The feeling after artificial insemination. How to behave after insemination

Unfortunately, not all married couples can conceive a child on their own. Therefore, they seek help from specialists who offer various technologies for infertility, for example, artificial insemination. However, there are various reasons why artificial insemination fails.

Features of the procedure

Artificial insemination is a method of fertilization without sexual intercourse. The procedure involves the introduction of sperm into the woman's uterine cavity. Due to certain circumstances, donor sperm is used both freshly collected and frozen.

If the second option is used, then the material is pre-processed. When the husband's sperm are incompetent, materials from a third-party donor are used. There are a number of reasons why insemination may not work.

Why insemination fails:

  • the presence of reasons that interfere with conception;
  • the procedure is not performed by a qualified specialist;
  • poor preparation of the ovaries or sperm;
  • age after 30 years;
  • the presence of hormonal diseases;
  • the presence of a genital tract infection of one of the spouses;
  • lack of proper nutrition;
  • unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child naturally for more than 5 years;
  • previous ovarian stimulation;
  • gynecological operations performed;
  • insufficient patency of the fallopian tubes.

Some experienced doctors recommend artificial insemination only after 2 years of trying to get pregnant naturally.


Indications for the procedure include sexual dysfunction or low sperm motility in men, as well as vaginismus or cervical factor infertility in women.

The success rate of this procedure depends on the effectiveness of the preliminary preparation of the ovaries and sperm. Experts recommend trying to conceive a child naturally, since the effectiveness of such fertilization in each individual case ranges from 3% to 40%. Mothers who were helped by insemination for unknown origins thank the specialists for the happy opportunity to have a baby.

Artificial insemination with poor morphology is most often not prescribed. In such cases, it is best not to waste your time, but to immediately plan IVF. Low sperm concentration or poor motility, insufficient sperm quantity, as well as a high level of leukocytes or platelets in a man’s blood make conception much more difficult.

What to do after unsuccessful insemination? Practice shows that the procedure shows a positive result 3-6 times, so it is worth continuing attempts at fertilization after a short break.


Mothers who became pregnant after the procedure unanimously say that they need to fully apply the advice of their doctor. Before the manipulation, the specialist prescribes an examination of the uterine tubes to make sure there are no adhesions.

It happens that 2 unsuccessful inseminations in a row occur only because not all examinations were performed, for example, folliculometry. If you didn’t get pregnant the first time after insemination, don’t be upset. Before the procedure, you can take a course of medications that increase follicle growth.

2 An unsuccessful attempt at insemination is most often associated with stress or various kinds of anxiety. As mentioned above, you should strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions.

The reasons for the failure of artificial insemination most often lie in improper preparation for the procedure.

If the third attempt at insemination is unsuccessful, you must wait several months and then resume the procedure.

In the modern world of technology, which is rapidly moving forward, infertility is no longer a death sentence. Every married couple who wants to have children can make their dream come true. The main thing is to have a desire.

Proper preparation for artificial insemination (AI)

(AI) largely depends on the state of the reproductive system of male and female organisms. As a rule, both are cooked. But they start with a complete and detailed examination.

Where to start?

The first step is to choose a specific clinic or doctor, focusing on reviews, results, distance from your place of residence, availability of a license for sperm processing, and experience in performing AI. Distance to the clinic is an important factor, since preparation for AI provides control over the growth and maturation of follicles using an ultrasound machine. That is, you will need to make visits to the clinic every other day (sometimes daily).

Then it is rational to tune in to what may not happen in the first cycle. And if this happens, it’s not the end of the world, but just your first step. The effectiveness of the procedure in one cycle is no more than 10–12%, and in 3 attempts – 30–36% (under 36 years of age) and 24% (over 36 years of age). The maximum possible number of inseminations is 6, but the modern view differs slightly from the recommendations of regulations. If 3-4 attempts are unsuccessful, then the probability of getting pregnant in subsequent cycles is low, then diagnostic or IVF is recommended.

How long does it take to prepare?

The duration of preparation for artificial insemination is determined based on the results of the examination of the couple and the need to treat both concomitant diseases that interfere with bearing a child, and diseases of the reproductive system itself.

Up to 40% of reproductive losses occur from. If disturbances are detected in this endocrine organ, it will take time to correct its functioning.

The duration of preparation for AI is influenced by the need for weight correction. Moreover, this can be aimed at both weight loss and weight gain, depending on the initial data. Subcutaneous adipose tissue is also an endocrine organ, the hormones of which are involved in the process.

The preparatory stage involves screening the male and female body for the presence. If diseases are identified, treatment is carried out. After treatment, it will take time for the drugs and their metabolites to be completely eliminated from the body.

An important condition for AI is. If there are changes in the quantitative and qualitative composition of sperm, then therapy is prescribed to increase the fertility of the ejaculate. If sperm count is extremely low, reproductive clinics offer insemination with donor sperm.

The maximum period of preparation for artificial insemination is 6 months.

Tests before insemination

The examination before AI is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the procedure, eliminating contraindications to pregnancy (checking whether a woman can carry a child) and factors that can negatively affect the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

Therefore, consultations with the following specialists will be needed:

  • therapist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • surgeon;
  • Laura;
  • dentist

An ultrasound examination is required, according to indications - hysterosalpingography, laparoscopy, hysterosalpingoscopy, endometrial biopsy. Using these methods, the condition of the uterus, tubes, and uterine mucosa is determined. If both pipes are not passable () – AI is not advisable. Obstruction of one of the tubes is not a contraindication to intrauterine insemination.

If you are taking any medications to treat concomitant diseases, be sure to tell your therapist about it. Most likely, he will replace them in advance with drugs that are allowed during pregnancy.

Preparation for artificial insemination involves taking blood tests:

  • to determine the state of hormonal balance;
  • to determine the presence/exclusion of sexually transmitted infections, TORCH complex;
  • be sure to get tested (women and men) for syphilis, hepatitis C and B, and HIV;
  • control the degree of blood clotting (to prevent complications), determine the blood group and rhesus (to exclude or take measures, the blood group of the baby and mother).

Blood clotting affects the growth of the endometrium and its ability to accept an embryo (implantation).

In addition, smears to determine the degree of vaginal cleanliness, oncocytology, and fluorography are necessary.

According to indications, they donate blood for the presence of antisperm antibodies (suppress the activity of sperm), (they are the cause of fetal death and other complications during pregnancy).

In the absence of contraindications, after the treatment, the next stage of preparation for AI begins - determining the “correct” period for the procedure.

Study of the menstrual cycle. Folliculometry

Ultrasound monitoring allows you to monitor the presence or absence of ovulation. A woman may or may not ovulate during her cycle. In this case, wait for the follicle to mature in the next cycle or for the follicle to mature on the side of the tube being passed (if one is not functioning).

Typically, follicles are monitored over several cycles. Sometimes, to study the menstrual cycle, doctors ask patients to measure rectal temperature or do ovulation tests. But folliculometry remains a more practical method.

The most effective is to carry out the procedure the day before and on the day. To do this, every other day, using an ultrasound machine, follicle growth is monitored starting from the 9th day of the cycle. It should be noted that the start of monitoring depends on the length of the menstrual cycle. The shorter it is, the earlier folliculometry begins.

Stimulation before insemination

Artificial insemination with stimulation (in a stimulated cycle) is more effective. With initiated hyperovulation, the quality of mature eggs is higher and their number is greater (1-3). This means that the chances of results increase.

For stimulation, the same drugs are used as for IVF (only in smaller doses). Often, in order to stimulate the ovaries before intrauterine insemination, the following are prescribed: clostilbegit, menogon, puregon. Start taking medications on days 3–5 of the cycle. Most often these are injections (intramuscular or subcutaneous).

When the follicle reaches the required diameter, usually 24 mm, one of the drugs based on human chorionic gonadotropin (choragon, pregnyl) is injected intramuscularly. The next day after the injection, insemination is performed.

Preparing for insemination for men

Your partner needs to have a spermogram. If the results are unsatisfactory, you will need to consult an andrologist or urologist, possibly therapeutic correction. To properly prepare a man for intrauterine insemination, we recommend that you read the following articles:
And .

Please note that a man should stop smoking and drinking alcohol. This also applies to beer, because this drink contains substances similar to female sex hormones, and this adversely affects the development of sperm.

Abstinence before insemination

Your doctor will give you recommendations for abstinence. In fact, there will be no long breaks, because 3 days are enough for the complete accumulation of sperm in the required volume and the correct ratio of seminal fluid and germ cells. The maximum break can be 5 days. This is dictated by the fact that the absence of ejaculation over a longer period of time leads to stagnation and a deterioration in the partner’s sperm parameters.

Vitamins in preparation for AI

It has long been known that vitamins promote conception. The most important are, and vitamin B₆. But it is strongly not recommended to take vitamin complexes and supplements on your own when preparing for artificial insemination. Talk to your doctor about whether and how to start vitamin preparation for AI.

A month before the procedure, it is better to give preference to proper nutrition - complete protein, plant foods high in folic acid, vitamin E and vegetable oils. The correct balance will allow the reproductive systems of men and women to be fully adjusted to perform their functions. The only vitamin that you can take on your own without a doctor’s recommendation (but you need to inform him) is folic acid at a dose of 400 mcg.

There are situations when married couples need the help of specialists to conceive a child. In the arsenal of modern medicine there are several ways to overcome and treat infertility. One such method is artificial insemination. But this method does not have a 100% guarantee of results. In this article we will look at the main reasons for the failure of this method of fertilization.

What is this procedure?

Artificial insemination is a variant of fertilization by introducing sperm into the uterus. This process repeats the pattern of natural conception during sexual intercourse. The sperm that is planned to be introduced into the uterus is prepared in a special way. During the preparation process, unsuitable sperm are eliminated, thereby increasing the chances of successful fertilization. For artificial insemination, both the husband's sperm and frozen donor sperm can be used.

This is how artificial insemination happens.

Reasons for unsuccessful insemination

The procedure does not provide a 100% guarantee of success. It is very important to prepare properly for it, this will significantly increase your chances. The doctor, after examining the patients and fully examining them, gives instructions. It is extremely important to comply with them. It is also very important to know what reasons can affect insemination.

When and why artificial insemination may not help:

  1. For example, if the sperm were not prepared correctly.
  2. When a woman's ovaries are poorly prepared.
  3. Extremely low experience of the specialist performing the insemination procedure.
  4. With a hormonal disorder.
  5. For genital tract infection.
  6. If the patient is over 30 years old.
  7. With previously unsuccessful attempts at natural conception for 4 years.
  8. If a woman had ovarian stimulation before starting preparations for insemination. Perhaps the hormonal levels have not recovered from the previous procedure.
  9. Pipe factor. If the fallopian tubes are obstructed, the likelihood of successful artificial insemination is extremely low.
  10. With previous injuries or surgeries on the pelvic organs.

When is insemination prescribed?

This procedure is prescribed if a man suffers from a sexual disorder or is diagnosed with poor sperm motility. It can also be prescribed if a woman is diagnosed with cervical factor infertility or vaginismus.

Indications for AI with husband's sperm.

Artificial insemination should be prescribed when, after 2 years of regular sexual relations, pregnancy has not occurred. This is what experienced doctors advise to do. A lot depends on the proper preparation of sperm and ovaries.

Doctors advise not to give up trying to get pregnant on your own. This method of conception will be successful with a probability of 4% to 35%. Try and everything will work out.

There are situations in which you need not waste time on artificial insemination and immediately prepare for IVF. Too low a sperm concentration, blood in the sperm, leukocytes, platelets will seriously interfere with successful conception using artificial insemination. Read and see more information about sperm quality and spermogram here.

Indications for AI with donor sperm.

Many people are interested in the question: “What should be done if insemination is unsuccessful?” If the procedure is unsuccessful, disappointment and apathy naturally set in. There is no need to immediately give up on the procedure. According to statistics Conception in this way occurs only 2-5 times. So take a short break and try again.

How to prepare?

Based on reviews from parents who have successfully undergone artificial insemination, it becomes clear that you must strictly adhere to and follow all the doctor’s instructions. It is imperative to undergo an examination of the fallopian tubes to check them for the presence or absence of adhesions.

Be sure to do folliculometry (ultrasound of the ovaries) before insemination. This way you can check the readiness of the follicles for conception. If they are not ready, the doctor will prescribe a course of drugs to increase their growth.

Severe anxiety and stress can cause unsuccessful insemination. This usually happens after the second attempt, when the woman, understandably, begins to worry about the result.

Most often, artificial insemination is unsuccessful due to improper preparation for it.

After the 3rd unsuccessful attempt at fertilization, you need to pause for a couple of months. When the body recovers, the procedure can be repeated. Remember, infertility has long been treatable (or overcome). Therefore, if artificial insemination does not help you, do not be upset; in the worst case scenario, IVF will help you. Maybe it won’t come to IVF, the main thing is to try and believe that everything will work out.

In this video, a candidate of medical sciences talks about AI:

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Today there is a sad trend when more and more married couples are faced with the impossibility of natural conception. Several decades ago, this situation led to the diagnosis of infertility. Fortunately, the achievements of modern reproductive medicine have changed a lot and given such couples a real chance to become happy parents. Artificial insemination (AI) is one of the effective methods of treating infertility.

What is artificial insemination and how does it happen?

The artificial insemination method involves injecting sperm directly into the uterine cavity. The semen taken from a man is subjected to pre-treatment, during which it is cleaned of defective sperm and allergens. As a result, the quality of the material used improves and the number of active germ cells increases. Indications for the procedure are the following diagnoses:

  • vaginismus;
  • cervical infertility;
  • bad spermogram;
  • erectile dysfunction in men.

According to the technology of implementation, insemination is as close as possible to the process of natural fertilization. Sperm introduced into the uterus independently fertilize the female egg. After 5–7 days, the embryo is implanted into the endometrium. To maintain the process and make it successful, the woman is prescribed hormonal medications.

Woman's behavior after the procedure

How to behave after the procedure? The general recommendations are as follows: after the procedure itself, the patient needs to lie down for 1–2 hours (the doctor will tell you exactly how long to lie down), then you can go home. It is useful to have a two-day weekend, take your mind off household chores, and avoid negative emotions. It is advisable to balance your diet and spend more time in the fresh air. To increase the chances of successful implantation, the doctor may prescribe hormonal medications.

How to behave to increase your chances of conceiving?

To increase the likelihood of conception, from the 3rd–5th day of the menstrual cycle, it is recommended to take drugs to stimulate the ovaries - Menogon, Clostilbegit, Puregon. Typically, the medicine is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

At the end of the AI ​​procedure, you need to lie on your back for 1–2 hours, placing a small pillow under your buttocks. In this position, it will be easier for sperm to enter the fallolian tubes.

What should you not do after the procedure?

A number of restrictions have been placed on the patient’s behavior after insemination. First of all, you should not be sexually active for several days. A woman is definitely temporarily prohibited from:

  • start training in the gym;
  • lift heavy things;
  • put a lot of physical strain on yourself;
  • take medications not prescribed by a doctor;
  • smoking, using drugs and alcohol.

How a woman feels after the insemination procedure

The question is often asked on forums about how you feel after the procedure. In the first two days after insemination, the woman feels pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen. Sometimes the patient has chest pain, and on the first day there is a small amount of bleeding, which can be caused by trauma to the mucous membrane and dilation of the cervical canal. No special treatment is required, the discharge quickly goes away on its own. The consequences of hormonal therapy can be: increased temperature, a feeling of drowsiness and general weakness, and sometimes discharge from the chest.

How do hCG levels change?

The main question that worries a woman who has undergone an insemination procedure is when to take a pregnancy test. After artificial injection of sperm, the hCG level begins to rise from the day of successful implantation, as in the case of natural conception. After about a week, if the blastocyst has established itself in the uterus, the hCG will begin to rise. It will reach values ​​sufficient to be determined by the test on the 14th–16th day after the procedure.

To avoid unnecessary worries, it is better to do an hCG test at the clinic. The onset of pregnancy will be confirmed by a hCG level in the range of 8–26 mU/ml on the 10th day after the procedure.

Recorded deviations may indicate an anomaly in fetal development and a pathological course of gestation. A reproductive specialist will analyze the dynamics of fluctuations in hormone concentrations and render his verdict. If, after three attempts at insemination, pregnancy does not occur, the woman should resort to other methods of artificial insemination.

Negative consequences of artificial insemination

In most cases, patients do not experience serious complications after artificial insemination. However, certain risks exist. Doctors note the following possible consequences:

  • infection of the genital organs;
  • shock reaction to the introduction of seminal fluid;
  • allergic reaction to the drugs used during the procedure.

Complications can also arise after a successful pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy, which also causes breast pain, spontaneous abortion, and multiple births create risks for a woman’s physical health. A number of patients experience an increase in uterine tone.

The artificial insemination method gives a positive result in only 40% of cases. However, this indicator for couples who have been struggling with infertility for a long time indicates its effectiveness. Having decided to undergo insemination, you need to tune in to a positive outcome of the procedure. As a last resort, you can always try other methods of artificial insemination.