Psoriasis has worsened, what should I do? How to prevent exacerbation, preventive measures

? is a question that is very often asked by users of online communities. Before you answer it, you should understand what it is this pathology. Psoriasis is a chronic disease that affects the skin, as well as nails and hair.

Psoriasis, or scaly lichen, accounts for about 5−10% of all patients suffering from dermatological pathologies.

Still in medical practice It has not been established exactly what causes the exacerbation of the disease. In many cases, patients note that the relapse occurs without apparent reason. Scientific research, which were aimed at identifying the main reasons for the deterioration of the general condition of the patient with psoriasis, did not lead to the desired results.

In most cases, the exacerbation of pathology was determined by reasons that did not have any effect on other people. However, dermatologists were able to identify a specific list of factors that cause psoriasis:

  • Stress;
  • Serious physical strain;
  • Moving from one climate zone to another, as well as changing the seasons;
  • Bad habits;
  • Using new skincare products or household chemicals without proper skin protection;
  • Infectious diseases, including ARVI;
  • Skin damage.
  • How to relieve an exacerbation of psoriasis

    The answer to this question - how to relieve an exacerbation of psoriasis - should be answered by the attending physician specializing in dermatology. This will allow you to select the appropriate treatment while observing the individual indicators of the patient’s condition and the course of psoriasis.

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    • Lead nervous system in order, protect yourself from factors that cause stress. This will reduce the exacerbation of psoriasis and also alleviate general condition patient.
    • Change your diet. Treatment pathological condition should include . Food should be aimed at maintaining the acid-base balance. The main emphasis for psoriasis should be on alkali-forming foods (approximately 65-75% of the total diet).
    • Relieving the exacerbation of the disease is also possible if the patient takes medications that normalize the microflora and intestinal function.
    • Treatment of the pathology also involves antihistamine therapy. Thanks to this, psoriasis goes into remission, which alleviates the patient’s condition.
    • Exacerbation of psoriasis can also be relieved by increasing immunity. Treatment in in this case must be prescribed by a doctor who will select the drug in accordance with the immunogram.
    Effective treatment of psoriasis

    Psoriasis in most cases recurs due to stress. To relieve inflammation, the emotional background should be restored. Measured image life will reduce the manifestations of scaly lichen. The patient should do relaxing exercises, normalize sleep and diet. You shouldn’t give up walking in the fresh air either.

    If there are no positive changes during the treatment of psoriasis, it is recommended to consult a psychologist who will help restore peace of mind.

    If the disease is in the acute stage, then the attending physician must decide what the patient should do, what medications to take and what procedures to undergo. This is due to the fact that there is no specific scheme for relieving an exacerbation, since medications are selected individually for each patient.

    In most cases, psoriasis is treated through the use of creams, masks and gels that contain salicylic acid. If inflammatory process is strongly expressed, then the patient may be prescribed ointments based on glucocorticosteroids.

    Very often, if psoriasis is in the relapse stage, the doctor decides to carry out therapy aimed at stopping the exacerbation.

    • Phototherapy. Areas of skin affected by psoriasis are exposed to ultraviolet light. Thanks to this, the activity of the immune system increases, which forces the body to fight the disease.
    • Cryotherapy of this pathology is based on the targeted impact of cold on the affected epidermis. Therapy is carried out both locally (on inflamed areas) and when prescribing cryosauna sessions to the patient.
    • Hirudotherapy (the use of leeches) helps relieve the inflammatory process, especially if the joints were affected by psoriatic arthritis.

    Watch the video “Relieving exacerbation of psoriasis”:

    Psoriasis is a serious pathology that causes a lot of inconvenience to patients. Therefore, it is important to choose the right treatment that will relieve the relapse and put the disease into remission. That's all for today. Share the article with your friends on social networks - perhaps some of them right now need information on how to relieve an exacerbation of psoriasis.

    The exact causes of psoriasis, as well as the causes of exacerbations, are unknown to medicine. Very often, relapses occur without visible and tangible reasons, so it is important to know how psoriasis exacerbates, what to do and how to quickly stop the symptoms. Research into the nature and specifics of psoriasis is complicated by the fact that often risk factors that provoke exacerbation in some patients do not cause symptoms in others. Therefore, treatment is prescribed only after psoriasis has worsened.

    Factors that can cause exacerbation of psoriasis:

    • stress, strong anxiety, prolonged experiences;
    • physical overstrain, exhaustion;
    • change in climatic or seasonal conditions;
    • bad habits;
    • endocrine disorders;
    • infections, colds;
    • poor nutrition;
    • exposure to household chemicals;
    • testing new cosmetics;
    • mechanical injury skin(scratches, burns, etc.).

    This is a disease that requires an individual approach, so the treatment plan during an exacerbation should be drawn up by the attending dermatologist. It is recommended to be observed by one doctor so that he thoroughly knows the clinical picture of psoriasis and the characteristics of each of his patients. However, there is a list general recommendations for all patients with psoriatic rash.

    How to quickly and effectively relieve an aggravation
    • stabilize emotional and mental state;
    • start complying;
    • normalize microflora;
    • cleanse the body of toxins and waste;
    • use antihistamine therapy;
    • strengthen immune system.

    Psoriasis, as well as its exacerbation, is caused by stress or strong feelings. Therefore, to eliminate symptoms, you first need to calm your emotions. This will greatly help stop inflammation. Psoriasis, the treatment of which is often lengthy and complex, is best prevented.

    A calm rhythm of life is very important, healthy sleep, walks and sufficient rest. Modernity does not allow us to completely eliminate stress and fear, so a person should change his attitude towards events. Patients are often helped by optimism, positivity and a simplified outlook on life. Such people rarely struggle with exacerbations of psoriasis.

    If psoriasis worsens due to poor diet or excessive addiction to bad habits, it is worth adjusting your diet. There are great benefits of fish, white poultry meat, dairy and plant products. It is recommended to exclude fatty and spicy foods, easily digestible carbohydrates such as sugar and honey. Alcoholic drinks are prohibited.

    Drug relief of exacerbation

    In case of exacerbation of psoriasis, everything medicines selected by the doctor. This is important because additional symptomatic treatment. In addition, there is no universal treatment regimen that helps all patients with psoriasis.

    Recurrence of this skin disease can be stopped with local treatment. Creams and ointments with salicylic acid will eliminate the rash. Severe inflammation should be treated with drugs containing glucocorticosteroids. Drug treatment also includes immunosuppressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, and sedatives. To relieve inflammation and reduce relapse, you need to take antihistamines. They are prescribed only by a doctor, since this group of drugs is not correct use gives strong side effects.

    You can strengthen your immune system with vitamins, lipoic acid and folic acid. Acute attack psoriasis can be relieved by injections of vitamin preparations. Practice indicates the effectiveness of treatment with vitamins A, B6, B12.

    You can cleanse the body using sorbents ( activated carbon, enterosgel, smecta, sorbex, etc.). Sorbents help remove harmful compounds from the body. You should not take sorbents without a prescription. To effectively remove toxins, a treatment regimen must be drawn up by a doctor. It is not recommended to increase the dosage of sorbents. This will increase their activity, the drugs will begin to remove both harmful and beneficial substances.

    After therapy with sorbents, it is necessary to normalize the microflora and restore liver function. Bifidumbacterin, bifiform, Linex, and enzyme preparations are suitable for this.

    Physiotherapeutic effects on the skin

    Good results are possible after physiotherapy. The following procedures can help relieve the symptoms of psoriasis relapse:

  • Phototherapy. Ultraviolet irradiation allows you to quickly defeat psoriasis and increase the period of remission. Ultraviolet rays affect immune cells, reduce their activity and aggressive effects. During the period of exacerbation, selective phototherapy and PUVA therapy are used, combined with ultraviolet irradiation. At the same time, they increase sensitivity to light with special preparations.
  • Cryotherapy. Indicated for exacerbation of psoriasis. Treatment of psoriasis is based on the influence of over low temperatures to the surface of the skin. Can be used for processing individual parts body or complete treatment in a cryosauna.
  • Hirudotherapy. When a relapse is accompanied by severe inflammation, treatment with leeches is often effective.
  • Spa therapy. A patient with psoriasis is advised to undergo sanatorium-resort procedures.
  • Alternative treatment of acute relapse of psoriasis

    Many years of experience in treating psoriasis have led to the fact that today there is a whole database of recipes traditional medicine. People offer their own options for what to do during an exacerbation of psoriasis.

    To treat inflamed skin, you can use an ointment with dry flax grass and interior lard. The lard needs to be melted and strained, add the grass powder, and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Afterwards, the ointment should be cooled and stored in the refrigerator. It is recommended to apply the product twice a day.

    You can also prepare ointment from birch tar (2 tablespoons) and butter(1 spoon). Add 0.5 teaspoon of copper sulfate to the mixture. Boil the mixture and store in the refrigerator. It is very important that all ingredients are natural and fresh. This ointment is more suitable for relieving itching. It is recommended to apply to the affected areas every day during the treatment period.

    Relapse can also be eliminated with the help of decoctions. A mixture of strawberry leaves, deciduous speedwell, horsetail, birch buds and creeping thyme. Mix 10 g of leaves and veronica, 20 g of horsetail, buds and thyme. Can be replaced birch buds on the leaves. Dilute 1.5 tablespoons in a glass of water. Drink ¼ cup four times a day during an exacerbation of psoriasis.

    At the first symptoms of an exacerbation, you should consult a doctor, even if you have a previous treatment plan. With each exacerbation, the plan may change.

    That's right, Zhenya, you're young!

    I think that it became better not from the sea (although from it too, of course), but from the fact that I stopped focusing on the disease.

    It’s very difficult (not to focus on the disease), it’s just that many people don’t know anything about psora! And they start to look sideways with disgust - I can’t stand it, I try not to show my carcass too much to my loved ones. I’m just writing and I understand what a fatty complex I have, I don’t know what to do.

    Irinka, from personal experience(not even in relation to psora, but waaaay more)) - when I feel someone’s gaze on me (unpleasant for some reason for me), I turn my gaze to this person, and try to look straight into the eyes - it works 100 % - the person feels uncomfortable (maybe for his curiosity) and looks away from me. For particularly “persistent” people, you have to apply the training 2-3 times. :) Try!

    Of course, I understand that it is especially difficult for a girl (woman) NOT to have complexes about her appearance, but we must try - to be a little more confident in ourselves. It's a shame to be drunk, dirty, etc.

    My daughter had to change clothes all this time for physical training with the girls. She also had a complex at first, tried to hide in a corner, but it didn’t work out very well; after one they pestered her and asked: “Oh, what do you have?” One day she got tired of it and to another question, she answered: “... leprosy, don’t you see!)) It worked! Some took this statement ironically, others tried to change their clothes further away (but silently now).

    In general, you need to be able to find and positive points! :clap:

    And when I read an article on the website posted by Frol (about the “golden gene pool of humanity,” I just got a little proud.) Otherwise, I used to keep thinking: “Well, that’s how it is - all people are like people, but I’m just woo-smart like that!?", but it turns out thataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaydamp;

    In short - in one of my first posts (in the topic “stages, forms of psoriasis..” I wrote that we didn’t have psoriasis in our family. But after thinking a lot, I came to the conclusion that I didn’t know any of the “registered ones”)) This is me talking about myself, my beloved. :baby:

    Straining my memory and stating the facts, I came to the conclusion that I also have psor. The first one (in the form of one red scaly spot) happened about 18 years ago. I finally try not to go to doctors unless absolutely necessary, and even then I decided that it was probably some kind of lichen and “burned it out” by spreading it with a cut clove of garlic (someone suggested this “recipe” to me). The only thing I remember well was that it stung very strongly, but then it went away. I honestly don’t remember how much time passed before the complete departure, it was too long ago. The second visit happened about 10-12 years ago - the area around the waist was sprinkled liberally, there was no itching, I didn’t care much about it - I considered it an “allergie” for a reason, didn’t go anywhere, didn’t apply anything; the only thing I did regularly was going to the bathhouse with mandatory visit steam room By the way, the people also left me a lot of space, they didn’t sit close to me on the bench in the steam room)) This even amused me, the spots became redder after the steam). I don't remember exactly, but full recovery skin happened probably 3 months later. Now, looking at the whole process “from” onwards with my daughter, I understand that it was nothing more than psor. Maybe it’s good that I didn’t know and didn’t think about the “possible exacerbation” all this time).

    About the same time, my ears (insides) began to itch). At first they bothered me a lot, I went to an otolaryngologist, he didn’t find any mushrooms, he said it was some kind of dermatitis, he advised Celestoderm (good uncle)). I used it at first, it helped. Now I don't apply anything. I scratch periodically (almost every day), but I’m glad that it’s just become a habit, although I noticed that whenever I get nervous, my hands inevitably reach for my ears).

    Right now I’m sitting and thinking, should I start treating him or should he live there (since he likes it there and it didn’t go wrong)? :clap: Besides, my eyes are already rolling back from the pleasure of this procedure! :)

    Yes, I also have a small spot on my face (about the size of a pea), I don’t remember exactly when it appeared, it looks like a pigment spot (it gets darker in the summer when my face tans), and occasionally peels off, I don’t apply anything special, because I think that “real nothing can spoil beauty" :data:

    I conclude - There is no need to constantly think about “this”, as they say “if you want to be happy, be it!”

    More than 2% of the inhabitants of our planet suffer from psoriasis. The disease is found in both men and women. In half of the cases, the first exacerbation of psoriasis occurs during puberty. In 20% of patients, skin lesions are combined with psoriatic arthritis. This complication develops approximately 10 years after the first signs of the disease appear. An exacerbation has extremely unpleasant symptoms, so it must be stopped in a timely manner.

    Possible reasons

    The following factors can provoke an exacerbation:

    Characteristic symptoms

    The main symptom of exacerbation of psoriatic lesions is rashes, which can be:

    The appearance of plaques is accompanied by:

    • severe skin itching;
    • peeling and peeling of the skin;
    • deterioration of the patient's general condition;
    • bleeding;
    • feeling of skin tightness;
    • suppuration of the affected areas;
    • increased body temperature (in severe forms of the disease).

    Relapse Treatment Methods

    When psoriasis worsens, visit a dermatologist, who will effective scheme treatment.

    The use of systemic and local drugs having anti-inflammatory effects. Treatment is supplemented with a special diet.

    Relieving exacerbation with folk remedies

    To relieve exacerbations at home, use:

    Drug therapy

    Scheme drug treatment psoriasis in the acute stage includes:


    The diet is aimed at recovery acid-base balance. The diet includes:

    • fruits and vegetables with a neutral taste (pears, peaches, bananas, carrots, cabbage, beets, celery);
    • dietary meats (veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit);
    • sea ​​fish.

    You need to refuse:

    • vegetables of the nightshade family (tomatoes, potatoes, bell peppers);
    • fatty meats;
    • heavy cream and full-fat cheese;
    • nuts;
    • alcoholic drinks;
    • butter;
    • confectionery products;
    • citrus fruits.


    Prevention of psoriasis involves:

    • refusal to drink alcohol and smoke (bad habits increase the likelihood of exacerbation, aggravate its course, and contribute to the transition of plaque psoriasis to erythrodermic);
    • visiting a solarium, effects on the skin sunlight(recommended for patients suffering from the winter form of the disease);
    • wearing closed clothing, refusing to visit the beach and solarium (indicated for people with the summer form of psoriasis);
    • correct use of medications (all medications must be taken as prescribed by a doctor);
    • use of protective equipment when working with household chemicals.


    Psoriasis is a chronic disease characterized by a wave-like course. An exacerbation can occur at any time. It can be triggered by any deviation from the usual way of life. You should not endure unpleasant symptoms; you should immediately consult a doctor. Like any others incurable diseases, psoriasis can lead to the development depressive disorders. When the first signs of depression appear, contact a psychotherapist who provides appropriate treatment.

    The course of most diseases is wave-like. With successful treatment, periods of remission occur. For a number of reasons, they can be replaced by relapses. Exacerbation of psoriasis occurs in patients who do not know what to do to avoid this condition. They do not take good care of their own health, so again and again they are faced with the intensification of skin disease.

    Doctors give different answers to the question of why psoriasis worsens. Most often it occurs due to the fact that the patient spends incorrect treatment. There are other factors that can provoke a painful condition. Experts have still not been able to prove a direct connection between them and psoriasis. Therefore, their conclusions are still speculation.

    Relapse of psoriasis can happen for the following reasons:

    • Hormonal disorder;
    • Poor nutrition;
    • Emotional overload and strong feelings;
    • Decline protective functions body;
    • Taking inappropriate medications;
    • Effect on skin chemicals and other irritants;
    • Unsuitable climatic conditions.

    The doctor is not always able to identify the true causes of exacerbation of psoriasis. He may assume that the relapse occurred due to the patient’s failure to comply with recommendations for disease prevention.

    It is not always possible to determine what triggered the exacerbation

    Symptoms of exacerbation

    Every person who has been diagnosed with a skin pathology should know how to quickly relieve an exacerbation of psoriasis. It is also important to learn how to identify development painful condition in order to take timely measures to stop it.

    The first manifestation of psoriasis relapse is the appearance of red spots on dry skin on different parts bodies. Psoriatic plaques can form on the head, legs, arms, feet and other areas. These spots look more like small rash with clear boundaries. On top they will certainly be covered with gray or white scales. As the disease progresses, the spots increase in size. The patient will begin to experience itching. There is often a burning sensation. All these symptoms make themselves felt when psoriasis worsens.

    Exacerbation during pregnancy and after childbirth

    Women who have already had to deal with psoriasis quite rarely suffer from its relapse during pregnancy. However, during pregnancy there may be initial signs diseases.

    Symptoms of exacerbation of psoriatic skin lesions depend on the form in which it occurs. The most dangerous are the pustular generalized type and psoriatic erythroderma. Towards the end of pregnancy and after childbirth, women are often diagnosed with impetigo herpetiformis.

    Pustular psoriasis is a dangerous form

    In pregnant women, several pustules form in the skin folds. They can also be localized in a circle. As the disease worsens, the skin becomes very swollen and inflamed. The rash may well spread to the mucous membrane, which is why a pregnant woman risks losing her baby.

    In women prone to psoriatic lesions of the body, the disease worsened for the following reasons:

  • Experiencing stress;
  • Weakening of the immune system;
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Women who may experience a flare-up of psoriasis at any time should plan their pregnancy carefully. They should strictly follow all doctor’s recommendations to minimize the risk of relapse.

    If a woman begins to neglect the advice of a specialist, she may lose her child due to premature birth or fetal death. The advanced stage of psoriasis is a threat to the life of the expectant mother.

    If a pregnant woman's psoriasis worsens and real threat For her life, the doctor is obliged to raise the issue of terminating the pregnancy.

    Treatment for exacerbations

    Since there are many reasons why chronic course the disease develops into an aggravated one, this problem should be solved comprehensively. To recover, the patient will have to take medications prescribed by the doctor, undergo physical therapy procedures and regularly treat the affected areas medicines local action.

    Local treatment must be prescribed along with taking pills

    Ointments and creams

    People who have already tried to fight psoriatic plaques know how to relieve an exacerbation of psoriasis at home. The best way to cope with this task is medications local action. Ointments and creams for psoriasis are quite popular and effective. Doctors will recommend treating the skin with the following medications:

    • Ointments containing salicylic acid and zinc;
    • Creams based on grease;
    • Ointments with natural tar;
    • Sulfur ointments.

    The ointment, like the cream, perfectly relieves inflammation, has an anti-allergic effect and helps reduce rashes.


    For relapses of psoriasis, be sure to prescribe medications in tablet form. Active substances, which they contain, affect the human body from the inside.

    Drug treatment of psoriasis during exacerbation includes taking drugs from the following groups:

  • Sedatives. To reduce the manifestation of the disease, a person needs to relax and calm down as much as possible. This is because relapses usually occur due to emotional overstrain and stress. Dermatologists recommend taking Novo-pasit and Fitosed in tablet form;
  • Sorbents. On the appearance of the skin great influence affects the condition of organs gastrointestinal tract. It is very important to free them from toxins and other harmful substances. Smecta, Sorbex and activated carbon can help complete this task;
  • Antihistamines. They relieve discomfort and itching. For psoriasis, Claritin, Suprastin and Diazolin are usually prescribed.
  • Psoriasis relapse can also be treated with other tablet medications. The main thing is that they are approved by a doctor.

    There are many medications for the treatment of psoriasis, and only a doctor can determine the best option.


    When the exacerbation skin disease subsides a little, doctors prescribe patients to undergo a series of physiotherapeutic procedures. With this diagnosis, the following will be useful:

    • Exposure to UV rays. Ultraviolet light has a positive effect on the skin. It promotes its regeneration. During periods of exacerbation, patients are offered photochemotherapy, which combines the use of radiation and treatment of the skin with a special drug;
    • Hydrotherapy. Salt baths perfectly cleanses and disinfects the skin. It is recommended to supplement Dead Sea salts with coniferous components to obtain a more pronounced treatment effect;
    • Selective phototherapy. During the procedure, a pulse effect occurs on the inflamed areas. The efficiency of this method is quite high. It helps eliminate about 80% of rashes on the body;
    • Cryotherapy. The procedure is prescribed if there is a relapse of psoriasis. Its essence lies in the effect of low temperatures on the affected skin. Hypothermic shock has a positive effect on the immune system and radically changes the course of the disease.

    If possible, patients should go to the resorts of the Black or Dead Sea. Swimming in their waters and inhaling sea ​​air will help stop psoriasis and improve overall health. If you believe the statistics, about 60% of patients after a holiday at such resorts partially got rid of unpleasant symptoms progressive disease.

    Proper nutrition

    The basis of any treatment is the normalization of nutrition. For psoriasis, it is recommended to follow a hypoallergenic or plant-based diet. They both help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the body of toxins.

    Diet during exacerbation of psoriasis is mandatory!

    During periods of exacerbation, dermatologists and nutritionists advise introducing into the daily diet:

  • Dairy products;
  • Fruits and vegetables;
  • Low-fat fish varieties;
  • Bran.
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Fast food;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Marinades;
  • Fatty, fried and canned foods.
  • You should also reduce your consumption of alcoholic beverages to a minimum, as they can worsen your health.


    To prevent aggravation chronic disease, patients must adhere to the preventive measures that dermatologists will tell them about. The following activities will help increase the duration of remission:

    • Timely treatment of infectious diseases (caries, otitis, sinusitis and others);
    • Preventing skin injuries;
    • Improving working conditions;
    • Following the doctor’s recommendations regarding work and rest schedules, as well as nutrition;
    • Avoiding contact with people who are carriers of infectious diseases;
    • Quitting bad habits;
    • Avoiding stressful situations.

    A dermatologist may suggest an appointment special means, which keep the body in good condition and prevent relapses of psoriasis. In such situations, lecithin in granules is prescribed. It normalizes fat metabolism and improves the appearance of the skin.

    Befungin gives a positive result. This is a drug based on an extract from birch mushroom. It has a beneficial effect on the process of hematopoiesis and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If used correctly, you can achieve long-term remission.

    It is impossible to recover completely from psoriasis. Pharmaceutical companies We have not yet been able to come up with a solution that would solve this problem. Therefore, patients should do their best to maintain the period of remission and avoid factors that can trigger the activation of the disease.

    Who said that getting rid of psoriasis is difficult?

    Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against psoriasis is not yet on your side...

    Have you already thought about radical treatment methods? This is understandable, because psoriasis can progress, resulting in the rash covering 70-80% of the body surface. Which leads to a chronic form.

    Red blistering blisters on the skin, itching, cracked heels, peeling skin... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand. But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend reading the secret of cure from a dermatologist Russian Center Dermatology.