Cyst formation in the right ovary: diagnosis and main symptoms. Cavity formation of the right ovary

Quite often, after visiting a gynecologist, women of fertile age are referred to ultrasound examination pelvic organs, and the ultrasound doctor issues a conclusion - “retention of the ovary.” What does this diagnosis mean, and is this formation dangerous?

Retention formation can occur in any parenchymal or glandular organ if there is an obstruction to the outflow of secreted fluid. A cyst may occur in salivary glands, or in the mammary gland. From a histological point of view, a retention cyst is extensive education, which is filled with liquid inside.

Usually a cyst is a thin-walled formation, and with ultrasound the contents can be clearly seen. This fluid is produced inner layer cells that line the internal cavity. There are also alternative path- This is the sweating of the liquid part of the blood (plasma) from nearby blood vessels. Most often, such formations are found in women of the fertile period, somewhat less often they are observed during menopause and the postmenopausal period, and even less often cysts are found in girls under the age of one year, and even in the fetus.

Sometimes doctors may call a retention cyst functional. Where did this name come from? Normally, tissues trapped inside the formation produce the desired secretion. This is their function. It was simply by chance that conditions were created that prevented the disruption of the outflow of this fluid, which is why a cystic vesicle began to form. After fluid begins to accumulate in the cyst cavity, it constantly grows and increases in size. Due to increased pressure, the epithelium lining the cavity from the inside gradually begins to degenerate, and fluid production gradually stops.

Depending on the conditions of occurrence, ovarian cysts can be follicular, endometrioid or corpus luteum. Sometimes there are paraovarian phenomena and other varieties. Follicular cysts occur after a follicle ruptures, after a mature egg has been released, and often appears due to hormonal imbalance if ovulation is absent. Often the presence of multiple follicular retention cysts is a sign of infertility.

If a cyst has formed that produces progesterone after ovulation, and it has not regressed, then it is called a corpus luteum cyst.

Finally, if a woman suffers from endometriosis, and it has an ectopic localization, then the endometrium can also be shed in the ovary, as in the uterus, and in the case of a closed space, an endometrioid cyst occurs. It is also called chocolate.

There is no difference whether a retention formation has occurred on the right ovary or on the other side. It can grow up to 10 cm and even more, but in practice the size rarely exceeds 6 - 8 cm.


This pathology occurs if there are certain violations. The most common reasons, are:

  • inflammation of the pelvic organs, especially chronic, of the ovaries and uterus, such nosologies as adnexitis and salpingitis, oophoritis;
  • surgical gynecological intervention;
  • abortions;
  • sexually transmitted infections and sexually transmitted diseases;
  • when self-medicating hormonal drugs, when prescribing oral contraceptives without indications;
  • with illiterate treatment of infertility, in which they try to achieve ovulation at any cost;
  • due to overwork, malnutrition.

In unborn girls, cysts arise, for example, when stimulated by maternal hormones, or with a general increase in the concentration of hormones in the prenatal period. Retention cysts of follicular origin disappear in half of newborn girls in the first two to three months of life.

What is the danger?

The danger of any retention cyst lies not in the fact that it exists and exists asymptomatically, but in what can happen to it. The following events can happen:

if the formation is on a long stalk, this stalk may twist. As a result, necrosis of living tissue occurs due to vascular necrosis, which causes the occurrence of acute surgical pathology;

  • The cyst constantly grows and eventually ruptures.
  • The contents are poured into the abdominal cavity. If the contents were sterile and the volume was small, the woman may recover on her own. If the contents of the cyst were of a significant volume, there may be a threat of infection with the development of pelvic peritonitis, which leads to an immediate threat to life. If a rupture occurs, urgent surgery is required.
  • Finally, the outcome of any cyst can be massive intraperitoneal bleeding, especially if the rupture causes damage to a medium- or large-caliber vessel.


In what case can a woman suspect the presence of retention cysts? Of course, they often do not manifest themselves at all, especially if the formations have not yet reached a significant diameter. But you need to contact a gynecologist if the following symptoms occur:

  • general weakness or malaise associated with menstruation;
  • subfebrile temperature figures during the premenstrual period;
  • the appearance of pain in the second phase of the female cycle;
  • increased pain during sex, with increased physical activity, with sudden movements;
  • if there is a feeling of fullness in the stomach on the right or left, which intensifies in the second phase;
  • minor bleeding occurs between periods, or turns into periods;
  • Finally, the most important sign of formations may be a delay in menstruation, as well as an increase in abdominal volume if the cyst has grown to a very large extent. large sizes.

If one of the complications occurs, the symptoms may be completely different - this is the appearance sharp pain in the stomach, collapse, fall blood pressure, phenomena of hemorrhagic shock during bleeding, or symptoms acute abdomen with peritonitis several days after the cyst ruptures.

Signs of retention formation of the left ovary can simulate inflammation of the left ureter, and on the opposite side, biliary colic or pain syndrome associated with stretching of the liver capsule may interfere with accurate diagnosis.


A full gynecological examination is the main procedure that allows a woman to be referred for further various examinations, in order to confirm or exclude the presence of an ovarian retention cyst. During the examination, the doctor determines the preliminary localization of the formation, and can also palpate the painful ovaries.

The main diagnostic method is ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, both transabdominal and transvaginal. Ultrasound can not only determine the exact size and location of the cyst, but also suggest the characteristics of the origin of the formation.

IN difficult cases Magnetic resonance imaging is used and computed tomography, and various tumor markers are determined.

Sometimes, when ectopic implantation of the ovum cannot be ruled out, a pregnancy test is performed.

Operative diagnosis of complicated conditions usually includes laparoscopic surgery, as well as puncture of the pouch of Douglas, or posterior arch vagina. A puncture shows the accumulation of fresh blood in the abdominal cavity, or effusion, which indicates the onset of peritonitis.

In the event that the presence of effusion is accompanied by significant leukocytosis and an increase in ESR in general analysis blood, then the patient needs to be operated on urgently. Retention formation of the left ovary is somewhat easier to diagnose, since the spleen and kidney are on the left, and the kidney, liver and appendix are on the right.


In some cases, you can only observe the patient under ultrasound control without taking any action, since small follicular cysts can resolve on their own, 2 or 3 months after their occurrence.

Conservative therapy involves normalization of the menstrual cycle: vascular drugs, and agents that improve microcirculation are sometimes prescribed oral contraceptives, under the supervision of a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Surgical intervention is currently a gentle and minimally invasive procedure. It is performed using a laparoscope, without large incisions. Using the endoscopic method, you can not only thoroughly examine the ovary, not only perform puncture of the formation, but also remove it with minimal trauma.

The laparoscopic method of cyst removal practically does not cause any early or late postoperative complications, does not cause adhesions, and reduces as much as possible postoperative period. After laparoscopy, a small mark no more than a centimeter long remains on the skin of the abdomen. For an ovarian retention cyst with a diameter of 5 cm, detected laparoscopically, removal is performed, since laparoscopy allows this to be done.

In the same case, if the patient is taken to the department of operative gynecology for emergency indications, then sometimes it is impossible to do without laparotomy, that is, a wide incision on the anterior abdominal wall. This can be done in order to conduct an audit of the pelvic organs, remove blood that has poured into abdominal cavity, or perform ovarian resection or even oophorectomy if indicated.

In conclusion, it should be noted that timely, regular examination by a gynecologist allows you to diagnose cystic processes occurring in the ovary as early as possible. This, in turn, allows them to be treated in a timely manner, practically without resorting to surgical intervention.


An ovarian retention cyst is a fluid-filled cavity that is formed from glandular tissue. The reason for its appearance is the blockage of the gland ducts through which secretions should be removed. This neoplasm occurs on the ovary mainly in those women who are of reproductive age.

What is an ovarian retention cyst?

A retention cyst can form on the left or right ovary. Outwardly, it looks like a capsule with transparent walls; inside it is liquid. Retention includes the following types cystic tumors:

  • follicular;
  • endometrioid;
  • paraovarian;
  • Corpus luteum cysts.

You can only get rid of paraovarian cysts surgically, endometriotic inclusions are amenable to hormone therapy, other types can resolve on their own.

Attention! Retention cystic neoplasms do not degenerate into malignant tumors.

You can find out what types of cystic neoplasms exist and what they are from the video:

Causes of pathology

Ovarian retention formations can appear at any age. The most common cause of their occurrence is hormonal imbalances. With excessive production of estrogen in the female body, the process of mucus secretion intensifies and it becomes thicker. As a result, the secretion produced becomes more viscous. It clogs the excretory ducts and begins to accumulate in the gland, increasing its volume.

A retention cyst of the right ovary can form in the place of a follicle that has not burst, or the corpus luteum. Normally, the follicle gradually increases in size and bursts in the middle of the menstrual cycle. An egg comes out of it. If the follicle does not burst, then a follicular cyst may appear in its place. Most often, pathology occurs during puberty. One of the reasons is excess estrogen in the body.

A tumor of the corpus luteum is detected in cases where this temporary gland does not regress, but continues to grow. Normally, the corpus luteum is needed to produce progesterone to maintain pregnancy. If fertilization does not occur, then it resolves by the beginning of menstruation. A cyst can appear if a woman:

  • took emergency contraception;
  • took medications that stimulate the release of an egg;
  • starved;
  • I was under a lot of stress.

Cystic inclusions may appear in chronic diseases of the appendages and after frequent abortions.

Endometrioid cysts appear in patients suffering from endometriosis. Inside the cystic cavity there are remnants of blood, which is released in women during menstruation. They can appear when:

  • immune disorders;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • cells of the uterine mucosa entering the ovaries through the bloodstream;
  • transfer of mucosal cells during operations.

A paraovarian cyst is located in the area between the ovary, the broad uterine ligament and the tube. This is a fluid-filled cavity. It appears due to intrauterine disruption of the genital organs.

Symptoms of ovarian retention cyst

Many retention inclusions are detected by chance. If they are small, then unpleasant symptoms may not be.

Most often, corpus luteum cysts are asymptomatic. They resolve on their own in 2-3 months in almost 90% of women. Some people experience:

  • mild pain in the lower abdomen;
  • lengthening the duration of menstruation;
  • delayed menstruation;
  • feeling of heaviness, feeling of fullness in the stomach.

With follicular cysts, the regularity of the monthly cycle is disrupted. Ovarian retention cyst causes bleeding on any day of the cycle, many women with acyclic bleeding are often diagnosed with benign neoplasms.

Characteristic signs occur with the development of endometrioid cysts. Women complain about:

  • permanent aching pain, alternating with sharp ones;
  • urinary disorders;
  • painful periods;
  • infertility.

With paraovarian cysts, complaints appear if their diameter becomes more than 12-15 cm. In patients, the regularity of the menstrual cycle is disrupted, acyclic symptoms appear. uterine bleeding, menstruation becomes painful.

Signs of retention formation of the right ovary

When a retention inclusion appears in the patient’s right ovary, pain may appear with right side. If cystic formation ruptured or its leg is twisted, it will be difficult to determine the exact location of the pain.

Women with follicular cystic tumors in the right ovary may experience painful sensations during the period of ovulation. Women feel them for 1-2 days.

Signs of retention formation of the left ovary

Even in the absence of symptoms, the doctor, with manual examination, can identify a retention inclusion in the left ovary. During the examination, the gynecologist should feel a mass formation located in the left iliac region.

Symptoms of retention formation of both ovaries

If a woman experiences pain in the area of ​​the appendages on the left and right, then the appearance of retention cysts on both ovaries can be suspected. Most often, such symptoms occur with the development of endometrioid cystic tumors. After all, corpus luteum cysts and follicular cystic neoplasms rarely appear on both sides. They affect only one gonad.

Ovarian retention cyst in postmenopause

During postmenopausal women, functional cysts cannot form. Therefore, the appearance of any tumor-like formations should alert you. At this age, it is not cysts that predominantly appear, but cystomas - true tumors that can degenerate into malignant ones.

After the onset of menopause, there is a possibility of endometrioma formation. It occurs when the lining of the uterus grows into the ovaries. This pathology occurs in no more than 3% of patients who have experienced menopause. When endometriomas are detected on the ovaries in postmenopause, surgical treatment is indicated.


To identify an ovarian retention cyst, the gynecologist must conduct a two-manual examination of the pelvic region and, if the formation of a neoplasm is suspected, refer the patient for an ultrasound. During the examination, the doctor can see the location of the tumor, its structure, shape, and size. Based on the parameters obtained, the diagnosis is clarified.

The corpus luteum cyst looks like a round cavity with clear contours; it has an anechoic structure. Endometrioid tumors are characterized by a heterogeneous internal echostructure, and numerous echo signals are visible in them. Follicular cysts are hypoechoic, thin-walled, with only 1 chamber inside.

Attention! If necessary, therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy is performed. During this procedure, the doctor can not only examine and remove the retention cyst of the left ovary, but also examine the appendages on the right.

Treatment of ovarian retention cyst

If cysts of the corpus luteum or follicles are detected, treatment is not immediately prescribed. Doctors recommend monitoring them for 2-3 cycles. If the situation does not change or retention cystic neoplasms begin to grow, select drug therapy.

Conservative treatment is prescribed to patients when endometrioid cysts are detected. It is aimed at eliminating the symptoms that the patient complains about and preventing the progression of the pathology. When identifying paraovarian cysts small sizes, it is recommended to monitor their growth and development. If the diameter exceeds 10 cm, then surgical intervention is indicated.

Drug treatment

To get rid of follicular tumors, gynecologists prescribe to patients hormonal agents, which contain gestagens and estrogens. The effect of treatment should appear in 1.5-2 months.

For a corpus luteum cyst that does not go away on its own, the doctor may prescribe progesterone medications in the second phase of the cycle. Effective method combating existing cystic inclusions are hormonal contraceptives. With their help, you can prevent the appearance of new cystic tumors.

For endometriomas the following is prescribed:

  • estrogen-gestagen agents: Diane-35, Femoden, Marvelon, Anovlar;
  • antiestrogens: Tamoxifen;
  • progestogens: Duphaston, Gestrinone, Norkolut, Medroxyprogesterone;
  • androgens: Sustanon-250, Testenate;
  • steroid anabolic drugs: Methylandrostenediol, Nerobol.

The duration of therapy when endometriotic formations are detected is at least six months. Lead tactics hormonal treatment should be selected by a doctor. In addition to hormones, vitamins, painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed.

Puncture of ovarian retention formation

If drug therapy is ineffective, surgery is prescribed. Benign formations can be removed during therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy. The doctor may decant the cystic cavity or cut it out completely.

In some cases, a puncture of the retention formation is made under ultrasound guidance. The doctor pierces the cystic wall with a special needle and through it extracts the contents of the capsule into sterile tubes. The resulting fluid is sent for examination, and a sclerosing agent is injected into the cystic cavity. Under its action, the walls stick together and the formation resolves.


When a functional retention formation of the ovary appears, the doctor may recommend, in addition to drug treatment, physiotherapeutic procedures. They are used primarily for corpus luteum cysts. The doctor may prescribe:

  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • electrophoresis;
  • SMT-phoresis;
  • magnetotherapy.

Mud therapy, laser therapy and vaginal irrigation with medicinal solutions are also used.

Treatment of ovarian retention cysts with folk remedies

You can get rid of benign luteal tumors using folk remedies. Some recommend using alcohol infusion raisins To prepare it, pour 0.5 liters of vodka into 150 g of raisins. It is necessary to infuse the liquid for a week. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Drinking fans alternative medicine They also recommend burdock juice, a tablespoon three times a day. The squeezed juice should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Possible complications

In rare cases, retention formations that appear cause complications:

  • twisting of the leg;
  • rupture of the cystic cavity;
  • suppuration.

In these conditions, emergency surgery is required.

Reference! The development of complications can be suspected by stabbing pains, a drop in blood pressure, and pale skin.

Disease prevention

It is not always possible to prevent the appearance of retention cysts, because the mechanism of their formation is not fully understood. Women are advised to monitor their reproductive health and regularly visit a gynecologist. An effective method of preventing the occurrence of functional neoplasms is the use of hormonal contraceptives.

Women who have been diagnosed with an ovarian retention cyst should closely monitor their health and follow all recommendations of their doctor. It can resolve on its own, but there are certain types that can only be removed through surgery.

Tumors and tumor-like formations of the ovaries are a pathology that occurs in medical practice with great frequency. According to studies, tumors and tumor-like neoplasms of the ovaries have been diagnosed up to 25 percent more often over the past decade. Most of them wear benign nature However, the number of women with malignant tumors increases every year. Most often diagnosed ordinary cyst, which, if not treated in a timely manner, tends to develop into a cancerous body. Due to the histological and anatomical structure of the appendages, they are more often susceptible to the appearance of various formations. The reasons for such pathological changes to date, they remain not fully studied, so disagreements among scientists on this issue continue to exist.

Etiology of the disease

Tumor-like formations of the ovary can appear from different sources. They are formed due to the pathological growth of the epithelium of the appendages, failures in the development of the egg at one or another stage of maturation, disturbances in the formation of theca tissues, granulosa and leyding cells, nonspecific connective tissues, nerves, vessels and other elements of the appendages. Tumors and tumor-like formations appear in women of all ages, however, patients between 30 and 60 years of age are more susceptible to the disease. In fifty percent of cases it is found in postmenopausal women. Whether it is a cyst or another type of formation, its development begins much earlier than diagnosis.

The risk group contains a list of patients with early or late start menstruation, late onset of menopause and disrupted menstrual cycle. A mass formation of the left ovary, like the right one, can lead to a decrease in reproductive functions and the inability to conceive and bear a child. Can complicate the situation chronic diseases pelvic organs. IN recent years scientists pay special attention study of genetic and epidemiological factors that influence the formation of ovarian formation. According to the data obtained, this pathology is significantly influenced by the habits and lifestyle of women, environment, quality of food and water.

Types of neoplasms

More often pathological processes in the appendages - a cyst of one type or another. However, if a mass is found on the ovary, but not a regular cyst, it may be wide range various diseases. They are usually divided into several groups, which combine pathologies of a benign, malignant or borderline nature. There are the following types of neoplasms in the appendages:

  • sex cord stromal tumors;
  • epithelial neoplasms;
  • germinal;
  • rarely forming tumors;
  • tumor processes.

According to statistical data, most often patients experience:

  1. Tumor pathologies of the stroma and surface epithelium. These include simple serous, papillary and papillary-serous cystadenomas, as well as mucinous (pseudomucinous cystadenomas) and endometrioid neoplasms (Brennen tumor and carcinomas).
  2. Stromal neoplasms and sex cord tumors. This category includes granulosastromal cell pathologies such as granulosa cell diseases, fibromas and thecomas, and androblastomas.
  3. Neoplasms of the germ cell type, such as teratomas.

This is just a small list of tumor pathologies that are found in modern gynecological practice. Each of these varieties can be benign or malignant. There are also borderline stages of the disease, when the formed pathological body is characterized by potentially low malignancy.

Benign neoplasms

Most often, ovarian formation is benign in nature and is characterized by cellular growth. The largest percentage falls on epithelial neoplasms on the ovary. Such pathologies are also called cystadenomas or cystomas. They are formed due to the growth of the outer shell of the appendages. These include the following types of cystadenomas:

  • mucinous;
  • papillary;
  • endometrioid;
  • serous.

Cyst and cystoma are pathologies that are often confused. Such fluid formations are most often asymptomatic, however, some types of them cause constant nagging pain in the lower abdomen and enlargement of the abdominal cavity. Similar sensations are caused by mucinous cystadenoma of a solid structure. The cavity of such a tumor quickly fills with a thick mucous substance and reaches large sizes.

Please note: Benign tumors also include oogenic tumors, which are formed from oocytes. The most complex neoplasm of this type is considered to be a teratoma, which is formed from an egg containing genetic material. Its interior may be filled with mature tissues and even vestigial organs, including hair, adipose tissue, rudiments of bones and teeth. It is not a very voluminous formation of the ovary, but it is formed very rarely on both sides.

Another common benign pathology of the appendages is thecoma. It is formed from cells that produce estrogen and most often appears during postmenopause. Although tecoma due to the production female hormones, increases libido, improves the appearance and well-being of women during menopause, it must be eliminated in time. Otherwise, hyperplasia and even endometrial cancer may develop.

Virilizing tumors are also benign. They are formed from elements of the appendages, which are similar in composition to the cells of the male gonads. As a result, the right or left ovary, it is presented with a solid structure. A woman with pathology is faced with virilization processes, including cessation of menstruation, atrophy of the mammary glands, enlargement of the clitoris and other male-type changes.

Brenner's tumor is quite rare. Such structures are small in size, so they are very difficult to detect using ultrasound. In most cases, they are diagnosed during surgery, the purpose of which is histological examination of the tissues of the appendages. A cyst is also considered benign. As a rule, it does not require treatment, however, if a solid ovarian tumor is detected, drug therapy or surgical treatment may be required. TO rare diseases This also includes ovarian fibroma, which is formed from connective tissue. By its nature, it is a hormonally inactive thecoma. Most often, such fibromas occur during menopause. They have a respectable size and can grow up to 15 centimeters. This pathology is accompanied by disorders of the cycle and generative function. It is possible to develop fibroma and cyst in the same appendage.

Important! Almost any kind benign neoplasm in the ovary can eventually develop into malignant tumor. Therefore, it is recommended to undergo regular examinations with a gynecologist and carefully monitor the development of any pathological phenomenon in the appendages.

Diagnostic methods

Both benign and malignant structures in the appendages often occur without any symptoms. To prevent complications or the formation of cancerous tumors, it is recommended to visit a doctor at least once a year. If neoplasms are detected or unpleasant sensations lower abdomen, disruptions in the menstrual cycle or the appearance of other complaints, it is worth undergoing gynecological examinations once during the period prescribed by the specialist. In most cases, for diagnosis tumor processes there is enough in the ovaries ultrasound diagnostics. Formations with different structures have different echogenicity. There are anechoic or hyperechoic structures. This may be an ordinary cyst or a dangerous neoplasm that requires treatment. If the doctor doubts the nature of the tumor, additional studies are prescribed.

Important! Transvaginal ultrasound is often combined with Doppler ultrasound, which makes it possible to distinguish a tumor from avascular cysts. Malignant bodies generally have blood vessels, and benign ones are only a cavity filled with liquid.

If necessary, the patient is prescribed magnetic resonance imaging or CT. Such methods make it possible to more accurately determine the nature of the formation in the ovary, make a diagnosis and determine the required volume surgical treatment. Today, they are increasingly used modern methods detection of markers indicating development cancer cells. Such tumor markers make it possible not only to identify already existing malignant processes, but also to determine in advance the likelihood of the degeneration of benign tissues into cancerous foci.

Some women receive ultrasound results similar to the following: “detected liquid formation in the ovary." Such a conclusion means that a formation has formed in the appendage, which may disappear within several cycles or needs treatment. Fluid formation in the right ovary occurs more often than in the left.

Most often, fluid in the ovary is found in women after 40 years of age, but can appear at any age. Most scientists believe that pathology arises due to hormonal imbalance. Moreover, a cyst in the pelvis can form both as a result of natural changes in the body, and as a result of taking hormonal drugs.

Crashes in reproductive function in most cases, they are caused by early entry into puberty, as well as repeated abortions. Ovarian cysts with liquid content often affect women who have abnormalities in the functioning of the endocrine system.

Fluid formation in the left ovary can appear as a result of ovulation disorders, when a vesicle filled with fluid does not rupture, its contents do not enter the abdominal cavity, but remain in the follicle, resulting in the formation of a follicular ovarian cyst. This pathology usually goes away on its own. In most cases, women of childbearing age encounter it. It is benign in nature, increases in size due to stretching of the walls (due to the accumulation of internal contents) and is most often accidentally detected during an ultrasound.

Fluid formations in the appendages may appear against the background of long-term inflammatory process caused by hypothermia. If a woman suffers from weak immunity, then the pathology, as a rule, occurs with complications. A cyst in the pelvis is often formed as a result of endometriosis.

A formation in the ovary in women may appear against the background stagnation in the pelvic area, caused by improper functioning of the kidneys. Triggering factors for the development of pathology, if there is a tendency to it, often become: nervous shock, unbalanced diet, violation of work and rest schedule, etc.

Types of fluid foreign bodies in the ovaries

When they say that there are fluid formations in the appendages, we are talking about cysts that can long time don't show yourself in any way. There are the following types:

  1. Ovarian dermoid cysts often develop during pregnancy. This foreign inclusion is filled with fluid and rudiments of the child’s skin, hair and other tissues. Sometimes it appears during life.
  2. A follicular formation is formed against the background of a hormonal imbalance, in which ovulation is not complete, and the follicle is filled with fluid, gradually increasing in size.
  3. Mucinous - filled with mucous contents. Its danger lies in the possibility of malignant degeneration. In most cases, such foreign inclusions are formed during menopause.
  4. A paraovarian cyst is a thin-walled neoplasm that is inactive and most often does not manifest itself in any way, being small in size.
  5. Luteal neoplasm occurs immediately after ovulation due to disruption of circulatory processes in the tissues of the appendage. Factors that provoke its development are a strict diet and significant physical activity.
  6. An endometriotic fluid neoplasm is formed due to the introduction of endometrial cells into the tissue of the appendage, and sometimes leads to the development of infertility. Among other fluid formations of the ovaries, it is quite common.
  7. Numerous ovarian cysts, which are caused by. Hormonal abnormalities lead to reproductive dysfunction and the appearance of these fluid-filled formations in the appendages.
  8. Serous cystadenoma with watery, transparent contents of light yellow color. It rarely transforms into cancerous tumor and occurs quite often.

Signs of a liquid neoplasm

Remember! Only a doctor can tell you what this fluid formation is in the right or left ovary and how to treat it. However, every patient can undergo a timely ultrasound to detect an adnexal cyst. Unfortunately, small foreign inclusions in the pelvis do not manifest themselves in any way, so it is difficult to suspect them.

As the pathology develops, a woman usually develops the following symptoms:

  • bleeding from the genital tract outside of menstruation;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • vomiting and/or nausea;
  • anovulation;
  • feeling of bloating;
  • pain during intimacy;
  • cycle disorders;
  • problems with bowel movements;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • pain in the thigh or lower back segment.

These manifestations do not always indicate the presence of a fluid formation and quite often act as manifestations of other gynecological pathologies, for example, uterine fibroids.

If pain occurs during intimacy and/or after physical activity, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Such clinical picture may indicate the development of a cyst.

Diagnosis of pathology

A fluid inclusion in the right or left ovary is often detected during an ultrasound. To identify the cause of the pathology, a blood test for hormones is performed. This allows you to assign effective therapy medicines. Most often, patients suffering from appendage cysts have cycle disorders.

If the doctor believes that the formation can spontaneously resolve within several months, then he recommends that the woman do it over time to monitor the development of the pathology. However, if unpleasant symptoms or complications appear, if there is a risk of developing a malignant process, treatment is carried out.

To exclude the presence of cancer, the patient needs to donate blood for tumor markers C-125 and CA-19-9. It should be remembered that positive results Such tests do not always indicate ovarian cancer and may indicate malignant damage to other organs. The most reliable test for detecting adnexal cancer is considered.

How to treat fluid formation in the left or right ovary

If we are talking about a functional cyst, then with a high degree of probability it can disappear on its own within a few menstrual cycles. Then, when the formation does not regress, it is treated, the tactics of which are determined by the patient’s age and other factors.

As a rule, the period during which dynamic observation is carried out is 3 months. To speed up the process of disappearance of the cyst, the gynecologist can prescribe hormonal drugs, and if pain syndrome– painkillers. Foreign inclusions of large sizes, or those that have the potential to transform into a cancerous tumor, are removed surgically.

The fluid formation of the left ovary (or right) is excised laparoscopically or laparotomically. The operation is also indicated when a woman who wants to become pregnant has PCOS, and conservative treatment ineffective. Urgent surgery is performed for ovarian cancer, as well as for other complications.

If the patient is in menopause and suffers from serious illnesses blood vessels, heart, metabolic disorders, and the cyst has a diameter of no more than 5 cm and cannot degenerate into a malignant tumor, then surgery is not performed. In this case it applies conservative therapy with the help of medicines.

When there are fluid formations in the ovaries, this indicates the presence of cysts (for example, with PCOS). A single foreign inclusion may indicate the functional nature of the pathology. Comprehensive examination allows you to put accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment to the patient.

A possible cause is a violation of the outflow from the glandular structure of the organ. Ovarian retention is a benign tumor that arises from the follicle: the future egg does not leave the ovarian tissue, becoming a factor in the formation of a fluid cavity in the ovary.

Retention formation in the ovary

Appear in different places human body. A frequent option is a fluid formation in the reproductive and hormonally active structure of the female body: a neoplasm in the ovaries is considered as a risk factor for oncological diseases, but most often the doctor during examination reveals functional tumors.

- this is a cavity with fluid that occurs when the outflow from the glandular tissue is disrupted (retention - delay or preservation). In most cases, the disease does not require treatment surgical intervention- with a correct diagnosis, the doctor after next menstruation will not find a tumor in the area of ​​the uterine appendages.

Mechanism of formation of a functional cyst

Every month, ovulation occurs in one of the ovaries (rupture of the follicle and release of an egg ready for fertilization). In the background hormonal disorders or when chronic inflammation Anovulation—tissue preservation—may occur. Rare anovulatory cycles do not cause serious negative influence on female body, but with frequently repeated disturbances in the natural course of events, the following diseases and states:

  • anovulatory infertility;
  • menstrual disorders;

The mechanism for the appearance of retention formation consists of the following sequential events:

  1. Maturation dominant follicle;
  2. Anovulation (absence of rupture and preservation of a small tassel on the ovary);
  3. Gradual accumulation of fluid in the cystic cavity with an increase in size to 30-50 mm in diameter;
  4. Disappearance of fluid formation after menstruation.

A functional cyst is a thin-walled and single-chamber liquid formation of small size that appears and disappears depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Variants and localization of functional ovarian cysts

Detection cystic tumor in any of the ovaries - this is a reason for an examination: it is important to make an accurate diagnosis and choose the optimal treatment tactics. There are 3 main types of retention cysts:

  1. Follicular (size up to 50 mm);
  2. Luteal (size can reach 80 mm).
  3. (not associated with the ovary, the value does not change for a long time).

In the first case, the cystic cavity is formed on the basis of anovulation (from a follicle that did not become an egg), in the second - from the corpus luteum (functionally active tissue that appears after ovulation), in the third - a congenital defect that does not have a negative effect on the functioning of the ovaries. Functional cysts of the right ovary are more often detected, which is explained by better blood supply to the right appendages of the uterus and relatively more frequent occurrence dominant follicle on the right.

Retention formation of the left ovary is less common, but this localization is no different from the right-sided location of the cystic cavity. In most cases, the cyst is discovered when ultrasound scanning performed for prophylactic or diagnostic purposes.

Symptoms of a functional cyst in ovarian tissue

A woman extremely rarely complains if she has a small cyst in any of the ovaries. The main manifestations of the disease are the following menstrual cycle disorders:

  • coming critical days with a delay of 2-6 days;
  • scanty and short periods;
  • heavy menstruation after a short delay;
  • long delay of the next menstruation (up to 2-3 weeks).

When the cystic cavity increases to 4-5 cm in diameter, the following symptoms may occur:

  • nagging pain in lower parts belly;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • problems with bowel movements bladder or rectum (with pressure from the cyst on neighboring organs).

For women dreaming of childbirth, negative manifestation Retention cysts are the following problems:

  • difficulties in achieving the desired pregnancy;
  • miscarriage (spontaneous termination of pregnancy at short notice);
  • frozen pregnancy.

In each specific case, the presence of a functional formation manifests itself individually: some women are not even aware of the presence of problems with the ovaries, some cannot conceive a baby and upon examination a retention formation is revealed, in rare cases from follicular cyst a cyst is formed, requiring surgical intervention.

Echosigns of the disease

It is the main method for diagnosing retention cysts in the ovary. The following echo signs of a cystic neoplasm are distinguished:

  1. The presence of a cavity in the ovary, up to 3-8 cm in size;
  2. Liquid and homogeneous contents without additional inclusions;
  3. Thin cavity walls (no more than 1 mm);
  4. Smooth inner surface;
  5. Single-chamber education;
  6. Oval shape
  7. The presence of a defect in the ovarian tissue;
  8. Normal ovarian tissue in close proximity to the cyst.

An important sign of a retention cyst is the phenomenon of self-liquidation: after menstruation, during an ultrasound, the doctor will not detect a cystic cavity in the place where there was a liquid neoplasm. In rare cases, the tumor does not disappear and gradually increases, which is the reason for an in-depth examination and surgery.

How often do you visit a gynecologist (not during pregnancy)?

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Once a year

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Once every six months

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Every 2-3 months or more often

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I don't remember the last time I was

  1. Normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  2. Restoration of ovulation;
  3. Absence of repeated cyst formation in the ovaries;
  4. The onset of the desired pregnancy.

Identified retention formation in the ovary requires an ultrasound examination and the use of medications that eliminate hormonal disorders. If left untreated, complications may occur (cyst growth, cystoma formation, infertility, persistent menstrual irregularities). It is important to carefully and accurately follow your doctor's instructions to prevent serious problems with reproductive and women's health.

Hello. An ultrasound revealed a cavity formation in the ovary, probably retention. The doctor prescribed medications and suggested doing a repeat test after menstruation. Maybe surgery is needed? Irina, 28 years old.

Hello, Irina. The presence of a cystic cavity with liquid contents in the ovary does not always require surgery. If the presence of a retention formation is assumed, it is necessary to perform a transvaginal ultrasound examination in dynamics - most often with correct use According to the doctor's recommendations, the cyst will disappear after menstruation. If this does not happen and the fluid formation increases in size, then surgery may be required.

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