Features of the course of mild myopia. Low degree myopia (1st stage): what is it, treatment of both eyes Vision myopia 1st degree

The result of technological progress and general computerization has become rapid among people. According to statistics, approximately every third inhabitant of the planet has myopia, or myopia, of the 1st degree. What it is was known back in the time of Aristotle, who noticed that some people squint when looking at distant objects. But then this was rare, but now many people can clearly see only what is close to them. The disease usually develops in childhood, and by the age of 15, a third of schoolchildren are diagnosed with grade 1 myopia.

What is it

A healthy eye sees because rays of light, reflected from different objects, are projected on its retina and create an image. If myopia develops, it happens because eyeball lengthens a little. As a result, the image is not projected on the retina, but slightly in front of it. Therefore, a person with myopia does not see distant objects clearly. Modern specialists It is believed that this may occur due to underdevelopment of the lens muscles. Therefore, the eye becomes more oval and cannot perform its functions normally. The disease may be different types. Based on how far the image is projected from the retina, myopia is classified into weak, moderate and strong myopia. It also happens or is complicated by others. But most often, grade 1 myopia occurs. What it is is known to many mothers of school-age children. The disease usually begins before the age of 18. Then vision may only worsen or remain at the same level.

Causes of the disease

Symptoms of the disease

Most often, grade 1 myopia of both eyes is observed in children as young as 7 years old. Sometimes it is difficult for parents to recognize the first symptoms of the disease. They can only manifest themselves in the fact that the child often squints or tilts his head to look

something in the distance. There are no problems when reading and looking at close objects. This is the main symptom of the disease, therefore, if you notice it, you need to show the child to the doctor. If treatment is not started in time, myopia may progress. Most often this occurs before the age of 20-22, but vision deterioration can also occur at an older age. Progressive myopia without treatment can lead to retinal detachment and blindness. Deterioration of vision is sometimes accompanied by frequent headaches and rapid visual fatigue. Therefore, you need to take seriously the fact that your child has been diagnosed with grade 1 myopia.

How to treat the disease

Now there are three ways to improve vision:

Typically, the treatment method is selected by the doctor depending on the patient’s age, state of health and degree of vision impairment. It is easiest to help a child if he has grade 1 myopia. The treatment in this case will be: little patient glasses are prescribed, which he does not have to wear all the time. Also appointed special exercises color pulse therapy, electric sound, phonophoresis and pneumomassage. Before age 22, vision correction through surgery is performed only in very rare cases.

Myopia 1st degree in children

IN to school age Acquired myopia is very rare. Most often, the disease is congenital. If this happens, the first symptoms are observed already before the age of 1 year. Later the likelihood of developing myopia
decreases because the child’s eye grows and its structure changes. Vision usually begins to deteriorate in children of school age. This is due to the increase visual load and non-compliance hygiene rules. To correct the disease before the age of 20, glasses are used, which do not have to be worn all the time. To choose the right glasses, you need to accurately determine the child’s vision condition. To do this, during the examination, Atropine is instilled into the eyes, causing relaxation of the ciliary muscle.

Prevention of myopia

To prevent your eyesight from deteriorating, you need to take preventive measures. This applies most of all to children over 7 years of age, because myopia rarely progresses in adults. What to do:

  • monitor the child’s nutrition, he must receive everything from food necessary vitamins and microelements;
  • ensure proper seating and lighting when reading and writing;
  • Avoid watching TV or staying at the computer for long periods of time;
  • teach a child to perform special offers for the eyes.

Nowadays, more and more often, children graduate from school with a diagnosis of “1st degree myopia.” Parents need to know what it is to prevent vision deterioration.

Disease prevention

For myopia weak degree consists in correct dosing of visual load and general strengthening measures:

  • do not spend more than 45 minutes in a row in front of a monitor or TV screen, take breaks of at least 5 minutes for adults and 15 minutes for children and adolescents;
  • take time regular gymnastics for the eyes;
  • organize sufficient lighting in the workplace;
  • exclude reading in bed and in transport;
  • follow a daily routine, go for walks more often fresh air.

Video: Prevention of myopia

Contraindications for mild myopia

Weak myopia of one or both eyes imposes small restrictions on lifestyle, which should not be neglected so as not to aggravate the course and not provoke an increase in the degree of myopia. Patients are contraindicated:

  • heavy physical work or work that requires constant long-term visual strain;
  • traumatic sports, professional bodybuilding and powerlifting;
  • In children, you need to monitor the level of stress and the duration of continuous activities with high visual load.

Mild myopia can be both optically corrected and completely cured modern methods. At the first signs of deterioration in distance vision in a child or adult, you should immediately consult a doctor to make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy.

When optical system The eyes have normal strength, and the axis of the eye has an increased length, then this is a case of axial myopia.

The disease is usually divided into degrees: weak or 1st degree myopia is characterized by loss of visual acuity up to 3.0 diopters; with average myopia of the 2nd degree, this figure increases to 6.0 diopters and high or myopia of the 3rd degree is characterized by vision loss of more than 6.0 diopters.

By clinical course The disease is usually stationary and non-progressive. Usually, this is how refractive error proceeds. Such myopia does not develop to high degrees and does not cause significant changes on the fundus and does not require treatment, allowing you to achieve good visual acuity with corrective glasses.


The formation of myopic refraction occurs as a result of overexertion and the development of false myopia, which turns into true myopia over time. Heredity is of particular importance in this case, especially when both parents have myopia. General diseases In humans, they can cause weakening, which stretches under the influence of pressure inside the eye. Weakness of accommodation, plus prolonged visual strain due to working at close range, can lead to compensatory stretching of the axis of the eyeball. Adverse conditions occupational health (poor lighting) or reading at too close a distance provokes excessive convergence. And this, in turn, leads to compression of the eye by the external muscles, which also contributes to an increase in the ocular axis.

According to the clinical course, the disease is usually stationary - non-progressive.

Complications of 1st degree myopia

Lengthening the ocular axis negatively affects the choroid and. Stretching of these structures causes trophic disorders, changes appear in the fundus of the eye. IN initial stage the disc may experience myopic, which increases with the progression of myopia and turns into posterior false staphyloma - atrophic, large size hearth choroid, which surrounds the disk optic nerve and reaches the macula zone, which causes a sharp decrease in vision. Progression of 1st degree myopia with its transition to more late stage dystrophic chorioretinal changes can lead to retinal ruptures with retinal detachment. At the same time, a complicated one can be observed - clouding, causing the patient to complain about flying before the eyes.

Convergence stress caused by myopia high degree becomes a large load on the medial rectus muscles, which as a result causes visual fatigue - muscle fatigue. At the same time, patients note discomfort in the temples and forehead, headache, .


Correction of grade 1 myopia is carried out with diverging lenses. For such myopia it is recommended full correction. True, glasses do not need to be used all the time; they are used as needed.