A little tugging in the lower abdomen after ovulation. Video: Causes of ovulatory syndrome, possible pathologies

It happens that a woman feels discomfort in the lower abdomen in the middle of her cycle, almost 2 weeks before her period. The cause of pain is ovulation. If your lower abdomen feels tight after ovulation, you need to wait a little. The discomfort does not subside after two days - perhaps the woman has become pregnant or has serious problems with health. These cases are a reason to visit your doctor.

Causes of pain

In the middle monthly cycle ovulation occurs. In this case, the egg, mature and ready for fertilization, is released from the follicle. Once in the fallopian tubes, it moves towards the uterus. If fertilization does not occur within the next 2 days, the cell, along with menstruation, will leave the body.

Due to a ruptured follicle of one of the ovaries, a woman may feel pain in the lower abdomen. This is a kind of microtrauma for her body. In addition, the egg is released with blood clots and follicular fluid. Female discharge during this period they have inclusions of a brownish tint. The mucus becomes thicker, more transparent and viscous, and its quantity increases.

Pain during ovulation continues for 1–2 hours or 1–2 days, this is considered normal. Every month the egg matures in a different ovary, so the pain alternates between the right and left sides. Sometimes, due to illness or stress, the ovary can skip its turn. And ovulation may not occur 2 weeks before your period, but a little later or earlier. Sometimes it is completely absent.

  • spastic;
  • dull;
  • weak or strong;
  • cramping;
  • stabbing.

In addition to stretching in the lower abdomen, the woman experiences attacks of nausea, weakness, and headache. She experiences bloating, her breasts become too sensitive, and her temperature rises. True, not everyone shows these signs. Usually only young girls under 25 years old experience ovulation painfully. Middle-aged women do not feel it.

Causes of pain 4–7 days after ovulation:

  • pregnancy, fertilization;
  • pregnancy with complications (the fertilized egg did not attach correctly, the uterus increased tone);
  • dangerous pathologies (cyst, inflammation of the uterus or ovaries, appendicitis, cystitis).

Important! If a woman feels severe pain in the lower abdomen on the 6th day after the release of the egg, she cannot independently diagnose herself. You should consult your doctor, take smears, tests, undergo an ultrasound examination to find out the cause painful condition. Self-medication is prohibited.

Postovulatory syndrome

Natural pain after ovulation is called postovulatory syndrome. 15% of women regularly face this problem. The syndrome is characterized by a number of symptoms that last from 3–5 hours to 3–5 days. They are similar to pain before menstruation, but occur in the middle of the cycle. The appearance of painful symptoms is due to hormonal changes.

The follicle bursts and releases an egg ready for fertilization. It then accumulates fats and luteal pigment. A woman's body produces a corpus luteum. This temporary gland is responsible for the production of progesterone. The onset of pregnancy depends on the hormone.

If there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, but pregnancy and sensations closely associated with this condition are excluded, then the cause is painful postovulatory syndrome. Its symptoms manifest differently for everyone. Many women complain of slight malaise, insomnia, lack of appetite, pain in the appendage area, as before menstruation. Sometimes the stomach becomes bloated due to the accumulation of gases in the intestines.

These signs can be explained hypersensitivity– the ability of each woman to perceive pain differently. The process of destruction of the follicle and release of the egg is, although small, trauma.

Important! Painful sensations during this period do not require treatment, because this is a natural phenomenon. Women tolerate this condition normally; after 2 days they feel normal.

Onset of pregnancy

Soreness in the lower abdomen, which appears on the 5th day (sometimes 7th day) after ovulation, is also a sign of pregnancy. After all, this is how many days it takes for a fertilized egg to attach to the wall of the uterus.

This process is aided by enzymes that soften the membrane for the embryo to attach. In this case, the integrity of the uterine mucosa is disrupted, which leads to pain. As a rule, it aches in the lower abdomen.

True, not every woman understands that she is already pregnant. Everything is individual, some feel some changes, and some don’t. More than half of pregnant women complain of pain.

Important! If painful sensations are too strong and radiate to the lower back, then pathology is possible and a miscarriage is likely. In this case, you need to go to a gynecologist. In addition to pain and heaviness in the uterus, spotting of a reddish or brownish hue indicates the onset of conception.

When to worry

In the vast majority of cases, pain after ovulation is normal. Women should not worry about this. But sometimes the lower abdomen feels tight due to pathological processes. If they appear painful sensations, do not panic, you must first assess their intensity, duration, and character.

Warning factors:

  • elevated temperature;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • sharp painful spasms;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • fainting;
  • feeling unwell;
  • periodically occurring severe pain;
  • nodules in the mammary glands.

Important! If your lower abdomen hurts a week after ovulation, you can say with confidence that this is not related to the release of the egg. Perhaps an ovarian cyst has ruptured, the appendages have become inflamed, or implantation has occurred. Only a doctor can name the exact cause after an examination.

Pain due to injury to the ovaries

Sometimes the cause of pain can be injury to the ovaries. The pain radiates to the lower back. Unpleasant sensations intensify with any movement or physical activity; they are stabbing in nature.

  • rough sex;
  • lifting weights;
  • increased exercise;
  • strong physical activity.

Stress and anxiety have a negative impact on a woman’s health. After all, under the influence of hormones released during emotional outbursts, the functioning of all organs is disrupted. The disease can be accurately determined using ultrasound.

Cyst rupture

The most common disease is a cyst. This is a kind of cavity in the tissues of the ovary. It's filled serous fluid. Women may experience follicular cyst in place of one of the follicles or a corpus luteum cyst. Without showing itself in any way, the formation can slowly grow for several months. When the cyst becomes large and inflamed, the woman feels pain in her side and lower back, and stretches her lower abdomen.

Laparoscopy helps to cope with the problem. You need to puncture the cyst as quickly as possible, otherwise it will burst. The contents will result in abdominal cavity. In this case, complications such as peritonitis and sepsis may occur. If the pain does not go away for a long time after ovulation, you need to consult a doctor.

Inflammatory diseases

Inflammation of the ovaries often occurs together with inflammation of the fallopian tubes. The disease is infectious in nature. Bacteria enter the ovaries both through the bloodstream and through sexual intercourse. Chlamydia and gonococci usually lead to inflammation. Symptoms of the disease: temperature up to 40 degrees, pain in the lower abdomen. In advanced cases, pus may be discharged from the vagina.

Inflammation is treated in a hospital setting. The woman is prescribed blood tests, smears are taken, and a bacterial culture is performed to identify the causative agents of the disease and choose the right antibiotic. An ultrasound is also prescribed. According to the severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

What to do

If a woman feels a nagging pain in the lower abdomen and does not understand why it occurred, she should not panic and calm down. Then listen to your body, evaluate the symptoms and sensations. If there is no reason to suspect pregnancy, you can take painkillers (Ibuprofen, Analgin, No-shpa).

To find out the cause of prolonged frequent pain, you need to consult a doctor. If the discomfort goes away two days after ovulation, there is no nausea and no high temperature, you can calm down. Short-lived nagging pain after ovulation - this is the norm.

Which includes discomfort in the lower abdomen.

In order to understand, such a state is considered normal or abnormal, it is necessary to analyze the nature of pain and general condition body.

    Why does discomfort occur?

    Pain in the lower abdomen most often occurs due to natural reasons. They may have different character, regularity and intensity. The main reason such a factor are individual characteristics female body, lifestyle and some external influences that one has to endure on a daily basis. Based on the description of the pain, you can determine normal condition the woman is worried or there is a reason to see a doctor.

    Possible causes of pain and their connection with the postovulatory period:

    • exit from the follicle and the natural process of its movement in the body;
    • formation of the corpus luteum at the site of a burst follicle in combination with increased progesterone production;
    • implementation of the process of attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus in the event of conception;
    • natural stretching of the ovary;
    • young age and puberty;
    • excessive sensitivity of the body;
    • taking oral contraceptives (negatively affects its symptoms).

    NOTE! In most cases, discomfort that occurs during the period is considered a sign of ideal women's health. However, such a statement must be assessed objectively. IN in this case This does not mean pain for which a woman calls an ambulance.


    The discomfort that appears after can be described in different ways. Pain in the lower abdomen can be:

    • alternating (discomfort may occur in the right or left lower abdomen, this condition is due to formation in the right or left ovary);
    • pulls or whines(the symptom manifests itself as a result of natural processes that occur with);
    • tingling (the symptom manifests itself depending on the individual characteristics of the body);
    • superficial discomfort(for women with ideal health this condition is typical);
    • a feeling of constriction (refers to a characteristic of the completion process.

    IMPORTANT! For some representatives of the fair sex, discomfort is accompanied by fever, nausea and vomiting. Even this condition is not always considered a sign of abnormalities.


    Postovulatory and premenstrual periods are different processes in the body. Do not confuse the pain that occurs before menstruation with the unpleasant sensations that appear during ovulation. The discomfort in the first case has nothing to do with the second option.

    The duration of postovulatory pain can last from several hours to a day. In rare cases, symptoms persist for several days.

    REFERENCE! The process of ovulation is the release of the ovarian follicle, accompanied by the rupture of its membrane. This factor often causes discomfort in a woman in the lower abdomen.

    What to do to relieve pain?

    Regarding the use of painkillers, it is recommended consult a gynecologist. The modern assortment presented on pharmacy counters includes dozens of varieties of medications that are intended specifically for removing pain syndrome. However, such drugs do not relieve possible diseases.

    You can get rid of the symptom using the following methods:

    • common over-the-counter drugs (Aspirin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Ketorol);
    • specialized products (Nurofen, Butadione, Brufen);
    • taking vitamins regularly will help you endure the process of ovulation and menstruation more easily;
    • the abdominal area can be slightly warmed with a heating pad or towel;
    • It is recommended to drink more fluid;
    • the diet needs to be varied With fresh juices, fruits, vegetables and other food products that contain large number vitamins of various groups;
    • if the date is known, then a couple of days before and after the process of releasing the egg, it is better to avoid strong physical activity;
    • relaxing baths with oils or herbs (melissa and flower oil are very relaxing).

    REFERENCE! According to medical statistics, every fifth woman out of a hundred experiences nagging pain in the lower abdomen every month during the period of fertility.

    When should you see a doctor?

    Pain in the lower torso may be a symptom serious illnesses in a woman: presence ectopic pregnancy or hormonal imbalance. An attack of pain may coincide with the end and be a companion to the development of cystitis or appendicitis.

    You should consult a doctor in as soon as possible if you have the following symptoms:

    • the pain wears spasmodic character and is accompanied serious condition(dizziness, vomiting, nausea, lethargy, etc.);
    • the symptom persists for a long time, and menstruation does not occur as expected;
    • if there is a suspicion of the development of inflammatory processes;
    • appearance of bleeding simultaneously with general weakness of the body and cramps in the lower abdomen;
    • disturbance of the process of urination or burning in the genital area;
    • the pain intensifies.

    CAREFULLY! Sharp pain in the lower abdomen in some cases is a sign of serious abnormalities. For example, such a symptom is accompanied by ovarian ruptures or cysts, and the woman may not be aware of the presence of formations.

    If the condition afterwards causes significant discomfort and interferes with the quality of life, then a visit to a specialist should not be postponed. Gynecological diseases directly affect the ability to conceive a child. Advanced stages of diseases or untimely diagnosis can lead to to infertility.

Some women in the middle of the menstrual cycle may feel a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Don't panic right away, especially if you have a great desire to have a baby. Tugging sensations in the lower abdomen may mean that conception has taken place. But such symptoms may also indicate a pathological process. Why does my stomach hurt after ovulation? Do I need to do anything?


Every month, the female body actively prepares for conception, as it is intended by nature itself. Thus, during each menstrual cycle, the egg matures, prepares it for conception, and preserves it. If the egg has not been fertilized, menstruation begins, and the body begins preparations for a new conception. Throughout the entire cycle hormonal background the female body is changing.

The egg matures in approximately 14-15 days (phase 1 of the menstrual cycle), which falls approximately in the middle of the cycle. At this time, she is completely ready for fertilization by male sperm, so she ruptures the follicle and is sent along fallopian tube To reproductive organ. The process when this happens is called ovulation, and its duration is up to 1.5 days. It is during ovulation that the chance of getting pregnant is highest. At successful conception the egg is implanted into the uterus, which occurs after approximately 4-7 days, and at the site of the follicle in the ovary is formed corpus luteum, which actively produces progesterone for almost three months, supporting pregnancy.

If the meeting of the egg and sperm does not occur, the corpus luteum disappears and in its place a new follicle appears, inside which a new egg matures. That is why the menstrual cycle is cyclical, which begins with the body cleansing itself of dead eggs and uterine mucosa, which manifests itself in the form of menstrual bleeding.

Postovulatory syndrome

If the lower abdomen feels tight after ovulation, this is called postovulatory syndrome, which some women experience. This phenomenon can last only a few hours, or maybe several days. Post-ovulatory syndrome has similar symptoms to premenstrual syndrome, because both are associated with hormonal changes in the body that occur during the corresponding period of the cycle.

After ovulation, the lower abdomen hurts, the nature of the pain is aching or pulling, general malaise, sharp changes mood, vaginal discharge becomes more abundant. The lower abdomen and lower back can hurt in different ways: a woman may feel them, or there may be severe cramps, stabbing or cutting pains. The different intensity of pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen can be explained by different sensitivity. Why does the lower abdomen feel tight after ovulation? The process of ovulation and the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine lining is a trauma for the body, so pain and bleeding are natural. If the pain goes away quickly, then medical intervention is not required.

Premenstrual syndrome

If a woman experiences nagging abdominal pain approximately a week after ovulation, this may be a symptom of premenstrual syndrome, which can also have the following manifestations:

  • nausea;
  • bloating;
  • sudden changes in mood;
  • soreness of the mammary glands;
  • bowel disorders;
  • fatigue;
  • discomfort in the lower back;
  • headache.

But most women before menstruation can only notice an increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands; after ovulation, the lower abdomen and lower back are pulled.

Premenstrual syndrome can occur in women at different ages. So, for some representatives of the fair sex this can happen in adolescence, for others - with the approach of menopause. The nature of premenstrual syndrome has not been fully studied, so it is impossible to say exactly why some women have strong symptoms and others are almost invisible.

The stomach also feels tight because the female body lacks vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin B6, magnesium and calcium. And the intensity of discomfort may increase due to stress or insufficient/excessive physical activity.

It should also be noted that the intensity of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome can be different in each menstrual cycle. If the symptoms are very strong this month, then next month they may not exist at all.

overcome PMS symptoms Correction of the diet will help, permissible physical activity, taking vitamin and mineral complexes. If the course of PMS is especially severe, they are prescribed hormonal contraceptives, but only a doctor can do this.

Completed conception

If there is a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, it aches, this may be early sign pregnancy, and it occurs because either the egg, after fertilization, moves to the uterus, causing contraction smooth muscle the fallopian tube, or it is already being introduced to the surface of the endometrium of the reproductive organ.

If a woman notices that the mammary glands have become coarse, 5-6 days after ovulation, painful sensations appear in the lower abdomen, this may well be signals from the body that conception has occurred, and pulling sensations may be preserved long period. You can check your guesses using a pharmacy pregnancy test.

During implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity, discomfort will be of the same nature as in critical days, but less weak, and such a symptom appears 10 days after fertilization of the egg by the sperm.

If the pain intensifies and does not go away long time, you need to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible to determine the nature of the pain and take appropriate measures.

Pathological causes

Pulling in the lower abdomen can be caused not only by physiological reasons, which is considered quite normal. The cause of such symptoms can also be pathological factors, which can be very dangerous.

The following symptoms are a reason to immediately visit a doctor and undergo an examination:

  • severe pain, especially if it does not go away after taking painkillers;
  • disorders of defecation and urination;
  • increased tone of the abdominal muscles;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • shortness of breath;
  • signs of general intoxication of the body.

Abdominal pain after ovulation may indicate the following gynecological problems:

  • ovarian apoplexy, which can occur when an ovarian follicle ruptures during ovulation;
  • destruction of an ovarian cyst;
  • twisting of the tumor stalk;
  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • injury to ulcers in the pelvic organs;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

Such diseases require immediate medical attention, but if they are neglected, the consequences can be extremely serious. In some cases it is impossible to do without surgical intervention to remove the uterus, appendages, fallopian tubes, and this threatens infertility.

Chronic diseases genitourinary organs can also cause pain in the lower abdomen. As a rule, it starts to whine lower section abdomen, the pain is cramping different character, manifests itself under stress, poor nutrition, overwork. Among other symptoms of organ diseases genitourinary system it is possible to highlight the appearance of abnormal vaginal discharge, urination problems, inability to get pregnant. If there is pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation, it may be diseases such as endometritis, adnexitis, cystitis, colpitis, pyelonephritis.

Despite the fact that in most cases there is a tightening in the lower abdomen after ovulation for physiological reasons, which is a feature of the female body, you should not ignore a visit to the gynecologist. This will allow us to identify pathology if it is present on the early stage and eliminate it as quickly as possible. Therefore, in no case should you ignore such calls from your body, just as you should neglect preventive examinations with a gynecologist, which should become a rule at least twice a year.

If the lower abdomen feels tight after ovulation, then a woman should not panic, especially when great desire become a mother. This phenomenon may well mean that the desired conception has been achieved, but at the same time the likelihood of development should be taken into account pathological process. In any case, when the lower abdomen feels tight after ovulation, it is necessary to take control of this symptom and carefully monitor the development of the situation. If there are additional signs, prolonged abnormalities or increased pain, you should consult a doctor. Only appropriate examinations will differentiate normal from pathology. Most importantly, you should not engage in amateur activities: self-medication in such cases can only do harm.

Physiological aspect

The female reproductive system is configured in such a way that it periodically (every month) prepares the body for conception. In essence, the main task of each menstrual cycle is to prepare the egg for fertilization and ensure its safety after it, and if fertilization does not occur, then prepare a new attempt. The whole process is characterized by changes in hormonal levels.

At the first stage of the cycle (within 14-15 days), a new egg matures in the ovaries. In the middle of the menstrual cycle, an egg completely ready for fertilization leaves the ruptured follicle and migrates towards the uterus through the fallopian tube. This short period of egg release (1-1.5 days) is called ovulation and is the optimal period for conception. If fertilization has occurred, the cell is implanted into the uterine mucosa within 4-7 days, and in place of the destroyed follicle in the ovary, a temporary endocrine-type gland () is formed, actively producing the enzyme progesterone.

If the egg does not meet the sperm, then the corpus luteum disappears within 14-15 days and a new follicle with another egg is born. Thus, the menstrual cycle occurs with a certain frequency, which, in the absence of conception, begins with the cleansing of all affected components, which is expressed in menstrual flow. At conception, the corpus luteum functions for almost 3 months, supporting the onset of pregnancy.

The essence of the problem

The concept after ovulation includes nagging pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen that occurs immediately after the release of the egg and in the period before menstruation. This phenomenon may have a normal physiological nature or be generated by pathogenic factors. Most often, the stomach swells during or after ovulation for completely natural reasons not related to any disease.

Manifestation of postovulatory syndrome

Physiological pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation is called. This phenomenon is familiar to 12-15% of all women and can manifest itself with varying intensity. Postovulatory syndrome is a series of symptoms that are observed immediately after ovulation and can last from 4-5 hours to 2.5-4 days. These symptoms are very similar to signs, but the latter develops before menstruation. Both phenomena are caused by significant hormonal changes in the female body during the corresponding period (both before menstruation and after ovulation).

Symptoms of the syndrome have individual characteristics, but most women complain of the following manifestations: aching, pain and pulling in the stomach after ovulation; there is a slight general malaise; manifests itself emotional lability; vaginal discharge appears. Pain in the lower abdomen can be barely noticeable, but can also have a pronounced stabbing, spasmodic, pulling, cutting character.

The appearance of painful signs in the lower abdomen after ovulation is explained by the pain threshold (sensitivity), which varies among different people. In general, the process of destruction of the follicle, the introduction of the egg into the mucous membrane of the uterus is mechanical injury for the female body, which causes bleeding and a corresponding reaction. During this period, the follicle is destroyed under the influence of the pituitary hormone, and is completely natural and passes quickly. Such pain is also felt immediately after the separation of the egg, which is also considered normal and does not require medical attention. The intensity of pain depends on pain threshold, and therefore most women very easily tolerate (practically do not notice) the processes that occur after or during ovulation.

Manifestation of conception

If nagging discomfort in the lower abdomen appears a week (more precisely, 5-7 days) after ovulation, then this may be. This is exactly how long it takes for a fertilized egg to implant into the uterine cavity and begin to conceive a fetus. The process of implantation of the egg into the uterine tissue is helped by enzymes that soften the membrane to securely fix the embryo and connect it to the supply system. During implantation, the integrity of the uterine mucosa is disrupted and blood vessels, which naturally provokes a painful syndrome.

Not every woman feels the onset of pregnancy: just as in the previous case, it all depends on the individual pain threshold. However, almost half of women feel nagging pain, and sometimes with sufficient intensity. If the pain is severe and radiates to the lower back, then there is a risk of an abnormal process and the possibility of miscarriage. If such signs occur, you should urgently consult a gynecologist. Most often, a woman feels a slight tug in the lower abdomen and notices spotting of a brown or red color, which indicates conception.

Premenstrual syndrome

Pulling sensations in the lower abdomen before menstruation can also be considered as phenomena that occur after ovulation, although they are not directly related to it. And this syndrome cannot be called purely physiological: its signs and intensity significantly depend on the influence external factors, the presence of diseases, especially chronic infectious types. Premenstrual syndrome leads to psycho-emotional, vegetative-vascular and neuroendocrine manifestations. The main reason is hormonal imbalance.

Pathological mechanism of the phenomenon

In the vast majority of cases, nagging discomfort in the lower abdomen both before and after ovulation is considered normal and does not require special treatment. However, you should not completely relax your vigilance, as sometimes the lower abdomen feels tight due to dangerous pathological factors. When pain occurs, it is important to assess its duration, intensity and the presence of additional symptoms.

Warning signs include following symptoms: severe pain, poorly responsive to conventional painkillers, especially when radiating to the lower back; significant bleeding; dyspnea; disruption of the process of urination and defecation; increased tone of the abdominal muscles; signs of general intoxication (dizziness, fever, nausea, vomiting, weakness, headache, loss of appetite, insomnia). If additional symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor and undergo examination.

Gynecological pathologies

A dangerous disease can develop during abnormal ovulation. During the period of destruction of the follicle and release of the egg, ovarian apoplexy may occur. This pathology gives rise to internal bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen. Often the pathology is provoked by physical overload, sexual contact, and heavy lifting. This pathology is very dangerous due to its bleeding and requires urgent medical attention, and sometimes surgical intervention.

In addition to the mentioned pathology, nagging pain can cause the following diseases gynecological nature: destruction of the cyst of the female reproductive glands; twisting of the stalk of a tumor-like formation; ectopic pregnancy; damage to ulcers in the pelvic organs; inflammatory processes in the ovaries. These pathologies require urgent medical attention when the first signs appear.

Advanced diseases can lead to surgical removal ovaries, fallopian tube, uterine tissues. The result can be female infertility.

Impact of diseases of the genitourinary system

Painful and nagging phenomena in the lower abdomen can be a consequence of chronic diseases of the genitourinary organs. Pain syndrome in such pathologies, as a rule, has a paroxysmal character, intensifying with physical fatigue, stress, sitting in the cold, fasting and poor nutrition. Diseases are accompanied by increased vaginal discharge different types, urinary disorders, problems with conception. Prolonged pain may indicate the following diseases of the genitourinary system: cystitis, colpitis, pyelonephritis, endometritis, salpingitis, adnexitis. In the occurrence of most of these diseases, the main culprits are considered to be infections (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis).

Reasons nagging discomfort in the lower abdomen after ovulation are most often associated with physiological processes that do not pose a danger to women's health. However, in some cases you should be wary pathological etiology this phenomenon when necessary medical care. In any case, such anomalies should be treated with extreme caution and at the first suspicion you should contact a gynecologist.

Why does the lower abdomen feel tight after ovulation? Almost every woman knows what it is premenstrual syndrome: some just hear it from their friends or from women’s forums, while others experience all the “delights” of PMS on themselves every month. The main feature of this manifestation of work reproductive system are nagging pains in the lower abdomen. But in addition to PMS, this symptom may be accompanied by the process of the egg leaving the follicle.

Pain during ovulation can last from a few minutes to 2-3 days. The duration of the pain syndrome depends solely on physiological characteristics the body of each individual woman. As a rule, pain appears from the side of the ovary in which the development and growth of the dominant follicle occurs.

With a regular menstrual cycle lasting 28 days, ovulation occurs on days 14-15. The maturation of the egg occurs immediately after the follicular phase, which may be different for each woman. Considering that immediately after ovulation the luteal phase begins, which lasts exactly 14 days, and even if the cycle is irregular, the onset of ovulation can be calculated by subtracting from last day menstrual cycle is 14 days. At the same time, do not forget that there are such concepts as early and late ovulation.

So, as soon as the time for the release of the egg from the follicle approaches, the woman may feel pain in the lower abdomen. It’s worth saying right away that not all women have pain when the egg leaves the follicle.

Symptoms of pain during ovulation

Be that as it may, pain in the lower abdomen, whether during ovulation or any other nature, is always a cause for concern for many women. Women whose menstrual cycle is stable can easily determine the onset of ovulation by this sign. Every month, on approximately the same days of the cycle, they experience discomfort that has certain similarities with premenstrual syndrome.

The period of maturation of the germ cell depends on the duration of the MC: the longer the cycle, the later ovulation occurs.

Symptoms of pain during the release of the egg from the follicle may be as follows:

  • mild discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • pain on the right or left side of the abdomen that is tingling in nature;
  • aching pain, lasting from a couple of hours to 2-3 days;
  • stretching in the pelvic area, having a weak or strong character;
  • cramping pain.

The time of onset of pain, which depends on the time of maturation of the germ cell, can vary depending on a number of factors that have a certain impact on the functioning of the reproductive system. These include:

  • being in a stressful state;
  • presence of infectious or inflammatory diseases in a woman's body;
  • irregular or overly active sex life;
  • heavy, grueling physical activity;
  • long-term diets.

All of the above factors can cause early or late ovulation. They can also lead to its absence altogether. Women with irregular menstrual cycle It is very difficult to determine the moment when the egg leaves the follicle. Therefore, we cannot rule out the appearance of characteristic symptoms at the wrong time when maturation of the germ cell is expected to occur.

Nagging pain is considered normal if:

  • occur during the expected day of release of the egg from the follicle;
  • their duration is no more than 3 days;
  • they are accompanied by slight vaginal discharge;
  • do not cause great discomfort for a woman;
  • they are not accompanied by additional symptoms: fever, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and other signs of poisoning.

Why does my stomach hurt during ovulation?

What is the nature of pain during ovulation? Before the germ cell leaves the follicle, it matures in the ovary. When dominant follicle reaches its maximum size, its walls are strongly stretched, which can create some discomfort in the ovary, causing discomfort woman.

Ruptures of the vessels located at the base of the ruptured Graafian vesicle can also cause pain during the release of the germ cell. Due to the rupture, the fluid inside the follicle enters the abdominal wall and endometrium, causing irritation. Against this background, the walls of the uterus can contract, causing pain of varying intensity and duration.

Sometimes ovulation may be accompanied by a slight spotting of blood. This phenomenon is caused by a reduction in the level of estradiol, which provokes a slight detachment of the endometrium - the inner mucous layer of the uterus.

Pain during and after ovulation can be caused by a number of gynecological diseases or be a sign of inflammation of the reproductive system:

  • cystitis;
  • mastopathy;
  • adhesions;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • cysts;
  • internal bleeding;
  • varicose veins in the pelvic area.

In addition, such a symptom can also occur against the background of developing oncology - ovarian cancer, cervical cancer. Also this sign typical for developing appendicitis, but in this case, it is also complemented by an increase in body temperature. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to everything warning signs and atypical manifestations of the reproductive system. Timely diagnosis will help avoid negative consequences.

Can such pains be dangerous?

Can pain during ovulation cause harm to a woman’s health? As mentioned earlier, the pain syndrome during the release of the reproductive egg from the follicle is of an exclusively individual nature, associated with the peculiarities of the physiology of the body of each individual woman. From this it is clear that there is no specific treatment, in principle, not necessary. You just have to wait a few days at most, and this symptom will go away.

As a rule, It's a dull pain does not cause severe discomfort. But sometimes it happens that it significantly affects the performance of a woman who literally simply falls out of the usual rhythm of her life for these few days: someone has severe pain in the spine, someone complains of terrible pain in the lower abdomen , preventing them from concentrating even on trivial household chores. In such cases, it is best to seek help from a specialist rather than engage in self-medication, which may not only not help solve the problem, but also worsen the woman’s health as a whole.

Is it possible to alleviate the pain syndrome during ovulation?

If pain during ovulation causes great discomfort, then, as a rule, doctors can prescribe painkillers. If such drugs do not help, then we can even talk about hormonal drugs. This is, in most cases, oral contraceptives, which suppress ovulatory processes, thereby relieving discomfort.

In addition, a calm environment, relaxation and drinking plenty of fluids, according to experts, help reduce the severity of pain during ovulation. Also, sometimes a hot heating pad applied to the location of the pain helps get rid of this manifestation of the reproductive system. True, in this case it is necessary to be absolutely sure that the pain is a consequence of the ongoing ovulatory processes. Since in a number of gynecological diseases that may be accompanied by similar symptoms, dry heat in the form of a heating pad is contraindicated.

Bottom line

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen after and during ovulation is not a deviation from the normal course of ovulatory processes. To know for sure that pain indicates that the body is releasing an egg from the follicle, doctors recommend keeping a calendar and noting both the cycle and the days when pain appears.

And in conclusion, I would like to say the following: pay more attention to your health, listen to your body. Any disease is manifested by a certain number of symptoms, the timely identification of which can play a decisive role on the path to recovery.