Incorrect eyelash growth. Treatment of eyelid trichiasis What is the name of the disease when eyelashes do not grow?

Constant feeling foreign object in the eye, pain from bright light, frequent blinking and watery eyes can cause improper eyelash growth. Doctors call this disease trichiasis.

It is better to start treatment of trichiasis as early as possible so as not to get advanced forms of the disease, in which ulcerations appear on the cornea of ​​the eye. They will be difficult to cure.

The inversion of the ciliary edge into the eye, in which the eyelashes grow towards the cornea, is called “ocular trichiasis”. This condition is different from entropion, which often occurs in older people. Here the eyelashes grow towards the cornea with the normal position of the eyelid itself. Trichiasis is included in ICD-10 (international classification of diseases), and according to it has code H 02.2.

There are several types of ocular trichiasis.
Complete, when the entire ciliary row is located near the cornea or partial, with only individual hairs growing inward.
Bilateral (on both eyes) or unilateral (on one, respectively).
Distichiasis is the presence of an extra row of eyelashes growing towards the eyeball.
The presence of two additional ciliary rows (very rare) is called districhiasis.

With trichiasis, abnormal hairs do not always have the usual thickness and color. Most often they are very thin and colorless. It is not easy to notice them with the naked eye in a mirror; sometimes ophthalmologists cannot see them with a slight magnification of the slit lamp during an examination. This requires both a high magnification lamp and additional tests and examinations, including biomicroscopy of the edges of the eyelashes and cornea.
Doctors note that trichiasis occurs quite often and is not a rare exception.

Symptoms and manifestations of trichiasis of the eyelid

Symptoms of the disease will include:

  • Photophobia, and pain in the eye from bright light.
  • Profuse and constant lacrimation.
  • Frequent, constant blinking caused by the sensation of a foreign object in the eye.
  • Redness of the cornea.

In later stages:

  • Pain and stinging caused by microulcers.
  • Squinting of the eye.
  • Intense redness.

Symptoms will increase as the eyelashes grow.

Why does trichiasis occur?

Improper eyelash growth is most often secondary. This is a reaction of the eyelid to a previously existing inflammatory disease of the eye (conjunctivitis, chronic blepharitis), chemical burn(alkaline, acidic) or injury.

As a result primary disease A scar forms on the ciliary edge, which is what contributes to the abnormal growth of eyelashes towards the cornea of ​​the eye. In some cases, the inflammatory process provokes the death of eyelash hair follicles, which also causes their improper growth.

Repeated eye surgeries or eye surgeries can also cause trichiasis.
In some cases, it is not possible to establish the cause of trichiasis.

With prolonged improper growth of eyelashes, they rest against the cornea and contribute to the formation of microscopic ulcers on it. It's already running form diseases.

How is eye trichiasis treated?

Treatment of trichiasis involves several methods. However, this disease cannot be cured with medications, it requires more drastic measures.
With the help of anti-inflammatory ointments and drops, you can only relieve the symptoms of inflammation and irritation caused by improper eyelash growth, but you cannot stop their growth.
Treatment is carried out in several ways.

  1. Epilation. Mechanical removal of abnormally growing hairs is the simplest and most painless way will get rid of them. The doctor removes the abnormally growing hairs with tweezers and the problem is solved.
    In some cases, only one removal is enough for trichiasis of the eyelid to go away forever. However, most often this procedure will have to be carried out continuously approximately every 10 weeks.
  2. Electrolysis and laser hair removal. If the area is affected by trichiasis, small ophthalmologists recommend removing them using electrolysis or laser.
    These methods are good because the hair follicle will be destroyed and it will not be able to grow again.
    It is better to carry out the procedure in a good ophthalmology clinic, since the quality of the result depends on the professionalism of the doctor. And this, in turn, will affect not only the removal of hairs, but also the period during which they will not grow.
  3. Surgery. IN difficult cases when hairs grow again and again, as well as with distichiasis and districhiasis, it is carried out surgery. During this procedure, a flap of skin containing abnormal eyelashes is first removed. Then plastic surgery is performed: a flap taken from the mucous membrane of the lip or eyelid is implanted in place of the removed area. For plastic surgery for madarosis (loss of eyelashes), material from eyebrows and parts of cartilage are also used.
    The operation is performed in a hospital setting (duration of stay is up to 3 days), the duration of the operation itself depends on the complexity of the manipulations performed. May take from 20 minutes to 1 hour. Great attention should be paid to processing postoperative wound, after that you definitely need to take a course antibacterial drops(this will avoid postoperative bacterial infection).
  4. If there are ulcers on the cornea. In this case, not only the removal of the ciliary row on the eye is carried out, but also the treatment of ulcers. To do this, after the operation, a course of antibacterial drops and ointments with an antibiotic is prescribed to heal the ulcers. Measures must be taken to prevent infection of surgical sutures.
    According to ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases), trichiasis may require up to 10 days of sick leave after surgery.

A little about the prevention of trichiasis of the eyelid

To avoid this unpleasant disease, like trichiasis of the eyelid, should be treated promptly inflammatory diseases eyes (especially blepharitis). An inflammatory process that is not treated in time contributes to the degeneration of eyelash hair follicles and their abnormal growth.
Burns (especially chemical burns) should be avoided and wounds and sores should be treated promptly.
In the prevention of trichiasis, it is very important to carry out timely and adequate treatment of the primary disease.
In addition, it is important to identify trichiasis as early as possible, preventing the formation of ulcers on the cornea of ​​the eye. This will get rid of the problem quickly.
One more important aspect there will be a choice of clinic for treatment. The professionalism of ophthalmologists is important here.

Eyelashes play an important role in protecting the eyes from dust and other foreign particles. If any problems arise with them, a person may experience severe discomfort, especially if an infection is attached.

What are ingrown eyelashes?

Trichiasis on the upper and lower eyelids

Ingrown eyelashes usually mean a disease such as trichiasis. It leads to the fact that the eyelashes change the direction of their growth towards the skin or towards the eyeball, while the eyelid itself in most cases does not curl. This can happen on both the upper and lower eyelids. Although often when describing this problem, people say that their eyelashes are growing downwards, meaning an anomaly on upper eyelid, but the problem most often affects the lower eyelid.

With trichiasis, severe discomfort and pain are felt on the eyelid and in the eye if treatment is not started on time. If it lasts for a long time, complications such as damage and scarring of the cornea are possible.

This disorder is known to affect people regardless of age or gender. But it occurs more often in adults than in children.

In this article, the concept of “ingrown eyelashes” means, first of all, the abnormal direction of their growth, which normally should be away from the eye. This formulation should not be confused with “classic” on the skin after shaving, when the hair grows back into the skin or under it. Although such ingrown eyelashes are also possible and associated with trichiasis, they are rare.

Sometimes eyelashes literally grow into the skin of the eyelid


Trichiasis can be congenital or acquired due to the following reasons:


Blepharitis – inflammation of the edges of the eyelid

Usually the inflammation affects both eyes at the same time, but one eye may be more affected than the other. If the disease lasts for a long time, it can lead to ingrown eyelashes.

Blepharitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Stiff or oily eyelashes
  • Sensation of sand in the eyes
  • Increased sensitivity to light (photophobia)
  • Swollen edges of the eyelids
  • Unusual eyelash growth or loss in some cases
  • Inflammation and redness of the eyelids

In this case, microorganisms begin to penetrate the eyelash follicles and negatively affect their development. In addition, the glands in the eyelid become clogged, which also leads to the appearance of ingrown eyelashes.


Eyelid skin psoriasis

This is a condition in which skin cell turnover occurs more frequently than usual, which can lead to thickening and flaking.

Psoriasis often develops on the scalp, elbows and knees. Rarely, it may also affect the eyelids. Thickening of the skin can cause abnormal growth of eyelashes, which contributes to their abnormal growth.

Eyelid injuries

Such injuries are quite dangerous due to the fact that the eyelids play a vital role in protecting the eyes. During healing, the tissue may become deformed, causing the eyelashes to begin to grow towards the eye.

Entropion - turning of the eyelids

This condition is also called entropion and is common among older people. Due to aging, some people's eyelids become weak, causing the edge of the eyelid along with the eyelashes to turn toward the eyeball.

Autoimmune diseases

Various eye diseases associated with autoimmune disorders can cause eyelashes to grow in reverse side. Some of them are: lupus, vernal keratoconjunctivitis and Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

According to popular resource Everyday Health, chronic irritation of the eyes or eyelids is often associated with lupus. Various manifestations related to work problems immune system include trichiasis, blurred vision, dry eyes, mild irritability and pain.


Barley is a purulent abscess on the crab of the eyelid

This purulent inflammation in the eyelash area, most often caused by staphylococcal bacteria. The disease can affect the roots of the eyelashes, thereby affecting their growth and development. Also, ulcers and swelling can interfere with normal growth.

A lump on the eyelid due to stye is always red, painful and often looks like a boil. Apply warm compress to reduce pain and relieve swelling faster. In some cases, the infection may recur.

But a stye shouldn't cause much concern, as it usually goes away completely within a week.

Other Possible Causes

Distichiasis - growth of eyelashes in a new row

In addition to the main reasons described above, there are several more that can lead to eyelash growth to the side. eyeball:

  • drooping eyelids
  • Eye diseases transmitted through dirty hands
  • Some congenital diseases such as epiblepharon or distichiasis, which causes your eyelids to grow too close to your eye
  • Skin inflammation that affects the eyelash line
  • Using cosmetics or beauty products
  • Sticky eyelashes
  • Eyelash extensions


Ingrown eyelashes are characterized by the following signs and symptoms:

Inflammation of the eyelids

The most common symptom of trichiasis is swelling. This can be caused either by the ingrown eyelash itself or by the disease or condition that led to it (blepharitis, pollution, immune system dysfunction). The skin around the eyes is very delicate, so even slight swelling can cause concern.

Discomfort or pain

Severe pain usually occurs due to worsening of the problem. Chemicals, irritating, lead to additional suffering. Due to irritation, the skin becomes painful.

Swollen eyelids or ingrown eyelashes can also rub the eyeball. This can cause unbearable pain and anxiety.


Watery eyes are also a fairly serious problem, as it impairs vision. Tears may appear due to ingrown eyelashes or an exacerbation of the disease that is the root cause of it.

Redness of the eyes

Inflammation causes the body to accumulate fluid and blood in the area, which can cause the eyes to become red. It is also associated with eye rubbing from ingrown eyelashes.

Eye infections

Ingrown eyelashes cause severe discomfort, irritation and pain, which makes maintaining eye hygiene and cleanliness quite difficult. As a result, the risk of infection increases.

Scratches on the cornea

This is one of the most serious consequences ingrowth of trichiasis. Ingrown eyelashes can rub against the eye, causing scratches on the outer layer of the eye, the cornea.

Can bumps or pimples appear?

Ingrown hairs on the neck, or other parts of the body often provoke the appearance of small bumps or pimples, which is also called pseudofolliculitis. The reason for their appearance on the skin, in most cases, is shaving. But with trichiasis, the eyelash rarely grows into the skin, causing a lump. Therefore, pimples and bumps on the eyelid are usually not associated with abnormal eyelash growth, but are caused by another disease (hordeolum, blepharitis, etc.).

Try not to squeeze or injure the pimples and bumps that have formed on your eyelids. This can lead to even more swelling and soreness.

Ingrown eyelashes in children

Trichiasis is more common in older people, but can also occur in children. Children with congenital eye problems are more likely to develop ingrown eyelashes.

Other factors that can cause eyelashes to grow in childhood, including infants:

  • Infections of the eyelids, such as chronic blepharitis. In the long term, such infections can cause the eyelashes to turn inward towards the eye.
  • Damage to the eyes and eyelids. After them, a scar may form due to which the eyelashes will be forced to change their direction of growth.
  • A rare eyelid disease called distichiasis. It is characterized by the development of two rows of eyelashes, one of which develops inward.
  • Some others are more serious illnesses eyes or mucous membranes, including trachoma, Stevens-Johnson syndrome


In mild cases, when the ends of the eyelids curl, the problem can be solved even by styling them, for example, using fat-containing substances. But most often it is necessary to take more serious measures.

Often, an abnormally growing eyelash, without any treatment, eventually changes its direction and comes out, but there are cases when the condition worsens. However, continuous damage to the cornea can cause scarring and even vision problems. Therefore, it is better to take measures at home or consult a doctor.

Here are a few simple options to relieve symptoms and solve the problem:

Removal with tweezers

Visit an ophthalmologist to have ingrown eyelashes removed. The doctor will be able to pull the affected eyelash out of the skin using tweezers.

This applies to situations in which there are a pair of ingrown eyelashes. In this case it can be used local anesthesia to numb the procedure site. In any case, there is a danger that ingrown eyelashes will occur again and again.

Try not to pull out eyelashes at home.


The purpose of the operation is to return the edges of the eyelid to its normal place and remove it from the eyeball. Surgery can be performed for both the upper and lower eyelids.

Also, talk to your ophthalmologist about surgery if you experience ingrown eyelashes again after previously removing them with tweezers. An ophthalmologist will be able to advise you on how to correct the development of your eyelashes surgically. Or he will say that you should permanently remove the problematic eyelash or an entire area.

The operation can be expensive, but at the same time it is effective method combating ingrown eyelashes.


The electrolysis procedure involves passing an electric current through the cells responsible for hair formation. Electricity is passed through a thin needle into the hair follicle. The purpose of this procedure is to destroy the hair roots.

Electrolysis can be carried out using electroplating, thermolysis, or a combination of these methods. Electrolysis is performed several times to achieve the best result.

American network specialists ophthalmology clinics Baptist Eye Surgeons says the eyelash will still return in about 33% of patients after electrolysis removal.


This is a procedure to destroy the problem hair follicle, which is usually performed by an ophthalmologist, using liquid nitrogen or argon. The advantage of cryotherapy is less trauma and quite fast recovery. On the other hand, cryotherapy is an expensive operation and there is little chance of damage to surrounding tissue.

Argon laser

This is relatively new method treatment. This method uses ionized argon as a dynamic medium.

Purpose similar treatment is laser coagulation of cells and tissues. Anesthesia may also be used. About 30 shots of an argon laser are applied to the ingrown hair follicle.

Argon laser is a powerful tool for the treatment of ingrown eyelashes and has the most minor side effects. Additionally, there is a possibility of damage to nearby tissues. The main disadvantage of argon laser treatment is the high cost of the procedure.

Home treatment

Warm compress

Apply a warm compress to your eyes to relieve discomfort and inflammation. To do this, soak a towel in warm water and keep it in front of your eyes for 10-15 minutes. Be careful with excessive hot water and avoid moving too hard.


They are used to suppress irritation. They do not directly treat ingrown eyelashes, but in any case they help in the fight against side effects, especially swelling.

One commonly used corticosteroid is prednisolone. However, it should only be used after consulting a doctor.


These drugs also cannot cure ingrown hairs, but they help cope with the consequences and treat the underlying causes.

Artificial tears

They are used to treat dry eye syndrome and thereby relieve discomfort and inflammation. This reduces scarring of the cornea.

Folk remedies

Apple cider vinegar

It has soothing and antibacterial properties that help relieve inflammation, prevent disease and destroy harmful microorganisms on the skin. It should be used diluted, avoiding contact with eyes.

Smooth, upward-facing and slightly curling eyelashes are the right direction. But such a phenomenon as improperly growing hairs, unfortunately, also occurs, due to which representatives of both sexes suffer. Men, by and large, do not attach much importance to such a defect until improper eyelash growth causes them discomfort. But women immediately sound the alarm if suddenly one of them looks in the wrong direction.

In addition, in some cases, abnormal growth of eyelashes from cosmetic defect capable of developing into the present ophthalmic disease- trichiasis. This disease involves their growth inward, towards the eyeball, as a result of which it injures the eye. Without fixing this problem initial stage, you may face serious surgical treatment.

What is the reason behind the growth in the wrong direction?

  • Often happens after various eye injuries and burns;
  • Chronic conjunctivitis is the cause of weakening of the roots, so the hairs stretch down and curl towards the eyeball;
  • Various infections and inflammations also destroy them, causing them to grow incorrectly;
  • The banal reason is the regular use of low-quality mascara, since the chemical components have a detrimental effect not only on the hairs themselves, but also on the delicate skin of the eyelids.

It is not recommended to pull out such defective hairs. You can seriously damage the hair follicles on your eyelid, plus you can accidentally ruin the healthy ones next door. But it is also impossible to remain inactive in order to avoid future more serious complications on the eyeball.

So what can you do about improper growth at home?

  1. The first step is to urgently lift the inverted hairs. To do this, we use oils, balms and serums to strengthen the bulbs and their structure. Healthy eyelashes know how to grow.
  2. You should make it a habit to massage your eyelids from time to time every day and comb your eyelashes with special brushes. These simple actions make blood vessels work faster and enhance the metabolism of beneficial nutrients.
  3. Weakening of the roots and loss means a lack of vitamins. Pharmacy products will help recharge the body multivitamin complexes, food products containing maximum quantity vitamins of groups A, E, C and B. The hairs themselves should be pampered in the evenings with oil and vitamin masks, which once again strengthens and makes them more flexible for growing in the right direction.
  4. It also improves the condition of the bulbs and hairs. special drugs, such as Careprost or Karelash, produced in India.

Another problem is straight hairs without bending, sticking forward like sticks and much more often coming into contact with the eyeball. The owner of straight hair should have a whole arsenal of curling devices and know a lot about chemical and bio-curls, although these procedures are not particularly useful.

Today, modern cosmetology offers a simple, and most importantly, effective solution to this problem. There are special products for eyelash growth, which consist of a squeeze of sea coral, which makes them safe for eye health. Such compositions strengthen eyelashes, make them elastic and encourage active growth in the right direction. The visible result is not long in coming and is noticeable after just a few weeks of use.

Eyelashes – long, thick – are every girl’s dream. But like any human organ they are susceptible various diseases. Some of them are the result of thoughtless and careless actions.

What are the types of eyelash diseases? What are the symptoms? pathological process? Is there adequate treatment or is there only one way out - plucking the affected hairs?

The first group includes:

  • pediculosis;
  • demodicosis

In the first case, the disease is caused pubic lice. Their cephalic relatives do not live on eyelashes and other areas covered with hair. Infection occurs through contact.

Signs of the disease:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • gray coating on hairs;
  • traces of blood.

In the second case - infectious agent is a microscopic mite. This insect lives in the ducts hair follicles And sebaceous glands and is considered a representative of opportunistic microflora.

Most often, this disease is diagnosed in veterinary practice, but it also occurs in humans.

Signs of pathology:

  • discharge from the eyes;
  • hyperemia of the eyelid margin;
  • hypertrophy of the eyelid margin;
  • decreased production of tear fluid;
  • development of dry eye syndrome;
  • hair loss.

The second group of diseases is associated with impaired eyelash growth and their number. Pathologies in this group include:

  • trichiasis - in this case, eyelashes grow in the wrong direction towards the eyeball. There may be a single hair, or there may be many - along the entire length of the edge of the eyelid;
  • distichiasis – congenital pathology, in which 2 strips of hair grow on each eyelid. That is, doubling the number of hairs;
  • hypertrichosis is an acquired disease. Increase in the number of hairs with normal amount eyelash rows;
  • madarosis or hypotrichosis - you can find a photo on the Internet - complete or partial absence hairs Often this is an acquired pathology, which is a consequence of previous serious illness with aggressive treatment.

All these pathologies can be accompanied by conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and in severe cases, an ulcer of the cornea or sclera develops.

Diagnosis and types of treatment

For a preliminary diagnosis, a visual examination by an ophthalmologist is sufficient.

Treatment tactics depend on the diagnosis and are selected individually for each case. In addition to treating the underlying disease, concomitant antibacterial therapy and vitamin drops to improve the condition of the eye analyzer.

Treatment of pediculosis

Other parts of the body are treated with anti-pediculosis drugs, but it is advisable to remove hair from the armpits and pubic area. The application of erythromycin ointment 3 times a day is indicated on the eyelash growth area.

Additionally - sanitization of the premises and clothing, anti-pediculosis drugs for persons in contact with the patient.


Treatment of this disease involves integrated approach. Both system-wide and drugs are indicated local action, diet, means to improve protective forces body.

What the doctor will prescribe:

  1. Metronidazole or drugs based on it orally.
  2. Ointment with sulfur, tar, ichthyol for local treatment.
  3. Alcohol tinctures for removing crusts from the eyelids.
  4. Medicines to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and general immunity.


Treatment for this pathology involves removing hairs growing in the wrong plane relative to the eyelash row. Techniques include mechanical pulling, cryotherapy, electrolysis or surgical removal affected area.

Additionally, concomitant diseases are treated.

Changes in hair color and number

Changes in the color of eyelashes and their complete loss are not treated, but only observed. Treatment is carried out for diseases that presumably caused this pathology.

Excess eyelash row and improperly grown hairs are removed using surgical intervention. If the disease does not cause inflammatory processes in the eye system, the patient is under dynamic observation.

What does the loss indicate?

Hair loss in the edge of the eyelid is a normal situation if up to 5 hairs are lost per day. New ones will grow quickly. If more eyelashes are lost, this may indicate a number of pathological changes in the body.

Why do eyelashes fall out?

  1. Wearing eyelash extensions for a long time.
  2. Stress and poor nutrition, lack of vitamins and minerals, use of extreme diets.
  3. Hormonal imbalance.
  4. Taking some medicines on an ongoing basis.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the tissues of the visual analyzer.

If you notice that your eyelashes have begun to fall out or any system-wide symptoms have appeared, you should undergo a comprehensive examination.

Eyelash pulling - how to treat the disease?

Trichotillomania is pathological condition, in which there is an obsessive urge to pull out hair on the head, eyebrows, eyelashes.

Reasons obsessive-compulsive disorder are violations of the highest mental activity. Provoking factors:

  • stressful situations;
  • mental instability;
  • schizophrenia;
  • psychological and organic trauma.

There is no general treatment method for this pathology. Since each case should be approached individually.
The following are used as treatment:

  • hair removal;
  • use of antidepressants and psychotherapy;
  • in some cases, hormone therapy;
  • massages;
  • cryomassage;
  • psychological methods of treatment for pulling out.

Without eliminating the stress factor that causes the desire to pull out your hair, any treatment methods for trichotillomania are not effective.

In order for your eyelashes to grow long and healthy, you don’t have to visit beauty salons and spend crazy amounts of money.

Daily care can be budget-friendly:

  1. Don't torture your natural eyelashes with endless extensions. Glues for attaching hairs are still aggressive chemicals.
  2. Don't use curling irons all the time. This will make them dull.
  3. Use only high-quality cosmetics. And in the evening, be sure to remove makeup.
  4. Periodically nourish your hair with any natural oil– olive, castor, almond. Even sunflower good quality will do.

This is enough to prolong the life of hairs, make them thicker, and make your eyes bright and inviting.

Sometimes eyelashes begin to grow in the wrong direction - towards the eye. Medical term such eyelash growth istrichiasis.

Photo: YouTube/Matheson Optometrists


Entropion and trichiasis of the century -H02.0

Eyelashes may touch the eyeball, irritating it or the surrounding skin. This can lead to pain, redness, watering and damage to the cornea. Trichiasis can be caused by injury, inflammation, and certain eye diseases.

Like other ingrown hairs, eyelashes can become trapped under the skin and grow inward. This may result in symptoms similar to those eye diseases. It is important to correctly identify and treat the problem.

The eyelashes on the upper eyelid usually grow upward towards the forehead, allowing them to protect the eyes. Trichiasis causes the eyelashes to grow inward towards the eye. On the lower eyelid, where eyelashes usually grow downwards, with trichiasis they grow upward towards the eye. Trichiasis is more common in adults than children, but it can happen to anyone.

An ingrown eyelash can be mistaken for a stye, which looks like a pimple and usually goes away on its own within a few days. However, a person can easily differentiate a stye from trichiasis, which is characterized by a change in the direction of the eyelashes.

Trichiasis - symptoms

Trichiasis can occur in a few eyelashes, but it can gradually affect all eyelashes. Most people with trichiasis notice a specific area where many of the eyelashes grow in the wrong direction.The main problems of the patient with trichiasis- eye irritation and other symptoms:

  • feeling foreign body in the eye;
  • redness around the eyes;
  • increased sensitivity to light;
  • watery eyes;
  • itching or pain in the eye.

If left untreated, trichiasis can damage the eye, for example by causing infection.

When another eye condition causes trichiasis, there may be additional symptoms. A condition that often occurs with trichiasis is calledblepharitis. It is associated with inflammation of the edges of the eyelids, which become red and tender.

Trichiasis -reasons


The scar that forms after the injury can cause eyelashes to grow in a different direction.

Changes in development

Eyelashes and hair follicles may change temporarily as the child grows.


Chronic blepharitis involves inflammation and irritation of the eyelids, which can cause redness of the eyelids.


This condition causes the eyelid to fold inward, which can lead to trichiasis. Age-related muscle and tissue weakness can cause entropy, as well as infection or injury.


Herpes can infect the lining of the eyes and damage the eyelids, causing trichiasis.

Trachoma is a severe infection of the eyelid that can affect the eyelashes and even cause blindness.

Photo: Flickr/Community Eye Health

Rare chronic diseases

In rare cases chronic diseases that affect the eyelids or mucous membranes, such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome, cause trichiasis.

Eyelashes grow incorrectly - what to do

If several eyelashes become deformed, the doctor will usually remove them. They can rise in the right direction. It is also important to treat the underlying cause.

When many eyelashes grow in the wrong direction, this will help permanent removal eyelashes An ingrown eyelash can be removed using electrolysis. The doctor will damage the follicle electric shock to prevent hair growth.

Laser hair removal is an alternative and has an 81% success rate.

Doctors sometimes use cryosurgery, which is designed to freeze affected eyelashes and their follicles.

Trichiasis - complications

Trichiasis can cause:

  • chronic eye irritation;
  • corneal injuries;
  • eye infections.

When eye infection Trachoma causes trichiasis, which can lead to blindness.


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