Major heart diseases in dogs: symptoms and treatment. Coronary heart disease in dogs: symptoms and treatment

Good day. Pug girl, 2 years old. An ultrasound showed an enlarged heart. Is it life-threatening, how to continue to live, what kind of care is needed? Thanks in advance. Best regards, Tatyana.


An increase in heart size occurs periodically in dogs. Often pathological condition discovered during ultrasound examination hearts. Correct name enlarged heart in a dog – dilated cardiomyopathy. Characterized by expansion of the heart chambers and the development of heart failure. Adults get sick.

The exact cause of the disease could not be established. The pug may develop swelling and enlargement chest, shortness of breath and increased heart rate. Main diagnostic study will become ultrasonic. Ultrasound reveals a pathognomonic sign - an increase in the size of the heart and an expansion of its boundaries, occurring evenly in all parts. Cardiac muscle cells are involved in the process.

Why is an enlarged heart dangerous?

Enlargement of the heart is due to various reasons. The mechanism of development and symptoms come down to the following factors:

  1. Deterioration of blood circulation in the vessels of the large or small circle.
  2. Deterioration of the heart muscle.
  3. Stagnation and development of heart failure.

Symptoms of right ventricular failure in a dog:

  • Abdominal enlargement due to ascites and hepatomegaly.
  • Fluid accumulates in the pleura, hydrothorax develops, preventing normal function breathing in a pug.
  • Left ventricular failure leads to shortness of breath and coughing in the animal. The dog becomes lethargic, the mucous membranes turn pale, and the dog quickly loses body weight.

Severe forms of the disease are fraught with frequent fainting and loss of consciousness. In some cases, the pug falls into a comatose state. Pathological factors lead to gradual depletion of the energy potential of myocardial cells and loss of compensatory capabilities of myocardial cells. Developing rhythm disturbances, especially ventricular extrasystoles, lead to the death of the animal. Ventricular fibrillation often develops.

How to treat an enlarged heart

Treatment for the pet is lifelong and is carefully monitored by a veterinarian. If symptoms of heart failure occur, the pug is prescribed treatment with digitalis or digitalis. Digitoxin is prescribed in tablet form, per kilogram of animal weight. Digoxin can be prescribed in tablets or drops. Lantoside drops are prescribed at the rate of 1 drop per 2 kilograms of dog’s body weight. On the first day, an increased dose of the drug is given.

Do not try to give your dog medications yourself; they are highly toxic and will harm your pet if the dosage is not correct. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of an experienced veterinarian. At the same time, the veterinarian prescribes medications containing magnesium and potassium ions - for example, Asparkam or Panangin. For severe edema, Furosemide is used. The dog's physical activity should be reduced, as well as daily amount liquid consumed. This helps compensate for the symptoms of heart failure. Lifelong treatment.

How to care for an animal

If the doctor finds that you have pet An increase in heart size will require careful care. It is recommended to reduce physical activity so as not to provoke an increase in heart failure. The duration of walks should be limited.

The nature of the diet is important for the health of the pug. It is necessary to exclude fatty foods and heavy foods from the diet. The dog's food is easily digestible and rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Consult your veterinarian - he will recommend special foods intended for therapeutic nutrition dogs suffering from cardiomyopathies. Long-term use special food leads to an improvement in the dog’s health.

IN lately wide application began to find amino acids and enzymatic preparations that showed excellent results in the treatment of cardiac pathology in pets. Thanks to the drugs, blood supply to the myocardium is improved and metabolism in cardiomyocytes is restored.

L-carnitine is recognized as one of the well-known and accessible ones. In some cases, the product significantly improves the dog’s health.

Features of caring for pugs

For pug diseases cardiovascular system recognized as a weak point. In order for your pet to enjoy his company longer, you will need to carefully follow the listed recommendations and prescriptions of the treating veterinarian. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely cure the disease. There are no methods for primary prevention of the disease. Regular care will improve your pet's quality of life and make it happy and comfortable.

Pug diet in mandatory is enriched with vitamins that have antioxidant properties - A, E, C. The drugs slow down the aging of the dog’s body, improve the well-being and condition of the heart and blood vessels. For prevention stagnation Give the animal moderate physical activity. After each walk, it is recommended to carefully examine the dog and carry out hygiene procedures.

Simple rules can prolong the joy of communicating with your pet for a good 4-5 years. This is important for a loving owner.

Even though heart failure is usually a consequence of heart disease, there are still ways to prolong your dog's life and make it as comfortable as possible, especially if heart failure is diagnosed early enough. Such treatment includes caring for the dog at home, managing its activities, treating the dog with diuretics, and using other types of medical care and treatment.


Taking care of a dog with heart disease

    Limit the number of daily physical exercise for the dog. If your dog has a weak heart, exercise may add additional stress to your dog's body. Heart failure can cause problems with circulation, which means it is vital important organs your dog will not receive enough oxygen. If your dog has heart disease, he/she should not run much, but she/he can walk around the yard. Instead of going for a walk with your dog, give her/him a few hours of your attention by petting the dog or just give her/him a chance to laze around. To help your dog get more rest:

    • Limit activities that may put additional stress on your heart. Move your dog's water and food bowl closer to where he/she spends the most time. Don't let your dog go up or down stairs unless absolutely necessary.
    • By making small changes, such as carrying your dog up and down the stairs instead of walking up and down the stairs, you can make your dog's life more comfortable.
  1. Monitor the amount of salt your pet consumes. Sodium chloride, better known as salt, retains water in the body. A diet high in salt can slow blood circulation and cause fluid retention in certain areas of your dog's body.

    Count your dog's pulse at home. Some dogs are afraid of the veterinarian, causing him/her to misread your dog's heart rate. Therefore, it will be very useful to count your dog's pulse at home while she/he is sleeping. To do this:

    • Place your fingers on the dog's heart and count how many times it beats per minute. Likewise, count your dog's breathing rate at rest, this information will be very helpful to your veterinarian.
  2. If the dog's condition is stable, schedule a checkup schedule for your dog. The heart deteriorates over time, and it is important that your dog is examined regularly to do everything in your power to prolong the dog's life and make it more comfortable.

    • If your dog's symptoms remain stable (as is, no worse), you can schedule an appointment with your veterinarian every three months.
    • If your dog's condition worsens, you should contact your veterinarian immediately to schedule an appointment.
  3. Monitor for symptoms of heart failure. Heart failure in dogs is usually associated with fluid accumulation around the lungs or in abdominal cavity. When this buildup occurs, it can lead to symptoms that you should see if you are concerned that your dog may have or already has heart failure. Such symptoms may include:

    • Rapid breathing.
    • Excessive cough.
    • Exhaustion during physical exertion.
    • Lack of energy.
    • Shortness of breath after minor physical activity.
    • Weight loss and decreased interest in food.
    • Increased heart rate.
  4. Start your dog on medication if you think the symptoms are getting worse. When your dog exhibits the symptoms described in Step 1 of this method, your veterinarian will likely begin your dog on a medication regimen that includes a diuretic, an ACE inhibitor, and a positive inotrope.

    • Diuretics that can be given to your dog are described in Method 2, and ACE inhibitors and positive inotropes are described in Method 3.

    We give diuretics

    1. Be aware of what diuretics do. Diuretics are medications that help remove accumulated fluid from the body. In heart failure, fluids leak from cardiovascular system and accumulate around the lungs (pulmonary edema), inside the chest cavity (pleurisy), or in the abdominal cavity (ascites). All of the above means that the heart will have to work even harder to push blood through the tissues and carry out effective oxygen exchange.

      • Getting rid of or reducing the amount of accumulated fluids helps reduce the strain on your dog's heart. This reduces effort necessary for the heart to maintain blood circulation.
    2. Take it for your dog diuretic furosemide Furosemide is a loop diuretic, which means it works by preventing your dog's kidneys from absorbing sodium and chloride (which make up salt). This causes your dog to urinate more frequently, which helps get rid of salt buildup.

    3. Talk to your veterinarian about giving your dog spironolactone. Spironolactone is usually prescribed when the dose of furosemide can no longer be increased. This drug binds to mineralocorticoid receptors in the kidneys, heart, and blood vessels dogs. Mineralocorticoid receptors help regulate water transport and maintain normal levels salt.

      Looking for other types of medical care and treatment

      1. Remove fluid from your dog's chest for short-term relief. If too much fluid has accumulated in the abdomen, your veterinarian may advise removing the fluid. This will give your dog temporary relief because as you drain the fluid, his diaphragm will be able to expand more fully and his vital organs will be freed from being compressed. Unfortunately, the fluid will most likely return, but how long it takes for it to return depends on the severity of your dog's condition. To drain the fluid, the veterinarian:

        • Insert a sterile needle or special catheter through your dog's previously clipped and sterilized skin. Suction is carried out through a closed collection system, such as a syringe with a three-way stopcock, until all liquid has been removed.
        • Most good-natured dogs do not need to be sedated for this procedure and will only need a local anesthetic.

The heart is considered by many to be the main organ. Of course, the body cannot live without the liver, kidneys, and stomach, but only cardiac arrest causes instant death. Therefore, life is very difficult for a dog with a heart condition. It requires your constant care and guardianship and immediate assistance in critical situations.


Heart failure

This term is used to describe a condition when the heart is unable to fulfill its direct “responsibility”, that is, to supply organs and systems with fresh fluid. arterial blood. Naturally, it is impossible to ignore or not notice heart failure in a pet for a long time. This could end very badly.


Heart failure in dogs is caused by various diseases hearts. It is important to understand that the occurrence of heart disease does not immediately lead to the development of heart failure. Enough long period Over time, heart disease can be asymptomatic without affecting the general condition animal. This is called the compensation stage.

And only when the body’s compensatory mechanisms are exhausted and begin to manifest themselves various symptoms heart failure in an animal, the most common of which are presented below.

Healthy and modified heart

In principle, it can be noted that heart failure in dogs is an age-related pathology. As a rule, the age of patients is over 7 years. Therefore, you need to especially monitor your elderly pet, provide assistance to it, and regularly show it to a veterinarian-cardiologist.


Heart failure is characterized by a slow, increasing development of symptoms, the main of which are:

  • exercise intolerance;
  • cough;
  • shortness of breath, even at rest;
  • pallor of the mucous membranes;
  • fainting.

In severe forms of heart failure, ascites may develop - abdominal dropsy and pulmonary edema. In Dobermans, unfortunately, dilated cardiomyopathy can develop asymptomatically and end in sudden death.


Unfortunately, heart disease in animals is incurable. If a dog shows symptoms of heart failure, it requires help and lifelong treatment. It is aimed at reducing the severity of symptoms and improving the animal’s quality of life.

The main groups of drugs used to treat heart failure:

  1. Diuretics. They are used in the vast majority of cases, and the smallest dose that has an effect is selected. Diuretics help remove excess liquid and prevent the development of congestion in the lungs.
  2. Antiarrhythmics. Also used for treatment quite often when disorders are observed heart rate And pumping function hearts.
  3. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. Used in complex treatment to reduce pathological accumulation of fluid in the body.
  4. Inotropic drugs, that is, drugs that increase the contractility of the heart muscle. They are expensive, but significantly improve the quality of life of animals even at the most severe stages of heart disease.
  5. Omega 3-6 fatty acids. Are food additive, which at long-term use provides antiarrhythmic effect and increases life expectancy. They are the only vitamins that actually work for the heart.

Heart attack

It is one of the most common misconceptions that dogs are susceptible to heart attacks.

The fact is that a heart attack in a dog can only develop against the background of atherosclerosis. But it practically never occurs in dogs. Therefore, pulmonary edema is recognized as the main critical condition that can occur in acute heart failure. It poses a direct threat to life in the absence of adequate treatment.

Provoking factors

The cause of the development of a critical condition in the form of pulmonary edema may be prolonged neglect of heart failure and all those diseases that cause it. This also occurs when the heart is so pathologically altered that it cannot perform its function without supportive drug therapy. In such cases, acute pulmonary edema occurs due to overflow arterial vessels, capillaries and veins with blood, which cannot always be stopped. More information about heart attack or pulmonary edema can be gleaned from the video below.


  • General depressed state of the animal;
  • superficial rapid breathing With open mouth;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • cyanosis of the mucous membranes, that is, they quickly turn white and then turn blue;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • in severe cases, discharge from the mouth and nasopharynx may be observed in the form of a foamy liquid with bloody inclusions.

The appearance of such symptoms indicates extreme in serious condition your animal, which requires immediate resuscitation. In addition to pulmonary edema, severe heart patients may develop hydropericardium, an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the heart sac. And hydrothorax is the accumulation of fluid in the chest cavity.

Ambulance for a four-legged friend

You must be aware that the conditions described pose a direct threat to the life of your pet. Therefore, you will be required to be efficient and have some composure in your actions. Long time Have you observed shortness of breath, exercise intolerance, coughing in an animal and now the dog’s condition has sharply worsened? The first aid will be an injection of furosemide at the rate of 0.2 ml per 1 kg of weight. Next, naturally, the pet in urgently taken to the veterinary clinic.

There they must administer oxygen therapy, prescribe diuretics and drugs to enhance the contractility of the heart muscle. When transporting the core, try to provide it with the most comfortable position and an influx of fresh air.

Video “Heart failure in dogs”

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Our pets have noble hearts that are ready to accommodate everyone who is dear to them. But, unfortunately, heart problems are the most common reason that shortens the life expectancy of dogs.

Heart disease in dogs can be divided into three groups:

  • birth defects
  • acquired heart failure (after previous or as a complication of current infectious diseases)
  • diseases in older animals.

The first group of diseases occurs in young dogs. Alas, beyond the characteristic clinical picture death of a sick animal often follows early age.

As a rule, middle-aged pets suffer from heart failure, and diseases of the third group occur in animals older than eight years.

Reasons Heart pathologies include previous infectious and genetically inherited diseases, heavy physical activity, trauma, blood loss, neoplasms and congenital defects. Diseases of the respiratory system and other body systems can also, to one degree or another, contribute to the development of cardiovascular pathology.

Great Danes, St. Bernards, Newfoundlands are giant breeds that have genetic code Unfortunately, cardiac pathologies are also “prescribed”. First of all, they can be caused excessive loads or, conversely, their lack. Boxers and Dobermans also often have this problem - dilated cardiomyopathy.

Symptoms heart disease in dogs and when to contact a veterinarian.

It depends on the age of the animal. In a puppy, symptoms appear before one year of age following symptoms heart disease and birth defects:

the puppy does not play, sleeps a lot, does not gain weight well due to the fact that it does not eat well, the dog actively runs and plays, but after that it often breathes with its mouth open, as if it cannot catch its breath, after which it becomes lethargic, it may cough after active movements, The puppy has a bluish tongue, constant shortness of breath and fainting.

U adult dog Shortness of breath at rest often occurs before the age of eight. The dog is weak, lethargic for no reason, and may faint during a walk. The dog may develop a cough, often similar to gagging. She may drink a lot and gain weight. An adult dog over eight years old may also develop an unreasonable cough. She may breathe with her mouth open in a cool room, show anxiety, and have shortness of breath.

Symptoms of heart disease also include: unsteady gait, lack of coordination, refusal to eat, weakness, rare breathing.

If the dog is breathing noisily, sticking out its tongue, which has begun to turn blue, this is a reason to urgently seek help. veterinary care. The most constant and sure sign of any type of cardiac dysfunction is shortness of breath. If you look closely at the dog and catch this first symptom, then developing disease can be dealt with quickly and efficiently. Sometimes, to stop the development of the process, you just need to reduce physical activity and change your diet.

Treatment of heart disease in dogs

At the first stage, when the only sign that has appeared so far is shortness of breath in the dog, first of all it is necessary to transfer the pet to feeding in small portions 3-4 times a day and reduce the time of walking or sports activity. Often, owners get used to playing sports with their dog, forgetting that 7-8 years is already a respectable age for a dog and it’s time for it to retire.

To treat heart disease, drugs are used to regulate the volume of circulating blood (diuretics - furosemide, spironolactone, hypothiazide), ACE inhibitors to reduce peripheral resistance ( Fortekor, Vasotope, Vazosan), antioxidants and membrane protectors ( Mexidol, Emicidin, Emidonol), as well as a low sodium diet ( Vet Life Dog Cardiac).

If shortness of breath is accompanied by a cough that occurs during moments of activity or emotional experiences, then medications are needed, which will be prescribed by a veterinarian after a thorough examination of the dog. The treatment is already going to be long.

If the duration of cough and shortness of breath become longer, but the intervals between them decrease, this will mean that irreversible changes in the heart. The dog will need to be treated for the rest of its life and there is little hope for recovery.

Predisposition of dogs to heart disease

There are breeds that have a particular predisposition to heart disease. Of course, this does not mean that all dogs of a certain breed die due to a heart attack. This predisposition suggests that heart failure occurs more frequently and at an earlier age in some breeds than in others. Also, don’t think that other dogs never suffer from heart pain.

The “risk group” is primarily discovered by dogs from giant breeds. These include St. Bernards, Newfoundlands, and Great Danes. Problems arise in them mainly for two reasons: from too much physical exertion or from lack of movement and necessary exercises. But in both cases, the dog’s heart fails earlier than its owners expect.

You need to understand that sport is beneficial for everyone, but calculating the load for a dog is a very difficult task. This is very true for those dogs that are not adapted to running. The workload of yesterday may become an overwhelming task today, which is why it turns out nervous breakdown. In most cases, such disruptions are unexpected and take the owner by surprise. In keeping giant dogs, the main principle should be moderation, both in exercise and in food.

Toy breeds (pinschers, miniature poodles), unlike large dogs, much more often suffer from emotional overload. Owners of such dogs can unanimously say that these small dogs are quite nervous and often hysterical. This is probably the cause of their private heart problems. These breeds of dogs are fearful, although they strive to bark at everyone, they are very sensitive and terribly jealous. Their element is not endless fields, not sports, and definitely not a sofa. They spend their lives in their arms and there is no better place for these creatures. When their owners hold a dog for the first time, they understand that this love is for life.

It is important for these small dogs to realize their exclusivity and even, so to speak, uniqueness. Under no circumstances should the owner praise or pet another dog in their presence. For the owner this will be a fatal mistake. These dogs know how to forgive, but there is no need to tempt fate. It must be remembered that the best medicine For small dogs there can only be the love of her master. And don’t forget to listen to the dog’s heart from time to time.