Surgery to remove a postoperative abdominal hernia. Postoperative abdominal hernia: treatment

Abdominal surgery is performed using several methods. The standard operation is hernioplasty, indicated electively or for complicated hernia. Plastic own tissues or using a synthetic implant for suturing the defect, performed laparoscopically, or by hernioplasty. Obstructive hernioplasty is often used to remove an umbilical defect, and protrusion of the linea alba is eliminated laparoscopically or by tension-free hernioplasty. In total, there are more than 300 options for tummy tuck, but the above are presented standard techniques, with which surgeons have been actively working for the last decade.

Hernia surgery consists of three groups of operations:

  1. Tension plasty with one’s own tissues – the hernia defect is sutured with aponeurosis, fascia, by multi-layer suturing of tissues;
  2. Laparoscopic surgery – modern surgery Abdominal protrusion surgery offers removal of the protrusion through small punctures abdominal cavity, through which it is possible to insert a mesh implant;
  3. Tension-free plastic surgery (hernioplasty) is an operation involving the installation of a synthetic mesh.

Plastic surgery using your own tissues

Previously, hernia surgery was limited to the need to close the defect with nearby tissues, which is still practiced today, but not so actively. The operation is performed through a 10-12 cm incision, the hernial sac is separated and removed, and the organs are returned to their place.

After eliminating the defect, tissue plastic surgery is performed by sewing muscles to the inguinal ligament.

Hernia surgery by tension repair has more disadvantages, weeks of advantages:

  1. High risk of recurrence of protrusion in the abdominal cavity after surgery;
  2. Long rehabilitation after surgery, the need to exclude physical activity, change diet for at least 6 months;
  3. Pain syndrome, risk of poor scar healing and inflammation;
  4. The appearance of a hernia after surgery at the site of the scar is a postoperative hernia, which is often observed when the defect is sutured with one’s own tissue.

Laparoscopic surgery

Endoscopic treatment of hernias has both undeniable advantages and a convincing list possible consequences due to the novelty of the method and the complexity of execution.

Surgery using the laparoscopic method is characterized by good cosmetic results and the use of modern high-precision equipment.

Features of laparoscopic surgery:

  1. Access to the hernia is formed through three punctures of no more than 3 cm, through which a camera, light and the necessary instruments are inserted;
  2. After the operation, the patient feels well and is discharged home a day later;
  3. Possibility of simultaneous treatment of other abdominal pathologies;
  4. Short rehabilitation and low relapse rate.

The operation is carried out only under general anesthesia, which increases the risk of complications after treatment.

Rehabilitation period

Recovery after abdominal hernia removal varies from patient to patient. General rehabilitation period lasts from 14 days to one year or more.

After removal of an abdominal hernia, you should always change your diet so as not to cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The patient is prescribed medications for symptomatic treatment, bandages, physiotherapy, exercise therapy and massage.

Gentle nutrition, uniform exercise and treatment concomitant diseases speed up the recovery process.

Surgery open method requires proper care behind the postoperative scar. The sutures are removed after a week and during this time you need to wash the wound and change the bandage. If wearing a bandage is indicated, it is important to apply a sterile bandage to the area where the rough material comes into contact with the hernia and be sure to use a soft pad.

Hernia. Inguinal, umbilical, etc. Causes, symptoms, treatment.

Recovery after removal of an umbilical hernia: rehabilitation, prevention, diet, bandage

Surgery for an abdominal hernia is the only correct treatment option, because the experience of specialists is convincing and gradually each technique is improved, the incidence of errors during surgery and complications in postoperative period.

This is a disease in which organs come to the surface or inside the abdominal cavity. Abdominal hernia is considered quite serious illness, therefore, surgery to remove an abdominal hernia is considered a mandatory procedure. The doctor must conduct an examination, prescribe certain examinations and tests.

According to the factors of occurrence, there are two categories of hernias - congenital (umbilical hernias and inguinal hernias) and acquired ones, which appear due to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure due to a weakened abdominal wall:

  • with prolonged lifting of weights;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • intense constipation;
  • severe cough, especially with bronchitis;
  • excess body weight;
  • injury to the abdominal wall.

Why surgery is necessary

In general, a hernia is cosmetic defect, which is displayed on psychological state a person, disfiguring his appearance. The disease hides a real threat not only to well-being, but can lead to the death of a person. The doctor will tell you what to do in this situation. The thing is that when treatment is not carried out, the disease can progress. Over time, the size of the hernial sac decreases, which leads to compression of its contents.

In the future, tissue necrosis or inflammation of the peritoneum is likely. Surgery is considered the only way, because a hernia in the abdomen will not go away on its own. There is no need to waste time, exhaust the body with diets, exercises, or use traditional methods treatment. If an abdominal hernia is diagnosed, the operation lasts from 10 to 35 minutes.

Type of hernia

Hernias can differ in shape, size, and site of formation. At the beginning of the disease, symptoms do not appear. But over time, the hernial orifice may become larger. This means that a huge area of ​​internal organs enters them, especially the intestinal tract. Main symptom- a bulge that catches the eye.

There are types of abdominal hernias, such as internal and external, which have different symptoms.


This type is localized from the inside of the abdominal cavity. The symptoms resemble stomach disease. The peculiarity is that medications cannot help relieve pain. An internal hernia also forms in the pocket area at the junction duodenum and thin intestinal tract and other zones. Let's consider the main symptoms of the internal type of hernia:

  • discomfort in the epigastrium;
  • feeling of bloating;
  • belching, burning sensation, heat and even pain behind the sternum;
  • vomit;
  • constipation


This type occurs much more often. There can be many reasons for this disease:

  • congenital defects;
  • physical activity;
  • age-related changes;
  • damage to the integrity or physiological functions organs and tissues of the human body;
  • pregnancy.

The location of external hernias can vary, but the most common types are:

  • in the area of ​​the white line of the abdomen;
  • umbilical ring;
  • on the lateral and posterior walls of the abdominal cavity;
  • inguinal hernias;
  • postoperative appearance.

Depending on how the disease progresses, there are no complications (no difficulties arise), complicated (cannot be corrected), and recurrent hernias (reappear).

How to prepare for surgery

Before undergoing abdominal hernia surgery, the patient should follow these tips:

Also, the surgical method is not performed when a person has recently been ill; only after a couple of weeks can one go to the hospital. In addition to the fact that the patient must prepare himself, the doctor must conduct an examination. The main measures after which a hernia is removed include:

  • general blood test;
  • for glucose, blood group, Rh factor;
  • set an indicator that reflects the seconds during which the plasma coagulates after adding the desired mixture to it;
  • establish an indicator of activated partial thromboplastin time;
  • conduct a biochemical blood test;
  • exclude the presence of infectious diseases;
  • do a cardiogram.

Hernia removal options

To remove a hernia of not very large volumes, a medical rigid endoscope is often used, designed for laparoscopic diagnostic as well as surgical manipulations on the abdominal organs. This is a so-called probe with the use of which treatment is carried out without the slightest injury to the organ. Therefore, there is no threat of bleeding, and they are not damaged. soft fabrics. Moreover, when eliminating a hernia, it is possible to watch the procedure on the screen, which guarantees the accuracy of the operation and stimulates healing. But this method It is contraindicated in patients with other abdominal diseases, therefore it is prescribed with special caution, based on a medical decision.

Classic treatment is carried out by stretching the weakened layers and fixing them with a special thread. This method is only effective in 80% cases. The remaining 20% ​​refers to patients who have undergone surgery. They received significant relief, but after a certain time the hernia reappeared. A similar picture appears when there is a huge load on the seams. As a result of their powerful tension, the fabric can cut through, and a new defect arises.

The best treatment is surgery, in which the abdominal hernia is repaired using a mesh material. The mesh is placed on the area of ​​formation and thus takes away the load. Moreover, the mesh is tolerated by the body absolutely normally. Over time, the area with the network becomes overgrown with connective tissue. During surgery, local, general anesthesia is used. In older people, an unaffected disease is operated on under local anesthesia, because this method does not affect cardiovascular system, does not require long-term postoperative monitoring, does not generate a nausea reflex. Moreover, you can eat immediately after the operation.

Period after surgery

Any surgical intervention, even when it is not significant, is considered stress for the body. What to do and what to remember regarding postoperative nuances so that healing is successful. The patient remains at home for a certain time after the operation, but must know how the recovery period is going.

Under the supervision of a doctor, excision of dead tissue (intestinal tract, fatty layers) and sanitation of the abdominal cavity can be carried out. The doctor also prescribes antibiotics. In other cases, resumption after surgery occurs without difficulties.

After the operation to eliminate a hernia in the abdominal area, the patient can go home and is allowed to:

  • walk around the apartment yourself, as walking speeds up healing;
  • eat and drink as usual;
  • After the operation, you can go outside three days later.

But, despite the flexibility of the postoperative regimen, the patient should adhere to certain restrictions. For example, he is obliged:

  • do not skip mandatory dressings;
  • use laxatives prescribed by your doctor;
  • try not to lean forward;
  • don't do it under any circumstances gymnastic exercises until absolute healing;
  • Moreover, you should not lift heavy objects for three months.

A patient with an operated hernia can lift more than five kilograms only after the sutures have been removed (after two weeks).

Is enough dangerous disease, which is characterized by protrusion of internal organs or parts thereof from their natural position.

The protrusion does not violate their integrity, but creates a defect in the connective tissue. Thus, visually the hernia looks like a tumor. Education can be both small and quite impressive in size. The contour is smooth, no damaged skin is observed, as well as other deviations from the norm.

An abdominal hernia appears especially on weak areas of the abdominal walls. These are groin area, navel, lateral areas, midline of the abdomen.

After necessary research and undergoing tests, the patient is prescribed surgery. Shown additional diagnostics, which will allow you to select the most optimal treatment for a specific person.

Why is surgery necessary?

In generally accepted measures, a hernia is considered a cosmetic defect that affects a person’s morale, spoiling the appearance and preventing normal activities everyday life. However, do not underestimate hernia as a separate disease.

An abdominal hernia poses a real danger not only to a person’s health, but also to his life.

The thing is that if left untreated, a hernia can progress, leading to serious strangulation with a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure. At this moment, the volume of the hernial sac decreases significantly, which leads to compression of its contents. This may subsequently cause tissue necrosis or peritonitis. In the absence of urgent surgery, the person dies.

It is also worth recalling that a hernia can significantly increase in size, causing real inconvenience not only when performing some specific tasks. physical actions, but also even when walking.

Surgery is the only way that can truly demonstrate results. A hernia cannot be eliminated on its own. Therefore, you should not waste your precious time trying ineffective diets, therapeutic exercises and folk remedies.

How to remove a hernia on the abdomen?

Modern surgery makes it possible to perform surgical intervention at the highest level.

Thus, timely surgery allows for optimal rapid recovery and avoid complications.

Before the operation begins, the patient is given mandatory local anesthesia. Most often, novocaine is used as anesthesia or special spinal anesthesia is performed. For the most impressionable patients and children, general anesthesia is provided.

Local anesthesia for similar operation is considered more preferable, as it allows to achieve high efficiency.

When the patient remains conscious, this allows the surgeon to control the entire surgical process. Local anesthesia allows the patient to strain so that the doctor can clearly see the outline of the hernia and eliminate it.

During surgery apply various techniques, aimed not only at eliminating protrusion, but also at strengthening skin tissue. In the absence of a large hernia and complications after surgery, the patient can be discharged and go home within a few hours.

Plastic surgery using your own tissues

An operation of this type is possible only if there is a hernia that does not exceed 3 cm in size. Plastic surgery using one’s own tissue is considered ineffective, as it provokes more than 50% of relapses.


The essence of this type of operation is that the patient is made several small incisions in the abdomen through which special tool– laparoscope. Such equipment allows you to freely monitor the progress of the operation on a monitor located in front of the surgeon.

The process of eliminating protrusion itself is carried out with miniature instruments. Main feature The method lies in its minimal pain and short postoperative period. However, this method of surgery is quite expensive and is performed under general anesthesia.


Considered the most modern and in an efficient way treatment.

Hernioplasty involves the use of mesh grafts. The main task involved in the operation is to create a special flap.

It is created from special materials that will not be rejected by the body and will be perceived as native tissues. The flap is securely fixed to the tissue abdominal wall, preventing the hernia from protruding again. The success of such an operation depends not only on the quality of the materials used, but also on the professionalism of the surgeon.

How long does abdominal hernia surgery take?

Surgery to remove a hernia in adults and children is performed under general anesthesia. In some cases of adult treatment, surgery is also performed under local anesthesia.

On average, the duration of the operation does not exceed 30-35 minutes, and the minimum lasts only 10-15 minutes.

The duration of surgical procedures also depends on the complexity of the disease, that is, the size of the hernia, its neglect and existing complications. The type of operation also affects the duration. Thus, in some especially difficult cases, the doctor can operate on a hernia within several hours.

Takes much less time modern technique operating. Laparoscopy allows you to operate on a patient under local anesthesia using a probe and small skin incisions. The removal work itself lasts much less than the traditional type of surgery with tissue incision.

The video talks about the types of operations to remove an umbilical hernia:


The cost of this operation depends on several important factors and it is almost impossible to determine it in advance, without first consulting a doctor. The price is affected by:

  • hernia size;
  • its location and features;
  • absence or presence of complications, neglect;
  • diagnostic methods required for the operation;
  • doctor's qualifications;
  • materials and medications used;
  • type of operation.

You should not skimp on your health and go to little-known clinics that offer extremely cheap services.

After unsuccessful operation complications may occur. That is why it is worth choosing the most competent doctor with extensive experience who will diagnose and further remove the hernia.

Rehabilitation in the postoperative period

Any surgical intervention, even if it is not significant, is stressful for the entire body and requires rehabilitation.

Some time after the operation, the patient finds himself at home, but at the same time he must be familiar with some of the intricacies of the recovery process.

It is normal for the patient to experience some discomfort after surgery. Possible pain symptom of different nature. Difficulties also arise when moving, walking up steps, lifting and squatting.

The duration of the rehabilitation period depends on how much a person listens to his body and follows the doctor’s recommendations. So, if all the rules are strictly followed, rehabilitation can take place in 1-2 weeks. Otherwise, unpleasant, residual symptoms may persist for 6-7 weeks.

Longer rehabilitation before going to work is required for those patients who are involved in production where increased physical activity is required.

But people who work mentally usually return to their workplace already after 3-5 days.


The diet prescribed to patients who have undergone hernia surgery is not as strict as the diet prescribed after gastrointestinal surgery.

The purpose of such a diet is to reduce possible stress on the surgical site. Usually it is the intestines that create this pressure. This is achieved through correct and fractional meals, as well as foods and dishes that are easily digested and move through the intestines without causing bloating.

The emphasis in food is on liquid dishes and steamed foods. Compliance therapeutic type nutrition lasts from the moment of removal of the hernia until the moment full recovery patient.

Food is taken in fractions of 5-6 meals per day. In this case, portions should be significantly reduced. Nutritional value daily ration is 2500 kcal. To simplify the understanding of what exactly is included in the daily diet, there is a special diagram.

Chemical composition of the diet for 1 day:

Based on chemical composition The diet and daily ration are determined. Among the dishes that can be taken after a hernia are:

  1. Soups with small vermicelli.
  2. Steamed fish.
  3. Steam cutlets made from finely ground minced chicken.
  4. Chicken meatballs.
  5. Mashed potatoes.
  6. Low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream.
  7. Rice porridge with milk.
  8. Carrot salad.
  9. Buckwheat porridge.
  10. Soft-boiled eggs.
  11. Fresh vegetable salad.
  12. Dried fruits steamed with boiling water.
  13. Boiled turkey meat.
  14. Kissel.
  15. Weak tea with milk or honey.

There is also a list of foods that you should not eat:

  1. Conservation.
  2. Mushrooms, regardless of processing.
  3. Peas, beans.
  4. Garlic and onions without processing.
  5. Homemade milk.
  6. Fried meat and fish.
  7. Fresh baked goods.
  8. Ice cream and cold dishes.
  9. Coffee and alcoholic drinks.
  10. Plums, apricots, pears.

An effective diet must be prescribed by a doctor. It should be followed very strictly.

In some cases, even the slightest indulgence can lead to aggravation and problems with healing and rehabilitation. The main thing to remember is that diet is the best assistant in the process of fighting an abdominal hernia, as well as the basis for postoperative recovery.

Video about recovery after umbilical hernia removal:

Hernia - serious illness, characterized by protrusion of organs and parts from their normal location. The bulging does not violate their integrity, but a connective tissue defect is formed. If you look visually, the hernia resembles a tumor in appearance.

The size of the formations varies from small to large, the edges are clear and smooth, the skin is not damaged, painful sensations No. However, there are situations when pinching occurs and immediate hospitalization with further surgery for a hernia in the abdomen is required.

Symptoms of an abdominal hernia and when emergency care is needed

Clinical picture has no clear signs, but recognizing it is not difficult. The main manifestation of the pathology is unpleasant painful sensations and a feeling of fullness. And also the pain can be cramping and have varying severity and strength. The formation of a hernial sac during gestation does not pose any particular danger. The enlarged uterus will serve as a plug and will not allow it to be pinched.

Soreness most often occurs during or immediately after physical activity. After some time, the unpleasant sensations dull. Patients complain of absence of bowel movements for 3 or more days, nausea and vomiting. At the beginning of its development, the hernia is visible, it sticks out even more when sneezing, coughing, but may disappear if the patient takes supine position.

Sometimes it happens that the hernia is strangulated and then emergency treatment is necessary surgical treatment. Symptoms of the disease are divided into two groups: early and late. The first include paroxysmal pain, vomiting 5 times or more that does not bring relief, flatulence, decreased or absent intestinal motility, heartburn and belching.

Externally, the hernia becomes red and hot to the touch. Its density and pain increases. Late signs include purpleness skin and accumulation of exudate at the site of compression, severe fatigue, apathy, high body temperature. The development of phlegmon of the hernial sac with subsequent melting of adjacent tissues may be observed.

During pinching, the size of the hernia can increase several times

Important! Treat umbilical hernia Without surgery it is possible only in children.

Preparation for surgical treatment

Before you perform planned surgery, you need to undergo a little training.

  • For at least 3 days (or better yet, more) do not drink any alcohol-containing drinks.
  • Stop taking aspirin 2 weeks in advance, as it disrupts the hemostasis system, which is responsible for stopping bleeding.
  • Eat right for a month, enriching your diet with foods rich in vitamins.
  • Do not eat for 12–16 hours before surgery (usually from 6 pm the previous day).

No surgical interventions are performed if you have recently had a cold or inflammatory diseases. The interval between the end of the disease and the start of surgery should be at least 14 days.

In addition, you need to go through some medical procedures: donate blood for general and biochemical analysis, prothrombin index (PTI) and glucose, infectious diseases(HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, etc.), do an electrocardiogram of the heart. All these manipulations are not carried out if the hernia is pinched and emergency removal is necessary.

Types of operations

In surgery, there are 2 types of surgical treatment of abdominal hernia:

  • Plastic surgery using one’s own tissues (tension hernioplasty).
  • Surgical treatment using mesh (implant made of polymer inert material).

Tension hernioplasty is carried out using your own tissues; they are compared and stitched in the area of ​​the hernial orifice. This method has many disadvantages: tension, which results in the risk of developing improper tissue scarring, failure of sutures, long period rehabilitation, pain after surgical treatment, high% of relapses ( ventral hernias).

More modern and highly effective methods include abdominal hernia operations with a mesh made of polymer inert materials. After such an operation, the repeated exit of organs from their cavities is reduced to less than 3% or less, healing occurs quickly and painlessly. Today, tension-free hernioplasty is the most popular in surgery. Depending on the access to the surgical site, open and laparoscopic methods are distinguished.

Open Laparoscopic
Advantages Flaws Advantages Flaws
Can be performed under local anesthesia Long rehabilitation period. Discharge on 5–7 days Discharge is carried out no later than 1–2 days after surgery Possible formation of infiltrate at the incision site, peritonitis, abdominal hematoma
Treatment of complicated and multiple hernias or hernias large size Long cut, and subsequently large postoperative scar Small incisions that heal quickly and are almost invisible It is done under general anesthesia, which is not allowed for everyone.
Greater opportunity to correctly install the mesh and reduce the risk of its displacement No injury during puncture muscle tissue, which causes virtually no pain Possible risk of developing internal bleeding, damage to internal organs

IN government institutions The operation to eliminate the pathology is carried out free of charge. This includes all types of hernias: hiatus, linea alba, umbilical, inguinal and femoral.

Postoperative period

In the early postoperative period, which is the first 2 weeks, it is worth adhering to some rules and restrictions:

  • Before removing the sutures, regularly visit the dressing room at least once a day and follow all the doctor’s recommendations.
  • Take laxatives to prevent constipation.
  • Following a strict diet and correct mode nutrition.
  • Avoid bending forward, lifting heavy objects and strenuous physical activity.
  • Stay in the same weight class for a minimum of 6 months, otherwise there is a risk of seams coming apart.

Any surgical intervention, even the most minor one, is stressful for the entire body. He needs some time to get stronger and recover.

How long does the rehabilitation period last? The first few weeks after abdominal hernia removal are considered the most difficult. There are many reasons that can cause increased pressure in the abdominal cavity, which will lead to suture divergence. To minimize them, it is necessary to eliminate the risk of inflammation respiratory tract. In addition, you should stop smoking, inhaling dust and pollen, as well as other irritants.

After discharge from the hospital, patients practically do not feel any strong restrictions in movement, self-care, eating and drinking. Already on the 3rd day after the operation, short walks are allowed. fresh air, minimal physical activity, but only in special bandage or a corset.

Contraindications to intervention

Unfortunately, surgical treatment is not always an option to cope with the disease. Sometimes there are cases when surgical procedures are contraindicated or do not make sense:

  • child's age up to 5 years. In children there is a possibility that the hernia will disappear on its own as they grow child's body. Therefore, if the hernia does not cause discomfort, the operation is not performed or postponed for more late date. This applies only to acquired hernias;
  • infectious diseases in acute form And high temperature bodies. Treatment is carried out only after complete recovery;
  • period of gestation. In order not to expose a pregnant woman’s body to unnecessary stress, it is worth waiting until the end of lactation or, at extreme case, childbirth;
  • impairment of pulmonary or cardiovascular activity;
  • giant hernias in people over 70 years of age. It is necessary to carry out extensive surgery, which is poorly tolerated in old age;
  • complicated cirrhosis of the liver;
  • severe form renal failure;
  • varicose veins veins of the esophagus;
  • myocardial infarction and stroke. In this condition, patients do not tolerate anesthesia well, so they try not to perform operations;
  • incurable diseases. A hernia is not considered a disease that poses a severe threat to the body, but its removal may pose a health risk. Therefore, there is no point in subjecting patients with incurable pathologies to it;
  • increased level glucose in the blood, despite the administration of insulin.

Each such case is considered by a doctor individually. Only a specialist can assess the potential effect of treatment.


Complications of abdominal hernias include strangulation, inflammation and coprostasis.

Strangulated hernia

Sudden compression of the contents of the hernia in the hernial orifice. Absolutely any organ can be strangulated while in the hernial sac. Arises pathological condition with significant contraction of the abdominal muscles as a result of heavy lifting, debilitating cough, during straining. During pinching, there is always a disruption in the blood circulation of the pinched area and its normal functioning.

Hernia inflammation

It may occur with inside, and from the outside. There are several types of inflammation: serous, purulent, serous-fibrinous, putrefactive. They occur in acute form, extremely rarely in chronic form. Infection of the contents of the hernial sac can occur through skin lesions, ulcers, and irritations.

There are rare cases of inflammation of hernias after injury. Start pathological process accompanied by sharp pain in the abdomen, fever, vomiting. It is very difficult to make a diagnosis, because pathology is confused with infringement.

Stagnation feces, resulting in partial or complete blockage of the intestinal lumen. The disease develops equally in both childhood and adulthood.

Complications after surgical treatment Abdominal hernias are rare. They arise by various reasons: improper care caring for the patient, excessive physical activity, ignoring the instructions of a specialist.

The most common post-surgical consequence is recurrence of the hernia. It forms at the site where the hernial sac was excised earlier, most often on the white line of the abdomen.

Hernia of the white line of the abdomen is a “cunning” pathology. Its trick is that at first it does not manifest itself in any way. The person does not even realize that he is faced with such a problem.

Very often the problem is identified during a random diagnostic examination. This, by the way, is one of the arguments why it is important to visit a doctor from time to time for preventive purposes.

As the hernia increases in size, it may “protrude” in the upper part of the midline of the abdomen. The place of “protrusion” is accompanied by pain, which intensifies with increasing physical activity.

A person may experience nausea, vomiting, belching and heartburn.

Is a hernia of the linea alba dangerous?

Have you noticed any of the listed symptoms? Make an appointment with your doctor. Don't wait for complications to arise.

By the way, about complications. Yes, the disease is not fatal and, according to official data, occurs in less than 15% of the total population.

However, the fact is that in the area of ​​the white line of the abdominal wall there are slit-like spaces. They pass through blood vessels and nerves. It often happens that, increasing in size, the hernia gets into these cracks and puts pressure on the nerves and blood vessels. This has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems.

Strangulated hernia is the most serious complication. If you consider that the gates are most often relatively narrow - 5-6 centimeters, then the risk increases many times over. In case of infringement, emergency surgical treatment is performed.

And, of course, one cannot fail to mention disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation, which are faithful companions of this problem.

Treatment is carried out by surgical intervention and proceeds successfully if treated in a timely manner.

Surgery to remove a hernia of the linea alba

It is carried out only in a hospital setting. ON CLINIC offers modern operating rooms and wards for a comfortable stay with an automatic doctor call system. The friendly medical team at ON CLINIC will provide you necessary help at any time of the day or night.

ON CLINIC surgeons usually perform laparoscopic surgery. This kind of manipulation is reliable way get rid of the problem with minimal tissue trauma, minimal recovery period and maximum comfort during and after surgery.

Such results are achieved due to the fact that the doctor performs the procedure without making any skin incisions. He makes several small punctures on the patient’s body, through which he inserts equipment and performs the necessary manipulations.

During surgery, the surgeon, having gained access to the hernia, isolates it, places internal organs from the hernial sac to its natural place in the peritoneal cavity and performs plastic surgery of the abdominal wall.

The specificity of the manipulation is the mandatory elimination of discrepancy or, scientifically speaking, diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles.

As for plastic surgery, it can be performed either using the patient’s own tissues or using synthetic prostheses - a special mesh made of hypoallergenic materials.

The first method has limited use - only for small defect sizes and strong surrounding tissues. Otherwise, if connective tissues weak, which is often found in older people, the probability of relapse can reach up to 40 percent. Synthetic mesh is an ideal material for closing the defect and great way reducing the risk of re-perforation to zero. Over time, as the mesh is completely implanted and becomes overgrown with body tissue, this protection becomes even more powerful.

The synthetic mesh used in ON CLINIC is hypoallergenic and safe for the human body.

How much does the operation cost?

The cost of surgery to remove a hernia of the linea alba depends on the size of the hernia and its characteristics, the presence or absence of complications, diagnostic and surgical methods, selected materials, qualifications of specialists and a number of other factors.