Nosebleeds in dogs. Your dog has a nosebleed

A dog's nosebleeds appear as drops of blood that occur when they sneeze. There may also be a constant stream or drops of blood coming out of one or both nostrils.

Causes of nosebleeds in dogs

A dog's nose may bleed at any time. various reasons. Most often, nosebleeds are accompanied by injuries to the nose, foreign object in the nasal passages, tumor growth in the nasal cavity, disruption of the blood clotting process, inflammatory processes.

Particularly dangerous are blood diseases that cause bleeding disorders, for example, hemophilia, as well as cardiovascular diseases. at which it increases blood pressure. Less commonly, the cause of nosebleeds is.

First aid

First of all, the animal must be calmed. In a state of excitement, his blood pressure may increase, and this only contributes to increased bleeding. However, you should not give your animal sedatives without consulting a veterinarian.

Place an ice pack on the back of your dog's nose to narrow it. blood vessels. If after this the bleeding does not stop or the animal has problems breathing, it is necessary to urgently take the dog to the clinic.

In this case, it is necessary to remember:

  • is there rat poison in the house,
  • tough plants,
  • Has the dog fought with other animals?
  • what medications were given to the dog in lately.

Even simple aspirin can cause bleeding. You also need to carefully examine the animal’s face: swelling, changes in skin color on the back of the nose, lacrimation, redness of the third eyelid.

Does the dog rub its nose with its paws or sneeze? You also need to pay attention to the animal’s stool. With intestinal bleeding, it is black, and with gastric bleeding, the animal may vomit. If there is blood in oral cavity, and the mucous membranes are very pale, this may indicate a large loss of blood. This condition requires urgent hospitalization.


Nosebleeds can occur due to the most various diseases. To begin with, in order to make a diagnosis, after examining the animal, blood and urine are examined. This is necessary to assess the degree of blood loss and general condition health.

Nosebleed in dogs it occurs most often in case of injury.

Case study:
The phone call almost woke me up. It was already eleven o'clock in the evening.
A confused story from a dog owner: “A sick neighbor hit his German Shepherd on the head with a rake. The dog lost consciousness. But when she woke up, she managed to get up and crawl home. Now it lies under the table. Blood trickles from the nose. The dog does not respond to the call. Eyes closed. There’s a huge bump on my forehead.” I called a taxi and rushed to help.

As I expected, the dog was in shock. The gaze is absent, the pupil is dilated. Twilight consciousness. Blood was flowing from the nose. There is a huge hematoma on my forehead. A neighbor broke the bones of the dog's skull. But I only found out that it was a fracture of the skull bones at night, when the dog started breathing with its forehead. That is, with each inhalation and exhalation, the skin on the forehead rose and fell. So about nosebleeds. It was clearly traumatic in nature. And it was possible to stop the bleeding only with injections of ethamsylate solution. I also recommended ice on the forehead and bridge of the nose. First of all, the dog was brought out of the painful shock. And then surgery was performed.
You're probably wondering what happened to this dog. The dog is alive and well, which is what he wants for you and me.

Once again about nosebleeds:

  1. Traumatic

Traumatic nosebleeds begin as a consequence of injury. The dog can be hit, run over by a car, or hit its head on a hard object while running.
In this case, any movement of the dog is excluded. Don't put your dog down. She should lie with her head on her front paws. Ice wrapped in a towel is placed on the dog's nose. And of course we call the veterinarian.

    Increased intracranial pressure.

    Most often it occurs in older dogs with fragile blood vessels. The dog walks with his head hung low. May bump into objects. Nosebleeds can start at any time. In this case, the most important thing is to call a veterinarian in time. First first aid most often not effective.

    Bleeding due to heat stroke.

    With this type of bleeding, the dog was necessarily in conditions of severe overheating (an exhibition in the summer in the sun, a closed car in the heat, and so on)
    First aid: Place the dog in a cool place, in the shade, in a puddle, and finally cover it with a wet sheet. Drink water and apply ice or a bottle of water to the bridge of your nose. cold water. Your dog will most likely need the help of a qualified professional.

In this section I do not include diseases such as leptospirosis, piroplasmosis, and zoocoumarin poisoning. Since in these diseases, nosebleeds are not the main symptom and appear during the course of the disease itself.

Remember that nosebleeds are not common in dogs. If you observe a nosebleed in your dog, call your veterinarian immediately.

Nosebleeds in pets can occur for a variety of reasons. This is not uncommon, and therefore it is necessary to know what caused such an unpleasant process, because the general condition of the dog may depend on it. It tends to manifest itself both during sneezing in the form of a certain number of drops of blood, and without provocative processes, that is, a streamy regular discharge from the nostrils of a dog that is in a static position, sometimes even during sleep.

Causes of nosebleeds in dogs

The reasons for the appearance of bloody eruptions from the nose can be completely different:

  1. Coagulopathy. This is a disease during which the natural process of blood clotting is disrupted. This disease is deadly, so it is worth addressing special attention for such a cause of bleeding. Coagulopathy can be either congenital or as a result of an untreated previous disease, for example, jaundice, or poisoning with rodenticides, substances hazardous to the health of the animal.
  2. Vascular injury all sorts of objects.
  3. Spread of infections caused by bacteria: aspergillosis, cryptococcosis, rhinosporidiosis.
  4. Development of tumor and neoplasia: adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, chondrosarcomas and fibrosarcomas.
  5. Consequences of renal failure.
  6. Presence of diseases: hyperthyroidism, hypercortisolism, consequence of rickettsiosis and polycythemia, immune vasculitis and multiple myeloma.
  7. Various congenital diseases , characteristic of dogs relative to their breed.

First aid for nosebleeds in dogs

If suddenly your dog suddenly starts bleeding from the nose, the very first thing you should do is suppress panic and calm down. In a state of nervousness, it will not be possible to help the animal. You will also need to reassure yourself pet, because during times of nervousness and severe fright, his blood pressure may rise even more, which will worsen the situation.

As the pressure increases, the blood will flow more often and it will be very difficult to stop it. But give it to the dog various types sedatives are strictly prohibited unless consulted by a veterinarian. Without establishing the cause of bleeding, such substances may have harmful influence on the condition of the animal as a whole and have undesirable consequences.

After the dog has calmed down, place a cloth soaked in cold water or a bag containing ice on his nose. This must be done so that the blood vessels narrow and blood flow decreases. If this did not happen, and, in addition to everything, the dog began to experience heavy breathing, V urgently need to be called ambulance, or carefully take the animal to veterinary clinic.

As the blood flows, you should examine the dog’s face, so that at least external signs understand what caused the bleeding. When examining, you need to pay attention to whether there is swelling, swelling, or any changes in skin color on the back of the dog’s nose. It is also important to note whether there are accompanying signs such as lacrimation and redness of the third eyelid.

In addition to examining the dog's face, it is worth paying attention to the presence of blood in the animal's mouth, the color of its stool, since if there is bleeding in the intestines, it is black, and the presence of gag reflexes, since such a sign indicates bleeding in the stomach.

To make a more accurate diagnosis, there is a need to scroll through the following points in memory:

  • Is there rat poison in the house or area where the dog roams?
  • Are there any thorny plants growing that can injure the dog?
  • Were there any conflict situations pet with other dogs that could come to blows.
  • What kind of drugs has the animal used recently?

Treatment and prevention of bleeding in dogs

For successful treatment, the exact cause of bleeding should be established, and, based on this, any action should be taken.

So, if a nosebleed appears because the dog sneezed, then this may be associated with diseases such as neutrophilia, anemia and thrombocytopenia. Depending on what disease is the cause, veterinarians prescribe appropriate treatment.

If suddenly the diagnostics showed the presence coagulopathies, then the animal’s treatment is carried out exclusively in a hospital. However, if the disease has more light form, then it can be eliminated at home. To do this, you should first of all reduce as much as possible active image life of the dog, so that there is no predisposition to increase the flow of blood from the nose.

If during examination any foreign object was found in the nasal septum, it should be removed only with the help of surgical intervention by people specially trained for this purpose.

Due to a disease such as rhinitis of fungal origin, treatment should occur by infusing a solution of povidone, clotrimazole or enilconazole into the nasal opening through a special tube. A fungus called cryptococcosis should be treated with sporonox (intronazole), 5 mg per kg of dog weight every 12 hours.

And if a tumor is detected in an animal, then cisplatin with chemotherapy is unconditionally used, however, excluding cases of adenocarcinoma.

Nosebleeds in dogs, as previously stated, are quite common, so don't panic and frantically push into the animal different drugs, which supposedly have healing properties. Before you start treating your pet, you should study the reasons and find out what caused the appearance of bloody discharge from the nasal cavity. However, if you cannot examine the dog yourself, it is best to immediately contact a veterinarian who will conduct necessary research and prescribe the correct and effective course of treatment.

A dog has a nosebleed - what to do, how to help to a pet? This question often worries dog breeders. It is important to understand that, like any living beings, dogs get sick. They cannot talk about the problem that worries them, so the owners find out about it when the consequences become irreversible. Bleeding may be a consequence of injury, exposure to sinus a foreign object, or a serious, including hereditary disease.

The liquid may leak constantly (in this case, the problem will be difficult to miss), or individual drops will appear on the surface of objects surrounding the dog. In any case, the presence of blood is not normal. The dog must be taken to a veterinarian immediately.


Dog diseases have not been fully studied. There are a lot dangerous diseases, which only an experienced doctor can recognize. A nosebleed is the most likely sign:

Coagulopathies. Pathological condition animal body, characterized by a blood clotting disorder. Most often, the disease occurs in people, but its signs can also be observed in purebred animals in whose bodies a genetic failure has occurred. The loss of such an important function as “blood clotting” may be a consequence of jaundice, or poisoning with rat poison.

Kidney failure. Often found in older dogs. The work of the kidneys to remove toxins from the body is interrupted. The consequence of this is water imbalance and increased blood pressure, manifested in the form of bleeding from the mouth and nose.

Cushing's syndrome in dogs. Is a consequence large quantity cortisol in the blood ( steroid hormone, participating in metabolic processes, is responsible for combating stressful situations). The hormone enters the bloodstream through the adrenal glands. An increase in its quantity leads to depletion of the body’s energy reserves and disruption of work. internal organs, including digestive system. The disease is most often diagnosed in old animals. Owners of dachshunds, poodles and boxers are at risk.

Development of a malignant tumor. Dogs, just like people, get cancer. An ailment that affects internal organs often causes bleeding. To avoid an unpleasant surprise, pet owners should take their pets to the veterinarian at least once a year. The older the animal, the longer and more often these visits should be.

Hyperthyroidism. The disease is a consequence of an excess of thyroid hormones in the animal’s blood. In dogs, such a disease is rarely diagnosed (it is a complication of thyroid carcinoma); to a greater extent it is cat disease. This hormone is produced thyroid gland, leads to accelerated metabolism. One of the signs of hyperthyroidism is vomiting blood and nosebleeds. The animal loses weight, becomes lethargic and inactive.

Bacterial infection. The animal has a fever, has no appetite, sores and ulcers appear on the skin, coughing, runny nose and vomiting. More often bacterial infection caused by staphylococcal and streptococcal bacteria. The most common diseases among dogs are brucellosis and actinomycosis. Infection occurs through contact with other animals, ingestion of food and water.

The listed diseases may not be the only cause of bleeding from a dog’s nose. When making a diagnosis, the veterinarian must take into account the age, sex and breed of the animal. For example, german shepherds, Doberman Pinschers, Airedale Terriers, Shelties and Scottish Terriers often fall victim to von Willebrand disease (characterized by spontaneous bleeding). Common reason Nosebleeds in Basset Hounds are due to blockage of blood clots; such magnificent animals as St. Bernards suffer from hemophilia.

First aid and diagnostics

Having discovered that the dog has nose goes blood, the owner of the animal is obliged:

  • calm the pet down, pet it, give it a treat (blood may be the result of nervous overexcitation);
  • place a cold compress on the bridge of the dog’s nose;
  • if the bleeding does not stop, take the animal to the veterinarian.


  • give to the dog sedatives, intended for people;
  • abruptly change the position of a sick animal;
  • rinse your nose;
  • try to remove a foreign object yourself.

When visiting the veterinarian you must:

  • make a list of medications that the animal has used recently;
  • remember whether the dog came into contact with poisons for rats and mice, or ate rodents that could die as a result of the poison;
  • carry out a visual examination of the animal for hematomas, tumors, enlargement of the nasal cavity (you must tell a specialist about any discrepancies found, this will speed up the diagnosis);
  • remember whether the animal had contact with other dogs (perhaps damage to the nasopharynx occurred during play);
  • remember where the dog has been walking recently (the injury could have been caused by contact with hard plant stems);
  • remember if other signs of the disease were noticeable (sneezing, the dog rubbing its nose with its paw, whining).
  • is he cold, does she have a cold?

Not knowing why the dog there's blood coming out from the nose, no need to panic. Perhaps nothing serious happened. To determine the causes of bleeding, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • a blood and urine test is performed (the presence of an inflammatory process, blood clotting disorders, and other diseases, the course of which is reflected in the composition of the substances taken for analysis, is determined);
  • X-ray of the nasal cavity (allows us to identify a fracture, dislocation, tumor process);
  • rhinoscopy (necessary to detect foreign objects);
  • endoscopy (involves taking blood for biopsy; there is a risk of increased bleeding).

If an animal is injured, it should be handled with great care and taken to a veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

Methods and methods of treatment

In a situation where a dog is bleeding from the nose without stopping, the veterinarian takes measures to stop it, and only after that makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment. Depending on the complexity of the detected disease, the dog breeder may be offered inpatient or outpatient treatment. In severe cases, surgery is indicated.

Thus, coagulopathy is treated exclusively in a hospital setting, while diseases associated with blood vessels are treated at home. To treat rhinitis, use a solution of Povidone or Clotrimazole. Cancerous tumors treated with chemotherapy, and a bacterial infection with a course of antibiotics.

In order for the treatment to benefit the animal and promote a speedy recovery, it is necessary:

  • limit the dog’s movements (put him on a leash, in a small enclosure)
  • give the animal only those medicines which the veterinarian will prescribe;
  • leave the dog alone, paying attention to it only when taking medicine and food (no games or sudden movements).

Treatment of animals is an individual process, therefore, if the nosebleed does not stop, you should not go to your neighbor, but call a veterinarian.

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Nosebleeds in dogs.

Nosebleeds may be a sign serious illnesses.
In dogs, nosebleeds are most often accompanied by the growth of a tumor in the nasal cavity, trauma to the nose, inflammatory processes in the nasal passages, a violation of the blood clotting process, and less often the cause is a tooth abscess.
Nosebleeds are caused by droplets of blood appearing when you sneeze or a persistent drip or stream of blood from one or both nostrils.
What to do if you suspect or discover a nosebleed in your pet?

First aid
Let's say you're at home and your dog starts bleeding and won't stop.
Try to calm the animal. When dogs are excited, just like people, their blood pressure increases, which leads to increased bleeding.
Do not give your animal any sedatives without consulting your veterinarian.
Ask family members to remain quiet and calm, as nervous excitement is transmitted from owners to animals. Again, let us recall the chain: excitement - increased blood pressure - nosebleeds.
Place an ice pack on the bridge of your dog's nose. Make sure this does not obstruct breathing. Cold causes blood vessels to constrict, which reduces bleeding.
If after measures taken bleeding has not stopped or the animal is having trouble breathing, immediately contact a veterinary clinic or call an ambulance.

While waiting for the doctor or on the way to the clinic
be calm, concentrate and remember some details that will have great value to make a diagnosis.

  • Make a list medicines that you are currently giving to your dog.
  • Is there rat poison in your house or apartment, or perhaps your dog might have eaten poisoned rodents?
  • Carefully examine the animal's face for asymmetry or deformation. You may notice swelling of the bridge of the nose, loss of integrity or discoloration of the skin on the bridge of the nose, protruding and reddened third eyelid, uneven size eyeballs, lacrimation. Bring this to the doctor's attention.
  • Do you remember if the dog played too active games with another animal? Maybe there was a fight?
  • Has there been contact with plants that have hard awns? For example, in the morning a dog ran across a field where wheat or rye is grown.
  • Does the animal sneeze? Does he rub his nose with his paws?
  • Open the animal's mouth as wide as possible, examine the gums and lips. Is there blood in the mouth? Is pallor of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and conjunctiva noticeable? Severe pallor may indicate a large loss of blood; it may be necessary to urgent hospitalization. Please bring this to the attention of the clinic reception staff, The doctor must admit such a patient without waiting in line.
  • Are there signs of bleeding from internal organs? Intestinal bleeding may be accompanied by black stools. Sign stomach bleeding is vomiting blood. Attention! If these signs appear after a nosebleed, it may be a consequence of it, since the dog has swallowed a significant amount of blood.
  • Are there any hemorrhages on the skin, swelling on the body (there may be subcutaneous bleeding)?
    This information must be passed on to the doctor during the examination.

To make a diagnosis, in addition to a general clinical examination, the following diagnostic tests may be required:
Blood and urine tests
Clinical blood tests (with a mandatory platelet count) and urine are necessary to assess general health and the degree of blood loss, biochemical research blood - to assess the functioning of internal organs. A study of the blood coagulation system is carried out (the blood coagulation rate and coagulogram are assessed).
Detected deviations from the norm may indicate a blood clotting disorder:

  • due to a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood (for example, with autoimmune thrombocytopenia, side effect some drugs for chemotherapy, ehrlichiosis, hemangiosarcoma and other tumors)
  • because of pathological changes blood coagulation system (for example, in case of hemolytic poisoning, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, liver failure, von Willebrand disease and true hemophilia).

If the results laboratory research is normal, then the problem probably lies in the nasal cavity itself. But before examining the nasal passages, conditions accompanied by pulmonary hemorrhage should be excluded:
lung tumor, pulmonary edema, trauma lung tissue. For this purpose, an X-ray examination of the chest is performed.

If everything is in order with the lungs, they begin an X-ray examination of the nose, superficial rhinoscopy and examination of the teeth. All these procedures require general anesthesia.
They start with x-rays, since other methods can injure tissue. Radiography allows you to assess the condition of the roots of the teeth and sinuses. In the case of a nasal tumor on x-ray an area of ​​bone destruction may be visible. Such tumors often cause nosebleeds in older dogs.

Superficial rhinoscopy is performed using a special device. It is used to explore nasal cavity and, if necessary, foreign objects that cause bleeding are removed from it.

When examining the oral cavity, teeth are cleaned, paying special attention to the roots, since a tooth root abscess often affects the nasal sinus cavity.

What's next
If using standard methods studies fail to make a diagnosis, conduct deep endoscopic examination nasal passages. During the study, a tissue biopsy is taken, but only if indicated, because there is a risk of increased bleeding. In addition, it is very difficult to obtain an informative tissue sample:

  • since the growth of nasal tumors is often accompanied by severe inflammation, which masks the oncological process
  • since in conditions of bleeding it is difficult to select a tissue site for puncture.

Detection of a tumor of the facial part of the skull as a result of x-ray examination is absolute indication to a biopsy, since the prognosis of the disease largely depends on the type of tumor.

In conclusion
it must be said that sometimes bleeding areas are only accessible for examination surgical method. This procedure is the most traumatic and is accompanied by heavy bleeding, therefore, it is used only in exceptional cases to remove a hard-to-reach foreign object or take a tissue sample.