A slight increase in red blood cells in the child’s blood. Basic functions of red blood cells

Red blood cells are cells responsible for the normal saturation of cells and tissues with oxygen. At each stage of life, their number may vary depending on both physiological characteristics body, and as a result of the development of certain pathological conditions.

In this article we will look at the normal rate of red blood cells in a child’s blood and the reasons for its change.

Norm of red blood cells in children

In a newborn baby, the norm of red blood cells is from 5.5 to 7 x 10 12. Such a high rate is due to the fact that the baby switches to pulmonary breathing from placental breathing (in which he received oxygen from the mother’s blood). In addition, their red blood cells contain somewhat modified - fetal (meaning - present in the fetus), hemoglobin, capable of carrying more oxygen.

During the first three days their number decreases. The baby’s body adapts to pulmonary breathing, and fetal hemoglobin is replaced in red blood cells with normal hemoglobin. Their norm is this period decreases to 4.0-6.6 x 10 12.

During the first 12 months of life, the number of red blood cells becomes even smaller. Their norm for an infant of the first year of life is 3.0-5.4 x 10 12. The main reasons for this change are the depletion of red bone marrow and a decrease in its activity.

Until the age of 12, fluctuations in the number of red blood cells are possible due to various hormonal changes body. The average number of red blood cells is about 3.6-5.0 x 10 12.

After 12 years, the number of red blood cells should not change significantly, and its norm, as in an adult, is from 3.6 to 5 x 10 12 cells.

What does an increase in the number of red blood cells indicate?

As already mentioned, for normal development In a child's body, the red cell count should be constant. Only in this case is adequate blood supply to tissues and organs achieved, which allows them to function normally. If there is any increase in their number, then one can suspect the development of some disease or pathological condition.

Most often, an increase in the number of red blood cells is the debut symptom of certain diseases.

What are the main ones in the blood and why does their content increase?

When are red blood cells elevated?

An increased level of red blood cells in the blood is called erythrocytosis. It can be observed, as already mentioned, at various pathological conditions. However, in some cases, the level of red blood cells may increase as a result of natural, physiological reasons. It is necessary to understand in more detail the mechanisms of their increase, both normally and in pathology.

Natural causes

Basic physiological reasons increasing the number of red blood cells - intense exercise, as well as constant exposure to rarefied air.

An increased content of red blood cells is often observed in children involved in sports clubs or who are interested in tourism. In this case, the increase in their number is due to the fact that children's body experiences increased loads, and in order to adequately respond to them and resist them, the organs need more oxygen. Quite often, their increase is accompanied by an increase in the amount of hemoglobin to upper limit norms – up to 160 g/l. There is a significant increase among swimmers, as well as children involved in extreme sports.

The second, most common reason that red blood cells are elevated is living in the mountains. Due to the rarefied air and reduced pressure in the body, the content of red blood cells compensatory increases. Its increase is due to the fact that some restructuring of the bone marrow occurs, which means red blood cells of a reduced size are produced. Due to this, an adequate level of blood supply to tissues and organs is achieved. If this does not happen, severe disorders of internal organs may develop.

Pathological causes

What diseases begin with changes in the level of red blood cells and why does this happen?

First of all, the child should be suspected of developing hereditary diseases blood. It is in childhood They are diagnosed based on measuring the number of blood cells. The main reasons for the development of pathological erythrocytosis are: oncological diseases and radiation exposure to bone marrow cells. It is with them that they observe high levels erythrocytes and reticulocytes.

In many newborns, immediately after birth, the level of red blood cells may exceed normal for their age (7x10 12).

Severe erythrocytosis is observed as a result of intrauterine hypoxia - a condition oxygen starvation fetus The main reasons for its development are oligohydramnios, some infections, and long labor.

In most cases, erythrocytosis resolves on its own and does not require specialized assistance. If the baby has symptoms of severe hypoxia, resuscitation measures are necessary.

Another, most common reason that red blood cells are elevated is severe dehydration of the body. In this case, their increase is relative, since theoretically, no changes leading to an increase in their synthesis are observed. Red blood cells in a child’s blood are increased due to a decrease in the content of intravascular fluid, and the percentage cells and body fluids.

As you know, children learn many bad habits at school. One such habit is smoking. It doesn’t matter whether the child smokes himself or whether he inhales cigarette smoke passively, the essence is this: if he comes into contact with cigarette smoke, then a change in the normal structure occurs lung tissue, as a result of which increased synthesis of erythropoietin may be observed, which leads to an increase in red cells.


What can be done to prevent the number of red cells from increasing?

First of all, during pregnancy, the mother must follow all the doctor’s instructions. After birth and as they grow older, the child should follow correct mode day and nutrition. If possible, the child's parents should stop smoking.

As for hereditary diseases, subsequent development of erythrocytosis can be prevented by: timely diagnosis hereditary pathology(an increased level of cells in the analysis is determined) and the necessary medicines and procedures.

The condition when a child has elevated red blood cells is called erythrocytosis. As a rule, it is accompanying symptom many diseases, less often it can be an independent pathology within hereditary syndrome. Typically, erythrocytosis is accompanied by an increase in hematocrit. These two criteria are decisive in diagnosis.

The norm of red blood cells in children varies depending on age. Immediately after birth, they are significantly increased in comparison with adults, and then begin to gradually decrease, and in puberty they increase slightly again (values ​​are given in terms of 10¹² / l):

  • in the first days - up to 6.6
  • in the first month – up to 5.4
  • in the first year – up to 4.9
  • up to 12 years – up to 4.7
  • under 19 years old – up to 5.6.

The second important diagnostic criterion is hematocrit. Its normal value is 55-66%. Promotion this indicator indicates blood thickening. And this already poses a danger with regard to thrombosis, the risk of which increases markedly against the background of erythrocytosis. Moreover, the platelet level is not important in this situation. When the blood thickens, they simply linger in the vessels due to slow blood flow, followed by platelet aggregation, which steadily progresses. This clot can enter any organ, causing sudden violation blood circulation in it. This is how heart attacks develop in early childhood.

Types of erythrocytosis

If the red blood cells in a child’s blood are elevated, this condition can be classified in two ways:

  1. relative erythrocytosis
  2. absolute erythrocytosis.

In the first case, the total mass of circulating red blood cells is not increased. The reasons lie elsewhere - in a decrease in plasma volume (dehydration). This criterion always expressed as a percentage.

In the second case, hemoglobin and red blood cells per unit of blood volume are increased. This value is expressed in grams (hemoglobin) and the number of cells per liter or milliliter. The cause of absolute erythrocytosis is excessive stimulation of the bone marrow, in which cells of the blood system are formed. This can be both pathological and normal.

Causes of increased red blood cells in the blood

The reasons for the increase in red blood cells in a child’s blood depend on the relativity or absoluteness of the diagnosed erythrocytosis. If a percentage (relative) increased content of red cells is determined, then this indicates dehydration, which is a consequence of:

  • food poisoning (vomiting and diarrhea)
  • intoxication
  • insufficient fluid intake into the child’s body
  • fever, etc.

An elevated absolute red blood cell count develops as a result of one of two possible mechanisms:

  1. the rate and processes of erythropoietin formation are increased. This substance is a direct stimulator for the red germ of hematopoiesis. It affects the multipotent progenitor cell and determines the direction of its differentiation towards erythropoiesis
  2. tumor transformation of blood cells.

An increase in erythropoietin is observed in conditions such as:

  • isolated hereditary syndromes
  • diseases in which the synthesis of erythropoietin increases secondarily (usually kidney pathology).

Erythropoietin is synthesized in the kidneys (in the so-called juxtaglomerular apparatus - glomeruli).

That's why elevated levels erythrocytes are observed with chronic lesion kidney:

  • chronic pyelonephritis
  • chronic glomerulonephritis
  • heart failure involving the kidneys
  • vascular anomalies of the renal artery
  • diabetes mellitus with kidney damage
  • autoimmune damage, etc.

Of the oncohematological diseases accompanied by an increase in red blood cells in the blood of children, it is worth pointing out Vaquez disease as the most common reason. It is accompanied by malignant proliferation of myeloid cells, incl. and red (at the same time the average volume of erythrocytes is reduced).

Erythrocytosis does not always indicate pathology. It can also be physiological.

This condition develops at high altitudes, where air oxygen saturation is reduced. In response to this, red blood cells are compensatory released from the bone marrow to ensure adequate oxygenation of organs and tissues.

The second cause of physiological erythrocytosis is considered to be intense sports activities. Hypertrophied (increased in volume) muscles need more oxygen than those of untrained people. To meet this need, additional hemoglobin is needed. It is present in red blood cells, the level of which also increases compensatoryly.

Diagnostic search

A blood test provides important initial information that helps in subsequent diagnosis to determine the specific causative disease.

Laboratory criteria for erythrocytosis are:

  1. percentage or absolute increase in red blood cells and hemoglobin
  2. increased hematocrit
  3. slow erythrocyte sedimentation rate due to blood thickening.

This analysis also reveals situations where red blood cells are low in a child (anemia). This may be a consequence gastrointestinal bleeding. Therefore, it is very important to detect them in a timely manner. For this purpose in feces infant and older children is determined special tests iron. If it is detected, this confirms the presence of bleeding.

Blood tests can also reveal signs indicating stimulation of erythropoiesis. These include:

  • elevated reticulocyte levels
  • the presence of morphologically normal erythrocytes.

If blasts are not detected, then a similar picture indicates physiological erythrocytosis.

Principles of treatment

Treatment of erythrocytosis is carried out only when the causative disease is identified. It is not indicated for physiological erythrocytosis.

For oncohematological processes it is prescribed polychemotherapy with drugs, to which tumor cells are sensitive. Dehydration is a direct indication for introducing sufficient amounts of fluid into the child's body. If he is conscious, then it is administered by drinking (tea, water, compote, etc.), and if consciousness is impaired, then intravenously ( saline solution, Ringer's solution, etc.). For kidney pathology accompanied by severe erythrocytosis, hemodialysis is indicated.

Blood consists of many useful particles: platelets, leukocytes, eosinophils, red blood cells, etc. All of them perform their function in the body and, when a failure occurs, for example, development pathological process, immediately signal this by changing the quantity or form. Based on the results of a generally accepted test, the doctor will be able to predict the development of a particular disease in a person. So, if the red blood cells in a child’s blood test are elevated, he has the right to conclude that the body is beginning to fight some kind of infection. The pediatrician will make the final diagnosis a little later, but for now he will have in his hands the key to understanding the processes that reflect this state blood.

Red blood cells are the most numerous particles of blood. Their total number reaches 25 trillion pieces. They are also called red blood cells. They are produced in the bone marrow and have a disc-shaped concave shape on the upper and lower planes. Due to their large quantity, the blood is red. Their main function is to saturate cells with oxygen and utilize carbon dioxide in the lungs. They also transport nutrients. If red blood cells are low, this may mean anemia, a disease in which the body lacks iron.

The reasons why the number of red blood cells in children’s bodies increases noticeably is the development of other pathologies. Unfortunately, there are not so few of them and they are all dangerous to health. Finding out what the child’s blood level is at the moment is very simple. You need to take a general finger test and go to the pediatrician with the results. It will decipher the contents of the table laboratory research and will give a comprehensive answer.

The norm of red blood cells in the internal environment in children is indicated in the table below. By turning to it, you can compare the given data and the number of red cells indicated in the blood test. That is, increased or reduced level erythrocytes in a child.

Some parents know that red blood cells carry hemoglobin - one of the foundations for the normal functioning of the body, and when the norm in the blood of their child is exceeded, they are often surprised that this is very bad. If the content of oxygen “transporters” is higher than the accepted values, the doctor has the right to make a diagnosis of erythrocytosis.

When worries are unfounded

However, if the norm of red blood cells in children is too high, this is not always bad. In a child who plays sports, their level can increase noticeably. The reasons for this process lie in the increased needs of the body. For normal functioning it requires a lot of oxygen and other nutrients. This anomaly is also observed in children who live in mountainous area. Their red blood cell count is also elevated, but this is not considered an unnatural process.

In contrast to the facts presented, it is necessary to put passive smoking. If one of the parents in the house is addicted to bad habit- smokes, then high performance red cells in a child's blood are virtually inevitable. The bone marrow begins to produce them in large quantities. This is how the body compensates for the lack of oxygen. If this is the case, the doctor will not even have to look for the reasons for the anomaly, why the baby increased rate red cells.

In children a few months old or younger, a high number of red blood cells is associated with intrauterine hypoxia due to a lack of oxygen in the mother.

Low or high values ​​are determined after drawing blood from a finger. The concentration of elements in one ml 3 is taken as a basis. Depending on the gender and age of the patient, the doctor will tell you what tests he has, that is, whether his red cells are high or low. For women and men, the norm ranges from:

  • 3.7-4.7 per cubic liter;
  • 4-5 per cubic liter respectively.

Red blood cells in a child’s blood depend, first of all, on age, lifestyle and living conditions. As mentioned, athletic children have a higher rate of red cells. Other reasons for its increase are also indicated above. Worse if erythrocytosis is a sign of others, more dangerous illnesses. Pathologies associated with this phenomenon require close supervision by a physician.

Dangerous diseases

Why do children develop erythrocytosis, the reasons for its diagnosis. If this is not associated with normal dehydration, the doctor should pay attention to the fact that the following pathologies may develop in the body.

  • Hypertension of the pulmonary circulation.
  • Rhinitis, bronchitis, allergies.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Bone marrow pathology.
  • Obesity.
  • Lung diseases.
  • Improper functioning of the adrenal cortex.
  • Heart defect (congenital).

TO this list you can add oncological diseases liver and kidneys. Meanwhile, diagnosis will always determine when the level of red blood cells in children is exceeded, this may mean oxygen deficiency. The child’s body tries to replenish it by producing an additional number of red cells.

Few people know that erythrocytosis is not an independent nosological entity. It is only a consequence of certain pathological phenomena, which are the responsibility of the pediatrician to establish. The reasons for this deviation are different, but the doctor may well suspect a bone marrow disease. It is accompanied by redness of the epithelium and is called erythremia. Pathology is diagnosed based on general analysis blood, when the values ​​of red blood cells are exceeded not by a few units, but by several times. Another common disease in which the production of red cells is increased is kidney disease. Meanwhile, one should not rush into treatment and take action only after a thorough examination and confirmation of the diagnosis.

Quite banal situations can affect the increase in the number of red blood cells in a child’s blood:

  • short-term stressful conditions;
  • unfavorable ecological atmosphere;
  • trip to mountainous areas.

In general, you need to monitor the child’s health and prevent an increase in red blood cells in the blood. So, children are required to drink enough liquid per day. It is better if the water is clean, since chlorine and other impurities are involved in the development of erythrocytosis. Don’t forget about your child’s dinner table, enrich it with fruits and vegetables. Healthy nutrition It will be possible not only to stabilize the norm of red cells, but also to form their correct shape.

It is very important to monitor what your child eats every day. An increased density of red blood cells leads to thickening of the blood, which is fraught with possible thrombosis. Therefore, children’s diets must include such foods as tomatoes, berries, beets, natural juices, oatmeal, cocoa, olive oil, green apples. In any case, if a child is diagnosed with erythrocytosis, there is no need to panic.

What are red blood cells and their tasks in the child’s body. An increase in red blood cells indicates a hidden pathology or disease. What is the norm of red blood cells for children of different ages. True, absolute and relative erythrocytosis: difference and causes. Treatment of erythrocytosis.

An erythrocyte is a nuclear-free blood cell containing 95% hemoglobin and 5% proteins and lipids. They consist of iron ions and also globulin proteins. Mature red blood cells do not synthesize hemoglobin and nucleic acids which do not have a nucleus or organelles. They usually exceed leukocytes and platelets. Thanks to hemoglobin, they are red and have a certain color.

Exceeding a certain limit in the number of red blood cells indicates that there are problems in the body. What does it mean?

Where red blood cells appear and the tasks they perform

Red blood cells are formed in the red bone marrow under the influence of erythropoietin, a kidney hormone. They are disk shaped. Perform important functions of nutrition and protection. Red cells supply oxygen to all tissues of the body. And this is how they transport carbon dioxide back to the lungs. In addition, they help maintain constant acid-base balance. They help the body get rid of toxins and participate in the process of blood clotting. Characterized by metabolism low level, so they live only 120 days. Having become obsolete over this entire period, and deposited in the liver and spleen, they are destroyed. New cells appear - reticulocytes. The process of destruction of old and emergence of new red blood cells occurs constantly. Thanks to this, the total number blood cells must remain constant.

When their number increases or decreases, you must definitely pay attention to this, which means that there is a violation of some processes in the body. A low red blood cell count is a sign of anemia, that is, an insufficient amount of iron in the diet or oncological tumors. Elevated red blood cells in the blood indicate the occurrence of a focus of inflammation in the body, dehydration or erythremia.

What is the optimal content of red blood cells in the blood of children?

Any deviation of the cells in the blood from normal means a violation of any functions of the body, especially of a child.

If an increase in red blood cells is observed in children, then this is a pathology, as a consequence, different negative factors. Very often, the cause of this condition is the child’s passive smoking. In a family of smokers, a defective form of blood cells is formed, which has a strong relationship with carbon dioxide. The formed meth-erythrocytes are dangerous for children and adults.

There are established limits for determining the number of red blood cells in the blood.

At the birth of a child, in order to fully provide the body with oxygen and complete blood supply, a large number of them are required in the baby’s blood. During the first month, the breakdown of old red blood cells begins, and newly produced ones appear. Intensive decay explains the jaundice of a baby in the first month of life.

Why does the number of red blood cells increase?

A decrease in hemoglobin in the blood is always considered dangerous, while an increase is, on the contrary, good. This is not always true. Normal indicators should be stable and vary only depending on the age, weight and gender of the child. An increase in the number of blood cells can occur under the influence of unfavorable factors environment(stress, climate change when moving closer to the mountains, where there is a deficiency of oxygen in the atmosphere), also with bone marrow disease (erythremia), with kidney disease. Children of smoking parents very often suffer from an increase in oxygen “carriers” in the blood. Therefore, the insufficient amount of oxygen is compensated when carbon monoxide reacts with hemoglobin.

This is also possible normal condition, under certain conditions. For example, in children who have lived in mountainous areas since birth (they naturally have a high blood cell count), as well as in children who regularly play sports. In other cases, violations of the norm should not be ignored - this can lead to negative consequences.

Three types of erythrocytosis

Erythrocytosis is the phenomenon of increased red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. It is also characterized by an increase in the total volume of blood when it becomes more viscous and thick. This is not a disease yet, but a certain pathology that indicates some kind of disorder in the body that is dangerous to health. Erythrocytosis is an indicator of oxygen starvation of the body. An excess of them draws attention to the fact that there is a lack of moisture and oxygen in the blood, which the body is trying to replenish and protect.

There are three types of erythrocytosis: primary, secondary and relative. With primary or true erythrocytosis, a disruption of the hematopoietic process and an increase in red blood cells occurs. It rarely occurs in children. The cause may be hereditary diseases and genetic defects such as heart disease or disease respiratory tract. It can also happen in case of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Secondary or absolute (acquired) erythrocytosis occurs in pathogenic diseases and inflammations.

The most significant causes of erythrocytosis in children include:

  • erythremia (Vaquez disease or polycythemia vera). In this condition, the bone marrow secretes many blood cells. All types of blood cells - lymphocytes, monocytes, leukocytes - increase in number, including erythrocytes. Why does blood thicken, which causes blood clots and leads to heart attacks and strokes at a young age;
  • chronic hypoxia, developing in bronchial diseases, pulmonary diseases. Occurs as a result of frequent bronchitis and pneumonia, bronchial asthma, drug allergies;
  • · birth defects heart disease, they are caused by insufficient blood circulation in the lungs. The most severe of them are tetralogy of Fallot and Ebstein's anomaly. The so-called “blue” disease. This causes blueing skin, that is, hypoxia.
  • hypernephroma – malignant tumors kidney This form is rare when large amounts of erythropoietin are produced in the red bone marrow. This is what is produced tumor cells hypernephroma.
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease, with it the amount of adrenal hormones, or corticosteroids, increases.
  • physiological reasons - when living in mountainous areas, when working in the production of aniline and other substances that affect the cohesion of hemoglobin;

Absolute erythrocytosis is a symptom of hidden diseases and pathologies. If they are eliminated, then special treatment won't be needed.

Relative erythrocytosis or Heisbeck's syndrome, as it is also called, is characterized by an increase in blood viscosity when the amount of fluid in the body decreases and the blood plasma decreases.

Relative erythrocytosis can occur in the following conditions:

  • vomiting symptoms and diarrhea due to poisoning;
  • infectious diseases;
  • blood loss;
  • large excess weight;
  • extensive burns;
  • situations of stress;

For pathologies intrauterine development or severe lung diseases, and if there are congenital heart defects, erythrocytosis may occur in the child.

What symptoms might there be?

When red blood cells are elevated, the signs are invisible in the first stages of the disease and can only be seen based on the results of a blood test. The further the disease progresses, the stronger the symptoms appear.

These could be:

  • severe headaches;
  • heart pain;
  • there is poor hearing and vision;
  • bone pain;
  • nosebleeds;
  • skin redness;
  • variable emotional state(depression);

Only based on the analysis performed, the doctor can determine the threat of erythrocytosis in a child.

How to treat

Only a knowledgeable doctor by first determining what caused the condition. By clinical analysis blood can determine the presence of erythrocytosis.

At home, to more effectively reduce the content of red blood cells, and to bring them to normal levels, you need to take additional measures. The child should drink enough water 0.5-1.5 liters, depending on the age, it is also useful to take: compotes, teas, herbal decoctions, mineral water. The water must be purified and free of impurities, otherwise chlorine and other substances may cause the opposite effect. And you still need to comply dietary food, which will be prescribed by the attending physician. Products should contain the least amount of iron, reduce the consumption of meat products, and switch to a vegetable and dairy diet.

If the form of erythrocytosis in a child is advanced, then the treating specialist prescribes blood thinners.

Red blood cells are blood cells that perform the function of saturating the body with oxygen. With the help of red blood cells, oxygen moves from the lungs to the tissues, as well as the reverse movement of carbon dioxide. In addition to their main function, red blood cells are involved in the transfer of amino acids from digestive system to tissues. Red cells also take part in immune reactions and maintaining ph balance.

The number of red blood cells can be determined exclusively using a general blood test, where they are abbreviated as rbc (red blood cell count).

Rbc cells make up about 95% of all blood cells and are oval-shaped bodies with flattened edges. This structure helps cells quickly circulate in the bloodstream, performing their main functions.

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, which gives the blood its characteristic color.

In order to begin considering the issue of blood in a child, you need to know what. It is worth noting that in newborn children the number of rbc cells is significantly higher than the norm for older children, so you should not be alarmed by these indicators.

When the number of red blood cells in a child's blood test is above normal limits, experts call this condition erythrocytosis.

Why does the deviation occur?

Physiological reasons

The growth of red blood cells in a child’s blood is influenced by many factors, including both pathological and physiological.

The physiological reasons that led to the increase in the number of red cells are not related to general condition child's health. These factors include:

  • dehydration

If baby for a long time suffers from excessive vomiting, diarrhea or profuse sweating, the concentration of red blood cells in his blood increases significantly.

Ask your question to a clinical laboratory diagnostics doctor

Anna Poniaeva. Graduated from Nizhny Novgorod medical academy(2007-2014) and Residency in Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics (2014-2016).

  • active physical activity

Children and adolescents who play sports often have high levels of red blood cells. This condition is explained by the fact that when active image During life, the body needs much more oxygen than people who avoid active sports. In this case, the number of rbc cells increases, providing the growing body with all the necessary substances.

  • living in high mountains

In children who live in the mountains, the number of red blood cells in the blood significantly exceeds the conventional norm.

  • passive smoking

It has been noted that children whose parents smoke in their presence, thereby making the child passive smoker, the concentration of red blood cells in the blood is above the upper limit of normal. This is explained by the fact that when inhaled tobacco smoke Much more carbon dioxide enters the lungs, to which the blood responds by replacing oxygen.

  • drinking poor quality water

Speaking about the effect of consumed water on a child’s blood, as a rule, they mean drinking water with a high content of chlorine. This also includes frequent consumption of carbonated water.

Intensive growth of red blood cells is also caused by:

  • massive thermal burns;
  • psycho-emotional shocks;
  • stress.
In newly born babies, erythrocytosis may be caused by intrauterine oxygen deficiency.

Pathological causes

Increased content of red blood cells in the blood observed in children with the following pathologies:

  • congenital and acquired heart diseases;
  • organ diseases respiratory system, including lung diseases, obstruction;
  • high blood pressure in the lungs (pulmonary hypertension);
  • hereditary disorders of hemoglobin synthesis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • intestinal pathologies, in which disturbances occur during the digestion of incoming food;
  • Pickwick's syndrome is a pathology characterized by three main symptoms: obvious obesity, hypertension, insufficiency of pulmonary function;
  • polycystic kidney disease;
  • hydronephrosis.

Significant deviation from normal indicators observed in children and adolescents with erythremia. This pathology is similar to leukemia (blood cancer), but is associated not with increased production of leukocytes, but with abnormally rapid production bone marrow red blood cells

Similar indicators are observed in patients younger age on initial stages myeloid leukemia and its chronic course.

Signs and symptoms

TO common features increase in red blood cells in the blood of children include:

  • frequent headaches, migraines, fainting;
  • heart pain;
  • a feeling of aching in bones and joints;
  • fatigue, drowsiness, apathy;
  • disorders of visual and auditory functions;
  • mood swings, tearfulness and sentimentality;
  • sensation of tinnitus;
  • nosebleeds;
  • acquisition of a characteristic purple hue by the skin (especially in the face area);
  • blue lips;
  • conjunctival hyperemia.

Possible consequences

The most dangerous consequence is blood thickening. The process occurs due to negative influence erythrocytosis on the bulk of organs and tissues.

Thickening significantly increases the risk of thrombosis, which in the future often leads to irreversible consequences.

What to do?

If a baby’s blood test shows that the number of red cells in his blood is higher than normal, need to take a retest to define rbc. Experts advise re-testing due to possible deviations from general rules before submitting the biomaterial for analysis. So, for example, if the baby was very nervous before the procedure or actively ran and jumped on the way to the clinic, then the study will show deviations from normal indicators.

If erythrocytosis is still confirmed, it is necessary to show the baby to a pediatrician who, based on the examination and research results, will suggest carrying out the necessary this case diagnostic measures. Based on this, the child will be referred for examination and consultation with a doctor of a more narrow specialization.

Treatment for a condition in which there is an increase in red blood cells in the blood depends on the cause that influenced its development. If an increase in the norm of red blood cell content is associated with the baby’s lifestyle, then there will be a need to reconsider both the diet and the amount of physical activity on his body.

Erythrocytosis that has developed due to any reason cannot be treated using cytostatic drugs. medicines. It is also necessary to exclude the possibility of using vitamin and vitamin-mineral complexes.


To prevent an increase in the content of red blood cells in the child’s blood it is necessary to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  • monitor blood counts at least once every 6 months;
  • avoid psycho-emotional and excessive physical stress;
  • promptly treat diseases of the respiratory system;
  • protect the child from inhaling tobacco smoke;
  • pay attention to drinking water, which the child consumes;
  • exclude carbonated drinks from your daily diet;
  • include in menu large number raw vegetables, fruits, fruits.

An increased content of red blood cells in a child’s blood is a condition that is not an independent disease, but indicates the development of some pathology in his body. Systematic blood tests of the child, as well as routine examinations of the baby by a pediatrician, will help avoid the development of complications caused by an increase in the concentration of rbc cells.

If any symptoms appear that indicate the child is unwell, you should consult a doctor.