • Increased excitability of the central nervous system
  • Neuroses of the heart

Drugs from this group have a gentler effect on the human body compared to other psychotropic drugs. The risk of side effects with these drugs is minimal.

If your stress is related to everyday life, then you should give preference to drugs from the sedative group. Sedatives are a group medicines of plant and synthetic origin, capable of calming a person or reducing emotional stress without disrupting the functions of the central nervous system.

From sedatives plant origin The most commonly used preparations of the following medicinal plants:

  • Motherwort cordial
  • Melissa officinalis
  • Peony evasive
  • Valerian officinalis
  • Passionflower incarnate

Sedatives of plant origin have a variety of pharmacological effects. For example, valerian officinalis, in addition to its main function - reducing the excitability of the central nervous system, is capable of regulating the activity of the heart and enhancing the secretion of the gastrointestinal glands. But, for example, passionflower has anticonvulsant effects.

As for sedative sedatives of synthetic origin, these include:

  • Bromides - bromocamphor, potassium bromide, sodium bromide. These drugs promote concentration and increased inhibition in the brain, in its cortex. They are used to combat insomnia, initial stages hypertension, neuroses. These drugs are also prescribed to people suffering from epilepsy.
  • Proxybarbal. It has a regulatory effect on the central nervous system. There are virtually no side effects. Can eliminate migraine, premenstrual and menopausal syndrome

Herbal sedatives. Herbal sedatives

To combat stress and neuroses, doctors primarily recommend using herbal sedatives with smallest list side effects.

These include:

  • Valerian preparations

The drugs have an antispasmodic effect and can reduce the excitability of the central nervous system. These drugs are prescribed to combat insomnia and increased nervous excitability.

IMPORTANT: Herbal sedatives are not sleeping pills, but they can normalize sleep due to their calming effects.

Valerian release form:

  • In capsule form
  • Bulk in a pack
  • In filter bags
  • In tablet form
  • Alcohol tincture

The drug should not be taken if you are hypersensitive.

  • Motherwort preparations

Motherwort will help cope with neuroses, increased nervous excitability, early stage hypertension.

Release form:

  • Alcohol tincture
  • Bulk in a pack
  • Paeonia officinalis preparations

Peony is prescribed for neurasthenia, sleep disorders, etc.

Release form:

  • Alcohol tincture

The drug is not prescribed for individual intolerance.

  • Alora preparation - passionflower extract

This drug prescribed to improve mood, relieve nervous tension, for good sleep and comfortable falling asleep. This drug has an anticonvulsant effect.

This drug is prescribed for neurasthenia, depression, anxiety, psycho-emotional stress, increased irritability, sleep disorders, menopause, etc.

Release form:

  • Pills
  • Syrup

There are contraindications for taking this drug:

  • Individual intolerance
  • Pregnancy and lactation

Combination herbal preparations are very effective drugs for combating stress. Such drugs, having a certain direction of action, complement each other and thereby help accelerate the achievement of the desired effect. Combination drugs presented huge amount. Let's name some of them:

  • Novo-Passit
  • Menovalen
  • Dormiplant
  • Phytosedan
  • Phytosed
  • Persen
  • Persen Forte
  • Trivalumen
  • Persen cardio
  • Relaxin
  • Sedariston
  • Sedpsen
  • Sedasen forte
  • Sedafiton
  • Sedavit

IMPORTANT: When choosing a sedative to combat stress, mandatory You should pay attention to contraindications and side effects.

Persen - combination drug from herbs

Mild sedatives, list

The lightest and safe drugs To relieve tension, to calm you down, to combat insomnia, there are medications from the sedative group of drugs, which were discussed in the sections above.

These drugs are not addictive, have a gentler effect on the body, and have a small number of contraindications and side effects.

What are the cheapest sedatives? List of inexpensive sedatives

According to statistics, the cheapest sedatives are, as a rule, monocomponent herbal sedatives. For example, as mentioned earlier, this is:

  • Valerian preparations
  • Alora drug
  • Paeonia officinalis preparations
  • Motherwort preparations

Such cheap sedatives can also include medications recommended and traditional medicine, from:

  • Hop cones
  • St. John's wort
  • Sweet clover
  • Oregano
  • Peppermint

Very good and inexpensive sedatives are:

  • Corvalol

TO effective means from stress, but a little more expensive than the above include:

  • Atarax
  • Afobazole
  • Novo-Passit
  • Persen Forte
  • Persen
  • Sedavit
  • Tenoten
  • Phenibut

Homeopathic sedatives

A type of alternative medicine is homeopathy. Homeopathic sedatives will act on the principle of “like with like”, i.e. call healthy people symptoms, similar to symptoms patient's illness.

Homeopathic sedatives have proven themselves very well in maintaining and restoring the nervous systems of patients. These drugs are sold in pharmacies. They consist only of natural ingredients. No dyes or synthetic additives are used.

These drugs are considered harmless and can be taken by almost everyone.

  • Neurosed
  • Tenoten
  • Nervochel
  • Calm down
  • Gelarium hypericum

Tenoten - homeopathic medicine

Children's sedatives

It often happens that children eat poorly, sleep poorly, behave restlessly, and throw tantrums. In such cases, sedative medications can come to the aid of parents.

IMPORTANT: Most sedatives are not approved for use in children.

Parents should remember that they should not treat their children themselves. In any case, it is better to seek help from a specialist. You may be able to avoid taking sedatives, for example, just by changing your baby’s daily routine, or by eliminating watching certain cartoons.

Anti-anxiety medications for adults

All the drugs discussed above can be used to combat stress in adults. Some of them can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, while the rest will require permission from doctors.

IMPORTANT: Even though you choose what you think are harmless sedatives, you are unlikely to be able to evaluate the correctness of your choice. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor.

Anti-anxiety medications for older people

Most often, sedatives of plant origin are used to calm the patient. Compared to strong modern synthetic drugs, herbal preparations have a less pronounced calming effect on the central nervous system, although they cope well with:

  • Improving cardiac activity
  • Reduced excitability of the central nervous system
  • Providing an antispasmodic effect
  • Providing a vasodilator effect
  • Insomnia
  • Early stage of hypertension

In connection with the above, herbal preparations of the sedative group are most often prescribed to elderly and senile people.

If you decide to buy yourself a sedative medicine, then it’s better to listen to the following tips and reviews:

  • If there are minor disorders of the nervous system, everyday stress, then initially you can try to get by with herbal teas, decoctions, infusions

  • It is not a fact that the first medicine you buy will give the expected result - everything is individual. You may need to change your sedative
  • You should not self-medicate; it is better to consult a doctor. The doctor will comprehensively examine your health condition and prescribe the necessary medications
  • When choosing sedatives, it is imperative that you read the information about contraindications and side effects
  • You should definitely pay attention to whether the drugs you choose affect attention and memory. This information will be important to everyone, but especially to drivers

Take care of yourself, take care of your health - don’t spoil your nerves. But, if it happens that you are unable to cope with stress, then try not to spoil the nerves of those around you - with the help of a specialist, choose a suitable sedative for yourself.

VIDEO: A good sedative Traditional recipes for calm

Anxiety and worry affect 98% of adults, and the causes of these feelings are often difficult to determine. This indicates disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and possible neurosis.

Anxieties and fears are often accompanied by insomnia, nervous tics, arrhythmia and other unpleasant symptoms. Typically, get rid of it without aids very difficult, and then we turn to grandma’s recipes or pharmaceutical drugs. What over-the-counter medications can help you calm down?


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This domestically produced drug is not just a sedative, it is considered a mild tranquilizer that successfully combats alarming symptoms. It is prescribed for persistent naturally anxiety, severe stress, fears, symptoms of VSD, neurosis or neurasthenia, as well as heavy smokers who have a hard time quitting nicotine.

The mechanism of action of Afobazole is based on the activation of intracellular proteins of the nervous system - sigma, which in turn restore GABA receptors (due to disruption in their functioning, a feeling of anxiety often arises). This process normalizes the system of protection of the human nervous system from stress. Traditional tranquilizers act directly on GABA receptors, which is why Afobazol is considered a mild sedative that can be bought without a special prescription.

The medicine is not addictive, does not affect the feeling of cheerfulness, does not cause drowsiness, and does not inhibit thought processes, like many other sedative medications. Concentration and performance when taking it remain at the usual level.

It is recommended to take these tablets three times a day, 1 piece (10 mg); in case of strong negative feelings, the dose can be doubled. The course is at least a week, on average 2-4 weeks. Contraindications include pregnancy, breastfeeding, age under 18 and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The price in pharmacies starts from 314 rubles. and may be higher.


So often prescribed by doctors are white sucking tablets Glycine can also be purchased independently. The active substance in this drug - aminoacetic acid glycine - is not a tranquilizer or a sedative, but a regulator of metabolism in the nervous system. It helps:

  • improve brain function;
  • relieve psycho-emotional tension in stressful situations;
  • reduce aggressiveness and conflict;
  • normalize sleep and falling asleep;
  • improve mood and reduce the degree of damage to the central nervous system from alcohol.

Glycine is prescribed to people whose performance and general condition worsened due to stress, as well as for children and adolescents who show their aggression too strongly. It is often necessary for stroke survivors to take it.

However, a doctor's prescription is not required to purchase it.

The use of Glycine is as follows: one tablet twice or three times a day. At the same time, you cannot swallow or wash it down entirely; you must chew or dissolve it. The optimal course is 2-4 weeks. For children under 3, the dose should be halved. If a person has sleep disorders, then the last daily tablet should be dissolved 20 minutes before. The price of Glycine fluctuates in the range of 25-50 rubles.


Novo-Passit tablets and syrup, like Persen, are made from herbs, but there are more components:

  • medicinal valerian;
  • passionflower;
  • medicinal lemon balm;
  • hawthorn flowers and leaves;
  • St. John's wort;
  • hop fruit;
  • black elderberry flowers.

Novo-Passit also contains guaifenesin, which has a slight tranquilizing property. In general, the combined drug has a calming effect, relieves feelings of anxiety and restlessness, and makes it easier to fall asleep. It is prescribed for prolonged psycho-emotional stress, neurotic disorders, insomnia, migraines and headaches from nerves, symptoms of VSD and dermatological diseases with itching.

Review of Elena T. on the drug Novo-Passit:

“Use with caution, it may increase depression. It is definitely good for insomnia and anxiety. Better dose take a small one at first, and then increase it to the recommended one. But if you have depressive thoughts, tearfulness, depression and a desire to end your life, immediately stop using this drug. I wish you good health!”

Adults and adolescents should take one tablet or 5 ml of syrup three times a day before meals. If nausea occurs, the dose can be combined with meals. If a feeling of fatigue and lethargy occurs, then the dose in the morning and afternoon is halved. The syrup can be diluted with water in a small volume. The cost of the drug is 160 rubles. and higher.

You should not take the medicine if you have myasthenia gravis, if you are under the age of 12, or if you are intolerant to any component of the drug. It should be used with caution in pregnant and lactating women, as well as in case of liver dysfunction, epilepsy or brain injuries. Drinking alcohol at the same time as Novo-Passit is prohibited, and sunbathing should be reduced to a minimum. During treatment, you should also avoid activities that require concentration, as the drug reduces it.


Tincture of medicinal valerian roots is one of the most famous sedatives that you can buy yourself. Cheap and cheerful, as they say. Its effect is sedative, it manifests itself slowly and weakly, but steadily. Valerian is useful for sleep disorders, panic attacks ah, hyperexcitability and anxiety, disorders cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

This medicine is recommended for adults to drink 20-30 drops 3-4 times a day, and to soften the specific taste it is slightly diluted with water and then washed down with it. Valerian children need as many drops as they are old. The price of the drug starts from 10 rubles.

However, this simple remedy has several important contraindications and must be used with caution. You should not take it with other sleeping pills or sedatives, as their effect will be enhanced by valerian. Pregnant and lactating women are completely prohibited from taking it, the same applies to people with individual intolerance to any component of the drug. In case of chronic enterocolitis, you should not “self-prescribe” valerian; consult your doctor. A long-term use Valerian tincture reduces psychomotor reactions, so you will have to be careful when working with machinery or while driving.


This is a preparation based on herbs - lemon balm, mint and valerian. It is produced in the form of tablets or capsules. The action of Persen is twofold - sedative and antispasmodic. It is prescribed for too much nervous excitability and anxiety, insomnia and signs of irritability.

The recommended dose of the medicine is one tablet 2-3 times a day or a capsule twice a day for adults, and for children under 12 only tablets are allowed - one 2-3 times a day. The course of the drug should not exceed one and a half months. The pharmacy price for Persen starts at 274 rubles.

The drug is contraindicated for children under 3, as well as people with low blood pressure and hypersensitivity to elements of the drug. Also, you should not mix it with other sedatives, hypnotics and blood pressure lowering drugs, as Persen enhances their effect. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not take it without a doctor's prescription.

Dealing with the symptoms of VSD, feelings of fatigue and anxiety is not so difficult: just distract yourself from negative thoughts and occupy yourself with something interesting, take a break from the workload and “patch up” the central nervous system with some sedative. However, if the help from the first aid kit does not help within a week, it is better to consult a doctor.

Life modern man is not always accompanied by only pleasant events. People are constantly exposed to various stressors. Anxieties and fears are accompanied by nervous tics, arrhythmia, irritability and others. unpleasant symptoms. Without auxiliary means, it is difficult and almost impossible to eliminate this condition. How to choose calming pills that can quickly eliminate the symptoms that have arisen without causing harm to the body?


By prescription

  • Anxiolytics (tranquilizers) are very strong sedatives that have sedative, anxiolytic (relieves feelings of fear), hypnotic (impairs attention and reduces the speed of thinking), anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant (affect muscle tone) properties. Tranquilizers include: Diazepam, Gidazepam, Atarax, Buspirone Sandoz, Afobazol, Adaptol.
  • Neuroleptics ( antipsychotics) are prescribed for the treatment of paranoid-hallucinatory syndromes (schizophrenia, delirium), psychomotor agitation, deep neurotic states, sleep disorders, mental retardation, epilepsy, depression. These include: Aminazine, Tizercin, Triftazin, Sonapax, Vertinex, Haloperidol, Sulpiride, etc.
  • Antidepressants (psychoanaleptics) are psychotropic substances indicated for normalizing the mental and emotional state in patients with major depression. organic diseases central nervous system, schizophrenia, chronic alcoholism etc. The best antidepressants by prescription: Melipramine, Clofranil, Doxepin, Mirtel, Fluoxetine, Rexetine, Paroxin, etc.

All of these remedies refer to sedative tablets for quick and strong action, but at the slightest overdose they have a toxic effect. In addition, many of them, when taken for a long time, cause addiction, drug dependence, which is a narcotic drug.

During treatment with strong sedatives, as a rule, there is a decrease in attentiveness, drowsiness, lethargy, and muscle weakness. Therefore, take similar means should only be done on the advice of a doctor.

Over the counter

  • Tenoten is a nootropic drug with anxiolytic activity. The drug has anti-anxiety, sedative and antidepressant effects. Improves tolerance to psycho-emotional stress and eliminates depression.
  • Glycine is a metabolic agent that stabilizes the processes of central nervous system inhibition, increases mental performance, reduces psycho-emotional stress, improves mood and normalizes sleep. Glycine is approved for use in children.
  • Phenibut – nootropic drug, reducing the manifestations of asthenia and vasovegetative symptoms (irritability, headache, emotional excitability, etc.). In addition, the medicine increases mental and physical performance, improves memory, normalizes sleep and increases interest in life.
  • Tranquilar is an anxiolytic drug prescribed for neuroses and neurosis-like conditions, which are accompanied by emotional instability, fear, anxiety, and irritation.
  • Melaxen is a sedative tablet that is used to treat sleep disorders, insomnia, negative consequences stressful situations, winter depression.

Over-the-counter drugs, unlike prescription ones, are easier to tolerate and have fewer side effects. However, in any case, when choosing sedative pills, it is better to consult a doctor.

On herbs

Harmless herbal sedatives in tablets will help you cope with mild depression and anxiety that occurs against a background of worry and stress:

  • Persen - has both a sedative and antispasmodic effect. Combats symptoms of VSD, feelings of anxiety and fatigue, nervous excitability, insomnia and signs of irritability. The drug is available in capsules and tablets, is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age, and is prescribed to pregnant and lactating women strictly as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Novo-Passit – combination remedy, providing sedative effect, feeling of anxiety and restlessness. Indicated for the treatment of psycho-emotional stress, insomnia, neurotic disorder, migraine and symptoms of VSD. Not suitable for myasthenia gravis and children under 12 years of age. Use cautiously during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with epilepsy, brain injury and liver disorders.
  • Valerian is a well-known herbal sedative that has a moderate sedative effect. Tablets are prescribed for sleep disorders, hyperexcitability, panic attacks, and anxiety.
  • Corvaltab - helps reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, has an antispasmodic and sedative effect, and normalizes sleep. The drug is indicated for increased excitability, neuroses with irritability, neurocirculatory dystonia, insomnia, tachycardia.
  • Gelarium is a homeopathic herbal medicine that has an antidepressant and anxiolytic effect (improves mood, relieves anxiety, etc.). Such products as Deprim, Hypericum, Life 600 and others have a similar effect.

In addition to the listed medications, cope with irritability, aggression, sleep disorders, depressive states Herbal remedies such as Dormiplant, Menovalen, Sedavit, Alora, Sedariston, Perselac, Sedaphyton and many others will also help.

For children and teenagers

Modern living conditions, children's early fascination with cartoons and computer games, a large flow of information is exerted negative impact on emotional state child and fragile nervous system. Therefore, for some children, prescribing sedatives is a necessity.

One of the frequently used childhood sedative is Glycine. This is an amino acid that helps reduce emotional stress, improve brain function and normalize sleep. For this purpose, Tenoten for children, Magne B6, Pantogam, Citral are also prescribed.

If the child is overly excited, the neurologist may prescribe Sibazon, Phenazepam, Phenibut, Tazepam, Elenium. The listed medications are tranquilizers; they effectively eliminate nervous overexcitation, feelings of fear and anxiety. However, these sedative pills are addictive, so they are used in exceptional cases, for a short time and under the supervision of a physician.

For the treatment of hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder in adolescents, drugs such as Strattera-Atomoxetine, Grandaxin, Calmanevrin, etc. are recommended. They are not psychostimulants and are not addictive.

Also in pediatrics, homeopathic remedies are often used as sedatives:

  • Nervochel.
  • Notta.
  • Baby Sed.
  • Leovit.
  • Dormikind.
  • Edas et al.

Also pay attention to methods and means of strengthening your nervous system without the use of medications

For pregnant and nursing mothers

Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy cause irritability, nervousness, mood swings, and increased excitability. In such a situation, sedatives will help, but not all of them can be taken by pregnant women.

It is worth noting that in the first trimester the use of any medications is extremely undesirable. During this period, the organs and systems of the unborn child are formed, so it is important not to harm him. If anxiety has become constant, sedatives of plant origin are allowed - valerian, motherwort, Persen, Novo-Passit. Excellent natural remedyherbal teas from mint, lemon balm, hawthorn. They will relieve stress, mood swings, and improve sleep.

For the elderly

At this age, due to many concomitant diseases, taking sedatives without consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited. Even harmless sleeping pills, used uncontrollably, can negatively affect the well-being of an elderly person, especially in diabetics. Therefore, if there is an urgent need to take sedative pills, then first of all you need to consult a doctor for advice.

The rhythm of modern life can throw even the most resilient person out of balance. Constant haste, encounters with aggression, anger, irritation - all this negatively affects the nervous system. The latter simply cannot withstand such stress. As a result, various neuroses, depressions, and nervous breakdowns occur. But there is no need to wait for such serious consequences. After all modern medicine proposed many drugs that can promptly eliminate the symptoms of systematic stress. You can buy anti-nerve pills at any pharmacy. However, how to choose the most effective ones from a wide range?

Important warning!

It is necessary to clearly understand that pills for nerves and stress should only be prescribed by a doctor. It is highly not recommended to take such medications on your own. They can provoke consequences dangerous for the human body.

It is allowed to use medications if the discomfort is temporary. For example, if these are worries about entrance exams or upcoming wedding. But in the case when stress and depression are observed long period, you definitely need to see a doctor. Independent selection of medications is strictly prohibited.

Types of drugs

Tablets for nerves and stress are a broad group of medications that provide positive influence on the activity of the nervous system. They ensure restoration of the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition.

According to their pharmacological effects, all nerve pills are divided into groups:

  1. Tranquilizers. Such drugs relieve anxiety, emotional discomfort, and fear. However, they do not impair cognitive functions. A person is able to speak, think, perceive information. The drugs do not cause various psychological manifestations (hallucinations, delusions). This group includes medications: “Diazepam”, “Chlordiazepoxide”, “Lorazepam”, “Bromazepam”, “Phenazepam”, “Atarax”. However, such drugs can be addictive. That is why tranquilizers can only be used under strict medical supervision and in short courses. Sometimes they can cause side effects such as muscle weakness, finger tremors, and slow mental reactions.
  2. Sedatives. These are medicines that are made from bromine or plants. Compared to the group described above, they have less pronounced sedative properties. These drugs have a gentle effect on the human body. In addition, they have virtually no side effects. The most popular medicines are based on motherwort, lemon balm, and valerian rhizomes. Sedatives are often taken for palpitations and hypertension. IN this group included the following medications: “Validol”, “Valerian”, “Barboval”, “Valocordin”.
  3. Neuroleptics. This is very strong tablets from nerves and stress. List of drugs included in this group: Sonapax, Tiapride, Azaleptin. Such medications are used in psychiatric practice. They are prescribed by a doctor for serious illnesses.
  4. Normotimic medications. Psychotropic medications. They are aimed at stabilizing the mood of sick people. Such drugs can soften the phases of mental disorders and inhibit the development of attacks. Prominent representatives groups are the drugs “Carbamazepine”, “Oxcarbazepine”, “Lamotrigine”, “Sodium Valproate”, “Risperidone”, “Olanzapine”, “Quetiapine”.

Contraindications to taking sedatives

It is important to understand that not all people are allowed to take anti-nerve pills. It is best to consult your doctor before using such medications.

The following conditions require special attention and caution:

  1. Pregnancy. Many women face anxiety and stress while carrying a child. However, such people should not take pills or brew potions. Sedative medications should be prescribed by your doctor. As a rule, products based on valerian and motherwort are allowed.
  2. Individual sensitivity. If a person has a tendency to allergies, then sedative medications should be selected very carefully. It is necessary to carefully study the instructions and be sure to consult a doctor.
  3. Childhood. It is strictly forbidden to independently use sedatives for children. Such medications can be prescribed by a doctor only in case of psychological illnesses. You should absolutely not use sedatives for children whose emotional state and nervous system are in order. In addition, we should not forget that all guys can be capricious and throw tantrums. Such manifestations are not a reason to use medications.
  4. Traumatic brain injuries. It is not recommended to take sedatives if mechanical damage heads. Doctors say that these drugs often provoke adverse reactions.

Calming pills for nerves should not be taken by people who have been diagnosed with:

  • brain tumors;
  • epilepsy;
  • drug and alcohol addiction.

The best pills for nerves

Most effective drugs The doctor will be able to select it after reading the medical history, finding out the causes of the ailment and analyzing the contraindications of medications. Below are popular tablets from nerves.

List of the best drugs:

  • "Afobazole".
  • "Validol".
  • "Valoserdin."
  • "Glycine".
  • "Nitroglycerine".
  • "Donormil."
  • "Persen."
  • "Phenozepam".
  • "Novo-Passit".
  • "Tenoten."
  • "Phenibut."
  • "Cytoflavin".

The range of effective means is very extensive. Finding a safe and high-quality medicine is not easy. Therefore, when thinking about which nerve pills can relieve anxiety, be sure to study their instructions. For example, strong medications are strictly contraindicated for people whose activities require concentration. They can carry real threat for human life.

Medicine "Afobazol"

The active substance of the drug is a selective anxiolytic. This remedy reduces the mental discomfort characteristic of anxiety states, eliminates concern, irritability, negative premonitions, and fears. The medicine perfectly relieves the effects of overexertion. It eliminates tearfulness, timidity, helps to get rid of insomnia and unreasonable fears. The drug "Afobazol" allows the patient to relax.

In addition, the medication has a beneficial effect on the general condition. It corrects cardiovascular, muscular, sensory, respiratory and digestive disorders caused by somatic problems. The drug is able to cope with some autonomic disorders, such as dizziness, sweating, dry mouth. The medicine provides concentration and has a beneficial effect on memory.

A positive effect can be observed 5-7 days after the start of therapy. The medicine is usually prescribed at 30 mg per day. This dose is taken in 3 doses. Therapy can last 2 weeks. In some cases it is extended to 3 months.

The drug "Persen"

That's enough effective tablets from nerves. The name of the drug is well known to the population, since the medicine is very popular. After all, it has a minimum of contraindications. In addition, the medicine is made from plant components.

The medicine has a mild sedative effect. It effectively eliminates irritability, significantly improves mood and helps the patient calm down. The medication effectively copes with agitation and psycho-emotional stress. It relieves insomnia. At the same time, it does not provoke drowsiness during the day.

The drug "Tenoten"

Calming tablets are an excellent homeopathic remedy. They cope well with anxiety, anxiety, eliminate excessive irritability and emotional lability.

The drug "Tenoten" helps improve memory and concentration. This drug increases the body's resistance to various stresses.

The drug is prescribed 4 times a day, 1-2 tablets. The pill should be kept under the tongue until it is completely dissolved. It is recommended to carry out this procedure 30 minutes before eating. Treatment with Tenoten can last from 1 to 3 months.

Phenibut product

Such calming tablets for nerves will provide an excellent effect. They contain active substance- tranquilizer.

The medicine helps cope with fear, anxiety, and feelings of tension. In addition, the product improves sleep. The medication "Phenibut" can relieve the patient from headaches, irritability, and emotional lability.

The drug perfectly improves performance, attention, memory, and speed of sensorimotor reactions.

The patient is prescribed 250-500 mg of the drug three times a day. This therapy can last 1-1.5 months.

Medicine "Phenazepam"

These are very strong nerve pills. The drug is a tranquilizer. The drug perfectly eliminates anxiety, fear, emotional instability, and increased irritability. The medicine effectively copes with various psychopathic, neurosis-like, neurotic conditions. Its use allows you to get rid of panic reactions and insomnia.

However, this remedy has an intense sedative effect. It is absolutely not recommended to use this medication without a doctor's prescription. This tool most often prescribed two to three times a day, 0.25-0.5 mg.


However, do not forget that all drugs have contraindications. In addition, they often cause unpleasant side effects. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctors before use.

If there is a need to relax and quickly calm the nervous system, a person resorts to the help of medicine. IN modern pharmacology A number of reliable medications have been announced that really help to find peace of mind. All that remains is to find out from your doctor which sedative is the most effective and safe.

Sedatives for the adult nervous system

When choosing a reliable medicine for nerves, the first step is to understand the cause of the internal imbalance. For example, some patients can take sedatives, while others cannot cope without the help of tranquilizers. It all depends on the etiology pathological process, internal characteristics of the body. There are plenty of fast-acting options at the pharmacy, most of them are available without a prescription, but this does not mean that superficial self-medication is appropriate.

Nerve calmer for women

Representatives of the fairer sex are more likely to experience such emotional experiences as internal fear, causeless anger, panic, excessive fussiness and increased nervousness. To eliminate such unpleasant symptoms, you need to choose a potent drug to stabilize a shaken psyche. A neurologist will tell you the best sedative for women; below are good options in a given direction:

  1. Persen is a sedative of plant origin, produced in tablets and liquid form (syrup). It has a pleasant taste, affordable price and fast action V female body. Works without side effects.
  2. Novopassit is a herbal preparation that helps overcome internal stress. It comes in tablets, is inexpensive, and works after the first dose. The natural composition is valerian, St. John's wort, lemon balm, hawthorn and hops.
  3. Afobazole is a potent anxiolytic, available in the form of white tablets. It costs an order of magnitude more than its “competitors”, but also has an unmistakable effect on the source of pathology. Take 1 pill three times a day, a sedative effect is guaranteed.

Nerve calmer for men

Representatives of the stronger sex also know how to be nervous, and how. Just remember the situations on the road when obscene language comes from the car. Yes, there is also enough stress at work, you need to calm down. This requires an anti-stress drug that does not cause side effects of drowsiness and loss of concentration. The best sedative for men, including avid motorists, is the following:

  1. Tenoten – good remedy with increased excitability, tendency to psychosis and hysteria. You need to take 2 pills per day in order to feel emotional balance within a couple of days. The course of therapy is up to 2 weeks.
  2. Teravit Antistress is a multivitamin complex with soft action on the excited nervous system. It acts without harm to health, additionally strengthens the immune system, and increases the body's resistance to stress.
  3. Atarax are tranquilizers for adults that help cope with internal fear, inferiority complex, and panic attacks. Prescribed for alcoholism in case of psychomotor agitation.

Sedatives for teenagers

During adolescence, the need for such medicines may arise. Before starting the course, you need to consult with a pediatric neurologist to determine the appropriate sedatives for the teenager’s nervous system. The main evaluation criteria are high efficiency, safety, long-lasting effect. Here are the best examples:

  1. Herbion (plantain syrup) – homeopathic remedy cough medicine, which can be used to calm the nervous system after a long illness. The cough reflex becomes less intense, the patient calms down mentally and sleeps better.
  2. Glycine is a combination drug for improving memory, which is especially important in adolescence. In addition, the tablets are a powerful sedative, and their use eliminates cases of overdose and side effects. Many students drink them.
  3. Phytosedan is a homeopathic sedative collection, which contains herbs that relax smooth muscles. It is advisable to take the drink at night to regulate the sleep phase and gain emotional calm.

Sedatives for the child's nervous system

Mental problems in childhood are difficult to avoid, so parents should always “keep their finger on the pulse,” and if there are prerequisites for early psychosis or hysteria, on the recommendation of a doctor and instructions, immediately give a sedative for children. It is important to be selective in the choice of medications for little patient, but preference should still be given to homeopathy. Pediatric neurologists recommend the following excellent sedatives:

  1. Valerian or motherwort are soothing decoctions that slow down the passage of nerve impulse. This means that acute reaction everything that happens is withdrawn into the background, the child behaves calmly.
  2. Phenibut is a harmless sedative approved for use in children. Successfully treats internal fear, anxiety, normalizes sleep, eliminates the causes of stuttering. Available in tablet form, a single dose depends on the patient’s age - from 50 to 250 ml.
  3. Nervoheel - calming tablets for nerves, harmless in childhood. Prescribed by a neurologist, they are not addictive, and are allowed even during breastfeeding. They will help relieve stress within a quarter of an hour after consuming a single dose.


There are several pharmacological groups, which present good anti-anxiety pills at different prices. These can be representatives of homeopathy, sedatives, nootropics, even tranquilizers. The differences are therapeutic effect and the final result that the patient expects after taking it. It is necessary to study each group separately in more detail.

Sedatives for depression and neurosis

  1. Tenoten – relieves stress, removes internal anxiety. Sedatives for depression are available in tablets and alcohol solution.
  2. Persen is a herbal anti-anxiety drug, take 2-3 tablets three times a day, regardless of meals.
  3. Afobazol – a tranquilizer in the form of small tablets white. 1 pill three times a day for a two-week course.

Sedatives for stress that do not cause drowsiness

  1. Quattrex is a tranquilizer. Removes mental turmoil, increases physical activity, improves the psychological indicators of the body.
  2. Adaptol is a sedative for stress that does not cause melancholy and drowsiness. The name corresponds to its pharmacological properties.
  3. Nervoflux – herbal tea, which invigorates and tones the organic resource, has an affordable price and herbal ingredients.

Strong sedative without prescription

  1. Afobazole is a tranquilizer with average price 450-500 rubles. It works powerfully and you don’t need a prescription to buy it at the pharmacy.
  2. Phenibut is a compromise option at a cheap price - 150-200 rubles. The drug is effective and eliminates mental disorders at any age.
  3. Valocordin is a strong over-the-counter sedative that is available in the form of drops for oral administration. It is better not to violate daily doses; the patient’s weight is taken into account when prescribing.

Anti-anxiety pills

  1. Atarax is the best tranquilizer for anxiety, which helps get rid of anxiety, insomnia, blues and stress. You need to drink 1 pill three times a day.
  2. Grandaxin is a sedative that helps with mental disorders, physical weakness and emotional instability. There are limitations in the instructions.
  3. Glycine is a harmless sedative tablet that helps relieve stress, anxiety and nervous tension already on the third day of daily use. Allowed for children, pregnant and lactating women.

Herbal sedative

  1. Neuroplant is a herbal medicine that eliminates signs of depression. If you drink single dose, comes immediately sedative effect, feeling of detachment.
  2. Dormiplant - analogue tablets, provided that active ingredients precursor, an acute allergic reaction develops.
  3. Deprim are herbal sedative tablets that effectively combat bad mood, depression, blues and apathy, remove the symptoms of VSD.

Anti-panic pills

  1. Phenazepam is a pill for panic attacks, prescribed for exacerbation of phobias, hypochondriacal symptoms and nightmares.
  2. Gidazepam – daytime tranquilizer, which can be taken while driving. Helps you concentrate well and better adapt to road conditions.

Tablets for irritability and nervousness

  1. Perselac joins the list of herbal remedies with sedative, hypnotic effect. Relieves insomnia and calms an extremely irritated nervous system.
  2. Motherwort Forte – natural preparation, which can even prevent a nervous breakdown. It has a convenient release form - tablets for irritability and nervousness, you can prepare a decoction.
  3. Magnelis – prevention for the nervous system, enrichment of cells with valuable microelements and minerals, nourishment of the brain.

Cheap sedatives

Good medicines mean expensive... This erroneous opinion, taking into account the price of individual sedatives. Inexpensive sedatives can be selected from the catalog, ordered and purchased in the online store. If the possibilities of the virtual web are not available, the pharmacy also has acceptable budget options for everything age categories. This:

  • Motherwort;
  • Valerian;
  • Glycine;
  • Morozov drops;
  • Zelenin drops.

Mild sedatives

Alcohol tinctures of valerian and hawthorn are leaders in all ratings, because they are not intimidating in price, but high efficiency There is no doubt about these sedatives at all. In children and the elderly, it is better to use a decoction or tablets. There are other mild sedatives with a mild effect: among these are Magne B6 (injections or tablets) and Glycine.

Folk remedies for nerves and stress

When wondering what to drink to quickly calm down, it’s time to remember alternative medicine and its capabilities. Folk remedies for nerves and stress, they are no less effective than medications, especially since there are fewer side effects. For example, for internal calm, you can drink tea with chamomile, mint and lemon balm, not forgetting beneficial properties linden color.

The price of a good sedative

The list of drugs is huge, but many patients are interested in the price. I would like to choose something reliable, good, but inexpensive remedy, avoid significant financial waste. The price of a good sedative may not be significant, but, in any case, you need to discuss your purchase with a neurologist. Below is a table where the prices for medications are quite reasonable.

Name of a good product Price, rubles
Glycine 75
Motherwort Forte 100
Tenoten 130
Novo-passit 200
Persen 230
Afobazole 350

How to choose a good sedative

The determining criterion for evaluation should be not only affordable price, but also the quality of the purchased products. Before choosing a good sedative, it is important to consult a doctor, study patient reviews, and read the annotation. Important to consider drug interactions so as not to unknowingly aggravate clinical picture. In the case of tranquilizers, it is necessary to look at contraindications side effects, when choosing herbal medicines - on the herbal composition.

Video: which sedative is better