Description overcome grass. Overcome grass: a powerful amulet for achieving positive results

We continue to tell visitors to the Slavyanskaya Shop about meaning of Slavic symbols. Today our article is for those who want to learn in detail about those symbols of our ancestors, which are credited with healing properties.

The first such symbol that comes to mind is “ Odolen-Grass" An attentive reader, looking at the image of this symbol, will notice that it strongly resembles the “Fern Flower”. Yes, “Odolen-Grass” is its mirror image.

But if the “Fern Flower” is rather a protective symbol, then the “Odolen-grass” is a healing one. It does not have a history (or legend) of its origin that has survived to this day, but in the ancestral memory of the Slavs it has always been associated with protection from all diseases and ailments. There is only one theory, which says that our ancestors called Overcome Grass an ordinary water lily flower. And just like that, the water lily, according to surviving beliefs, is an ambulance for attacks by dark evil spirits, as well as for all kinds of damage and the evil eye. Therefore, it is not surprising that the symbol “Odolen-Grass” was so rooted in folk art, crafts and architecture that it turned out to be one of the few signs of our great ancestors that remained widespread even after the baptism of Rus'.

Short the meaning of the symbol “Odolen-Grass”- “double fire”, that is, purification of both soul and body. The Slavs believe that the symbol “Odolen-Grass” has the power, capable of healing any disease, including psychological (from stress and depression to serious illnesses of the soul). According to legends, sick people can significantly improve their health and increase the impact of the Overcoming Grass symbol by simply going out on a sunny day to the shore of a lake or river. Therefore, modern pagans and those simply remembering their roots greatly honor this symbol.

In order to protect a person, Our ancestors applied the symbol “Odolen-Grass” on various amulets and clothing items, as well as household utensils. Wearing a body amulet with the symbol “Odolen-Grass” It was almost mandatory for people who were experiencing health problems, as well as during epidemics or seasonal outbreaks of disease. Travelers and wanderers have always tried to carry with them the Overcome Grass-Flower Water Lilies. This helped them on the long journey while protecting them from the evil Navi spirits. In addition, it was believed that the talisman symbol Overcome Grass helps young men and women find their mate and capture the heart of their beloved or loved one; create strong family unions and find pure love.

You can activate this amulet with the help of personal appeals to Yarila the Sun or using magical spells. The more heartfelt and sincere the request, the brighter the Sun shines, the more opportunities for work the amulet receives. But the talisman symbol Overcome the Grass needs further constant care and maintenance: it should be thoroughly cleaned and taken out into sunlight. And a person (especially someone who is sick) will very quickly feel relief.

But as a protective symbol, or, in modern terms, for preventive purposes, it was used more often in embroidery, for example, men's or women's belts, and decoration of gaitans.

This is explained by the fact that, firstly, “Odolen-Grass” is a very narrowly focused symbol and has greater power in combination with other signs of the Slavs (for example, in certain combinations it is capable of rewarding the abilities and talents of representatives of the field of art), and secondly, Openly wearing an amulet with this symbol can directly indicate the wearer’s illness, which not everyone will like (many are not aware that the body amulet must be worn strictly under clothing, but this is a topic for another discussion).

The two-sided amulet symbol - Fern Flower and Overpowering Grass - is charged with the greatest magical power.

His real abilities:

  • disease control;
  • uncertainty and fears;
  • depression;
  • laziness;
  • spiritual weakness;
  • sorrows;
  • mental suffering.
But this combination can only be used by those people who have pure desires and thoughts.

The power and strength of the “Odolen-Grass” symbol operates regardless of the object on which it is applied. The main thing is that he is always with you, or at least in those moments when you are especially afraid for your health. The Odolen Grass symbol belongs to the ancient sacred Vedic Slavic symbols.The Overpowering Grass symbol is the main amulet for protection against all kinds of diseases. If illnesses are brought upon a person by evil spirits, then they can be quite adequately resisted by a double solar fire sign, capable of burning away any disease and illness, purifying the spirit, soul and body.

Yulia Alekseevna Caesar

Hereditary witch. Tarot reader. Runologist. Reiki Master.

Articles written

In the magical culture of the Slavs, there are many different talismans, amulets and amulets, which for many centuries have served as reliable protection against the negative manifestations of ill-wishers.

Herbal amulets, which have healing and protective properties, were quite popular among our ancestors.

One of these miraculous symbols is the Slavic amulet overcoming the grass.

In those distant times, the healing properties of plants were attributed to magic and they believed that, in addition to healing, they had the ability to protect not only from diseases, but also from various dangers. Legends developed over many centuries and were passed on from generation to generation. Not everything, of course, has been preserved, but what has survived to our times can provide us with considerable help. It is important to believe in the magical power of the plant.

What herbs are called overcoming grass?

Nowadays, not everyone knows what overpowering grass is and what it looks like. It should be noted right away that many plants that have miraculous properties have this name.

Most often, the grass that overcomes the herb is called the white water lily (bathing bath), which, according to ancient beliefs, is considered the most powerful remedy that overcomes evil spirits. In the old days, water lily rhizomes were used to protect pastures. To do this, the roots of the plant were carried around the field, thus protecting the area from attacks by wild animals or thieves.

The decoction was used as an effective remedy for unrequited love. When going on a long journey, they sewed pieces of water lily roots into a bag and hung them around their necks. Such a talisman helped to avoid all troubles and not go astray.

This wonderful plant is also popularly called the “mermaid” flower. Why isn't it magic? Nature itself created such a miracle. At sunset, the water lily flower closes and goes under water, and in the morning, in clear weather, it appears again. So people began to say that at night the water lily turns into a beautiful mermaid.

The amazing properties of this plant are also used in folk medicine. It was used as a sedative for myalgia, neuralgia and hyperfunction of the glands of the reproductive system. Water lily is an excellent helper against acne and freckles, as well as a good laxative and antipyretic. This wonderful plant helps you cope with insomnia and overcome jaundice.

The overcoming grass amulet is one of the most popular and powerful sacred signs among the ancient Slavic peoples. This is a kind of symbol of the Sun, its eternal movement and the meaning of the amulet is interpreted in getting rid of everything bad and a person acquiring only what is necessary and useful. With the help of magic, overcoming grass can cleanse not only the body and soul, but also the human mind from all kinds of negative thoughts. The symbol has powerful energy and can remove damage and relieve serious illness, protect from black sorcerers and all evil spirits.

Slavic amulet Odolen Grass refers to the most powerful symbol of protection. As you know, our ancestors believed that all problems, illnesses and dangers in life are the work of evil forces, and the symbol is able to protect them from all evil. Odolen-Grass, a photo of which can be viewed on our website, is considered “like the sun.” The amulet gives its light to everyone on earth, and thereby destroys and destroys even the most powerful intrigues of the earthly world.

Overcome Grass amulet meaning

It is worth noting that the Overcoming Grass amulet has a dual meaning - it is called the Fire Sign. The ancient Slavs believed that the double symbol signified the intercourse of the strength and power of three gods: Yaril, Dazhbog and Khors, which made it possible to destroy absolutely any evil, and the power of these gods cleanses all components from sins and misfortunes: the Body, Spirit and Soul of a person.

The Slavs considered the Overcome Grass sign to be universal, so they were often worn not only as a talisman, but also used as a painting on military armor, weapons, dishes, and clothing. And all this meant something to our ancestors. For example, the image of the Overcome Grass amulet, which can be purchased on our website, on dishes meant to protect oneself from poisoned food, on armor – to protect oneself in battle. And the image of the symbol on everyday clothing meant protection from the temptations and tricks of the Dark Forces in the earthly world of Navi.

Who will the Odolen Grass amulet help?

Overcoming the Grass amulet photo, which is presented on our website, is found not only on ancient Slavic objects. Until the 20th century, you can find towels with an embroidered symbol of the Fire Sign. The symbol has survived to this day, some have heard the saying, others read a fairy tale in childhood, but the symbol of Overcoming the Grass is known to everyone, although the meaning has been somewhat lost. All this can indicate only one thing: the memory of our ancestors still lives in us, and their influence is growing every day. The amulet is universal - it will help both men and women equally. Since ancient times, it was believed that an amulet with the Overpowering Grass on one side and the Fern Flower on the other has double power.

The Slavic amulet Overcome grass belongs to the so-called solar signs. A symbol in which the energy of the Sun and Universal Good is concentrated. It contains the power that has the greatest impact on life expectancy, health, fortitude and protection from any witchcraft, which aims to adversely influence these factors.

In order to know what overpowering grass is, its meaning and how it works, you need to understand its origin and the forces it serves. Tradition says that several deities rule over this amulet - Yarila, Khors, Dazhdbog. The power of Overcome Grass contains the power of several solar deities, for which the amulet received the name Double Fire Sign.

Embodying the allegory of the Sun, the amulet is endowed with the ability to destroy the power of Darkness, to overcome the machinations of the Kingdom of Navya, which in modern interpretation is familiar to us as the world of Evil magic. This is why they consider Overcome grass to be one of the most powerful amulets, which are widely known and have proven themselves in their work.

Herbal amulets that our ancestors generously used to fight spirits, treat bodily ailments, in the battle against damage and the evil eye of envious people who could plague the souls of mortals, are embodied in this symbol.

The amulet has the power and strength to dominate the three elements that make up mortal man:

  • The body is our flesh, a vessel that carries within itself two other elements and on the health of which a person’s earthly path depends.
  • The soul is a particle of divine power, which, connecting with the body-shell, is the key to the existence of an intelligent creature.
  • Spirit is the mind, a person’s ability to think, to choose a moral model of existence, gives meaning to the totality of carnal and spiritual qualities for development.

Action of the amulet

The body and soul are material in origin, but the spirit refers to the immaterial part of a person. Nevertheless, these three components are the essence of the earthly creature - man. If you remove even one part from God’s creation, you will end up with a completely unsuitable monster, without aspirations, feelings, desires and understanding of your essence in the earthly world.

The task of demonic forces is to take possession of at least one component of a person, then he will be removed from the program of the divine universe. A talisman with the image of the plant Overcome the grass, using the incinerating power of the Sun, is an irresistible force for Navi’s servants hunting for human victims.

Therefore, by applying a talisman symbol, a person can protect himself from:

  • Diseases of the body.
  • Enemy attacks.
  • Poisoning by poisons.
  • Demon Infestations.
  • Manifestations of witchcraft - lapels, love spells.
  • Damage and evil eye.

How to use the amulet

The Overcome Grass sign is a multi-ray image that, as if in a labyrinth, absorbs streams of evil energy and dissects them into smaller fractions, making them weak and unable to harm a person.

In ancient times, river water lilies with white or yellow flowers were called grass. They took the overpowering herb with them on the road to protect them from troubles, healed diseases, and used it to cast a love spell. However, the main symbolic meaning of the water lily is amulet and protection. Let's consider the topic: overcome the grass, amulet meaning. In addition to the dried parts of the plant, a graphic image of the amulet is also used in magic.

The amulet symbol belongs to the solar group and contains the powerful energy of the sun, a double sign of the fire element. The meaning of the solar symbol is getting rid of negative energies and filling with creative energies that attract success and prosperity.

Externally, the graphic symbol resembles the Slavic Kolovrat, on the basis of which it was created. - a solar symbol that carries the enormous potential of solar energy. However The power of the overpowering grass is contained in the double Kolovrat, which significantly increases its power.

The double Kolovrat was depicted on household items, clothing and weapons. It was believed that the overpowering grass protects well from evil spirits, gets rid of enemies and preserves health. However, this symbol can only be used in exceptional cases:

  • with severe illness;
  • to destroy damage;
  • to defeat enemies;
  • for safety on the way.

The artifact is not suitable for constant use: it contains enormous energy potential. Overcome grass was placed in the cradle of a newborn to protect against unkind glances, admiration and night attacks of unclean spirits.

Activation of the amulet

How to use the artifact correctly? Overcome grass amulet can be made from various natural materials:

  • skin;
  • wood;
  • metal;
  • stone

In jewelry stores and esoteric stores you can buy a gold amulet pendant. Since the amulet contains the potential of solar energy, gold is considered the most suitable material for its manufacture. However, the symbol manifests itself well both in simple embroidery and depicted on a wooden bowl.

Children can be given toys with a symbol depicted or embroidered on them.. Sometimes the overpowering grass is embroidered on rag amulets and carried with them for protection. The embroidery was done with red threads without knots, that is, during the work process it is unacceptable to tie one end of the thread to the other.

If the amulet was used to heal from an illness, after recovery it was put on fire. You cannot store a used symbol, it can attract trouble. The same applies to amulets against enemies and road amulets: after use they are burned.

If the symbol was embroidered on the patient’s clothing, then after healing it must be burned. This belief is due to the fact that along with sweat, clothes also absorb illness. Therefore, do not regret the thing, but simply burn it after recovery with gratitude.

The exception is symbolism on dishes. Such kitchen utensils are used to protect against food poisoning, indigestion and magical feeding. The artifact was also used for courage in moments of danger. However, constantly wearing the artifact on oneself was considered inappropriate: it attracts unnecessary attention from otherworldly forces.

How to charge an artifact? To do this, you need to put the product under the rays of the sun all day; at sunset, the amulet must be removed. The purchased amulet must first be cleaned under running water (ideally in a natural source), and then charged under the direct rays of the sun. This procedure should be carried out from time to time to activate the power of the artifact.

Male and female amulet

In the magic of the ancient Slavs, paired symbols are often found - male and female. How to distinguish them? If you mentally divide the drawing with a longitudinal line, then in the male amulet the lines are directed to the right. In a women's amulet - to the left. The male version of the overpowering grass is the symbol.

In embroidery, the difference between amulets can be determined by the accompanying patterns: female symbols are surrounded by flowers, male symbols are surrounded by acorns. The age of the artifact’s bearer also matters:

  • rosebuds were embroidered for girls, blooming flowers for women;
  • boys were embroidered with hop cones, men - acorns.

Remember an important rule: a talisman is only valid if it was made specifically for another person. You cannot make amulets for yourself.

If you embroider protective symbols, you need to follow the rules:

  • materials must be natural - linen, cotton;
  • tying threads in knots is unacceptable;
  • on the reverse side the pattern should be smooth, without loops;
  • the color of the threads should be associated with the goal;
  • It is necessary to embroider the amulet with peace of mind, thinking about the goal.

Complex embroidery can take several days of work, so the product must be rolled up along with the threads and stored in a protected place so that the material is not filled with negative energy.

While working, you must constantly think about the person for whom it is being created.. You need to keep the image in your head and say words of protection or wishes. This is how the artifact can be filled with the power of intention. You can’t think about bad things or allow negative images.

How to use an ancient artifact in modern conditions? The rules are simple:

  • to protect the student from aggression, you can embroider an image in purple or blue on the details of clothing;
  • to protect against poisoning, paint marks on dishes with waterproof paint;
  • children of kindergarten age have a symbol embroidered on mittens or a blouse;
  • for protection on a long journey, you can make a pendant or keychain with a symbol;
  • to protect against negativity, they make a talisman in red tones;
  • To heal from illness, the symbol is embroidered in green.

An embroidery or pendant of the fern and water lily symbols can protect the newlyweds during the wedding. After the wedding, the artifact was placed under the spouses' mattress. Such a talisman can be made by the mother of the bride or groom.