Sea buckthorn berries beneficial properties. Jams and preserves


Hello everyone! Today I’ll tell you about the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn and its contraindications.

Small sea buckthorn bushes, whose branches are strewn with bright berries, are now growing everywhere.

For many centuries, the small orange-red berries have been used for body care and healing. Various products are made from them: oil, juice, cream, sweets and even liqueur.

Even Genghis Khan knew the benefits of sea buckthorn. The Mongols used it to treat riders and care for horses. The mention of the medicinal effect of the plant in the sources of Tibetan and Ayurvedic medicine indicates its widespread use already in ancient times.

Because shrubs grow well at high altitudes and in marginal soil, they are also planted to counteract soil erosion and restore landscapes.

In Europe, vitamin-rich sea buckthorn products were a scarce commodity after World War II. Now they are sold everywhere. The main suppliers are China and Russia.

The beneficial properties of sea buckthorn are due to the following:

  • vitamins B, C, E, F and P,
  • provitamin A,
  • minerals,
  • flavonoids and
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Thanks to this composition, sea buckthorn is indicated for kidney stones, such as. I invite you to read an article on this topic if you are interested. Follow the link.

It is credited with anticancer, antiallergic, antibacterial and antiviral effects.

Fleshy berries supply the body with 10 times more vitamin C than citrus fruits. 1 g of fruit contains up to 12 mg of this vitamin.

Pregnant and lactating women, children, adolescents during puberty, smokers and people who abuse alcohol are recommended to consume 2-3 tbsp daily. l. sea ​​buckthorn to meet the high need for vitamin C.

  • — protein: from 1.4 to 2.8%;
  • — fatty oil: from 5.0 to 8.5%;
  • — carbohydrates: 7.64%;
  • — minerals: 0.45%;
  • — rutin: from 0.07 to 0.1%.

Sea buckthorn treatment

What does sea buckthorn exhibit? medicinal properties for which it is so often used?

Sea buckthorn is taken orally for:

  • lack of vitamins and
  • general weakness,
  • state of exhaustion and
  • lack of appetite.

It is a reliable remedy against colds and fever, sore throat and tonsillitis.

Do not eat raw berries; they are small and have a pit. Basically, they are used to make jams, juice, infusions, decoctions, purees and syrups. And each of them is useful in its own way.

Sea buckthorn juice is rich in vitamins E (tocopherol), A (beauty vitamin), B, K and C ( ascorbic acid). To ensure that the juice retains all the properties of fresh sea buckthorn, the berries are processed very carefully.

Freshly squeezed juice also contains minerals, fruit oils and trace elements and is considered a very healthy product for the whole family. It is very sour, so it is most often combined with other foods.

It can be added to many cottage cheese dishes, fruit salads, baked goods, or to strawberry or orange jam. Sea buckthorn juice can be used to replace, for example, part of the liquid or serve it with a cheese pie. Tasty and healthy.

For colds and high temperature juice is also added to tea.


If juice is a product that helps maintain overall health, then oil from the pulp or seeds has healing and pain-relieving properties.

Sea buckthorn oil kills bacteria, regulates metabolism and, in certain cases, is used as an antitoxic agent. Use it only externally.

Sea buckthorn oil helps with:

Additionally, it has been seen to help regulate excess production gastric juice and binds toxins in the intestines.

Its beneficial effect on the skin is especially emphasized.

The oil perfectly heals wounds. If, for example, a child has had his ears pierced and the holes are festering, then you can simply apply earrings with it. The oil gets into the wound, and it heals, but does not heal.

Minor scratches and cuts also heal quickly. Just keep in mind: if you get this fatty product Leaves orange stains on clothes.

It was recently discovered that the oil can absorb sunlight while protecting age spots from darkening. That's why this oil is used.

Since it promotes skin regeneration, it helps with bedsores, sunburn and after radiation therapy.

Care products

In addition to oil, there are also sea buckthorn creams with polyunsaturated fatty acids: palmitoleic, linoleic and linolenic.

To prepare some creams, sea buckthorn oil is combined with both. Please visit the relevant links for more information.

Harmful radicals neutralize vitamin E and carotenoids. They also protect the skin from premature aging. Such creams bring especially great benefits to tired skin.

Much attention is paid to sea buckthorn in folk medicine. It is an indispensable assistant in the treatment of many ailments. Due to its miraculous composition, it is widely used in traditional medicine as an auxiliary and prophylactic agent. And all because it has sea buckthorn beneficial properties and its contraindications are minimal.

The benefits of sea buckthorn and its use

The uniqueness of the plant is that it is used against many diseases. These are vitamin deficiencies (especially spring ones), pathologies of the stomach and intestines, skin diseases and more. Sea buckthorn oil is also widely used.

  1. Sirotin is a component found in sea buckthorn fruits and in the bark of its branches. This substance normalizes work nervous system, activates its activity.
  2. Carotene, vitamins E, F, minerals, copper, iron, manganese - all this is contained in sea buckthorn oil, which is used both externally and internally. Useful components have a positive effect on the liver (increased protein in the organ), improve lipid metabolism, and restore damaged cells.
  3. Beta-sitosterol is found in the fruits of the plant and is used for atherosclerosis in old age.
  4. Laxative (seeds of sea buckthorn) and diuretic (leaves of sea buckthorn).
  5. Vitamin B, contained in wax fruits, is good for potency disorders in middle-aged men.

Remember! If a person has an individual intolerance to the components of sea buckthorn, its use in any form is prohibited.

Diseases that are treated

Sea buckthorn is indispensable in the treatment of many diseases:

  • manifestations of vitamin deficiency, weakening;
  • illnesses respiratory tract(especially the upper ones);
  • pathologies of the nervous system;
  • cancer diseases;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Fresh berries of the plant help with skin wounds (purulent), frostbite and burns. For this purpose not large number mashed fruits should be applied to the affected areas.

Decoction of leaves and branches for diarrhea

For problems with stomach upsets, an indispensable remedy is a decoction of the leaves and branches of waxweed. Berry infusion eliminates the causes and symptoms of pathologies of the stomach and intestines. will relieve low acidity.

Finely chopped raw materials (1 tbsp) pour into a glass cold water and boil for about 5 minutes, then leave and strain. The prepared liquid should be drunk in one dose.

Infusion of berries for stomach diseases

Pour five tablespoons (tablespoons) of berries into 0.75 liters of water and boil for several minutes. It is recommended to drink the strained decoction instead of tea several times a day.

Tea for infections

For one glass of boiling water you need 6 grams of (dry) sea buckthorn leaves. Take the drink warm instead of regular tea 15 minutes after eating.

Important! The beneficial properties of sea buckthorn only complement traditional treatment rather than replacing it.

Usefulness of the plant for men

Most common problem among males there is a violation of potency. The development of this pathology most often occurs in middle age, but there are cases when the disease also affects young people. This occurs due to a lack of vitamin B in a man’s body.

Oil for potency problems

You need to squeeze the juice out of the ripe berries and dry the sea buckthorn cake. The dried mixture must be filled with vegetable oil (sunflower, olive), at a ratio of 1:1.5. The well-mixed liquid is infused for three weeks, stirring every day. After the liquid has infused, it is separated from the grounds and stored in the refrigerator. This oil is useful for seasoning vegetable salads.

A good way to improve potency are berry juices and sea buckthorn fruit drinks, the recipes for which are given above.

Decoction for baldness

Men can also suffer from baldness. And here sea buckthorn comes to the rescue. It strengthens weak bulbs and prevents their destruction.

Brew a mixture of leaves and berries (3 tablespoons) in 300 ml of boiling water. The broth should be infused in a well-sealed container for several hours (until it cools completely), after which you need to strain and take half a glass of the drink before meals in the morning and evening.

A decoction of young branches for washing hair for hair loss

Because it has a healing effect on the body.

Boil 100 g of cut sea buckthorn branches in 1 liter of water for about 15 minutes. Drain the broth and cool. Dilute it in warm water and wash your hair with this product at least 3 times a week.

Interesting! Using a decoction of young branches will be more effective if, before washing your hair, rub sea buckthorn oil into the roots of your hair and leave for half an hour.

Useful properties for women

Among many diseases, the plant helps well in gynecology. This is especially true for pathologies of the uterus (cervical erosion), endocervitis and inflammatory processes in the vagina. Sea buckthorn produces a protective effect on damaged organs, restores damaged cells, and also has a detrimental effect on pathogens infectious diseases.

Cotton swabs for cervical erosion

A cotton swab must be well moistened in the plant oil, approximately 10 ml per dose, and inserted inside the vagina for 12–24 hours. The duration of treatment ranges from 7 to 12 procedures. If the need arises, treatment can be repeated after at least 5 weeks.

The same tampons are suitable for endocervitis and colpitis. Here the course of treatment is a little longer - up to 16 days.

It is recommended to lubricate the nose and sinuses during colds. It is also an excellent pain reliever and antiseptic at . You need to dilute 1 tsp. plant oils in a glass warm water and have a drink. This medicine will not only relieve painful sensations, but will also increase the body’s resistance to pathogenic bacteria.

During pregnancy

Sea buckthorn oil is also very useful and completely harmless for women during pregnancy. It is simply irreplaceable during this period, since there are many diseases to which expectant mothers are susceptible during pregnancy. In such cases, the use drug therapy extremely undesirable, so sea buckthorn helps.

It helps well against stretch marks that occur during the period. A small amount should be lubricated on the stomach, sides, back, inner and outer thighs. The product will remove dry skin and make it more elastic, which will prevent stretch marks.

For constipation

1 tsp. pour boiling water (200 ml) over the berries and take warm several times a day. For a cup of this drink, 1–2 tsp is enough. honey Sea buckthorn tea with honey is a mild laxative, which allows you to gently cleanse the intestines, without trying to later pregnancy is contraindicated.

Honey can also be added to compotes and decoctions of sea buckthorn. This will only enhance the beneficial properties of the plant.

Important! The combination of honey with sea buckthorn helps fight liver and kidney pathologies, heart problems, colds, and helps strengthen weakened immunity.

Benefits for children

The young body is most susceptible colds. Therefore, sea buckthorn helps get rid of coughs in children and is good at eliminating the symptoms of sore throat. If you have a runny nose, you should apply sea buckthorn oil to your nose, a few drops 3-4 times a day.

Sea buckthorn oil is very helpful for diaper rash in small children. They need to lubricate the affected areas and apply compresses. The product is also indispensable for thrush, which appears in babies. infancy as a result of frequent regurgitation, the development of dysbacteriosis.

It is worth noting that sea buckthorn oil helps well during the period when the first teeth appear. If you regularly lubricate your gums with it, this will relieve inflammation and pain in your baby.

Sea buckthorn is an autumn berry that retains its fruit throughout the winter. She is not afraid of frost. The plant belongs to the Sucker family, found in nature in the form of small shrubs (height 1–3 m, less often it can reach more than 10 m). Very common throughout Russia.

Narrow, oblong, speckled leaves appear after modest flowering. The berries ripen by autumn, have a bright color (orange), thickly sprinkle sea buckthorn and thereby attract a lot of attention. The taste of the fruit is bitter, with sourness. During frosts, the bitterness disappears and the berries become a little sweet.

The plant loves moisture. It can be found in swampy places, on river banks, and even in the mountains. Sea buckthorn is widespread in Russia; it is also popularly called wax-buckthorn, wolfberry. Its dense thickets are often used as a fence, which can be used to secure slopes and ravines.

The leaves, fruits and seeds of the bush are used for medicinal purposes. The berries should be picked at a time when they have acquired their bright color, become elastic and do not crush in your hands when picked.

Pay attention! Sea buckthorn berries can be collected in winter, but only in those regions where there are constant frosts and no thaw. If there are temperature changes, harvesting fruits in winter will be impossible, as they will melt and become wrinkled.

It is worth noting that after picking, the berries must be processed within a few days, otherwise they will lose their beneficial qualities. The fruits retain their healing properties even when frozen. Therefore they are either recycled in different ways, or frozen.

Options for harvesting berries

You can cook:

  • (raw and cooked);
  • sea ​​buckthorn juice, fruit compote;
  • berries in sugar, syrup;
  • frozen sea buckthorn;
  • dried sea buckthorn.

If you know how to cook the fruits useful plant, you can preserve its properties for a long time. There are many recipes for preparing miraculous berries.

Jam (raw)

You need to mash the wax berries in an enamel bowl and gradually add sugar to them. It is necessary to maintain the proportion of 1 cup of grated fruit to 1.5 cups of sugar. Mix everything well and put on low heat, but do not bring to a boil. You need to heat it so that the sugar completely dissolves. The cooled jam should be poured into jars and stored in the basement (refrigerator).

Boiled jam

For a kilogram of berries you need one and a half kilograms of sugar. First, prepare the syrup (170 ml of water per 1 kg of sugar). Pour the sweet liquid (hot) over the cooked fruits and leave for 5–7 hours. Then simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. and roll into jars. This jam tastes very good and has a good smell. The only drawback is the presence of seeds.

Berries with sugar

Immediately after picking, fresh berries must be covered with sugar in a ratio of 1:2. Place the finished, thoroughly mixed mixture into jars and store in a cool, dark place.


The fruits must be immersed in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then squeezed through several layers of thin cloth (gauze). Pour the resulting juice with syrup (170 ml of water per 1 kg of sugar) and leave in a cool place for several hours (stir occasionally). Distribute the cooled juice into jars and boil in a saucepan with water for about 15 minutes, then roll up the lids and lower into the basement.


Small jars are filled with washed fruits to 2/3 of their volume and filled with syrup (450 ml of water per 1 kg of sugar). Next, you need to pasteurize the jars in boiling water (10–15 minutes), then roll up the compote with lids, wait until it cools down and store in the basement or refrigerator.

Ripe berries are suitable for compote, very bright color. This will allow you to get a good color drink.


You need to grind the berries and pour them hot water(approximately 42 degrees). For 1 kg of fruit you will need 250 ml of water. Heat everything over low heat for 5 minutes and strain. The finished juice must be filtered well again through several layers of gauze, after which 1.5 kg of sugar is added to 1 liter of juice and kept on fire until it boils. Then the finished syrup needs to be poured into jars, rolled up and turned upside down for better sealing.

Pay attention! After the syrup has infused, sea buckthorn oil is formed on its surface, which is saturated with a large amount of carotene, which is very useful tool, and helps to quickly lower blood cholesterol.

How to freeze berries

Ripe berries need to be washed well, cleaned of foreign debris and leaves, dried well so that no water remains on them, and placed in containers (plastic bags, plastic containers), which will be stored in the freezer.

Dried cake and berries

Most often, sea buckthorn cake is dried, which is obtained after juice or fruit drink has been prepared from the plant. It is necessary to place the cake in gauze bags and hang it in the shade. After it has dried a little, you need to spread it out thin layer onto a baking sheet and dry in the oven (temperature no more than 50 degrees).

Berries should be picked at the end of September, before the first frost. First, the fruits need to be washed, sorted out of debris and leaves, and spread on a cloth to dry the water. Then spread the dried fruits on a baking sheet and dry in the shade, not in the sun, otherwise the berries will burn. When the fruits are sufficiently wilted, they need to be dried in the oven at a temperature of no more than 45–50 degrees.

Important! While drying in mandatory It is necessary to ensure that the wax does not burn or dry out, otherwise its beneficial properties will be spoiled.

Contraindications for use

The plant is well tolerated by almost everyone. The exception is the category of people who have individual sensitivity and intolerance to certain components contained in the medicinal plant.

In addition, there are several diseases that acute form which the use of sea buckthorn is not recommended: inflammatory pathologies of the liver, gall bladder, duodenum and pancreas (pancreatitis), since the plant contains a lot of acids, which can further irritate the mucous membranes of organs and increase the already high acidity.

Important! In the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, it is better to exclude juices and fresh fruit drinks from sea buckthorn. In this case, decoctions and teas of the beneficial plant are used.

Sea buckthorn has no other serious contraindications, which is why it has earned great popularity in traditional and folk medicine.

Red sea buckthorn - shepherdia

In nature, there is a close relative of the useful plant - shepherdia. In appearance, it completely resembles sea buckthorn, only the fruits have a rich red color, which attracts even more interest.

Shepherdia is also very useful. It contains a lot of vitamin C, provitamin A, and a large number of organic acids. People use it more as a valuable raw material for preparing various kinds of wines, liqueurs, and tinctures. It also makes excellent jam, jelly or puree.

It is worth noting that the plant is more demanding to grow than sea buckthorn. Both male and female seedlings need to be planted side by side. It bears fruit only 5 years after planting, but the harvest is plentiful - up to 35 kg per season.

Useful properties of shepherdia:

  • hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent;
  • bactericidal and astringent effect;
  • immunostimulating agent.

The plant helps well with heart diseases (strengthens the muscles of the heart and the walls of blood vessels). It has the same effect on the stomach and intestines as sea buckthorn. Widely used for colds.

Storage and harvesting are no different from those in the case of sea buckthorn. Shepherdia is used in juices, compotes, syrups, and is well preserved when frozen.

Important! The main contraindication for red sea buckthorn is the individual sensitivity of the body to the components of the plant. If you are hypersensitive or allergic to shepherdia, its use is not recommended.

Berries, leaves, bark and branches of sea buckthorn are indispensable helpers in the fight against many diseases. It is important to understand that the plant must be taken in combination with traditional therapy. This will increase the chances of recovery and help strengthen the body. Do not forget that sea buckthorn is an auxiliary and preventive remedy in the fight against many ailments. And its thoughtless use and self-medication can lead to complications and cause undesirable consequences. The main thing is that everything should be in moderation.

Nature has created many plants that have unique properties, one of them is sea buckthorn. It grows as a small shrub or tree. Its branches are elongated and have thorns. Sea buckthorn berries are small, oval in shape. The main wealth of the plant is sea buckthorn berries, the benefits and harms of which to the body have been known for a long time.

Useful substances in sea buckthorn

The beneficial qualities of the berry lie in its rich vitamin composition:

  • carotenes and carotenoids;
  • vitamins A, B, C, PP, E, K;
  • fatty acids (oleic, palmitic, stearic, linoleic);
  • micro and macroelements (titanium, manganese, aluminum, sodium, calcium, silicon, iron);
  • tannins.

What are the benefits of sea buckthorn for the body? A small amount of sea buckthorn berries or its juice per day will help compensate daily norm vitamins and necessary substances for the body.

Medicinal properties of sea buckthorn

What are the benefits of sea buckthorn for the human body? The berries of the plant have been used in folk medicine for a long time. She cures many diseases. Indications for use:

  • decline protective functions body;
  • vitamin deficiency and exhaustion are diseases that can be cured by eating sea buckthorn;
  • The bark of the plant, due to its antitumor properties, can be used in the treatment of joints;
  • Sea buckthorn fruits can be used for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • Regular intake of a decoction from the plant bark will help normalize the psycho-emotional state and prevent the development of depression;
  • the bark is used in the treatment of cancer because its composition can inhibit the development of the disease;
  • berries help in the healing of wounds, burns and bedsores;
  • sea ​​buckthorn increases potency in men due to its high content of vitamin E;
  • Regular consumption of fruits helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels due to its antioxidant properties.

For treatment, sea buckthorn can be consumed fresh or frozen, as well as preserves, syrups, jams, juices and decoctions can be prepared from it.

Also, oil is prepared from the skin, pulp and seeds of the plant, which contains a lot of useful substances. Oil helps in the following cases:

  • promotes healing of wounds, burns and scratches on the skin;
  • heals trophic ulcers;
  • promotes hair growth;
  • helps treat conjunctivitis and eye burns;
  • used for inhalation to treat respiratory diseases, especially for occupational diseases.

The oil has benefits for facial skin if you apply it with massage movements before going to bed. With systematic use, the dermis can get rid of dryness.

Sea buckthorn oil and berries are used for various diseases thanks to the healing and bactericidal properties of the plant.

In this case, many plants, including sea buckthorn, can help. 100-150 g of berries per day can replace antibacterial drugs, and the plant oil will cure rhinitis.

For throat diseases, you can use 1 spoon of sea buckthorn oil, which is added to a glass of water and drunk.

If a cough occurs, the benefits of sea buckthorn for the body will be to add a small spoon of honey to a glass of decoction.

Possessing a rich vitamin composition, sea buckthorn will help women strengthen their immunity and provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamins and microelements.

The healing properties of the plant oil can be used by women not only during pregnancy, but also for the treatment of gynecological diseases. It is used for cervical erosion, colpitis and cervicitis.

Is it possible to give sea buckthorn berries to children?

What are the benefits of sea buckthorn berries for a child’s body? The fruits of the plant with its healing properties quite rarely used for treatment child's body. Many parents believe that it can cause allergic reactions in babies. Before giving berries to a child, this also applies to other herbs, you need to make sure that there are no reactions from the baby’s body.

It should be taken into account that sea buckthorn is not recommended for those children who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases.

By including drinks in the form of fruit drinks, juices or syrups in your child’s diet, you can significantly enrich your baby’s diet with vitamins and nutrients.

Using sea buckthorn oil for sore throat and runny nose will significantly improve the child’s health. The oil is also effective for ear diseases in children.

Benefits of sea buckthorn for the eyes

What are the benefits of sea buckthorn for the body? Sea buckthorn oil can be used as an ointment or drops for damage to the cornea of ​​the eye. For eye inflammation and decreased vision, oil together with glycerin can be used as follows. Initially, 1 drop of glycerin is instilled, and after 5 minutes - 2 drops of sea buckthorn oil.

The benefits of sea buckthorn in cosmetology

What are the benefits of sea buckthorn for the body? She got wide application and in cosmetology. The plant oil can be used by both men and women to strengthen hair and prevent hair loss. Sea buckthorn stimulates their growth. After using masks from the plant, hair becomes healthy and shiny.

Currently, the benefits of sea buckthorn are used in their cosmetics There are many manufacturers, so you can often find cream or shampoo based on the fruits of this plant.

Sea buckthorn oil can be used for different types skin. It helps to moisturize dry skin, and for oily skin it tightens pores and removes shine.

The benefits of sea buckthorn for weight loss

What are the benefits of sea buckthorn for the human body? Currently the plant is becoming effective means for weight loss. For a long time no evidence was found for this theory.

Some time ago, scientists discovered the presence of omega-7 in sea buckthorn berries. fatty acids that help regulate lipid metabolism. Therefore, the fruits will help maintain weight in in good condition, but are unable to reduce it.

It is well known that fatty acids do not allow the subcutaneous fat layer to increase, but do not have any effect on the fat present in the body.

To stay in shape, some time before meals you need to eat 100 g of berries, fresh or frozen. A glass diluted with water has the same effect.

Healthy sea buckthorn recipes

What are the harms and benefits of sea buckthorn for the body? Recipes with it are distinguished by their variety and beneficial properties.

Due to its healing properties, sea buckthorn can be used in the preparation of various dishes and drinks. From it you can make: tinctures, jelly, marmalade, compotes, etc.

Sea buckthorn, even when frozen, retains most of its useful qualities. Children especially like mashed fruits with sugar.

You can make delicious jam from them, which will help replenish the lack of vitamins in the winter. To prepare it, take 1 kg of berries and 1.5 kg of sugar. Next, it is prepared like regular jam.

Sea buckthorn juice with honey is extremely popular. To prepare it you use: 10 walnuts, 2 cups of sea buckthorn and a glass of honey. You should grind the fruits and add honey with chopped nuts.

One of the most common recipes is considered to be a drink made from sea buckthorn, which residents should drink ecologically. disadvantaged areas. To do this you need:

  • pour a small amount of dried sea buckthorn and mint leaves with hot water (5 liters) and leave for at least 6 hours;
  • strain and add 0.5 cups of honey;
  • store in a convenient container.

Can be consumed as water or tea.

Sea buckthorn has many beneficial properties, but it also has some contraindications.

Harm from sea buckthorn

We have already discussed the benefits of sea buckthorn for the body. But despite many healing qualities, sea buckthorn, like any other product, has some contraindications. You should avoid using it:

  • people who have individual intolerance to the plant itself or the substances included in its composition;
  • for stomach disease in the form of gastritis with high acidity;
  • during inflammation processes in bladder and pancreas;
  • in the event of peptic ulcer and cholelithiasis.

Sea buckthorn has various healing properties that help treat many diseases. Despite this, it has some contraindications that can lead to negative influence on the human body.

Sea buckthorn is a deciduous shrub of the Sucker family, reaching a height of up to 10 m. The most known species Sea buckthorn is considered to be buckthorn.

The plant's favorite places to grow are river banks, mountainous terrain, rocky and sandy soil at an altitude of 3300-4500 m, and the thorny bush is not afraid of even 50-degree frosts in Siberia. The name of the plant is symbolic and describes the appearance of the bush - bright orange berries literally cling to thin branches on all sides, and inside the berries there is a small seed.

The shrub is common in Europe, Central Asia, Canada and the USA. There are a lot of sea buckthorn plantations in China, and their number is several times higher than in Russia. The plant is often used to form hedges, strengthen ravines, and slopes.

Description and chemical composition

The thorny trunk has a rather rough and thick bark. The leaves are elongated, silver-green in color on the underside. Flowering occurs in April. The oval or spherical fruits ripen between August and October and are characterized by a bright orange color and sour taste.

Why sea buckthorn is useful

The benefits of almost all parts of the plant for human health are due to unique composition sea ​​buckthorn.

Berries contain the following beneficial substances:

  • The berries contain up to 4.5% carotenoids, 2.57% water-soluble carbohydrates, 4.4–9% fatty oil, 2.8% organic acids, 0.79% pectins.
  • The amount of triterpene acids is 505-1170 mg/100 g: they prevent and normalize blood circulation, have a therapeutic effect in,.
  • Sea buckthorn contains large quantities of B-sitosterol, which has an anti-sclerotic effect.
  • Serotonin has an antitumor effect.
  • Choline increases blood pressure, prevents fatty hepatosis and the development of atherosclerosis thanks to.
  • Flavonoids, which are found in all parts of the plant, are anti-cancer antioxidants and can be used to prevent cancer.
  • Phenolic compounds, large amounts of which are found in fresh berries, inhibit the growth of gram-negative bacteria, including Helicobacter pylori.
  • The plant contains 15 microelements, including magnesium, iron, boron, manganese, sulfur, silicon, titanium, and aluminum.


  • C: 54-316 mg (reducing and, strengthening the myocardium and vascular walls, preventing hemorrhages, supporting the function of the liver, kidneys and);
  • R: 75-100 mg (strengthening capillaries and reducing their bleeding);
  • B9: 0.79 mg (participation in the formation of red blood cells, anti-carcinogenic effect against cervical cancer, normalization of hydrochloric acid production);
  • B1: 0.016-0.085 mg (regulation metabolic processes, nervous and cardiovascular activity);
  • B2: 0.030-0.056 mg (participation in cellular respiration);
  • provitamin A: 0.9-10.9 mg (normalization of the function of sweat, reproductive and lacrimal glands, pancreas and thyroid glands);
  • E: 8-18 mg (synthesis of sex hormones, protection intrauterine development fetus, rejuvenation of the body, removal of toxins);
  • K: 0.9-1.5 mg (reducing bleeding and fragility of blood vessels);
  • unsaturated fatty acids – up to 77% (in oil).

Sea buckthorn oil contains many useful substances.

Thus, 100 g of oil obtained from pulp contains 112–154 mg of tocopherols, 168–215 mg of carotenoids, 0.89% phospholipids, more than 90 mg of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, and only for sea ​​buckthorn oil characterized by a unique combination of beneficial omega-3 and omega-6 PUFAs in a 50:50 ratio.

100 grams of oil squeezed from the pulp of berries contains 180–250 mg of carotenoids, 40–100 mg of carotene, 110–165 mg of a-tocopherol and retinol.

The leaves and shoots of the plant are characterized by a rich composition, but the fruits and oil contain a higher content of useful substances.

Medicinal raw materials, preparation

All parts of the plant have medicinal value: berries, seeds (seeds), leaves, young shoots, roots and bark. The berries are used to make butter, juice, marmalade, marshmallows, jam, jelly and even alcoholic drinks, and the roots, leaves and bark are used to prepare tinctures, teas and decoctions.

The berries are harvested when they are fully ripe, in dry weather. The best way preparations that allow you to preserve all the beneficial properties of the berries is quick freezing. Ripe berries can be dried in a dryer at a temperature of about 40 C. Using a press, concentrated juice is obtained from the berries, and sea buckthorn oil is made from the pulp.

Twigs and leaves can be collected in June - they are dried in a dry, dark and well-ventilated place.

You can prepare sea buckthorn juice, but using the pasteurization method, since boiling destroys most of the beneficial substances.

Useful properties and contraindications

The plant is actively used in both official and traditional medicine, and is also used in homeopathy, cooking and cosmetology. Pharmaceutical industry produces oil, syrup, dietary supplements, tinctures and candles containing sea buckthorn. The berries are used to make jam, jam, juices, fruit drinks, confitures and candies.

The plant is characterized by pronounced healing properties and has the following effects on the human body:

  • anti-carcinogenic
  • antianemic
  • restorative
  • wound healing
  • antiseptic
  • antitoxic
  • anti-inflammatory
  • painkiller
  • thrombolytic
  • antiatherosclerotic
  • normalizing the functioning of almost all internal organs
  • antirheumatic
  • antigout
  • laxative

Indications for treatment with sea buckthorn

  • various types of dermatosis and (except allergic), skin damage, including burns and frostbite at the regeneration stage, purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, bedsores, erosions
  • rheumatism
  • eye diseases,
  • gynecological diseases, including cervicitis
  • and masculine
  • , and gastropathy, incl. associated with H.pilori
  • rhinitis,
  • , periodontitis, pulpitis
  • oncological diseases
  • atherosclerosis
  • high risk of heart attacks and strokes
  • anemia
  • poisoning,
  • depression, insomnia, neuroses


Like any other plant, sea buckthorn brings both harm and benefit, the line between which is contraindications for use, which should be taken into account!

  • Treatment with sea buckthorn is contraindicated in the presence of allergic reactions and individual intolerance. Bright orange berries indicates their high allergic activity, so allergy sufferers should use them for treatment with caution.
  • Internal treatment is prohibited when acute course inflammatory diseases of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, hypotension.
  • You should not take sea buckthorn in fresh or freshly squeezed berry juice for those who suffer urolithiasis, in which there were cases of spontaneous passage of stones in the anamnesis, as well as with increased acidity gastric juice.
  • Use sea buckthorn oil with caution if you are prone to diarrhea.

Application in pharmaceuticals

In addition to the well-known sea buckthorn oil, there are a number of equally well-known drugs that use the medicinal properties of sea buckthorn:

  • Angi Sept tablets from Dr. Theiss. Used when inflammatory diseases pharynx and throat. Price – 160-230 rubles;
  • Giporamin tablets from PharmVILAR. Antiviral drug With wide range actions. Price – 120-130 rubles;
  • Rectal suppositories with sea buckthorn oil from Nizhpharm. Used to treat hemorrhoids. Price – 80-90 rubles;
  • Dragee Pomogusha with sea buckthorn LLC "Yug" - complex biologically active additive to food for children. Price – 250-300 rubles;
  • Spray Oralgin with sea buckthorn from Artlife - an antiseptic drug for the treatment of diseases of the mucous membrane oral cavity. Price - 150-160 rubles.

Use in folk medicine

Fresh berries

The most useful are the fresh, ripe berries of the plant, which provide the body with vital substances. Such useful supplement to the diet has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels, reduces blood pressure, prevents heart attack and stroke, blood clots, strengthens immune system, eliminates anemia, rejuvenates the body and helps in the restoration of the body.

Application: 50-100 grams of berries per day, 30 minutes after meals for 1 month. Since the taste of the berries is specific, they can be mixed with honey or slightly sweetened. You can wash down the berries clean water room temperature.

In the treatment of female and male infertility Sea buckthorn berries should be present in the daily diet; you can consume them 50 grams per day. If you can’t find fresh berries or it’s not in season, you can use frozen or dry ones, after soaking them in warm water.

Sea buckthorn oil: properties and applications

Sea buckthorn oil can be used externally and internally, not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes. It is best to buy it ready-made, from a pharmacy chain - it is sterile and can be used for various purposes. The only recommendation is to buy two bottles, one of which is used for external use, and the second for internal therapy.

Internal treatment

Taking the oil internally is especially indicated in the treatment of ulcers and gastritis, poisoning, dysbacteriosis, chronic diseases and toxic damage to the liver and kidneys, as well as atherosclerosis and anemia. Application: 1 tsp. oil half an hour before meals three times a day.

For cancer of the esophagus or stomach, take half a teaspoon of oil three times a day before meals during the entire period of radiation therapy and another 3 weeks after its completion.

For a sore throat, add half a teaspoon of oil to a glass of warm milk and drink it in the morning and evening before meals.

External treatment

  • As a basis for compresses - in the treatment of burns and frostbite at the regeneration stage, as well as bedsores;
  • As an impregnation for tampons at night - for the treatment of colpitis, cervical erosions (7-10 days in a row);
  • 1-2 ml of oil twice a day is injected into maxillary sinus for the treatment of sinusitis (7-10 days);
  • To combat acute rhinitis It is enough to instill 1-2 drops of oil into each nostril 2-3 times a day;
  • For external lubrication of affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day - during treatment trophic ulcers, purulent wounds, dermatitis;
  • For inhalations, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of oil per 1 liter of water - in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the pharynx, sore throat, tonsillitis, influenza;
  • Mixed with camphor (half a glass of oil per 2 tablespoons of camphor) for rubbing at night - for an old and intractable cough, for at least 4-5 days in a row;
  • In ophthalmology, sea buckthorn oil is used for keratitis, damage to the cornea of ​​the eye, and burns of the cornea.
  • Pure oil is used to lubricate the tonsils - in the treatment of acute and chronic tonsillitis, as well as in recovery period after tonsillectomy.

Use of oil in cosmetology

  • Sea buckthorn for skin is used for dry skin - you should gently rub warm sea buckthorn oil into the skin at night, instead of cream;
  • Oil is used for facial skin if there is excessive oiliness - wiping problem areas 2 times a day with a cotton pad lightly dipped in oil helps solve this problem;
  • Sea buckthorn oil is ideal as a basis for massage, since it is well absorbed, does not create excessive oiliness on the skin and promotes rapid heating of tissues;
  • For brittle nails, it is recommended to take daily baths with heated sea buckthorn oil;
  • Hair oil helps with hair loss - you can rub it into the roots and leave it overnight under a cotton cap, and in the morning wash your hair thoroughly, repeating the procedure 2 times a week.

Sea buckthorn oil, the harm and benefits of which are described above, is a universal natural product that helps in effective treatment many diseases, so it should be in every home.

Sea buckthorn seeds

A decoction of sea buckthorn seeds helps eliminate diarrhea - 1 tbsp. seeds are boiled over low heat in 200 ml of water. Take the cooled decoction, 2 tbsp. 3-5 times a day before meals.

Infusions, teas and decoctions of sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn leaves are characterized by the same beneficial properties and contraindications as the berries of the plant. To receive medicinal drinks dry raw materials are used.

It is recommended to drink tea from sea buckthorn leaves for stomatitis, periodontitis and pulpitis, as well as for diabetes. To obtain it, 1 tsp. dry leaves pour a glass of boiling water, leave for ten minutes, filter and drink 200 ml twice a day.

A decoction of the leaves helps in the treatment of joints: 1 tbsp. dry crushed leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. Take half a glass of cooled broth 2 times a day.

The sea buckthorn infusion is prepared in the same way as a decoction, only it is not boiled, but infused for half an hour. Take half a glass 2 times a day for rheumatism and gout.

Sea buckthorn juice

Fresh sea buckthorn juice is a natural multivitamin recommended for acute respiratory viral infections, anemia, hypovitaminosis, muscle dystrophy, hyposecretory gastritis, hypotension, liver diseases, and colitis. Why juice is beneficial for women is that it helps in the fight against premature aging. Take 100 ml twice a day after half an hour after meals (maximum 300 ml per day).

Sea buckthorn jam

Delicious jam amber color can be found on store shelves. However, its benefits are controversial - berries digested with sugar have little benefit, and there are no vitamins at all, since they are destroyed during boiling. Jam can only be used as a dessert. For those with a sweet tooth there is healthy recipe jam - ground sea buckthorn: chop fresh berries and mix them with sugar. This product contains all the necessary nutrients and tastes good.

  • In ancient books oriental medicine Sea buckthorn was positioned as the best supplement for restoring strength to warriors and people exhausted by illness.
  • The ancient Mongols consumed sea buckthorn before competitions in order to emerge victorious. The plant was also fed to horses to give them endurance and strength.
  • Residents of Siberia call the berries of the plant “Siberian pineapple.”

Scientific research

Recipes traditional medicine have been confirmed in numerous studies and experiments:

  • Evidence of the anti-carcinogenic effect of sea buckthorn was obtained back in Soviet times. The antitumor activity of sea buckthorn allows it to be used to reduce the risk of metastasis of malignant neoplasms.
  • Another study published in the Journal of Food Biochemistry confirmed that sea buckthorn helps in therapy when taken regularly for 4 months.
  • The local wound-healing effect of the plant was also confirmed. The journal Food and Chemical Toxicology published a report on a scientific experiment on rats - sea buckthorn oil perfectly healed burns.
  • A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrates the normalizing effect of sea buckthorn on blood sugar levels in diabetics, selectively targeting the glucose spike that occurs after a meal.
  • The hepatoprotective effect of sea buckthorn oil has been confirmed by a number of studies. One of them involved patients with, who took 15 grams of sea buckthorn extract 3 times a day for six months. After treatment, a decrease in the levels of hyaluronic and bile acid, laminin and collagen types III and IV was found in the blood of patients.

When seriously compiling a list of the most healthy berries, would undoubtedly take first place. That is why this amazing berry is called the “golden queen”. The great thing is that almost all parts of the plant can be used in sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn helps with many diseases in people and even animals. Amazing fact The ability of sea buckthorn leaves to effectively heal various wounds and cuts is considered. The vitamin composition of sea buckthorn is extremely rich; this berry contains C, E, K, a large number of microelements, and other extremely useful substances. Considering all the excellent qualities mentioned above, it is a shame that not everyone is allowed to eat this wonderful berry.

First of all, the “golden queen” is contraindicated for people who have an individual intolerance to sea buckthorn. Some people experience hypersensitivity after a short period of consuming sea buckthorn as a food or product consumed with pure medicinal purposes, some redness of the skin or mucous membranes. After the appearance of red rashes begins severe itching. If you don't know for sure whether you can take sea buckthorn as a remedy or food product, and are susceptible to allergic reactions to certain foods, then consume sea buckthorn with extreme caution.

Quite often they do not perceive this at all medicinal plant people suffering from diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder, and liver. You should definitely give up the extremely healthy, tasty sea buckthorn juice when acute inflammation pancreas or, as this disease is called, pancreatitis. It is also not recommended to drink sea buckthorn juice if you have cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder.

There is a certain part of people whose body absolutely does not perceive any natural products containing carotene. When carotene enters the body of such people, a powerful allergic reaction even when using small doses. Sea buckthorn contains a large amount of carotene. In general, the use of sea buckthorn is an extremely powerful source that provokes a choleretic effect, so you should never self-medicate; strict supervision by a specialist is absolutely necessary, otherwise everything may end in a hospital ward.

People who have suffered for many years hyperacid gastritis, they absolutely know that there are serious contraindications for their body. Great content variety of, even extremely useful, acids makes it impossible to use sea buckthorn in absolutely any form for people who have peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum. Also, you should avoid internal use sea ​​buckthorn for increased acidity of gastric juice. It is worth significantly reducing or even eliminating the use of any sea buckthorn derivatives for frequently recurring diarrhea. The components of sea buckthorn are a provoking factor in this disease.

An extremely important warning regarding the use of sea buckthorn should be given to people who have a confirmed diagnosis of a tumor disease. By drinking sea buckthorn juice, you will significantly accelerate the growth of the tumor. A serious contraindication for sea buckthorn is the consumption of berries for people with hereditary predisposition to tumor diseases of internal organs.

Wonderful folk wisdom rightly says that everything is good in moderation. This statement fully applies to the use of sea buckthorn. Sea ​​buckthorn - natural product, considered an immunomodulator, which is why the use of the “golden queen” must certainly be extremely strictly dosed, supervised by doctors. Often human arrogance, sometimes ignorance, and reluctance to receive qualified advice from a knowledgeable specialist can lead to big problems with health. Take the principle of rationality as a basis when using sea buckthorn, then sea buckthorn will be beneficial!