Pain relief during childbirth - how doctors can help. What contractions feel like and what pain can be compared to - scientific facts and expert opinion

Most expectant mothers eagerly await the approaching day of birth. But most often this expectation is accompanied by fear and anxiety - fear of unbearable pain. It turns out that easy childbirth without pain and anesthesia is real!

Easy birth without pain

The pain experienced during childbirth is incomparable to anything. This stereotype strikes fear into all expectant mothers and girls planning a child. Fear of pain during childbirth sometimes even becomes the reason for postponing “until later” the realization of the dream of having a first child. Let's figure out whether there is a natural birth without pain.

What to do so that the sensations experienced during childbirth do not discourage you from having a second child. Let us answer right away: easy childbirth without anesthesia and without pain is real. And it's completely up to you.

How to relieve pain during childbirth

Before answering the questions above, let's find out what pain is.

Pain is a signal to the brain that some kind of malfunction is occurring in the body, a malfunction has occurred internal systems. Having received this signal, we must take measures to eliminate the “problem”. This is how nature intended.

Childbirth is a physiological process to which expectant mother has been preparing for several years. A girl’s body develops in such a way that she is ready to bear and give birth to healthy offspring. The birth of a child is not a malfunction in the body, so pain should not occur.

So why does the vast majority of women in labor experience unbearable pain during childbirth? The reason for this is several factors, the first of which is increased physical activity.

The sedentary lifestyle of modern ladies leads to a decrease in endurance, and this, in turn, causes the body to respond with pain to increased physical activity which is required during childbirth.

When the birth process has already started, pain engulfs the body during contractions. What are contractions? This is an intense and very strong contraction of the longitudinal muscles of the uterus. The force of tension of these muscles is unusual for the body, since it has not experienced such stress before. Relief from pain during contractions during childbirth will come from regular exercise while planning a child and moderate physical activity and special exercises during pregnancy.

The second factor of pain is psychological. Even without being a mother or even pregnant, we know that giving birth is very painful. This is instilled in us by those around us: mothers, grandmothers, friends, acquaintances and strangers. While waiting for the baby to be born, we are already sure that it will hurt. Why not dispel this stereotype? own experience, setting yourself up in advance for the opposite - an easy and painless birth. Instill this in yourself and your loved ones. Be positive and think about the result. And don’t ignore classes to prepare for childbirth. In addition to physical and breathing exercises who will help during childbirth and will provide you with psychological support.

Third and no less important point Fear is on the list of reasons. The expectant mother is afraid of the pain she will have to endure and worries that something will suddenly go wrong. This leads to increased excitement and anxiety, which causes tension in the muscles, including the uterus. How does this affect the progress of labor? During contractions, the longitudinal muscles of the uterus contract, and orbicularis muscles The cervix, which was tightly compressed throughout pregnancy, on the contrary, relaxes. The feeling of fear causes tension in these muscles, preventing them from doing their job. As a result of this, opposition arises. The muscles of the uterus push the baby out, and the muscles of the cervix, if they are tight, do not allow him to come out. This is where the pain comes from.

How to endure the pain of childbirth

Let's summarize. How to prepare so that you don’t have to endure pain during childbirth?

  1. Make it a habit to be physically active. If you are planning a child, devote at least two days a week to sports. If you are already expecting a baby, do not neglect yoga, swimming pool, fitness for pregnant women and special exercises, which will help prepare your body for childbirth. Even if you already have a long term, believe me, there are special programs for you too.
  2. Attend courses for future parents. It is better for both parents to attend such classes. As a rule, in courses expectant mothers are taught to take correct poses during childbirth and teach breathing exercises. And dads will learn how to massage, which will help relieve pain during labor.
  3. Set yourself in a positive mood and enlist the support of loved ones. Don't read on the Internet scary stories about childbirth, listening to friends’ stories about how painful it is. Everything will be different for you.
  4. If you are already in the maternity hospital, follow the recommendations of doctors and obstetricians. They are also interested in everything going well for you.
  5. Invite your husband to attend the birth. When near close person calling positive emotions, childbirth will not seem as scary and painful as we are used to perceiving it.

The approach of childbirth and the very moment of meeting a little baby are often overshadowed by the fear of severe pain during childbirth, which has been the talk of the town for many centuries. Although pain during childbirth, as well as contractions, are natural physiological processes, women do not lose hope of finding ways to get rid of it. And, since the unknown is the most frightening thing, today, in order to dispel your fears, we will talk about pain during childbirth.

Since ancient times, the belief that a woman’s suffering throughout her life is a natural phenomenon stopped society from studying many features female body. For example, the process of renewal of uterine tissue - menses or “menarche” is still a taboo topic in our society. Although they are also part reproductive system, which helps to conceive and bear a child.

Pain during childbirth

But if the topic of “menarche” is avoided in our society, then they like to talk about how painful it is to give birth. Moreover, such conversations most often have little relation to the real situation, because they simply describe the consequences of the phenomenon, but not the causes. Moreover, each woman’s body is individual, as is the pain defect, so in your case everything may be completely different.

How much does it hurt to give birth?

The most important thing is to understand that the “pangs of birth” are not as terrible as you might imagine. These are natural pains that arise for objective reasons. And when you ask yourself whether it is difficult to give birth to a child and whether it hurts to give birth, you will receive positive answers. But this is no reason to despair! The main thing is to understand how and why pain occurs, and then begin psychological preparation, which, rest assured, will help you survive childbirth with the least loss.

What can you really expect during childbirth?

Exists visceral pain, which expectant mother feels at the very beginning of labor. It manifests itself dull ache“everywhere and nowhere,” but sometimes concentrated in the lower back and sacrum. This pain accompanies the opening of the cervix and contractions, which help the baby to be born.

The next painful stage is associated with moving the baby through the birth canal and stretching the tissues. This pain is more acute, concentrated in the perineum, vagina and rectum.

How to relieve pain during childbirth

The pains listed above are normal and should be avoided if natural childbirth very few can. But there is a way to relieve pain during childbirth - this, of course, psychological preparation, helping with pain, which we describe below:

Pain due to tightening of the vaginal muscles occurs when the woman in labor is under strong psychological pressure. If the expectant mother has been expecting pain during childbirth throughout her entire pregnancy, but has not learned to relax, then it will be very difficult for her. As you know, when there is strong fear, a person most often tenses all his muscles, and during childbirth, this is fraught with clamping of the vaginal muscles, through which the baby will not be able to break through. At high voltage labor may be prolonged and harm may be caused to the baby and mother.

IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: preparation for childbirth includes breathing exercises(hyperlink), and psychological attitude. In addition, in case of severe difficulties, the doctor delivering the child can provide medication assistance. We wish you that your birth will be harmless for you and your unborn baby!

As mentioned earlier, natural childbirth does not guarantee pain-free birth. In the past, obstetrics textbooks so often stated the definition: “pain is a normal reaction during uterine contractions” that doctors themselves believed it. In modern textbooks, the word “pain” often refers to contractions. But contraction of the uterus should not cause any pain if it is not complicated by fear and tension. Fear is quite naturally accompanied by tension, and if during contractions there is tension in the cervix, then it must be overcome by contraction of the uterus. At the same time, contractions become increasingly stronger, reaching the level where pain occurs, which is no longer physiological, but pathological contractions of the uterus.

Back in the twenties, Rudyard Kipling noted that words can be incomparably more healing than all medicines known to mankind. It is very important to understand that words can both hurt and support a person.

When we talk about fear and tension in connection with uterine contractions, we are talking about pathological condition. For example, with any, even minimal placental abruption, pain occurs. Another source of pathological pain during contractions is muscle contraction caused by insufficient oxygen supply, as in angina. The reason for this is improper breathing. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize once again how important it is to prevent pain during contractions to adhere to the principles of natural childbirth, one of which is proper breathing.

There is another area that is often prone to pain, and that is the back. Back pain often accompanies the first pregnancy, especially at the end of the first period of labor. Please note that we are talking about pain in the back, in the sacral area, which is completely unrelated to uterine contractions. For most women, this is just mild pain, leading to mild discomfort, but still there are those who experience severe suffering. This pain can be relieved by rubbing; in some cases, strong pressure with the palm or fingers will be required, which can only be done by a specialist or a well-trained husband. Although sometimes it is enough for a pregnant woman to simply change the position of her body, and the problem goes away on its own.

Some women begin to sway, thereby facilitating the spontaneous elimination of the causes of pain. But there are patients who require a certain amount of painkillers for relief.

The pubic area is also a source of pain. If such discomfort occurs at the end of the first period of contractions, then, as a rule, it creates less trouble than back pain. In addition, a woman rarely experiences pain in the pubic region and in the back at the same time. Light massage, transition to a half-sitting position with raised knees, correct technique breathing - that's all a woman needs to cope with such temporary discomfort.

Doctors, as a rule, use anesthesia at the most climactic moment - the moment of birth, because they believe that it is at this moment that a woman experiences the most sharp pains. Indeed, an unprepared woman at this time may experience severe pain, because in fear of the baby’s retractable head, the diaphragm and pelvic floor begin to strain. As the child progresses, the pain intensifies. For such an unnatural birth, each of the doctors would suggest using the appropriate dose of pain relief. But this will no longer be a natural birth.

For a prepared patient, childbirth is associated only with stretching sensations, strong pressure, some discomfort. Although, I repeat, in this case a woman rarely experiences more discomfort than she herself wants to experience, in order to add to the joy of having a child the joy of liberation. When a trained woman who has just experienced childbirth is asked what was most difficult for her, she never mentions the climax of childbirth. The most common answer: “The hardest part is the time before pushing.” At the same time, she often adds: “It’s hard to bear back pain, but not the birth itself. This moment was the most amazing, and I would never want to miss it!” She experienced childbirth, and, like many other women, she talks about it as something good, exciting, kind. If you start asking in detail about the back pain and why she refused pain relief, the happy mother will answer: “It wasn’t that scary at all! And then, I didn’t want to miss the moment of birth.”

And yet, when a patient complains of pain, there is no need to blame everything on her weak psyche or emotions. It's not "in her head" at all. If she complains of pain, then pain really exists. Women's complaints should be taken unconditionally and help them most effectively. It is often said that natural childbirth requires “bearing the pain,” and women in labor who have a high pain threshold are best suited for it. But that's not true. Very often, women with a low pain threshold give birth normally if they undergo good preparation.

Why does pain occur during contractions?

The birth process consists of 3 periods:

  • Contractions and cervical dilatation
  • Birth of a child
  • Birth of the placenta (baby place)

The most painful process during childbirth is the dilation of the cervix. During pregnancy it is dense, and in cervical canal The cervix contains a mucous plug that protects the fetus from various types of infections. Closer to childbirth, the cervix gradually softens, the mucous plug comes off and the cervix begins to contract and open under pressure from the fetus. Dilation of the cervix is ​​painful for absolutely everyone, as smooth muscles contract.

What is the pain of childbirth comparable to?

Initially, contractions are not intense, short-lived, painful sensations very similar to pain during menstruation (owners of painless menstruation now do not understand what we are talking about). Gradually the contractions become stronger, more painful and a clear frequency appears. Peak pain occurs at the end of the first stage of labor and the beginning of the second stage. This pain is very strong, similar to aching pain during menstruation, but several times stronger. I want to howl and destroy everything in my path! It is not without reason that they say that pain during contractions can be compared to the pain of 20 bones being broken at the same time. Thank God I didn’t break any bones, but it seems to me that this is how it is.

Does it hurt to push?

Pushing is the process of pushing a child, the birth of a baby. Some will say that pushing is the most painful process, but for others, pushing is just a fairy tale compared to contractions at the end of the first stage of labor. Based on my feelings, I will say: the process of the child passing through the birth canal and the birth itself (including episiotomy) were not noticeable to me, I only felt contractions during pushing.

Stage 3 of labor – birth of the placenta. The contractions are no longer as intense, and the placenta is born quickly.

What other pain is possible during childbirth?

If a woman had tears during childbirth or had to have an episiotomy (incision), then after childbirth it all needs to be stitched up. By the way, episiotomy is completely painless procedure against the backdrop of ongoing contractions, you simply don’t feel it. But suturing is a very painful process. Although it is used local anesthesia, you still feel a prickly sensation (they sew with a needle), quite unpleasant.

How to relieve pain during childbirth and contractions?

In general, childbirth without pain is a myth! No matter how you relax, distract yourself, it still hurts! Of course, you can relieve the pain. The main rule that must always be followed: do not tense up during a contraction, relax as much as possible. Yes, it’s difficult to do, it’s impossible to completely switch from pain to thinking about beauty, but you can try to relax. The fact is that if a woman tenses up, becomes stiff during a contraction, the cervix dilates the uterus is coming slower, which means the birth process will be delayed.

It is very important to breathe correctly during a contraction. At the beginning of a contraction, take a deep breath with your entire chest, hold the air for a few seconds and exhale slowly. At correct breathing the child receives a sufficient amount of oxygen, and he does not suffer from hypoxia. Contractions need to be breathed through, not screamed!

It is better to endure contractions in a standing position, leaning on the back of the bed or windowsill. In this position, the fetus presses on the fundus of the uterus and dilatation is more productive.

Many women find it easier to endure contractions by swinging on a ball (fitball).

Pain relief during childbirth

Reading articles on the Internet, one can conclude that you just have to ask for anesthesia and they will give it to you right away. Not so! In ordinary maternity hospitals, where a woman gives birth without an agreement with a doctor, anesthesia is not given. Perhaps, in an extremely difficult birth, the anesthesiologist will take pity on the woman in labor. There is a logical explanation for this: the pain during childbirth is so severe that any woman will not refuse anesthesia. If you put it on everyone, it will be expensive for budgetary organization. On the other hand, doctors know better who really needs anesthesia and whether it is needed at all.

Childbirth is a natural process, besides pain threshold Each person has their own. Remember that only through this pain you receive a small bundle of great happiness as a reward!

See you again on the blog pages ""!


Many women may say: what can men know about pain during childbirth?

Of course, they will never know, considering that some of them begin to writhe in agony after lightly hitting their little finger on a chair leg.

However, there is pain that can be much more intense than the pain during childbirth, as stated by women who have gone through childbirth.

It is worth noting that pain during childbirth is difficult to measure, given that each woman experiences it differently depending on many factors.

Here is the experience shared by people on forums for parents, and also the results are several scientific research, where they claim that there is pain greater than what you experience when giving life to a new person.

Kidney stones

According to experts, the pain from kidney stones can be as severe as the pain of childbirth.

One of the women who gave birth and had kidney stones swore that childbirth was easier than kidney stones. However, others argue that the pain is about the same, and if you want to explain it to a man, it is the closest thing to what women experience during childbirth.

"The first time I had kidney stones, I didn't know what they were, which added a sense of real terror to the physical agony. It felt as if someone had taken a hot poker and slid it along the sides, periodically tapping it with a hammer for good measure. The pain was so severe that I not only went blind, but also became deaf and lost the ability to perceive space and time. I simply found a position in which I thought I would die more slowly, namely on the floor of the emergency room."

"I howled like wounded dog, clinging to the carpet with your fingers and toes. I was drooling and couldn't speak clearly. They gave me morphine and it relieved the pain a little so I could explain what was wrong while I was screaming. Then they injected me with something else and that's all I remember".

Urinary tract infections

This burning pain many believed ten times worse than the pain of childbirth. Thus, one woman described how she “writhed on the floor and screamed” while being eight months pregnant.


Toothache is also often compared to the pain of childbirth. For example, there were cases when pain relief did not work and a person could fully feel how his nerve was being removed.

"I'm good at a lot of things, but I would ALWAYS choose childbirth over toothache. I didn't have the easiest birth though.".

The fact that toothache happens often aching and can last for a very long time, became the main reason why she was considered one of the strongest.

Broken ribs

Some women claim that the pain you experience when you break a finger or leg can be compared to the pain of childbirth. However, the pain that was most often mentioned was the pain one experiences when one's ribs are broken.

This is due to the fact that every breath brings a new wave of nauseating pain.

Perianal abscess

Essentially, this is a collection of pus next to anus and can reach the size of both a small boil and a fairly large fruit, which causes such excruciating pain that the person cannot move, not to mention sitting.

"This is the most unbearable pain. I delivered two babies (one with forceps after 29 hours of contractions and third degree tears) and nothing beats the incision and drainage.."

Broken seams

One woman said the pain from a stitch that came apart after hip surgery when she sneezed was much worse than the pain of childbirth.

Stitches can also come apart after birth if the woman has had an episiotomy (cutting the perineum), which can be more painful than trying to push the baby through a narrow canal.


Migraine also tops the list of the most painful experiences, given that it can last for several days, and the pain does not subside. Migraines are often accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, light sensitivity, and sometimes the pain becomes so unbearable that the person loses consciousness.

"I get migraines and most of the time I can cope, but there have been a few cases where the migraines were worse than childbirth".


According to a study, nearly two-thirds of those who suffer from gout consider it the worst pain.

An acute attack of gout can cause a person to writhe in agony even at the slightest touch to the affected area(often this thumb legs). In this case, there can be no question of putting on shoes or walking.

Trigeminal neuralgia

Neuralgia trigeminal nerve, also known as Fothergill's disease, is an inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, which runs from the head to the jaw.

As the doctor explained, it is very strong pain that feels like you've been stabbed with a knife. Treatment for this condition is limited. Some people experience suicidal thoughts from such pain.

Severe burns

A burn specialist said the pain of burns can be compared to the pain of childbirth. Caring for burns is an ordeal, since wounds need to be treated, clothes need to be changed, skin grafting and stretching is required.

Cluster headaches

Often this headache describe how the worst pain imaginable. It can be very intense and localized on one side of the head, most often around the eye, and can last up to three hours or more.

Many patients have stated that this pain is worse than labor pain or burn pain.


This complex name means severe pain in the area anus, and becomes unbearable when you try to sit up or fall.

Moreover, for men this pain can be especially painful, as it often radiates to the genitals, causing constant discomfort.


Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the gland at the entrance to the vagina.

One of the women described the pain this way: " Imagine that your most sensitive places are swollen and throbbing without any relief. I couldn't walk, sit, stand, nothing. I wanted to die".