Surgery to remove a ventral abdominal hernia. Abdominal hernia and various methods for its removal

How is an umbilical hernia repaired after surgery? This question, like many others, will be answered by a doctor. A hernia in the navel area is one of the conditions in which internal organs(such as the intestines) protrude beyond the boundaries of the anterior abdominal wall through a hole located in the navel area. The disease manifests itself in the form of a protrusion in the navel area, which can increase or, on the contrary, become less noticeable when taking a horizontal position. Sometimes the formation can occupy a large area.

This one cures complex disease surgeon, and you need to contact him as soon as you notice discomfort. To the symptoms umbilical hernia The following phenomena can be attributed:

  • pain in the abdomen when coughing or exercising;
  • presence of nausea;
  • extended umbilical ring.

There are several ways to diagnose an umbilical hernia:

  1. Get examined by a specialist.
  2. Take an x-ray of the stomach and duodenum.
  3. Do an ultrasound.
  4. Undergo a gastroscopy procedure.
  5. Perform a procedure such as herniography - x-ray method, which consists of introducing a special contrast agent into the abdominal cavity, which makes it possible to examine the hernia.

Umbilical hernias can be of two types: congenital and acquired. Congenital can be detected immediately after the birth of the child. In the navel area, where the umbilical cord was, there is a spherical protrusion with wide base, turning into umbilical cord. If the baby cries a lot, the hernial protrusion increases. How different congenital or acquired hernias can be can be seen in the video that is shown to patients in medical institution. How to treat an umbilical hernia? Typically hernia treatment surgically It is not carried out until the age of five. They are trying to eliminate it with massage and physical therapy. If nothing helps and the navel does not shrink, you have to resort to surgical intervention for a hernia.

Hernia surgery

Removal of an umbilical hernia in adults can only be performed operative method, treatment is prescribed immediately, and strictly in a hospital setting.
The traditional type of plastic surgery (Sapezhko and Mayo method) has some disadvantages:

  • the recovery period of the body can last quite a long time (heavy loads are prohibited for one year);
  • high risk that the formation will appear again in the same area after the operation.

It is practiced to remove a hernia using mesh implants, which can be installed in several ways. Advantages of the operation:

  • recovery can take no more than one month, the operated patient can engage in physical activity and even sports;
  • a small percentage of disease relapse - 1%;
  • the operation can be performed under any type of anesthesia that has long action, not necessarily general.

The laparoscopic method for removing an abdominal hernia is one of the most gentle forms of surgery, since it can occur without incisions on the body, just a few punctures are enough. Rehabilitation is easy and quick, but this method has contraindications. These include:

  • immunodeficiency conditions, including HIV,
  • liver dysfunction,
  • time of menstruation in women.

Often the operation is performed in combination with the placement of a mesh implant. Surgeries to remove an umbilical hernia in adults are carried out according to the following scheme. First, the patient is admitted to the hospital for examination and preparation for surgery. If the patient is admitted to emergency, preparation for umbilical hernia surgery in adults is reduced to a minimum.

Then the patient is given anesthesia (local or conduction; general anesthesia, as it is more complex, is used for repeated manifestations). If the formation is small, surgery for an umbilical hernia involves suturing the umbilical ring. If education has larger size, it has to be closed surgically. The resulting adhesions are dissected, which allows the internal organs to remain in the hernial sac. You can also do hernia prevention. Doctors usually recommend following some simple rules:

  • training the abdominal muscles (this will keep them in good shape);
  • proper nutrition that will help control body weight;
  • during pregnancy it is necessary to wear an umbilical bandage;
  • avoid heavy physical activity.

Why does an umbilical hernia appear? In babies, the cause of the appearance may be slow fusion of the umbilical ring. Adult population are more likely to develop an umbilical hernia after 40 years of age. This is especially true for pregnant women.

Predisposing factors include:

  • connective tissue weakness;
  • slow fusion of the umbilical ring;
  • obesity;
  • postoperative scars.

Risk factors that can lead to increased intra-abdominal pressure:

  • frequent crying and screaming in infants;
  • physical overstrain;
  • constipation;
  • pregnancy period;
  • ascites;
  • prolonged severe cough.

What are the contraindications?

Children under five years of age. There is a certain probability that the hernia will go away on its own along with the growth of the body. If it does not cause severe discomfort and does not create any complications, the operation is postponed for several years. After five years, boys are also not always recommended to have surgery right away. But girls need to have their hernia removed. This is due to the growth of the reproductive system.

Surgeries are not performed for active infections in the body because surgery carries a certain risk and complications are possible.

Diseases that are not curable. Since a hernial tumor is not a dangerous disease, especially when it is located early stages, terminally ill patients are not exposed to the risks associated with surgery.

Second half of pregnancy. Any operation is stressful for the body and, accordingly, a risk for both mother and baby. Therefore, it is better to avoid such situations during pregnancy. If education does not carry certain risks, surgery postponed until breastfeeding stops.

Contraindication is stroke or heart attack. In such cases, anesthesia is difficult for patients to tolerate, and therefore they are not exposed to such a risk.

Impairments in cardiovascular and pulmonary activity are also an obstacle to surgery.

Large formations in people over the age of seventy are removed extremely rarely. Surgical intervention is poorly tolerated by such patients.

Surgery to remove an umbilical hernia is contraindicated in patients with diabetes, as well as renal failure occurring in severe form, liver cirrhosis with complications, varicose veins veins of the esophagus.

The pathological form of protrusion of internal organs as a complication after surgery is called a postoperative hernia. It can occur either immediately after surgery or after quite a while. long period time. Either way it's enough dangerous phenomenon, therefore, it is necessary to treat a postoperative hernia immediately after its first manifestations.

Hernia abdominal cavity is formed for the following reasons:

1. Seam failure.

A postoperative suture placed incorrectly by a surgeon or made with poor-quality material may come apart. As a result, the tissues of the anterior abdominal wall diverge, releasing part of the intestine and big oil seal.

The suture can come apart not only due to the surgeon’s mistakes, but also due to the fault of the patient himself. IN postoperative period Any physical activity is strictly contraindicated for the patient. But most people take these recommendations quite lightly. As a result, the suture that has not healed properly diverges and a hernia occurs.

2. Weakness of the abdominal wall muscles.

It's pretty frequent occurrence in overweight individuals. In the abdominal wall of such people, the muscles are weakened, replaced by fatty tissue that grows together too slowly. The tissues cannot cope with the pressure of the intestines and diverge.

Promote the development of hernias weak immunity, inflammatory processes in the suture area, tendency to constipation. Most often, a hernia develops if the incision is made along the white line of the abdominal wall, since there are practically no muscles in this area, and the scar heals much more slowly.

Gender is also important in the development of the disease. Women's abdominal muscles are naturally weaker than men's, so their tissues diverge more often.

IMPORTANT. The risk of developing a hernia exists for 2-3 years after the operation. It is during this time that a reliable, durable postoperative scar is formed.

Concomitant diseases that cause increased intra-abdominal pressure, can also provoke the development of a hernia. These include asthma, bronchitis, prostate adenoma, diabetes, hypertension.

Symptoms of the disease

The main sign of a hernia is a characteristic protrusion in the area surgical suture. This protrusion is barely noticeable in the initial period; over time, the area increases.

In the early stages of the development of the disease, the hernia is easily reduced and does not cause the patient any particular inconvenience. Pain occurs only when lifting heavy objects, sudden movements and bending. But the lack of treatment leads to the growth of the hernia, and over time the pain intensifies.

The following symptoms are added to the protrusion of a hernia:

  1. Inflammation of the skin in the area of ​​the hernia.
  2. Increased gas formation.
  3. Bloating.
  4. Constipation.
  5. Blood in stool and urine.

Diagnosis of the disease

The disease is easily diagnosed during a routine examination. A confirming factor in the correctness of the diagnosis is the fact of the operation. A postoperative hernia is confirmed by the presence of a scar and the location of the protrusion.

The protrusion is easily determined visually. The patient is asked to cough and tense his stomach - this allows you to determine the size of the hernial sac.

Ultrasound or x-rays are used to determine the hernial contents and the condition of the organs around it. Such diagnostic methods help determine the condition of the intestine and assess its ability to function.

To obtain more accurate information about the condition of the internal organs and the hernia itself, MRI or multislice tomography is used.

Video - What is a postoperative hernia or ventral hernia

Treatment method

A radical method of treating a hernia is to perform an operation, since the hernial sac is completely removed conservative methods impossible. During the operation, the abdominal wall is corrected and the hernial sac is removed.

There are several types of surgery:

Type of operationProcess descriptionDisadvantages of the technique
1 Tension plasticThe protrusion is reduced and sutured. This method shown when small sizes hernias and only in young patients. The advantages of the method are the simplicity of the operationThe disadvantage of this method is the high risk of relapse. In 30 percent of cases, the hernia returns. In addition, too much tension on the wound leads to impaired breathing of the patient and causes pain under tension
2 HernioplastyApplying a special synthetic prosthesis to the site of divergence of abdominal tissue. It looks like a mesh and is made of polypropylene or medical metal. The mesh is sewn under the skin.
If during surgery doctors discover necrosis of intestinal tissue, the damaged areas are removed. In obese patients, liposuction is performed at the same time, since excess subcutaneous fat will interfere with healing postoperative suture.
This method has a low risk of relapse. After surgery there is virtually no pain
This treatment method is quite expensive. Rejection of the mesh material is possible; there is also a risk of hematomas, suppuration, and seroma
3 Laparoscopic hernioplastyMost modern method surgical treatment of hernia. It involves implanting a mesh into the abdominal cavity, but without incisions. The abdominal tissues are not injured, so there is no possibility of suppuration. The relapse rate is extremely low. After such an operation, the patient can quickly return to normal life.The disadvantage of this method is its high price. This is due to the need to use expensive equipment and a small percentage of doctors capable of performing such operations

Video - Treatment of postoperative hernia without surgery

Conservative methods

Therapeutic treatment of a hernia is ineffective, but in some cases it is the only way to help a person suffering from this disease. Most often, this technique is chosen if surgery is contraindicated.

Treatment consists of medications to prevent the hernia from protruding. A diet is prescribed in order to normalize intestinal function, so as not to provoke abdominal tension.

The patient is prohibited from any kind of stress and is recommended to wear a bandage, which will help relieve pain.

Careful care of the suture after surgery is required. An installed Jackson-Pratt drain should not be removed prematurely. This device helps collect fluid released from the wound and promotes healing.

When installing the tightening brackets, you should not take baths or go to the pool. You only need to wash in the shower, trying to wet the seam for as little time as possible.

After surgery, painkillers are prescribed, which can cause nausea and vomiting. To relieve these sensations, you need to take it in a timely manner. Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen. You should stop taking painkillers so as not to strain the abdominal walls during vomiting.

At the beginning of the postoperative period, patients suffer from diarrhea. After a couple of weeks, the intestines begin to normal. From now on, you need to monitor the regularity of bowel movements. If there is no bowel movement within 48 hours, you need to take laxatives.

Folk remedies

The patient’s condition can be alleviated using traditional folk remedies. They will only help with the small size of the hernial sac and its slight protrusion. The main goal of the methods is to treat constipation and restore the elasticity of the abdominal muscles.


The following recipes are used for lotions:

  1. Dissolve apple cider vinegar (1 tsp) in half a glass of water. A napkin is moistened with the solution and supine position stays on the hernia for 60 minutes.
  2. A mixture of oak bark, leaves and fruits is crushed and poured with red wine heated to 35 degrees. The amount of mixture depends on the size of the hernia. On average, about 100 grams are used. This mixture needs to be infused for three weeks. The prepared mixture is applied to cling film and applied daily for 60 minutes.
  3. Soaked black bread (100 - 150 g), mixed with garlic gruel (2 - 3 cloves). Apply a bandage for 50 minutes, then the hernia area is washed and an infusion of white acacia is applied.
  4. An effective remedy based on herbs: golden mustache, plantain and Indian onion(100 g each) grind with a blender and add 7 spoons to the mixture pork fat. The mixture is heated until the fat melts and cooled. The compress is applied for 20 minutes every day.
  5. Crushed nettle applied to a plantain leaf helps relieve pain. Fresh leaves Nettles are crushed in a blender until the juice is released. The amount depends on the size of the hernia. Instead of plantain, you can use cabbage leaf.
  6. Fresh aloe leaves (3 - 4 pieces) are freed from films, beaten off, sprinkled with soda and applied to the hernia. This product improves skin elasticity.
  7. Sheet sauerkraut applied to the hernia with a bandage for 2 - 3 hours.

Means for oral administration

To normalize intestinal function and relieve inflammation, infusions and decoctions are used:

  1. Potentilla infusion. Seeds (2 tablespoons) are mixed with a glass of milk. The mixture is boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. Then a tablespoon of honey is added to it. You should drink 1 glass before meals, 2 times a day.
  2. Drupe infusion. A tablespoon of leaves is crushed and poured into a glass of boiling water. The mixture has been left for 5 hours, taken 3 times a day, one-third of a glass.
  3. 1 spoon of hernia stems is poured with a glass of boiling water overnight. Take a third of a glass before meals.
  4. 1.5 tablespoons of cornflowers are poured with half a liter of boiling water. Take 1 cup per day before meals.
  5. A teaspoon of larkspur is poured into a glass hot water, bring to a boil and cool.
  6. Psoralea drupeta (100 g) is poured with boiling water (500 ml) and left for half an hour. You need to consume 4 times a day, 100 ml.
  7. Larch bark (25 g) is boiled in a glass of milk. Take 3 times a day, a third of a glass.
  8. Meadowsweet herb will help relieve pain. A glass of boiling water is poured into a thermos for 2 hours and a spoonful of herbs is poured in. The resulting amount is divided into 4 parts and taken 30 minutes before meals.
  9. The bark of aspen branches (30-40 g) is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 3-4 hours. You need to take 3 tbsp. spoons before each meal.

Folk remedies help improve the patient's condition. Wound on initial stage the disease may be prolonged.

Relapse prevention methods

It is easier to prevent any disease than to cure it later. Therefore, it is worth preparing for the operation and following the recommendations of doctors in the postoperative period:

  1. Before surgery, it is advisable to reset overweight so that subcutaneous fat does not interfere with the healing of the incision.
  2. After surgery, it is mandatory to wear a bandage. This device will help maintain internal organs in a normal position. You need to buy only a high-quality product, since a cheap option will rub the skin and provoke inflammation.
  3. A balanced diet is necessary to prevent improper bowel function. The diet should include fruits and vegetables. Carbohydrates and fatty foods needs to be excluded. The patient's menu includes dishes made from boiled carrots, beets, and turnips. Porridge is consumed in pureed form. Recommended steam omelette, meat puree from poultry or veal. Drinks you can consume clean water, jelly decoctions. You cannot drink carbonated water or milk. It is strictly forbidden to consume gas-forming foods: cabbage, raw tomatoes, apples, legumes, yeast bread. To normalize digestion, you should take enzymes (Mezim, Festal).
  4. Physical activity is necessary for normal bowel function and maintaining muscle tone. In the first three months, exercises are done under the supervision of a doctor and according to his recommendations. At the end of the first rehabilitation period can be included in the complex of exercises with heavy loads. Sudden movements and heavy lifting should be avoided. The best option is to gradually increase the time of fast walking.

Postoperative hernia is a rather serious and difficult to treat disease. But with careful attention to your own condition and following the recommendations of doctors, you can achieve positive results Maybe.

There are many conditions that require hiatal hernia surgery - one of them. In addition, in many cases, surgery to remove a hiatal hernia is the only effective method solving the problem.

Surgical intervention will quickly eliminate the hernia and provide normal work organs. About the indications, contraindications for it, types, features of the procedure, possible complications and ways to avoid them, read this article.

Esophageal hernia surgery is not the easiest to perform. But the disease is not an easy one. We are talking about a situation when, due to deformation of the muscle bundles of the diaphragm, the opening of the esophagus expands, and the organs of the peritoneum rise up into the chest cavity. A person suffers from heartburn, indigestion, regurgitation, a feeling of a lump in the throat, and others. unpleasant symptoms.

With the help of surgical intervention, the organs return to their places - “anatomical justice” is restored. Surgery to remove a hiatal hernia ( HH) can be carried out open or in a closed way. The first option is more traumatic. Provides long cuts for chest or the anterior frontal wall of the peritoneum. It has a long rehabilitation period, and the risk of complications is quite high. IN lately Doctors resort to it less and less.

A closed intervention is called laparoscopy for hiatal hernia, the price of which may be slightly higher, but the result is better. This method does not involve cuts. Access to the operated area is provided through punctures made laser scalpel. Injuries are minimal here and the recovery period is much shorter. So when surgery is needed for a diagnosis of hiatal hernia, laparoscopy– the optimal choice.

As for direct methods for solving the problem, there are several of them. By Nissen, By Allison, By Onopriev, By Belsey, By Tope. Some of them can only be open or closed, others provide both methods of access.

Removal of a hiatal hernia according to Nissen is from the second category. This is the most commonly used technique today. It is implemented mainly by laparoscopy.

Indications and contraindications for surgery

Surgery is considered optimal in the treatment of hiatal hernia. Although in some situations patients have a choice: to cut or fight with medication. Surgery to remove a hiatal hernia is performed in mandatory subject to the following testimony:

Hiatal hernia surgery is not performed:

  • pregnant women;
  • during the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • with active infections;
  • cancer patients;
  • patients suffering from blood diseases (in particular, bleeding disorders);
  • persons experiencing a relapse after already undergone interventions using abdominal or thoracic access;
  • in situations where the lower part of the esophagus cannot be brought into the peritoneum.

Usually, for a hiatal hernia, surgery is planned. But sometimes it is carried out on an emergency basis. Such situations include internal bleeding, strangulation of a hernia, penetration of one organ into another due to abnormal approximation.

Preparing for surgery

In preparation for surgery, the patient must undergo comprehensive examination. They do it to him X-ray of the peritoneum, determine acidity level gastric juice , carry out esophageal manometry. Urine and blood tests are required. A therapist, a cardiologist, and an endocrinologist are being examined. A consultation with an anesthesiologist is carried out.

Typically, reviews after hiatus hernia surgery are positive. The patient needs to familiarize himself with them, setting himself up mentally for a positive outcome. Psychological state plays an important role at the time of intervention. The patient should understand that deaths As a result of the operation, a meager amount was recorded. But in the absence of it, the risk of death is quite high.

Progress of laparoscopic intervention according to Nissen

So, if with a hiatal hernia it is necessary to carry out laparoscopic surgery, carrying it out according to the method Nissen, the surgeon makes four to five punctures in the anterior wall of the peritoneum. This is necessary for the insertion of endoscopic instruments. Next, carbon dioxide is supplied to the abdominal cavity, expanding its walls (so that the surgeon has room to “turn around”).

The diaphragm is lowered here and sutured. The walls of the stomach are wrapped and secured around the distal (lower) portion of the esophagus. A so-called cuff is formed, which is sewn to the leg of the diaphragm.

All displaced organs are returned by the surgeon to their places (from the chest cavity to the peritoneum). When the anatomical order is established, the instruments are removed. The puncture sites are sutured. The whole procedure takes an hour and a half to two. It is performed under general anesthesia.

Rehabilitation and possible complications

Hernia surgery, reviews of which are proof, eliminates it forever in the vast majority of cases. The risk of relapse is only 3%. With laparoscopy, the patient can drink and get out of bed the very next day, and he is discharged home on the second or third day. After 14-21 days, the ability to work is fully restored.

In the first week, only liquid food is allowed. For hiatal hernia, surgery requires following a special diet for two months after the procedure. New products are being introduced gradually. At first, solid foods are excluded. You can return to your usual diet only with the permission of your doctor.

In order for an operation, the price of which depends on the clinic, to give the maximum result when diagnosed with a hiatal hernia, it is important not to allow after it:

  • overeating;
  • bloating;
  • constipation;
  • severe cough;
  • serious physical activity;
  • wearing tight clothes, tight belts.

Complications usually, if they appear, are early stage recovery. The stitches may come apart, bleeding may begin, and inflammation may begin due to infection in the wound. Sometimes patients' voice changes, becoming hoarse; the swallowing process is disrupted. The most terrible negative consequence may become esophageal cancer.

The key to the absence of complications and relapses is a well-chosen clinic and strict adherence to all doctor’s instructions.

Useful video

In this video you can read about one of the reviews, which will prove that the patient’s condition will improve after the operation.

Abdominal hernia - dangerous disease having unpleasant symptoms and severe consequences. It occurs against the background of the formation of a defect in muscle and connective tissues. Through the emerging hernial orifice, parts of the intestine, omentum and fatty tissue fall out. During physical exertion, the contents can be infringed, so removal of an abdominal hernia should be carried out in the early stages.

An abdominal hernia is a dangerous disease that has unpleasant symptoms and serious consequences.


Indications for surgical intervention are:

  • large hernias of the abdominal region;
  • irreducibility of protrusion associated with the formation of adhesions;
  • spicy pain syndrome caused by strangulation or inflammation of prolapsed organs;
  • tension and hardness of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • nausea ending with vomiting;
  • the appearance of blood in the vomit;
  • heavy intestinal bleeding;
  • stool retention or persistent diarrhea;
  • sharp deterioration general condition(pallor skin, increased body temperature, dizziness, weakness, rapid heartbeat);
  • severe thirst, decreased amount of urine excreted, increased sweating.


Operations to remove hernias are divided into:

  1. Open. To gain access to the hernial contents, a long incision is made around the protrusion. The intervention is prescribed for giant and complicated hernias. Making a long incision facilitates inspection and resection of prolapsed organs. The disadvantages of the operation include a long recovery period and a high risk of complications. After the operation, a large scar remains.
  2. Laparoscopic. Used to eliminate small hernias of the umbilicus and Spigelian line of the abdomen. Several punctures are made in the anterior abdominal wall, through which an endoscope equipped with a camera and surgical instruments are inserted. The operation has a low risk of tissue injury, short recovery period(the patient can go home 3 days after the intervention). The procedure lasts no more than an hour.


Such surgical interventions include the following stages:

  • anesthesia (for children, operations are performed exclusively under general anesthesia, when eliminating hernias in adult patients, epidural anesthesia can be used);
  • making incisions no longer than 1.5 cm in the area of ​​protrusion;
  • filling the abdominal cavity with sterile gas, which improves visualization;
  • dissection of the hernial ring with a special instrument;
  • separation of prolapsed organs from adhesions and hernial membranes;
  • examination of tissues for signs of necrosis;
  • removal of affected tissue, return of organs to the abdominal cavity;
  • installation of a mesh implant that strengthens the abdominal wall;
  • drainage of punctures.


Hernioplasty happens:

  • tension (to close the hernial orifice use own fabrics patient);
  • tension-free (the defect is eliminated by installing a surgical mesh that strengthens the anterior abdominal wall).

Type 1 operations include:

  1. Champion's method. Soft fabrics pulled together and stitched with a triple interrupted suture.
  2. Martynov's method. The tendon plate is cut along the edge of the connective tissue tract of the rectus muscle, after which the edges of both canals are sutured. The resulting flap is fixed with interrupted sutures, placing it on the anterior part of the abdominal muscle.
  3. Hernia repair according to Heinrich. The defect of the anterior abdominal wall is eliminated by applying tissue obtained from the tendon plate of the rectus muscle. The hernial opening is sutured with a continuous suture. A round flap is formed from soft tissues, which covers the anterior part of the tendon canal.
  4. Monakov's method. Applicable in surgical treatment postoperative hernias. The edges of the hernial opening are sutured with separate sutures. A flap is obtained from the anterior part of the rectus muscle to cover the defect. The flap is sewn to the edges of the hernial orifice.

Non-tension operations include the Lichtenstein method. The surgical wall is placed under the tendon plate and sutured to the edges of the hernial opening. Over time, it becomes overgrown with connective tissue, providing support for weakened tissues and internal organs. The operation is different minimal risk relapse, implant rejection is extremely rare, since it is similar to natural tissue.


Planned operations are not performed if:

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • old age of the patient;
  • severe cardiac, renal and respiratory failure;
  • late stages oncological diseases abdominal organs;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • accumulation of fluid in the abdominal area.


If you refuse surgery, the following complications may occur:

  1. Infringement. It occurs against the background of a sharp increase in abdominal pressure, leading to expansion of the hernial orifice. After the opening narrows, the organs are deprived of nutrition and blood supply. A strangulated hernia can be life-threatening for the patient.
  2. Intestinal obstruction. Develops with accumulation large quantity feces in the parts of the intestine located in the hernial sac.
  3. Inflammation of prolapsed organs. It is dangerous due to the spread of bacteria through the circulatory system.

Preparing for surgery

During the period of preparation for hernia repair it is necessary:

  1. Get tested. To determine indications and contraindications, prescribe general tests blood and urine, ECG, X-ray examination hernia and abdominal cavity.
  2. Stop taking anticoagulants 2 weeks before the intervention.
  3. Avoid drinking alcohol for 3 days before surgery.
  4. Observe special diet. The diet includes fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meat and dairy products that provide the body with nutrients. 12 hours before the procedure, food intake is completely avoided.
  5. Cleanse the intestines. A laxative is taken the evening before, and an enema is given on the morning of the operation.


  1. Wear a bandage. The device prevents the hernia from reoccurring by keeping the organs in the correct position.
  2. Avoid excessive physical activity. Avoid sports and heavy lifting for 3-6 months.
  3. Fulfill special exercises. Gymnastics strengthens muscles and normalizes intestinal function.

Nutrition in the postoperative period

In the first days after surgery, they eat liquid food - light vegetable and meat broths, unsweetened tea, jelly. Subsequently, porridge cooked in water, biscuits, boiled lean meat and vegetables are introduced into the diet. Eat small portions; overeating is unacceptable. For a year after the operation, they refuse flour and confectionery products, fatty and fried foods.

In the first days after surgery, they eat liquid food - light vegetable and meat broths.

The main manifestation postoperative hernia is the appearance of a tumor-like protrusion along the line postoperative scar and on its sides.

With sudden movements and physical stress, the hernia increases, and painful sensations. In the lying position, the hernia decreases or disappears.

As the name implies, a postoperative hernia, or ventral hernia, develops as a consequence of surgery on the abdominal organs.

The appearance of postoperative hernias is associated with thinning of the muscles and connective tissue in the area of ​​the postoperative scar, due to which the internal organs (intestines, greater omentum) protrude through the defects of the surgical scar beyond the abdominal wall under the skin.

The cause of the appearance of a postoperative hernia may be technical errors when applying a suture, non-compliance with recommendations for postoperative rehabilitation, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient (weakness of connective tissue, obesity, diabetes, etc.)

Why is it necessary to treat a postoperative hernia?

The very appearance of a hernia indicates that the organs have changed their location, and their normal mutual pressure on each other has been disrupted. This leads to disruption of the functions of all organs involved in the formation of a hernia.

Postoperative hernia is often accompanied by chronic constipation. Constipation, in turn, leads to general intoxication of the body and can affect the condition of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Lack of treatment will eventually lead to serious complications

  • coprostasis - stagnation of feces in the large intestine,
  • inflammation of the hernia - inflammation of the organs located in the hernial sac,
  • strangulated hernia - sudden compression of the hernial contents in the hernial orifice, leading to disruption of the blood supply to the organs in the hernial sac, and as a result - necrosis (death) of tissue. Strangulation of a postoperative hernia quite often (in 8.8% of cases) leads to death.

If a protrusion appears in the area of ​​a postoperative scar, you should immediately consult a doctor, since it is much easier to treat a fresh hernia than one that has existed for a long time.

Over time, the hernia increases in size, the tissue surrounding it becomes thinner, so the operation becomes more complex, with a worse prognosis.

Are there non-surgical methods for treating incisional hernia?

Treatment of postoperative hernia is carried out only with the help of surgery - hernioplasty. There are several methods used depending on the stage of development of the hernia.

The intervention must be performed as early as possible, because A long-existing hernia is prone to progression and the appearance of various complications.

The use of new technologies, the use of modern plastic and suture materials, and the many years of experience of our surgeons guarantee highest quality operations to eliminate postoperative hernia, absence of postoperative complications and relapse (recurrence of the disease).

Postoperative hernia surgery

Operations for postoperative hernias are technically more complex and require highly qualified specialists, because surgical intervention is performed on tissues with scar changes.

Our clinic uses the most modern techniques treatment of postoperative hernias: for example, tension-free hernioplasty using the latest endoprostheses (including 3D), open and endoscopic hernioplasty.

Hernia repair using endoprosthesis

Hernioplasty is the most effective surgical method treatment of hernia of the white line of the abdomen. During the operation, the defect of the postoperative scar through which the hernia emerges is closed with a special mesh endoprosthesis.

The foreign-made high-tech synthetic endoprostheses we use are very reliable, elastic, highly extensible and therefore do not limit the mobility of the abdominal wall.

The use of a mesh endoprosthesis protects the suture area from tension and thereby gives three main advantages compared to traditional surgical techniques (tension plasty with local tissue):

  • Extremely mild pain syndrome. Patients generally do not need to take pain medications after surgery.
  • Short rehabilitation period. The patient goes home on his own the next day after the operation, and a month after the operation he can lift weights and play sports.
  • Minimal risk of relapse. With correct placement of the endoprosthesis, recurrence of the hernia is practically impossible, whereas with traditional method it ranges from 6 to 14 percent.

The implant is not felt at all and does not cause any pain or discomfort.

Within a month after surgery, the mesh grows in connective tissue and over time it happens complete engraftment endoprosthesis. The result is an anatomically unified complex that reliably closes the defect (weak spot) of the anterior abdominal wall and protects the tissue from repeated stretching.

We use two methods of installing an endoprosthesis: open and closed (endoscopic).

Open hernioplasty

With open hernioplasty, access to the contents of the hernia and the hernial orifice is through an external incision.

  • isolation and opening of the sac with the contents of the hernia
  • elimination of organ adhesions in the hernial sac, their reduction into the abdominal cavity
  • removal of the hernial sac
  • closing the hernial orifice using a special type of plastic surgery (hernioplasty)
  • application and fastening of a special mesh implant of an individual shape
  • if necessary, excision of the old postoperative scar, formation of a cosmetic intradermal suture with special suture material

Our surgeons always perform the operation taking into account aesthetic requirements: the incisions made are minimal, the instruments used are atraumatic, and the sutures are applied using ultra-thin suture material.

Endoscopic hernioplasty

The most modern and low-traumatic method removal of a hernia - endoscopic, or closed, hernioplasty.

Endoscopic access in the treatment of postoperative hernias is widely used abroad.

This method is actively used in our clinic, since it has a number of undeniable advantages in the treatment of postoperative hernias:

  • no risk of developing postoperative hernias at puncture sites,
  • complete absence of pain syndrome,
  • short recovery period (start of physical activity after a few days)
  • most short term rehabilitation (one hundred percent return to active life in a maximum of two weeks)
  • minimal number of relapses (less than 1%).

Unlike the classical open method operations, surgical intervention is carried out not through one large incision, but through three small punctures (0.5 - 0.6 cm).

Special endoscopic manipulators with a miniature video camera are inserted into them, sending an image to the monitor. With its help, the doctor monitors the progress of the operation.

The operation is carried out according to the same algorithm as with open access. But with endoscopic plastic surgery, a mesh implant is installed not through an external incision, but from inside the abdominal cavity at the site of the defect.

Endoscopic hernioplasty gives better results because... the location of the mesh on the side of the abdominal cavity more reliably protects the defect of the abdominal wall with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

This method of treating postoperative hernias is carried out using special expensive multilayer meshes. One of the layers of such a mesh is made of special chemical compound, which prevents the formation of adhesions between the endoprosthesis and the abdominal organs.


If there are stretch marks, excess skin and subcutaneous fat on the abdomen, then it is recommended to combine the removal of a postoperative hernia with abdominoplasty.

This allows, simultaneously with hernia repair, to remove the skin-fat “apron”, eliminate skin sagging and stretch marks, and form flat stomach and a thin waist.

The operation to eliminate a postoperative hernia can also be supplemented with liposuction of the abdomen or other parts.

What is the most effective method for removing a postoperative hernia?

Our surgeons are fluent in endoscopic technology, but this technique is not always applicable for complex hernias. Often much best result open hernioplasty can provide.

Based on many years of experience in hernia repair, our surgeon will choose the best way access, based on the characteristics of your particular disease.

The main factor in the successful outcome of a hernia operation is its impeccable technical execution. Bad surgical technique can nullify anyone, even the most best method. If all stages of the operation are performed correctly, then with any type of access the probability of hernia recurrence is minimal.

Postoperative hernia photos before and after surgery

Postoperative hernia rehabilitation

Immediately after the operation, an elastic bandage is put on, which must be worn for a month.

At the BEAUTY DOCTOR clinic, patients are accommodated in single and double comfortable rooms.

The wards are equipped with continuous monitoring systems to monitor the patient's condition after surgery. Multifunctional beds create the opportunity to position and feed the patient after surgery in the most convenient position for him.

Each patient is provided with individual nursing care.

Since we use minimally invasive and maximally gentle techniques when repairing postoperative hernias, the postoperative period proceeds easily and without any special complications.

The next day after the operation, the patient goes home on his own, and after another 8-9 days he comes for a follow-up examination and removal of sutures.

Two weeks after surgery, you are allowed to resume moderate physical activity (running, brisk walking). After endoscopic hernioplasty, such loads can be resumed within a few days.

A month after the operation, the patient can lead a normal lifestyle and play sports.

Postoperative hernia surgery cost

The cost of an operation to eliminate an incisional hernia includes all necessary examinations and dressings, as well as observation by a surgeon for six months after the operation.

Operations to remove a postoperative hernia are performed by highly qualified herniologist surgeons with extensive experience, trained in Russia and abroad:

Do you want to get rid of a hernia quickly and permanently?

You're lucky to have found us. Contact us for advice.

  • We will conduct an in-depth diagnosis of the condition of your abdominal cavity
  • We will select for you the optimal treatment method from the entire range of modern high-tech surgical techniques
  • Our highly qualified specialists - candidates and doctors medical sciences- will perform the operation using latest technologies, expensive specialized equipment and materials
  • Your stomach will become healthy and beautiful, and traces of the intervention will be completely invisible to prying eyes
  • We will carry out follow-up examinations and monitor your abdominal condition for six months to ensure there is no recurrence (free of charge)

Sign up for a consultation using the form on the website before November 15, 2019 and you will receive:

Consultation with a herniologist surgeon, candidate of medical sciences for 2000 rubles!